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TTOYEǤ LCOMPTH5 18 , Little Britain , E . C ; Factory : Old Ford , London . iHaitufariiirxrs of MASONIC CLOTHING , JEWELS , & c , APRONS from 8 / 6 to 18 / -, sent Post Free on receipt of P . O . O ., REGALIA FOR ALL SOCIETIES , Military and Theatrical Laces . Fringes , Gimps , Spangles , Ornaments , Gilt Threads . Bullions and Embroidery . Helmets , Caps , Gold Badges , Real Mohair Braids of every description , MASONIC , AVedding , Ball and other Favours . Cheapest House for English Goods .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIRKBECKBANK, . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAYENSCROFT Manager
The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OP LAND , -OR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at tlie Q tlice of the BIIUUSECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager . ¦ Southampton Buildings . Chancery Lane .
The"DukeofEdinburgh"Umbrella, Named by desire of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS , also used by HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , and other Members of the Royal Family . The aboye named Umbrellas claim exceptional advantages above every other invention at present brought out . Unequalled for ELEGANCE , STRENGTH and NEATNESS . The NATURAL STICK only is used . FOUR INCHES more allowed in height for the Hat or Bonnet , by the peculiar adjustment of the stretcher . It is the SMALLEST UMBRELLA , when rolled up , ever produced . Bro.ALEX.MACMILLAN, 66 , Holborn Viaduct , LONDON , E . C .
FOOD FOR DOGS ! FOOD FOR DOGS !! FEED , FATTEN and STRENGTHEN QAMITADV mim for DOGS of your DOG on the ONLY PERFECT OAIMI I Aril rUUU ALL BREEDS . PatentProteanCompound ft is far superior to Biscuit Food . Jt requires no soakintr or other preparation . It contains a uniform component admixture of Albuminous , Karinacuous , Fibrinous and Otlatinous substances necessary to sustain in perfect health , strength ami endurance both . youiiK Jiutl old Oo ^ 's of all breeds . It prevents nil diseases . It , removes eruptions from and renders the skin soft ami elastic , thus impart inis a flossy and silk-like appearance to tlit * coat . It is eaten greedily by all Uogs . It is , for Spurting Dogs , by far the best food ; it adds Hone aud Muscle , giving . Strength , Speed aud Kudu ranee , ITo danger of Hydrophobia whilst feeding upon this Compound . The Beat and Cheapest Food for / Joys and Cats . Sold by Corn Chandlers , Grocers , Oilmen and Stores , in Tins , 6 d ., 1 / -, 2 , 6 ; and Cwt . Kegs . S.A.ITXT.A.XfSrPOODCO.. 118 , FALCON ROAD , CLAPHAM JUNCTION , S . W ,
BEO.J^.SJL .JJ^T'^I, Engraver,Designer,Illuminator,
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of GoutandRheumatism and the Recipe , by H . T . LAIT , Fressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage . "Mr . Lait ' s aim is to eradicate the disease from tlie system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . " —Tlie Court Journal . " Mr . Lait ' s remedy has proved most successful , and that Ills " treatment is tlie true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipswich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , •¦ Manager , " MASONIC STAK Newspaper , i >' . ) , Moor Lane , E . C .
ALFREDW.MURRAY, Merchant and Military Tailor , 27,KINGSTREET, LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . I ' riccs execediu i ' a of •derate . Inspection invited .
Crown Svo ., 2 / 6 . Cloth , lettered ( post free ) , 2 / 9 . " UNIFORMITY OF MASONIC RITUAL AND OBSERVANCE , " By W . Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . With which is also published the masonic poems — ¦ 'MASONS' VOWS , " "TJIK LEVEL AND THE SQUAKK , " and " THE ( JUNIUS OP MASONRY . " Address : — " Evelyn , " Catfor-d , S . E .
slwH.T.LAMB, t ^ jsSW J & aimfacfowr of iJtasfltra ttimlz , flB' " ^ fltljittjj antt flwjalta , mMsr5,St.John'sSquare,Clerkenwell, JLTjOJSTJDOlSr , ZEJ . C . J ^^^^^ K -----<^| fF pa NIT Price List free on application . EH KK
A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY !!! IRELAND'SAURORA Oil HERBALOINTMENT, REGISTERED . This Preparation is the best ever offered to the public . It cures Eczema , Erysipelas , King ' s Evil , and all Diseases of the Skin , without the use of poisons , or any noxious substance . Old Wounds and Sores can be healed in a very short time by using IRELAND S HERHAL OINTMENT . For Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Cuts , Contusions or unsightly Blotches on the Skin , it is invaluable , as it leaves the skin smooth and in its normal condition . See Medical Testimonials . Wholesale Depot : —27 , DERWENT GROVE , EAST DULWICH , S . E . London Agents : —BARCLAY & SONS , FARRINGDON STREET . Sold by Chemists in Bottles , 1 / H , 2 / 9 , 4 / 6 , and 11 / -. None Genuine unless bearing the Signature of the Proprietress , 'ELIZABETH IRELAND . "
THEBURYCOURTJWTEPAPEJ*$ENVELOPES. Highly Glazed or Rough . Five Quires of this excellent Note Paper with 100 Court Envelopes forwarded , carriage paid , to any part of the United Kingdom , for 3 / 6 . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , MOOR LANE , FORE STREET , LONDON , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TTOYEǤ LCOMPTH5 18 , Little Britain , E . C ; Factory : Old Ford , London . iHaitufariiirxrs of MASONIC CLOTHING , JEWELS , & c , APRONS from 8 / 6 to 18 / -, sent Post Free on receipt of P . O . O ., REGALIA FOR ALL SOCIETIES , Military and Theatrical Laces . Fringes , Gimps , Spangles , Ornaments , Gilt Threads . Bullions and Embroidery . Helmets , Caps , Gold Badges , Real Mohair Braids of every description , MASONIC , AVedding , Ball and other Favours . Cheapest House for English Goods .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIRKBECKBANK, . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAYENSCROFT Manager
The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OP LAND , -OR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at tlie Q tlice of the BIIUUSECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager . ¦ Southampton Buildings . Chancery Lane .
The"DukeofEdinburgh"Umbrella, Named by desire of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS , also used by HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , and other Members of the Royal Family . The aboye named Umbrellas claim exceptional advantages above every other invention at present brought out . Unequalled for ELEGANCE , STRENGTH and NEATNESS . The NATURAL STICK only is used . FOUR INCHES more allowed in height for the Hat or Bonnet , by the peculiar adjustment of the stretcher . It is the SMALLEST UMBRELLA , when rolled up , ever produced . Bro.ALEX.MACMILLAN, 66 , Holborn Viaduct , LONDON , E . C .
FOOD FOR DOGS ! FOOD FOR DOGS !! FEED , FATTEN and STRENGTHEN QAMITADV mim for DOGS of your DOG on the ONLY PERFECT OAIMI I Aril rUUU ALL BREEDS . PatentProteanCompound ft is far superior to Biscuit Food . Jt requires no soakintr or other preparation . It contains a uniform component admixture of Albuminous , Karinacuous , Fibrinous and Otlatinous substances necessary to sustain in perfect health , strength ami endurance both . youiiK Jiutl old Oo ^ 's of all breeds . It prevents nil diseases . It , removes eruptions from and renders the skin soft ami elastic , thus impart inis a flossy and silk-like appearance to tlit * coat . It is eaten greedily by all Uogs . It is , for Spurting Dogs , by far the best food ; it adds Hone aud Muscle , giving . Strength , Speed aud Kudu ranee , ITo danger of Hydrophobia whilst feeding upon this Compound . The Beat and Cheapest Food for / Joys and Cats . Sold by Corn Chandlers , Grocers , Oilmen and Stores , in Tins , 6 d ., 1 / -, 2 , 6 ; and Cwt . Kegs . S.A.ITXT.A.XfSrPOODCO.. 118 , FALCON ROAD , CLAPHAM JUNCTION , S . W ,
BEO.J^.SJL .JJ^T'^I, Engraver,Designer,Illuminator,
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of GoutandRheumatism and the Recipe , by H . T . LAIT , Fressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage . "Mr . Lait ' s aim is to eradicate the disease from tlie system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . " —Tlie Court Journal . " Mr . Lait ' s remedy has proved most successful , and that Ills " treatment is tlie true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipswich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , •¦ Manager , " MASONIC STAK Newspaper , i >' . ) , Moor Lane , E . C .
ALFREDW.MURRAY, Merchant and Military Tailor , 27,KINGSTREET, LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . I ' riccs execediu i ' a of •derate . Inspection invited .
Crown Svo ., 2 / 6 . Cloth , lettered ( post free ) , 2 / 9 . " UNIFORMITY OF MASONIC RITUAL AND OBSERVANCE , " By W . Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . With which is also published the masonic poems — ¦ 'MASONS' VOWS , " "TJIK LEVEL AND THE SQUAKK , " and " THE ( JUNIUS OP MASONRY . " Address : — " Evelyn , " Catfor-d , S . E .
slwH.T.LAMB, t ^ jsSW J & aimfacfowr of iJtasfltra ttimlz , flB' " ^ fltljittjj antt flwjalta , mMsr5,St.John'sSquare,Clerkenwell, JLTjOJSTJDOlSr , ZEJ . C . J ^^^^^ K -----<^| fF pa NIT Price List free on application . EH KK
A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY !!! IRELAND'SAURORA Oil HERBALOINTMENT, REGISTERED . This Preparation is the best ever offered to the public . It cures Eczema , Erysipelas , King ' s Evil , and all Diseases of the Skin , without the use of poisons , or any noxious substance . Old Wounds and Sores can be healed in a very short time by using IRELAND S HERHAL OINTMENT . For Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Cuts , Contusions or unsightly Blotches on the Skin , it is invaluable , as it leaves the skin smooth and in its normal condition . See Medical Testimonials . Wholesale Depot : —27 , DERWENT GROVE , EAST DULWICH , S . E . London Agents : —BARCLAY & SONS , FARRINGDON STREET . Sold by Chemists in Bottles , 1 / H , 2 / 9 , 4 / 6 , and 11 / -. None Genuine unless bearing the Signature of the Proprietress , 'ELIZABETH IRELAND . "
THEBURYCOURTJWTEPAPEJ*$ENVELOPES. Highly Glazed or Rough . Five Quires of this excellent Note Paper with 100 Court Envelopes forwarded , carriage paid , to any part of the United Kingdom , for 3 / 6 . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , MOOR LANE , FORE STREET , LONDON , E . C .