Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Metropolitan Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
The Editor desires that the following List mag in fallen- as only approximately correct . To ensure absolute correctness in-future issues , info rw at ion from the Secretaries of the Lodges not named , or imperfectly announced , is especially solicited .
__ od ' " > NAJIR 01 ' ' LODGE OR CII . IPTKR . PLACE OK AIEETIN ' G . THIS DAY ( Ith ) THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 27 th . 3 | Fidelity at 8 j Yorkshire GreyLondon StreetWC
, , .. 13 Union Waterloo ... ,, 8 I Karl of Chathni ., Win . St ., Woolwich . 27 j Egyptian 7 . 30 ; Ilercules Tav ., Leadonhall Street . 87 j VTtriivian „ 7 . 30 i Hercules Tav ., Leadonhall Street . E . C . 144 ! St . Luke ' s 7 . 30 : White Hart Tav . King's Road , Chelsea . 147 i Justice , s ; Brown Bear , High Street . Deptford . 43 S i Salisbury ,. 8 ! Union Tav ., Air Street , W . 754 . i High Cross S Coach & Horses , Lower Tottenham . 871 i Royal Oak 8 : Lecture Hall , High Street , Deptford . 879 Southwark Sir Garnet Wolsolev
j , S I , Roth . New Road . 901 ! City of London 6 . 30 ' , City Anns Rest ., St . Alary Axe . 907 i Royal Albert , 7 . 30 : White Hart , Abehurch Lane . E . C . 1158 Southern Star , 8 Sir Syd . Smith , Chester St ., Kenn . Rd ., 1259 Duke of Edinburgh 7 (' . of G . Hope Tav ., Limehouse Church . 1278 Rurdett Centts , 8 ' . Swan Tav .. New Bethnal Green Road . 1287 . ' Great Northern ... at 8 , Berwick Arms , Berncrs Street , W . 1300 StJohn 8 Three CrownsAlile End Road
j . „ | , . 1339 J Stockwell „ 7 . 30 I Cock Tav ., Kennington Road . 1348 | Kbury ,, 8 ; Greyhound Hot ., Strcatham Common 1360 Royal Arthur „ 7 : Prince of Wales Hot ., Wimbledon 1300 llighgate „ 8 ; Bull and Gate , ilighgate Road , N . 1441 Ivy ,, 8 i Railway Tav ., Battersea Rise , S . AV . 1571 Leopold 7 j Austin ' s Hot ., London Street . K . C . 1002 Sir Hugh Alyddelton ... ., 8 I While Horse , Liverpool Road , N . 1614 Covent Garden „ 8 ' Criterion , Piccadilly . [ well . '
1622 Rose , 8 I Stirling Castle Hot ., Church St ., Caniber-1625 Tredegar , 7 . 30 Wellington Arms . Bow Road . K . 1073 Langton , 5 . 30 AVliite Hart , Abclmrch Lane . 1081 Londcsborough „ 8 Berkeley Arms , John Street , Alayfair 1685 Guelph , s Town Hall Leytonstone 1791 Creatou , 8 Whtshf . Hot ., GldhwkRd , Shephd ' sBsh 1816 A'ictoria l ' ark „ 8 The George Inn . Broadway , Stratford . RAC
... 18 H . Toppa , 7 Whitby Tav .. 57 , AVapping Wall . 753 Prince Frederick Win . .. 7 , 30 Eagle Tav .. Clifton Road . Maida Vale . 1471 North London ,. 8 Northampton I lot ., St . Paul's Rd ., Canonbury , N . 1021 F . ccleston ,, 7 . 30 Crown * Anchor , 79 , Elmry St ., S . W .
( 4 th ) FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 th . 9 Albion at— Crown Hot ., Essex Stiect , Strand . 25 Robert Burns „ 8 Bedford lid . Hot ., . Maiden La .. Co v . Gar . 167 St . John ' s 8 York * Albany Hot ., Albany St ., N . W . 169 Temperance , 8 : Railway Tavern , New Cross Road . 217 Stability : Alas . Ha . Tav ., Basinghall Street . 256 Unions ( EmiliaLof 1 . ) 7 jFAfH
. . „ .. 333 Klntore ,. 9 i Stirling Castle , Church St ., Camberwell . 507 United Pilgrims ... „ 7 . 30 j S . AI . II ., Camberwell New Road . 733 Wcstbourne 8 ! Lord ' s Hot .. St . John ' s Wood . 749 ' Belgvave ,. 8 \ Harp Tav ., Jevvnvn Street , W . 765 St . James ' s ,, 8 | Princess Vict , Lower Rd ., Rotherhithe 706 William Preston ... „ 8 I St . Andrew's Tav ., George Street , W . 780 Royal Alfred „ 8 j Star and Garter Hot .. Kew Bridge . 834 Ranela . li „ 8 ; Six Bells , Queen St ., Hammersmith , W . 933 Doric ' 8 DukeHead Road
, : ' s , Whitechapel , E . 1056 Victoria ( Aletro . L . of I . ) „ 7 Portugal Hot ., 155 , Fleet Street , E . C . 1185 Lewis 7 . 30 Fishmongers'Arms , Wood Green . 1228 Beacontree 8 Green Alan , Leytonstone [ bury . 1298 Royal Standard ... „ 8 Builder ' s Arms ' , St . Paul ' s Road ., Canoh-1365 Clapton „ 8 Ld . Stanley , Sandringham Rd ., Dalston 1381 Kennington ,, 7 . 30 Horns Tav ., Kennington Park , S . E . 1007 Loyalty 8 Private Ro 200 Mare StreetHackney
, ., , , 1029 Henry Aluggeridge ... „ 0 AI . H ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . C . 1042 Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road 1716 All Saints „ 7 . 30 Town Hall , Poplar . 2030 Abbey , 7 . 30 King ' s Arms , Buckingham Palace , Rd R . A . C . 05 Prosperity „ 6 Hercules Tav ., Leadonhall Street , E . C . 800 Hornsey „ 8 Por _ hesterHot ., Leinster Pl ., Paddin _ n . 940 Strawberry Hill , ... „ 8 Greyhound Hot .. Richmond , S . W . 355 '
Royal Savoy „ 7 . 30 The Moorgate , 15 , Finsbury Pavt ., E . C . 1275 ; Star „ 8 , StiiTingCast ] e , ChurchSt „ Cnibrwl ] , S . E . ( , - , th ) SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 2 !) th . 179 ' Manchester at 8 Yorkshire Grey , Ldn . St ., Fitzrov Sij . 198 I Percy 8 Jolly Fanners , Southgate Road , N . 1275 j Star , 7 Five Bells , 155 , Now Cross Road . 1304 Karl of Zetland 7 Edward Street
j ... „ Royal , . Mare , Hackney . 1541 I Alexandra Palace ... ,, 7 . 30 Sta ' tion Hot ., Camberwell New Road " . 1024 j EcclesKin „ 7 King ' s Head , Ebniy Bridge , Pinilico . 2012 Chiswiek ,, 7 . 30 AVindsor Castle , King St ., Hainniorsmith R . A . C . 19 ' Alount Sinai „ 8 Union Tav ., Air Street , Regent Street . ( 1 st ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 1 st . 22 i Loughborough at 8 Gauilen HotClaphamSW
., , .. 45 j Strong Alan ,, 7 Bull and Bell , Ropemakcr Street . E . C 174 Sincerity ,, 7 , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch Street , E C . 180 ! St . James ' s Union ... „ 8 , Union Tav ., Air Street , AV . 511 Zetland , 8 York and Albany , Regent ' s Pk „ N . AV . 548 ! Wellington ,. 8 White Swan , High Street , Deptford . 933 Doric „ 8 Duke ' s Head , Whitechapel , E . 1178 ' Perfect Ashlar , 8 \ JamaicaTav ., Sthwk . Pk . lid .. Uormdsev 1227 : Upton 8 ' Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate . orchesieiHot
1425 j Hyde Park , 8 I ' ' ., LeinsierPI ., Paddingn . 1445 Prince Leopold „ 7 Printing Ho . Wks ., 202 Whitechapel Rd . 1489 . Marquess of Kipon ... „ 8 Royal Edward Mare Street , Hackney .
j ^" i " p NAJIE OF LODGE OR CHAPTER . PI - ACE OF AIEETIXG . ( 1 st ) MONDAY , OCTOBER \__\ r—continued . 1507 Metropolitan at 730 Afoorgate TavFinsbury Pavement
; . ., . 1536 I United Military 7 . 30 Earl Chatham , Thomas St ., Woolwich . I 1572 ] Carnarvon , 6 Salutation . Newgate Street . 1585 ! Royal Commemoration ., 8 Railway Hot .. Putney Station . 1608 j Kiiburn 8 South Alolton Hot ., South Alolton St . 1023 j West Smithlield ... ., 7 NewAlarket Hot .. KingSt ., W . SmithlM . 1625 ; Tredegar „ 8 Wellington Arms , Borough Road . 1002 : l . eacoiislield ' ., 8 Chequers , Walthamstow . 1707 Eleanor 8 Seven Sisters HotTottenham
., . 1801 Coborn ,, 8 Eagle Hot ., Snareshrook . 1891 St . Ambrose 8 Baron ' s Court Hot ., West . Kensington . 1901 Selwvn ' ., 8 East Dulwich Hot .. Dulwich . 2021 Qn ' s ' W ' r . & S . Alarvlobn .., 8 Criterion , Piccadilly . 2090 Hammersmith ... ' ... . ' , 7 . 30 The Baths , Black's Rd ., Hammersmith R . A . C 206 i Hone Globe Tav .. Royal Hill . Greenwich .
( 1 st ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2 nd . 55 Constitutional at 7 , BedfordHot .. Soiithinpii . Bldgs „ Holl : in . 140 St . George „ 8 I Public Hall . New Cross . 141 Faith , 8 ! Vic . Alans . Rt .. Victoria Street , S . W . 177 Domatie 7 . 30 Surrey AI . 1 L , Camberwell New Road . 188 Joppa 7 : Champion Hot ., Aldersgate Street . 238 Pilgrim ( Work in Ger- '
man 1 st & 3 rd Tue . ) ,. 7 \ Guildhall Tav .. Gresham Street . 403 E . Surrey Lo . of Coned . ., 7 . 45 ; Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . 554 Yarborough „ S j Green Dragon . Stepney . 704 Camden „ S j Northbrook Hotel . Lee . 706 Florence Nightingale ... .. 7 . 30 j M . II .. William Street , AVoolwich . 753 Prince Fredk . William .. : Eagle Tav ., Clifton Road , Afaida Vale . 820 Lily ' , 8 | Greyhound Hot .. Richmond . 858 South Middlesex 7 . 30 I Beaufort J lo ., Walham Green .
860 Dalhousie , s j Sister ' s Tav .. i ' ownall Road , Dalston . 801 Finsbury „ — i Kin . ' s Head Tav ., Throadiiocdlo Street . 1044 AVaiid . worth ., 8 j East Hill Hot ., Alma Rd ., Wandsworth 1070 Capper , 8 j Railway Hot ,, Angel Lane . Stratford . 1155 Excelsior „ 8 ' Com . Dk . Tav ., Plough Rd „ Rolherhitlie 1321 Emblematic ,, 8 ; Red Lion , York Street , St . James Square 1349 Friars , 7 . 30 j Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . 1382 Corinthian „ 7 j George Hot ., Cubitt Town , Poplar . 19 Street
1440 Alount Edgcciimbe ... „ 8 , , Jermyn , St . James ' s . 1471 Islington „ 7 . 30 Cock Tav ., Highbury . 1472 Henley 7 . 30 Three Crowns , North AVoolwich . 1540 Chaucer „ 8 Old White Hart , High Street , Borough 1558 Duke of Connaught 8 Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor Park , S . K . 1580 Upper Norwood ... „ 8 AVhite Hart , Church Rd ., Up . Norwood . 1598 Lcyspring . ' . Rod Lion , Leytonstone . 1612 West Middlesex ... „ ' 7 . 30 Bell Hot ., Ealing .
1095 New Finsbury Park 8 Hornsey AVood Tav ., N . 1707 Kensington " „ 8 ScarsdaIeArms , KdwardesS <| ., Kensgtn . 1839 Duke of Cornwall 7 Queen ' s Arms , Queen Street , Cbeapside . 1949 Brixton , 8 Prince Regent , Dulwich Road , S . K . 1950 Southgate , . 8 Railway Hot ., New Southgate . R . AC . ' | 25 Robert Burns , 8 ' . Sussex Store , St , Martin ' s Lane . 975 Metropolitan „ 6 . 30 i AVhite Hart , Cannon Street , E . C . 1642 Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 i Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road .
( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 3 rd . 30 United Mariners ... at 7 . 30 Lugard Hot ., Lngard Road , Peckham . 73 Alount Lebanon ... „ 8 George Inn , Boro" High Street . 79 Pythagorean „ 8 Portland Hot ,, Greenwich . 87 Vitrnvian „ 8 Bdg . Ho . Hot .. London Bridge . 180 Industry ,, 8 . 30 Rally . Hot ., AVest Hampstead . 193 Confidence 7 Hercules Tav ., Leadonhall Street . 228 United Strength 8 | TavStanhope StRegent ' Pl
... ., Hope ., ., s _ . 538 La Tolerance , S j Portland Arms , Gt . Portland Street . 720 Panmure 7 I Balhani Hot ., lialham . 781 Merchant Navy 7 . 30 ! Silver Tav ., Burdett Road , Limehonse . 813 New Concord 8 | Jolly Farmers , Southgate Road , N . 802 Whittington , 7 . 30 Red ' Lion , Poppins Court , Fleet Street . 898 Temperance in East ... „ 7 . 30 Greenwich Pensr ., Bow Lane , Poplar . 902 Burgoyne „ 7 Essex Arms , Essex Street , Strand . 1288 Finsbury Park at 830 Cock TavHighburyN
. . , . 1421 Langthorne , 8 Swan Hot ., Stratford . 1475 Peckham „ 8 Lord Wellington , Old Kent Road , S . E . 1001 Ravcnsbourne ( 3 rdOct . ) „ 8 George Inn ., Catford , S . E . 1004 Wanderers „ 7 . 30 I Viet . Mans . Rest ., Vict . Street , S . W . 1708 Plneknett „ 7 . 45 Bald Faced Stag , East End , Finchley . 1922 Earl of Lathom 8 ; Station Hot .. Camberwell New Road . 1963 Duke of Albany ... „ 7 . 30 Rock Tav ., Battersea Park Rd . R . A . C .
177 Domatie „ 7 Union Tav ., Air Street , W . 180 St . James ' s Union ... ., 8 Swan Tav ., Alount Street , W . 704 Camden „ 8 . 30 The Moorgate , Moorgate Street . 933 Doric ,, 7 . 30 Print , II . Wks .. 202 , Whitechapel Road 1950 Southgate „ 8 I Railway Hotel , New Southgate . ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER ithth .
Lodges and Chapters , as 4 th Thursday in Sept . { see ante ) . * .,. * The Editor will he greatly obliged , for any information the Peerutavies of the carlo . ts I _ odgcs may he pleased to i . cnd to him .
What The Press Say Of The Masonic Star.
What the Press say of THE MASONIC STAR .
' One of the best and most interesting weekly journals and records of Freemasonry either at home or abroad . The number from beginning- to end is full of information which must prove useful to the whole of the fraternity . ' '—Ad mi ratty and Horse Guards Gazette . '' Messrs . ADA . Ms BROS , have commenced the publication of a penny weekly journal devoted to the interests of brethren of the
Craft . ' The initial numbers present a bright and attractive appearance , the printing , get up . and other important accessories leaving little or nothing to be desired . In the matter of news the MASONIC STAR ( allowing for ( he difficulties always confronting the issue of the first few numbers ) will bear comparison with the two more expensive journals representing Masonry and Masons . "—City Press .
' Gives promise of speedily extending its circulation among members of the Craft generally . "—Citizen . "We have received the first issues of Tut ; MASONIC STAR , the only Penny MASONIC Paper in existence . * * * The articles are admirablwritten and well worththe perusal of Masonic brethren
y y . * * * In Til !¦; MASONIC STAR will be found some interesting notes on Masonic and current events , and a list of Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter meetings . The paper is admirably compiled , carefully edited , and altogether a very creditable
production . "— Western Daily Mercury .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
Metropolitan Lodges and Chapters of Instruction .
The Editor desires that the following List mag in fallen- as only approximately correct . To ensure absolute correctness in-future issues , info rw at ion from the Secretaries of the Lodges not named , or imperfectly announced , is especially solicited .
__ od ' " > NAJIR 01 ' ' LODGE OR CII . IPTKR . PLACE OK AIEETIN ' G . THIS DAY ( Ith ) THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 27 th . 3 | Fidelity at 8 j Yorkshire GreyLondon StreetWC
, , .. 13 Union Waterloo ... ,, 8 I Karl of Chathni ., Win . St ., Woolwich . 27 j Egyptian 7 . 30 ; Ilercules Tav ., Leadonhall Street . 87 j VTtriivian „ 7 . 30 i Hercules Tav ., Leadonhall Street . E . C . 144 ! St . Luke ' s 7 . 30 : White Hart Tav . King's Road , Chelsea . 147 i Justice , s ; Brown Bear , High Street . Deptford . 43 S i Salisbury ,. 8 ! Union Tav ., Air Street , W . 754 . i High Cross S Coach & Horses , Lower Tottenham . 871 i Royal Oak 8 : Lecture Hall , High Street , Deptford . 879 Southwark Sir Garnet Wolsolev
j , S I , Roth . New Road . 901 ! City of London 6 . 30 ' , City Anns Rest ., St . Alary Axe . 907 i Royal Albert , 7 . 30 : White Hart , Abehurch Lane . E . C . 1158 Southern Star , 8 Sir Syd . Smith , Chester St ., Kenn . Rd ., 1259 Duke of Edinburgh 7 (' . of G . Hope Tav ., Limehouse Church . 1278 Rurdett Centts , 8 ' . Swan Tav .. New Bethnal Green Road . 1287 . ' Great Northern ... at 8 , Berwick Arms , Berncrs Street , W . 1300 StJohn 8 Three CrownsAlile End Road
j . „ | , . 1339 J Stockwell „ 7 . 30 I Cock Tav ., Kennington Road . 1348 | Kbury ,, 8 ; Greyhound Hot ., Strcatham Common 1360 Royal Arthur „ 7 : Prince of Wales Hot ., Wimbledon 1300 llighgate „ 8 ; Bull and Gate , ilighgate Road , N . 1441 Ivy ,, 8 i Railway Tav ., Battersea Rise , S . AV . 1571 Leopold 7 j Austin ' s Hot ., London Street . K . C . 1002 Sir Hugh Alyddelton ... ., 8 I While Horse , Liverpool Road , N . 1614 Covent Garden „ 8 ' Criterion , Piccadilly . [ well . '
1622 Rose , 8 I Stirling Castle Hot ., Church St ., Caniber-1625 Tredegar , 7 . 30 Wellington Arms . Bow Road . K . 1073 Langton , 5 . 30 AVliite Hart , Abclmrch Lane . 1081 Londcsborough „ 8 Berkeley Arms , John Street , Alayfair 1685 Guelph , s Town Hall Leytonstone 1791 Creatou , 8 Whtshf . Hot ., GldhwkRd , Shephd ' sBsh 1816 A'ictoria l ' ark „ 8 The George Inn . Broadway , Stratford . RAC
... 18 H . Toppa , 7 Whitby Tav .. 57 , AVapping Wall . 753 Prince Frederick Win . .. 7 , 30 Eagle Tav .. Clifton Road . Maida Vale . 1471 North London ,. 8 Northampton I lot ., St . Paul's Rd ., Canonbury , N . 1021 F . ccleston ,, 7 . 30 Crown * Anchor , 79 , Elmry St ., S . W .
( 4 th ) FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 th . 9 Albion at— Crown Hot ., Essex Stiect , Strand . 25 Robert Burns „ 8 Bedford lid . Hot ., . Maiden La .. Co v . Gar . 167 St . John ' s 8 York * Albany Hot ., Albany St ., N . W . 169 Temperance , 8 : Railway Tavern , New Cross Road . 217 Stability : Alas . Ha . Tav ., Basinghall Street . 256 Unions ( EmiliaLof 1 . ) 7 jFAfH
. . „ .. 333 Klntore ,. 9 i Stirling Castle , Church St ., Camberwell . 507 United Pilgrims ... „ 7 . 30 j S . AI . II ., Camberwell New Road . 733 Wcstbourne 8 ! Lord ' s Hot .. St . John ' s Wood . 749 ' Belgvave ,. 8 \ Harp Tav ., Jevvnvn Street , W . 765 St . James ' s ,, 8 | Princess Vict , Lower Rd ., Rotherhithe 706 William Preston ... „ 8 I St . Andrew's Tav ., George Street , W . 780 Royal Alfred „ 8 j Star and Garter Hot .. Kew Bridge . 834 Ranela . li „ 8 ; Six Bells , Queen St ., Hammersmith , W . 933 Doric ' 8 DukeHead Road
, : ' s , Whitechapel , E . 1056 Victoria ( Aletro . L . of I . ) „ 7 Portugal Hot ., 155 , Fleet Street , E . C . 1185 Lewis 7 . 30 Fishmongers'Arms , Wood Green . 1228 Beacontree 8 Green Alan , Leytonstone [ bury . 1298 Royal Standard ... „ 8 Builder ' s Arms ' , St . Paul ' s Road ., Canoh-1365 Clapton „ 8 Ld . Stanley , Sandringham Rd ., Dalston 1381 Kennington ,, 7 . 30 Horns Tav ., Kennington Park , S . E . 1007 Loyalty 8 Private Ro 200 Mare StreetHackney
, ., , , 1029 Henry Aluggeridge ... „ 0 AI . H ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . C . 1042 Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road 1716 All Saints „ 7 . 30 Town Hall , Poplar . 2030 Abbey , 7 . 30 King ' s Arms , Buckingham Palace , Rd R . A . C . 05 Prosperity „ 6 Hercules Tav ., Leadonhall Street , E . C . 800 Hornsey „ 8 Por _ hesterHot ., Leinster Pl ., Paddin _ n . 940 Strawberry Hill , ... „ 8 Greyhound Hot .. Richmond , S . W . 355 '
Royal Savoy „ 7 . 30 The Moorgate , 15 , Finsbury Pavt ., E . C . 1275 ; Star „ 8 , StiiTingCast ] e , ChurchSt „ Cnibrwl ] , S . E . ( , - , th ) SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 2 !) th . 179 ' Manchester at 8 Yorkshire Grey , Ldn . St ., Fitzrov Sij . 198 I Percy 8 Jolly Fanners , Southgate Road , N . 1275 j Star , 7 Five Bells , 155 , Now Cross Road . 1304 Karl of Zetland 7 Edward Street
j ... „ Royal , . Mare , Hackney . 1541 I Alexandra Palace ... ,, 7 . 30 Sta ' tion Hot ., Camberwell New Road " . 1024 j EcclesKin „ 7 King ' s Head , Ebniy Bridge , Pinilico . 2012 Chiswiek ,, 7 . 30 AVindsor Castle , King St ., Hainniorsmith R . A . C . 19 ' Alount Sinai „ 8 Union Tav ., Air Street , Regent Street . ( 1 st ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 1 st . 22 i Loughborough at 8 Gauilen HotClaphamSW
., , .. 45 j Strong Alan ,, 7 Bull and Bell , Ropemakcr Street . E . C 174 Sincerity ,, 7 , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch Street , E C . 180 ! St . James ' s Union ... „ 8 , Union Tav ., Air Street , AV . 511 Zetland , 8 York and Albany , Regent ' s Pk „ N . AV . 548 ! Wellington ,. 8 White Swan , High Street , Deptford . 933 Doric „ 8 Duke ' s Head , Whitechapel , E . 1178 ' Perfect Ashlar , 8 \ JamaicaTav ., Sthwk . Pk . lid .. Uormdsev 1227 : Upton 8 ' Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate . orchesieiHot
1425 j Hyde Park , 8 I ' ' ., LeinsierPI ., Paddingn . 1445 Prince Leopold „ 7 Printing Ho . Wks ., 202 Whitechapel Rd . 1489 . Marquess of Kipon ... „ 8 Royal Edward Mare Street , Hackney .
j ^" i " p NAJIE OF LODGE OR CHAPTER . PI - ACE OF AIEETIXG . ( 1 st ) MONDAY , OCTOBER \__\ r—continued . 1507 Metropolitan at 730 Afoorgate TavFinsbury Pavement
; . ., . 1536 I United Military 7 . 30 Earl Chatham , Thomas St ., Woolwich . I 1572 ] Carnarvon , 6 Salutation . Newgate Street . 1585 ! Royal Commemoration ., 8 Railway Hot .. Putney Station . 1608 j Kiiburn 8 South Alolton Hot ., South Alolton St . 1023 j West Smithlield ... ., 7 NewAlarket Hot .. KingSt ., W . SmithlM . 1625 ; Tredegar „ 8 Wellington Arms , Borough Road . 1002 : l . eacoiislield ' ., 8 Chequers , Walthamstow . 1707 Eleanor 8 Seven Sisters HotTottenham
., . 1801 Coborn ,, 8 Eagle Hot ., Snareshrook . 1891 St . Ambrose 8 Baron ' s Court Hot ., West . Kensington . 1901 Selwvn ' ., 8 East Dulwich Hot .. Dulwich . 2021 Qn ' s ' W ' r . & S . Alarvlobn .., 8 Criterion , Piccadilly . 2090 Hammersmith ... ' ... . ' , 7 . 30 The Baths , Black's Rd ., Hammersmith R . A . C 206 i Hone Globe Tav .. Royal Hill . Greenwich .
( 1 st ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2 nd . 55 Constitutional at 7 , BedfordHot .. Soiithinpii . Bldgs „ Holl : in . 140 St . George „ 8 I Public Hall . New Cross . 141 Faith , 8 ! Vic . Alans . Rt .. Victoria Street , S . W . 177 Domatie 7 . 30 Surrey AI . 1 L , Camberwell New Road . 188 Joppa 7 : Champion Hot ., Aldersgate Street . 238 Pilgrim ( Work in Ger- '
man 1 st & 3 rd Tue . ) ,. 7 \ Guildhall Tav .. Gresham Street . 403 E . Surrey Lo . of Coned . ., 7 . 45 ; Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . 554 Yarborough „ S j Green Dragon . Stepney . 704 Camden „ S j Northbrook Hotel . Lee . 706 Florence Nightingale ... .. 7 . 30 j M . II .. William Street , AVoolwich . 753 Prince Fredk . William .. : Eagle Tav ., Clifton Road , Afaida Vale . 820 Lily ' , 8 | Greyhound Hot .. Richmond . 858 South Middlesex 7 . 30 I Beaufort J lo ., Walham Green .
860 Dalhousie , s j Sister ' s Tav .. i ' ownall Road , Dalston . 801 Finsbury „ — i Kin . ' s Head Tav ., Throadiiocdlo Street . 1044 AVaiid . worth ., 8 j East Hill Hot ., Alma Rd ., Wandsworth 1070 Capper , 8 j Railway Hot ,, Angel Lane . Stratford . 1155 Excelsior „ 8 ' Com . Dk . Tav ., Plough Rd „ Rolherhitlie 1321 Emblematic ,, 8 ; Red Lion , York Street , St . James Square 1349 Friars , 7 . 30 j Liverpool Arms , Canning Town . 1382 Corinthian „ 7 j George Hot ., Cubitt Town , Poplar . 19 Street
1440 Alount Edgcciimbe ... „ 8 , , Jermyn , St . James ' s . 1471 Islington „ 7 . 30 Cock Tav ., Highbury . 1472 Henley 7 . 30 Three Crowns , North AVoolwich . 1540 Chaucer „ 8 Old White Hart , High Street , Borough 1558 Duke of Connaught 8 Palmerston Arms , Grosvenor Park , S . K . 1580 Upper Norwood ... „ 8 AVhite Hart , Church Rd ., Up . Norwood . 1598 Lcyspring . ' . Rod Lion , Leytonstone . 1612 West Middlesex ... „ ' 7 . 30 Bell Hot ., Ealing .
1095 New Finsbury Park 8 Hornsey AVood Tav ., N . 1707 Kensington " „ 8 ScarsdaIeArms , KdwardesS <| ., Kensgtn . 1839 Duke of Cornwall 7 Queen ' s Arms , Queen Street , Cbeapside . 1949 Brixton , 8 Prince Regent , Dulwich Road , S . K . 1950 Southgate , . 8 Railway Hot ., New Southgate . R . AC . ' | 25 Robert Burns , 8 ' . Sussex Store , St , Martin ' s Lane . 975 Metropolitan „ 6 . 30 i AVhite Hart , Cannon Street , E . C . 1642 Earl of Carnarvon ... „ 8 i Ladbroke Hall , Ladbroke Grove Road .
( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 3 rd . 30 United Mariners ... at 7 . 30 Lugard Hot ., Lngard Road , Peckham . 73 Alount Lebanon ... „ 8 George Inn , Boro" High Street . 79 Pythagorean „ 8 Portland Hot ,, Greenwich . 87 Vitrnvian „ 8 Bdg . Ho . Hot .. London Bridge . 180 Industry ,, 8 . 30 Rally . Hot ., AVest Hampstead . 193 Confidence 7 Hercules Tav ., Leadonhall Street . 228 United Strength 8 | TavStanhope StRegent ' Pl
... ., Hope ., ., s _ . 538 La Tolerance , S j Portland Arms , Gt . Portland Street . 720 Panmure 7 I Balhani Hot ., lialham . 781 Merchant Navy 7 . 30 ! Silver Tav ., Burdett Road , Limehonse . 813 New Concord 8 | Jolly Farmers , Southgate Road , N . 802 Whittington , 7 . 30 Red ' Lion , Poppins Court , Fleet Street . 898 Temperance in East ... „ 7 . 30 Greenwich Pensr ., Bow Lane , Poplar . 902 Burgoyne „ 7 Essex Arms , Essex Street , Strand . 1288 Finsbury Park at 830 Cock TavHighburyN
. . , . 1421 Langthorne , 8 Swan Hot ., Stratford . 1475 Peckham „ 8 Lord Wellington , Old Kent Road , S . E . 1001 Ravcnsbourne ( 3 rdOct . ) „ 8 George Inn ., Catford , S . E . 1004 Wanderers „ 7 . 30 I Viet . Mans . Rest ., Vict . Street , S . W . 1708 Plneknett „ 7 . 45 Bald Faced Stag , East End , Finchley . 1922 Earl of Lathom 8 ; Station Hot .. Camberwell New Road . 1963 Duke of Albany ... „ 7 . 30 Rock Tav ., Battersea Park Rd . R . A . C .
177 Domatie „ 7 Union Tav ., Air Street , W . 180 St . James ' s Union ... ., 8 Swan Tav ., Alount Street , W . 704 Camden „ 8 . 30 The Moorgate , Moorgate Street . 933 Doric ,, 7 . 30 Print , II . Wks .. 202 , Whitechapel Road 1950 Southgate „ 8 I Railway Hotel , New Southgate . ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER ithth .
Lodges and Chapters , as 4 th Thursday in Sept . { see ante ) . * .,. * The Editor will he greatly obliged , for any information the Peerutavies of the carlo . ts I _ odgcs may he pleased to i . cnd to him .
What The Press Say Of The Masonic Star.
What the Press say of THE MASONIC STAR .
' One of the best and most interesting weekly journals and records of Freemasonry either at home or abroad . The number from beginning- to end is full of information which must prove useful to the whole of the fraternity . ' '—Ad mi ratty and Horse Guards Gazette . '' Messrs . ADA . Ms BROS , have commenced the publication of a penny weekly journal devoted to the interests of brethren of the
Craft . ' The initial numbers present a bright and attractive appearance , the printing , get up . and other important accessories leaving little or nothing to be desired . In the matter of news the MASONIC STAR ( allowing for ( he difficulties always confronting the issue of the first few numbers ) will bear comparison with the two more expensive journals representing Masonry and Masons . "—City Press .
' Gives promise of speedily extending its circulation among members of the Craft generally . "—Citizen . "We have received the first issues of Tut ; MASONIC STAR , the only Penny MASONIC Paper in existence . * * * The articles are admirablwritten and well worththe perusal of Masonic brethren
y y . * * * In Til !¦; MASONIC STAR will be found some interesting notes on Masonic and current events , and a list of Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter meetings . The paper is admirably compiled , carefully edited , and altogether a very creditable
production . "— Western Daily Mercury .