Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges. Page 1 of 3 →
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Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . " ALL communications should be fonvareled to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street . E . C . London . Those relating to Editorial matter to
be addressee ! to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BiteiS . * * i / f * & Erratum . —In our Editorial of last week , referring to " Rule 210—Exclusion " the Avorrl " Exclusion " in tho 23 rd line of second column should raid " Expulsion . "
Depreciation of stock £ 9 , 000 ! Current debt £ 2 , 007 . ! Excess o grants in 1888 over those in 1887 - £ 785 ! This represents the present monetary condition of our Fund of Benevolence . Let us again ask as AVC did in the seA entk number of this journal , ' ¦ ' if the time has ' not fully arrived for earnest consideration of the Avholc
subject of relief through the direct contributions of our seA-eral lodo-es '" We refer our readers to the number mentioned for particulars Avhich Ave imagine should give cause for some anxiety in regard to the future , and AVC reiterate " that the boasted
prosperity of the Order will not be exemplified very grandly by the possible exhaustion of its most important fund ; and that there must be something wrong , someAA-here , if Ave get so much as Ave do from amongst us for the three charitable institutions , and leave the oldest and most masonic fund to die out . "
We regret to hear of the accident that befel Bro . H . J . Butter , the deeply respected manager of the carriage department in Woohvich Arsenal , by Avhich he lost his left hand on the 18 th inst . We trust he Avill safely recover from the seA ere shock . * * * * *
The Christmas number of The Freemason , London , published by Bro . George Kenning , is a more than ordinarily interesting production . Amongst its contributions is a Avell Avritten history of the Prince of Wales' Lodge , No . 290 , in narrative form , under the title of " Told by the Lodge Register , " Avritten by Bro . G . Blizzard Abbott ,
and Avhich cannot fail to please tho large number of our brethren A \ 'ho delight in recognizing the services of distinguished freemasons in past times , as Avell as the present connection of Avell knoAvn names perpetuating ancient records . The " Thomas W . Tew M . S . " of " Old Charges , " Avith a transcript from l : The Book of Masons . "
by Bro . William James Hughan , is also of considerable interest to those Avho desire to cany their masonic researches into the distant past . For lighter reading " The Masonic Talisman , " by T . Johnston Evans , and "The Bells of St . Barnabas , " by J . Marsden Sutcliffe , Avill serve to pleasantly Avile aAvay a leisure hour ; AA hilst musical
brethren Avill find entertainment in the double page of music entitled "The Craft , " the Avords of AA-hich are the production of Bro . F . W . Driver , P . M ., No . 45 , and the score by Bro . W . O . Dunkley , P . M ., 1777 and P . G . P ., Middlesex . An engraving , en loose sheet
for framing , of the late Bro . Rosenthal s painting of the reception of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as P . G . Master , Dec . 1 st , 18 ( i 9 , is presented as a supplement . We commend the number to our readers as Avell Avorth its trifling ! cost .
The Board Of Benevolence.
The usual monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence Avas held on the 19 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , W . Bros . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., president , James Brett , P . G . P ., and C . A . Cottcbruno , P . G . P ., vice-presidents , and about 55 members and brethren being present . Recommendations of the November meeting to the amount of £ 400 Avere confirmed , and a list of 47 applications Avere
considered . These comprised cases from Metropolitan Lodges , and from others at AberystAvith , Adelaide , Canterbury , Croydon , Chard , Calcutta , Deal , Dagshai E . I ., Jersey , Keynsham , Ledbury , Meerut , Manchester , Newcastle-on-Tyne , NCAV York , Netherlands , Old Brompton , Port Elizabeth , Sidcup , Stonehouse , Shanghai , Wisbech , and York . Of these , tAvo Avere dismissed , and three deferred ; and the remainder Avere relieved by donations amounting to £ 907
inclusive of recommendations to the Most W . Grand Master . It Avas stated that the total amount awarded in the course of the present year Avas £ 11 , 408 , and to meet the same stock to the amount of £ 9 , 000 had been sold out . When the Board commenced its proceedings on the above occasion it was in debt as much as £ 1 , 100 . The business terminated with seasonable compliments and good Avishes from the president .
DISTRICT GRAND MASTERS IN INDIA . —The present list of District Grand Masters of English Freemasonry in India , in order of appointment , is as follows : —R . W . Bro . the Hon . T . Prinsep , District Grand Master of Bengal ; R . W . Bro . E . W . Parker , District Grand Master of the Punjab ; R . W . Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , District Grand Master of Bombay ; R . W . Bro . Lorel Connemara , District Grand Master of Madras , elect .
THRIFT . —Bro . J . KnoAvles RoAvbotham has recently been elected chairman of the National Thrift Society , and Bros . William Boddington , Capt . Darley , & c , have joined the committee . The society , the secretary of Avhich is Bro . T . BoAvden Green , 1 , Finsbury Circus , E . G ., is doing good Avork in London and the provinces , and deserves encouragement as Avell as support .
South Africa.
NEW MASONIC TEMPLE AT JOHANNESBURG . We extract from The Standard and Transvaal Mining Chronicle , published at Johannesburg , on the 9 th October last , tlie folloAving interesting description of a neAV building for the purposes of Freemasonry in that " tAvo-year-old city . " We should like to see similar erections in many of our large and populous towns in England
Avhere at present places of public resort alone afford meeting plac-. s for Masonic lodges : — "MASONIC TEMPLE . —We had the pleasure of inspecting the interior of this edifice the other day , and Avere agreeably surprised to note its artistic character and general architectural beauty . It is not any exaggeration to say that from a decoratiA e point of vieAv
the Johannesburg Temple is the finest in South Africa . Entering by the eastern door there are two rooms , one on the right being the refreshment room , haA r ing communication Avith the temple , and on the left the preparing room . Behind the latter , from a lobby Avhich may also be entered by a door on the south , there is a principal entrance to the temple proper . As the door opened , and Ave obtained
the first glimpse of the snug little hall , Ave Avere filled Avith astonishment and admiration that there should be such a building erected in this two-year-old city . It is 55 x 25 feet in area , and to the top of the cornice 17 feet high . The Avails are decorated by a series of Grecian pilastres , and the top and lower portions of the cornice by a frieze . Between each alternative pilastre the panel is
relieved by mtches in Avhich Avill be placed statuary . The room is lit by windows divided into three parts , about 12 feet from the floor . The painting and decorating was done by tAvo tradesmen , Messrs . George West anel Alfred Thomas of this toAvn , as their subscription to the erection of the building , and truly it Avas a munificent gift , being valued at about £ 250 . Apart from the
monetary value , hoAvever , the donation was one the brethren should be proud of , being a labour of love ; the whole art and talent of the donors were put into the work Avith the result as stated , that the temple is the prettiest in South Africa . The variety of designs , and yet uniformity , the blending and arrangement of colours are truly astonishing . The Avork , Avhilst as elaborate as it Avell could
be , is chaste . The painting is bright , but there is no approach to the gauely . The ceiling , Avhich is lined , is of sky blue , spangled Avith stars in gold . The Avork , in fact , is that of the artist rather than the painter . The Master ' s chair , placed on a dais 2 feet high , approached by steps on either side , is beautifully carved with masonic pedestals , Avhilst the other official chairs are of the same
design , these being the work and gift of Bro . Jorgenson . The portrait of the first master , Bro . Hart , a beautifully oil painted enlarged photo by Mr . Davis , has a fitting place at the opposite end of the room from the dais . Mr . Davis has just completed a photograph of the interior of the Temple , Avhich is equal to anything in the photographic art which Ave have yet seen , considering the
difficulty of obtaining the exact degree of light in a room so peculiar as this one necessarily is according to usage . Mr . Davis , however , after exposing the plates in each case for upwards of three hours , succeeded in taking tAvo views , which give a correct idea of the temple . They are beautifully lighted , and the toning is excellent . All masons , and all Avho have a taste for good pictures , ought to secure copies . "
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges .
ROYAL ATHHLSTAX—NO . 19 . —OH the I 3 th inst ., at tho Cannon Street Hotel , E . G . —Bro . ( i . II . lloylc , AA . M . —Election meeting . Bro . AA \ Nicholson , S . AA ., was unanimously elected AV . M , for the ensuing year , and Bro . AV . M . Bywatcr , P . M ., was re-elected treasurer . The AV . M . announced that an organ had been presented to the lodge , through the instrumentality of Bro . Moscr and Bro . Gwymi . Bro . ( iAvynn was appointed organist , and enlivened the lodge working to tlie greatest satisfaction of the brethren present . The brethren subsequently adjourned to a banquet , at whicii various toasts were duly honoured .
CHESHIRE . LOYALTY LODCH—NO . 320 MOTTUAM . —On the 12 th inst ., Festival of St . John the Evangelist , at tho Masonic Rooms . The lodge was opened by Bro . Alfred Turner , W . M ., and after the usual routine business had been transacted the installation ceremony was proceeded Avith according to the ancient rite and custom , the AV . M . elect being Bro . Joseph AValker , S . AV . The installing master was Bro . J . E . Steward , P . M . 336 , P . P . G . J . D ., who was assisted by Bros , the Rev . John AValker , AV . M . 1427 , Newcastle-on-Tvno , Chaplain 20 G 0 , and P . P . G . Chaplain ,
Northumberland , and Alfred AValker , AV . M ., Devonshire C 25 ( brothers of the AV . M . elect ;; Alfrsd Turner , P . M . and AV . S . Hadiield , P . M . The service was a full choral one , and the interesting ceremony was gone through in a most impressive manner . The officers for the ensuing year were invested in the following order : —Bros . AV . F . Norman , S . AV . ; Alan Nield , J . AV . ; James Crook , P . M ., treas . ; John AVagstaff , P . M ., secty . ; Georgo Sykes , S . D . ; AVilliam Taylor , J . D . ; R . S . Holland , I . G . ; F . G . Thomas and AV . T . Lee , stewards , and Robert Collier , P . M ., tyler . This was Bro . Collier ' s 28 th consecutive year of being appointed tvlcr of the lodge . Bro . Joseph Walker ,
AV . M ., on behalf of the lodge , presented a handsome past master ' s jewel to Bro . Alfred Turner , in recognition of his services to the lodge as AV . M . for the past year . Besides the above-mentioned brethren there were also present : —Bros . R . 11 . Swindlehurst , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; R . Woodhouse , P . M . ; John AVhittaker , Wm . McMath , AV . Hampshire , J . AV . Seholes , H . AVyatt , E . Thornier , B . Hurst , J . Mills , and the following visiting brethren : —From tho Devonshire lodge , 625 , Glossop , Bros . Alfred AA alker , AV . M .: G . E . Cox , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., Derbyshire ; AV .
Eversden , S . W . ; AV . H . Bowden , S . D . ; Charles AVildc , Hervey Smith , Industry , 3 C 1 , Hyde ; John Sherwin , AV . M ., Bene \ olcnce , 336 , Marple ; G . Holland , secretary , Stamford and AVarrington , Stalybridge ; J . Rowloy , Probity , Gl , Halifax ; and S . T . Smethurst , 1144 Milton , Ashton-under-Lyne . The installation banquet was presided over by the W . M . During the evening a number of songs were contributed by Bros . AV . Fielding , C . Wilde , A . AValker , AV . F . Norman , It . AVoodhouso , J . Mills and AV . Taylor . Bro . E . Thornley Avas the accompanyist , and the nroceedlngs throughout were of a successful and enjoyable character . "
DEACON . PRUDENCE—No . 1550—PLYMOUTH . —On the 16 th inst ., at tho Freemasons' Hall , the Annual Banquet was held , under the presidency of Bro . A . Goodman , AV . M ., who was snj ported by the officers and past masters of the lodge , including AV . Bros . I . B . Gover , P . P . G . Sec . ; J . It . Lord , P . G . T . ; T . Goodall , P . P . G . O ., Sec . ; It . G . Bird , J . Y . Avery , M . C . Lakeman , G . H . Selleck , G . Dimier , G . F . AVatson , and J . Maton . Among the visitors were AV . Bros . Rev . T . AV . Lemon , M . A ., P . G . J . AV .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . " ALL communications should be fonvareled to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street . E . C . London . Those relating to Editorial matter to
be addressee ! to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BiteiS . * * i / f * & Erratum . —In our Editorial of last week , referring to " Rule 210—Exclusion " the Avorrl " Exclusion " in tho 23 rd line of second column should raid " Expulsion . "
Depreciation of stock £ 9 , 000 ! Current debt £ 2 , 007 . ! Excess o grants in 1888 over those in 1887 - £ 785 ! This represents the present monetary condition of our Fund of Benevolence . Let us again ask as AVC did in the seA entk number of this journal , ' ¦ ' if the time has ' not fully arrived for earnest consideration of the Avholc
subject of relief through the direct contributions of our seA-eral lodo-es '" We refer our readers to the number mentioned for particulars Avhich Ave imagine should give cause for some anxiety in regard to the future , and AVC reiterate " that the boasted
prosperity of the Order will not be exemplified very grandly by the possible exhaustion of its most important fund ; and that there must be something wrong , someAA-here , if Ave get so much as Ave do from amongst us for the three charitable institutions , and leave the oldest and most masonic fund to die out . "
We regret to hear of the accident that befel Bro . H . J . Butter , the deeply respected manager of the carriage department in Woohvich Arsenal , by Avhich he lost his left hand on the 18 th inst . We trust he Avill safely recover from the seA ere shock . * * * * *
The Christmas number of The Freemason , London , published by Bro . George Kenning , is a more than ordinarily interesting production . Amongst its contributions is a Avell Avritten history of the Prince of Wales' Lodge , No . 290 , in narrative form , under the title of " Told by the Lodge Register , " Avritten by Bro . G . Blizzard Abbott ,
and Avhich cannot fail to please tho large number of our brethren A \ 'ho delight in recognizing the services of distinguished freemasons in past times , as Avell as the present connection of Avell knoAvn names perpetuating ancient records . The " Thomas W . Tew M . S . " of " Old Charges , " Avith a transcript from l : The Book of Masons . "
by Bro . William James Hughan , is also of considerable interest to those Avho desire to cany their masonic researches into the distant past . For lighter reading " The Masonic Talisman , " by T . Johnston Evans , and "The Bells of St . Barnabas , " by J . Marsden Sutcliffe , Avill serve to pleasantly Avile aAvay a leisure hour ; AA hilst musical
brethren Avill find entertainment in the double page of music entitled "The Craft , " the Avords of AA-hich are the production of Bro . F . W . Driver , P . M ., No . 45 , and the score by Bro . W . O . Dunkley , P . M ., 1777 and P . G . P ., Middlesex . An engraving , en loose sheet
for framing , of the late Bro . Rosenthal s painting of the reception of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales as P . G . Master , Dec . 1 st , 18 ( i 9 , is presented as a supplement . We commend the number to our readers as Avell Avorth its trifling ! cost .
The Board Of Benevolence.
The usual monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence Avas held on the 19 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , W . Bros . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., president , James Brett , P . G . P ., and C . A . Cottcbruno , P . G . P ., vice-presidents , and about 55 members and brethren being present . Recommendations of the November meeting to the amount of £ 400 Avere confirmed , and a list of 47 applications Avere
considered . These comprised cases from Metropolitan Lodges , and from others at AberystAvith , Adelaide , Canterbury , Croydon , Chard , Calcutta , Deal , Dagshai E . I ., Jersey , Keynsham , Ledbury , Meerut , Manchester , Newcastle-on-Tyne , NCAV York , Netherlands , Old Brompton , Port Elizabeth , Sidcup , Stonehouse , Shanghai , Wisbech , and York . Of these , tAvo Avere dismissed , and three deferred ; and the remainder Avere relieved by donations amounting to £ 907
inclusive of recommendations to the Most W . Grand Master . It Avas stated that the total amount awarded in the course of the present year Avas £ 11 , 408 , and to meet the same stock to the amount of £ 9 , 000 had been sold out . When the Board commenced its proceedings on the above occasion it was in debt as much as £ 1 , 100 . The business terminated with seasonable compliments and good Avishes from the president .
DISTRICT GRAND MASTERS IN INDIA . —The present list of District Grand Masters of English Freemasonry in India , in order of appointment , is as follows : —R . W . Bro . the Hon . T . Prinsep , District Grand Master of Bengal ; R . W . Bro . E . W . Parker , District Grand Master of the Punjab ; R . W . Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , District Grand Master of Bombay ; R . W . Bro . Lorel Connemara , District Grand Master of Madras , elect .
THRIFT . —Bro . J . KnoAvles RoAvbotham has recently been elected chairman of the National Thrift Society , and Bros . William Boddington , Capt . Darley , & c , have joined the committee . The society , the secretary of Avhich is Bro . T . BoAvden Green , 1 , Finsbury Circus , E . G ., is doing good Avork in London and the provinces , and deserves encouragement as Avell as support .
South Africa.
NEW MASONIC TEMPLE AT JOHANNESBURG . We extract from The Standard and Transvaal Mining Chronicle , published at Johannesburg , on the 9 th October last , tlie folloAving interesting description of a neAV building for the purposes of Freemasonry in that " tAvo-year-old city . " We should like to see similar erections in many of our large and populous towns in England
Avhere at present places of public resort alone afford meeting plac-. s for Masonic lodges : — "MASONIC TEMPLE . —We had the pleasure of inspecting the interior of this edifice the other day , and Avere agreeably surprised to note its artistic character and general architectural beauty . It is not any exaggeration to say that from a decoratiA e point of vieAv
the Johannesburg Temple is the finest in South Africa . Entering by the eastern door there are two rooms , one on the right being the refreshment room , haA r ing communication Avith the temple , and on the left the preparing room . Behind the latter , from a lobby Avhich may also be entered by a door on the south , there is a principal entrance to the temple proper . As the door opened , and Ave obtained
the first glimpse of the snug little hall , Ave Avere filled Avith astonishment and admiration that there should be such a building erected in this two-year-old city . It is 55 x 25 feet in area , and to the top of the cornice 17 feet high . The Avails are decorated by a series of Grecian pilastres , and the top and lower portions of the cornice by a frieze . Between each alternative pilastre the panel is
relieved by mtches in Avhich Avill be placed statuary . The room is lit by windows divided into three parts , about 12 feet from the floor . The painting and decorating was done by tAvo tradesmen , Messrs . George West anel Alfred Thomas of this toAvn , as their subscription to the erection of the building , and truly it Avas a munificent gift , being valued at about £ 250 . Apart from the
monetary value , hoAvever , the donation was one the brethren should be proud of , being a labour of love ; the whole art and talent of the donors were put into the work Avith the result as stated , that the temple is the prettiest in South Africa . The variety of designs , and yet uniformity , the blending and arrangement of colours are truly astonishing . The Avork , Avhilst as elaborate as it Avell could
be , is chaste . The painting is bright , but there is no approach to the gauely . The ceiling , Avhich is lined , is of sky blue , spangled Avith stars in gold . The Avork , in fact , is that of the artist rather than the painter . The Master ' s chair , placed on a dais 2 feet high , approached by steps on either side , is beautifully carved with masonic pedestals , Avhilst the other official chairs are of the same
design , these being the work and gift of Bro . Jorgenson . The portrait of the first master , Bro . Hart , a beautifully oil painted enlarged photo by Mr . Davis , has a fitting place at the opposite end of the room from the dais . Mr . Davis has just completed a photograph of the interior of the Temple , Avhich is equal to anything in the photographic art which Ave have yet seen , considering the
difficulty of obtaining the exact degree of light in a room so peculiar as this one necessarily is according to usage . Mr . Davis , however , after exposing the plates in each case for upwards of three hours , succeeded in taking tAvo views , which give a correct idea of the temple . They are beautifully lighted , and the toning is excellent . All masons , and all Avho have a taste for good pictures , ought to secure copies . "
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges .
ROYAL ATHHLSTAX—NO . 19 . —OH the I 3 th inst ., at tho Cannon Street Hotel , E . G . —Bro . ( i . II . lloylc , AA . M . —Election meeting . Bro . AA \ Nicholson , S . AA ., was unanimously elected AV . M , for the ensuing year , and Bro . AV . M . Bywatcr , P . M ., was re-elected treasurer . The AV . M . announced that an organ had been presented to the lodge , through the instrumentality of Bro . Moscr and Bro . Gwymi . Bro . ( iAvynn was appointed organist , and enlivened the lodge working to tlie greatest satisfaction of the brethren present . The brethren subsequently adjourned to a banquet , at whicii various toasts were duly honoured .
CHESHIRE . LOYALTY LODCH—NO . 320 MOTTUAM . —On the 12 th inst ., Festival of St . John the Evangelist , at tho Masonic Rooms . The lodge was opened by Bro . Alfred Turner , W . M ., and after the usual routine business had been transacted the installation ceremony was proceeded Avith according to the ancient rite and custom , the AV . M . elect being Bro . Joseph AValker , S . AV . The installing master was Bro . J . E . Steward , P . M . 336 , P . P . G . J . D ., who was assisted by Bros , the Rev . John AValker , AV . M . 1427 , Newcastle-on-Tvno , Chaplain 20 G 0 , and P . P . G . Chaplain ,
Northumberland , and Alfred AValker , AV . M ., Devonshire C 25 ( brothers of the AV . M . elect ;; Alfrsd Turner , P . M . and AV . S . Hadiield , P . M . The service was a full choral one , and the interesting ceremony was gone through in a most impressive manner . The officers for the ensuing year were invested in the following order : —Bros . AV . F . Norman , S . AV . ; Alan Nield , J . AV . ; James Crook , P . M ., treas . ; John AVagstaff , P . M ., secty . ; Georgo Sykes , S . D . ; AVilliam Taylor , J . D . ; R . S . Holland , I . G . ; F . G . Thomas and AV . T . Lee , stewards , and Robert Collier , P . M ., tyler . This was Bro . Collier ' s 28 th consecutive year of being appointed tvlcr of the lodge . Bro . Joseph Walker ,
AV . M ., on behalf of the lodge , presented a handsome past master ' s jewel to Bro . Alfred Turner , in recognition of his services to the lodge as AV . M . for the past year . Besides the above-mentioned brethren there were also present : —Bros . R . 11 . Swindlehurst , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; R . Woodhouse , P . M . ; John AVhittaker , Wm . McMath , AV . Hampshire , J . AV . Seholes , H . AVyatt , E . Thornier , B . Hurst , J . Mills , and the following visiting brethren : —From tho Devonshire lodge , 625 , Glossop , Bros . Alfred AA alker , AV . M .: G . E . Cox , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D ., Derbyshire ; AV .
Eversden , S . W . ; AV . H . Bowden , S . D . ; Charles AVildc , Hervey Smith , Industry , 3 C 1 , Hyde ; John Sherwin , AV . M ., Bene \ olcnce , 336 , Marple ; G . Holland , secretary , Stamford and AVarrington , Stalybridge ; J . Rowloy , Probity , Gl , Halifax ; and S . T . Smethurst , 1144 Milton , Ashton-under-Lyne . The installation banquet was presided over by the W . M . During the evening a number of songs were contributed by Bros . AV . Fielding , C . Wilde , A . AValker , AV . F . Norman , It . AVoodhouso , J . Mills and AV . Taylor . Bro . E . Thornley Avas the accompanyist , and the nroceedlngs throughout were of a successful and enjoyable character . "
DEACON . PRUDENCE—No . 1550—PLYMOUTH . —On the 16 th inst ., at tho Freemasons' Hall , the Annual Banquet was held , under the presidency of Bro . A . Goodman , AV . M ., who was snj ported by the officers and past masters of the lodge , including AV . Bros . I . B . Gover , P . P . G . Sec . ; J . It . Lord , P . G . T . ; T . Goodall , P . P . G . O ., Sec . ; It . G . Bird , J . Y . Avery , M . C . Lakeman , G . H . Selleck , G . Dimier , G . F . AVatson , and J . Maton . Among the visitors were AV . Bros . Rev . T . AV . Lemon , M . A ., P . G . J . AV .