Article The Masonic " Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article WE are requested to Notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article ALLAHABAD. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ' ) THE PATH OF LIFE .
THY path in life may open fair , my brother , It ' s skies be bright , and sunshine gild the Avay ; While dewdrops glisten in its beams , and song-birds , With joyous carol , hail the gladsome day : — Yet , ere thy noontide goal is reached , how often O ' ercast with clouds maA be that azure sky ;
While passion s storm Avmds blast thy peace nor sol-Till hope ' s fair blossoms shivering fade and die . Still keep thy Faith with stedfast heart , my brother , Nor fail in Love , thy duties to perforin ; And then this comfort shall be thine , my brother : There sitteth One above Who rules the storm !
Or should thy lot by Poverty o ' ershaded Condemn thy steps to pace the toilsome ground Of petty cares and sorrows all unaided By Fortune , though she showers her gifts around : Though cold and footsore , wayworn , weak , and weary . Life ' s joyless road thy faltering feet may tread ,
! N or find a single friend whose greeting cheery O ' er thy lone wanderings might LOA ' ' S radiance shed ; Still toil thou bravely on thy Avay , my brother , Lest dark despair should crush thy heart forlorn ; And take this comfort to thy soul , my brother , " When night is darkest then , then comes the morn . "
Thus , whether summer skies be bright above thee . Or wintry SIIOAVS enshroud thee with their gloom ; If friends and kindred croAvn thy years and love thee , Or lone and friendless thou approach the tomb , Stay not for sorrow ' s tears nor joys beguiling But manfully thine onward course pursue ;
And heeding neither Fortune ' s frowns nor smiling , To God , thy neighbour , and thyself be true . So speed thou ever on Avith bold endeavour , Nor falter though thy feet be bruised and torn : Thy journey o ' er , the clouds of Doubt shall sever , And Death's dark night give place to endless morn .
[ By the late BRO . A . OIUJAXIX ) STI 5 I : I > , J . A \ . of tho Stonr A allev Lodiro , No . 1221 ; andrteiltaiteT bvhim to the A ' . AV . Bro . the lil' . v . (' . . T . MAJITYX . P . O . L . Eng ., Dcii . G . M ., Suffolk , & c , & i \]
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
WE are requested to Notify that :-
In celebration of the eight hundredth meeting of the Koyal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1289 , Bro . Cull , the Preceptor , Avill occupy the chair to-morroAV ( Friday ) , and will Avork the ceremonies of initiation , passing and raising . A large attendance of the brethren is expected .
The Fifteen Sections Avill be worked at the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate Road , Islington , on Wednesday , the 19 th December , by the member !? of the Percv Lodge of Instruction . Bro . J . P . Cohen , P . M .. 205 . W . M . ; J . A . Powell , 18 G , S . W . ; T . S . Hodges . S . W ., Km . J . W . '
The Annual Supper of tho Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 12118 , Avill be held at the Builders' Arms , on Friday , the 14 th December next . Bro . McNaught , W . M . of the Royal Standard Lodge , Avill preside . The Star Lodge of Instruction , hitherto meeting at the Five Bells . NeAV Cross Gate , S . E ., will meet on Saturday , the 1 st proximo ,
and thereafter weekly , at the " Dover Castle , " Deptford Broadway , close against the NeAV Cross Station on the South-Eastern Railway , at 7 p . m . Bro . George Reynolds , S . W ., Avas unanimously elected W . M . of the Covent Garden Lodge , No . 1 G 14 , at the last regular meeting , on Tuesday , and Avill be installed on the second Tuesday in January , 1889 .
Brethren and others , friends of YE ANCIENTE FRATERNITIE oi'FE YE RAH ERE ALMONERS , are respectfully reminded that the Ticket Benefit at Drury Lane Theatre , kindly arranged by Bro . Augustus Harris , Avill commence on Monday next , the 26 th inst ..
and continue throughout the Aveek ( Saturday excepted ) . Mr . Thomas Sangstcr , C . C ., of 02 , Long Lane , E . C , Avill gladly afford information in respect of this excellent charity , and supply tickets for the benefit .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , No . 54 S , at the White Swan Hotel , Highstreet , Deptford , on Monday next , the 26 th instant . The Sections of the Second and Third Lectures Avill be
worked in the NeAV Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1095 , at " Hornsey AVood Tavern , " SeA en Sisters ' -road , on Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., at 8 p . m . Bros . H . G . Gush , Preceptor ; A . J . Berry , Secretary .
Lodges of Emergency Avill be held in the Rosslyn Lodge , No . 1543 , DunmoAV , Essex , in the months of December and January , for the purpose of conferring the respective degrees of F . C . and M . M . on a neAvly initiated member about to proceed to America .
The ceremony of installation of J . Avill be rehearsed at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell , at 7 . 45 p . m ., to-morroAV ( Friday ) , at the Star Chapter of ImproA r ement .
The Priory Lodge of Instruction , No . 1996 , meets every Thursday , at the Berrymead Priory Constitutional Club , High Street , Acton , at 8 . 15 p . m ., and that the members will be pleased to welcome any brethren of the surrounding neighbourhood .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . C , London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR : and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * = - * * * To OUR SUBSCRIBERS . —With this number ( 14 ) -we commence a IICAV quarter . Our friends Avho haA'e been supplied with the first
thirteen numbers and have not remitted to our publishers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., will oblige by now doing so ; and their orders for continued supply Avill be esteemed . We can supply copies from No . 1 , but only to a limited extent , as an early number is nearly out of print . In remitting from abroad , subscribers will please " note terms stated under our inner title .
A correspondent asks us : Is there a Masonic Directory published ( and , if so , by whom ) giving addresses of secretaries of lodges throughout the United Kingdom . ' " We know of none such ; nor
do we see how anything of the sort could be prepared with any assurance of correctness , the office of secretary being only held from year to year . The place of meeting of a lodge should lie at all times sufficient for the purpose of official communication .
* * * # * We read in a Sydney paper that , in connection with , a presentation by the members of a lodge to a lady , in return for great hospitality and kindness , the present Avas handed to the fair recipient by a brother described as " ( 9 ( i deg . ) probably the highest
mason in the colonies . We , of course , understand Avhat is meant , but it reads funny ; and Ave enn Avell imagine a stranger to our mysteries taking it for granted that the phrase alludes to stature , and Avondering w-hat would be the equivalent in feet and inches ! He might even be led to believe that there are Masonic Giants in these daA's as there Avcre giants in the past .
The Masonic , Record of \\ csteru India , published at Allahabad , favours us with commendation as to our " printing , type , paper and mental pabulum ; " hoping for , yet doubting , our ultimate success ; and publishing in full our Editorial , " Is publication injurious to
Freemasonry . '" in No . 4 , " a subject Avhich should elicit some strong opinions from the fraternity . " We thank our contemporary for its praise and good wishes , and throAV ourselves upon the craft generally to dispel future doubts as to eA'entual success .
We shall call attention m an early number , to some "' Notes on the Ceremony of Installation , " by our worthy brother II . Sadler ( author of ' Masonic Facts and Fictions" ) , and which are IIOAV passing through the pages of our contemporary , the Freemason . More particularly shall we refer to the original constitution , in 1827 .
of a Board or Lodge or Installed Masters , which acknoAvledged " the importance that all rites and ceremonies in the craft should be conducted Avith uniformity and correctness , " and endeavour to ascertain IIOAV the poAvcrs then granted have not been regularly
exercised for so many years past . The subject Avill interest very many brethren , Avho , in former years , have shared in the proceedings of real Boards of Installed Masters , and lament the carelessness and apathy which has brought about the almost entire abandonment of a beautiful and unique ritual .
We regret to hear that Bro . Hugh D . Sandeman , P . D . G . M ., Bengal , has met with a serious accident from a fall from a ladder , thereby sustaining a severe fracture of the thigh . * * * * *
It is said that by the formation of the United Grand Lodge of NCAV South Wales , of Avhich the Governor of the Colony , Bro . Lord Carrington , P . G . W . Eng ., was recently installed Grand Master , the United Grand Lodge of England Avill lose as many as eighty lodges from its present register .
* * * * * Bro . the Right Honourable Lord George Hamilton , M . P .. has been elected Worshipful Master of the Chiswick Lodge , 2012 , of Avhich Bro . George Everett , P . M ., is Treasurer ( and candidate for the office of Grand Treasurer ) and Bro . George Gardner is Secretary .
Lord Connemara AVIII be installed as Master of Lodge ' Perfect Unanimity" on the 23 rd inst ., and the f olloAving day he will be installed District Grand Master of Madras . The ceremony will be performed in the Banqueting Hall , it is believed by His Royal Highness tho Duke of Connaught .
On the 17 th inst . at the Woolwich Artillery Theatre , an original comic operetta , entitled Our Court , the music by Bro . J . Weaver , and the libretto by Messrs . Humphrey and John Addison , was produced . It contains an amusing story of East London life , and the music is bright aud pretty—quite in keeping Avith the homely story—and went exceedingly well .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ' ) THE PATH OF LIFE .
THY path in life may open fair , my brother , It ' s skies be bright , and sunshine gild the Avay ; While dewdrops glisten in its beams , and song-birds , With joyous carol , hail the gladsome day : — Yet , ere thy noontide goal is reached , how often O ' ercast with clouds maA be that azure sky ;
While passion s storm Avmds blast thy peace nor sol-Till hope ' s fair blossoms shivering fade and die . Still keep thy Faith with stedfast heart , my brother , Nor fail in Love , thy duties to perforin ; And then this comfort shall be thine , my brother : There sitteth One above Who rules the storm !
Or should thy lot by Poverty o ' ershaded Condemn thy steps to pace the toilsome ground Of petty cares and sorrows all unaided By Fortune , though she showers her gifts around : Though cold and footsore , wayworn , weak , and weary . Life ' s joyless road thy faltering feet may tread ,
! N or find a single friend whose greeting cheery O ' er thy lone wanderings might LOA ' ' S radiance shed ; Still toil thou bravely on thy Avay , my brother , Lest dark despair should crush thy heart forlorn ; And take this comfort to thy soul , my brother , " When night is darkest then , then comes the morn . "
Thus , whether summer skies be bright above thee . Or wintry SIIOAVS enshroud thee with their gloom ; If friends and kindred croAvn thy years and love thee , Or lone and friendless thou approach the tomb , Stay not for sorrow ' s tears nor joys beguiling But manfully thine onward course pursue ;
And heeding neither Fortune ' s frowns nor smiling , To God , thy neighbour , and thyself be true . So speed thou ever on Avith bold endeavour , Nor falter though thy feet be bruised and torn : Thy journey o ' er , the clouds of Doubt shall sever , And Death's dark night give place to endless morn .
[ By the late BRO . A . OIUJAXIX ) STI 5 I : I > , J . A \ . of tho Stonr A allev Lodiro , No . 1221 ; andrteiltaiteT bvhim to the A ' . AV . Bro . the lil' . v . (' . . T . MAJITYX . P . O . L . Eng ., Dcii . G . M ., Suffolk , & c , & i \]
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
WE are requested to Notify that :-
In celebration of the eight hundredth meeting of the Koyal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1289 , Bro . Cull , the Preceptor , Avill occupy the chair to-morroAV ( Friday ) , and will Avork the ceremonies of initiation , passing and raising . A large attendance of the brethren is expected .
The Fifteen Sections Avill be worked at the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate Road , Islington , on Wednesday , the 19 th December , by the member !? of the Percv Lodge of Instruction . Bro . J . P . Cohen , P . M .. 205 . W . M . ; J . A . Powell , 18 G , S . W . ; T . S . Hodges . S . W ., Km . J . W . '
The Annual Supper of tho Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 12118 , Avill be held at the Builders' Arms , on Friday , the 14 th December next . Bro . McNaught , W . M . of the Royal Standard Lodge , Avill preside . The Star Lodge of Instruction , hitherto meeting at the Five Bells . NeAV Cross Gate , S . E ., will meet on Saturday , the 1 st proximo ,
and thereafter weekly , at the " Dover Castle , " Deptford Broadway , close against the NeAV Cross Station on the South-Eastern Railway , at 7 p . m . Bro . George Reynolds , S . W ., Avas unanimously elected W . M . of the Covent Garden Lodge , No . 1 G 14 , at the last regular meeting , on Tuesday , and Avill be installed on the second Tuesday in January , 1889 .
Brethren and others , friends of YE ANCIENTE FRATERNITIE oi'FE YE RAH ERE ALMONERS , are respectfully reminded that the Ticket Benefit at Drury Lane Theatre , kindly arranged by Bro . Augustus Harris , Avill commence on Monday next , the 26 th inst ..
and continue throughout the Aveek ( Saturday excepted ) . Mr . Thomas Sangstcr , C . C ., of 02 , Long Lane , E . C , Avill gladly afford information in respect of this excellent charity , and supply tickets for the benefit .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked at the Wellington Lodge of Instruction , No . 54 S , at the White Swan Hotel , Highstreet , Deptford , on Monday next , the 26 th instant . The Sections of the Second and Third Lectures Avill be
worked in the NeAV Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 1095 , at " Hornsey AVood Tavern , " SeA en Sisters ' -road , on Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., at 8 p . m . Bros . H . G . Gush , Preceptor ; A . J . Berry , Secretary .
Lodges of Emergency Avill be held in the Rosslyn Lodge , No . 1543 , DunmoAV , Essex , in the months of December and January , for the purpose of conferring the respective degrees of F . C . and M . M . on a neAvly initiated member about to proceed to America .
The ceremony of installation of J . Avill be rehearsed at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell , at 7 . 45 p . m ., to-morroAV ( Friday ) , at the Star Chapter of ImproA r ement .
The Priory Lodge of Instruction , No . 1996 , meets every Thursday , at the Berrymead Priory Constitutional Club , High Street , Acton , at 8 . 15 p . m ., and that the members will be pleased to welcome any brethren of the surrounding neighbourhood .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . C , London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR : and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * = - * * * To OUR SUBSCRIBERS . —With this number ( 14 ) -we commence a IICAV quarter . Our friends Avho haA'e been supplied with the first
thirteen numbers and have not remitted to our publishers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., will oblige by now doing so ; and their orders for continued supply Avill be esteemed . We can supply copies from No . 1 , but only to a limited extent , as an early number is nearly out of print . In remitting from abroad , subscribers will please " note terms stated under our inner title .
A correspondent asks us : Is there a Masonic Directory published ( and , if so , by whom ) giving addresses of secretaries of lodges throughout the United Kingdom . ' " We know of none such ; nor
do we see how anything of the sort could be prepared with any assurance of correctness , the office of secretary being only held from year to year . The place of meeting of a lodge should lie at all times sufficient for the purpose of official communication .
* * * # * We read in a Sydney paper that , in connection with , a presentation by the members of a lodge to a lady , in return for great hospitality and kindness , the present Avas handed to the fair recipient by a brother described as " ( 9 ( i deg . ) probably the highest
mason in the colonies . We , of course , understand Avhat is meant , but it reads funny ; and Ave enn Avell imagine a stranger to our mysteries taking it for granted that the phrase alludes to stature , and Avondering w-hat would be the equivalent in feet and inches ! He might even be led to believe that there are Masonic Giants in these daA's as there Avcre giants in the past .
The Masonic , Record of \\ csteru India , published at Allahabad , favours us with commendation as to our " printing , type , paper and mental pabulum ; " hoping for , yet doubting , our ultimate success ; and publishing in full our Editorial , " Is publication injurious to
Freemasonry . '" in No . 4 , " a subject Avhich should elicit some strong opinions from the fraternity . " We thank our contemporary for its praise and good wishes , and throAV ourselves upon the craft generally to dispel future doubts as to eA'entual success .
We shall call attention m an early number , to some "' Notes on the Ceremony of Installation , " by our worthy brother II . Sadler ( author of ' Masonic Facts and Fictions" ) , and which are IIOAV passing through the pages of our contemporary , the Freemason . More particularly shall we refer to the original constitution , in 1827 .
of a Board or Lodge or Installed Masters , which acknoAvledged " the importance that all rites and ceremonies in the craft should be conducted Avith uniformity and correctness , " and endeavour to ascertain IIOAV the poAvcrs then granted have not been regularly
exercised for so many years past . The subject Avill interest very many brethren , Avho , in former years , have shared in the proceedings of real Boards of Installed Masters , and lament the carelessness and apathy which has brought about the almost entire abandonment of a beautiful and unique ritual .
We regret to hear that Bro . Hugh D . Sandeman , P . D . G . M ., Bengal , has met with a serious accident from a fall from a ladder , thereby sustaining a severe fracture of the thigh . * * * * *
It is said that by the formation of the United Grand Lodge of NCAV South Wales , of Avhich the Governor of the Colony , Bro . Lord Carrington , P . G . W . Eng ., was recently installed Grand Master , the United Grand Lodge of England Avill lose as many as eighty lodges from its present register .
* * * * * Bro . the Right Honourable Lord George Hamilton , M . P .. has been elected Worshipful Master of the Chiswick Lodge , 2012 , of Avhich Bro . George Everett , P . M ., is Treasurer ( and candidate for the office of Grand Treasurer ) and Bro . George Gardner is Secretary .
Lord Connemara AVIII be installed as Master of Lodge ' Perfect Unanimity" on the 23 rd inst ., and the f olloAving day he will be installed District Grand Master of Madras . The ceremony will be performed in the Banqueting Hall , it is believed by His Royal Highness tho Duke of Connaught .
On the 17 th inst . at the Woolwich Artillery Theatre , an original comic operetta , entitled Our Court , the music by Bro . J . Weaver , and the libretto by Messrs . Humphrey and John Addison , was produced . It contains an amusing story of East London life , and the music is bright aud pretty—quite in keeping Avith the homely story—and went exceedingly well .