Article Evenings Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article Our City Article. Page 1 of 1
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Evenings Abroad.
Evenings Abroad .
" ATALANTA" AT THE STRAND THEATRE . Expectation ran high when it was reported that at the Strand , the ancient home of burlesque , there was to be a revival of the traditions of tho house . Recollection of productions Avhich are IIOAV historical and of triumphs of acting which made their originators celebrated , could not fail to arise ; and , when it was
stated that the subject of the travesty Avas a classical story Avhich lent itself well to elaborate miss en , scene and would provide plenty of opportunities for the clever company engaged to support it , anticipations of pleasure to come became all the more keen—alas ! that things Avhich begin " so bridle-y should end so saddle-y , " as our friend Kellino in Xemesis observes . Atalanta has not answered
expectation ; the verdict of the first night , though adverse , was just ; but , doubtless , impiwcments will soon be made which will render the burlesque more acceptable . No one ever knew a piece of this kind to be perfect on a first representation ; actors and actresses after becoming more accustomed to their parts can elaborate
and work up the material which they are supplied with ; here , howeA-er , the author must be called in ; he must reorganise his book and he must provide more matter to prevent some of the talent whi'jh has been engaged from being wasted . Judicious excision herd and there and more strength substituted Avill tend to do what
is wanted . There is no doubt that the author , Mr . G . P . Hawfcrey , possesses plenty of humour , but at present it is not of that refined and subtle description Avhich characterised the Avork of Past Masters of tha Craft of travesty-writing . Portions of the Avork are humorous and graceful enough , but , at times , the fun
degenerates into puerility , and weariness is the result . Another fault of the piece is that it is in three acts , while tho story could well have been comprised in one . This , doubtless , is tho cause of much of the weariness which characterises the production . The effervescence goes off , and . as a natural consequence , the end is tame , while noise
cannot compensate for lack of humour . Great credit must be given to the Hon . Lewis Wingfield , Avho has designed the dresses , and to Messrs . Banks and Bruce Smith , Avho have painted the scenery . The groupings and stage business are in the safe hands of Mr . John Douglass , and , naturally , the result of his Avork is quite acceptable .
But for the introduction of a lot of unnecessary and ungraceful children , tins department merits the highest praise . The interpretation taken all round was capital . As has been mentioned , however , such clever exponents of burlesque as Miss Marie Linden , Mr . Squire , Mr . Wyatt and Mr . Wm . Hawfcrey Avere
utterly wasted in being allotted the sorry stuff which was supplied them . Nevertheless , they proved themselves a tOAver of strength , and saved the piece at its weakest moments . Of Miss Marie Linden ' s performance in the title role , it must first be stated that her imitation of Miss Mary Anderson stands out boldly as an
extremely cleA er and artistic effort , while her dancing is graceful and pretty . Mr . Tom Squire Avas admirable throughout ; his business Avas eccentric , funny , but by no means too effusive . Mr . Wyatt Avorked like a A eritable Trojan , and Avith a commendable result ; his scene Avith Aphrodite Avas as excellent in its Avay as Avas
that Avith Miss Linden . Mr . Wm . F . HaAvtrey , as the king , had a capital opportunity to distinguish himself ; he Avas unctuous , and satisfactorily fulfilled the duties allotted to him . Mr . Fleming Norton as Socrates , had no chance to be anything but insignificant . Miss Alma Stanley as Aphrodite , looked simply a picture , and sang her music so Avell as to guin
great applause . She only appears in one act , but Avhat she had to do Avas done excellently AVCII . Mr . F . Wensley as Orpheus sang a ballad jirettily . Miss Minnie Cunningham , as Daphne , danced tAvice , and quite Avon the hearts of the auditory ; her first essay , in classical costume , Avas the prettiest thing of its kind seen for a long time ; her second dance Avas too protracted .
A pretty little one-act play by Bro . Brandon Thomas , entitled A Highland Legacy , formed the curtain raiser . The author , excellently made up as an elderly Scotchman , acted admirably , Avhile Mr . Percy Lyndal , as the hero , and Mr . Graham WentAvorth , as our old friend De Lacy Fitz-Altemont of The Prompter ' s Box — here called Cavendish HoAvley , an actor—distinguished themselves greatly .
TAVO contretemps to curtains occurred on Saturday night last . At the Strand Theatre the curtain , at the end of Bro . Brandon Thomas ' s play , declined to go doAvn ; at the Shaftesbury Theatre the iron curtain , despite the efforts of the scene-shifters and others , declined to go up . The audience had to go aAvay Avithout seeing Miss Wallis as Pauline in the Lady of Lyons , and all the money taken at the doors had to be returned .
Query . —Did any of those AA'IIO Avent in Avith orders receive any money on leaving the theatre . ' NOAV , Mr . Griffiths , IIOAV much Avere you to the bad on the receipts and the money returned . ' A Avag in the pit remarked , uprojms of this mishap , that ' ' curtains Avhich Avouldn't go up certainly Avouldn't go doAvn in this country . "
On Monday evening all Avas right , hoAVCA'er , and Miss Wallis made her appearance . She is an intelligent and earnest Pauline ; Avhile Mr . Forbes Robertson , as the lover in this popular but maukishly sentimental play , was really very acceptable . Mr . Mackintosh had an opportunity of showing his decided talent as Colonel Dumas , and all the other parts Avere very Avell played .
Mr . Gilbert ' s neAV comedy , Bramtinghame Hall , is due at the St . James ' s Theatre on the 27 th inst . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
As THK MASONIC STAR is Avritten by Masons for Masons , and as they are mostly business men having more or less interest in the Stock and Share Markets , Ave have determined to include in our columns a Avoekly money article , Avritten by one i of our Craft actively engaged in the markets . We Avrite Avithout prejudice , and Avith a vieAV to give a general idea of Avhat is going on from Aveek
to Aveek . As the Avriter of the article has some twenty years ' experience of the subject , and may fairly say that he knows the Avays of doing business , what is what and who is who , he Avill be pleased to answer any inquiries addressed to the Editor Avhere advice is asked upon AA'hatever requires explanation , so that pleasure and profit may be the result . Any letter sent to us , and any reply given , Avill be treated on the square .
CAPEL COURT , WEDNESDAY , 21 ST NOV ., 1 S 88 . The Stock markets continue to be agitated by the uncertainty respecting the movements of gold , and the impression is general that an advance in the Bank rate may be looked for . The amounts of bullion expected to arrive are but small , Avhile the further AvithdraAvals for South America are knoAvn to be large , so that there is
little hope ot any alleviation of the present stringency during this year . I am not disposed to put much reliance in the various rumours , set afloat principally in Vienna , of European complications . For one thing the present is not the time of year Avhen any serious disturbance Avould be initiated , and for another the consequences Avould be too serious to be considered lightly ; nor is there any
actual burning question to the front . The fact is , perhaps , that the cheapness of money during the early part of the year carried prices up too high and too fast , and IIOAV , Avith so much money locked up , there is a natural stringency Avhich it Avill tnke time to dissolve . In the present state of things , I should not care to buy any foreign stocks , with the exception , perhaps , of the
Turkish grouped stocks . The latest reports from the Debt Commissioners are favourable , and give very good hopes of continued improvement ; and , as these stocks have to be redeemed by the action of a sinking fund now in operation , a steady advance may be anticipated . English rails have lately been neglected ; but if I look at the
satisfactory traffic returns , I cannot but think that prices Avill rise . North Easterns should go better , Avhile Brighton also Avould be a good purchase but for the fact that every little punter is a bull of more stock than he is able to carry . Amongst this class of stocks , Furness raihvay should not be forgotten . Trade in the district of Barrow was for some years very dull ; but , Avith the reopening of
some of the old Avorks and the extension of others , no other place in England shows signs of greater activity . The rate cutting on the American railroads seems to be more serious than Avas at first thought ; Avhy this particular time is chosen for a rate Avar no one seems to kiiOAV , and until matters get a little more settled Ave had better sit on the fence and let the
Yankees play it out amongst themselves . American affairs naturally affect the Canadian lines , and although I am in favour of the Grand Trunk properties , Avhich always show an immense poAver of recuperation , I am very dubious about the Canadian Pacific . There is too much of the Yankee system in its management . Reckless extensions and a strong tendency to fio-ht
its neighbours are the mam points in its programme ; and this too Avith an empty exchequer , every available security pledged up to the hilt , and the future discounted . The fall in the price of the shares is SIOAV , but none the less sure . So much has been said about the Paris Copper Syndicate that for me to give an opinion on tho subject seems rash , but I
am satisfied to look ai : the immediate future ; AA'hat is goin ° - to happen some years hence has but little interest for me . Those Avho are " bears" of copper shares prognosticate the speedy collapse of the syndicate , AA'hile the ' bulls" say it Avill last for eA er . But of this I am satisfied , that it Avill last quite long enough to make the bears sit up and hoAvl . For the next year the price of copper
is secure , and , consequently , the price of copper shares . Rio Tintos are the great bone of contention , and -if the . proposed division of the shares into smaller denominations is carried out . they Avill rise to 30 , or the equivalent . Amongst other coppers Cop iapo are the cheapest . Nitrate shares are very high , not so much on their own merits as OAving to the recklessness of a certain
group , AA'ho blindly 1 ' OUOAV Avhere the Woolpack party lead , Avho will certainly one day clamber out on the backs of their followers . Next Monday the fortnightly settlement commences , and Ave may expect heavy contango rates ; and let speculators bear this Avell in mind , that after this one there are only tAVO more
settlements this year in Avhich to adjust eA'erything . Bankers have a way of making their borroAvers clear out their stocks before the end of the year , so as to shoA \^ as clear accounts as possible , and this process does not tend to higher prices , verb . sap . CRAFTSMAN .
Wo greatly regret our inability to insert several notices and items of interesting information . The pressure on our space is so great that Ave must ask for future communications to be made at the earliest possible moment .
TERRY'S THEATRE . Solo Lessee , Mr . Edward Terry , THIS EVENING at 8 . 30 . SWEET LAVENDER . Messrs . Edward Terrv Allred Bishop , Brandon Thomas , F . Kerr , H . Reeves Smith , S . Matthew * , Prince ' Miller ; Mesdames M . A , A'ictor , 0 . Addison , M . Millett , and Blanche J-Iorioek .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Evenings Abroad.
Evenings Abroad .
" ATALANTA" AT THE STRAND THEATRE . Expectation ran high when it was reported that at the Strand , the ancient home of burlesque , there was to be a revival of the traditions of tho house . Recollection of productions Avhich are IIOAV historical and of triumphs of acting which made their originators celebrated , could not fail to arise ; and , when it was
stated that the subject of the travesty Avas a classical story Avhich lent itself well to elaborate miss en , scene and would provide plenty of opportunities for the clever company engaged to support it , anticipations of pleasure to come became all the more keen—alas ! that things Avhich begin " so bridle-y should end so saddle-y , " as our friend Kellino in Xemesis observes . Atalanta has not answered
expectation ; the verdict of the first night , though adverse , was just ; but , doubtless , impiwcments will soon be made which will render the burlesque more acceptable . No one ever knew a piece of this kind to be perfect on a first representation ; actors and actresses after becoming more accustomed to their parts can elaborate
and work up the material which they are supplied with ; here , howeA-er , the author must be called in ; he must reorganise his book and he must provide more matter to prevent some of the talent whi'jh has been engaged from being wasted . Judicious excision herd and there and more strength substituted Avill tend to do what
is wanted . There is no doubt that the author , Mr . G . P . Hawfcrey , possesses plenty of humour , but at present it is not of that refined and subtle description Avhich characterised the Avork of Past Masters of tha Craft of travesty-writing . Portions of the Avork are humorous and graceful enough , but , at times , the fun
degenerates into puerility , and weariness is the result . Another fault of the piece is that it is in three acts , while tho story could well have been comprised in one . This , doubtless , is tho cause of much of the weariness which characterises the production . The effervescence goes off , and . as a natural consequence , the end is tame , while noise
cannot compensate for lack of humour . Great credit must be given to the Hon . Lewis Wingfield , Avho has designed the dresses , and to Messrs . Banks and Bruce Smith , Avho have painted the scenery . The groupings and stage business are in the safe hands of Mr . John Douglass , and , naturally , the result of his Avork is quite acceptable .
But for the introduction of a lot of unnecessary and ungraceful children , tins department merits the highest praise . The interpretation taken all round was capital . As has been mentioned , however , such clever exponents of burlesque as Miss Marie Linden , Mr . Squire , Mr . Wyatt and Mr . Wm . Hawfcrey Avere
utterly wasted in being allotted the sorry stuff which was supplied them . Nevertheless , they proved themselves a tOAver of strength , and saved the piece at its weakest moments . Of Miss Marie Linden ' s performance in the title role , it must first be stated that her imitation of Miss Mary Anderson stands out boldly as an
extremely cleA er and artistic effort , while her dancing is graceful and pretty . Mr . Tom Squire Avas admirable throughout ; his business Avas eccentric , funny , but by no means too effusive . Mr . Wyatt Avorked like a A eritable Trojan , and Avith a commendable result ; his scene Avith Aphrodite Avas as excellent in its Avay as Avas
that Avith Miss Linden . Mr . Wm . F . HaAvtrey , as the king , had a capital opportunity to distinguish himself ; he Avas unctuous , and satisfactorily fulfilled the duties allotted to him . Mr . Fleming Norton as Socrates , had no chance to be anything but insignificant . Miss Alma Stanley as Aphrodite , looked simply a picture , and sang her music so Avell as to guin
great applause . She only appears in one act , but Avhat she had to do Avas done excellently AVCII . Mr . F . Wensley as Orpheus sang a ballad jirettily . Miss Minnie Cunningham , as Daphne , danced tAvice , and quite Avon the hearts of the auditory ; her first essay , in classical costume , Avas the prettiest thing of its kind seen for a long time ; her second dance Avas too protracted .
A pretty little one-act play by Bro . Brandon Thomas , entitled A Highland Legacy , formed the curtain raiser . The author , excellently made up as an elderly Scotchman , acted admirably , Avhile Mr . Percy Lyndal , as the hero , and Mr . Graham WentAvorth , as our old friend De Lacy Fitz-Altemont of The Prompter ' s Box — here called Cavendish HoAvley , an actor—distinguished themselves greatly .
TAVO contretemps to curtains occurred on Saturday night last . At the Strand Theatre the curtain , at the end of Bro . Brandon Thomas ' s play , declined to go doAvn ; at the Shaftesbury Theatre the iron curtain , despite the efforts of the scene-shifters and others , declined to go up . The audience had to go aAvay Avithout seeing Miss Wallis as Pauline in the Lady of Lyons , and all the money taken at the doors had to be returned .
Query . —Did any of those AA'IIO Avent in Avith orders receive any money on leaving the theatre . ' NOAV , Mr . Griffiths , IIOAV much Avere you to the bad on the receipts and the money returned . ' A Avag in the pit remarked , uprojms of this mishap , that ' ' curtains Avhich Avouldn't go up certainly Avouldn't go doAvn in this country . "
On Monday evening all Avas right , hoAVCA'er , and Miss Wallis made her appearance . She is an intelligent and earnest Pauline ; Avhile Mr . Forbes Robertson , as the lover in this popular but maukishly sentimental play , was really very acceptable . Mr . Mackintosh had an opportunity of showing his decided talent as Colonel Dumas , and all the other parts Avere very Avell played .
Mr . Gilbert ' s neAV comedy , Bramtinghame Hall , is due at the St . James ' s Theatre on the 27 th inst . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
As THK MASONIC STAR is Avritten by Masons for Masons , and as they are mostly business men having more or less interest in the Stock and Share Markets , Ave have determined to include in our columns a Avoekly money article , Avritten by one i of our Craft actively engaged in the markets . We Avrite Avithout prejudice , and Avith a vieAV to give a general idea of Avhat is going on from Aveek
to Aveek . As the Avriter of the article has some twenty years ' experience of the subject , and may fairly say that he knows the Avays of doing business , what is what and who is who , he Avill be pleased to answer any inquiries addressed to the Editor Avhere advice is asked upon AA'hatever requires explanation , so that pleasure and profit may be the result . Any letter sent to us , and any reply given , Avill be treated on the square .
CAPEL COURT , WEDNESDAY , 21 ST NOV ., 1 S 88 . The Stock markets continue to be agitated by the uncertainty respecting the movements of gold , and the impression is general that an advance in the Bank rate may be looked for . The amounts of bullion expected to arrive are but small , Avhile the further AvithdraAvals for South America are knoAvn to be large , so that there is
little hope ot any alleviation of the present stringency during this year . I am not disposed to put much reliance in the various rumours , set afloat principally in Vienna , of European complications . For one thing the present is not the time of year Avhen any serious disturbance Avould be initiated , and for another the consequences Avould be too serious to be considered lightly ; nor is there any
actual burning question to the front . The fact is , perhaps , that the cheapness of money during the early part of the year carried prices up too high and too fast , and IIOAV , Avith so much money locked up , there is a natural stringency Avhich it Avill tnke time to dissolve . In the present state of things , I should not care to buy any foreign stocks , with the exception , perhaps , of the
Turkish grouped stocks . The latest reports from the Debt Commissioners are favourable , and give very good hopes of continued improvement ; and , as these stocks have to be redeemed by the action of a sinking fund now in operation , a steady advance may be anticipated . English rails have lately been neglected ; but if I look at the
satisfactory traffic returns , I cannot but think that prices Avill rise . North Easterns should go better , Avhile Brighton also Avould be a good purchase but for the fact that every little punter is a bull of more stock than he is able to carry . Amongst this class of stocks , Furness raihvay should not be forgotten . Trade in the district of Barrow was for some years very dull ; but , Avith the reopening of
some of the old Avorks and the extension of others , no other place in England shows signs of greater activity . The rate cutting on the American railroads seems to be more serious than Avas at first thought ; Avhy this particular time is chosen for a rate Avar no one seems to kiiOAV , and until matters get a little more settled Ave had better sit on the fence and let the
Yankees play it out amongst themselves . American affairs naturally affect the Canadian lines , and although I am in favour of the Grand Trunk properties , Avhich always show an immense poAver of recuperation , I am very dubious about the Canadian Pacific . There is too much of the Yankee system in its management . Reckless extensions and a strong tendency to fio-ht
its neighbours are the mam points in its programme ; and this too Avith an empty exchequer , every available security pledged up to the hilt , and the future discounted . The fall in the price of the shares is SIOAV , but none the less sure . So much has been said about the Paris Copper Syndicate that for me to give an opinion on tho subject seems rash , but I
am satisfied to look ai : the immediate future ; AA'hat is goin ° - to happen some years hence has but little interest for me . Those Avho are " bears" of copper shares prognosticate the speedy collapse of the syndicate , AA'hile the ' bulls" say it Avill last for eA er . But of this I am satisfied , that it Avill last quite long enough to make the bears sit up and hoAvl . For the next year the price of copper
is secure , and , consequently , the price of copper shares . Rio Tintos are the great bone of contention , and -if the . proposed division of the shares into smaller denominations is carried out . they Avill rise to 30 , or the equivalent . Amongst other coppers Cop iapo are the cheapest . Nitrate shares are very high , not so much on their own merits as OAving to the recklessness of a certain
group , AA'ho blindly 1 ' OUOAV Avhere the Woolpack party lead , Avho will certainly one day clamber out on the backs of their followers . Next Monday the fortnightly settlement commences , and Ave may expect heavy contango rates ; and let speculators bear this Avell in mind , that after this one there are only tAVO more
settlements this year in Avhich to adjust eA'erything . Bankers have a way of making their borroAvers clear out their stocks before the end of the year , so as to shoA \^ as clear accounts as possible , and this process does not tend to higher prices , verb . sap . CRAFTSMAN .
Wo greatly regret our inability to insert several notices and items of interesting information . The pressure on our space is so great that Ave must ask for future communications to be made at the earliest possible moment .
TERRY'S THEATRE . Solo Lessee , Mr . Edward Terry , THIS EVENING at 8 . 30 . SWEET LAVENDER . Messrs . Edward Terrv Allred Bishop , Brandon Thomas , F . Kerr , H . Reeves Smith , S . Matthew * , Prince ' Miller ; Mesdames M . A , A'ictor , 0 . Addison , M . Millett , and Blanche J-Iorioek .