Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article PERPETUAL PRESENTATIONS. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article W.M.'S AND MAYORS. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
W $ t JEastfuk ^ tai \ THURSDAY , ]| 2 | g | | | ^ NOV . 22 , 1888 .
Edited bjl W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., 4 c , & o .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all NeAvsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs Avill receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be fonvarded by
the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday . . TERMS , including postage , payable in adA ance : — United Kingdom and Countries conu'rised Places not in ( j i-ncrnl comprised in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . via Drindisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . . . . 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d .
Three Months ... Is . 9 d . . . . 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od . Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . C , to the Printers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to them .
All other communications , letters , & c . to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , London , E . C . " Publishing Offices ; 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . C ,
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
*„* We do not hold ourselves resjionsible for the opinions expressed by our Correspondents . CLOSING OF LODGES IN 2 ND AND 3 RD DEGREES .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIB AND BROTHER , I have taken THE MASONIC STAB from the period of its birth , and congratulate you on the growing progress of your " LeAvis . " Particularly interesting to me is the answer you haA e given to Bro . SaAver in this day ' s number . HoAvever any W . M . can excuse
himself in omitting the ritual and beautiful ceremonial of closing the M . M . Lodge is to me a great puzzle . I could never find any " authority vested in me , & c ., & c " , and as AA'e are bound by "Constitutions" to Avatch that the "ancient landmarks , & c , & c " , it behoves all W . M . ' s to insist upon closing each lodge in due form . I hope this matter Avill be pressed again and again ( if necessary ) upon the attention of the rulers of all Craft Lodges , and that it
Avill be felt that it is insufferable that such a pleasurable and instructiA e ceremony , when neatly performed , Avith just the one , the solitary reference ( AA'hich seems A ery remarkable , and therefore especially to be recognised ) to K . S . Many other points of value to Avhich you have draAA n attention haA'e commended themselves to me , and for which I , as an old Mason , feel delighted to acknoAVledge and to thank you . Yours fraternally
P . M . ( Craft ) . P . M . ( Mark ) , P . H . ( Arch ) , K . T ., P . P . G . O . Devon
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . In reply to P . E . P ., I beg to inform him that the Priory of Malta attached to the St . Cuthbert ' s Preceptory , Darlington , and also the one attached to the Royal Kent , NeAvcastle-upon-Tyne , are both worked regularly , and I believe nearly all the members of
both Preceptories have taken the Malta degree . Yours truly , S . F . BOUSFIELD , P . E . P . P . S . —There Avill be a Priory of . Malta held at Darlington , on Tuesday , circular of which I enclose , and I can assure P . E . P . of a hearty reception if he Avill do us the honour to attend . Darlington . Nov . lGth , 1888 .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , In answer to "P . E . P ., " the Eminent Preceptor of a Templar Preceptory should be installed a Prior of the Order of Malta before he is entitled to Avear a distinctive badge . Any K . T , Preceptory can , under its warrant , Avork the Malta , and if a f CAV members make
up their minds to work the degree , the ritual is not difficult to learn . I advise those Avishing to perfect themselves in the degree , to attend the meeting of Great Priory , Avhere the Great Sub-Prior ( Col . ShadAvell Gierke ) and his officers do the Avork in excellent style . Yours fraternally , HENRY LOVEGROVE , 26 , Budge Row , E . C . Past Grand Capt . of Guards .
Perpetual Presentations.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR , Ladies , I believe , are not generally credited Avith any ability as regards arithmetic . I dare say I am as incompetent in that respect as others of my sex , but I really am at a loss to understand the f olloAA'ing : —By payment of £ 1 , 050 to either school it appears
a perpetual presentation is secured to any province making such payment . This sum , I presume , is invested , as trust funds usually are , in Government securities , consequently returning at the utmost some £ 31 10 s . per annum interest ; but I find on reference that the average annual cost per pupil in the boys' school is about £ 50 , and in the girls' about £ 47 . It seems to me , therefore , that there must
be a considerable loss to either institution on every transaction of the kind . Any explanation on the subject you can give through the medium of your journal Avill much oblige , Yours truly , A ( LADY ) LIFE GOVERNOR OF BOTH SCHOOLS . My husband is a subscriber to your paper . I don't profess to understand much of it , yet take some slight interest in its contents . NoA'ember 19 th , 1888 .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , In reference to the discussion opened last Aveek , I Avould like to mention my experience . After being raised I attended a Lodge of Instruction . The ceremony of raising in my Lodge made such a
vivid impression on my mind that I was led to consider masonry to be perfection . The same ceremony was presented to me in a Lodge of Instruction in so far different a light that I Avould prefer to draw the veil over my impression there . Should this be ? Fraternally yours , A A ^ ERY YOUNG MASON .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
AV . S rtTAnT , P . M ., Sec . 87 .- Thank yon for the information yon have so kindly sent ns . AVc could Avish that many other Secretaries Avere equally obliging . C . WOODS , 18 G 9 . —Again we are obliged to you , and Ave shall hope to hear from your friend . E . T . GBUBB . —We have sent on your communication to " Bell . " J . N . HoDnKiNSON , AYLESBURY . —AVc are obliged for communication to hand . A brief notice Avas given last Aveek , and Ave regretted then , as wc do IIOAV , that AVant of space prevented detailed particulars of the Interesting event . T . C , P . M . & SKC 157 . —Very sorry . Your report came too late ; and , moreo \ 'cr , the date of meeting Avas so far back that the event had become " ancient historv . "
W.M.'S And Mayors.
Amongst the seA eral brethren AA'ho -will occupy the chairs of thei . t respective lodges as Worshipful Masters , and the chairs of Chief Magistrates of their respective toAATis as Mayors , during the ensuing year , W . Bro . John Knott , W . M . of the " Lodge of the Four Cardinal Virtues , No . 979 " has been elected Mayor of CreAA'e ( Cheshire ) and Ave offer his Worship our hearty congratulations .
The Whittmgton Lodge , No . 862 , held its Installation meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday last , 19 th inst ., Avhen Bro . Wm . Hill , W . M ., installed his successor , Bro . James Irvine , into the chair of K . S . The entire proceedings Avere of the most satisfactory nature and reflected great credit on all concerned . A lengthened report is croAvded out of this Aveek ' s issue .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
MERCHANTS' LODGE—NO . 241 . —Regular Monthly Meeting at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , on the 13 th inst . There Avas a large attendance of members and other brethren , amongst Avhom Avere several distinguished Prov . Grand Officers . There were two initiations and tAVO passings , and the ceremonies connected thereAvith Avere very ably performed by the W . M . Bro . Capt . Macnab and his
officers . After labour the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The W . M ., in replying to the toast given by P . M . Winser , said it gave him great pleasure to preside over a lodge which had for more than a century done excellent Avork in the province , and he intended to devote theigreater part of his spare time to the furtherance of masonic work . They all knew the interest he took in the West Lane . Masonic Educational Institution , and he would only remind
them that without their help the usefulness of that charity would be greatly impaired . He had , however , no doubt but that the members of the Merchants' Lodge would contribute as readily nOAV as they had done in the past , and , from Avhat he saAV of the good that institution Avas doing , no worthier object could merit their support . A well-arranged programme of music , under the direction of Bro . EAvart , the organist , assisted by Bros . Hogarth , Griffiths , and Latham , & c , Avas performed during the evening .
ARBORETUM—No . 731 . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge , on the 14 th inst ., the Mayor of Derby , Bro . WoodiAviss , the Immediate Past Master , attended . Our distinguished brother Avas initiated in this Lodge about eight years ago , and has been a zealous officer throughout his career . In his response to the toast proposed in his honour , Bro . Woodiwiss ,, referring to the distinction Avhich had been conferred upon him by his fellow citizens , declared that his
aim would be to discharge the duties of the Mayoralty in the same spirit and with the same desire to promote the Avell-being of his felloAvs Avhich had actuated him as a Freemason . There can be no doubt that the prediction of the W . M ., Bro . J . W . Brigg , that Bro . WoodiAviss , in the discharge of his public duties would secure the same amount of confidence and respect Avhich the brethren entertain for him as a craftsman is Avell founded , and Ave trust that our Avorthy brother may be spared to realise it .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
W $ t JEastfuk ^ tai \ THURSDAY , ]| 2 | g | | | ^ NOV . 22 , 1888 .
Edited bjl W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., 4 c , & o .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all NeAvsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs Avill receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be fonvarded by
the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday . . TERMS , including postage , payable in adA ance : — United Kingdom and Countries conu'rised Places not in ( j i-ncrnl comprised in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . via Drindisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . . . . 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d .
Three Months ... Is . 9 d . . . . 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od . Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . C , to the Printers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to them .
All other communications , letters , & c . to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , London , E . C . " Publishing Offices ; 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . C ,
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
*„* We do not hold ourselves resjionsible for the opinions expressed by our Correspondents . CLOSING OF LODGES IN 2 ND AND 3 RD DEGREES .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIB AND BROTHER , I have taken THE MASONIC STAB from the period of its birth , and congratulate you on the growing progress of your " LeAvis . " Particularly interesting to me is the answer you haA e given to Bro . SaAver in this day ' s number . HoAvever any W . M . can excuse
himself in omitting the ritual and beautiful ceremonial of closing the M . M . Lodge is to me a great puzzle . I could never find any " authority vested in me , & c ., & c " , and as AA'e are bound by "Constitutions" to Avatch that the "ancient landmarks , & c , & c " , it behoves all W . M . ' s to insist upon closing each lodge in due form . I hope this matter Avill be pressed again and again ( if necessary ) upon the attention of the rulers of all Craft Lodges , and that it
Avill be felt that it is insufferable that such a pleasurable and instructiA e ceremony , when neatly performed , Avith just the one , the solitary reference ( AA'hich seems A ery remarkable , and therefore especially to be recognised ) to K . S . Many other points of value to Avhich you have draAA n attention haA'e commended themselves to me , and for which I , as an old Mason , feel delighted to acknoAVledge and to thank you . Yours fraternally
P . M . ( Craft ) . P . M . ( Mark ) , P . H . ( Arch ) , K . T ., P . P . G . O . Devon
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . In reply to P . E . P ., I beg to inform him that the Priory of Malta attached to the St . Cuthbert ' s Preceptory , Darlington , and also the one attached to the Royal Kent , NeAvcastle-upon-Tyne , are both worked regularly , and I believe nearly all the members of
both Preceptories have taken the Malta degree . Yours truly , S . F . BOUSFIELD , P . E . P . P . S . —There Avill be a Priory of . Malta held at Darlington , on Tuesday , circular of which I enclose , and I can assure P . E . P . of a hearty reception if he Avill do us the honour to attend . Darlington . Nov . lGth , 1888 .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAB . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , In answer to "P . E . P ., " the Eminent Preceptor of a Templar Preceptory should be installed a Prior of the Order of Malta before he is entitled to Avear a distinctive badge . Any K . T , Preceptory can , under its warrant , Avork the Malta , and if a f CAV members make
up their minds to work the degree , the ritual is not difficult to learn . I advise those Avishing to perfect themselves in the degree , to attend the meeting of Great Priory , Avhere the Great Sub-Prior ( Col . ShadAvell Gierke ) and his officers do the Avork in excellent style . Yours fraternally , HENRY LOVEGROVE , 26 , Budge Row , E . C . Past Grand Capt . of Guards .
Perpetual Presentations.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR , Ladies , I believe , are not generally credited Avith any ability as regards arithmetic . I dare say I am as incompetent in that respect as others of my sex , but I really am at a loss to understand the f olloAA'ing : —By payment of £ 1 , 050 to either school it appears
a perpetual presentation is secured to any province making such payment . This sum , I presume , is invested , as trust funds usually are , in Government securities , consequently returning at the utmost some £ 31 10 s . per annum interest ; but I find on reference that the average annual cost per pupil in the boys' school is about £ 50 , and in the girls' about £ 47 . It seems to me , therefore , that there must
be a considerable loss to either institution on every transaction of the kind . Any explanation on the subject you can give through the medium of your journal Avill much oblige , Yours truly , A ( LADY ) LIFE GOVERNOR OF BOTH SCHOOLS . My husband is a subscriber to your paper . I don't profess to understand much of it , yet take some slight interest in its contents . NoA'ember 19 th , 1888 .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , In reference to the discussion opened last Aveek , I Avould like to mention my experience . After being raised I attended a Lodge of Instruction . The ceremony of raising in my Lodge made such a
vivid impression on my mind that I was led to consider masonry to be perfection . The same ceremony was presented to me in a Lodge of Instruction in so far different a light that I Avould prefer to draw the veil over my impression there . Should this be ? Fraternally yours , A A ^ ERY YOUNG MASON .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
AV . S rtTAnT , P . M ., Sec . 87 .- Thank yon for the information yon have so kindly sent ns . AVc could Avish that many other Secretaries Avere equally obliging . C . WOODS , 18 G 9 . —Again we are obliged to you , and Ave shall hope to hear from your friend . E . T . GBUBB . —We have sent on your communication to " Bell . " J . N . HoDnKiNSON , AYLESBURY . —AVc are obliged for communication to hand . A brief notice Avas given last Aveek , and Ave regretted then , as wc do IIOAV , that AVant of space prevented detailed particulars of the Interesting event . T . C , P . M . & SKC 157 . —Very sorry . Your report came too late ; and , moreo \ 'cr , the date of meeting Avas so far back that the event had become " ancient historv . "
W.M.'S And Mayors.
Amongst the seA eral brethren AA'ho -will occupy the chairs of thei . t respective lodges as Worshipful Masters , and the chairs of Chief Magistrates of their respective toAATis as Mayors , during the ensuing year , W . Bro . John Knott , W . M . of the " Lodge of the Four Cardinal Virtues , No . 979 " has been elected Mayor of CreAA'e ( Cheshire ) and Ave offer his Worship our hearty congratulations .
The Whittmgton Lodge , No . 862 , held its Installation meeting at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday last , 19 th inst ., Avhen Bro . Wm . Hill , W . M ., installed his successor , Bro . James Irvine , into the chair of K . S . The entire proceedings Avere of the most satisfactory nature and reflected great credit on all concerned . A lengthened report is croAvded out of this Aveek ' s issue .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
MERCHANTS' LODGE—NO . 241 . —Regular Monthly Meeting at the Masonic Hall , Liverpool , on the 13 th inst . There Avas a large attendance of members and other brethren , amongst Avhom Avere several distinguished Prov . Grand Officers . There were two initiations and tAVO passings , and the ceremonies connected thereAvith Avere very ably performed by the W . M . Bro . Capt . Macnab and his
officers . After labour the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The W . M ., in replying to the toast given by P . M . Winser , said it gave him great pleasure to preside over a lodge which had for more than a century done excellent Avork in the province , and he intended to devote theigreater part of his spare time to the furtherance of masonic work . They all knew the interest he took in the West Lane . Masonic Educational Institution , and he would only remind
them that without their help the usefulness of that charity would be greatly impaired . He had , however , no doubt but that the members of the Merchants' Lodge would contribute as readily nOAV as they had done in the past , and , from Avhat he saAV of the good that institution Avas doing , no worthier object could merit their support . A well-arranged programme of music , under the direction of Bro . EAvart , the organist , assisted by Bros . Hogarth , Griffiths , and Latham , & c , Avas performed during the evening .
ARBORETUM—No . 731 . —At the regular meeting of this Lodge , on the 14 th inst ., the Mayor of Derby , Bro . WoodiAviss , the Immediate Past Master , attended . Our distinguished brother Avas initiated in this Lodge about eight years ago , and has been a zealous officer throughout his career . In his response to the toast proposed in his honour , Bro . Woodiwiss ,, referring to the distinction Avhich had been conferred upon him by his fellow citizens , declared that his
aim would be to discharge the duties of the Mayoralty in the same spirit and with the same desire to promote the Avell-being of his felloAvs Avhich had actuated him as a Freemason . There can be no doubt that the prediction of the W . M ., Bro . J . W . Brigg , that Bro . WoodiAviss , in the discharge of his public duties would secure the same amount of confidence and respect Avhich the brethren entertain for him as a craftsman is Avell founded , and Ave trust that our Avorthy brother may be spared to realise it .