Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Press Exchanges and Books Received. Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 2 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
Thirdly , " the crab omelette , a la blue seal , " was conspicuous by its absence . This dish was not on the menu , and as the menu is always submitted for approval to the orderer of the dinner . " Diner Out . " on this point , must find fault with his host instead of the " Trafalgar . " and so the simple explanation of this charge proves its absurdity .
Lastly , he says " the sherry , " or it may be " the champagne , " was iced . " Well , the sherry was not iced : the champagne was cooled , as is almost invariably the case at fish dinners : in fact , in most instances , connoisseurs and those who are accustomed to dine cum me it fai / t , prefer their champagne frappe when served at fish dinners . In conclusion , as a Freemason for more than twentv vears . and
as one having an intimate knowledge of Masonic dinners as served at the old " Trafalgar , " I unhesitatingly traverse every one of your correspondent's statements , and deplore that one of the ancient and honourable craft should have lent his authority to unjust and misleading criticism . Yours f raternallv . 25 th June , 188 !) . S . 32 .
BOARD OF INSTALLED MASTERS . To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Referring to the letters which have recently appeared in your paper from my friend Bro . W . Nicholl , P . M . 317 . I think with him that it is high time that something should be done bv Grand Lodge .
or those m Grand Lodge who have the authority to do so , to fix the method in which the ceremony of installation shall be gone through , as in the majority of lodges I have had the pleasure of visiting there is great diversity of working , and certainly not that " uniformity of ritual" which is so much to be aimed at . I called recently upon Bro . Sadler , at the Freemasons' Hall , and
when I mentioned to him certain customs which were adopted in lodges , who consider their working to be in order , he shook his head and told me that those customs were not correct . The course carried out by the Grand Lodge of Ireland appears to me to be a right solution of the difficulty , and I sincerely hope that some influential member of Grand Lodge will take the matter up , and have such an instructor appointed for each Province , or in the cases
of the larger Provinces , more than one . who shall be invested with full powers not only to correct the errors and irregularities of the worshipf ul brethren , but to take care that his commands are carried into full and permanent effect . Yours fraternally . WALTER II . VAUGHAX . Cheadle , June 25 th , 188 !) . P . M . 1030 & P . P . G . R . E . L .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Canadian . Craftsman ; Be wards in the X . \ M :.. T . \ A :. A . \ Jlite , by Bro . John Haigh , Somerville ; Quatnor Covonatorinn Ant agraphia ( Masonic reprints of the Lodge Qnatuor Coronati . No . 2070 . London , ) Vol . I .. Edited by Bro . G . W . Speth : Minutes of Proceedings of the District Grand Lodge , of the Punjab ( for notice ) : South African Freemason ( quoted ) ; Society .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
We have to ask the indulgence of many valued correspondents in consequence of our inability to comply with their requests for want of space . " Crowding out , " with us , is a most objectionable operation , for we are very desirous that no cause shall be given for offence to those who are so liberally and generously supporting our efforts . It will , we hope and believe , be shortly our privilege to have more space placed at our disposal , and our correspondents may rely that we shall apply the same faithfully in their interests .
We hear of the proposed establishment of another Class Lodge , this time promoted by the members of a political club . Considering the importance of a continued strict adherence to tho Masonic injunction " to abstain from every topic of political or religious discussion , " it appears to us somewhat risky for the " members of the National Liberal Club who are Freemasons , " to attempt to run Freemasonry and politics together , as the above-named proposal
would certainly suggest . If the petitioners should obtain the warrant for a " Whitehall" Lodge , the members of which affect liberal opinions as politicians , what should prevent a like grant for a " Primrose " Lodge composed of brethren who hold Conservative views ? It may be all com me it faut , but the connection seems too close , and a very little reason to suspect is often quite sufficient to do an intolerable amount of harm .
s # % = = > . - -A- ¦ . In a report of the proceedings of the Chislehurst Lodge , No . 1531 , which will be found in another column , we note that in the course of a response on behalf of visitors , the District Grand Master for the State of New York , R . W . Bro . George Hayes , after referring to the progress being made in connection with Masonic Insliuitii . n . s
there , said "they hoped shortly to open a home for tho reception and shelter of deserving Freemasons while seeking employment . " Truly this is a practical rendering of the grand teachings of Brotherly Love and Relief , and the statement is worthy of more than a , mere passing thought . It is so consonant with all the injunctions wc receive in the course of our Masonic education ; nay more , it is so in accord with the very tonus of the obligations
Our Trestle Board
we take upou ourselves that it would be difficult to conceive a more fitting method of diverting some portion of our Lodge contributions than that of establishing a similar shelter here for some of those " who from circumstances of unforseen calamity and misfortune arc reduced '" to solicit the temporary assistance which might save them from further distress and despair . We will refer to this subject anon .
At the installation meeting of La Cesareo Lodge . No . 5 ! I 0 . held at the Masonic Temple . Jersey , on the 0 th inst .. W . Bro . Bree was placed in the chair of K . S . for a third successive year of Mastership . This event has been spoken of as a " new departure in the annals of ( Jersey ) Freemasonry . " but we presume that tho requirements of Rule 135 of the Book of Constitutions have been complied
with , in which case it is somewhat misleading to characterise it as a "departure" from those regulations which govern the Craft generally . We congratulate our Bro . Bree on the unmistakable evidence of the esteem he must be held in by his brethren , -and the manner of its recognition by , we presume , the granting of the necessary dispensation to legalize the election for a third year of responsibility .
KENT . —Cinsr . EHiTKsT . —The Chislehurst Lodge . No . 1531 , held its 1 Ith installation meeting at the Bull's Head Hotel , on Saturday last , when Bro . William Tlollis was installed W . M . for tho ensuing year by W . Bro . Wm . Thomas Hunt , who received a very hearty vote of thanks in appreciation of the admirable manner in which he had discharged that duty after the fulfilment of his year of office .
Bros . Tanner and Whomes had been previously passed by him to the second degree . About 35 brethren were present during the installation ceremonv . amongst whom were the following visitors and brothers : — Bros . S . Adamson . 10 !) and 1208 . P . Pro . S . G . W . Kent : C . F . Gardiner . Ebury 1318 , W . M .: J . I-I . E . Squire , Avon
1 ( 533 : J . Muir Smith . Crescent 788 . W . M . : Geo . Hayes . G . L .. State of New York . D . G . M . ; W . Martin . Southwark 87 !) , P . M . : W . J . Newell . Mount Lebanon 732 : E . J . Williams , Surrey Masonic IT all 1530 : S . R . Speight . Justice 117 . P . M . and see . ; C . Vellenowoth , Temperance l ( i !) : J . G-. Milburn . Union Waterloo 13 : Geo . J . Baker . Gresham
S <; 0 ; E . C . Fcatherstone . 70 . W . M . Letters ot regret for enforced absence were read from Bros . James Smith Eastes , D .-Prov . G . M . Kent : Alfred Spencer . Prov . G . Sec . Kent : E . J . Joynson , P . M . Grays Valley Lodge : James Stevens , P . M . 720 , 121 fi ! H 2 ( i . fco . : J . Maclean and John E . Page . W . M . Stewart Lodge , No . 548 . and from several other distinguished brethren . A handsome P . M . jewel
and collar was presented to Bro . Hunt m open lodge , after the closing of which a banquet was served in the Village Hall , by Bro . AVhomes . the host of the Bull's Heal , and which gave general satisfaction . The toasts were well received , especially those of the Rt .-Hon . Earl Amherst . Prov . Grand Master , and the popular W . M . Bro . Tlollis . W . Bro . G . Adamson . P . P . G-. S . W . Kent , in responding
for the Provincial Grand Officers , bore high testimony to the sterling qualities of their provincial ruler , whose labours on behalf of Freemasonry were unceasing , and paid a high tribute to the Prov . Dep . G . M ., Bro . Eastes . for his general affabilitv and unfailing discharge of his duties in that high olfice . Tho W . M . was also greatlv complimented as an example of diligence and
masonicliberality to younger brethren , as also in relation to the successful results of his recent stewardship on behalf of the province . Bro . George Hayes . District Grand Master for the State of New York , responded for the visitors , and in the course of an admirable address gave an exhaustive account of the progress made in masonry of late in the State with which he is connected . He pointed out the
Spaniards used to adopt the motto " ne plus ultra" on their coins , but after the discovery of America by Columbus they dropped tho " ne . " And so it used to be with New York masonry ; they formerly did not trouble themselves with much outside conviviality , but during the past few years they had accumulated large funds , and taking example from Grand Lodge of England , had founded homes
and schools for the aged and the orphans as well as other cognate institutions : and hoped shortly to open a home where they could receive deserving masons of other nationalities , and afford them shelter and assistance until employment should be obtainable . Bro . Hayes' address was received with much satisfaction . Tho whole meeting was marked with the utmost unanimity and concord
and there is every prospect that tho lodge will become one of the largest in the province , and continue to deserve its old title of " Happy Chislehurst . " In addition to those brethren already named there wore present at this pleasant gathering Bros . R . Nevill . P . M . : J . R . Bohemia , P . M .. Prov . G . P . ; Edwd . Kipps , P . M .,
P . P . G . Org . : the newly-mvcsted officers , viz .. Bros . C . F . Quicke . S . AV . : J . C . Main . J . W . : W . Kipps . P . M ., P . P . G . Org ., Treas . ; E . Goodale . P . M .. Sec : A . Tuck . S . D .: J . Marshall , J . D . ; W . J . A . Cleaves , I . G . ; T . Smith , D . C . ; G . Proctor . Steward , and Rawles , Tyler ; and A . J . Pcrrian . G . AVhomes . G . N . Tanner , J . E . Drinkwater . C . A . Dettncr . G . II . Dowsett . fcc . kc .
STAFFORDSHIRE—MEXTURIA LODGE—No . -118—HANLEY . — PRESENTATION TO BRO . E . V . GREATKATCH AND WM . TuNXicr . ipp —On the 18 th inst .. at the meeting of this lodge at the Masonic Hall , llanley , AV . Bros . E . A . Greathatch and AVm . Tunnicliff were each presented with a past master ' s jewel in gold , in recognition of the services they rendered in connection with the recent inquiry into the management of tho Masonic Boys' School , in London . The
cause of the inquiry was a feeling on the part of the brethren that the amount yearly contributed to these schools ( on an average upwards of . CI 3 . 000 ) should accomplish , better results , the amount named only providing for about 250 boys , the actual average cost being , C 50 His . in the year 18 S 7 , as compared with C 20 Ms . ( id . in the Commercial Travellers' School , and , C 3 ( i 2 s . Id . in the London Orphan Asylum—mismanagement , or rather want of management , absorbing a sum sufficient to provide for at least 150 more boys
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
Thirdly , " the crab omelette , a la blue seal , " was conspicuous by its absence . This dish was not on the menu , and as the menu is always submitted for approval to the orderer of the dinner . " Diner Out . " on this point , must find fault with his host instead of the " Trafalgar . " and so the simple explanation of this charge proves its absurdity .
Lastly , he says " the sherry , " or it may be " the champagne , " was iced . " Well , the sherry was not iced : the champagne was cooled , as is almost invariably the case at fish dinners : in fact , in most instances , connoisseurs and those who are accustomed to dine cum me it fai / t , prefer their champagne frappe when served at fish dinners . In conclusion , as a Freemason for more than twentv vears . and
as one having an intimate knowledge of Masonic dinners as served at the old " Trafalgar , " I unhesitatingly traverse every one of your correspondent's statements , and deplore that one of the ancient and honourable craft should have lent his authority to unjust and misleading criticism . Yours f raternallv . 25 th June , 188 !) . S . 32 .
BOARD OF INSTALLED MASTERS . To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Referring to the letters which have recently appeared in your paper from my friend Bro . W . Nicholl , P . M . 317 . I think with him that it is high time that something should be done bv Grand Lodge .
or those m Grand Lodge who have the authority to do so , to fix the method in which the ceremony of installation shall be gone through , as in the majority of lodges I have had the pleasure of visiting there is great diversity of working , and certainly not that " uniformity of ritual" which is so much to be aimed at . I called recently upon Bro . Sadler , at the Freemasons' Hall , and
when I mentioned to him certain customs which were adopted in lodges , who consider their working to be in order , he shook his head and told me that those customs were not correct . The course carried out by the Grand Lodge of Ireland appears to me to be a right solution of the difficulty , and I sincerely hope that some influential member of Grand Lodge will take the matter up , and have such an instructor appointed for each Province , or in the cases
of the larger Provinces , more than one . who shall be invested with full powers not only to correct the errors and irregularities of the worshipf ul brethren , but to take care that his commands are carried into full and permanent effect . Yours fraternally . WALTER II . VAUGHAX . Cheadle , June 25 th , 188 !) . P . M . 1030 & P . P . G . R . E . L .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Canadian . Craftsman ; Be wards in the X . \ M :.. T . \ A :. A . \ Jlite , by Bro . John Haigh , Somerville ; Quatnor Covonatorinn Ant agraphia ( Masonic reprints of the Lodge Qnatuor Coronati . No . 2070 . London , ) Vol . I .. Edited by Bro . G . W . Speth : Minutes of Proceedings of the District Grand Lodge , of the Punjab ( for notice ) : South African Freemason ( quoted ) ; Society .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
We have to ask the indulgence of many valued correspondents in consequence of our inability to comply with their requests for want of space . " Crowding out , " with us , is a most objectionable operation , for we are very desirous that no cause shall be given for offence to those who are so liberally and generously supporting our efforts . It will , we hope and believe , be shortly our privilege to have more space placed at our disposal , and our correspondents may rely that we shall apply the same faithfully in their interests .
We hear of the proposed establishment of another Class Lodge , this time promoted by the members of a political club . Considering the importance of a continued strict adherence to tho Masonic injunction " to abstain from every topic of political or religious discussion , " it appears to us somewhat risky for the " members of the National Liberal Club who are Freemasons , " to attempt to run Freemasonry and politics together , as the above-named proposal
would certainly suggest . If the petitioners should obtain the warrant for a " Whitehall" Lodge , the members of which affect liberal opinions as politicians , what should prevent a like grant for a " Primrose " Lodge composed of brethren who hold Conservative views ? It may be all com me it faut , but the connection seems too close , and a very little reason to suspect is often quite sufficient to do an intolerable amount of harm .
s # % = = > . - -A- ¦ . In a report of the proceedings of the Chislehurst Lodge , No . 1531 , which will be found in another column , we note that in the course of a response on behalf of visitors , the District Grand Master for the State of New York , R . W . Bro . George Hayes , after referring to the progress being made in connection with Masonic Insliuitii . n . s
there , said "they hoped shortly to open a home for tho reception and shelter of deserving Freemasons while seeking employment . " Truly this is a practical rendering of the grand teachings of Brotherly Love and Relief , and the statement is worthy of more than a , mere passing thought . It is so consonant with all the injunctions wc receive in the course of our Masonic education ; nay more , it is so in accord with the very tonus of the obligations
Our Trestle Board
we take upou ourselves that it would be difficult to conceive a more fitting method of diverting some portion of our Lodge contributions than that of establishing a similar shelter here for some of those " who from circumstances of unforseen calamity and misfortune arc reduced '" to solicit the temporary assistance which might save them from further distress and despair . We will refer to this subject anon .
At the installation meeting of La Cesareo Lodge . No . 5 ! I 0 . held at the Masonic Temple . Jersey , on the 0 th inst .. W . Bro . Bree was placed in the chair of K . S . for a third successive year of Mastership . This event has been spoken of as a " new departure in the annals of ( Jersey ) Freemasonry . " but we presume that tho requirements of Rule 135 of the Book of Constitutions have been complied
with , in which case it is somewhat misleading to characterise it as a "departure" from those regulations which govern the Craft generally . We congratulate our Bro . Bree on the unmistakable evidence of the esteem he must be held in by his brethren , -and the manner of its recognition by , we presume , the granting of the necessary dispensation to legalize the election for a third year of responsibility .
KENT . —Cinsr . EHiTKsT . —The Chislehurst Lodge . No . 1531 , held its 1 Ith installation meeting at the Bull's Head Hotel , on Saturday last , when Bro . William Tlollis was installed W . M . for tho ensuing year by W . Bro . Wm . Thomas Hunt , who received a very hearty vote of thanks in appreciation of the admirable manner in which he had discharged that duty after the fulfilment of his year of office .
Bros . Tanner and Whomes had been previously passed by him to the second degree . About 35 brethren were present during the installation ceremonv . amongst whom were the following visitors and brothers : — Bros . S . Adamson . 10 !) and 1208 . P . Pro . S . G . W . Kent : C . F . Gardiner . Ebury 1318 , W . M .: J . I-I . E . Squire , Avon
1 ( 533 : J . Muir Smith . Crescent 788 . W . M . : Geo . Hayes . G . L .. State of New York . D . G . M . ; W . Martin . Southwark 87 !) , P . M . : W . J . Newell . Mount Lebanon 732 : E . J . Williams , Surrey Masonic IT all 1530 : S . R . Speight . Justice 117 . P . M . and see . ; C . Vellenowoth , Temperance l ( i !) : J . G-. Milburn . Union Waterloo 13 : Geo . J . Baker . Gresham
S <; 0 ; E . C . Fcatherstone . 70 . W . M . Letters ot regret for enforced absence were read from Bros . James Smith Eastes , D .-Prov . G . M . Kent : Alfred Spencer . Prov . G . Sec . Kent : E . J . Joynson , P . M . Grays Valley Lodge : James Stevens , P . M . 720 , 121 fi ! H 2 ( i . fco . : J . Maclean and John E . Page . W . M . Stewart Lodge , No . 548 . and from several other distinguished brethren . A handsome P . M . jewel
and collar was presented to Bro . Hunt m open lodge , after the closing of which a banquet was served in the Village Hall , by Bro . AVhomes . the host of the Bull's Heal , and which gave general satisfaction . The toasts were well received , especially those of the Rt .-Hon . Earl Amherst . Prov . Grand Master , and the popular W . M . Bro . Tlollis . W . Bro . G . Adamson . P . P . G-. S . W . Kent , in responding
for the Provincial Grand Officers , bore high testimony to the sterling qualities of their provincial ruler , whose labours on behalf of Freemasonry were unceasing , and paid a high tribute to the Prov . Dep . G . M ., Bro . Eastes . for his general affabilitv and unfailing discharge of his duties in that high olfice . Tho W . M . was also greatlv complimented as an example of diligence and
masonicliberality to younger brethren , as also in relation to the successful results of his recent stewardship on behalf of the province . Bro . George Hayes . District Grand Master for the State of New York , responded for the visitors , and in the course of an admirable address gave an exhaustive account of the progress made in masonry of late in the State with which he is connected . He pointed out the
Spaniards used to adopt the motto " ne plus ultra" on their coins , but after the discovery of America by Columbus they dropped tho " ne . " And so it used to be with New York masonry ; they formerly did not trouble themselves with much outside conviviality , but during the past few years they had accumulated large funds , and taking example from Grand Lodge of England , had founded homes
and schools for the aged and the orphans as well as other cognate institutions : and hoped shortly to open a home where they could receive deserving masons of other nationalities , and afford them shelter and assistance until employment should be obtainable . Bro . Hayes' address was received with much satisfaction . Tho whole meeting was marked with the utmost unanimity and concord
and there is every prospect that tho lodge will become one of the largest in the province , and continue to deserve its old title of " Happy Chislehurst . " In addition to those brethren already named there wore present at this pleasant gathering Bros . R . Nevill . P . M . : J . R . Bohemia , P . M .. Prov . G . P . ; Edwd . Kipps , P . M .,
P . P . G . Org . : the newly-mvcsted officers , viz .. Bros . C . F . Quicke . S . AV . : J . C . Main . J . W . : W . Kipps . P . M ., P . P . G . Org ., Treas . ; E . Goodale . P . M .. Sec : A . Tuck . S . D .: J . Marshall , J . D . ; W . J . A . Cleaves , I . G . ; T . Smith , D . C . ; G . Proctor . Steward , and Rawles , Tyler ; and A . J . Pcrrian . G . AVhomes . G . N . Tanner , J . E . Drinkwater . C . A . Dettncr . G . II . Dowsett . fcc . kc .
STAFFORDSHIRE—MEXTURIA LODGE—No . -118—HANLEY . — PRESENTATION TO BRO . E . V . GREATKATCH AND WM . TuNXicr . ipp —On the 18 th inst .. at the meeting of this lodge at the Masonic Hall , llanley , AV . Bros . E . A . Greathatch and AVm . Tunnicliff were each presented with a past master ' s jewel in gold , in recognition of the services they rendered in connection with the recent inquiry into the management of tho Masonic Boys' School , in London . The
cause of the inquiry was a feeling on the part of the brethren that the amount yearly contributed to these schools ( on an average upwards of . CI 3 . 000 ) should accomplish , better results , the amount named only providing for about 250 boys , the actual average cost being , C 50 His . in the year 18 S 7 , as compared with C 20 Ms . ( id . in the Commercial Travellers' School , and , C 3 ( i 2 s . Id . in the London Orphan Asylum—mismanagement , or rather want of management , absorbing a sum sufficient to provide for at least 150 more boys