Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article WORK WITH DIGNITY. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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NORTH I'MBERLAND . —Pmoiiv LODGE -No . 1863-Hold ( heir regular meeting in the Freemasons' Hall , Grand Hotel , Tynemonth . on Thursday , March 14 th ' Bro . John Coull , W .. M ' ., in the chair . Bros . II . Holt ., S . AV ., P . G . Chap . ' : Win . Spicer , J . AV . ; Chas . Itoope , sec , ¦ P . P . G . O .: J . <) . AVallace , I . P . M ., acting S . I ) . ; Geo . I ! . Duncan , P . M ., acting I . P . M .: J . A . Wait , acting , 1 . 1 ) . : Chas . 11 . S . Sherlock , org . ; ami It . F . Kiilil . I . G . Several apologies were received from ollicers of the lodge who were unable to be present owing to sickness . Members present : —Bros . J . T . Davison , P . M ., P . P . G . S . ; J . Frazon ' G . Renwick ; R , S . Story : AV . AVeller ; and
J . Robertson , P . M . Visitors :-Bros . R . L . Markham , P . M . 24 ; A . Trail , P . M . St . George ' s , 190 ( Grand Lodge of Scotland ) : AV . Cummins , I . G ., St . George ' s , 131 ; C . F . Sutclilfe , AV . M ., St , Hilda ' s , 240 ; \ V . Molfont , S . AV ., 240 : W . 11 . Thorn , S . D ., 240 : J . A . Hall , P . M ., 210 ; G . Wilson , 240 : S . AV . Linslev , 240 : If , Bromley , 240 ; H . J . Adams . 240 ; J . I ) . Marshall , AV . M ., Hadrian , 1970 : J . T . Ross . S . W ., 1970 ; J . AV . Henderson . S . D ., 1970 ; J . Ashworth , LG ., 1970 ; M . J . AVheatlev , P . M . D . C , 1970 : . 1 . 11 . Peimev . J . AV .. 197 ( 1 : A . AVallon . 1970 : G . R . Polls . 1970 : D . AValton .
1970 ; J . R . Young , 1970 : J . Rigbv , St . Redo , 1119 : J . A . Armstrong , sec . Gosforth , 1061 : R . AVilson , S . AV ., 1664 : A . Hall , AValker , 13 12 : J . N . Simpson , I . G ., Northern Counties , 406 : AV . E . Nicholson , Percy , 3 127 : AV . J . Bell , S . AV ., 1026 : C . A . Bushell , P . M ., P . P . G . S . AA \ , Ridlev . 2 J 0 O and 1127 ; AV . G . Reynolds , J . AV . 2260 : J . 15 . Lazenby , S . D ., 2200 : G . Lisle , S . S .. 2260 : J . R . Roberts , I . G .. 2260 : J . Schnitger . 541 ami 2260 : A . F . Ball , sec , 2260 : and II . AV . Dixon , J . S ., 2260 . Bro . J . II . AVcscncraft was raised to the third degree by the AV . M . in a most impressive manner . The visitors from the various lodges ha vim ; tendered their heart v good
wishes , the lodge was closed in love and harmony at 9 p . m . ESSEX— LoroilTox . —THE BAGSIIAW LOIXIE—NO . 1457 . —AA . Bro . J . C . Hopwood , AV . M . —This lodge held a regular meeting at the Public Hall , Longhton , on Thursday , the 14 th inst . The AV . M . opened his lodge at 4 . 30 p . m ., supported by the following ollicers : —Bros . AV . Shadrakc , S . W . ; H . Day , J . AV . ; C . . 1 . Edwards , sec : J . Langdon , D . C . : G . J . Thompson , P . P . G . Org ., I . G . ; and O . Stellin , org . There were also present Past Masters J . A . Clarkson . J . Tanner . T . J . Nunn . E .
Sholander , and J . Crowther : Bros . A . Sawer , G . Smith , C . E . Skinner , R . Fish , G . Austin , AV . AVhite . & c . ; and visitors , AA " . Bro . James Stevens , P . AL 1216 , & c , and Bros . J . Margcttand AV . A . Longdon , both of No . 45 ; AV . F . Bertram , 1426 ; AA ' . M . AA ' ard and G . L . 15 . Lenham , both of No . 1962 ; ami R , Green , J . AV ., Colbourn , No . 1804 . Bro . G . Smith was raised to the third degree with very impressive ceremony , and subsequently Messrs . Charles K . Fenton , Alfred James Floyd Gunning , and Charles Savin Foster , were initiated into lite Order . The whole ceremonial was admirably performed by AA ' . Bro . J . C . Ilopwood , the AV . M . After
the disposal of routine business , the brethren partook ot an excellent supper in the largo hall , and a capital musical entertainment was carried out by the members of the lodge under the direction of Bro . J . Margctt , and assisted by other visitors . An exceedingly pleasant evening was passed before the brethren separated for their respective homes . NORTHS AND HANTS . —On the 12 lh inst . the Right AA'orshipful the Right Hon . the Earl of Fusion , P . G . M . for the Province of Northants . and Hunts ., assisted by BroButler AVilkinsDPGMPGStdBconsecrated a new lodge at
. , ...., ...., St , Neots , which is to be called the Fusion Lodge . The ceremony was largely attended by brethren from lodges within and without the province . ' The following brethren represented the Stamford Merit Lodge—Bros . E . P . Monekton , A . J . Moves , J . T . Holmes , C . Roberts , G . Spademan , F . L . Gooch , Ennals , Barker , and Packer . Business over , the brethren adjourned to the public rooms , where a banquet was held , at which about 100 brethren sat down .
Work With Dignity.
! We have noticed on many occasions a lack of dignity on the part I of ollicers and members while conferring degrees that is far from i becoming . One of the Degrees is designated " sublime , " and there i is n . n old adage that " there is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous . "
How often is this step taken in many of our lodges . ' To the candidate first impressions are most lasting , and levity at the beginning impresses him with the belief that the forms and ceremonies are not matters of solemnity , but mere farcical necessities in order to make up a form of initiation . AA e have seen
candidates who have acquired these impressions m the ante-room , maintained them in the preparation room , and could not divest themselves of them even during the solemn ceremonies of the lodgeroom . The reason of this has been the folly of members who profess to be the friends of the candidate , but who really , for the purposes of Masonry , , are exactly opposite .. Some men are sensitive . Masters of Ceremonies should remember
this , and perform their duties with such dignity as would impress the candidate with the solemnity which is expressed in the words of the . Senior Deacon when ho bids him enter the lodge room . To use levity outside and beyond the eye of the Master is to treat him with disrespect which would not be allowed in his presence , and at
the very outset give the candidate a bad impression . Men of refined tastes become shocked , while those who are of a different frame of mind are not prepared to receive those valuable moral lessons which Masonry is designed to teach . How much more so is this the case when those who are engaged in the "floor work" of the " sublime degree" forget the lesson which is the true interpretation of the allegory ? What integrity can be
expected from one who has been made the victim of a farce ? And yet it must appear so to those who , having been the first to go through the ordeal and have the opportunity of seeing their companions pass along the same road , when they notice members in their seats " enjoying " the mishaps of their fellow man , apparently without considering the lesson taught thereby . Can it be wondered at that the subsequent instruction is not attentively listened to on
such occasions . ' Work then , with dignity , so that each lesson may make its proper impression and become lasting .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
Jfcrtfjmlitait % otyz % anir (Kljapto , Secretaries of Lodges will greatly oblige us by checking our Lists of Xo 4 SB - ^ lalr ( Craft ) . Lodge Meetings , in regard to their individual lodges ; and in any case of error f ^ Mon M-erw *' month by forwarding a post-card to the Editor , at 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . G ., thus : installation in " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " — General Laws and Regulations .
Lod ° e j ^ 0 F L ODGE AND C HAPTER . ' PLACE OF MEETING . THIS DAY ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , MARCH 21 st . 23 i Globe 1 F . M . H . 49 : Gilion ; Guildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street , E . C . 55 Constitutional Cannon Street HotEC
.. .. 63 St , Mary's j F . M . II . 169 Temperance ! White Swan , High Street , Dcptford , E . 179 Manchester ! Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 181 Universal ! F . M . H . 733 Wcstbourne ' Lord ' s Hot ,, St . John ' s AVood 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street , E . C . 1139 South Norwood Public Hall , South Norwood 1227 Upton Three Nuns HotAhlgateE
., , . 1287 Great Northern F . M . H . 1321 Emblematic Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 1365 Clapton Gt . Eastern Hot ., Liverpool St ., E . C . 1475 Peekham Surrey M . IL , Cambevwell 1598 Le . vspring Anderton ' s Hot ,, Fleet Street , E . C . 1013 Cripplega ' tc Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 1901 Selwyn East Dulwich Hot ,, East Dulwich 1903 Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Battersea Park
R . A . C . 217 Stability Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet . Street , E . C . 834 Andrew AVindsor Casile Hot ., Hammersmith 1216 » Macdonald Hd . Cos ., ]> t Surrey It ., Camberwell
( 1 th ) FRIDAY , MARCH 22 nd . 60 Peace and Harmony V . M . II . 197 Jerusalem ' . Ditto 569 Fit / . roy Hd .-Qrs ., Hon . Artillery Co ., Citv Road 2157 St . Mark ' s College Victoria Mansions Rest ., S . W . R . A . C . 1591 Studholnio 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1839 Duke of Cornwall
F . M . II . ( 1 th ) SATURDAY , MARCH 23 rd . 1297 I AVest Kent I Crystal Palace , Sydenham 1079 I Henry Muggeridge | M . H . Tav ., Coleman Street , E . C . ( Ith ) MONDAY , MARCH 25 th .
4 Royal Somerset H ' se & Invrnss . F . M . H . 26 Casile Lodge of Harmony ... Willis ' s Rooms , King St ., St . James ' s , AV . 28 Old King ' s Arms F . M . II . 183 Unity Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 222 St . Andrew ' s Albion Tav ., Aldcrse-ate Street , EC . 902 Bnrgoyni ! Andortoifs Hot .. Fleet Street , E . C . 905 DcGreyand Rlpon F . M . II . 1632 Stuart Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 128
S- Shepherd ' s Bush Athcnteum , Godolphin Road , AV . JA . A . C i . _ 25 Robert Burns F . M . H . ( 1 th ) TUESDAY , MARCH 2 ( ith . 14 ; Tuscan ¦ p . . H 40 j Old Union . " / Holborn Viaduct Hotel , E . G . J 2 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 145 ( Prudent Brethren | F . M . H .
Lod ° e i NA 3 IE OP LODGE AND CHAPTEII . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 4 th ) TUESDAY , MARCH 2 ( ith—continued . 1 G 5 Honor and Generosity Inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . 180 Industry " F . AI . H . 205 Israel " Cannon Street Hotel , E . C .
25 S Prince of AVales AVillis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s ; AV . 1158 Southern Star Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1318 Ebury Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1411 Ivy Surrey M . IL , Camberwell 1744 Roval Savo y F . M . H . R . A . C . ' 21 Cyrus Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 22 S United Strength Guildhall Tavern , Grcsham St ., E . C . Mark . 332 Borough of Greenwich AVilliam thclth , Trafalgar Rd ., Grnwch .
( 4 th ) WEDNESDAY , MARCH 27 th . 2 i Antiquity F . M . IL 201 Jordan Ditto 212 Euphrates Holborn Restaurant , AV . C . 753 Prince Frederick William ... Lord ' s Hotel , St . John's AA'ood 754 High Cross Seven Sister ' s Hot ., Tottenham , N . 1017 Mmitelioro Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV .
1056 Victoria Guildhall Tav ., Greshain Street E . C . 1540 Chaucer Bridge House Hot ,, S . E . 15 S 9 St , Dtmstan ' s Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1718 Centurion Inns of Court Hotel , AV . C . 1818 Clapham Army ik Navy Hot ., Victoria St ., S . AV . 1820 Sir Thomas White Holborn Viaduct Hot ,, E . C . R . A . C . 1024 Eceieston F . M . II
( 1 th ) THURSDAY , MARCH 28 th . 34 1 Mount Moriah F . M . H . 65 Prosperity Guildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street , E . C . 60 Grenadiers F . M . II . 99 Shakespeare Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 7 GG William Preston Cannon Street Hot . EC
, .. K ! l Fin-bury St . Rotolph Chntbrs ., 191 , Bishpsgte St . S 71 Royal Oak White Swan Tav ., Dcptford 1421 Latigthorue Angel Hotel , 11 ford 1008 Kilbhrn Queen ' s Arms Hot ., Kilburn Gate 1023 West Smilhiield F . M . H . 1658 Skchnorsdalo ... Surrey M . 11 ., Camberwell 1810 Victoria Park London Tav ., Fenchurcli St ., E . C . RAC
... 5 St . George ' s F . M . If . 177 Domatic Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . Mark . 13 Hiram Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey 118 Northumberland M . H . Tav ., Basinghali Street , " E . C .
N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NORTH I'MBERLAND . —Pmoiiv LODGE -No . 1863-Hold ( heir regular meeting in the Freemasons' Hall , Grand Hotel , Tynemonth . on Thursday , March 14 th ' Bro . John Coull , W .. M ' ., in the chair . Bros . II . Holt ., S . AV ., P . G . Chap . ' : Win . Spicer , J . AV . ; Chas . Itoope , sec , ¦ P . P . G . O .: J . <) . AVallace , I . P . M ., acting S . I ) . ; Geo . I ! . Duncan , P . M ., acting I . P . M .: J . A . Wait , acting , 1 . 1 ) . : Chas . 11 . S . Sherlock , org . ; ami It . F . Kiilil . I . G . Several apologies were received from ollicers of the lodge who were unable to be present owing to sickness . Members present : —Bros . J . T . Davison , P . M ., P . P . G . S . ; J . Frazon ' G . Renwick ; R , S . Story : AV . AVeller ; and
J . Robertson , P . M . Visitors :-Bros . R . L . Markham , P . M . 24 ; A . Trail , P . M . St . George ' s , 190 ( Grand Lodge of Scotland ) : AV . Cummins , I . G ., St . George ' s , 131 ; C . F . Sutclilfe , AV . M ., St , Hilda ' s , 240 ; \ V . Molfont , S . AV ., 240 : W . 11 . Thorn , S . D ., 240 : J . A . Hall , P . M ., 210 ; G . Wilson , 240 : S . AV . Linslev , 240 : If , Bromley , 240 ; H . J . Adams . 240 ; J . I ) . Marshall , AV . M ., Hadrian , 1970 : J . T . Ross . S . W ., 1970 ; J . AV . Henderson . S . D ., 1970 ; J . Ashworth , LG ., 1970 ; M . J . AVheatlev , P . M . D . C , 1970 : . 1 . 11 . Peimev . J . AV .. 197 ( 1 : A . AVallon . 1970 : G . R . Polls . 1970 : D . AValton .
1970 ; J . R . Young , 1970 : J . Rigbv , St . Redo , 1119 : J . A . Armstrong , sec . Gosforth , 1061 : R . AVilson , S . AV ., 1664 : A . Hall , AValker , 13 12 : J . N . Simpson , I . G ., Northern Counties , 406 : AV . E . Nicholson , Percy , 3 127 : AV . J . Bell , S . AV ., 1026 : C . A . Bushell , P . M ., P . P . G . S . AA \ , Ridlev . 2 J 0 O and 1127 ; AV . G . Reynolds , J . AV . 2260 : J . 15 . Lazenby , S . D ., 2200 : G . Lisle , S . S .. 2260 : J . R . Roberts , I . G .. 2260 : J . Schnitger . 541 ami 2260 : A . F . Ball , sec , 2260 : and II . AV . Dixon , J . S ., 2260 . Bro . J . II . AVcscncraft was raised to the third degree by the AV . M . in a most impressive manner . The visitors from the various lodges ha vim ; tendered their heart v good
wishes , the lodge was closed in love and harmony at 9 p . m . ESSEX— LoroilTox . —THE BAGSIIAW LOIXIE—NO . 1457 . —AA . Bro . J . C . Hopwood , AV . M . —This lodge held a regular meeting at the Public Hall , Longhton , on Thursday , the 14 th inst . The AV . M . opened his lodge at 4 . 30 p . m ., supported by the following ollicers : —Bros . AV . Shadrakc , S . W . ; H . Day , J . AV . ; C . . 1 . Edwards , sec : J . Langdon , D . C . : G . J . Thompson , P . P . G . Org ., I . G . ; and O . Stellin , org . There were also present Past Masters J . A . Clarkson . J . Tanner . T . J . Nunn . E .
Sholander , and J . Crowther : Bros . A . Sawer , G . Smith , C . E . Skinner , R . Fish , G . Austin , AV . AVhite . & c . ; and visitors , AA " . Bro . James Stevens , P . AL 1216 , & c , and Bros . J . Margcttand AV . A . Longdon , both of No . 45 ; AV . F . Bertram , 1426 ; AA ' . M . AA ' ard and G . L . 15 . Lenham , both of No . 1962 ; ami R , Green , J . AV ., Colbourn , No . 1804 . Bro . G . Smith was raised to the third degree with very impressive ceremony , and subsequently Messrs . Charles K . Fenton , Alfred James Floyd Gunning , and Charles Savin Foster , were initiated into lite Order . The whole ceremonial was admirably performed by AA ' . Bro . J . C . Ilopwood , the AV . M . After
the disposal of routine business , the brethren partook ot an excellent supper in the largo hall , and a capital musical entertainment was carried out by the members of the lodge under the direction of Bro . J . Margctt , and assisted by other visitors . An exceedingly pleasant evening was passed before the brethren separated for their respective homes . NORTHS AND HANTS . —On the 12 lh inst . the Right AA'orshipful the Right Hon . the Earl of Fusion , P . G . M . for the Province of Northants . and Hunts ., assisted by BroButler AVilkinsDPGMPGStdBconsecrated a new lodge at
. , ...., ...., St , Neots , which is to be called the Fusion Lodge . The ceremony was largely attended by brethren from lodges within and without the province . ' The following brethren represented the Stamford Merit Lodge—Bros . E . P . Monekton , A . J . Moves , J . T . Holmes , C . Roberts , G . Spademan , F . L . Gooch , Ennals , Barker , and Packer . Business over , the brethren adjourned to the public rooms , where a banquet was held , at which about 100 brethren sat down .
Work With Dignity.
! We have noticed on many occasions a lack of dignity on the part I of ollicers and members while conferring degrees that is far from i becoming . One of the Degrees is designated " sublime , " and there i is n . n old adage that " there is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous . "
How often is this step taken in many of our lodges . ' To the candidate first impressions are most lasting , and levity at the beginning impresses him with the belief that the forms and ceremonies are not matters of solemnity , but mere farcical necessities in order to make up a form of initiation . AA e have seen
candidates who have acquired these impressions m the ante-room , maintained them in the preparation room , and could not divest themselves of them even during the solemn ceremonies of the lodgeroom . The reason of this has been the folly of members who profess to be the friends of the candidate , but who really , for the purposes of Masonry , , are exactly opposite .. Some men are sensitive . Masters of Ceremonies should remember
this , and perform their duties with such dignity as would impress the candidate with the solemnity which is expressed in the words of the . Senior Deacon when ho bids him enter the lodge room . To use levity outside and beyond the eye of the Master is to treat him with disrespect which would not be allowed in his presence , and at
the very outset give the candidate a bad impression . Men of refined tastes become shocked , while those who are of a different frame of mind are not prepared to receive those valuable moral lessons which Masonry is designed to teach . How much more so is this the case when those who are engaged in the "floor work" of the " sublime degree" forget the lesson which is the true interpretation of the allegory ? What integrity can be
expected from one who has been made the victim of a farce ? And yet it must appear so to those who , having been the first to go through the ordeal and have the opportunity of seeing their companions pass along the same road , when they notice members in their seats " enjoying " the mishaps of their fellow man , apparently without considering the lesson taught thereby . Can it be wondered at that the subsequent instruction is not attentively listened to on
such occasions . ' Work then , with dignity , so that each lesson may make its proper impression and become lasting .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
Jfcrtfjmlitait % otyz % anir (Kljapto , Secretaries of Lodges will greatly oblige us by checking our Lists of Xo 4 SB - ^ lalr ( Craft ) . Lodge Meetings , in regard to their individual lodges ; and in any case of error f ^ Mon M-erw *' month by forwarding a post-card to the Editor , at 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . G ., thus : installation in " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " — General Laws and Regulations .
Lod ° e j ^ 0 F L ODGE AND C HAPTER . ' PLACE OF MEETING . THIS DAY ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , MARCH 21 st . 23 i Globe 1 F . M . H . 49 : Gilion ; Guildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street , E . C . 55 Constitutional Cannon Street HotEC
.. .. 63 St , Mary's j F . M . II . 169 Temperance ! White Swan , High Street , Dcptford , E . 179 Manchester ! Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 181 Universal ! F . M . H . 733 Wcstbourne ' Lord ' s Hot ,, St . John ' s AVood 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street , E . C . 1139 South Norwood Public Hall , South Norwood 1227 Upton Three Nuns HotAhlgateE
., , . 1287 Great Northern F . M . H . 1321 Emblematic Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 1365 Clapton Gt . Eastern Hot ., Liverpool St ., E . C . 1475 Peekham Surrey M . IL , Cambevwell 1598 Le . vspring Anderton ' s Hot ,, Fleet Street , E . C . 1013 Cripplega ' tc Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 1901 Selwyn East Dulwich Hot ,, East Dulwich 1903 Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Battersea Park
R . A . C . 217 Stability Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet . Street , E . C . 834 Andrew AVindsor Casile Hot ., Hammersmith 1216 » Macdonald Hd . Cos ., ]> t Surrey It ., Camberwell
( 1 th ) FRIDAY , MARCH 22 nd . 60 Peace and Harmony V . M . II . 197 Jerusalem ' . Ditto 569 Fit / . roy Hd .-Qrs ., Hon . Artillery Co ., Citv Road 2157 St . Mark ' s College Victoria Mansions Rest ., S . W . R . A . C . 1591 Studholnio 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1839 Duke of Cornwall
F . M . II . ( 1 th ) SATURDAY , MARCH 23 rd . 1297 I AVest Kent I Crystal Palace , Sydenham 1079 I Henry Muggeridge | M . H . Tav ., Coleman Street , E . C . ( Ith ) MONDAY , MARCH 25 th .
4 Royal Somerset H ' se & Invrnss . F . M . H . 26 Casile Lodge of Harmony ... Willis ' s Rooms , King St ., St . James ' s , AV . 28 Old King ' s Arms F . M . II . 183 Unity Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 222 St . Andrew ' s Albion Tav ., Aldcrse-ate Street , EC . 902 Bnrgoyni ! Andortoifs Hot .. Fleet Street , E . C . 905 DcGreyand Rlpon F . M . II . 1632 Stuart Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 128
S- Shepherd ' s Bush Athcnteum , Godolphin Road , AV . JA . A . C i . _ 25 Robert Burns F . M . H . ( 1 th ) TUESDAY , MARCH 2 ( ith . 14 ; Tuscan ¦ p . . H 40 j Old Union . " / Holborn Viaduct Hotel , E . G . J 2 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 145 ( Prudent Brethren | F . M . H .
Lod ° e i NA 3 IE OP LODGE AND CHAPTEII . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 4 th ) TUESDAY , MARCH 2 ( ith—continued . 1 G 5 Honor and Generosity Inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . 180 Industry " F . AI . H . 205 Israel " Cannon Street Hotel , E . C .
25 S Prince of AVales AVillis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s ; AV . 1158 Southern Star Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1318 Ebury Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1411 Ivy Surrey M . IL , Camberwell 1744 Roval Savo y F . M . H . R . A . C . ' 21 Cyrus Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 22 S United Strength Guildhall Tavern , Grcsham St ., E . C . Mark . 332 Borough of Greenwich AVilliam thclth , Trafalgar Rd ., Grnwch .
( 4 th ) WEDNESDAY , MARCH 27 th . 2 i Antiquity F . M . IL 201 Jordan Ditto 212 Euphrates Holborn Restaurant , AV . C . 753 Prince Frederick William ... Lord ' s Hotel , St . John's AA'ood 754 High Cross Seven Sister ' s Hot ., Tottenham , N . 1017 Mmitelioro Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV .
1056 Victoria Guildhall Tav ., Greshain Street E . C . 1540 Chaucer Bridge House Hot ,, S . E . 15 S 9 St , Dtmstan ' s Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1718 Centurion Inns of Court Hotel , AV . C . 1818 Clapham Army ik Navy Hot ., Victoria St ., S . AV . 1820 Sir Thomas White Holborn Viaduct Hot ,, E . C . R . A . C . 1024 Eceieston F . M . II
( 1 th ) THURSDAY , MARCH 28 th . 34 1 Mount Moriah F . M . H . 65 Prosperity Guildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street , E . C . 60 Grenadiers F . M . II . 99 Shakespeare Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 7 GG William Preston Cannon Street Hot . EC
, .. K ! l Fin-bury St . Rotolph Chntbrs ., 191 , Bishpsgte St . S 71 Royal Oak White Swan Tav ., Dcptford 1421 Latigthorue Angel Hotel , 11 ford 1008 Kilbhrn Queen ' s Arms Hot ., Kilburn Gate 1023 West Smilhiield F . M . H . 1658 Skchnorsdalo ... Surrey M . 11 ., Camberwell 1810 Victoria Park London Tav ., Fenchurcli St ., E . C . RAC
... 5 St . George ' s F . M . If . 177 Domatic Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . Mark . 13 Hiram Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey 118 Northumberland M . H . Tav ., Basinghali Street , " E . C .
N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .