Article "The Masonic Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN PERSIA. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN PERSIA. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTALLATION MEETING OF THE MEENTURIA LODGE, No. 418, HANLEY. Page 1 of 1 Article We Notify that:- Page 1 of 1 Article Press Exchanges and Books Received. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"The Masonic Poet's Corner."
" The Masonic Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ) THE NOBLE ORDER ,
BY BRO . JOHN FAWCKTT SKELTON , P . M . lit ! ( Bolton ) , P . Z . Tunes— "Tho Sea is England ' s Glory , " "From Greenland ' s ley Mountains , " " Jerusalem the Golden . " & c
I . j m . THERE is a Noble Order .- This noblest of all Orders , Selected from all men , Most ancient and most free , From Earth ' s remotest border . Is known to Earth's bright
boric- Britain back again : As fair "Freemasonry . " [ dors , From ev ' ry northern nation— Then wave her flags all prouder , From ev ' ry circling / . one— On ev ' ry hill and shore : From ev ' ry southern station And sing her praises louder This Order hath its own . Than we have done before .
II . iv . From widely distant regions— ' ' The Noble Order ! " brothers . From hills beyond the wind . Let lips of yours reply : It draws its loyal legions The star of all the others
To benefit mankind . Beneath the starry sky . Brave chiefs withbronzen faces— Earth ' s princes bear its banners . Fair sons of ev ' ry tongue— And to its mandates bow ; All tribes , and clans , and races Then drink , with all our honours , This Order proudly throng . " Tho Noble Order ! " now .
HAIL , MASONRY , THOU GLORIOUS ART ! BY BRO . JOHN FAWCETT SKELTON , P . M . IK ; ( Bolton ) , P . Z . Tune— " The Hardy Norseman . "
HAIL , Masonry , thou glorious Art ! In beauty may ' st thou shine , While life glows in tho human heart , Or love in tho Divine ! Chorus—May Friendship , boundless as the sea .
And Love , pure as the snow , AVitli Truth , in heavenly harmony , Delight our Lodge below . Alas ! we do not—dare not—saj r , Our Mason-Brethren , all .
Are perfect as the light of day . And never know a fall . Chorus—Our rules are good , our laws are grand , Our precepts are divine , And Ave , indeed , might spotless stand , Could we but toe the line .
But this we boldly do declare , In front of earthly hosts , — Who nearest works up to ' the square " Our " Constitution " boasts .
Chorus—He is a Mason and a Man As noble as the best — One , who , when busy life , be done , Deserves Eternal rest .
Then . Brothers , pledge we in a draught , With pride the most profound , — Success and honour to the Craft The spacious earth around ! Chorus—May e ' en the world outside its gates
Confess , as ages roll . — Our noble Art both elevates And purifies the soul . Written for the . MASONIC STAR ; Words man be reproduced (" with credit" - ) .
Freemasonry In Persia.
AVe extract the following from The Masonic Feeord of Western India , as likely to prove of interest to the English Craft , in connection with the present visit of tho SHAH to England : — " Persia is one of the few countries where the holding of Masonic lodge meetings is fcrbidden liy the law and it is , therefore , with with much interest that we have received new * from that part of
the world . There is in Persia a number of Freemasons , chiefly of the nobility , who enter the Craft while serving on the staff of the embassies of their State in the capital cities in Europe ; some , however—how many is not known—were admitted into the Fraternity in their own country . Up to within about ; twenty years ago . a Freemasons' lodge—believed to be very ancient—was regularly held
in Teheran . By beginning to build a Masonic Hall in the Persian capital , the brethren attracted the notice of the Shah , who , not being a Freemason , and having many scruples about entering a lodge in the usual manner , stopped the work and issued a proclamation forbidding the lodge meetings . It is generally believed that since that time there have been no meetings in Persia ; but a brother
who has visited that country ( and was recently in Madras ) tells us he has reason to believe Craft Lodge meetings ' have been held there , at irregular intervals , up to tho present day . Those brethren were most careful to preserve their secrets , having used in their lodge neither printed nor manuscript rituals , and it is extremely probable that the records of the old lodge and its meetings have been
carefully preserved . Reports which have recently reached us via Bushire inform us that our Persian brethren hope that during his coming visit to England , the Shah will acquire a better opinion about tho craft—sufficient at least to give them permission to recommence their halt , and begin holding regular meetings again . It is not yet known who among them will be selected to accompany
Freemasonry In Persia.
the Shah upon his tour as he is constantly changing his mind about the details : and he seems to have resolved upon making the journey . AVe arc told some of the brethren in Teheran are of opinion , that their ruler will when in London , join tho Crai ' t : but although possible , we think it likely that this is mere speculation . However should Nasr-ud-din . Shah of Persia , be initiated into
Freemasonry , it would bring about a Masonic renaissance within "tho land of the Rising Sun and the Red Dragon , " one of the earliest strongholds of Freemasonry in the world , which would be for that country a step in the right direction . It is interesting to notice that in Persia a Freemasons' lodge is called a . f ' cramoxli
Khanu ( moaning lifco ? villy " forgetting house , " ) but understood lo imply "house of oblivion and siler . ee . " as everyone who enters it "forgets" apparently all that has taken place within its doors . AVhen pronounced br a Persian Fcrmitoxh Khana does not sound very unlike ' •' Freemasons '" ( Khana ' ) or Hall . —Madras Masonic Jlerieir . "
Installation Meeting Of The Meenturia Lodge, No. 418, Hanley.
The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the Kith inst ., the AV . M ., Bro . II . AVindle , in the chair . Considering that it was a summer meeting the attendance of members was good , nearly 10 being present . The lodge was honoured with a visit from the Provincial Grand . Master of Staffordshire , Colrnel Foster Gough , LL . f ) .. P . G . S . B .. who was escorted into the
lodgeroom by the past and present provincial officers in attendance . The P . G . M . took tho chair and gavel whilst the minutes were read and confirmed , after which he requested the AV . M . to return to the chair and proceed to the business of the evening . Bros . Forester and Rushforth were then examined as necessary , and passed to the second degree by the W . M ., the charge being delivered by the S . AV .,
Bro . J . Robinson . Alter the usual fraternal greetings from visiting brethren , a resolution was proposed by Bro . G . V . Greatbatch , P . M .. P . P . G . Supt . AVks .. and seconded by Bro . AA . Ttinnccliff , I . P . M ., that the sum of fifty guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys out of the amount realized by the eon-versazimic in February last . The proposer and seconder referred to the
fact that they had taken an active part in bringing about and assisting at the recent inquiry into the management of the Boj-s ' School , from which they hoped and believed excellent results would arise , and they had the greatest pleasure in asking tho lodge to strengthen the hands of the Provisional Committee by a handsome
subscription to the funds . Some discussion took place as to the desirability of increasing the amount , so as to constitute the lodge a vice-patron , but subsequently the resolution was carried , the hope being held out that ' ere long sufficient additional money -would be found to enrol tho lodge amongst the list of vice-patrons .
the R . AV . P . G . Master complimented the AV . M . and officers of the lodge upon the excellent manner in which not only the passings , but the entire business of the lodge had been conducted ; it left little , very little indeed to lie desired . He had found every officer , from tho AA . M . downwards , at his post and well up in his duties , which gave him very great pleasure . He also expressed his
gratification at seeing the resolultion carried with respect to the Boys" School , showing , as it did , the truly masonic spirit of the lodge . Some , and probably most , of the members of the lodge had thought that some improvement might be made in the management of the School ; but , at the same time , they were not going to withhold their aid—they recognised the fact that tho boys were
there and must be provided for . He was truly glad that a Staffordshire lodge was doing its duty so nobly in the matter , and he sincerely hoped that the example of the " Menturia " would be noted even beyond the borders of his own province . He also referred in eulogistic terms to a papsr on Voting in Lodges ( as to candidates ) which had been road by Bro . Greatbatch to the
members of the " Menturia " and a copy of which he had received . He thoroughly endorsed the principles suggested in the paper , and thought it a very useful and commendable contribution . He expressed his regret at having to leave the lodge before it was closed , but his train compelled him to do so . After the departure of the R . AV . P . G . M . the lodge was closed by the AV . M . ' s and the brethren adjourned to light refreshment in the ante-room of the lodge .
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
The Euston Council of Royal Select and Super-Excellent Masters , No . 1 , The M . I . Comp . the Earl of Euston , G . M ., T . I . M ., will assemble at the Masonic Hall , 8 a , Red Lion Square , this day ( July 25 th ) , at 5 . 15 p . m ., for election and reception of approved Mark Master Masons , and for election of Master and Treasurer for the ensuing year .
The Annual Provincial Grand Lodge for Essse . x will be holdeu at Easton Lodge , Dunmow , the seat of the R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Lord Brooke , M . P ., on Tuesday , the Gth prox .. at 2 p . m . Preparations have been made on a liberal scale to make the occasion an extremely pleasant and interesting one to such as may be privileged to be present .
The consecration of the Scots' Lodge . No . 2310 , Bro . the lit . Hon . the Earl of Euston , AV . M . designate , is appointed to take place on Saturday next , the 27 th inst .. at the Scottish Corporation Hall , Crane Court , E . C .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Society ; The Canadian Craftsman , , Inly , Toronto ; South Africa . )! Freemason ; Freemason * : ' Chronicle , Sydney ; The Masonic llccord of Western India , May , Allahabad ; The Liberal , Freemason , July , Boston .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"The Masonic Poet's Corner."
" The Masonic Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ) THE NOBLE ORDER ,
BY BRO . JOHN FAWCKTT SKELTON , P . M . lit ! ( Bolton ) , P . Z . Tunes— "Tho Sea is England ' s Glory , " "From Greenland ' s ley Mountains , " " Jerusalem the Golden . " & c
I . j m . THERE is a Noble Order .- This noblest of all Orders , Selected from all men , Most ancient and most free , From Earth ' s remotest border . Is known to Earth's bright
boric- Britain back again : As fair "Freemasonry . " [ dors , From ev ' ry northern nation— Then wave her flags all prouder , From ev ' ry circling / . one— On ev ' ry hill and shore : From ev ' ry southern station And sing her praises louder This Order hath its own . Than we have done before .
II . iv . From widely distant regions— ' ' The Noble Order ! " brothers . From hills beyond the wind . Let lips of yours reply : It draws its loyal legions The star of all the others
To benefit mankind . Beneath the starry sky . Brave chiefs withbronzen faces— Earth ' s princes bear its banners . Fair sons of ev ' ry tongue— And to its mandates bow ; All tribes , and clans , and races Then drink , with all our honours , This Order proudly throng . " Tho Noble Order ! " now .
HAIL , MASONRY , THOU GLORIOUS ART ! BY BRO . JOHN FAWCETT SKELTON , P . M . IK ; ( Bolton ) , P . Z . Tune— " The Hardy Norseman . "
HAIL , Masonry , thou glorious Art ! In beauty may ' st thou shine , While life glows in tho human heart , Or love in tho Divine ! Chorus—May Friendship , boundless as the sea .
And Love , pure as the snow , AVitli Truth , in heavenly harmony , Delight our Lodge below . Alas ! we do not—dare not—saj r , Our Mason-Brethren , all .
Are perfect as the light of day . And never know a fall . Chorus—Our rules are good , our laws are grand , Our precepts are divine , And Ave , indeed , might spotless stand , Could we but toe the line .
But this we boldly do declare , In front of earthly hosts , — Who nearest works up to ' the square " Our " Constitution " boasts .
Chorus—He is a Mason and a Man As noble as the best — One , who , when busy life , be done , Deserves Eternal rest .
Then . Brothers , pledge we in a draught , With pride the most profound , — Success and honour to the Craft The spacious earth around ! Chorus—May e ' en the world outside its gates
Confess , as ages roll . — Our noble Art both elevates And purifies the soul . Written for the . MASONIC STAR ; Words man be reproduced (" with credit" - ) .
Freemasonry In Persia.
AVe extract the following from The Masonic Feeord of Western India , as likely to prove of interest to the English Craft , in connection with the present visit of tho SHAH to England : — " Persia is one of the few countries where the holding of Masonic lodge meetings is fcrbidden liy the law and it is , therefore , with with much interest that we have received new * from that part of
the world . There is in Persia a number of Freemasons , chiefly of the nobility , who enter the Craft while serving on the staff of the embassies of their State in the capital cities in Europe ; some , however—how many is not known—were admitted into the Fraternity in their own country . Up to within about ; twenty years ago . a Freemasons' lodge—believed to be very ancient—was regularly held
in Teheran . By beginning to build a Masonic Hall in the Persian capital , the brethren attracted the notice of the Shah , who , not being a Freemason , and having many scruples about entering a lodge in the usual manner , stopped the work and issued a proclamation forbidding the lodge meetings . It is generally believed that since that time there have been no meetings in Persia ; but a brother
who has visited that country ( and was recently in Madras ) tells us he has reason to believe Craft Lodge meetings ' have been held there , at irregular intervals , up to tho present day . Those brethren were most careful to preserve their secrets , having used in their lodge neither printed nor manuscript rituals , and it is extremely probable that the records of the old lodge and its meetings have been
carefully preserved . Reports which have recently reached us via Bushire inform us that our Persian brethren hope that during his coming visit to England , the Shah will acquire a better opinion about tho craft—sufficient at least to give them permission to recommence their halt , and begin holding regular meetings again . It is not yet known who among them will be selected to accompany
Freemasonry In Persia.
the Shah upon his tour as he is constantly changing his mind about the details : and he seems to have resolved upon making the journey . AVe arc told some of the brethren in Teheran are of opinion , that their ruler will when in London , join tho Crai ' t : but although possible , we think it likely that this is mere speculation . However should Nasr-ud-din . Shah of Persia , be initiated into
Freemasonry , it would bring about a Masonic renaissance within "tho land of the Rising Sun and the Red Dragon , " one of the earliest strongholds of Freemasonry in the world , which would be for that country a step in the right direction . It is interesting to notice that in Persia a Freemasons' lodge is called a . f ' cramoxli
Khanu ( moaning lifco ? villy " forgetting house , " ) but understood lo imply "house of oblivion and siler . ee . " as everyone who enters it "forgets" apparently all that has taken place within its doors . AVhen pronounced br a Persian Fcrmitoxh Khana does not sound very unlike ' •' Freemasons '" ( Khana ' ) or Hall . —Madras Masonic Jlerieir . "
Installation Meeting Of The Meenturia Lodge, No. 418, Hanley.
The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the Kith inst ., the AV . M ., Bro . II . AVindle , in the chair . Considering that it was a summer meeting the attendance of members was good , nearly 10 being present . The lodge was honoured with a visit from the Provincial Grand . Master of Staffordshire , Colrnel Foster Gough , LL . f ) .. P . G . S . B .. who was escorted into the
lodgeroom by the past and present provincial officers in attendance . The P . G . M . took tho chair and gavel whilst the minutes were read and confirmed , after which he requested the AV . M . to return to the chair and proceed to the business of the evening . Bros . Forester and Rushforth were then examined as necessary , and passed to the second degree by the W . M ., the charge being delivered by the S . AV .,
Bro . J . Robinson . Alter the usual fraternal greetings from visiting brethren , a resolution was proposed by Bro . G . V . Greatbatch , P . M .. P . P . G . Supt . AVks .. and seconded by Bro . AA . Ttinnccliff , I . P . M ., that the sum of fifty guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys out of the amount realized by the eon-versazimic in February last . The proposer and seconder referred to the
fact that they had taken an active part in bringing about and assisting at the recent inquiry into the management of the Boj-s ' School , from which they hoped and believed excellent results would arise , and they had the greatest pleasure in asking tho lodge to strengthen the hands of the Provisional Committee by a handsome
subscription to the funds . Some discussion took place as to the desirability of increasing the amount , so as to constitute the lodge a vice-patron , but subsequently the resolution was carried , the hope being held out that ' ere long sufficient additional money -would be found to enrol tho lodge amongst the list of vice-patrons .
the R . AV . P . G . Master complimented the AV . M . and officers of the lodge upon the excellent manner in which not only the passings , but the entire business of the lodge had been conducted ; it left little , very little indeed to lie desired . He had found every officer , from tho AA . M . downwards , at his post and well up in his duties , which gave him very great pleasure . He also expressed his
gratification at seeing the resolultion carried with respect to the Boys" School , showing , as it did , the truly masonic spirit of the lodge . Some , and probably most , of the members of the lodge had thought that some improvement might be made in the management of the School ; but , at the same time , they were not going to withhold their aid—they recognised the fact that tho boys were
there and must be provided for . He was truly glad that a Staffordshire lodge was doing its duty so nobly in the matter , and he sincerely hoped that the example of the " Menturia " would be noted even beyond the borders of his own province . He also referred in eulogistic terms to a papsr on Voting in Lodges ( as to candidates ) which had been road by Bro . Greatbatch to the
members of the " Menturia " and a copy of which he had received . He thoroughly endorsed the principles suggested in the paper , and thought it a very useful and commendable contribution . He expressed his regret at having to leave the lodge before it was closed , but his train compelled him to do so . After the departure of the R . AV . P . G . M . the lodge was closed by the AV . M . ' s and the brethren adjourned to light refreshment in the ante-room of the lodge .
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
The Euston Council of Royal Select and Super-Excellent Masters , No . 1 , The M . I . Comp . the Earl of Euston , G . M ., T . I . M ., will assemble at the Masonic Hall , 8 a , Red Lion Square , this day ( July 25 th ) , at 5 . 15 p . m ., for election and reception of approved Mark Master Masons , and for election of Master and Treasurer for the ensuing year .
The Annual Provincial Grand Lodge for Essse . x will be holdeu at Easton Lodge , Dunmow , the seat of the R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Lord Brooke , M . P ., on Tuesday , the Gth prox .. at 2 p . m . Preparations have been made on a liberal scale to make the occasion an extremely pleasant and interesting one to such as may be privileged to be present .
The consecration of the Scots' Lodge . No . 2310 , Bro . the lit . Hon . the Earl of Euston , AV . M . designate , is appointed to take place on Saturday next , the 27 th inst .. at the Scottish Corporation Hall , Crane Court , E . C .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Society ; The Canadian Craftsman , , Inly , Toronto ; South Africa . )! Freemason ; Freemason * : ' Chronicle , Sydney ; The Masonic llccord of Western India , May , Allahabad ; The Liberal , Freemason , July , Boston .