Article OUR TRESTLS BOARD. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGES Page 1 of 1 Article PRIVATE LODGE MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Our Trestls Board.
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
The Editor , to the English Craft : — BRETHREN , It has been said that too much publicity is given to the proceedings of Freemasonry in the present day , and that "Cowans " can gain intelligence Avith regard to our esoteric mysteries and hidden meanings with greater ease than in ancient times .
Therefore , it is argued by some , there should be no "light whatever communicated beyond the four Avails of the Lodge itself , nor instruction afforded to any but those Avho seek it from the lips of qualified teachers . It is a great mistake in this age of enlightenment to suppose that it could be possible to work in darkness Avith impunity . The absolute necessity Avhich arises by contact Avith the
outer Avorld in the discharge of the duties Ave undertake on behalf of many sections of the great human family prevents the possibility of shrouding from some amount of publicity the entire arcana of our Order . But there is this distinction , that AA hilst it is not advisable that darkness should altogether prevail , the light Avhich is permitted should be meted out Avith the utmost discrimination . Let us hasten
to assure our readers that such discrimination Avill characterise the pages of THE MASONIC STAR . But little Avhich has not already in some form or other passed through the press , although it may most probably be clothed in other language , " the same figure in a neAv dress , " Avill appear in our columns . To those who " strain at gnats and SAvalloAV camels , " Avho condemn Masonic writings yet use pernicious and misleading "books" to find a royal road to knoAvledge
Avhich never yet Avas made , Ave say in all kindness and courtesy do not too readily misjudge our intent , but-patiently await the derclop-¦ ment of our plans and designs . If these in any degree offend against the ethics of Freemasonry , then let our condemnation be full and complete in every respect : but should they , on the contrary , be considered deserving of acceptance , we trust the contract for executing the Avork Ave shall have designed Avill receive the support Ave HOAV solicit . THE EDITOR .
These be days of Royal Commissions and Committees of Enquiry , of doubtings and mistrusts , insinuations and charges , scrutinies and investigations , and not infrequently of "searches for needles in pottles of hay ! " " Our Boys' " School is , it appears , not to escape the trouble and expense attending the catechism of certain quidnuncs , for the most part Ave regret to observe anonymous , Avho fancy that a shadoAv here and there in the elevation of a noble
building must of necessity be purposely " dark corners " in Avhich all sorts of evil designs can be devised and nurtured . AVe had intended giving expression to our OAVII opinions on recent events relating to the School" in this the first number of our journal , but the necessary self-introductions and preliminary notices of our plans and designs have lessened the space at our disposal , and Ave shall defer our remarks till next Aveek .
^ ^ ^ ^ There is plenty of time for deliberation in respect of past and future management of the Boys' School , and the appointed enquiry need not be too greatly hurried . Meanwhile , hoAvever , it will be very regrettable if a certain resolution , passed in a Provincial
Grand Lodge and having a tendency to lessen the support Avhich the School requires should become anything more than an exception to the exercise of true Masonic feeling toAvards the institution noAv the subject of , as Ave believe , so much slander and misrepresentation . Fiat just it ia mat Caelum ! by all means , but don't let the Boys suffer .
We Avould rather' commend as an example , the action of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex , as reported in another column . Such recognition of the necessity for lending a helping hand at a critical moment redounds to the honour of a province already justly famed for practical Freemasonry .
By-the-bye , we may ask Avhether "Our Boys '" School is a benevolent or a charitable institution ? There ' s a vast difference in the meaning of the respective terms ! We incline to the belief that the Craft have long ceased to look upon our boys and girls as " ob j ects ;" and Avith this regard it would almost seem that the scale of Charity expenditure is scarcely applicable to Avhat the Craft desires in connection Avith our benevolent institutions .
Amongst other matters relating to the Boys' School , a paragraph which recently appeared in more than one London neAvspaper has been the subject of discussion , as Avell at the recent Quarterly Court of Governors as at a subsequent General Committee . It had been publicly stated that the circumstances of the nearest relative of a pupil now in the institution had considerably
bettered since the date of his entry , and it was suggested that the privileges obtained by his election ought therefore to be AvithdraAvn or , at any rate , that a more necessitous case should take his place . But that a positive denial of a statement evidently made in good faith and in a spirit of fair dealing , but Avithout a perfect knowledge of surrounding circumstances , is
advisable alike for the institution as for the parties concerned , Ave should not have referred to it . It may , however , be satisfactory to the general body of subscribers to knoAV that , after the closest possible investigation and most satisfactory explanation from AvellknoAvn brethren , the authorities can see no reason for disturbing present arrangements ; and the supporters of the School may be assured that in respect of this case no Avreng Avhatever has been done .
Reports Of Lodge Meetings.
Reports of Lodge Meetings .
Our REPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges who may be willing to assist our endeavours to spread information . We sliall increase the number of our pages as may be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request them to condense , as much as tlicy consistently can , the information they may 6 c disposed to send lis . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 38 , Bow Lane , London .
% * The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR has been opened most satisfactorily , and we shall be pleased to hear from otMr Brethren willing to support us .
Provincial Grand Lodges
MEETINGS , AUGUST 1 st to 23 rd .
ESSEX . —August 9 th , at the Corn Exchange , Colchester , the Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . Lord Brooke , M . P ., presiding . The audit reports stioAved satisfactory balances in favour of the general and charity funds respectively . The increase in number of Lodges in this province since 1882 has been from 19 to 28 , and of members from 866 to 1 , 260 . The Province had subscribed this year
to the several Institutions £ 1 . 335 . The Deputy Grand Master , V . W . Bro . F . Philbrick , Q . C ., was re-appointed D . G . M ., and Bro ! Andrew Durrant was re-elected ( for the tenth year ) Treasurer . The Provincial Grand Officers for the year were invested . Ten guineas Avere voted to the R . M . I . Boys , and , on consideration of thesjiecial circumstances which- had interfered with , the success of the recent festival of that ¦ institution , a further sum- of ten guineas
icas voted from- the general fund in support of the same school . Ten guineas . Avere also voted to the R . M . B . I . for the aged , and to the Eastern Counties Asylum for Idiots respectively . Five guineas Avere also voted to Bro . Sarel on his resignation of the Office of Grand Tyler , Avhich he had held for several years . After Provincial Grand Lodge had been closed the brethren dined at the Cups Hotel , the Provincial Grand Master presiding .
HAMPSHIRE AND I . OF W . —August 14 th , at Corn Exchange , Ringwood , the Provincial Grand Master , W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., presiding . Reports were highly satisfactory , and result of audit showed a balance of £ 454 in hand , and irrespective of invested funds . Thanks were voted by acclamation to Bro . R . J . Hooper-Rastrick on his withdrawal from the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer , and in his stead Bro . J . W . Gieve , Secretary of the
Hampshire Lodge of Emulation , Avas elected . Bro . J . E . Le Feuvre , P . G . D ., Avas re-appointed Deputy Provincial G . M ., and Bro . EdAvard Goble , 309 , whose recent severe domestic affliction called forth a cordial vote of condolence , was re-appointed Provincial Grand Secretary . The appointment and investment of the Provincial Grand Officers of the year completed the business of the meeting , and subsequently the Brethren dined at the TOAVU Hall .
NORTH AND EAST YORKSHIRE . —August Sth , under the banner of the Richmond Lennox Lodge , No . 123 . Bro . T . Chapman Denham W . M ., at the TOAVU Hall , Richmond , Bro . the Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . Master , presiding . The usual reports and audits were submitted and approved . A handsome SAvord of state Avas presented to the Prov .
G . Lodge by the Prov . G . Master , Avho afterwards appointed and invested his officers for the year , amongst whom were re-appointed , Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-PoAvlett as D . P . G . M ., and Bro . M . C . Peck , G . Std . Br . Eng ., as Provincial Grand Secretary . The Brethren subsequently dined at the King ' s Head Hotel and a pleasant evening was passed before separating .
Private Lodge Meetings.
AUGUST 1 ST TO 22 ND . GALLERY—No . 1928—Aug . 1 st . Emergency at Brixton Hall , London , S . W . Bro . John Duckworth , W . M . —Mr . F . W . G . Glaser , London Correspondent of the National Zeitung , and Mr . E . L . Drogrez of the Daily Telegraph- were initiated . Five guineas Avere voted on the behalf of the widow of a deceased brother , formerly a
member of the Lodge . Personal donations were also made to the same fund , amongst them being one of five guineas from the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor of London , Bro . Polydore de Keyser . Bro . Wallace Husk , Organist , presented the Lodge with a valuable harmonium , for Avhich a hearty vote of thanks was accorded . AMHERST — No . 1223—August 4 th at Riverhead , Kent , Bro . SparroAvhaAvk , W . M . The ordinary business of the Lodge was
followed by a repast at which opportunity was taken for the presentation of a testimonial of acknowledgment to Bro . J . H . Jewell , for past services as Secretary of the Lodge , and of esteem toAvards his wife and himself on the celebration of their golden Avedding . The present to Mrs . Jewell took the form of a handsome bracelet , and that to Bro . Jewell a massive ring ; and each bore a suitable inscription with special reference to the happy event thus commemmorated .
TREDEGAR LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , NO . 1625 . —We are requested to state that the Ceremony of Installation , Bro . B . Stewart , W . M ., Avill be worked in this Lodge of Instruction , at the Wellington Arms , Wellington Road , Bow , E ., on Thursday , the 30 th inst ., at 7 . 30 p . m .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestls Board.
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
The Editor , to the English Craft : — BRETHREN , It has been said that too much publicity is given to the proceedings of Freemasonry in the present day , and that "Cowans " can gain intelligence Avith regard to our esoteric mysteries and hidden meanings with greater ease than in ancient times .
Therefore , it is argued by some , there should be no "light whatever communicated beyond the four Avails of the Lodge itself , nor instruction afforded to any but those Avho seek it from the lips of qualified teachers . It is a great mistake in this age of enlightenment to suppose that it could be possible to work in darkness Avith impunity . The absolute necessity Avhich arises by contact Avith the
outer Avorld in the discharge of the duties Ave undertake on behalf of many sections of the great human family prevents the possibility of shrouding from some amount of publicity the entire arcana of our Order . But there is this distinction , that AA hilst it is not advisable that darkness should altogether prevail , the light Avhich is permitted should be meted out Avith the utmost discrimination . Let us hasten
to assure our readers that such discrimination Avill characterise the pages of THE MASONIC STAR . But little Avhich has not already in some form or other passed through the press , although it may most probably be clothed in other language , " the same figure in a neAv dress , " Avill appear in our columns . To those who " strain at gnats and SAvalloAV camels , " Avho condemn Masonic writings yet use pernicious and misleading "books" to find a royal road to knoAvledge
Avhich never yet Avas made , Ave say in all kindness and courtesy do not too readily misjudge our intent , but-patiently await the derclop-¦ ment of our plans and designs . If these in any degree offend against the ethics of Freemasonry , then let our condemnation be full and complete in every respect : but should they , on the contrary , be considered deserving of acceptance , we trust the contract for executing the Avork Ave shall have designed Avill receive the support Ave HOAV solicit . THE EDITOR .
These be days of Royal Commissions and Committees of Enquiry , of doubtings and mistrusts , insinuations and charges , scrutinies and investigations , and not infrequently of "searches for needles in pottles of hay ! " " Our Boys' " School is , it appears , not to escape the trouble and expense attending the catechism of certain quidnuncs , for the most part Ave regret to observe anonymous , Avho fancy that a shadoAv here and there in the elevation of a noble
building must of necessity be purposely " dark corners " in Avhich all sorts of evil designs can be devised and nurtured . AVe had intended giving expression to our OAVII opinions on recent events relating to the School" in this the first number of our journal , but the necessary self-introductions and preliminary notices of our plans and designs have lessened the space at our disposal , and Ave shall defer our remarks till next Aveek .
^ ^ ^ ^ There is plenty of time for deliberation in respect of past and future management of the Boys' School , and the appointed enquiry need not be too greatly hurried . Meanwhile , hoAvever , it will be very regrettable if a certain resolution , passed in a Provincial
Grand Lodge and having a tendency to lessen the support Avhich the School requires should become anything more than an exception to the exercise of true Masonic feeling toAvards the institution noAv the subject of , as Ave believe , so much slander and misrepresentation . Fiat just it ia mat Caelum ! by all means , but don't let the Boys suffer .
We Avould rather' commend as an example , the action of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex , as reported in another column . Such recognition of the necessity for lending a helping hand at a critical moment redounds to the honour of a province already justly famed for practical Freemasonry .
By-the-bye , we may ask Avhether "Our Boys '" School is a benevolent or a charitable institution ? There ' s a vast difference in the meaning of the respective terms ! We incline to the belief that the Craft have long ceased to look upon our boys and girls as " ob j ects ;" and Avith this regard it would almost seem that the scale of Charity expenditure is scarcely applicable to Avhat the Craft desires in connection Avith our benevolent institutions .
Amongst other matters relating to the Boys' School , a paragraph which recently appeared in more than one London neAvspaper has been the subject of discussion , as Avell at the recent Quarterly Court of Governors as at a subsequent General Committee . It had been publicly stated that the circumstances of the nearest relative of a pupil now in the institution had considerably
bettered since the date of his entry , and it was suggested that the privileges obtained by his election ought therefore to be AvithdraAvn or , at any rate , that a more necessitous case should take his place . But that a positive denial of a statement evidently made in good faith and in a spirit of fair dealing , but Avithout a perfect knowledge of surrounding circumstances , is
advisable alike for the institution as for the parties concerned , Ave should not have referred to it . It may , however , be satisfactory to the general body of subscribers to knoAV that , after the closest possible investigation and most satisfactory explanation from AvellknoAvn brethren , the authorities can see no reason for disturbing present arrangements ; and the supporters of the School may be assured that in respect of this case no Avreng Avhatever has been done .
Reports Of Lodge Meetings.
Reports of Lodge Meetings .
Our REPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges who may be willing to assist our endeavours to spread information . We sliall increase the number of our pages as may be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request them to condense , as much as tlicy consistently can , the information they may 6 c disposed to send lis . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 38 , Bow Lane , London .
% * The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR has been opened most satisfactorily , and we shall be pleased to hear from otMr Brethren willing to support us .
Provincial Grand Lodges
MEETINGS , AUGUST 1 st to 23 rd .
ESSEX . —August 9 th , at the Corn Exchange , Colchester , the Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . Lord Brooke , M . P ., presiding . The audit reports stioAved satisfactory balances in favour of the general and charity funds respectively . The increase in number of Lodges in this province since 1882 has been from 19 to 28 , and of members from 866 to 1 , 260 . The Province had subscribed this year
to the several Institutions £ 1 . 335 . The Deputy Grand Master , V . W . Bro . F . Philbrick , Q . C ., was re-appointed D . G . M ., and Bro ! Andrew Durrant was re-elected ( for the tenth year ) Treasurer . The Provincial Grand Officers for the year were invested . Ten guineas Avere voted to the R . M . I . Boys , and , on consideration of thesjiecial circumstances which- had interfered with , the success of the recent festival of that ¦ institution , a further sum- of ten guineas
icas voted from- the general fund in support of the same school . Ten guineas . Avere also voted to the R . M . B . I . for the aged , and to the Eastern Counties Asylum for Idiots respectively . Five guineas Avere also voted to Bro . Sarel on his resignation of the Office of Grand Tyler , Avhich he had held for several years . After Provincial Grand Lodge had been closed the brethren dined at the Cups Hotel , the Provincial Grand Master presiding .
HAMPSHIRE AND I . OF W . —August 14 th , at Corn Exchange , Ringwood , the Provincial Grand Master , W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., presiding . Reports were highly satisfactory , and result of audit showed a balance of £ 454 in hand , and irrespective of invested funds . Thanks were voted by acclamation to Bro . R . J . Hooper-Rastrick on his withdrawal from the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer , and in his stead Bro . J . W . Gieve , Secretary of the
Hampshire Lodge of Emulation , Avas elected . Bro . J . E . Le Feuvre , P . G . D ., Avas re-appointed Deputy Provincial G . M ., and Bro . EdAvard Goble , 309 , whose recent severe domestic affliction called forth a cordial vote of condolence , was re-appointed Provincial Grand Secretary . The appointment and investment of the Provincial Grand Officers of the year completed the business of the meeting , and subsequently the Brethren dined at the TOAVU Hall .
NORTH AND EAST YORKSHIRE . —August Sth , under the banner of the Richmond Lennox Lodge , No . 123 . Bro . T . Chapman Denham W . M ., at the TOAVU Hall , Richmond , Bro . the Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . Master , presiding . The usual reports and audits were submitted and approved . A handsome SAvord of state Avas presented to the Prov .
G . Lodge by the Prov . G . Master , Avho afterwards appointed and invested his officers for the year , amongst whom were re-appointed , Bro . the Hon . W . T . Orde-PoAvlett as D . P . G . M ., and Bro . M . C . Peck , G . Std . Br . Eng ., as Provincial Grand Secretary . The Brethren subsequently dined at the King ' s Head Hotel and a pleasant evening was passed before separating .
Private Lodge Meetings.
AUGUST 1 ST TO 22 ND . GALLERY—No . 1928—Aug . 1 st . Emergency at Brixton Hall , London , S . W . Bro . John Duckworth , W . M . —Mr . F . W . G . Glaser , London Correspondent of the National Zeitung , and Mr . E . L . Drogrez of the Daily Telegraph- were initiated . Five guineas Avere voted on the behalf of the widow of a deceased brother , formerly a
member of the Lodge . Personal donations were also made to the same fund , amongst them being one of five guineas from the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor of London , Bro . Polydore de Keyser . Bro . Wallace Husk , Organist , presented the Lodge with a valuable harmonium , for Avhich a hearty vote of thanks was accorded . AMHERST — No . 1223—August 4 th at Riverhead , Kent , Bro . SparroAvhaAvk , W . M . The ordinary business of the Lodge was
followed by a repast at which opportunity was taken for the presentation of a testimonial of acknowledgment to Bro . J . H . Jewell , for past services as Secretary of the Lodge , and of esteem toAvards his wife and himself on the celebration of their golden Avedding . The present to Mrs . Jewell took the form of a handsome bracelet , and that to Bro . Jewell a massive ring ; and each bore a suitable inscription with special reference to the happy event thus commemmorated .
TREDEGAR LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , NO . 1625 . —We are requested to state that the Ceremony of Installation , Bro . B . Stewart , W . M ., Avill be worked in this Lodge of Instruction , at the Wellington Arms , Wellington Road , Bow , E ., on Thursday , the 30 th inst ., at 7 . 30 p . m .