Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article LORD GEORGE HAMILTON, M.P. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GOVERNOR OF NEW ZEALAND, Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
have a lustre bright as the sun , fair as the moon , spread like the vine , and be a benefactor to mankind , and Like some grand rock , majestic in its form , Has stood the shocks of time , braving every storm ; When tempests toss , presents a greater grace , Remains unmoved and shows a smiling face !
A P . M . * . /¦ ' "' < ' insert the above letter on the principle " audi alteram partem . " There may be much to say as well for as , probably , against our correspondent's argument , and the difference which exists between use and abuse . —ED . M . S .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Please state in your next issue what rule pertains as to a Past
Master wearing the new corded collar in his own Lodge or m any Lodge he may visit , as no rule is laid down in the last Book of Constitutions' ! ' Yours fraternally , W . S .
r - % : * There has been , an additional rude made in , Book of Constitutions , 1884 edition , viz . : —Rule 306 A , which reads : — " Past Masters of Private Lodges , so long as they continue to subscribe to some Lodge , shall be entitled to wear , on all occasions when Craft clothing may be worn , collars of light blue ribbon , four inches broad , with silver braid a quarter of an inch wide in the centre . " —Ed . M . S . I
We had prepared a foot-note to the letter of " J . C . H . in our last week ' s number , but it was inadvertently omitted . Here it is : — * . * The Secretaries of the respective Institutions can best inform you as to what is done in respect of the rotes you refer to . You xhovld , apply to them , and , let us know the result . —ED . M . S .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
I ' ltoviN'Cl . u ,. —Our correspondent , I . Mr ., desires us to thank you for the . offer to send him a copy of " last local report and statement , " and will he much obliged if von will forward it to our ear ' o for him .
Wit 8 X £ vtqxustcb to Jtotifti tljat : —
The fifteen sections will be worked in the following lodges of instruction , viz .: — R . WENSBOURNE , No . 1001 , at the George Hotel , Catford , S . E ., on Wednesday , 13 th February , at 7 p . m . Bro . C . Atkins , Sec . CAMDEN , NO . 704 , at the Lord Northbrook Hotel , Lee , S . E ., on
Tuesday , 2 (! th February . LEOPOLD , NO . 1571 , at the Blackwall Hotel , London Street , Fenchurch Street , on Thursday next , 31 st inst ., Bros . E . G . Talbot , 05 and 1310 , W . M . ; W . Martin . P . M . 879 . S . AV .. and J . G . Milbourne , P . M . 13 , J . W .: Duffield . P . M ., Preceptor , and Colley . J . D . 1571 , Hon . Sec .
UPTON , Ivo . 1227 , on Monday , the 4 th February , 1 SS 9 , at Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , E . C , at 7 p . m . The Stoke Newington Cricket Club , with which several members of the craft are connected , will give a third Annual Concert at the Assembly Rooms , Defoe Road , Stoke Newington . on Thursday the 14 th prox . Amongst the Artistes engaged we note the names of Miss Susetta Fenn , an established favourite at many of our " refreshment" meetings , and Bro . Robert J . Harris , a clever bass singer .
The annual ( Cinderella ) ball of the Cripplegate Lodge , No . 1613 , will take place at Cannon Street Hotel , to-morrow , January 25 th . Tho installation meeting of the Dmry Lane Lodge , No . 2127 . W . Bro . Sir John Eldon Gorst , Q . C ., M . P .. W . M ., will be held in the Great Saloon . Drury Lane Theatre , on the 12 th prox ., when Bro . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefields , K . C . B .. D . C . L ., W . M . Elect , will be installed W . M . for the ensuing year .
On the 1 st February the "Old Masonians" will entertain members and friends at a " Cinderella , " at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . E . C ,, commencing at 7 30 p . m .
The first lodge under tho auspices of the lately formed United Grand Lodge of New South Wales was opened at the Masonic Hall , Castlereagh Street . Sydney , on the 30 th November last . The lodge is styled auspiciously Lodge Arcadia , and the success of the opening augurs well for the future . A goodly number of brethren were present . In the absence of the Most AVorshipful the Pro . Grand Master , Dr . Tarrant , W . Bro . M'Lachlan , Grand Senior Warden .
presided at the opening . The Dedication ceremony was performed by W . Bro . Bray , and the various officers Avere installed by the M . W . Bro . J . Hunt , as follows : —Bros . John Paige Dale , W . M . ; S . E . Jacobs , S . W . ; W . II . Carroll , J . W . ; Cortis , Treas . ; J . W . Holliman , Sec ; J . B . Beauregard , S . D . ; J . MGarvey , J . D . ; Allen , I . G . : Hellyer and Drake , Stewards ; and Morgan , Tyler . After the ceremony a banquet was held , and a very pleasant evening was spent by the brethren .
Masonic Record , rf Western India , December , 1888 : Minutes of Proceedings of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab , September and October , 1888 ( notice next week ) . —Texas Siftings Afloat , or the Log of the Yacht Champla . in ( shall be noticed ) , —The South African Freemason . December 4 th and 11 th .
Lord George Hamilton, M.P.
First Lord of the Admiralty , and Worshipful Master of the Chiswick Lodge , No . 2012 . —( Installed 14 th inst ) . ( From a Photograph , by permission , of the London . Stereoscopic and J'lioto-{ jraphii : Company , Limited ) . The particulars of the installation of W . Bro . Lord George Hamilton appeared in our last issue . We have only now to add
that this prosperous lodge , founded by , amongst others , Bro George Everett , a present candidate for the office o * Grand Treasurer , five years ago , now numbers about seventy members , and has contributed to the Masonic Charities during its brief existence £ 000 by its various stewards , an example worthy of imitation by each and all
Craft Lodges . For the ensuing festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , W . Bro . Gardner , P . M . and Secretary of the lodge is a Steward , and his list has been started with no less a sum than 200 guineas , the greater portion of which was subscribed on the occasion of Lord George Hamilton ' s Installation .
The Governor Of New Zealand,
BRO . THE EARL OE ONSLOW . On Monday , the 21 st inst . a complimentary dinner was given at Limmer's Hotel , Hanover Square , to the R . W . Bro . the Earl of Onslow , K . C . M . G ., on his appointment as Governor of New Zealand . The dinner was given by the Onslow Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 301 of which lodge he was the first Worshipful Master . His
, lordship , who takes a great interest in Freemasonry , was appointed Grand Senior Warden in United Grand Lod ge of England in 1 SS 0 , Prince John of Glucksburg having that rank conferred upon him at the same time ; and in other degrees the Earl of Onslow has always taken a prominent part . Previously to the dinner the lodge held its regular January meeting at the
hall of the Supreme Council 33 ° , 33 , Golden Square , at which the Earl of Euston , the Master of the Lodge , presided , and performed the ceremony of advancement to the Mark degree in admirable style , the candidate being Bro . W . R . Macauley . At the dinner also the Earl of Euston presided , having the Earl of Onslow on his right , and Bros . L . G . Gordon Robbins , Colonel Shadwell Clerke , and A .
Bott Cook on his left . The company comprised Bros . Sir Lionel Darell , Hyde Clarke , Colonel A . H . Bircham , Major J . H . L . Craigie , the Rev . G . N Palmer , the Rev . C . J . Martyn , J . Inglis , R . Loveland Loveland , the Rev . II . R . Cooper Smith , S . Green , G . Farwell Jones , C . F . Matier , and Reginald J . Mure . The Earl of Euston , in giving the toast of the evening— ' ' The
Earl of Onslow " —said that as Lord Onslow had marked well in the past in everything he had taken up , in every office he had held , so , as Her Majesty's representative in New Zealand , he would leave his mark there , and G od prosper him in everything he did ! The Earl of Onslow , in responding , said the Onslow Lodge had already paid him the greatest honour a lodge could pay by calling
it after his name . A great change had come over the spirit of Freemasonry in Australasia . It was not long ago that , for tho first time , the Australasian Colonics proposed to establish a Grand Lodge and a Grand Master of their own , and he believed it would be for the greatest usefulness of Freemasonry in Australasia that they should be self-sustained and cohesive . The Prince of Wales , who
fully appreciated these matters , had not hesitated to declare that a closer union of hearts should be brought about by acknowledging such a Grand Lodge . Wherever he might go he had this consolation , that he should always meet warm Masonic hearts who were willing to work with him , to set aside all distinctions and differences in the one bond of Freemasonry , and he
should not easily forget those words he had heard pronounced by the Worshipful Master that , wherever they might be , they would always find among Mark Masons true friends . Mr . Wilhelm Ganz , in the course of the evening , played " Home . Sweet Home , " and after the Tyler ' s toast the brethren sang " Auld Lang Syne . "
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of thern from No . 1 upwards . —Address , C . E . FERRY , 55 , TregunterRoad . South Kensington , S . W . [ ADVT . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
have a lustre bright as the sun , fair as the moon , spread like the vine , and be a benefactor to mankind , and Like some grand rock , majestic in its form , Has stood the shocks of time , braving every storm ; When tempests toss , presents a greater grace , Remains unmoved and shows a smiling face !
A P . M . * . /¦ ' "' < ' insert the above letter on the principle " audi alteram partem . " There may be much to say as well for as , probably , against our correspondent's argument , and the difference which exists between use and abuse . —ED . M . S .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Please state in your next issue what rule pertains as to a Past
Master wearing the new corded collar in his own Lodge or m any Lodge he may visit , as no rule is laid down in the last Book of Constitutions' ! ' Yours fraternally , W . S .
r - % : * There has been , an additional rude made in , Book of Constitutions , 1884 edition , viz . : —Rule 306 A , which reads : — " Past Masters of Private Lodges , so long as they continue to subscribe to some Lodge , shall be entitled to wear , on all occasions when Craft clothing may be worn , collars of light blue ribbon , four inches broad , with silver braid a quarter of an inch wide in the centre . " —Ed . M . S . I
We had prepared a foot-note to the letter of " J . C . H . in our last week ' s number , but it was inadvertently omitted . Here it is : — * . * The Secretaries of the respective Institutions can best inform you as to what is done in respect of the rotes you refer to . You xhovld , apply to them , and , let us know the result . —ED . M . S .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
I ' ltoviN'Cl . u ,. —Our correspondent , I . Mr ., desires us to thank you for the . offer to send him a copy of " last local report and statement , " and will he much obliged if von will forward it to our ear ' o for him .
Wit 8 X £ vtqxustcb to Jtotifti tljat : —
The fifteen sections will be worked in the following lodges of instruction , viz .: — R . WENSBOURNE , No . 1001 , at the George Hotel , Catford , S . E ., on Wednesday , 13 th February , at 7 p . m . Bro . C . Atkins , Sec . CAMDEN , NO . 704 , at the Lord Northbrook Hotel , Lee , S . E ., on
Tuesday , 2 (! th February . LEOPOLD , NO . 1571 , at the Blackwall Hotel , London Street , Fenchurch Street , on Thursday next , 31 st inst ., Bros . E . G . Talbot , 05 and 1310 , W . M . ; W . Martin . P . M . 879 . S . AV .. and J . G . Milbourne , P . M . 13 , J . W .: Duffield . P . M ., Preceptor , and Colley . J . D . 1571 , Hon . Sec .
UPTON , Ivo . 1227 , on Monday , the 4 th February , 1 SS 9 , at Three Nuns Hotel , Aldgate , E . C , at 7 p . m . The Stoke Newington Cricket Club , with which several members of the craft are connected , will give a third Annual Concert at the Assembly Rooms , Defoe Road , Stoke Newington . on Thursday the 14 th prox . Amongst the Artistes engaged we note the names of Miss Susetta Fenn , an established favourite at many of our " refreshment" meetings , and Bro . Robert J . Harris , a clever bass singer .
The annual ( Cinderella ) ball of the Cripplegate Lodge , No . 1613 , will take place at Cannon Street Hotel , to-morrow , January 25 th . Tho installation meeting of the Dmry Lane Lodge , No . 2127 . W . Bro . Sir John Eldon Gorst , Q . C ., M . P .. W . M ., will be held in the Great Saloon . Drury Lane Theatre , on the 12 th prox ., when Bro . Admiral Sir E . A . Inglefields , K . C . B .. D . C . L ., W . M . Elect , will be installed W . M . for the ensuing year .
On the 1 st February the "Old Masonians" will entertain members and friends at a " Cinderella , " at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . E . C ,, commencing at 7 30 p . m .
The first lodge under tho auspices of the lately formed United Grand Lodge of New South Wales was opened at the Masonic Hall , Castlereagh Street . Sydney , on the 30 th November last . The lodge is styled auspiciously Lodge Arcadia , and the success of the opening augurs well for the future . A goodly number of brethren were present . In the absence of the Most AVorshipful the Pro . Grand Master , Dr . Tarrant , W . Bro . M'Lachlan , Grand Senior Warden .
presided at the opening . The Dedication ceremony was performed by W . Bro . Bray , and the various officers Avere installed by the M . W . Bro . J . Hunt , as follows : —Bros . John Paige Dale , W . M . ; S . E . Jacobs , S . W . ; W . II . Carroll , J . W . ; Cortis , Treas . ; J . W . Holliman , Sec ; J . B . Beauregard , S . D . ; J . MGarvey , J . D . ; Allen , I . G . : Hellyer and Drake , Stewards ; and Morgan , Tyler . After the ceremony a banquet was held , and a very pleasant evening was spent by the brethren .
Masonic Record , rf Western India , December , 1888 : Minutes of Proceedings of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab , September and October , 1888 ( notice next week ) . —Texas Siftings Afloat , or the Log of the Yacht Champla . in ( shall be noticed ) , —The South African Freemason . December 4 th and 11 th .
Lord George Hamilton, M.P.
First Lord of the Admiralty , and Worshipful Master of the Chiswick Lodge , No . 2012 . —( Installed 14 th inst ) . ( From a Photograph , by permission , of the London . Stereoscopic and J'lioto-{ jraphii : Company , Limited ) . The particulars of the installation of W . Bro . Lord George Hamilton appeared in our last issue . We have only now to add
that this prosperous lodge , founded by , amongst others , Bro George Everett , a present candidate for the office o * Grand Treasurer , five years ago , now numbers about seventy members , and has contributed to the Masonic Charities during its brief existence £ 000 by its various stewards , an example worthy of imitation by each and all
Craft Lodges . For the ensuing festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , W . Bro . Gardner , P . M . and Secretary of the lodge is a Steward , and his list has been started with no less a sum than 200 guineas , the greater portion of which was subscribed on the occasion of Lord George Hamilton ' s Installation .
The Governor Of New Zealand,
BRO . THE EARL OE ONSLOW . On Monday , the 21 st inst . a complimentary dinner was given at Limmer's Hotel , Hanover Square , to the R . W . Bro . the Earl of Onslow , K . C . M . G ., on his appointment as Governor of New Zealand . The dinner was given by the Onslow Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 301 of which lodge he was the first Worshipful Master . His
, lordship , who takes a great interest in Freemasonry , was appointed Grand Senior Warden in United Grand Lod ge of England in 1 SS 0 , Prince John of Glucksburg having that rank conferred upon him at the same time ; and in other degrees the Earl of Onslow has always taken a prominent part . Previously to the dinner the lodge held its regular January meeting at the
hall of the Supreme Council 33 ° , 33 , Golden Square , at which the Earl of Euston , the Master of the Lodge , presided , and performed the ceremony of advancement to the Mark degree in admirable style , the candidate being Bro . W . R . Macauley . At the dinner also the Earl of Euston presided , having the Earl of Onslow on his right , and Bros . L . G . Gordon Robbins , Colonel Shadwell Clerke , and A .
Bott Cook on his left . The company comprised Bros . Sir Lionel Darell , Hyde Clarke , Colonel A . H . Bircham , Major J . H . L . Craigie , the Rev . G . N Palmer , the Rev . C . J . Martyn , J . Inglis , R . Loveland Loveland , the Rev . II . R . Cooper Smith , S . Green , G . Farwell Jones , C . F . Matier , and Reginald J . Mure . The Earl of Euston , in giving the toast of the evening— ' ' The
Earl of Onslow " —said that as Lord Onslow had marked well in the past in everything he had taken up , in every office he had held , so , as Her Majesty's representative in New Zealand , he would leave his mark there , and G od prosper him in everything he did ! The Earl of Onslow , in responding , said the Onslow Lodge had already paid him the greatest honour a lodge could pay by calling
it after his name . A great change had come over the spirit of Freemasonry in Australasia . It was not long ago that , for tho first time , the Australasian Colonics proposed to establish a Grand Lodge and a Grand Master of their own , and he believed it would be for the greatest usefulness of Freemasonry in Australasia that they should be self-sustained and cohesive . The Prince of Wales , who
fully appreciated these matters , had not hesitated to declare that a closer union of hearts should be brought about by acknowledging such a Grand Lodge . Wherever he might go he had this consolation , that he should always meet warm Masonic hearts who were willing to work with him , to set aside all distinctions and differences in the one bond of Freemasonry , and he
should not easily forget those words he had heard pronounced by the Worshipful Master that , wherever they might be , they would always find among Mark Masons true friends . Mr . Wilhelm Ganz , in the course of the evening , played " Home . Sweet Home , " and after the Tyler ' s toast the brethren sang " Auld Lang Syne . "
WILL any brother greatly oblige a P . M . and P . Z . by kindly forwarding to him a spare copy of their Lodge or Chapter summons , as he is endeavouring to form a complete collection of thern from No . 1 upwards . —Address , C . E . FERRY , 55 , TregunterRoad . South Kensington , S . W . [ ADVT . ]