Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary Notices. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
STANMORH CHAPTER ( NO ir > 4 ! l ) . —On the 12 th inst ., at the Abercorn Hotel . Great Stanmore . Coinps . E . Bentley Haynes . M . E . Z .: Dr . W . A . Rogers . H . ; R . H . Blatchford . J .: C . ' Veal . P . Z ., S . E . ; C . H . Webb . P . Z ., ' as P . S . . : J . Best , 1 st Asst . Soj . ; W . R .
Shutt . 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; , T . S . Eraser . P . Z .. Std . ; T . , T . Maidwell . P . Z . ; F . Brown . P . Z . 538 . as S . N . : J . Middlcton . Janitor : W . Wilson . 0 . B . Todd , A . Murtrie . and W . Fraser . Visitors : Comps . G . W . Ensar , 65 ; and J . Pilson . late 154 !) . Three candidates from the Abercorn Lodge , No . 154 !) ( which , with the Suburban Lodge , No . 1702 , is connected with the Stanmore Chapter ) , viz ., Bros . Ii . B . Weathcrall , E . B . Weatherall . and G . Sturman . were exalted to the Sirpreme Degree
in a manner that reflected the greatest credit on every officer , and impressed each candidate with the utmost reverence for the beautiful ceremony . A most enjoyable dinner , which was fully appreciated , followed the labours of the Chapter , and several companions contributed to the harmony of the evening by song and recitation . The companions adj ourned until the second Wednesday in May . An Emergency Meeting will , however , probably he held early in the New Year .
R . W . Bro . General John Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., Provincial
Grand Master for the county of Surrey , who is colonel of the 2 nd Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters ( Derbyshire Regiment ) , a magistrate for Middlesex , and who served on the staff at the battles of Alma , Inkerman , and Tchernaya , in the expedition to Kertch . at the attack on the Redan , and at thefinal assault and fall of Sebastopol , has just completed his seventy-fourth year ,
the war-worn and highly-esteemed veteran having been born on September 22 nd , 1814 . UNITED NORTHERN COUNTIES' LODGE—No . 2128 . —On Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Inns of Court Hotel , Holborn , W . C ., Bro . Win . Masters , W . M .. Bro . R . Davison was raised to the degree of M . M .. the ceremony being performed in a most impressive manner by
Bro . Dr . Smyth , P . G . C ., England , who is an honorary member of the lodge . The sum of £ 10 10 s . was voted from the Lodge Benevolent Fund to the R . M . I , for Girls . Bro . Dr . Smyth , in response to a vote of thanks for his services , said that he esteemed it an honour to have had the opportunity of working the Third Degree . The lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper , a pleasant evening being spent .
Obituary Notices.
Obituary Notices .
BROTHER WILLIAM PIERSON SMITH . On the 8 th inst . the remains of Mr . William Pierson Smith , a well-known contractor in Toxteth Park . Liverpool , were interred at St . Anne ' s Cemetery , Stanley , the chief mourners being Mrs . Smith and daughters . Messrs . Etcliells , T . Taylor , and E . Ockleston . The Toxteth Lodge , of which he was a highly respected member , was represented by Brothers Hugh H . Hughes , W . M .: Lawrance
Phillips , S . W .: Haydn P . Cowell , O . ; John Hughes . S : c . BROTHER DR . THOMAS LLOYD EVANS . The remains of Dr . Thomas Lloyd Evans , of Glanrafon , Amlwch , were on the 12 th inst . consigned to their last resting place in Amlwch Cemetery . Our deceased brother was P . M . of the St . Eleth Lodge . The funeral was a Masonic one .
The Royal Savoy Lodge of Instruction , No . 1744 . has removed to the Blue Post . 54 . Charlotte Street . Fitzroy Square . W . Bro . J . C . Smith , P . M . 1744 , is the Preceptor : Bro . H . Dickey . I . P . M . 1744 , the Treasurer ; and Bro . W . H . Barling . S . W . 17-44 , the Secretary . The lodge meets every Thursdaj" - at eight oclock .
A dead fly in a pot of ointment may give an unwholesome odour to the whole substance , as we are told by excellent authority , and so a single foolish or disagreeable member of a Masonic Lodge may disturb the comfort of the whole body and render himself obnoxious . It is in the Ledge , as in the party , or the church , or in community .
a vam-mmded , opinionated , selfish man often takes the part of obstructionist . He is never ready to move when the rest of his brethren are ; he opposes the measures that the majority favour ; he asserts himself so boldly , perhaps offensively , that he often succeeds in defeating propositions and undertakings which are most deserving . He is a grievous stumbling-block in the way of Lodge purposes and prosperity . —Freemasons' Jlepository .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
For the current week , compiled from the Cosmojwlitan Masonic Calendar ( G . KENNING , London ) . This table is . orrect as to days of meeting named in the respective Warrants or Charters . In some instances , however , the Lodges , & c , may be out of session , and further enquiry may be necessary to prevent disappointment .
ABBREVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Ci \ , Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot ., Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
^topnlitatt%$tyt%attfrCljapta* " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' S HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and licguiations .
Lod ° o | * AJIE 01 ' ' boi ) f : i : AND CIIAVTEH . PLACE OF MEETING . ( 4 th ) THIS DAY , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 27 th . GENERAL COMMITTEE , GIRLS SCHOOL , AT 4 . 05 Prosperity ... Guildhall TavGrcsham Street
., 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 760 William Preston Cannon Street Hotel 1421 Langthorne Angel Hot ., Ilford 1524 Duke of Connauglit Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street 1503 City of Westminster 8 , Air Street , Regent Street , W . 1058 Skclmorsdale Surrey M . II . 1810 Victoria Park Queen ' s Hotel , Victoria Park 2102 Highbury Cock HotelHighbury
, R . A . C . 157 Bedford F . M . H . Mark . 118 Northumberland Masons' Hall Tav ., Baslnghnll Street ( 4 th ) FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 th . 780 I Royal Alfred [• Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge
R . A . C . | 1044 I Mid Surrey I Surrey M . II ., Camberwell ( r . th ) SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER , 29 th . NIL .
( 1 st ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 1 st . 25 Robert Burns V . M . II ., W . C . 69 I'nity Inns of Court Hot . 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street 144 St . Luke ' s Ditto 188 Joppa V . M . T ., W . C . 1025 Tredegar Royal Holel , Mile End Road 1069 Royal Leopold Surrey M . II ., Camberwell
2020 St . liotolph ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street R . A . C . 28 Old King's Arms F . M . '_ ., W . C . 91 Regularity F . M . If ., W . C . 1050 A ictoria M . II ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . G . li . C . 107 Shadwell Gierke 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2 nd .
COLONIAL BOARD , AT 4 . 7 Royal York Lodge of Persevce . Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . G . 9 Albion F . M . II . 101 Temple Ship and Turtle , E . G . 172 Old Concord F . M . If . 170 Caveae Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . G . 217 Stability Anderton's Hotel , E . G . 705 St . James ' s ... ... ... Hi idge House Hotel , S . E . 1257
Grosvcnor F . M . II-, W . C . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh C . of G . Hope Tav ., Commercial lid ., E .
£ ? ir ? I NAME OF LODGE ASD CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . i-Odgc . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2 nd—continued . 1381 Kennlngton Horns Tavern , Konnington , S . E . 1397 Aneiiev Thicket Hotel , Anerley 1472 Islington Cock TavHighbury
.. 1693 Kingsland Railway Hot ., Highbury 2032 Richmond Station Hot ., Richmond 2150 Tivoli Tivoli Restaurant , Strand 2190 Savage Club F . M . H . R . A . C . 1 Grand Masters Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s 109 Temperance White Swan Tav ., Deptford i 1159 Marquis of Dalhousio 33 , Golden Square , W . I 1538 StMartinslcGraud Guildhall Tav
. . -- ., E . G . Mark . I 315 Henniker 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . J 350 Tcmperanco-in-the-East ... Assembly Rooms , Newby Place . Poplar i 355 Royal Savoy Criterion , Piccadilly ; ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 3 rd . ! 511 Zetland Anderton ' s HotelEC
, .. i 1298 Royal Standard Cock Tavern , Highbury 1549 Abercorn Abercorn Hot ., . ft . Stanmore 1585 Hoyal Commemoration Fox and Hounds Hot ., Putney 1087 Rothesay St . James's Hall . Piccadilly 1706 St . Leonard Town Hall , Shoreditch R . A . C . . 55 Constitutional Red Lion , Leytonstone 1328 Granite F . M . 11 .
Mark . Grand Masters M . II ., 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C K . T . 129 Holy Palestine 33 , Golden Square , W .
( 1 st ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 4 th . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Man ... . _ ... M . II ., Masons' Avenue , E . C . 192 Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hotel 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , E . C . 538 I . a Tolerance F . M . H . 554 Yarborough Green DragonStepney
, 742 Crystal Palace Crystal Palace , S . I .. 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes 225 , Strand , W . C . ° 1425 Hyde Park The Wcstbourno , Craven Koad \ y . 1539 Surrey . Masonic Hall Surrey M . II ., Camberwell ' 1765 Trinity College 13 , Mandcvillc IMaee , W . 1772 1 'lmllco Victoria Mansions Rest ., S . W 1790 Old England . ... M . II ., New Thornton Heath '
R . A . C . 174 Sincerity London Tav ., Fenchurch Streci 181 Universal F . M . I I . 1381 | Kennlngton Horns Tav ., Kennlngton
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
STANMORH CHAPTER ( NO ir > 4 ! l ) . —On the 12 th inst ., at the Abercorn Hotel . Great Stanmore . Coinps . E . Bentley Haynes . M . E . Z .: Dr . W . A . Rogers . H . ; R . H . Blatchford . J .: C . ' Veal . P . Z ., S . E . ; C . H . Webb . P . Z ., ' as P . S . . : J . Best , 1 st Asst . Soj . ; W . R .
Shutt . 2 nd Asst . Soj . ; , T . S . Eraser . P . Z .. Std . ; T . , T . Maidwell . P . Z . ; F . Brown . P . Z . 538 . as S . N . : J . Middlcton . Janitor : W . Wilson . 0 . B . Todd , A . Murtrie . and W . Fraser . Visitors : Comps . G . W . Ensar , 65 ; and J . Pilson . late 154 !) . Three candidates from the Abercorn Lodge , No . 154 !) ( which , with the Suburban Lodge , No . 1702 , is connected with the Stanmore Chapter ) , viz ., Bros . Ii . B . Weathcrall , E . B . Weatherall . and G . Sturman . were exalted to the Sirpreme Degree
in a manner that reflected the greatest credit on every officer , and impressed each candidate with the utmost reverence for the beautiful ceremony . A most enjoyable dinner , which was fully appreciated , followed the labours of the Chapter , and several companions contributed to the harmony of the evening by song and recitation . The companions adj ourned until the second Wednesday in May . An Emergency Meeting will , however , probably he held early in the New Year .
R . W . Bro . General John Studholme Brownrigg , C . B ., Provincial
Grand Master for the county of Surrey , who is colonel of the 2 nd Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters ( Derbyshire Regiment ) , a magistrate for Middlesex , and who served on the staff at the battles of Alma , Inkerman , and Tchernaya , in the expedition to Kertch . at the attack on the Redan , and at thefinal assault and fall of Sebastopol , has just completed his seventy-fourth year ,
the war-worn and highly-esteemed veteran having been born on September 22 nd , 1814 . UNITED NORTHERN COUNTIES' LODGE—No . 2128 . —On Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Inns of Court Hotel , Holborn , W . C ., Bro . Win . Masters , W . M .. Bro . R . Davison was raised to the degree of M . M .. the ceremony being performed in a most impressive manner by
Bro . Dr . Smyth , P . G . C ., England , who is an honorary member of the lodge . The sum of £ 10 10 s . was voted from the Lodge Benevolent Fund to the R . M . I , for Girls . Bro . Dr . Smyth , in response to a vote of thanks for his services , said that he esteemed it an honour to have had the opportunity of working the Third Degree . The lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to supper , a pleasant evening being spent .
Obituary Notices.
Obituary Notices .
BROTHER WILLIAM PIERSON SMITH . On the 8 th inst . the remains of Mr . William Pierson Smith , a well-known contractor in Toxteth Park . Liverpool , were interred at St . Anne ' s Cemetery , Stanley , the chief mourners being Mrs . Smith and daughters . Messrs . Etcliells , T . Taylor , and E . Ockleston . The Toxteth Lodge , of which he was a highly respected member , was represented by Brothers Hugh H . Hughes , W . M .: Lawrance
Phillips , S . W .: Haydn P . Cowell , O . ; John Hughes . S : c . BROTHER DR . THOMAS LLOYD EVANS . The remains of Dr . Thomas Lloyd Evans , of Glanrafon , Amlwch , were on the 12 th inst . consigned to their last resting place in Amlwch Cemetery . Our deceased brother was P . M . of the St . Eleth Lodge . The funeral was a Masonic one .
The Royal Savoy Lodge of Instruction , No . 1744 . has removed to the Blue Post . 54 . Charlotte Street . Fitzroy Square . W . Bro . J . C . Smith , P . M . 1744 , is the Preceptor : Bro . H . Dickey . I . P . M . 1744 , the Treasurer ; and Bro . W . H . Barling . S . W . 17-44 , the Secretary . The lodge meets every Thursdaj" - at eight oclock .
A dead fly in a pot of ointment may give an unwholesome odour to the whole substance , as we are told by excellent authority , and so a single foolish or disagreeable member of a Masonic Lodge may disturb the comfort of the whole body and render himself obnoxious . It is in the Ledge , as in the party , or the church , or in community .
a vam-mmded , opinionated , selfish man often takes the part of obstructionist . He is never ready to move when the rest of his brethren are ; he opposes the measures that the majority favour ; he asserts himself so boldly , perhaps offensively , that he often succeeds in defeating propositions and undertakings which are most deserving . He is a grievous stumbling-block in the way of Lodge purposes and prosperity . —Freemasons' Jlepository .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
For the current week , compiled from the Cosmojwlitan Masonic Calendar ( G . KENNING , London ) . This table is . orrect as to days of meeting named in the respective Warrants or Charters . In some instances , however , the Lodges , & c , may be out of session , and further enquiry may be necessary to prevent disappointment .
ABBREVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Ci \ , Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot ., Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
^topnlitatt%$tyt%attfrCljapta* " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' S HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laws and licguiations .
Lod ° o | * AJIE 01 ' ' boi ) f : i : AND CIIAVTEH . PLACE OF MEETING . ( 4 th ) THIS DAY , THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 27 th . GENERAL COMMITTEE , GIRLS SCHOOL , AT 4 . 05 Prosperity ... Guildhall TavGrcsham Street
., 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 760 William Preston Cannon Street Hotel 1421 Langthorne Angel Hot ., Ilford 1524 Duke of Connauglit Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street 1503 City of Westminster 8 , Air Street , Regent Street , W . 1058 Skclmorsdale Surrey M . II . 1810 Victoria Park Queen ' s Hotel , Victoria Park 2102 Highbury Cock HotelHighbury
, R . A . C . 157 Bedford F . M . H . Mark . 118 Northumberland Masons' Hall Tav ., Baslnghnll Street ( 4 th ) FRIDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 th . 780 I Royal Alfred [• Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge
R . A . C . | 1044 I Mid Surrey I Surrey M . II ., Camberwell ( r . th ) SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER , 29 th . NIL .
( 1 st ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 1 st . 25 Robert Burns V . M . II ., W . C . 69 I'nity Inns of Court Hot . 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street 144 St . Luke ' s Ditto 188 Joppa V . M . T ., W . C . 1025 Tredegar Royal Holel , Mile End Road 1069 Royal Leopold Surrey M . II ., Camberwell
2020 St . liotolph ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street R . A . C . 28 Old King's Arms F . M . '_ ., W . C . 91 Regularity F . M . If ., W . C . 1050 A ictoria M . II ., Mason ' s Avenue , E . G . li . C . 107 Shadwell Gierke 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2 nd .
COLONIAL BOARD , AT 4 . 7 Royal York Lodge of Persevce . Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . G . 9 Albion F . M . II . 101 Temple Ship and Turtle , E . G . 172 Old Concord F . M . If . 170 Caveae Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . G . 217 Stability Anderton's Hotel , E . G . 705 St . James ' s ... ... ... Hi idge House Hotel , S . E . 1257
Grosvcnor F . M . II-, W . C . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh C . of G . Hope Tav ., Commercial lid ., E .
£ ? ir ? I NAME OF LODGE ASD CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . i-Odgc . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 2 nd—continued . 1381 Kennlngton Horns Tavern , Konnington , S . E . 1397 Aneiiev Thicket Hotel , Anerley 1472 Islington Cock TavHighbury
.. 1693 Kingsland Railway Hot ., Highbury 2032 Richmond Station Hot ., Richmond 2150 Tivoli Tivoli Restaurant , Strand 2190 Savage Club F . M . H . R . A . C . 1 Grand Masters Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' s 109 Temperance White Swan Tav ., Deptford i 1159 Marquis of Dalhousio 33 , Golden Square , W . I 1538 StMartinslcGraud Guildhall Tav
. . -- ., E . G . Mark . I 315 Henniker 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . J 350 Tcmperanco-in-the-East ... Assembly Rooms , Newby Place . Poplar i 355 Royal Savoy Criterion , Piccadilly ; ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 3 rd . ! 511 Zetland Anderton ' s HotelEC
, .. i 1298 Royal Standard Cock Tavern , Highbury 1549 Abercorn Abercorn Hot ., . ft . Stanmore 1585 Hoyal Commemoration Fox and Hounds Hot ., Putney 1087 Rothesay St . James's Hall . Piccadilly 1706 St . Leonard Town Hall , Shoreditch R . A . C . . 55 Constitutional Red Lion , Leytonstone 1328 Granite F . M . 11 .
Mark . Grand Masters M . II ., 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C K . T . 129 Holy Palestine 33 , Golden Square , W .
( 1 st ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 4 th . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Man ... . _ ... M . II ., Masons' Avenue , E . C . 192 Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hotel 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , E . C . 538 I . a Tolerance F . M . H . 554 Yarborough Green DragonStepney
, 742 Crystal Palace Crystal Palace , S . I .. 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes 225 , Strand , W . C . ° 1425 Hyde Park The Wcstbourno , Craven Koad \ y . 1539 Surrey . Masonic Hall Surrey M . II ., Camberwell ' 1765 Trinity College 13 , Mandcvillc IMaee , W . 1772 1 'lmllco Victoria Mansions Rest ., S . W 1790 Old England . ... M . II ., New Thornton Heath '
R . A . C . 174 Sincerity London Tav ., Fenchurch Streci 181 Universal F . M . I I . 1381 | Kennlngton Horns Tav ., Kennlngton