Article HIGH TWELVE Page 1 of 1 Article HIGH TWELVE Page 1 of 1 Article Our City Article. Page 1 of 1
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High Twelve
" Cease laboui' and go to refreshment . "
(Btottmjs ^ IraaL
The Actors' Christmas has UOAV set in with a vengeance , and many are the . anxieties of certain managers to get their houses in order for the holidays . Those not "in the know" can scarcely imagine the tremendous mass of work that has to be got through to produce a pantomime . Now-a-days , elaborateness is carrietl to such an
extent that every manufacturing department of the theatrical tradesman is taxed to the utmost , while scene painters , musical directors , stage managers , and artists of all descriptions and grades have scarcely breathing time . Little do spectators knoAV or care when they see the first performance of a pantomime what pains and
trouble have to be bestowed upon it before it is submitted to public criticism ; and I often think when " cat-calls" are indulged in , or derisive remarks are made at some hitch , trifling or othenvise , Avhich must inevitably occur on first nights , what a pity it is that more consideration is not extended to those who are responsible
for these seasonable entertainments . I am not one to shield anyone whose work exhibits signs unmistakable of neglect in preparation ; but I sincerely pity these heavily taxed functionaries when things do not Avork AA ell , and , therefore , get " guyed , " as the phrase goes . Nevertheless , it must be aelmitted that audiences are , as a rule
not unreasonable ; and , generally , are tolerably good-humoured over what must be to them a certain disappointment . When people have paid to be amused , they sometimes are intolerant of shortcomings ; still , after all , let us hope this year that no one will need to be too severely tried in their early experiences of the special Christmas entertainments which are noAV in full sAving .
The fact that so many novelties are preparing just noAV has caused last week to be very unproductive of neAVS theatrical ; therefore , I can only note the forthcoming special dramatic novelties . I have already foreshadoAved the coming events AA'hich are , let us hope , to cast their glamour of success over the fortunes of Drury Lane , the
Lyceum , the Adelphi , and some other establishments , east and west . I may noAV note that the Surrey Pantomime Avill be on the subject of The Forty Thieves ; Sweet Cinderella , at the Granel Theatre ; Beauty and the Feast at Sadlers Wells ; Babes in the Wood at the Pavilion and Elephant and Castle , this same story , Avith et cameras
thrown in , being also the subject of the shoAv at Old Drury ; Dick Whitthvjton . at tho Marylebone ; Cinderella ( I trust this version is to be as " SAveet " as that at the Grand ) at the Crystal Palace ; The Magic Demon at the Britannia ; The Forty Thieves at Greemvich , and Sinbad , the Sailor , at Stratford .
Sanger's Ampitheatre Avill have a pantomime after all . I made a misstatement in my last ; I Avas misled . I correct my error , and at the same time cordially welcome Mr . Sanger and his extensive troupe , human and animal , to the scene of their former triumphs . Robinson Crusoe is the story to be pantomimically illustrated , and a
good equestrian company , including , for the first time in England , Andries' Spanish Equestrians and Gymnasts , anel " the only lady somersault act rider in Europe . " This ought to be a great "draw . " There , Mr . Sanger , if I left you out in the cold last week , I hope I have now given you good advertisement as a recompense .
Paul Jones at the Prince of Wales' Theatre , Avhich , Avhen re " opened , Avill be found to have been beautified by the decorators , is proceeding apace . Everything shapes very well ; and , it is reported , that M . Planquette is so much pleased Avith Miss Agnes Huntingdon who is to play the title rule , that he has added tAvo numbers to his score , which have been composed specially for the lady named .
The foundation stone of Mr . D'Oyley Carte ' s new theatre in Shaftesbury Avenue Avas laid on Saturday , the 15 th inst . Success to Carte ! But speculators in amusements haei better beAvare . It seems that Ave are getting too many new theatres . The Olympic Theatre is to be opened by Mr . J . Pitt Hardacre Avith
East Lynnc , and the Joelrell Theatre with Pattie Rosa in Bob . Mr . Toole returns to his own theatre with The Don : The Shaftesbury re-opens Avith The Lady of Lyons , anel Mr . Mansfield has rcmoA-ed from the Lyceum to the Globe , where Prince Karl is preceded by Ed it ha x Burglar , in Avhich that capital actor and humorist , Lionel Brough , appears .
A neAV ballet , Irene , has been proeluced at the Alhambra . It promises to be a great success . Mons . Jacobi has supplied the music , and Signor Cassati has inventeel the plot . It is admirably sustained by a neAV principal dancer , Signorina Legnani , and also
by Signora Cossio , Mdlle . Cormani , Mdlle . Marie , Madame Roifey , and last , but by no means least , by Mi s Thurgatc . Mr . Ryan ' s scenery , and Mons . anel Madame Alias' costumes , designed by Cedat de Lavigerie , have been rapturously admired .
High Twelve
Mr . George R . Sims has published " The Dagonet Reciter , " which contains some excellent pieces for reciters . The Long Strike is a \ "cry poAverful poem anel is quite neAV ; altogether , this is a capital shilling ' s Avorth .
The next noA elty , after the run of Hands Across the Sea , at the Princess's , will be Mr . AVilson Barrett ' s new play , in Avhich the author Avill appear . Matinees , it is said , will shortly be given of Oliver Twist , in which Miss Hawthorne will play Nancy to the Bill Sikes of Herbert Standing . The nightly performances and Saturday matindes of Mr . Pettitt ' s drama Avill remain uninterrupted .
The new Lyric Theatre opened on Monday , tho 17 th inst . It is a most elegant theatre . Dorothy Avill be continued there until further notice . Faust up to Date , and Xadyy , have had extra special attractions added for Christmas . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
CAPEL COURT , DECEMBER 24 TH , 1888 . The receipt by the Bank of England of a considerable amount of gold has had a very reassuring effect on the markets all round , and there is no longer much fear of any pressure , and the tendency towards better business anel better prices , Avhich I called attention to last week , has become more marked . This is reflected in nearly
every description of securities , Consols being J better than they were a week ago , while the rise in English rails is to be measured by whole figures . For some reason or other , whenever there is a rise in the price of a railway stock , it is said that that stock is about to be divided into two classes , in the same way as the South Eastern and the Brighton
Stocks have been , as accounting for the rise . An article in last week's Bullionist , however , will go far towards dispelling this delusion , as it is there shown that those Btocka which are so divided are actually lower in valuo than the undivided ones . Why a division should ever have been supposed to enhance the value , is one of those mysteries Avhich must ever be shrouded in darkness . The prospects
of most of the English Railways look very bright , the traffics still show large increases , nor is there any reason to anticipate any increase in the proportion of working expenses . Up to now , the Caledonian Raihvay has received £ 92 , 479 more than at the same period last year ; and the North British £ 82 , 338 , the net increment in both cases being equal to an additional dividend of 1 per cent , for the
half-year . None of the other lines have done so Avell as these tAvo , but in most cases the improvement has been very satisfactory , sufficient , in fact , to give an appreciable advance in the returns . The buying during the last few days has been very good , which is somewhat unusual at this particular time of the year . I think that North Staffordshire Stocks affords the best opportunity for a
successful bull just now , tho heavy lines shoulel also advance further during the next few weeks . The rise in prices has also extended to Americans . Here I am in doubt , but should on the Avhole consider that they will noAV go better , as there is apparently a disposition on the part of the responsible directors to take a more active part in the settlement of
disputes , instead of leaving everything to the traffic managers , Avho are guided more by their own personal ends than by the interest of the companies they are supposed to serve . The Grand Trunk line after for a few weeks having increased takes , again slums a decrease , and the prospects for the half-year noAV nearly ended are anything but happy . The difficulty Avith the
Canadian Pacific is as far from amicable settlement as ever , anel in my opinion has not even yet reached the acute stage which is probable . AB regards the last mentioned , a telegram from Canada announces that the Manitoba people have gained their point , and the Red River extension line is to be alloAved to cross the Canadian Pacific . This is A'ery serious for the C . P ., as in consequence , some of their
best paying traffic Avill most certainly be diverted , and a severe rate war may be looked for in this district . The rise in Foreign Stocks must not be taken to indicate anything more than a desire on the part of Paris to get prices up , and the response here is not very warm . I should take Greek Stocks to be the best to buy , but as for Russians , Hungarians , Egyptians , and
Spanish , they Avill probably recede again . In miscellaneous shares there is no activity , attention being more given to the mining market Avhere South Africans are still in great favour . The rise in some of these shares has been very large , and from tho next rise I take Jumpers and Nabobs . Some of the cheaper mines shoulel be looked after , as they Avill probably be run
up , if not on their own merits , in sympathy Avith the rest . In this list Denvers are likely to be again in tho ascendent , as the latest telegrams give better hopes of the prospect . The settlement now proceeding shoAvs that Contangoes are not heavy , and as a consequence , there is a general rise in English rails , Avhich are being largely bought for the IICAV year . CRAFTSMAN .
ANSWERS . DEACON . —The Company Avas brought out in March , 188 G . It has paid no dividend nor is it likely to . The shares have changed hands at 3 / 9 , and you might find a buyer at a little under that price . F . 11 . —The new edition Avill be published early in January . NuxejUAM DORMIO . —We have handed the papers to our solicitor , as retpicsted . No . 40—Have nothing- to do Avith it .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
High Twelve
" Cease laboui' and go to refreshment . "
(Btottmjs ^ IraaL
The Actors' Christmas has UOAV set in with a vengeance , and many are the . anxieties of certain managers to get their houses in order for the holidays . Those not "in the know" can scarcely imagine the tremendous mass of work that has to be got through to produce a pantomime . Now-a-days , elaborateness is carrietl to such an
extent that every manufacturing department of the theatrical tradesman is taxed to the utmost , while scene painters , musical directors , stage managers , and artists of all descriptions and grades have scarcely breathing time . Little do spectators knoAV or care when they see the first performance of a pantomime what pains and
trouble have to be bestowed upon it before it is submitted to public criticism ; and I often think when " cat-calls" are indulged in , or derisive remarks are made at some hitch , trifling or othenvise , Avhich must inevitably occur on first nights , what a pity it is that more consideration is not extended to those who are responsible
for these seasonable entertainments . I am not one to shield anyone whose work exhibits signs unmistakable of neglect in preparation ; but I sincerely pity these heavily taxed functionaries when things do not Avork AA ell , and , therefore , get " guyed , " as the phrase goes . Nevertheless , it must be aelmitted that audiences are , as a rule
not unreasonable ; and , generally , are tolerably good-humoured over what must be to them a certain disappointment . When people have paid to be amused , they sometimes are intolerant of shortcomings ; still , after all , let us hope this year that no one will need to be too severely tried in their early experiences of the special Christmas entertainments which are noAV in full sAving .
The fact that so many novelties are preparing just noAV has caused last week to be very unproductive of neAVS theatrical ; therefore , I can only note the forthcoming special dramatic novelties . I have already foreshadoAved the coming events AA'hich are , let us hope , to cast their glamour of success over the fortunes of Drury Lane , the
Lyceum , the Adelphi , and some other establishments , east and west . I may noAV note that the Surrey Pantomime Avill be on the subject of The Forty Thieves ; Sweet Cinderella , at the Granel Theatre ; Beauty and the Feast at Sadlers Wells ; Babes in the Wood at the Pavilion and Elephant and Castle , this same story , Avith et cameras
thrown in , being also the subject of the shoAv at Old Drury ; Dick Whitthvjton . at tho Marylebone ; Cinderella ( I trust this version is to be as " SAveet " as that at the Grand ) at the Crystal Palace ; The Magic Demon at the Britannia ; The Forty Thieves at Greemvich , and Sinbad , the Sailor , at Stratford .
Sanger's Ampitheatre Avill have a pantomime after all . I made a misstatement in my last ; I Avas misled . I correct my error , and at the same time cordially welcome Mr . Sanger and his extensive troupe , human and animal , to the scene of their former triumphs . Robinson Crusoe is the story to be pantomimically illustrated , and a
good equestrian company , including , for the first time in England , Andries' Spanish Equestrians and Gymnasts , anel " the only lady somersault act rider in Europe . " This ought to be a great "draw . " There , Mr . Sanger , if I left you out in the cold last week , I hope I have now given you good advertisement as a recompense .
Paul Jones at the Prince of Wales' Theatre , Avhich , Avhen re " opened , Avill be found to have been beautified by the decorators , is proceeding apace . Everything shapes very well ; and , it is reported , that M . Planquette is so much pleased Avith Miss Agnes Huntingdon who is to play the title rule , that he has added tAvo numbers to his score , which have been composed specially for the lady named .
The foundation stone of Mr . D'Oyley Carte ' s new theatre in Shaftesbury Avenue Avas laid on Saturday , the 15 th inst . Success to Carte ! But speculators in amusements haei better beAvare . It seems that Ave are getting too many new theatres . The Olympic Theatre is to be opened by Mr . J . Pitt Hardacre Avith
East Lynnc , and the Joelrell Theatre with Pattie Rosa in Bob . Mr . Toole returns to his own theatre with The Don : The Shaftesbury re-opens Avith The Lady of Lyons , anel Mr . Mansfield has rcmoA-ed from the Lyceum to the Globe , where Prince Karl is preceded by Ed it ha x Burglar , in Avhich that capital actor and humorist , Lionel Brough , appears .
A neAV ballet , Irene , has been proeluced at the Alhambra . It promises to be a great success . Mons . Jacobi has supplied the music , and Signor Cassati has inventeel the plot . It is admirably sustained by a neAV principal dancer , Signorina Legnani , and also
by Signora Cossio , Mdlle . Cormani , Mdlle . Marie , Madame Roifey , and last , but by no means least , by Mi s Thurgatc . Mr . Ryan ' s scenery , and Mons . anel Madame Alias' costumes , designed by Cedat de Lavigerie , have been rapturously admired .
High Twelve
Mr . George R . Sims has published " The Dagonet Reciter , " which contains some excellent pieces for reciters . The Long Strike is a \ "cry poAverful poem anel is quite neAV ; altogether , this is a capital shilling ' s Avorth .
The next noA elty , after the run of Hands Across the Sea , at the Princess's , will be Mr . AVilson Barrett ' s new play , in Avhich the author Avill appear . Matinees , it is said , will shortly be given of Oliver Twist , in which Miss Hawthorne will play Nancy to the Bill Sikes of Herbert Standing . The nightly performances and Saturday matindes of Mr . Pettitt ' s drama Avill remain uninterrupted .
The new Lyric Theatre opened on Monday , tho 17 th inst . It is a most elegant theatre . Dorothy Avill be continued there until further notice . Faust up to Date , and Xadyy , have had extra special attractions added for Christmas . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
CAPEL COURT , DECEMBER 24 TH , 1888 . The receipt by the Bank of England of a considerable amount of gold has had a very reassuring effect on the markets all round , and there is no longer much fear of any pressure , and the tendency towards better business anel better prices , Avhich I called attention to last week , has become more marked . This is reflected in nearly
every description of securities , Consols being J better than they were a week ago , while the rise in English rails is to be measured by whole figures . For some reason or other , whenever there is a rise in the price of a railway stock , it is said that that stock is about to be divided into two classes , in the same way as the South Eastern and the Brighton
Stocks have been , as accounting for the rise . An article in last week's Bullionist , however , will go far towards dispelling this delusion , as it is there shown that those Btocka which are so divided are actually lower in valuo than the undivided ones . Why a division should ever have been supposed to enhance the value , is one of those mysteries Avhich must ever be shrouded in darkness . The prospects
of most of the English Railways look very bright , the traffics still show large increases , nor is there any reason to anticipate any increase in the proportion of working expenses . Up to now , the Caledonian Raihvay has received £ 92 , 479 more than at the same period last year ; and the North British £ 82 , 338 , the net increment in both cases being equal to an additional dividend of 1 per cent , for the
half-year . None of the other lines have done so Avell as these tAvo , but in most cases the improvement has been very satisfactory , sufficient , in fact , to give an appreciable advance in the returns . The buying during the last few days has been very good , which is somewhat unusual at this particular time of the year . I think that North Staffordshire Stocks affords the best opportunity for a
successful bull just now , tho heavy lines shoulel also advance further during the next few weeks . The rise in prices has also extended to Americans . Here I am in doubt , but should on the Avhole consider that they will noAV go better , as there is apparently a disposition on the part of the responsible directors to take a more active part in the settlement of
disputes , instead of leaving everything to the traffic managers , Avho are guided more by their own personal ends than by the interest of the companies they are supposed to serve . The Grand Trunk line after for a few weeks having increased takes , again slums a decrease , and the prospects for the half-year noAV nearly ended are anything but happy . The difficulty Avith the
Canadian Pacific is as far from amicable settlement as ever , anel in my opinion has not even yet reached the acute stage which is probable . AB regards the last mentioned , a telegram from Canada announces that the Manitoba people have gained their point , and the Red River extension line is to be alloAved to cross the Canadian Pacific . This is A'ery serious for the C . P ., as in consequence , some of their
best paying traffic Avill most certainly be diverted , and a severe rate war may be looked for in this district . The rise in Foreign Stocks must not be taken to indicate anything more than a desire on the part of Paris to get prices up , and the response here is not very warm . I should take Greek Stocks to be the best to buy , but as for Russians , Hungarians , Egyptians , and
Spanish , they Avill probably recede again . In miscellaneous shares there is no activity , attention being more given to the mining market Avhere South Africans are still in great favour . The rise in some of these shares has been very large , and from tho next rise I take Jumpers and Nabobs . Some of the cheaper mines shoulel be looked after , as they Avill probably be run
up , if not on their own merits , in sympathy Avith the rest . In this list Denvers are likely to be again in tho ascendent , as the latest telegrams give better hopes of the prospect . The settlement now proceeding shoAvs that Contangoes are not heavy , and as a consequence , there is a general rise in English rails , Avhich are being largely bought for the IICAV year . CRAFTSMAN .
ANSWERS . DEACON . —The Company Avas brought out in March , 188 G . It has paid no dividend nor is it likely to . The shares have changed hands at 3 / 9 , and you might find a buyer at a little under that price . F . 11 . —The new edition Avill be published early in January . NuxejUAM DORMIO . —We have handed the papers to our solicitor , as retpicsted . No . 40—Have nothing- to do Avith it .