Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
JORDAN LODGE—No . 1402 . —At the Masons' Hall , Torquay , DeA'on on Tuesday , the 13 th inst . There Avere present amongst others : — W . Bros . T . Morgan , W . M . ; T . Prust . I . P . M . ; T . H . Wills , S . W . ; J . McKellar , J . W /; T . Crossman , S . D . ; John Taylor . J . D . ; S . Wills . I . G . ; F . Hent , P . M ., Secy . ; J . Dodge , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., Treas . ; J . Chapman , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Chap .: John Lane . P . M ., P . P . G . Reg . ;
J . E . Newton , Tyler ; W . Hersey , G . West , E . Henley , W . Hill . A . ballot was taken for Mr . E . Henley , a candidate for initiation , and he Avas duly admitted into Freemasonry . The charge Avas very ably delivered by the I . P . M ., Bro . Prust . Bro . John Chapman presented the Lodge Avith a framed photograph of an ancient . tracing board . The lodge already possessing some
valuable masonic Avorks , it was resoh ed that a suitable book-case should be provided for them , in order to form the nucleus of a lodge library , Bros . J . Chapman , J . Lane , and J . Taylor promising donations of books and pamphlets . Bro . Chapman consented to reneAV his short addresses , in the form of a Summary of the Masonic events , month by month , and the Lodge Avas then closed .
COVENT GARDEN—No . 1611 . —On Thursday , 15 th inst ., at the Criterion , Piccadilly , W . —Bros . Lichtenfield , W . M . ; Green way , S . W . ; Clare , J . W . ; Brindley , Preceptor ; Noakes , Actg . Secretary ; Lamaire , S . D . ; Cursons , J . D . ; Leary , I . G . ; Hancock , Buxton , and others . The first Section Avas Avorked by the W . M ., second by Bro . Hancock , third by Bro . Greemvay , 1 th by Bro . Clare . The ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . Buxton candidate . Bro . Greemvay , S . W ., Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting .
NORTH LONDON C HAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT—No . 1471 . —On the 15 th inst . at Northampton House , St . Paul ' s Eoad , Canonbury , N ., Companions J . Russell , M . E . Z . ; H . Jenkins , H . ; E . S . Lardner , J . ; J . E . Sheffield , S . E . ; T . C . Edmonds , S . N . ; N . Salmon , P . S . ; W . Wigley , and several other companions . The ceremony of Exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Wigley candidate . Comp . Jenkins , H ., Avas elected M . E . Z ., for the next meeting , and Comp . E . S . Lardner was elected a joining member .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
ROYAL STANDARD—NO . 1298 . —On the Kith mst .. at the Builders ' Arms , St . Paul ' s Road , Canonbury , N . —Bros . Scholtz , W . M . ; Angel , S . W . ; Yeatcs , J . W . ; Cull , Preceptor ; Brown . Acting Secretary ; Airtvy , S . D . ; AV . BI-OAVH , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; Powell , Godwin . ; ind others . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Godwin candidate . Bro . Gull Avas elected W . M . for tho next meeting .
THE GREAT CITY—NO . 14 . 20 . —On Thursday last , at Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . G .. at ( i . 30—Bros . J . Gaskin . W . M . ; J . K . Pitt , S . W . ; J . Tattersall , J . W . : James Stevens , P . M ., Preceptor : II . J . Whitehouse , Acting Sec . and S . D . : Lazarus . J . D . ; Ford , I . G . ; II .
D . Hills , Treas . ; Lillington , W . II . Paddle , Surridge . & c . The ceremony of initiation Avas ably rehearsed , Bro . Paddle candidate , and the second lecture Avas Avorked by the brethren . The fifteen sections are to be Avorked in this lodge this evening , at ( i'iiU . Avhen a large muster of brethren may be anticipated .
RAVENSBOURNE—No . 1 G 01 . —On the 14 th inst ., at the George Inn , Catford—Bros . A . A . DreAV , W . M . ; J . T . Axford , S . AV . ; James Clarke , J . W . ; G . Pickering , S . D . ; Thomas , J . D . ; Reminton . I . G . ; H . ShiiAv , Preceptor ; Atkins , Sec . ; AV . Smith . Treas . ; H . Visgcr , J . Noyes , A . Norris , Hardy Smith . J . Stevens , 0 . Anderson . J . AA .
Peters , D . Scott , opened in first , second and third degrees , Ceremonies of passing and raising Avere rehearsed , Bros . Peters and Scott candidates . Bros . II . J . Brcesc , of the Grosvenor Lodge , No . 1257 , and Templer Down , of the United Pilgrims Lodge , No . 507 , Avere elected members . Bro . J . T . Axford Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek .
. NEAV FINSBURY PARK—NO . 1 G 9 . 1—On Tuesday , 13 th mst ., at the Hornsey AVood Tavern , SeA-en Sisters Road , N . —Bros . McNamara , AV . M . ; Trinder , S . AV . ; Hopwood , J . AV . ; Gush , Preceptor ; Berry , Secretary ; Reed , S . D . ; Frampton , J . D . ; Whitchurch . I . G . ; Salmon ,
Oldis , Pugh , S . Good , Green , and others . The ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . Salmon candidate . The first section , second lecture , and fourth and fifth sections , first lecture , Avere Avorked by Bro . Lardner . Bro . BoAA'den Green Avas elected a joining member , and Bro . Trinder , S . AV .. elected AV . M .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
Jlttfrtfpfllitmt f 0 & 0 ^ atti ( E ljapta . " All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
.. . 65 Prosperity Guildhall Tnv ., Gresham Street 66 Grenadiers P . M . IT . 211 St . Michael's Albion Taw , Aldcrsgate Street 176 William Preston Cannon Street Hotel , K . C . S 58 South Middlesex Beaufort House , Fulham SGI Finsburv 191 , Bishopsgatc Street 871 Royal Oak AVhite Swan Ta \ -., Deptford 1421 Langthorne Swan HotelStratford
, 15 C 3 City of AVcstminster Cafii Royal , Regent Street 1658 Skchnei'wdalo Surrey M . IT . 1816 Victoria Park Queen ' s Hotel , ATctoria Park 1974 St . Mary Abbot ' s TOAVH Hall , Kensington p in . '"' ' 5 St . George's P . M . H . 177 Domatic Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 538 Vane P . M . H .
657 Canonbury Masons' Arms , Basiughall Street 1601 RaA'cusbournc Town Hall , Catford 1623 AVest Smithiield Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street Mark . 211 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall Notting Hill R . C . 97 Rose and Lily 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 4 th ) FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 23 rd . 197 Jerusalem P . M . H . 569 Fitzroy ... Hon . Artillery Co . Hil .-Qrs .. City Road R . A . C . ¦ 1839 Duke of CornAvall F . M . H . ( 4 th ) SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 24 th .
1679 nenry Muggeridgc M . II . Tav ., Coleman St ., E . C . 1700 Orpheus Holborn Restaurant R . A . C . 176 Cavcac Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street ( 4 th ) MONDAY , NOVEMBER 26 th . 4 R . Somerset House & Inverness F . M . H .
26 Castle Lodgo of Harmony ... Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s 28 Old King's Arms F . M . H . 79 Pythagorean Ship Tav ., Greenwich 183 Unity Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 222 St . Andrew ' s Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 902 Burgoyue ... Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street 905 Do Grey and Ripon F . M . II . 1608 Kilburn Queen ' s Arms Hot ., Kilburn Gate
1615 Bayard 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1632 Stuart Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 1745 Farringdon Without Holborn Viaduct Hot . 1828 Shepherd's Bush Athenaeum , Godolphln Road , AV . 1910 Shadwell Clerko 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . R . A . C . 188 . Toppa Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 1201 Eclectic F . M . II . 1537 St . Peter , AVcstminster Ditto R . C . 2 Plantaganet Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W .
Lodge | NAME OP LODGE AND CUAI ' TEU . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 4 th ) TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 27 th . 1-1 Tuscan F . MII
. . 92 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 141 Faith Anderton ' s Hold , Fleet Street 145 Prudent Brethren P . M . 11 . 1 C 5 Honour and Gcueros ity ,.. I nns . of Court Hot ., Lincoln ' s Tun Fields 180 Industry F . M . H . 205 Israel Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 259 Prince of Wales Willis ' s Rooms , St . . James ' s 1158 Southern Star Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1348
Ebury Cufii itoval , Regent- Street , \ V . H 41 Ivy Surrey . U . H ., Camberwell 1744 Royal Savoy F . M . 11 . 2108 Empire Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . R . A . C . 21 Cyprus Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street ISO St , James ' s Union F . M . 11 . 228 United Strength Guildhall TavGresham Street
., 548 Wellington White Swan Hot ., Deptford 890 Hornsey Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 1365 Clapton St . Botolph Chambers , Bishopsgatc 1-172 Henley Three Crowns Hot ., North Woolwich li . O . 29 Palestine 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 4 th ) WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 28 th . 2 Antiquity F . M . II . 201 Jordan Ditto 212 Euphrates Holborn Rest ., W . C . 754 High Cross Seven Sister's Tav ., Tottenham 898 Tenipcrance-in-the-East ... G , Newby Place . Poplar '
1017 Montellore Cafe Royal , llegent Street , AV . 1056 Victoria Guildhall Tav ., Uresliam Street 1540 Chancer Bridge House Hotel . Loudon Bdg ., S . E . 1589 St . Dunstan ' s Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1719 Evening Star F . M . H . 1768 Progros Ditto 1818 Clapham Army & Navy Hot ., Victoria St ., S AV . 1820 Sir Thomas White Holborn Viaduct Hotel
R . A . C . 157 Bedford F . M . II . ll . C . 41 Bard of Avon 33 , Golden Square , AV . R . X . 15 St . Andrew ' s 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . ( . - . th ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 2 i ) fch .
22 Neptune Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1524 Duke of Connaught Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 21 U 2 Highbury Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 704 Camden Anderton ' s Hot ,, Fleet Street N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to ns in sufticicnt time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
JORDAN LODGE—No . 1402 . —At the Masons' Hall , Torquay , DeA'on on Tuesday , the 13 th inst . There Avere present amongst others : — W . Bros . T . Morgan , W . M . ; T . Prust . I . P . M . ; T . H . Wills , S . W . ; J . McKellar , J . W /; T . Crossman , S . D . ; John Taylor . J . D . ; S . Wills . I . G . ; F . Hent , P . M ., Secy . ; J . Dodge , P . M ., P . P . G . T ., Treas . ; J . Chapman , P . M ., P . P . G . S . D ., Chap .: John Lane . P . M ., P . P . G . Reg . ;
J . E . Newton , Tyler ; W . Hersey , G . West , E . Henley , W . Hill . A . ballot was taken for Mr . E . Henley , a candidate for initiation , and he Avas duly admitted into Freemasonry . The charge Avas very ably delivered by the I . P . M ., Bro . Prust . Bro . John Chapman presented the Lodge Avith a framed photograph of an ancient . tracing board . The lodge already possessing some
valuable masonic Avorks , it was resoh ed that a suitable book-case should be provided for them , in order to form the nucleus of a lodge library , Bros . J . Chapman , J . Lane , and J . Taylor promising donations of books and pamphlets . Bro . Chapman consented to reneAV his short addresses , in the form of a Summary of the Masonic events , month by month , and the Lodge Avas then closed .
COVENT GARDEN—No . 1611 . —On Thursday , 15 th inst ., at the Criterion , Piccadilly , W . —Bros . Lichtenfield , W . M . ; Green way , S . W . ; Clare , J . W . ; Brindley , Preceptor ; Noakes , Actg . Secretary ; Lamaire , S . D . ; Cursons , J . D . ; Leary , I . G . ; Hancock , Buxton , and others . The first Section Avas Avorked by the W . M ., second by Bro . Hancock , third by Bro . Greemvay , 1 th by Bro . Clare . The ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . Buxton candidate . Bro . Greemvay , S . W ., Avas elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting .
NORTH LONDON C HAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT—No . 1471 . —On the 15 th inst . at Northampton House , St . Paul ' s Eoad , Canonbury , N ., Companions J . Russell , M . E . Z . ; H . Jenkins , H . ; E . S . Lardner , J . ; J . E . Sheffield , S . E . ; T . C . Edmonds , S . N . ; N . Salmon , P . S . ; W . Wigley , and several other companions . The ceremony of Exaltation Avas rehearsed , Comp . Wigley candidate . Comp . Jenkins , H ., Avas elected M . E . Z ., for the next meeting , and Comp . E . S . Lardner was elected a joining member .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
ROYAL STANDARD—NO . 1298 . —On the Kith mst .. at the Builders ' Arms , St . Paul ' s Road , Canonbury , N . —Bros . Scholtz , W . M . ; Angel , S . W . ; Yeatcs , J . W . ; Cull , Preceptor ; Brown . Acting Secretary ; Airtvy , S . D . ; AV . BI-OAVH , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; Powell , Godwin . ; ind others . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Godwin candidate . Bro . Gull Avas elected W . M . for tho next meeting .
THE GREAT CITY—NO . 14 . 20 . —On Thursday last , at Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . G .. at ( i . 30—Bros . J . Gaskin . W . M . ; J . K . Pitt , S . W . ; J . Tattersall , J . W . : James Stevens , P . M ., Preceptor : II . J . Whitehouse , Acting Sec . and S . D . : Lazarus . J . D . ; Ford , I . G . ; II .
D . Hills , Treas . ; Lillington , W . II . Paddle , Surridge . & c . The ceremony of initiation Avas ably rehearsed , Bro . Paddle candidate , and the second lecture Avas Avorked by the brethren . The fifteen sections are to be Avorked in this lodge this evening , at ( i'iiU . Avhen a large muster of brethren may be anticipated .
RAVENSBOURNE—No . 1 G 01 . —On the 14 th inst ., at the George Inn , Catford—Bros . A . A . DreAV , W . M . ; J . T . Axford , S . AV . ; James Clarke , J . W . ; G . Pickering , S . D . ; Thomas , J . D . ; Reminton . I . G . ; H . ShiiAv , Preceptor ; Atkins , Sec . ; AV . Smith . Treas . ; H . Visgcr , J . Noyes , A . Norris , Hardy Smith . J . Stevens , 0 . Anderson . J . AA .
Peters , D . Scott , opened in first , second and third degrees , Ceremonies of passing and raising Avere rehearsed , Bros . Peters and Scott candidates . Bros . II . J . Brcesc , of the Grosvenor Lodge , No . 1257 , and Templer Down , of the United Pilgrims Lodge , No . 507 , Avere elected members . Bro . J . T . Axford Avas elected AV . M . for the ensuing Aveek .
. NEAV FINSBURY PARK—NO . 1 G 9 . 1—On Tuesday , 13 th mst ., at the Hornsey AVood Tavern , SeA-en Sisters Road , N . —Bros . McNamara , AV . M . ; Trinder , S . AV . ; Hopwood , J . AV . ; Gush , Preceptor ; Berry , Secretary ; Reed , S . D . ; Frampton , J . D . ; Whitchurch . I . G . ; Salmon ,
Oldis , Pugh , S . Good , Green , and others . The ceremony of passing Avas rehearsed , Bro . Salmon candidate . The first section , second lecture , and fourth and fifth sections , first lecture , Avere Avorked by Bro . Lardner . Bro . BoAA'den Green Avas elected a joining member , and Bro . Trinder , S . AV .. elected AV . M .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
Jlttfrtfpfllitmt f 0 & 0 ^ atti ( E ljapta . " All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
.. . 65 Prosperity Guildhall Tnv ., Gresham Street 66 Grenadiers P . M . IT . 211 St . Michael's Albion Taw , Aldcrsgate Street 176 William Preston Cannon Street Hotel , K . C . S 58 South Middlesex Beaufort House , Fulham SGI Finsburv 191 , Bishopsgatc Street 871 Royal Oak AVhite Swan Ta \ -., Deptford 1421 Langthorne Swan HotelStratford
, 15 C 3 City of AVcstminster Cafii Royal , Regent Street 1658 Skchnei'wdalo Surrey M . IT . 1816 Victoria Park Queen ' s Hotel , ATctoria Park 1974 St . Mary Abbot ' s TOAVH Hall , Kensington p in . '"' ' 5 St . George's P . M . H . 177 Domatic Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 538 Vane P . M . H .
657 Canonbury Masons' Arms , Basiughall Street 1601 RaA'cusbournc Town Hall , Catford 1623 AVest Smithiield Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street Mark . 211 Earl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall Notting Hill R . C . 97 Rose and Lily 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 4 th ) FRIDAY , NOVEMBER 23 rd . 197 Jerusalem P . M . H . 569 Fitzroy ... Hon . Artillery Co . Hil .-Qrs .. City Road R . A . C . ¦ 1839 Duke of CornAvall F . M . H . ( 4 th ) SATURDAY , NOVEMBER 24 th .
1679 nenry Muggeridgc M . II . Tav ., Coleman St ., E . C . 1700 Orpheus Holborn Restaurant R . A . C . 176 Cavcac Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street ( 4 th ) MONDAY , NOVEMBER 26 th . 4 R . Somerset House & Inverness F . M . H .
26 Castle Lodgo of Harmony ... Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s 28 Old King's Arms F . M . H . 79 Pythagorean Ship Tav ., Greenwich 183 Unity Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street 222 St . Andrew ' s Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 902 Burgoyue ... Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street 905 Do Grey and Ripon F . M . II . 1608 Kilburn Queen ' s Arms Hot ., Kilburn Gate
1615 Bayard 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1632 Stuart Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 1745 Farringdon Without Holborn Viaduct Hot . 1828 Shepherd's Bush Athenaeum , Godolphln Road , AV . 1910 Shadwell Clerko 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . R . A . C . 188 . Toppa Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 1201 Eclectic F . M . II . 1537 St . Peter , AVcstminster Ditto R . C . 2 Plantaganet Cafe Royal , Regent Street , W .
Lodge | NAME OP LODGE AND CUAI ' TEU . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 4 th ) TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 27 th . 1-1 Tuscan F . MII
. . 92 Moira Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street 141 Faith Anderton ' s Hold , Fleet Street 145 Prudent Brethren P . M . 11 . 1 C 5 Honour and Gcueros ity ,.. I nns . of Court Hot ., Lincoln ' s Tun Fields 180 Industry F . M . H . 205 Israel Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 259 Prince of Wales Willis ' s Rooms , St . . James ' s 1158 Southern Star Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1348
Ebury Cufii itoval , Regent- Street , \ V . H 41 Ivy Surrey . U . H ., Camberwell 1744 Royal Savoy F . M . 11 . 2108 Empire Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . R . A . C . 21 Cyprus Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street ISO St , James ' s Union F . M . 11 . 228 United Strength Guildhall TavGresham Street
., 548 Wellington White Swan Hot ., Deptford 890 Hornsey Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 1365 Clapton St . Botolph Chambers , Bishopsgatc 1-172 Henley Three Crowns Hot ., North Woolwich li . O . 29 Palestine 33 , Golden Square , AV .
( 4 th ) WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 28 th . 2 Antiquity F . M . II . 201 Jordan Ditto 212 Euphrates Holborn Rest ., W . C . 754 High Cross Seven Sister's Tav ., Tottenham 898 Tenipcrance-in-the-East ... G , Newby Place . Poplar '
1017 Montellore Cafe Royal , llegent Street , AV . 1056 Victoria Guildhall Tav ., Uresliam Street 1540 Chancer Bridge House Hotel . Loudon Bdg ., S . E . 1589 St . Dunstan ' s Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1719 Evening Star F . M . H . 1768 Progros Ditto 1818 Clapham Army & Navy Hot ., Victoria St ., S AV . 1820 Sir Thomas White Holborn Viaduct Hotel
R . A . C . 157 Bedford F . M . II . ll . C . 41 Bard of Avon 33 , Golden Square , AV . R . X . 15 St . Andrew ' s 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . ( . - . th ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 2 i ) fch .
22 Neptune Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street 1524 Duke of Connaught Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 21 U 2 Highbury Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 704 Camden Anderton ' s Hot ,, Fleet Street N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to ns in sufticicnt time . —ED . M . S .