Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Crrespondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Exchange & Mart Column Page 1 of 1
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THURSDAY , ^^^^^SEPT ; 27 , 1888 . Edited ?/?/ W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , & c .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may he had from all Newsagents . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs will receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY M ORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be forwarded by the N IGHT Mail on "Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kingdom and Countries comprised Places not in General coiu . irisutl in Postal Union . Postal Union . If via Brindisi .
Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . . . . 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . ... 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od . Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to the Publishers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , B . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed " Alliance Bank . "
All communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to the Publishers as above . All other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 3 S , BOW Lane , London , E . G . "
" THE MASONIC STAR" may be obtained by order at Messrs . SMITH & SONS' Bookstalls throughout the Kingdom ; in the
City of London of Messrs . G . BLAIR & SON , 16 , ROYAL EXCHANGE , E . G . ; and Messrs . TOYE , LITTLE BRITAIN , E . G . ; and in the
Provinces of the following Agents—TORQUAY : Mr . G . J . PRATT , 1-1 , Fleet Street . EDMONTON AND DISTRICT : Mr . G . TWIGGS , 8 , Upper Fore Street . CATFORD , S . E ., AND DISTRICT : Mr . W . J . MORGAN , Rushey Green .
WOOLWICH : Mr . G . LAWRENCE , Beresford Square . BRADFORD-ON-AVON : Bro . G . J . FARRINGTON . HALIFAX : BRO . W ILLIAM COOKE , 3 , BULL GRBEN . And of all Newsvendors at Home and Abroad .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
* , „ * ll ' e do not hold ourselves responsible for tlte ojrinions expressed by our Correspondents .
To the -Editor of IKE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , As the constitution of the Committee of Enquiry has been publicly announced and the date of the first meeting is rapidly approaching , it is desirable that the collation of evidence to be submitted shall be promptly proceeded with .
In this immediate neighbourhood a local Committee , consisting of one member from ten lodges , is taking the matter in hand , and a general meeting of the Staffordshire Masonic Charitable Association will be held cm . Wednesday next , the 26 th inst ., to consider the subject . If similar steps have been , or are about to be taken in other provinces , we shall be glad to hear from the brethren who have
charge thereof , so that united action may result ; or if individual brethren or old scholars have any information which may be laid before the Committee of Enquiry with advantage , it is to be hoped that they will communicate with us , or with brethren interested in the matter in their own province , so that the entire facts may be fully laid before the Committee of Enquiry from every point of
. Beyond a doubt there has for years past been much complaining in at least some of the provinces as to the management of the institution ; and as a channel has now been opened for submitting these comp laints to a competent and impartial tribunal , nothing should be wanting in order to enable that committee to present a
decisive and imperative report , which shall at once and for all sweep away what may be defective ( if anything ) , aud result in placing the institution on sruch a basis that the Craft generally may feel impelled in future to provide liberally and generously that support which the object it has in view so richly deserves . In the interest of the Institution we crave space for the insertion
of this letter in your next issue . Yours faithfully and fraternally , WM . TUNNICLIFF , W . M ., No . 418 , Menturia , E . V . GREATBATCH , Jasper Street , Hanley . 8 , Brook Street , Stoke-on-Trent 22 nd Sept ., 1888 . Chairman and Secretary , Local Committee
Original Correspondence.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I beg to offer you my hearty good wishes and congratulations . and wish you a prosperous career . A cheaper Masonic journal has long been desired by many brethren , and we hail the appearance of THE MASONIC STAR with satisfaction . May its light never wane ! Yours heartily . Leeds , Sept . 20 , 1888 . ' W . M . 2060 .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Is it wrong to wear a P . M . ' s jewel in Lodge if it has not been presented to the P . M ., but has been bought byliim . ' Yours fraternally ,
Sept . 1 st , 1888 . G . D . C , ESSEX . * * * The whole question of what may and loliat may not be worn as jewels in our Craft Lodges requires settlement . The tendency foi owe , and , not infrequentl y , unmerited decoration is greatly increasing . —Ed . M . S . '
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , In the case of a Lodge changing its . place of meeting in the same town or village , or district , the removal being approved by the W . M . and brethren , and the alteration duly notified to , and
registered by , Grand Lodge , is it necessary to procure a dispensation to authorise the said removal ; and would a Lodge otherwise bo acting illegally , and its transactions be masonically null and void ! I argue that a dispensation is not required . Kindly say if I am right or wrong . j . FARRINGTON , P . M . 1271 . Bradford-on-Avon , Sept . 24 . 1884 .
To the Editor «/ T HE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Anything for the good of Freemasonry has always commended itself to me , and should , I think , command the support of every enthusiastic Freemason . I have to-day seen the first four issues of your journal , and am satisfied you have supplied a long-standing
want . I have been connected with the press many years , and have frequently written and sent reports to the Masonic journals , and many times suggested that threepence a copy was a big barrier to their otherwise really valuable usefulness . If your journal at one penny continues on the same lines I predict a big issue in the
provinces of East Lancashire , where I have often tried to encourage the sale of the Eire masons Chronicle , also the Freemason ; but again and again met with the response of price too much . That objection cannot longer exist , and your expectations have reasonable chances of being realised . Yours fraternally , Manchester , Sept . 10 . H . DARBYSHIRE .
Answers To Crrespondents.
Answers to Crrespondents .
M . S ., Masonic Charity v . Principle . —Far too personal for our columns . Ku'wn . ( _ .- -YON and the brethren of your Lodge are very good . 'We dare not . however , insert your flattering remarks in open Lodge as you wish . They might he misconstrued . . 1 . W .- "Wc have received your MS . of hymn , and you shall hear from us at earliest opportunity .
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
The expressed wishes of several brethren that we should open an Exchange and Mart Column in our pages have not been by any means forgotten ; but we require the assistance of the proposers to commence it . For ourselves , the only exchanges in which we are at present interested are : ARTICLES . TO BE EXCHANGD FOR
Copies of THE MASONIC STAR ... One Penny each . A Copy of this Number of THE MASONIC STAR has been addressed and posted to the SENIOR DEACON of each Lodge under the English Constitution at home and abroad . If any one of those Officers fail
to receive same in due course , a communication to the Editor is solicited , and the omission shall be rectified .
Secretaries of Lodges and Scribes of Chapters , & c , will greatly oblige us by forwarding notices of forthcoming meetings and information relating to Masonic matters of local or general interest to the Craft . Every attention shall be given to their requirements in respect of same , and we shall be happy at all times to reciprocate their favors to the full extent of our power . We respectfully solicit
the support of each regular Lodge and Chapter and each Lodge and Chapter of Instruction by subscription for at least one copy , to be regularly forwarded .
Addresses of the following Lodges wanted . Notices have been returned through post . Studholme No . 1591 Northern Bar „ 1610 Eleanor ' .. „ 1707 Unity , Peace and Concord „ 31 ( 5 Argonaut „ 2243 Dagmar „ 2262
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THURSDAY , ^^^^^SEPT ; 27 , 1888 . Edited ?/?/ W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c , & c .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may he had from all Newsagents . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs will receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY M ORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be forwarded by the N IGHT Mail on "Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kingdom and Countries comprised Places not in General coiu . irisutl in Postal Union . Postal Union . If via Brindisi .
Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . ... 8 s . 8 d . . . . 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . ... 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . ... 3 s . Od . Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to the Publishers , Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , B . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed " Alliance Bank . "
All communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to the Publishers as above . All other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 3 S , BOW Lane , London , E . G . "
" THE MASONIC STAR" may be obtained by order at Messrs . SMITH & SONS' Bookstalls throughout the Kingdom ; in the
City of London of Messrs . G . BLAIR & SON , 16 , ROYAL EXCHANGE , E . G . ; and Messrs . TOYE , LITTLE BRITAIN , E . G . ; and in the
Provinces of the following Agents—TORQUAY : Mr . G . J . PRATT , 1-1 , Fleet Street . EDMONTON AND DISTRICT : Mr . G . TWIGGS , 8 , Upper Fore Street . CATFORD , S . E ., AND DISTRICT : Mr . W . J . MORGAN , Rushey Green .
WOOLWICH : Mr . G . LAWRENCE , Beresford Square . BRADFORD-ON-AVON : Bro . G . J . FARRINGTON . HALIFAX : BRO . W ILLIAM COOKE , 3 , BULL GRBEN . And of all Newsvendors at Home and Abroad .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
* , „ * ll ' e do not hold ourselves responsible for tlte ojrinions expressed by our Correspondents .
To the -Editor of IKE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , As the constitution of the Committee of Enquiry has been publicly announced and the date of the first meeting is rapidly approaching , it is desirable that the collation of evidence to be submitted shall be promptly proceeded with .
In this immediate neighbourhood a local Committee , consisting of one member from ten lodges , is taking the matter in hand , and a general meeting of the Staffordshire Masonic Charitable Association will be held cm . Wednesday next , the 26 th inst ., to consider the subject . If similar steps have been , or are about to be taken in other provinces , we shall be glad to hear from the brethren who have
charge thereof , so that united action may result ; or if individual brethren or old scholars have any information which may be laid before the Committee of Enquiry with advantage , it is to be hoped that they will communicate with us , or with brethren interested in the matter in their own province , so that the entire facts may be fully laid before the Committee of Enquiry from every point of
. Beyond a doubt there has for years past been much complaining in at least some of the provinces as to the management of the institution ; and as a channel has now been opened for submitting these comp laints to a competent and impartial tribunal , nothing should be wanting in order to enable that committee to present a
decisive and imperative report , which shall at once and for all sweep away what may be defective ( if anything ) , aud result in placing the institution on sruch a basis that the Craft generally may feel impelled in future to provide liberally and generously that support which the object it has in view so richly deserves . In the interest of the Institution we crave space for the insertion
of this letter in your next issue . Yours faithfully and fraternally , WM . TUNNICLIFF , W . M ., No . 418 , Menturia , E . V . GREATBATCH , Jasper Street , Hanley . 8 , Brook Street , Stoke-on-Trent 22 nd Sept ., 1888 . Chairman and Secretary , Local Committee
Original Correspondence.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I beg to offer you my hearty good wishes and congratulations . and wish you a prosperous career . A cheaper Masonic journal has long been desired by many brethren , and we hail the appearance of THE MASONIC STAR with satisfaction . May its light never wane ! Yours heartily . Leeds , Sept . 20 , 1888 . ' W . M . 2060 .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Is it wrong to wear a P . M . ' s jewel in Lodge if it has not been presented to the P . M ., but has been bought byliim . ' Yours fraternally ,
Sept . 1 st , 1888 . G . D . C , ESSEX . * * * The whole question of what may and loliat may not be worn as jewels in our Craft Lodges requires settlement . The tendency foi owe , and , not infrequentl y , unmerited decoration is greatly increasing . —Ed . M . S . '
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , In the case of a Lodge changing its . place of meeting in the same town or village , or district , the removal being approved by the W . M . and brethren , and the alteration duly notified to , and
registered by , Grand Lodge , is it necessary to procure a dispensation to authorise the said removal ; and would a Lodge otherwise bo acting illegally , and its transactions be masonically null and void ! I argue that a dispensation is not required . Kindly say if I am right or wrong . j . FARRINGTON , P . M . 1271 . Bradford-on-Avon , Sept . 24 . 1884 .
To the Editor «/ T HE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Anything for the good of Freemasonry has always commended itself to me , and should , I think , command the support of every enthusiastic Freemason . I have to-day seen the first four issues of your journal , and am satisfied you have supplied a long-standing
want . I have been connected with the press many years , and have frequently written and sent reports to the Masonic journals , and many times suggested that threepence a copy was a big barrier to their otherwise really valuable usefulness . If your journal at one penny continues on the same lines I predict a big issue in the
provinces of East Lancashire , where I have often tried to encourage the sale of the Eire masons Chronicle , also the Freemason ; but again and again met with the response of price too much . That objection cannot longer exist , and your expectations have reasonable chances of being realised . Yours fraternally , Manchester , Sept . 10 . H . DARBYSHIRE .
Answers To Crrespondents.
Answers to Crrespondents .
M . S ., Masonic Charity v . Principle . —Far too personal for our columns . Ku'wn . ( _ .- -YON and the brethren of your Lodge are very good . 'We dare not . however , insert your flattering remarks in open Lodge as you wish . They might he misconstrued . . 1 . W .- "Wc have received your MS . of hymn , and you shall hear from us at earliest opportunity .
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
The expressed wishes of several brethren that we should open an Exchange and Mart Column in our pages have not been by any means forgotten ; but we require the assistance of the proposers to commence it . For ourselves , the only exchanges in which we are at present interested are : ARTICLES . TO BE EXCHANGD FOR
Copies of THE MASONIC STAR ... One Penny each . A Copy of this Number of THE MASONIC STAR has been addressed and posted to the SENIOR DEACON of each Lodge under the English Constitution at home and abroad . If any one of those Officers fail
to receive same in due course , a communication to the Editor is solicited , and the omission shall be rectified .
Secretaries of Lodges and Scribes of Chapters , & c , will greatly oblige us by forwarding notices of forthcoming meetings and information relating to Masonic matters of local or general interest to the Craft . Every attention shall be given to their requirements in respect of same , and we shall be happy at all times to reciprocate their favors to the full extent of our power . We respectfully solicit
the support of each regular Lodge and Chapter and each Lodge and Chapter of Instruction by subscription for at least one copy , to be regularly forwarded .
Addresses of the following Lodges wanted . Notices have been returned through post . Studholme No . 1591 Northern Bar „ 1610 Eleanor ' .. „ 1707 Unity , Peace and Concord „ 31 ( 5 Argonaut „ 2243 Dagmar „ 2262