Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article "The Masonic Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article We Notify that:- Page 1 of 1
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9 £ lj £ Jltasnnir ^ far . THURSDAY , " ^ l ^^^ p AUGUST 22 , 1889 .
Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , " P . M ., P . Z ., < fcc , & c .
Publisheel every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C .
SUBSCRIPTION , payable in advance . ANNUAL , including Inland and Postal Union Postage , SIX SHILLINGS . HALF-YEARLY , 2 ( i Weeks . 'is . 4 el . QUARTERLY , 13 Weeks Is . Std . Extra postage to places not comprised in Postal Union .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BKOS ., f > 9 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to '' Manager . "
All other communications , letters . & c . to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . . 19 . Moor Lane . Fore Street . London , E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . C .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
In order to prevent any misunderstanding amongst the brethren concerned in the approaching election of a Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys we call their attention to the following law on the subject . It is No . 71 of the code and provides that the election and removal of the Secretary shall be vested in the
General Committee : the voting to be by balloting papers duly forwarded to each qu dified member not less than fourteen days before the election : such balloting papers must be signed by the party entitled thereto , and may be presente t by a member of the General Committje , on his or her behalf , at the time of the election . "
We hear that our Grand Treasurer V . W . Bro . Edward Terry is about to discourse before the forthcoming Church Congress , * the subject of his adelress being the " Amusements of the People . " In reference to this rumour The Daily Telegraph remarks— " We may frankly say that , even if the report , to which wide circulation has been given , turns out to be an unfounded one . we should not regard
the possible hoax as being of an altogether silly nature , but should the rather choose to look upon it as a story of the elass aptly described as "ben trovato , " if not exactly " vero . " It is precisely because Mr . Edward Terry knows a great deal about popular amusements , and because the members of the Church Congress and similar bodies have a great deal to learn on the topic in question , that an
exhaustive and well-reasoned discourse from tli -j genial comedian named might be of considerable moral and social value Now Mr . Edward Terry knows his subject thoroughly ; whereas a majority of his hearers are , in all probability ' , in the dark concerning the things on which he might propose to discourse , and shoulel
it even happen that a proportion ot the members of the Church Congress are conversant with theatrical matters , their familiarity ' with things pertaining to the drama and the stage would be additionally valuable , since it woulel afford a means of checking the speaker ' s statements , and testing the validity of his arguments .
At a trial in the Crown Court at Birmingham last week , before Mr . Justice Hawkins , anel in which the defendant , a member of a Derbyshire Lodge , was honourably acquitted from a scandalously outrageous charge , an important part of the evidence in his favour rested upon proof of his whereabout on a certain evening . He was not only able to prove his attendance at his Lodge , but also the
introeluction of another brother as a visitor . But the colloquy which accompanied the proof surprises us . In answer to the Juclge the defendant is reported to have . said " Strangers who were Freemasons were admitted for the evening without introduction on going through their examination as . Masons , " and further that "in the case of any visitor enteretl in the Masonic Lodge book no name
of any introducer is given . " It is possible that the reporter is not a member of the Craft , and has got " mixed " over the questions anel answers , for surely such laxity is not in accordance , with , the customary exercise of those who have been " taught to be cautious " in respect of admission to our Lodges , anel none should lie misleel by the foregoing statement .
Our Trestle Board
Of course there was on this occasion , as on most others when Freemasonry crops up in Court , the inevitable chaff . Says the prosecuting Counsel ( Q . C . anil M . P . ) "Suppose I said I were a P . P . G . M . W .. would they admit me : ' " ( laughter ) : to which replies
the defendant ' s Counsel ( Q . ( . only ) "Oh . but you are only an Jf . / V ( loud livAghto . v ) . Clever , perhaps , but somewhat foggy!—Can any member of our Order tell us what P . P . G . M . W . is meant to represent . ' We have had a pretty considerable acquaintance with the magical " caps , " but this riddle we unhesitatingly give up .
"The Masonic Poet's Corner."
" The Masonic Poet's Corner . "
([ Original and Selected . ' ) MY MOTHER LODGE .
Bv BRO . JOHN FAWCETT SKELTON , P . M . 1 HI ( Bolton ) . P . Z . Tunc— Ye Banks and Braes . " ( Scotch . ) MY Mother Lodge ! a hymn of praise And gratituele I'll sing to thee : For in thine arms I first was raised
To life Masonic , full and free . The cowan-crowd outside the doors — Thy doors so closely prov'd and tyl'd—Know not of joy the secret stores Thou hast for ev ' ry faithful child .
Chorus—My Mother Lodge ! My Mother Lo ? ge ! May all within thy walls be blest—Thy labours all in love abound ; May ev ' ry son thou elost invest , One true Freemason more be found . My Mother Lodge inspires my muse ,
To sing with filial love uufeign'd : Nor woulel I her sweet favour lose For all that monarchs ever gain ' el . Chorus—My Mother Lodge ! My Mother Lodge ! There first I learn ' el our sacreel signs . And how to ' act upon the square ;"
And saw throughout our grand designs , The hidden truths of Nature fair . Can happiness on Earth be found , Or blissful harmony like thine . ' Thou art a bit of holy ground , And thy good spirit shall lie mine . Churns—My Mother Lodge ! My Mother Lodge . ' Written for THK MASO . VIC STAR .
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
The Panmure Lodge , > o . 720 , Bro . Lewis Jones , M . I ) ., W . M . will hold an Emergency meeting at the Balham Hotel , Balham . S . W ., on Tuesday next , the 27 th inst ., at ( i p . m ., for work in each of the three degrees . A supper will be served after labour . The Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction , No . 70 . now meets
at the Dover Castle , Broaelway , Deptforel , every seconel and fourth Thurselays , at 8 p . m . throughout the year . Up to a recent date it met at Greenwich on Friday's anel the change of dates and place of meeting is for the better . Royal Arch Masons in the S . E . district should avail themselves of the excellent instruction its members can afford them .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire is to be held at Hyele , on the 18 th September . The R . W . Bro . Egerton , of Tatton , Provincial Grand Master , is expected to be present . There will be the usual investure of Officers for the ensuing year . A motion for a grant of Fifty Guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will be made and consielered .
The foundation stone of the new Church of St . John , at Barmouth , which will cost Clo , 000 , is to be laid by Princess Beatrice , on Tuesday , the 27 th insfc ., and the ceremony will be conducted with full Masonic honours . Prince Henry of Battenberg it is expected will accompany Her Royal Highness , and the Royal party will be received at the station by Lady Londonelerry , Lord
and Lady Harlech , the High Sheriff of Merionethshire ( Mr . Wood ) , the Bishop of the Diocese , the Bishop of London ( who is staying at Dolgelly ) , and the clergy and leading laity of Barmouth and district . A guard of honour will be formed by the Carnarvon Naval Artillery Volunteers . Lord Harlech ( Provincial Grand Master of North Wales ) , with many of the' brethren , will be present at the ceremony . ( See page 6 ' . )
The " Paper on Voting 'White for—Black against '" which , by permission of Bro . Greatbatch , of Hanley , Staffordshire , we have reproeluceel in our latest issues , has attracted considerable attention . We have several letters enquiring if it is printeel in a separate form . It is . —by the New Press Printing Company , Foundry Street . Hanley . We have no particulars as to price , or indeed whether or not it has been printed for private circulation only , but doubtless all information can be obtained from the printers .
UNITED MILITARY LODRE OF INSTRUCTION . —On Monday , 19 th inst ., at the Earl of Chatham , Woolwich . Among those present were Bros . Gooding , P . M ., Preceptor , W . M . ; Hilton , S . W . ; Sayle , J . W . ; Sinnett , S . D . ; Lackland , I . G . ; Godden , Abrehart , and
Woods . The lodge having been opened in the first and seconel degrees , Bro . ( .-Sodden , answered the usual questions and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the third degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsetl with great care and exactness . Bro . Godden personating candidate .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
9 £ lj £ Jltasnnir ^ far . THURSDAY , " ^ l ^^^ p AUGUST 22 , 1889 .
Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , " P . M ., P . Z ., < fcc , & c .
Publisheel every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C .
SUBSCRIPTION , payable in advance . ANNUAL , including Inland and Postal Union Postage , SIX SHILLINGS . HALF-YEARLY , 2 ( i Weeks . 'is . 4 el . QUARTERLY , 13 Weeks Is . Std . Extra postage to places not comprised in Postal Union .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BKOS ., f > 9 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to '' Manager . "
All other communications , letters . & c . to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . . 19 . Moor Lane . Fore Street . London , E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . C .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
In order to prevent any misunderstanding amongst the brethren concerned in the approaching election of a Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys we call their attention to the following law on the subject . It is No . 71 of the code and provides that the election and removal of the Secretary shall be vested in the
General Committee : the voting to be by balloting papers duly forwarded to each qu dified member not less than fourteen days before the election : such balloting papers must be signed by the party entitled thereto , and may be presente t by a member of the General Committje , on his or her behalf , at the time of the election . "
We hear that our Grand Treasurer V . W . Bro . Edward Terry is about to discourse before the forthcoming Church Congress , * the subject of his adelress being the " Amusements of the People . " In reference to this rumour The Daily Telegraph remarks— " We may frankly say that , even if the report , to which wide circulation has been given , turns out to be an unfounded one . we should not regard
the possible hoax as being of an altogether silly nature , but should the rather choose to look upon it as a story of the elass aptly described as "ben trovato , " if not exactly " vero . " It is precisely because Mr . Edward Terry knows a great deal about popular amusements , and because the members of the Church Congress and similar bodies have a great deal to learn on the topic in question , that an
exhaustive and well-reasoned discourse from tli -j genial comedian named might be of considerable moral and social value Now Mr . Edward Terry knows his subject thoroughly ; whereas a majority of his hearers are , in all probability ' , in the dark concerning the things on which he might propose to discourse , and shoulel
it even happen that a proportion ot the members of the Church Congress are conversant with theatrical matters , their familiarity ' with things pertaining to the drama and the stage would be additionally valuable , since it woulel afford a means of checking the speaker ' s statements , and testing the validity of his arguments .
At a trial in the Crown Court at Birmingham last week , before Mr . Justice Hawkins , anel in which the defendant , a member of a Derbyshire Lodge , was honourably acquitted from a scandalously outrageous charge , an important part of the evidence in his favour rested upon proof of his whereabout on a certain evening . He was not only able to prove his attendance at his Lodge , but also the
introeluction of another brother as a visitor . But the colloquy which accompanied the proof surprises us . In answer to the Juclge the defendant is reported to have . said " Strangers who were Freemasons were admitted for the evening without introduction on going through their examination as . Masons , " and further that "in the case of any visitor enteretl in the Masonic Lodge book no name
of any introducer is given . " It is possible that the reporter is not a member of the Craft , and has got " mixed " over the questions anel answers , for surely such laxity is not in accordance , with , the customary exercise of those who have been " taught to be cautious " in respect of admission to our Lodges , anel none should lie misleel by the foregoing statement .
Our Trestle Board
Of course there was on this occasion , as on most others when Freemasonry crops up in Court , the inevitable chaff . Says the prosecuting Counsel ( Q . C . anil M . P . ) "Suppose I said I were a P . P . G . M . W .. would they admit me : ' " ( laughter ) : to which replies
the defendant ' s Counsel ( Q . ( . only ) "Oh . but you are only an Jf . / V ( loud livAghto . v ) . Clever , perhaps , but somewhat foggy!—Can any member of our Order tell us what P . P . G . M . W . is meant to represent . ' We have had a pretty considerable acquaintance with the magical " caps , " but this riddle we unhesitatingly give up .
"The Masonic Poet's Corner."
" The Masonic Poet's Corner . "
([ Original and Selected . ' ) MY MOTHER LODGE .
Bv BRO . JOHN FAWCETT SKELTON , P . M . 1 HI ( Bolton ) . P . Z . Tunc— Ye Banks and Braes . " ( Scotch . ) MY Mother Lodge ! a hymn of praise And gratituele I'll sing to thee : For in thine arms I first was raised
To life Masonic , full and free . The cowan-crowd outside the doors — Thy doors so closely prov'd and tyl'd—Know not of joy the secret stores Thou hast for ev ' ry faithful child .
Chorus—My Mother Lodge ! My Mother Lo ? ge ! May all within thy walls be blest—Thy labours all in love abound ; May ev ' ry son thou elost invest , One true Freemason more be found . My Mother Lodge inspires my muse ,
To sing with filial love uufeign'd : Nor woulel I her sweet favour lose For all that monarchs ever gain ' el . Chorus—My Mother Lodge ! My Mother Lodge ! There first I learn ' el our sacreel signs . And how to ' act upon the square ;"
And saw throughout our grand designs , The hidden truths of Nature fair . Can happiness on Earth be found , Or blissful harmony like thine . ' Thou art a bit of holy ground , And thy good spirit shall lie mine . Churns—My Mother Lodge ! My Mother Lodge . ' Written for THK MASO . VIC STAR .
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
The Panmure Lodge , > o . 720 , Bro . Lewis Jones , M . I ) ., W . M . will hold an Emergency meeting at the Balham Hotel , Balham . S . W ., on Tuesday next , the 27 th inst ., at ( i p . m ., for work in each of the three degrees . A supper will be served after labour . The Pythagorean Chapter of Instruction , No . 70 . now meets
at the Dover Castle , Broaelway , Deptforel , every seconel and fourth Thurselays , at 8 p . m . throughout the year . Up to a recent date it met at Greenwich on Friday's anel the change of dates and place of meeting is for the better . Royal Arch Masons in the S . E . district should avail themselves of the excellent instruction its members can afford them .
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire is to be held at Hyele , on the 18 th September . The R . W . Bro . Egerton , of Tatton , Provincial Grand Master , is expected to be present . There will be the usual investure of Officers for the ensuing year . A motion for a grant of Fifty Guineas to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will be made and consielered .
The foundation stone of the new Church of St . John , at Barmouth , which will cost Clo , 000 , is to be laid by Princess Beatrice , on Tuesday , the 27 th insfc ., and the ceremony will be conducted with full Masonic honours . Prince Henry of Battenberg it is expected will accompany Her Royal Highness , and the Royal party will be received at the station by Lady Londonelerry , Lord
and Lady Harlech , the High Sheriff of Merionethshire ( Mr . Wood ) , the Bishop of the Diocese , the Bishop of London ( who is staying at Dolgelly ) , and the clergy and leading laity of Barmouth and district . A guard of honour will be formed by the Carnarvon Naval Artillery Volunteers . Lord Harlech ( Provincial Grand Master of North Wales ) , with many of the' brethren , will be present at the ceremony . ( See page 6 ' . )
The " Paper on Voting 'White for—Black against '" which , by permission of Bro . Greatbatch , of Hanley , Staffordshire , we have reproeluceel in our latest issues , has attracted considerable attention . We have several letters enquiring if it is printeel in a separate form . It is . —by the New Press Printing Company , Foundry Street . Hanley . We have no particulars as to price , or indeed whether or not it has been printed for private circulation only , but doubtless all information can be obtained from the printers .
UNITED MILITARY LODRE OF INSTRUCTION . —On Monday , 19 th inst ., at the Earl of Chatham , Woolwich . Among those present were Bros . Gooding , P . M ., Preceptor , W . M . ; Hilton , S . W . ; Sayle , J . W . ; Sinnett , S . D . ; Lackland , I . G . ; Godden , Abrehart , and
Woods . The lodge having been opened in the first and seconel degrees , Bro . ( .-Sodden , answered the usual questions and was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the third degree . The ceremony of raising was rehearsetl with great care and exactness . Bro . Godden personating candidate .