Article The Masonic "Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF TEMPERANCE, No. 169. Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ) FREEMASONRY .
h' nil of kindly thought and feeling-, R ich in sympathy and love , E ver willing to befriend , ill arnest of the life above : M asons Free are Masons true .
A reinfects with noble aim , S triving oft to help a brother , O r protect his name and fame ; JST ear and far its praises waft , K ight gladly welcome—everywhere—Y eomen of this glorious craft . T . BOWDEX GREEN , 158 .
THE LATE REV . BRO . A . F . A . WOODFORD , F . O . C . By B ; : o . GEORGE MAIIKH . UI TWEDDELI .. Author of . 1 Jfnniirctl Masonic Sonnets , , fe .
GREAT loss is ours ; but death is gain to him , So we must not complain , seeing we know How wisely well he labour'd here below , And now has gone to join the seraphim—Continuing- the service he began And followed through long years , for he was one Who through an active life e ' er look'd upon His Master ' s work , and love towards fellow-man .
As link d together quite inseparable : Hence his whole soul revell'd in Masonry . For which he labour'd most incessantly , Fsing both tongue and pen through life so well That , every reading Mason knows the name . Of WOODFORD with-the Craft is sure of lasting fame . Rose Cottage , Stokesley , Yorkshire .
Lodge Of Temperance, No. 169.
I he Installation Meeting of this lodge was held at the White Swan Hotel . High Street , Deptford , on Thursday last , the 17 th inst . Amongst the brethren present during the evening were : the W . M ., Bro . J . G . Dale—Bros . Jackson . S . W . and W . M . Elect ; Davies , J . W . ; Bolton , P . M .. Treas . ; Necld . P . M .. Sec . ; Burnev , S . D . ; Strickland . J . D . ; Geo . Brown , P . M ., D . C . ; Chatterton , ' Org . ; ( laze , 1 . ( 1 . :
Moore , P . M .. Steward ; Rosenstock . P . M . ; Harding , P . M .: Pulley . P . M . ; Sanderson , P . M . ; Welton , P . M . ; Gaze , P . M ^; Waller , P . M . ; Skudder , P . M . ; Moss , P . M . ; Monk . P . M . ; Winne , Johnson , Cracknell . Wilson . Holmes . Reynolds , Kefford , Vellenaweth , Mawbray , E . W . Carpenter , Tyler , Hoist , M . L . Carpenter , Bear , & c , & c , and visitors : Bros . Hutchins , P . M . 147 : James Stevens , P . M . 720
1216 , 142 <>; Williams , P . M . 147 : Judge , W . M . 117 ' . ); Milbourn , P . M . 13 ; Pago , 2012 : Minns . 15 ) 32 ; Roberts , P . M . 7 t >; Speight , P . M . and Sec .. 147 ; Carter , P . M . 382 ; Bell , 131 S ); and Walter Martin , P . M . 82 !) . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Bro . Robert Jackson was presented and according to ancient custom
duly installed \\ . M . ot the Lodge for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by Bros . Dale and Bolton , P . M . in a toard of 22 installed Masters . The brethren below the chair were then admitted and the usual greetings and salutations were accorded . The respective Lodges of M . M . and F . C . were closed ( not resumed ) and the following brethren were then invested as officers for the year
viz . : —Bros . Davies , S . W ; Burney , J . W . : Bolton . P . M ., Treas . ; Neeld , P . M . Sec ; Strickland , S D .: ( laze , J . D . ; George Brown P . M ., D C . ; Geo . L . Moore , P . M ., Steward ; Chatterton , Org . ; CrackneTLI . G .: and ( ioddard . Tyler . Bro . Skudder , P . M ., completed the business of installation by a very able delivery of the addresses to Master , Wardens and brethren . A proposition bv Bro . Bolton
P . M ., that a sum of twenty guineas be given as a donation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons was seconded by Bro . Skudder , P . M ., and carried . The W . M ., Bro . Jackson , having undertaken to represent the lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival , this amount was ordered to be placed on his list , which was further supplemented during the
evening by donations to tho extent of 50 guineas . Bro Dale was presented with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel on tho successful termination of his year of office . An elegant banquet followed the labours of tho Lodge at which the W . M . very ably presided . At his request and to facilitate the full enjoyment of a capital programmo of music , speeches were of the briefest , the company
generally feeling better disposed towards the entertainment afforded by Bros . Carter , Bell , Reynolds , Frank Page , Beckwith , Skudder and Moore , under tho skilful conduct of Bro . E . Chatterton , tho Organist of the Lodge , than to lengthy introductions of toasts and of responses thereto . We should be doing injustice to Bro . Gore , P . M . 829 , if we did not here make mention of his admirable recital
ol Bro . ( T . R . Suns' touching poem , " Tho Lifeboat . It was excellently well delivered and much applauded . Thus , iu tho performance of good masonic labour , the practice of _ '' balm bestowing" charity , social good fellowship and delightful " harmony , a pleasant and profitable evening was spent , and Temperance Lodge , No .-1 ( 59 , commenced what we hope and anticipate will be a fruitful year of work beneficial to itself and the craft at large .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon , " ALL communications should be forwarded to 50 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . G . London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to tho EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * * * *
We desire to call tho attention of our provincial readers and advertisers to tho list of agents published in our advertisement columns . We are making such arrangements that through our agents any local information or business matters can be respectively forwarded or transmitted without trouble or expense . We shall add to our list as may bo desired in respect of other towns . : } £ - ' £ ^ r ¦& ; X
At the Quarterly Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys to be held to-morrow , Friday , the 25 th inst ., at 1 p . m ., at the Freemason ' s Hall . London , the following notices of motion are to be considered : —( 1 . ) By Bro . W . II . Saunders , L . G . — "That Law No . 53 be suspended during the next April Election for the purpose of admitting Harold Gray as a candidate at such election " ; ( 2 ) By
W . Bro . J . S . Cumberland , L . G . — "That the laws of the institution be referred for revision and correction to a Committee , whose recommendations shall be submitted to the Quarterly General Court on the 2 () th April next , or to a Special General Court to be convened in accordance with Law 31 . " A recommendation from the
General Committee— "That 17 boys be elected at the Quarterly General Court , to be held on Friday , 20 th April , l . SS »> , from an approved list of 72 candidates , subject to the decision of the Court on two cases in addition deferred for final consideration , " will be submitted for adoption .
On Saturday , at 12 noon , at the same place , the Quarterly Court of the . Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held , and the following notices of motion by Bro . C . J . Pereival , V . Pros ., will be considered : —( 1 . ) To amend Law 55 as follows— "That a girl shall not be eligible for election unless the father has been a subscribing member to some lodge for seven years , but should death , or
permanent incapacity occasioned by paralysis , blindness , fire , shipwreck or other calamity have occurred within seven years of his initiation , this rule shall not apply , providing , nevertheless , that at the time of such occurrence the father was a subscribing member to some lodge' '; ( 2 . ) " That any candidate whose petition may be approved by the General Committee before this amendment of Law 55 may be confirmed , shall not be affected thereby . "
We gave the "Old Masonians" a "look in" at their smoking concert at Anderton ' s Hotel on Friday last , and were very pleased to notice the smart and gentlemanly appearance of the large number of former pupils at "Our Boys '" School , and the orderly manner in which the proceedings were conducted . We spent a very pleasant hour with them , and we cordially recommend others of our brethren to do , when opportunity affords , what we did on the ISth inst .,
smoke a cigar and take a " grog " with them . Mr . Alfred Watkins , the hon . secretary , occupied the chair , and in the course of the evening informed us that at all times brethren who took an interest in the " dear old school" would be heartily welcomed . We shall be glad to hear that our suggestion bears fruit . Their next social meeting is fixed for the 15 th prox ., and we will give a reminder in our notifications previous to that date .
MIDDLESEX—UXBRIDGE—ROYAI . IINIOX LODGE—No . 382—( the oldest lodge in the Province ) . —A meeting of the brethren of this lodge took place on the 2 lst inst . at the Chequers Hotel , Oxbridge , at which were present : —Bros . Taplin . W . M . ; T . Brooks , S . W . ; A . Fleming . J . W . ; Aikin , S . D . ; J . A . Carter , J . D . ; O . Mead , I . G . ; Reid . std ., Duflin , tyler . Bros . G Fehrenbach . P . M ., P . P . G . J . D .,
treas . ; J . Lomdale . P . M .. P . P . G . D . C . D . C . ; II . W . Nicholson . P . M .. sec . : also Bros . Cotton . P . M . ; Wilson , P . M . ; Hall , P . M . ; Rowles , P . M . ; and about 30 other brethren and visitors . The auditors ' report having been received and adopted , Bros . Mercer . Hall , Chapprll , Mercer and Pearee were raised to the degree of Master Mason in a most able manner . Votes of thanks wire accorded to
the secretary , treasurer aud auditors . Bro . Cotton , P . M ., was elected treasurer ; Duflin , tyler , and Bro . Dharty a joining member , and the names of five candidates for initiation weie g iven in . The S . W ., Bro . T . Brooks , was unanimously elected W . M . In the course of returning thanks for this honour . Bro . Brooks said that he had taken and did take great interest in the Craft , an . ong > t other thims
he was a reading mason , and alluding to the method pursued m many lodges of resuming from and not closing lodges which have been opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , pointed out that ihis was undoubtedly wrong ; tho master had no such power , and no authority existed in support of it . A proper orthodox formula existed for opening and closing , and one ought to be as strictly observed as the other . He informed the brethren that during his
year of office he should certainly close his lodge in the three degree s and not resume it . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to Bro . Taplin , and a Past Treasurer ' s jewel to Bro . Fehrenbach , P . M . Tl e proceedings , which lasted nearly four hours , having terminated , lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . It was stated in the course of the evening that 10 guineas had been , during the past year , sent to oach of our charities . A good example , this for others to follow . The installation meeting takes place on the 3 rd Monday in March . ...
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
{ Original and Selected . ) FREEMASONRY .
h' nil of kindly thought and feeling-, R ich in sympathy and love , E ver willing to befriend , ill arnest of the life above : M asons Free are Masons true .
A reinfects with noble aim , S triving oft to help a brother , O r protect his name and fame ; JST ear and far its praises waft , K ight gladly welcome—everywhere—Y eomen of this glorious craft . T . BOWDEX GREEN , 158 .
THE LATE REV . BRO . A . F . A . WOODFORD , F . O . C . By B ; : o . GEORGE MAIIKH . UI TWEDDELI .. Author of . 1 Jfnniirctl Masonic Sonnets , , fe .
GREAT loss is ours ; but death is gain to him , So we must not complain , seeing we know How wisely well he labour'd here below , And now has gone to join the seraphim—Continuing- the service he began And followed through long years , for he was one Who through an active life e ' er look'd upon His Master ' s work , and love towards fellow-man .
As link d together quite inseparable : Hence his whole soul revell'd in Masonry . For which he labour'd most incessantly , Fsing both tongue and pen through life so well That , every reading Mason knows the name . Of WOODFORD with-the Craft is sure of lasting fame . Rose Cottage , Stokesley , Yorkshire .
Lodge Of Temperance, No. 169.
I he Installation Meeting of this lodge was held at the White Swan Hotel . High Street , Deptford , on Thursday last , the 17 th inst . Amongst the brethren present during the evening were : the W . M ., Bro . J . G . Dale—Bros . Jackson . S . W . and W . M . Elect ; Davies , J . W . ; Bolton , P . M .. Treas . ; Necld . P . M .. Sec . ; Burnev , S . D . ; Strickland . J . D . ; Geo . Brown , P . M ., D . C . ; Chatterton , ' Org . ; ( laze , 1 . ( 1 . :
Moore , P . M .. Steward ; Rosenstock . P . M . ; Harding , P . M .: Pulley . P . M . ; Sanderson , P . M . ; Welton , P . M . ; Gaze , P . M ^; Waller , P . M . ; Skudder , P . M . ; Moss , P . M . ; Monk . P . M . ; Winne , Johnson , Cracknell . Wilson . Holmes . Reynolds , Kefford , Vellenaweth , Mawbray , E . W . Carpenter , Tyler , Hoist , M . L . Carpenter , Bear , & c , & c , and visitors : Bros . Hutchins , P . M . 147 : James Stevens , P . M . 720
1216 , 142 <>; Williams , P . M . 147 : Judge , W . M . 117 ' . ); Milbourn , P . M . 13 ; Pago , 2012 : Minns . 15 ) 32 ; Roberts , P . M . 7 t >; Speight , P . M . and Sec .. 147 ; Carter , P . M . 382 ; Bell , 131 S ); and Walter Martin , P . M . 82 !) . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Bro . Robert Jackson was presented and according to ancient custom
duly installed \\ . M . ot the Lodge for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by Bros . Dale and Bolton , P . M . in a toard of 22 installed Masters . The brethren below the chair were then admitted and the usual greetings and salutations were accorded . The respective Lodges of M . M . and F . C . were closed ( not resumed ) and the following brethren were then invested as officers for the year
viz . : —Bros . Davies , S . W ; Burney , J . W . : Bolton . P . M ., Treas . ; Neeld , P . M . Sec ; Strickland , S D .: ( laze , J . D . ; George Brown P . M ., D C . ; Geo . L . Moore , P . M ., Steward ; Chatterton , Org . ; CrackneTLI . G .: and ( ioddard . Tyler . Bro . Skudder , P . M ., completed the business of installation by a very able delivery of the addresses to Master , Wardens and brethren . A proposition bv Bro . Bolton
P . M ., that a sum of twenty guineas be given as a donation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons was seconded by Bro . Skudder , P . M ., and carried . The W . M ., Bro . Jackson , having undertaken to represent the lodge as Steward at the forthcoming festival , this amount was ordered to be placed on his list , which was further supplemented during the
evening by donations to tho extent of 50 guineas . Bro Dale was presented with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel on tho successful termination of his year of office . An elegant banquet followed the labours of tho Lodge at which the W . M . very ably presided . At his request and to facilitate the full enjoyment of a capital programmo of music , speeches were of the briefest , the company
generally feeling better disposed towards the entertainment afforded by Bros . Carter , Bell , Reynolds , Frank Page , Beckwith , Skudder and Moore , under tho skilful conduct of Bro . E . Chatterton , tho Organist of the Lodge , than to lengthy introductions of toasts and of responses thereto . We should be doing injustice to Bro . Gore , P . M . 829 , if we did not here make mention of his admirable recital
ol Bro . ( T . R . Suns' touching poem , " Tho Lifeboat . It was excellently well delivered and much applauded . Thus , iu tho performance of good masonic labour , the practice of _ '' balm bestowing" charity , social good fellowship and delightful " harmony , a pleasant and profitable evening was spent , and Temperance Lodge , No .-1 ( 59 , commenced what we hope and anticipate will be a fruitful year of work beneficial to itself and the craft at large .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon , " ALL communications should be forwarded to 50 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . G . London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to tho EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * * * *
We desire to call tho attention of our provincial readers and advertisers to tho list of agents published in our advertisement columns . We are making such arrangements that through our agents any local information or business matters can be respectively forwarded or transmitted without trouble or expense . We shall add to our list as may bo desired in respect of other towns . : } £ - ' £ ^ r ¦& ; X
At the Quarterly Court of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys to be held to-morrow , Friday , the 25 th inst ., at 1 p . m ., at the Freemason ' s Hall . London , the following notices of motion are to be considered : —( 1 . ) By Bro . W . II . Saunders , L . G . — "That Law No . 53 be suspended during the next April Election for the purpose of admitting Harold Gray as a candidate at such election " ; ( 2 ) By
W . Bro . J . S . Cumberland , L . G . — "That the laws of the institution be referred for revision and correction to a Committee , whose recommendations shall be submitted to the Quarterly General Court on the 2 () th April next , or to a Special General Court to be convened in accordance with Law 31 . " A recommendation from the
General Committee— "That 17 boys be elected at the Quarterly General Court , to be held on Friday , 20 th April , l . SS »> , from an approved list of 72 candidates , subject to the decision of the Court on two cases in addition deferred for final consideration , " will be submitted for adoption .
On Saturday , at 12 noon , at the same place , the Quarterly Court of the . Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will be held , and the following notices of motion by Bro . C . J . Pereival , V . Pros ., will be considered : —( 1 . ) To amend Law 55 as follows— "That a girl shall not be eligible for election unless the father has been a subscribing member to some lodge for seven years , but should death , or
permanent incapacity occasioned by paralysis , blindness , fire , shipwreck or other calamity have occurred within seven years of his initiation , this rule shall not apply , providing , nevertheless , that at the time of such occurrence the father was a subscribing member to some lodge' '; ( 2 . ) " That any candidate whose petition may be approved by the General Committee before this amendment of Law 55 may be confirmed , shall not be affected thereby . "
We gave the "Old Masonians" a "look in" at their smoking concert at Anderton ' s Hotel on Friday last , and were very pleased to notice the smart and gentlemanly appearance of the large number of former pupils at "Our Boys '" School , and the orderly manner in which the proceedings were conducted . We spent a very pleasant hour with them , and we cordially recommend others of our brethren to do , when opportunity affords , what we did on the ISth inst .,
smoke a cigar and take a " grog " with them . Mr . Alfred Watkins , the hon . secretary , occupied the chair , and in the course of the evening informed us that at all times brethren who took an interest in the " dear old school" would be heartily welcomed . We shall be glad to hear that our suggestion bears fruit . Their next social meeting is fixed for the 15 th prox ., and we will give a reminder in our notifications previous to that date .
MIDDLESEX—UXBRIDGE—ROYAI . IINIOX LODGE—No . 382—( the oldest lodge in the Province ) . —A meeting of the brethren of this lodge took place on the 2 lst inst . at the Chequers Hotel , Oxbridge , at which were present : —Bros . Taplin . W . M . ; T . Brooks , S . W . ; A . Fleming . J . W . ; Aikin , S . D . ; J . A . Carter , J . D . ; O . Mead , I . G . ; Reid . std ., Duflin , tyler . Bros . G Fehrenbach . P . M ., P . P . G . J . D .,
treas . ; J . Lomdale . P . M .. P . P . G . D . C . D . C . ; II . W . Nicholson . P . M .. sec . : also Bros . Cotton . P . M . ; Wilson , P . M . ; Hall , P . M . ; Rowles , P . M . ; and about 30 other brethren and visitors . The auditors ' report having been received and adopted , Bros . Mercer . Hall , Chapprll , Mercer and Pearee were raised to the degree of Master Mason in a most able manner . Votes of thanks wire accorded to
the secretary , treasurer aud auditors . Bro . Cotton , P . M ., was elected treasurer ; Duflin , tyler , and Bro . Dharty a joining member , and the names of five candidates for initiation weie g iven in . The S . W ., Bro . T . Brooks , was unanimously elected W . M . In the course of returning thanks for this honour . Bro . Brooks said that he had taken and did take great interest in the Craft , an . ong > t other thims
he was a reading mason , and alluding to the method pursued m many lodges of resuming from and not closing lodges which have been opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , pointed out that ihis was undoubtedly wrong ; tho master had no such power , and no authority existed in support of it . A proper orthodox formula existed for opening and closing , and one ought to be as strictly observed as the other . He informed the brethren that during his
year of office he should certainly close his lodge in the three degree s and not resume it . A Past Master ' s jewel was voted to Bro . Taplin , and a Past Treasurer ' s jewel to Bro . Fehrenbach , P . M . Tl e proceedings , which lasted nearly four hours , having terminated , lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . It was stated in the course of the evening that 10 guineas had been , during the past year , sent to oach of our charities . A good example , this for others to follow . The installation meeting takes place on the 3 rd Monday in March . ...