Article Pensions. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE AND CHAPTER. SURREY. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETING OF THE LEBANON LODGE No. 1326. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETING OF THE LEBANON LODGE No. 1326. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
many years prior to a present difficulty , totall y ignored , find another and much more satisfactory , as well as unquestioned means for carrying out a grateful acknowledgment' ? We think there must lie a method bv which this could be done
without much difficult y ; and in the hope that it will be sought out and adopted in preference to risking opposition , which mi ght be fraught with very serious consequence , we leave the matter for the present .
Provincial Grand Lodge And Chapter. Surrey.
The annual meeting- of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the Province of Surrey , was held at Caterham , on the 18 th inst .. under the banner of the Caterham Lodge , and was largely attended . The chair was filled bv the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the V . W . Bro . Fred . J . West . P . G . D . Lodge having been opened in due form , the P . G . . Secretary . AV . Bro . Geo . Charles
Greenwood , P . P . G . R .. read the minute . * of the last meeting , which were confirmed , and called over the list of lodges in the province , all of which were represented except one . About two hundred brethren were present . The investment of Provincial Grand Officers was as follows : —Bros . J . E . Street , S . W . ; Dr . Gibbes . J . W . : the Revs . E . Chichester and M . AV . Martin , Chaplains ;
Geo . Price . Treasurer : J . P . R . Cama . Registrar : C . Greenwood . Sec : Dr . Nicholls , S . D . : P . F . Redpath . ' S . D . ; R . Piper and C . Smith , Junior Deacons ; J . K . Thompson . Sup . of Wks .: A . Lamb , D . C . : J . Hughes . Dep . D . C . ; Geo . Moss . Asst . D . C . ; A . Tremearne . Swd . Br .: T . T . Phillips , Jas . Hide . Std . Brs . : J . O'Connell . Org . A . C . Greenwood . Asst . Sec . ; F . R . Crooker . Pursuivant ; and R .
Killick , Asst . Purst . The Dep . G . Master referred to the death of the late Provincial Grand Master Brownrigg . and paid a high eulogy to his memory . He observed that when they were appointed in 1871 there were ten lodges and five chapters . Since then 24 new lodges and seven new chapters had been consecrated in the province , and now they had 31 lodges and 12 chapters . A great
deal of their success was , he said , due to the enthusiasm thrown by their deceased brother into the work . Their late Grand Master was a strict disciplinarian ; but , notwithstanding that , his kindness and geniality won affection for him which did much towards the success of his Masonic career in Surrey . He concluded by moving a vote of condolence with the family of the deceased , which was
carried . The balance in hand was reported to be . C 283 18 s . lOd . Twenty guineas were voted to the Boys' School , and ten guineas each to the Girls' School , the Benevolent Institution , and the Widows' Fund , and to the rector of Caterham for the poor of the parish . The Prov . Grand Chapter was held subsequently to the above
meeting for the despatch of ordinary routine business , and the appointment and investiture of tho following companions as Grand Officers for the year ensuing , viz ., Comps . Dr . Thompson , P . G . J . ; G . Price , treas . ; J . D . Langton . registrar ; 0 . Greenwood , scribe E . ; G . D . Lister , scribe N . ; Dr . W . IT . M . Smith , principal sojourner :
F . Honeywell , 1 st asst . soj .: F . f . Mullett . 2 nd asst . soj . ; R . Bird , Swd . Br . ; T . T . Phillips , Std . Br . ; T . Weaver , D . C . ; C . M . Pochin , Asst . D . C . ; J . O'Connell , org . ; and R . Potter , janitor . Upwards of 150 of the brethren and companions sat down to an admirable banquet , which was well served up by Mr . Preston , of the Railway Hotel .
Installation Meeting Of The Lebanon Lodge No. 1326.
The nineteenth installation meeting of this popular lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , Middlesex , on the 20 th inst ., when W . Bro . Edwin Charles Smith , under whose genial rule during the past year the lodge has greatly prospered , installed as his successor Bro . Chas . William Baker , an initiate in the lodge of 1871 , and a very highly esteemed member . In
consequence of there being so many as four passings and a raising before the all-important business of the day , the lodge was opened at the early hour of one in the afternoon , and after the reading of previous minutes and the auditors' report , which -was of a very favourable character , Bros . Winslow Harry Davey , David Moss , Samuel Henry Flatten , and John Exton were admitted to the second degree , and
Bro . Benjamin George Andrews to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The ceremonies were performed by ihe W . M . and his officers with that care and exactitude which at all times distinguish the work in the "Lebanon , " and tho outgoing master is to be congratulated on the style and manner of his ceremonial performances . After a brief interval the installation ceremony took place , and
Bro . Baker having been presented , his predecessor , Bro . Smith , most ably carried out the beautiful ceremony of the installation , and received investment as Immediate Past Master , and subsequently the P . M . jewel voted by the lodge , and collar and jewel presented by the members as a special gift in acknowledgment of high deserts . The newly-installed Master , Bro . Baker , having been
saluted and greeted in accordance with ancient practice , appointed such of the officers as the regulations of the constitution permitted him to appoint , and invested the whole in the following order , viz ., Bros . John A . Wilson , S . W . ; James C . Goslin . J . W . ; S . Page , treas . ; J . W . Baldwin , P . M ., sec . ; S . Wheeler , S . D . ; Fred . Dunstan , J . D . ; A . Robertson , D . C . ; John Amey , org . ; W . II . Davey , C . S . ; G . H .
Eaton , W . S . ; W . Kite , A . AV . S . ; and John Gilbert , tyler . The addresses to Master , Wardens , and brethren were effectively delivered by the Installing Master , who , amidst applause , completed a year of good Masonic work upon which the lodge may be congratulated , and its members have occasion to reflect with satisfaction . Some excellent material has been supplied for the continued
Installation Meeting Of The Lebanon Lodge No. 1326.
construction of the building , and it is to be hoped that the newly - admitted may have the advantage of seeing the Master who " entered" them affording their fellow workmen his counsel and assistance for many years to come . Some routine business followed the conclusion of the installation ceremony ; letters of regret for unavoidable absence from the Prov . Grand Master , Col . Sir Francis
Burdett , Bart . : the Dep . Grand Master , the V . W . Bro . Raymond Thrupp : Bro . Woodward , P . G . sec , and many others were , read ; propositions for initiations at next meeting were taken ; and after " hearty good wishes" the lodge was closed , and the meeting adjourned until the 17 th August . The brethren then separate ! for a time , and enjoyed a ramble over the adjacent country , spending a
very pleasant hour until again assembling for banquet . This was served in the large and well ventilated assembly room attached to the Railway Hotel , and Bro . IT . P . Harris , the landlord thereof , merits recognition for the taste with which the table was prepared ., and the more than ordinarily good quality and abundant supply of viands placed before the company . There was no lack of service
and in every respect satisfaction was afforded . The Lebanon is more of a " working" lodge than ' a talking one , so that , on the clearance of the cloth , the disposition to harmony was more predominant than a desire for lengthy addresses . Of course all honour was paid to the customary toasts precedent to that of the W . M ., W . Bro . W . A . Barrett , P . G . org ., replying to that which related to
the Grand Officers , and W . Bro . Osborn , P . P . G . S . B ., to that of the Provincial Rulers and Ollicers . In the course of his speech Bro . Osborn explained to his hearers how it is that the province of Middlesex is but a small one in comparison with many others , a large portion of the county being absorbed in the Metropolitan Masonic district of ten miles from Freemasons' Hall , and his remarks were interesting .
W . Bro . Lawrence , Prov . G . D . C , P . M ., also responded , remarking as to the reputation tho lodge must hold in the province to have secured so many representatives amongst the officers thereof . ' The health of the W . M . " was proposed with brevity , received with cordiality , and responded to with earnestness . To that of the " Past Masters , " which was acknowledged by such as were present . Bro . Marsh , P . M .
more fully responded , directing attention to the fact that already the lodge had representatives for forthcoming festivals of the Masonic charities , as stewards , in the persons of Bros . P . Lodge . John Amey , and the W . M . for the R . M . B . I . ; W . IT . Davey for the R . M . I . G . : and W . Kite for the R . M . I . B .. all in 1800 ; and Bros . S . Page , treas .. and W . II . Davey for the R . M . B . I . in 1 S 0 J . Bro . Marsh
very naturally considered that such an exhibition of earnestness in the cause of our several charities reflected credit on the lodge , and upon those brethren who undertook the stewardships . So do we , and we could heartily wish that all the lodges would take example by the "Lebanon . " Nothing more important than Bro . Marsh ' s intimation occurred in the way of speech during the evening ,
which was pleasantly spent in utmost harmony , with frequent song and interesting recitation , until the inevitable parting to '' catch the trains " became absolutely necessary . Amongt tho brethren who were present on this occasion , in addition to those above named were : Bro . James Stevens . P . M ..
Hon . Mem . ; B . G . Andrews , E . Whelan , AV . II . Davey , Sen ., G . T . Bailey , P . Bick . T . AV . Kingston , and other members ; and visitors Bros . J . Tanner . P . M . 1157 ; Henry Forss , P . M . 917 ; J . B . Sorrill . P . M . 170 : J . Smithe , AV . M . 103 : Vincent Larni , 157 : J . Blackburn . 1119 : E . H . Gilbert . 172 ; T . Borer , 15 : A . Hamblin , 1637 . - , & c . & c .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Somerset , which was to have been held at Clevedon yesterday ( the 21 th inst . ) has been postponed to a date ( not yet fixed ) towards the end of August or the beginning of September . BURGOYNE LODUE—No . 902 . —Summer outing . A very pleasant day was spent by the members of this lodge , their wives ,
sweethearts , and friends , on Tuesday , the Kith inst ., when a trip to Virginia AVater was arranged and conducted by a committee formed for that purpose , and whose efforts proved successful in a high degree and were greatly appreciated . The lodge was well represented as to numbers . At the dinner , which was served at the
Castle Inn . Bro . John Cross , the AV . M .. presided , and Bro . Smith , AV . M . Elect , occupied the vice-chair . Bros . Sadler , Price , Gabb . Mark Gill , Harvey , Rashleigh , AVhite , Norrington , Prince , and others , were conspicuous for their attention to the comfort and convenience of their guests , and with Bro . George , as steward , contributed largely to the successful proceedings of the day .
CHARITY . — "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels , and have not charity , I become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal . And though I have the gift of prophecy , and understand all mysteries and knowledge , and have all faith so that I could remove mountains , and have not charity , I am nothing . " Such was the language of an eminent apostle of the Christian
Church , and such is the sentiment that constitutes the cementing bond of Freemasonry . Charity is the chief corner-stone of our temple , and upon it is to be erected a super-structure of all the other virtues , which makes the good man and the good Mason . The charity , however , of which our Order boasts , is not alone that sentiment of commiseration which leads us to assist the poor with
pecuniary donations . Like the virtue described by the apostle , already quoted , its application is more noble and more extensive . " It suffercth long , and is kind . " The true Mason will be slow to anger and easy to forgive . He will stay his falling brother by gentle admonition , and warn him with kindness o £ approaching danger . He will not open his ear to his slanderers , and will close
his lips against all reproach . His faults and his follies will be locked in his In-east , and the prayer for mercy will ascend to Jehovah for his brother ' s sins . Nor will these sentiments of benevolence be confined to those who are bound to him by ties of kindred or worldly friendship alone , but , extending them throughout the globe , he will love and cherish all who sit beneath the broad canopy of our universal lodge . —JS ' ew Zealand Mail .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
many years prior to a present difficulty , totall y ignored , find another and much more satisfactory , as well as unquestioned means for carrying out a grateful acknowledgment' ? We think there must lie a method bv which this could be done
without much difficult y ; and in the hope that it will be sought out and adopted in preference to risking opposition , which mi ght be fraught with very serious consequence , we leave the matter for the present .
Provincial Grand Lodge And Chapter. Surrey.
The annual meeting- of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the Province of Surrey , was held at Caterham , on the 18 th inst .. under the banner of the Caterham Lodge , and was largely attended . The chair was filled bv the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , the V . W . Bro . Fred . J . West . P . G . D . Lodge having been opened in due form , the P . G . . Secretary . AV . Bro . Geo . Charles
Greenwood , P . P . G . R .. read the minute . * of the last meeting , which were confirmed , and called over the list of lodges in the province , all of which were represented except one . About two hundred brethren were present . The investment of Provincial Grand Officers was as follows : —Bros . J . E . Street , S . W . ; Dr . Gibbes . J . W . : the Revs . E . Chichester and M . AV . Martin , Chaplains ;
Geo . Price . Treasurer : J . P . R . Cama . Registrar : C . Greenwood . Sec : Dr . Nicholls , S . D . : P . F . Redpath . ' S . D . ; R . Piper and C . Smith , Junior Deacons ; J . K . Thompson . Sup . of Wks .: A . Lamb , D . C . : J . Hughes . Dep . D . C . ; Geo . Moss . Asst . D . C . ; A . Tremearne . Swd . Br .: T . T . Phillips , Jas . Hide . Std . Brs . : J . O'Connell . Org . A . C . Greenwood . Asst . Sec . ; F . R . Crooker . Pursuivant ; and R .
Killick , Asst . Purst . The Dep . G . Master referred to the death of the late Provincial Grand Master Brownrigg . and paid a high eulogy to his memory . He observed that when they were appointed in 1871 there were ten lodges and five chapters . Since then 24 new lodges and seven new chapters had been consecrated in the province , and now they had 31 lodges and 12 chapters . A great
deal of their success was , he said , due to the enthusiasm thrown by their deceased brother into the work . Their late Grand Master was a strict disciplinarian ; but , notwithstanding that , his kindness and geniality won affection for him which did much towards the success of his Masonic career in Surrey . He concluded by moving a vote of condolence with the family of the deceased , which was
carried . The balance in hand was reported to be . C 283 18 s . lOd . Twenty guineas were voted to the Boys' School , and ten guineas each to the Girls' School , the Benevolent Institution , and the Widows' Fund , and to the rector of Caterham for the poor of the parish . The Prov . Grand Chapter was held subsequently to the above
meeting for the despatch of ordinary routine business , and the appointment and investiture of tho following companions as Grand Officers for the year ensuing , viz ., Comps . Dr . Thompson , P . G . J . ; G . Price , treas . ; J . D . Langton . registrar ; 0 . Greenwood , scribe E . ; G . D . Lister , scribe N . ; Dr . W . IT . M . Smith , principal sojourner :
F . Honeywell , 1 st asst . soj .: F . f . Mullett . 2 nd asst . soj . ; R . Bird , Swd . Br . ; T . T . Phillips , Std . Br . ; T . Weaver , D . C . ; C . M . Pochin , Asst . D . C . ; J . O'Connell , org . ; and R . Potter , janitor . Upwards of 150 of the brethren and companions sat down to an admirable banquet , which was well served up by Mr . Preston , of the Railway Hotel .
Installation Meeting Of The Lebanon Lodge No. 1326.
The nineteenth installation meeting of this popular lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , Middlesex , on the 20 th inst ., when W . Bro . Edwin Charles Smith , under whose genial rule during the past year the lodge has greatly prospered , installed as his successor Bro . Chas . William Baker , an initiate in the lodge of 1871 , and a very highly esteemed member . In
consequence of there being so many as four passings and a raising before the all-important business of the day , the lodge was opened at the early hour of one in the afternoon , and after the reading of previous minutes and the auditors' report , which -was of a very favourable character , Bros . Winslow Harry Davey , David Moss , Samuel Henry Flatten , and John Exton were admitted to the second degree , and
Bro . Benjamin George Andrews to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The ceremonies were performed by ihe W . M . and his officers with that care and exactitude which at all times distinguish the work in the "Lebanon , " and tho outgoing master is to be congratulated on the style and manner of his ceremonial performances . After a brief interval the installation ceremony took place , and
Bro . Baker having been presented , his predecessor , Bro . Smith , most ably carried out the beautiful ceremony of the installation , and received investment as Immediate Past Master , and subsequently the P . M . jewel voted by the lodge , and collar and jewel presented by the members as a special gift in acknowledgment of high deserts . The newly-installed Master , Bro . Baker , having been
saluted and greeted in accordance with ancient practice , appointed such of the officers as the regulations of the constitution permitted him to appoint , and invested the whole in the following order , viz ., Bros . John A . Wilson , S . W . ; James C . Goslin . J . W . ; S . Page , treas . ; J . W . Baldwin , P . M ., sec . ; S . Wheeler , S . D . ; Fred . Dunstan , J . D . ; A . Robertson , D . C . ; John Amey , org . ; W . II . Davey , C . S . ; G . H .
Eaton , W . S . ; W . Kite , A . AV . S . ; and John Gilbert , tyler . The addresses to Master , Wardens , and brethren were effectively delivered by the Installing Master , who , amidst applause , completed a year of good Masonic work upon which the lodge may be congratulated , and its members have occasion to reflect with satisfaction . Some excellent material has been supplied for the continued
Installation Meeting Of The Lebanon Lodge No. 1326.
construction of the building , and it is to be hoped that the newly - admitted may have the advantage of seeing the Master who " entered" them affording their fellow workmen his counsel and assistance for many years to come . Some routine business followed the conclusion of the installation ceremony ; letters of regret for unavoidable absence from the Prov . Grand Master , Col . Sir Francis
Burdett , Bart . : the Dep . Grand Master , the V . W . Bro . Raymond Thrupp : Bro . Woodward , P . G . sec , and many others were , read ; propositions for initiations at next meeting were taken ; and after " hearty good wishes" the lodge was closed , and the meeting adjourned until the 17 th August . The brethren then separate ! for a time , and enjoyed a ramble over the adjacent country , spending a
very pleasant hour until again assembling for banquet . This was served in the large and well ventilated assembly room attached to the Railway Hotel , and Bro . IT . P . Harris , the landlord thereof , merits recognition for the taste with which the table was prepared ., and the more than ordinarily good quality and abundant supply of viands placed before the company . There was no lack of service
and in every respect satisfaction was afforded . The Lebanon is more of a " working" lodge than ' a talking one , so that , on the clearance of the cloth , the disposition to harmony was more predominant than a desire for lengthy addresses . Of course all honour was paid to the customary toasts precedent to that of the W . M ., W . Bro . W . A . Barrett , P . G . org ., replying to that which related to
the Grand Officers , and W . Bro . Osborn , P . P . G . S . B ., to that of the Provincial Rulers and Ollicers . In the course of his speech Bro . Osborn explained to his hearers how it is that the province of Middlesex is but a small one in comparison with many others , a large portion of the county being absorbed in the Metropolitan Masonic district of ten miles from Freemasons' Hall , and his remarks were interesting .
W . Bro . Lawrence , Prov . G . D . C , P . M ., also responded , remarking as to the reputation tho lodge must hold in the province to have secured so many representatives amongst the officers thereof . ' The health of the W . M . " was proposed with brevity , received with cordiality , and responded to with earnestness . To that of the " Past Masters , " which was acknowledged by such as were present . Bro . Marsh , P . M .
more fully responded , directing attention to the fact that already the lodge had representatives for forthcoming festivals of the Masonic charities , as stewards , in the persons of Bros . P . Lodge . John Amey , and the W . M . for the R . M . B . I . ; W . IT . Davey for the R . M . I . G . : and W . Kite for the R . M . I . B .. all in 1800 ; and Bros . S . Page , treas .. and W . II . Davey for the R . M . B . I . in 1 S 0 J . Bro . Marsh
very naturally considered that such an exhibition of earnestness in the cause of our several charities reflected credit on the lodge , and upon those brethren who undertook the stewardships . So do we , and we could heartily wish that all the lodges would take example by the "Lebanon . " Nothing more important than Bro . Marsh ' s intimation occurred in the way of speech during the evening ,
which was pleasantly spent in utmost harmony , with frequent song and interesting recitation , until the inevitable parting to '' catch the trains " became absolutely necessary . Amongt tho brethren who were present on this occasion , in addition to those above named were : Bro . James Stevens . P . M ..
Hon . Mem . ; B . G . Andrews , E . Whelan , AV . II . Davey , Sen ., G . T . Bailey , P . Bick . T . AV . Kingston , and other members ; and visitors Bros . J . Tanner . P . M . 1157 ; Henry Forss , P . M . 917 ; J . B . Sorrill . P . M . 170 : J . Smithe , AV . M . 103 : Vincent Larni , 157 : J . Blackburn . 1119 : E . H . Gilbert . 172 ; T . Borer , 15 : A . Hamblin , 1637 . - , & c . & c .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Somerset , which was to have been held at Clevedon yesterday ( the 21 th inst . ) has been postponed to a date ( not yet fixed ) towards the end of August or the beginning of September . BURGOYNE LODUE—No . 902 . —Summer outing . A very pleasant day was spent by the members of this lodge , their wives ,
sweethearts , and friends , on Tuesday , the Kith inst ., when a trip to Virginia AVater was arranged and conducted by a committee formed for that purpose , and whose efforts proved successful in a high degree and were greatly appreciated . The lodge was well represented as to numbers . At the dinner , which was served at the
Castle Inn . Bro . John Cross , the AV . M .. presided , and Bro . Smith , AV . M . Elect , occupied the vice-chair . Bros . Sadler , Price , Gabb . Mark Gill , Harvey , Rashleigh , AVhite , Norrington , Prince , and others , were conspicuous for their attention to the comfort and convenience of their guests , and with Bro . George , as steward , contributed largely to the successful proceedings of the day .
CHARITY . — "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels , and have not charity , I become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal . And though I have the gift of prophecy , and understand all mysteries and knowledge , and have all faith so that I could remove mountains , and have not charity , I am nothing . " Such was the language of an eminent apostle of the Christian
Church , and such is the sentiment that constitutes the cementing bond of Freemasonry . Charity is the chief corner-stone of our temple , and upon it is to be erected a super-structure of all the other virtues , which makes the good man and the good Mason . The charity , however , of which our Order boasts , is not alone that sentiment of commiseration which leads us to assist the poor with
pecuniary donations . Like the virtue described by the apostle , already quoted , its application is more noble and more extensive . " It suffercth long , and is kind . " The true Mason will be slow to anger and easy to forgive . He will stay his falling brother by gentle admonition , and warn him with kindness o £ approaching danger . He will not open his ear to his slanderers , and will close
his lips against all reproach . His faults and his follies will be locked in his In-east , and the prayer for mercy will ascend to Jehovah for his brother ' s sins . Nor will these sentiments of benevolence be confined to those who are bound to him by ties of kindred or worldly friendship alone , but , extending them throughout the globe , he will love and cherish all who sit beneath the broad canopy of our universal lodge . —JS ' ew Zealand Mail .