Article Lodge Officers. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodge Officers. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF A NEW LODGE. Page 1 of 1
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Lodge Officers.
Lodge Officers .
THEIR QUALIFICATIONS , DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES . " T "\ ISTINCTIONS amongst men are necessary to preserve JL - ) subordination . " Such are the Avords of the Masonic Ritual in explanation of our symbol of equality the Level . At first view it seems paradoxical that Avhere perfect equality springing out of mystic union exists , there should be such " distinction" as is
expressed by the appointment or election of " rulers and governors , supreme and subordinate . " But , in point of fact , there is no paradox . The constitution of our Order and its laws and regulations are of a purely democratic character , and every brother has the exercise of an equal right in respect of the manner in which , and the persons by Avhom . the conduct of proceedings , not only in
his OAVII Lodge , but m that higher body from which its character is derived , shall be undertaken . In the universal suffrage by which each subscribing Member of the Craft can declare his OAVII mind as to A \ ho should in the first place rule and govern his particular Lodge and be his legitimate delegate for the purpose of subordinate appointments therein , and in the second place his representative in
the election of the " Chief Head and Ruler , " is to be found that equality which is one of the characteristics of our Order . It is , therefore , of the utmost importance that the great power Avhich such equality confers should be not only carefully preserved but judiciously exercised , and that each and all of its possessors should knoAv hoAv to use it as occasion may require . We purpose to submit our vieAVS on this matter , and set before our readers , from Aveek to
Aveek , Avhat Ave hope may be valuable hints and information as to the qualifications Avhich candidates for office should possess , the nature of the duties which devolve upon them in their respective appointments , and the responsibilities which attach to them in regard to the faithful discharge of such duties . Without further argument in support of our intention than is aboA r e Avritten , Ave introduce the first of our Lodge Officers ,
® f | £ jDtttp & fiipjxtl Stefan THERE are many Members of our Craft who have no conception of the symbolism connected Avith the important and dignified position of the Chief Ruler of a Lodge of Freemasons . Beyond the statement that his Collar of Office is the highest honour it is in the power of the Lodge to bestoAV , their minds are perfectly unenlightened as to the attributes Avhich distinguish his title of " Worshipful
Master . " The gavel Avith Avhich he has been entrusted for purposes of Order merely completes in their estimation the necessary complement of ordinary Chairmanship ; for they have forgotten , if indeed they have ever heard , the solitary reference to his grand prototype , which in the course of ceremonial is , or should be , enunciated . In order that they might Avell consider before using
their prerogative of suffrage , such Brethren should knoAV that the occupant of the Eastern Chair is the representative of King Solomon , and is the chief of the three pillars which support a Lodge . His symbol , as such support , is the Ionic Column of Architecture , denominated by Freemasons the Pillar of Wisdom , representing Avhich his business is to exert his judgment and penetration in
contriving the most proper and efficient means tor completing the intended Avork of Avhatsoever nature it may be , or , in other words , to instruct his Brethren in all matters connected with the system of Freemasonry . To qualify him for such position and business , it should be absolutely necessary , and not merely presumed , that he should possess in an enlarged degree those several excellences Avhich
are set forth in the questions addressed to him prior to his Installation . He should have evinced during the Avhole of his Membership and by the discharge of the duties of subordinate offices his untiring zeal on behalf of the Institution and the Avelfare of his Lodge , and have acquired administrative skill as Avell as a knoAvledge of the science and its landmarks . His courtesy of manner should
be beyond all question , for , unless the "suaviter in modo" is combined Avith the " fortiter in re , " offence is easily given and frequently too readily taken . There should be no reservation in the matter of firmness of principle , for any lapse in that respect cannot fail to bring discredit on Master and Lodge alike . He should be Avell conversant Avith ceremonial ritual and fully understand its
meaning both in regard to symbolism and verbiage , for insufficiency in that regard excites feelings of shame and regret amongst the Brethren for the choice they have made in selecting him for supreme authority . And Avhilst thus referring to some feAV of the many qualifications for the position of Worshipful Master , we cannot refrain from condemning that departure from ancient practice by
Avhich the presentation to a Board of Installed Masters , for the purpo . se of ascertaining and reporting on the suitability of the candidate for the Master's Chair prior to his election is made void and of no effect . On this subject Ave shall probably dilate at greater length in future issues . As matters now stand , except as to some most honourable exceptions , the presentation of a Candidate
to a duly qualified board before Installation is entirely neglected , and thereby one of the greatest safeguards to the general Avelfare of our Lodges removed . The duties of the Worshipful Master during the period of his tenure of Office are at once onerous and numerous . In him , not-Avithstanding the share in the Avell-ruling and governing of the
Lodge Avhich his Wardens have , is vested the chief power and the fullest responsibility . His , therefore , should be a master mind , strong in judgment and purpose , and subject to no extraneous controlling influence which might interfere with the general good . Whilst he should not stray from beaten tracks Avhich have led to perfect Avorking and harmonious relaxation , there might arise opportunities for still further advancing the quality of the former and
Lodge Officers.
duties is that of selecting his principal Officers , and herein he may adA'ance or retard his Lodge , as he may prove firm , or otherwise , in his nominations . We are not alone in thinking that if Brethren have not previously made themselves fully able to discharge the obligations they are generally so ready to take Avhen offered to them , they should not be chosen for Officers of a Lodge , rota ,
increasing the enjoyment of the latter . In such instances A \ hat his predecessors have or have not done should be no consideration of his , if otherAvise certified that he thinks aright . So shall the Master mind do Master ' s Avork , and setting aside faulty stereotyped custom and dull routine make still further progress in liberal art and science . Amongst the most important of the Worshipful Master ' s
social position , or any other external influence notAvithstanding . And this equally applies to the Offices beloAV the Chairs , in respect of AAdiich our subsequent articles Avill contain remarks . For a particular duty relating to the proper record of all proceedings in his Lodge and of the financial accounts , AA e need only refer to the requirements of the Book of Constitutions , with
the full contents of Avhich every Worshipful Master should consider it a point of honour to be thoroughly acquainted . Amongst other responsibilities that devolve upon him is the maintenance of peace and harmony Avithin his Lodge , for Avhich purpose he is armed with the poAver to enforce strict , immediate and effectiA e control , such as no other body or society of men on eartii , no meeting or assemblage ,
is under : and it is distinctly his oAvn fault if he permits the slightest departure from Masonic discipline , A \ -hilst it is equally his privilege to use the power with Avhich he has been entrusted in the promotion of the prosperity of the Lodge and the happiness of its members . In the matter of example folloAving upon precept there is yet another responsibility Avhich devolves upon the occupant of the
Chair of K . S ., for nothing can possibly be so injurious to the welfare of Freemasonry than that the Brethren should find in the person of their ruler and the exponent of all the moral teachings of the Order one AA'ho does not himself practice that which he professes and counsels others to pursue ; and moreover , as the " profane " judge , and reasonably so , of the character and respectability of the
Institution by the general demeanour of individuals connected there . Avith in their every day life , a more than ordinary responsibility attaches to the sayings and doings of its recognised leaders and rulers , and any lapse from the ordinary duties of morality on their part is visited Avith proportionate severity on the general body of Freemasons .
The Installation by the W . M . of a Lodge of his successor to the chair of K . S ., although not one of the canons of Freemasonry , is nevertheless a duty Avhich should devolve upon and be performed by him as the crowning Avork of his year of office . The delegation of that duty to any other Brother is tantamount to a confession of inability , which derogates from the proud title of " Past Master of the
Art , " and materially lessens the satisfaction Avith Avhich the customary acknoAvledgment of perfect service may be regarded alike by the recipient as by those Avho are aware of the insufficiency of merit . The P . M . ' s presentation jewel is , or should be , a mark of the fullest appreciation of the thorough discharge of all precedent duties , and an evidence that the Avearer thereof can afford all
necessary instruction in respect of everj r Craft ceremonial . Amongst other duties and responsibilities of the W . M . may be briefly stated —( for space in this number is Avanting for a fuller exposition)—the importance of observing punctuality in the opening of the Lodge , and the calculation of time so as to ensure a calm and deliberate performance of the Avork set out by him on each occasion
of meeting ; the prevention of any breach of constitutional LIAV by the introduction of regalia or symbols , as jeAvels , „ c , not in strict accordance Avith pure and ancient Masonry ; the retention in his OAVII hands of the fees for AA'hich he Avill have personally to account to the Grand Lodge : and the cautious exercise of any privilege arising out of custom ( for there is no direct authority given him except under
peculiar circumstances ) for the admission of any person for initiation unless such candidate shall have been regularly proposed and seconded in accordance Avith the rules of the Constitution . On these points , and on others Avhich may be of equal interest , Ave propose on some future occasion , and after having directed attention to the duties of other Officers , to address our readers . Our next article will introduce the Senior Warden .
WE launch our venture amidst the hearty good wishes and promises of a very large number of our Masonic friends and acquaintances , who give us such encouragement as will stimulate us to the utmost exertions to make our Journal a useful and popular exponent of the Craft . Whatever former misgivings there may have been as to the proportion of reading Freemasons to the
many thousands of Brethren connected with our Order , we indulge the hope that Ave shall be enabled to make our pages of great interest to all . THE MASONIC STAR shall bo their paper if they please to make it so , and Ave their faithful and zealous servants . If they will support us in our laudable undertaking—for laudable it is
admitted to be on all hands—we shall shine , Ave hope , for many years : and it will rest Avith the groat majority of our fellow-craftsmen to intimate the period at which our endeavours should terminate . Meanwhile , Ave cherish the fondest anticipations of success , and banish all apprehension of disappointment , for
" Doubts arc traitors , \ ml make us lose tltc good we oft might win lly fearing to attempt . "
Consecration Of A New Lodge.
ST . PANCRAS —No . 2 , 271 , August 4 th , at Midland Grand Hotel , St . Pancras . London , by the Grand Secretary . V . W . Bro . Sluulwe . ll ' . II . Gierke . First W . M ., Bro . Sir R . N . Fowler . Bart . P . G . W . : S . W .. Bro . John Powdrell , M . D . ; and J . W .. Bro . II . II . Graham . Bro . W . A . Seurrah , P . P . S . of W . Middlesex , is the first appointed Secretary .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Officers.
Lodge Officers .
THEIR QUALIFICATIONS , DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES . " T "\ ISTINCTIONS amongst men are necessary to preserve JL - ) subordination . " Such are the Avords of the Masonic Ritual in explanation of our symbol of equality the Level . At first view it seems paradoxical that Avhere perfect equality springing out of mystic union exists , there should be such " distinction" as is
expressed by the appointment or election of " rulers and governors , supreme and subordinate . " But , in point of fact , there is no paradox . The constitution of our Order and its laws and regulations are of a purely democratic character , and every brother has the exercise of an equal right in respect of the manner in which , and the persons by Avhom . the conduct of proceedings , not only in
his OAVII Lodge , but m that higher body from which its character is derived , shall be undertaken . In the universal suffrage by which each subscribing Member of the Craft can declare his OAVII mind as to A \ ho should in the first place rule and govern his particular Lodge and be his legitimate delegate for the purpose of subordinate appointments therein , and in the second place his representative in
the election of the " Chief Head and Ruler , " is to be found that equality which is one of the characteristics of our Order . It is , therefore , of the utmost importance that the great power Avhich such equality confers should be not only carefully preserved but judiciously exercised , and that each and all of its possessors should knoAv hoAv to use it as occasion may require . We purpose to submit our vieAVS on this matter , and set before our readers , from Aveek to
Aveek , Avhat Ave hope may be valuable hints and information as to the qualifications Avhich candidates for office should possess , the nature of the duties which devolve upon them in their respective appointments , and the responsibilities which attach to them in regard to the faithful discharge of such duties . Without further argument in support of our intention than is aboA r e Avritten , Ave introduce the first of our Lodge Officers ,
® f | £ jDtttp & fiipjxtl Stefan THERE are many Members of our Craft who have no conception of the symbolism connected Avith the important and dignified position of the Chief Ruler of a Lodge of Freemasons . Beyond the statement that his Collar of Office is the highest honour it is in the power of the Lodge to bestoAV , their minds are perfectly unenlightened as to the attributes Avhich distinguish his title of " Worshipful
Master . " The gavel Avith Avhich he has been entrusted for purposes of Order merely completes in their estimation the necessary complement of ordinary Chairmanship ; for they have forgotten , if indeed they have ever heard , the solitary reference to his grand prototype , which in the course of ceremonial is , or should be , enunciated . In order that they might Avell consider before using
their prerogative of suffrage , such Brethren should knoAV that the occupant of the Eastern Chair is the representative of King Solomon , and is the chief of the three pillars which support a Lodge . His symbol , as such support , is the Ionic Column of Architecture , denominated by Freemasons the Pillar of Wisdom , representing Avhich his business is to exert his judgment and penetration in
contriving the most proper and efficient means tor completing the intended Avork of Avhatsoever nature it may be , or , in other words , to instruct his Brethren in all matters connected with the system of Freemasonry . To qualify him for such position and business , it should be absolutely necessary , and not merely presumed , that he should possess in an enlarged degree those several excellences Avhich
are set forth in the questions addressed to him prior to his Installation . He should have evinced during the Avhole of his Membership and by the discharge of the duties of subordinate offices his untiring zeal on behalf of the Institution and the Avelfare of his Lodge , and have acquired administrative skill as Avell as a knoAvledge of the science and its landmarks . His courtesy of manner should
be beyond all question , for , unless the "suaviter in modo" is combined Avith the " fortiter in re , " offence is easily given and frequently too readily taken . There should be no reservation in the matter of firmness of principle , for any lapse in that respect cannot fail to bring discredit on Master and Lodge alike . He should be Avell conversant Avith ceremonial ritual and fully understand its
meaning both in regard to symbolism and verbiage , for insufficiency in that regard excites feelings of shame and regret amongst the Brethren for the choice they have made in selecting him for supreme authority . And Avhilst thus referring to some feAV of the many qualifications for the position of Worshipful Master , we cannot refrain from condemning that departure from ancient practice by
Avhich the presentation to a Board of Installed Masters , for the purpo . se of ascertaining and reporting on the suitability of the candidate for the Master's Chair prior to his election is made void and of no effect . On this subject Ave shall probably dilate at greater length in future issues . As matters now stand , except as to some most honourable exceptions , the presentation of a Candidate
to a duly qualified board before Installation is entirely neglected , and thereby one of the greatest safeguards to the general Avelfare of our Lodges removed . The duties of the Worshipful Master during the period of his tenure of Office are at once onerous and numerous . In him , not-Avithstanding the share in the Avell-ruling and governing of the
Lodge Avhich his Wardens have , is vested the chief power and the fullest responsibility . His , therefore , should be a master mind , strong in judgment and purpose , and subject to no extraneous controlling influence which might interfere with the general good . Whilst he should not stray from beaten tracks Avhich have led to perfect Avorking and harmonious relaxation , there might arise opportunities for still further advancing the quality of the former and
Lodge Officers.
duties is that of selecting his principal Officers , and herein he may adA'ance or retard his Lodge , as he may prove firm , or otherwise , in his nominations . We are not alone in thinking that if Brethren have not previously made themselves fully able to discharge the obligations they are generally so ready to take Avhen offered to them , they should not be chosen for Officers of a Lodge , rota ,
increasing the enjoyment of the latter . In such instances A \ hat his predecessors have or have not done should be no consideration of his , if otherAvise certified that he thinks aright . So shall the Master mind do Master ' s Avork , and setting aside faulty stereotyped custom and dull routine make still further progress in liberal art and science . Amongst the most important of the Worshipful Master ' s
social position , or any other external influence notAvithstanding . And this equally applies to the Offices beloAV the Chairs , in respect of AAdiich our subsequent articles Avill contain remarks . For a particular duty relating to the proper record of all proceedings in his Lodge and of the financial accounts , AA e need only refer to the requirements of the Book of Constitutions , with
the full contents of Avhich every Worshipful Master should consider it a point of honour to be thoroughly acquainted . Amongst other responsibilities that devolve upon him is the maintenance of peace and harmony Avithin his Lodge , for Avhich purpose he is armed with the poAver to enforce strict , immediate and effectiA e control , such as no other body or society of men on eartii , no meeting or assemblage ,
is under : and it is distinctly his oAvn fault if he permits the slightest departure from Masonic discipline , A \ -hilst it is equally his privilege to use the power with Avhich he has been entrusted in the promotion of the prosperity of the Lodge and the happiness of its members . In the matter of example folloAving upon precept there is yet another responsibility Avhich devolves upon the occupant of the
Chair of K . S ., for nothing can possibly be so injurious to the welfare of Freemasonry than that the Brethren should find in the person of their ruler and the exponent of all the moral teachings of the Order one AA'ho does not himself practice that which he professes and counsels others to pursue ; and moreover , as the " profane " judge , and reasonably so , of the character and respectability of the
Institution by the general demeanour of individuals connected there . Avith in their every day life , a more than ordinary responsibility attaches to the sayings and doings of its recognised leaders and rulers , and any lapse from the ordinary duties of morality on their part is visited Avith proportionate severity on the general body of Freemasons .
The Installation by the W . M . of a Lodge of his successor to the chair of K . S ., although not one of the canons of Freemasonry , is nevertheless a duty Avhich should devolve upon and be performed by him as the crowning Avork of his year of office . The delegation of that duty to any other Brother is tantamount to a confession of inability , which derogates from the proud title of " Past Master of the
Art , " and materially lessens the satisfaction Avith Avhich the customary acknoAvledgment of perfect service may be regarded alike by the recipient as by those Avho are aware of the insufficiency of merit . The P . M . ' s presentation jewel is , or should be , a mark of the fullest appreciation of the thorough discharge of all precedent duties , and an evidence that the Avearer thereof can afford all
necessary instruction in respect of everj r Craft ceremonial . Amongst other duties and responsibilities of the W . M . may be briefly stated —( for space in this number is Avanting for a fuller exposition)—the importance of observing punctuality in the opening of the Lodge , and the calculation of time so as to ensure a calm and deliberate performance of the Avork set out by him on each occasion
of meeting ; the prevention of any breach of constitutional LIAV by the introduction of regalia or symbols , as jeAvels , „ c , not in strict accordance Avith pure and ancient Masonry ; the retention in his OAVII hands of the fees for AA'hich he Avill have personally to account to the Grand Lodge : and the cautious exercise of any privilege arising out of custom ( for there is no direct authority given him except under
peculiar circumstances ) for the admission of any person for initiation unless such candidate shall have been regularly proposed and seconded in accordance Avith the rules of the Constitution . On these points , and on others Avhich may be of equal interest , Ave propose on some future occasion , and after having directed attention to the duties of other Officers , to address our readers . Our next article will introduce the Senior Warden .
WE launch our venture amidst the hearty good wishes and promises of a very large number of our Masonic friends and acquaintances , who give us such encouragement as will stimulate us to the utmost exertions to make our Journal a useful and popular exponent of the Craft . Whatever former misgivings there may have been as to the proportion of reading Freemasons to the
many thousands of Brethren connected with our Order , we indulge the hope that Ave shall be enabled to make our pages of great interest to all . THE MASONIC STAR shall bo their paper if they please to make it so , and Ave their faithful and zealous servants . If they will support us in our laudable undertaking—for laudable it is
admitted to be on all hands—we shall shine , Ave hope , for many years : and it will rest Avith the groat majority of our fellow-craftsmen to intimate the period at which our endeavours should terminate . Meanwhile , Ave cherish the fondest anticipations of success , and banish all apprehension of disappointment , for
" Doubts arc traitors , \ ml make us lose tltc good we oft might win lly fearing to attempt . "
Consecration Of A New Lodge.
ST . PANCRAS —No . 2 , 271 , August 4 th , at Midland Grand Hotel , St . Pancras . London , by the Grand Secretary . V . W . Bro . Sluulwe . ll ' . II . Gierke . First W . M ., Bro . Sir R . N . Fowler . Bart . P . G . W . : S . W .. Bro . John Powdrell , M . D . ; and J . W .. Bro . II . II . Graham . Bro . W . A . Seurrah , P . P . S . of W . Middlesex , is the first appointed Secretary .