Article Shall I be a Mason? Page 1 of 1 Article MELBOURNE. Page 1 of 1 Article The Masonic "Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1
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Shall I Be A Mason?
Shall I be a Mason ?
[ TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH OF BRO . P . TEMPELS BY BRO . G . W . SPETH , AND REPRODUCED WITH HIS PERMISSION FROM PART 3 OF AES QUATUOll COROXATORUM . ~ \ JJKITS ^ HERE is a chapter under this same title in a book written y ^ Ivls ^ *^ P ^ in * xviiith century . The author indicates 6 j §^ s > the disposition required in order to make those sacrifices to
which one is exposed in Freemasonry . Thoso who do not possess this temperament , he counsels to abstain . Do not offer yourself , he says , without due consideration . Read a History of Masonry : there is no lack of them . Road the libels published against Masons ; the Bulls of Excommunication ; examine the charges made . Read some earnest work on its tenets ;
for example , " Morals and Dogma , by the learned and Venerable Bro . Pike , Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Southern States of America . Do not present yourself out of mere puerile curiosity ; you will only be disappointed . Do not join the Craft except with a firm resolution to study the
institution . It partakes of the nature of certain natural phenomena , of certain , masterpieces of art , of the genius of certain men . The first view destroys the illusion ; one must study them to comprehend them . If , combined with the love of the true and the good , you have not alao a slight mental attraction , towatds tho poetry resident in all
things , and a padgment tempered by feeling and sentiment , enter not ; you will be bored . He who , with the culture of progress , combines that of old memories ; who , Avhilst pursuing exact science can yet understand all the charm of a venerable myth ; who loves custom because it is old , antique forms because they are beautiful , even prejudice because it is at the root of human history , such a one
will find full play for his instincts as an archaeologist . But , should you enquire how it will benefit your pocket or influence the elections , —go not in ! If , in religious matters , you start with the assumption that your opponent is a fool or a knave , venture not to approach . But , if you respect every sincere opinion , or if , being of a religious
temperament , you can bear with those Avho are not so , or rather , are so differently from yourself , then go ; no one will wound your susceptibilities , and you will hurt no one . If , as regards God and your soul , you appreciate the majesty of the issue , whilst possibly of the opinion that the science of some does not differ greatly from the agnosticism of others , your
aspirations may probably encounter comforting support . If , as a physician or lawyer , a tradesman or merchant , official or clerk , yon seek to find there either clients or patrons , you will be grievously disappointed . As an official you would inspire the goodhumoured contempt of the minister , were he a mason , anel his successor Avould , perhaps , send you about your business . As a
merchant , you would cause both your masonry and your merchandise to be regarded with suspicion . If , being ambitious , you have capabilities equal to your ambition , go : many Avill learn to know you thoroughly . But if you merely seek to acquire stilts for your too diminutive legs , keep aloof : and . for the very same reason .
As a politician , do not dream of making partisans in a Lodge : you will only prevail with those who already follow you ; and you will possibly lose them and have to endure their reproach that you have imported discord within the sacred precincts : your success will be short-lived . If you hold opinions which possess you- rather than you them , if
your disposition be such as to render you too prone to blame others , or if you have no pride in your birthright independence in all matters that concern yourself , the education of your children , the actions of your religious , civil or family life , you will never possess the requisite masonic qualifications , you Avill never understand those who do .
If you be entirely absorbed by your profession , your associations , your position ir . society , approach not ! Why should you undertake obligations Avhich will be onerous to you ? If you owe all your time and resources to your family , abstract nothing from a duty which is above all others . The Lodge is an incentive to outlay . You would either regret not being able to do
even as the others , or you Avould violate our statutes in consecrating to your pleasure that Avhich is justly claimed elsewhere . If you be a hypochondriac , keep aAvay ! but , if you love a Avord in season and a merry jest , enter in . And cherish no illusions ! Do not allow yourself to be carried
away by the idea that you owe a sacrifice to humanity , to progress , and all the rest I Masons are apt to laugh at high-flown notions of self-sacrifice . Join the Masons only if you desire it for your own sake ; whoever you be , they can get on excellently well without you .
The ceremony of installing Bro . J . Cook into the chair of the Admiral Collingwood Lodge , No . 727 , E . C , took place on the 8 th November , at the Freemasons' Hall , Collins Street . There Avas a numerous attendance of the brethren , amongst whom were the District Grand Master of Canterbury , N . Z ., and the Grand Swordbearer of England , besides many other distinguished brethren of
rank . The ceremony Avas performed by Bro . C . H . Bayley . P . M ., P . P . G . P ., assisted by Bro . G . H . Dickason , I . P . M ., in a very impressive manner . The musical portions Avere rendered by a select choir , Bro . SteAvart presiding at the organ . The folloAving officers Avere also invested : —Bros . J . C . Hooghkliminer , S . W . ; J . Gahan
, J . W . ; C . H . Bayley , P . M ., D . C . ; W . Smith , Treas . ; J . Ure , Sec . ; H . R . Stewart , Organist ; R . Dickason , S . D . ; J . H . Bell , J . D . ; M . S . Tadich , I . G . ; G . Anderson , E . Dickason , and Ure , jun ., steAvards . The business of the evening being concluded , the company adjourned to a banquet .
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ' ) A WELCOME INTO MASONRY .
I Directed to one who subsriiiten . il n acquired a disliiejitisiictl vniic as a J / V ' . w / . v icrilrr . THERE Avere many Avith mo Arcre glad . Brother , When Ave read your latest thought , And to one another Ave saiel , Brother .
Tis an omen of gooel import ! For the battle of LIAV has begun , Brother , The strife for "tho good old Avay . " And Ave need just such an one , Brother , As we knoAV you of olel to be !
Yes , one of the daring typo , Brother—Such men as they had of yore . With a head that in age is ripe , Brother , Anel a heart that is brimming o ' er ; To knoAV Avhat a LANDMARK is , Brother—In love to be Avarm and true—Oh , IIOAV have Ave longed for these , Brother , And 'tis these Ave shall find in you !
In the day Avheu your sands are spent . Brother . And the Craft shall your history tell , They'll say , as their grief has vent , Brother . " He has done his labor Avell . ' " For you knoAV Ave have ARCHIA ' ES , Brother . And a COLUMN rent in twain .
And a NAME that still greenly lives , Brother . Though the dust hath its dust again ! Anel these they'll give to you , Brother , As the guerdon of your meed ; For the love that is AA'arm and true . Brother .
For the heart and for the head ; For the battle of law has begun , Brother , The strife for " the good old Avay , " And Ave need just such an one , Brother , As we knoAV you of old to be ! [ From The Poetry of Freemasonry , by the late Bro . Dr . ROB MORRIS , Masonic Poet Laureate . ]
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The next social meeting of " The Old Masonians AVIII be held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , B . C ., on Friday , the -1 th January , at 8 . 30 , Mr . R . S . Speight presiding . A committee meeting will be previously held , at 7 . 45 . The next Cinderellaelancc will take place on 1 st February .
The annual masonic ball will be held at the Warrior Square Hall , St . Leonards-on-Sea , on Wednesday , the Hii-h January ; the balance , if any , to be devoted to the R . M . I . for Boys . The Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement ( or Instruction , which is it' ) Avill not meet until the Sth January next . On tho 15 th , Comp . Brown Avill deliver a lecture explanatory of tho It . A . Jewel , at G . 30 p . m ., and no other business Avill be elone on that evening .
The installation meeting of the Loyal Lodge , No . 251 , Barnstaple , Devon , Avill be held at that ph ~ . ee , at 4 p . m . 7 th January next , Avhen Bro . Jas . Bosson , S . W ., and W . M . Elect Avill be installed W . M . for the ensuing year , by the present W . M . Bro . W . A . Roberts . The banquet Avill be served at the Golden Lion Hotel , at ( i . 30 p . m .
X masonic ball Avill be held in the Royal Concert Hall , at Hastings , on tho Kith January . Former re-unions of a similar character have been most successful , and it is anticipated that the same result Avill attend the forthcoming entertainment . The next meeting of the Richmond Lodge , No . 5032 , Avill be held at the Masonic Hall , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey , on Tuesday , the 1 st January prox .. at -1 o ' clock p . m . Initiation , Passing , and Raising . Banquet 7 p . m .
The Fourth Annual North London Masonic Benevolent Bui 1 , the profits arising from Avhich are to be given to the Masonic Charities , will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , W . C ., London , on Wednesday evening nc . et , the 2 nd January , 1889 . Masonic clothing may be Avorn . Other particulars Avill be found in our advertising columns .
¦ The usual meeting of the Star Chapter of Instruction Avill not be held to-morrow , as the convocation was adjourned to Frichiy , January 4 th .
PRESS EXCHANGES AND BOOKS RECEIVED . By-Laws of the Apollo Uniec . rsity Lodge , Xo . 357 . Oxford ; Night and hay , Edited by T . J . Barnardo , F . R . C . S . E . ; Freemason ( London ) Christmas Xiimler ; The South African Freemason , Cape Colony .
Too many W . M . ' s measure their success during their term of office by the number of initiations . This is a fatal mistake . A Master A \ ho feels he is not fulfilling his mission , or properly discharging his duties unless he has initiations at every meeting , is a curse to the craft . Such a brother , directly or indirectly , duns for candidates as he Avould for ordinary business , and thus robs Freemasonry of its dignity , placing it on a level Avith more modern societies . — Canadian Craftsman .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Shall I Be A Mason?
Shall I be a Mason ?
[ TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH OF BRO . P . TEMPELS BY BRO . G . W . SPETH , AND REPRODUCED WITH HIS PERMISSION FROM PART 3 OF AES QUATUOll COROXATORUM . ~ \ JJKITS ^ HERE is a chapter under this same title in a book written y ^ Ivls ^ *^ P ^ in * xviiith century . The author indicates 6 j §^ s > the disposition required in order to make those sacrifices to
which one is exposed in Freemasonry . Thoso who do not possess this temperament , he counsels to abstain . Do not offer yourself , he says , without due consideration . Read a History of Masonry : there is no lack of them . Road the libels published against Masons ; the Bulls of Excommunication ; examine the charges made . Read some earnest work on its tenets ;
for example , " Morals and Dogma , by the learned and Venerable Bro . Pike , Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Southern States of America . Do not present yourself out of mere puerile curiosity ; you will only be disappointed . Do not join the Craft except with a firm resolution to study the
institution . It partakes of the nature of certain natural phenomena , of certain , masterpieces of art , of the genius of certain men . The first view destroys the illusion ; one must study them to comprehend them . If , combined with the love of the true and the good , you have not alao a slight mental attraction , towatds tho poetry resident in all
things , and a padgment tempered by feeling and sentiment , enter not ; you will be bored . He who , with the culture of progress , combines that of old memories ; who , Avhilst pursuing exact science can yet understand all the charm of a venerable myth ; who loves custom because it is old , antique forms because they are beautiful , even prejudice because it is at the root of human history , such a one
will find full play for his instincts as an archaeologist . But , should you enquire how it will benefit your pocket or influence the elections , —go not in ! If , in religious matters , you start with the assumption that your opponent is a fool or a knave , venture not to approach . But , if you respect every sincere opinion , or if , being of a religious
temperament , you can bear with those Avho are not so , or rather , are so differently from yourself , then go ; no one will wound your susceptibilities , and you will hurt no one . If , as regards God and your soul , you appreciate the majesty of the issue , whilst possibly of the opinion that the science of some does not differ greatly from the agnosticism of others , your
aspirations may probably encounter comforting support . If , as a physician or lawyer , a tradesman or merchant , official or clerk , yon seek to find there either clients or patrons , you will be grievously disappointed . As an official you would inspire the goodhumoured contempt of the minister , were he a mason , anel his successor Avould , perhaps , send you about your business . As a
merchant , you would cause both your masonry and your merchandise to be regarded with suspicion . If , being ambitious , you have capabilities equal to your ambition , go : many Avill learn to know you thoroughly . But if you merely seek to acquire stilts for your too diminutive legs , keep aloof : and . for the very same reason .
As a politician , do not dream of making partisans in a Lodge : you will only prevail with those who already follow you ; and you will possibly lose them and have to endure their reproach that you have imported discord within the sacred precincts : your success will be short-lived . If you hold opinions which possess you- rather than you them , if
your disposition be such as to render you too prone to blame others , or if you have no pride in your birthright independence in all matters that concern yourself , the education of your children , the actions of your religious , civil or family life , you will never possess the requisite masonic qualifications , you Avill never understand those who do .
If you be entirely absorbed by your profession , your associations , your position ir . society , approach not ! Why should you undertake obligations Avhich will be onerous to you ? If you owe all your time and resources to your family , abstract nothing from a duty which is above all others . The Lodge is an incentive to outlay . You would either regret not being able to do
even as the others , or you Avould violate our statutes in consecrating to your pleasure that Avhich is justly claimed elsewhere . If you be a hypochondriac , keep aAvay ! but , if you love a Avord in season and a merry jest , enter in . And cherish no illusions ! Do not allow yourself to be carried
away by the idea that you owe a sacrifice to humanity , to progress , and all the rest I Masons are apt to laugh at high-flown notions of self-sacrifice . Join the Masons only if you desire it for your own sake ; whoever you be , they can get on excellently well without you .
The ceremony of installing Bro . J . Cook into the chair of the Admiral Collingwood Lodge , No . 727 , E . C , took place on the 8 th November , at the Freemasons' Hall , Collins Street . There Avas a numerous attendance of the brethren , amongst whom were the District Grand Master of Canterbury , N . Z ., and the Grand Swordbearer of England , besides many other distinguished brethren of
rank . The ceremony Avas performed by Bro . C . H . Bayley . P . M ., P . P . G . P ., assisted by Bro . G . H . Dickason , I . P . M ., in a very impressive manner . The musical portions Avere rendered by a select choir , Bro . SteAvart presiding at the organ . The folloAving officers Avere also invested : —Bros . J . C . Hooghkliminer , S . W . ; J . Gahan
, J . W . ; C . H . Bayley , P . M ., D . C . ; W . Smith , Treas . ; J . Ure , Sec . ; H . R . Stewart , Organist ; R . Dickason , S . D . ; J . H . Bell , J . D . ; M . S . Tadich , I . G . ; G . Anderson , E . Dickason , and Ure , jun ., steAvards . The business of the evening being concluded , the company adjourned to a banquet .
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ' ) A WELCOME INTO MASONRY .
I Directed to one who subsriiiten . il n acquired a disliiejitisiictl vniic as a J / V ' . w / . v icrilrr . THERE Avere many Avith mo Arcre glad . Brother , When Ave read your latest thought , And to one another Ave saiel , Brother .
Tis an omen of gooel import ! For the battle of LIAV has begun , Brother , The strife for "tho good old Avay . " And Ave need just such an one , Brother , As we knoAV you of olel to be !
Yes , one of the daring typo , Brother—Such men as they had of yore . With a head that in age is ripe , Brother , Anel a heart that is brimming o ' er ; To knoAV Avhat a LANDMARK is , Brother—In love to be Avarm and true—Oh , IIOAV have Ave longed for these , Brother , And 'tis these Ave shall find in you !
In the day Avheu your sands are spent . Brother . And the Craft shall your history tell , They'll say , as their grief has vent , Brother . " He has done his labor Avell . ' " For you knoAV Ave have ARCHIA ' ES , Brother . And a COLUMN rent in twain .
And a NAME that still greenly lives , Brother . Though the dust hath its dust again ! Anel these they'll give to you , Brother , As the guerdon of your meed ; For the love that is AA'arm and true . Brother .
For the heart and for the head ; For the battle of law has begun , Brother , The strife for " the good old Avay , " And Ave need just such an one , Brother , As we knoAV you of old to be ! [ From The Poetry of Freemasonry , by the late Bro . Dr . ROB MORRIS , Masonic Poet Laureate . ]
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The next social meeting of " The Old Masonians AVIII be held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , B . C ., on Friday , the -1 th January , at 8 . 30 , Mr . R . S . Speight presiding . A committee meeting will be previously held , at 7 . 45 . The next Cinderellaelancc will take place on 1 st February .
The annual masonic ball will be held at the Warrior Square Hall , St . Leonards-on-Sea , on Wednesday , the Hii-h January ; the balance , if any , to be devoted to the R . M . I . for Boys . The Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement ( or Instruction , which is it' ) Avill not meet until the Sth January next . On tho 15 th , Comp . Brown Avill deliver a lecture explanatory of tho It . A . Jewel , at G . 30 p . m ., and no other business Avill be elone on that evening .
The installation meeting of the Loyal Lodge , No . 251 , Barnstaple , Devon , Avill be held at that ph ~ . ee , at 4 p . m . 7 th January next , Avhen Bro . Jas . Bosson , S . W ., and W . M . Elect Avill be installed W . M . for the ensuing year , by the present W . M . Bro . W . A . Roberts . The banquet Avill be served at the Golden Lion Hotel , at ( i . 30 p . m .
X masonic ball Avill be held in the Royal Concert Hall , at Hastings , on tho Kith January . Former re-unions of a similar character have been most successful , and it is anticipated that the same result Avill attend the forthcoming entertainment . The next meeting of the Richmond Lodge , No . 5032 , Avill be held at the Masonic Hall , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey , on Tuesday , the 1 st January prox .. at -1 o ' clock p . m . Initiation , Passing , and Raising . Banquet 7 p . m .
The Fourth Annual North London Masonic Benevolent Bui 1 , the profits arising from Avhich are to be given to the Masonic Charities , will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , W . C ., London , on Wednesday evening nc . et , the 2 nd January , 1889 . Masonic clothing may be Avorn . Other particulars Avill be found in our advertising columns .
¦ The usual meeting of the Star Chapter of Instruction Avill not be held to-morrow , as the convocation was adjourned to Frichiy , January 4 th .
PRESS EXCHANGES AND BOOKS RECEIVED . By-Laws of the Apollo Uniec . rsity Lodge , Xo . 357 . Oxford ; Night and hay , Edited by T . J . Barnardo , F . R . C . S . E . ; Freemason ( London ) Christmas Xiimler ; The South African Freemason , Cape Colony .
Too many W . M . ' s measure their success during their term of office by the number of initiations . This is a fatal mistake . A Master A \ ho feels he is not fulfilling his mission , or properly discharging his duties unless he has initiations at every meeting , is a curse to the craft . Such a brother , directly or indirectly , duns for candidates as he Avould for ordinary business , and thus robs Freemasonry of its dignity , placing it on a level Avith more modern societies . — Canadian Craftsman .