Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges. Page 3 of 3 Article THE "GOULD" TESTIMONIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article COMMITTEE. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges.
ST . NICHOLAS , THORXTE—Xo . 22 r > 9 . —At tlie December regular meeting of this lodge , on the tilth inst ., Bros . C . W . Darley , AV . Walker , and A . Goodkins , Avere passed to the second degree . Capt . G . Dove . "VOL , in the chair . Bro . J . Constable , sec , AVIIS presented Avith a Founder ' s Jewel . A Masonic Ball Avill bo held in connection Avith this lodge on January the 31 st .
THE PYTHAGORAS CHAPTER—ISo . 88 . —CAMBRIDGE . —On the 10 th inst ., held at tho Lion Hotel , Cambridge . An illuminated address of thanks Avas presented to Miss Chennell , of Foley House , NeAvmarket , in recognition of her artistic Avork in tho painting of a neAV set of twelve banners , Avhich had been giA-en to the Chapter by her father , M . E . Comp . Chennell , the First Principal . The address
was enclosed in a casket , elegantly mounted with pierced anel engraA-ecl silver . This Avork had been carried out by Comp . F . R . Leach , of Cambridge . The presentation Avas made to Com ]) . Chennell , on behalf of the Chapter , by M . E . Comp . Andrew II . Moyes , P . Z ., and Comp . Chennell suitably replied on behalf of his daughter .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges.
ELIOT LODGE—No . 116-1—CORNWALL . —This lodge held its annual meeting on the 20 th inst ., A \ 'hen the installation of Bro . Roberts as W . M . Avas ably performed by W . Bro . Joseph Doney , P . P . D . G . D . C , assisted by the following board of installed masters : —Bros . J . Bedford KersAvill , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . F . Creber , P . P . G . Std . B . ; J . Crossman , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; W . II . Roberts , P . P . G . steAvard : and
AV . R . RaAvling . AV . M . 1071 . The officers appointed for the ensuing year were : —Bros . J . Bersey , S . AA . ; Fred . A . Rawling , J . AV . ; AV . P . Wood . S . D . ; C . AV . Bickle , J . D . ; S . J . Ball , I . G . ; J . Bedford Kerswill , treasurer ; AV . H . Maynarel , secretary ; F . AV . Hawke , tyler . Afterwarels the brethren adjourned to the Eliot Arms , Avhere the annual banquet Avas held , the AV . M . presiding .
Can any of our readers help a brother Avho is collecting Masonic autographs , seals , parchments , draAvings of clothing in all degrees anel rights in all countries , to obtain a copy of the Old Edition of the Irish Constitution , Avhich has coloured plates , and Avas publisheel at 3 s . ( id . a few years ago ? If so , a communication addressed to us shall receive immediate attention . Our brother also requires an old '' Royal Arch . Parchment " and one of the 18 th degree .
The "Gould" Testimonial.
In the opinion of many Brethren the time has arrived "when the long-continued services of Bro . ROBERT FREKE GOULD , P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknowledgment . Entering this field of labour so far back as 1858 , he was for many years a contributor to the Masonic" journals , but he will be best known as
the author of " The Four Old Lodges , " " The Atholl Lodges , " and last , though not least , of "The History of Freemasonry , " which is admitted by all authorities to be the ablest and best Masonic work ever written . Since its production it is no longer possible to affirm , as has been constantly done by foes and friends alike , that the great body of Freemasons are Avithout a reliable and critical history of their Society .
It is hoped that the Brethren , whose names are subjoined , may prove to be the pioneers of a movement which Avill shoAV to Bro . GOULD that the long years of study and research which he has devoted to the interest of Freemasonry are deemed worthy of substantial recognition by the Craft universal , who , in this Avay , will best evince a genuine appreciation of his unexampled labours .
In pursuance of the above object the undermentioned Brethren have formed themselves into a Committee . Individual Subscriptions ( but not those of Lodges or other Bodies ) are limited to One Guinea . Contributions to the Fund may be sent to Dr . RALPH GOODING , P . G . D ., Hon . Sec . and ad interim Treasurer ( Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E . ) , and A \ 'ill be duly acknoAvledged .
Bro . The EARL AMHERST , Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . EARL OF ZETLAND , Prov . G . M . Yorks ( North and East ) . „ The EARL OP LIMERICK , Prov , G . M . Bristol . „ SIR GEORGE ELLIOT , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . S . Wales , E . Div . „ Col . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET , Prov . G . M . Jersey . „ SIR E . A . II . LECHMERE , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcester . ,, Col . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex . ,, T . W . TEW . Prov . G . M . Yorkshire , West Riding . „ Col . LE GENDRE N . STARKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . „ The LORD EGERTON OF TATTON , Prov . G . M . Cheshire . „ The EARL OF HARDWICKE , Prov . G M . Cambridge . „ The EARL OP EUSTON , Prov . G . M . Norths and Hunts . PRESENT GRAND OFFICER 8 : —
Bro . The LORD HALSBURY , Lord Chancellor , S . G . W . I Bro . ASHER BARFIKLD , G . Treasurer . „ Gen . LORD JOHN TAYLOUR , J . G . W . | „ F . A . PHILBRICK , Q . C ., G . Registrar . Bro . Col . S . 11 . CLERKE , G . Secretary . And other Grand Officers of the Year . Together Avith many distinguished Past Grand Officers and . Avell-knoAvn Brethren of the Craft in all parts of England .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
Jfttortfptfittan % tfo % t % mxb Cljaptau " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' S HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
? ° ?„ NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . Louge . THIS DAY ( 4 th ) THURSDAY , DECEMBER 27 th . Mark . I I 118 NortlnmibeiTanel Street
| I M . II . Tav ., Basingball , E , C . ( 4 th ) FRIDAY , DECEMBER 28 th . ( Last ) SATURDAY , DECEMBER 29 th . ( Last ) MONDAY , DECEMBER 31 st .
1889 . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , JANUARY 1 st . 9 Albion F . M . H . 10 G Union Criterion , Piccadilly 172 Old Concord F . M . IT . 705 St . James' Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1381
Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington 1472 Henley Three Crowns , North AVoolwieh ltiC 2 Bcaconsfleld Chequers , AVallhainstow 2032 Richmond Station Hot ., Richmond R . A . C . 1 Grand Masters AVillis ' s Rooms , King Street , St . James ' s 1159 Marquis of Dalhousie 33 , Golden Square , AV . Mark . 1 St , Mark ' s M . II ., 8 a , lied Lion Square , AV . C .
' Lodge NAMK OP LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE oy MEETING . ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 2 nd . 1298 l Standard Cock TavHighburyN
Roya ., , . 1087 Rothesay St . James ' s Hull , Piccadilly 1827 Alliance Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street K . A . C . 1328 Granite Holborn Restaurant ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , JANUARY 3 rd .
538 La Tolerance P . M . II . 55 < 1 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney 1288 Finsbury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1383 Priends-in-Council 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1415 Prince Leopold Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate 1790 Old England M . H ., New Thornton H'th . nr . Croydon 1950 Southgatc Railway Hot ., NCAV Sonthgate 1903 Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Battersea Park lt 0
. A .. 181 Universal F . M . IL ] 507 Metropolitan Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street 1710 All Saints Vestry Hall , Fairfield Road , Bow Mark . 211 Trinity College 13 , Mandeville Place , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if I summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges.
ST . NICHOLAS , THORXTE—Xo . 22 r > 9 . —At tlie December regular meeting of this lodge , on the tilth inst ., Bros . C . W . Darley , AV . Walker , and A . Goodkins , Avere passed to the second degree . Capt . G . Dove . "VOL , in the chair . Bro . J . Constable , sec , AVIIS presented Avith a Founder ' s Jewel . A Masonic Ball Avill bo held in connection Avith this lodge on January the 31 st .
THE PYTHAGORAS CHAPTER—ISo . 88 . —CAMBRIDGE . —On the 10 th inst ., held at tho Lion Hotel , Cambridge . An illuminated address of thanks Avas presented to Miss Chennell , of Foley House , NeAvmarket , in recognition of her artistic Avork in tho painting of a neAV set of twelve banners , Avhich had been giA-en to the Chapter by her father , M . E . Comp . Chennell , the First Principal . The address
was enclosed in a casket , elegantly mounted with pierced anel engraA-ecl silver . This Avork had been carried out by Comp . F . R . Leach , of Cambridge . The presentation Avas made to Com ]) . Chennell , on behalf of the Chapter , by M . E . Comp . Andrew II . Moyes , P . Z ., and Comp . Chennell suitably replied on behalf of his daughter .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetinges.
ELIOT LODGE—No . 116-1—CORNWALL . —This lodge held its annual meeting on the 20 th inst ., A \ 'hen the installation of Bro . Roberts as W . M . Avas ably performed by W . Bro . Joseph Doney , P . P . D . G . D . C , assisted by the following board of installed masters : —Bros . J . Bedford KersAvill , P . P . J . G . W . ; W . F . Creber , P . P . G . Std . B . ; J . Crossman , P . P . A . G . D . C . ; W . II . Roberts , P . P . G . steAvard : and
AV . R . RaAvling . AV . M . 1071 . The officers appointed for the ensuing year were : —Bros . J . Bersey , S . AA . ; Fred . A . Rawling , J . AV . ; AV . P . Wood . S . D . ; C . AV . Bickle , J . D . ; S . J . Ball , I . G . ; J . Bedford Kerswill , treasurer ; AV . H . Maynarel , secretary ; F . AV . Hawke , tyler . Afterwarels the brethren adjourned to the Eliot Arms , Avhere the annual banquet Avas held , the AV . M . presiding .
Can any of our readers help a brother Avho is collecting Masonic autographs , seals , parchments , draAvings of clothing in all degrees anel rights in all countries , to obtain a copy of the Old Edition of the Irish Constitution , Avhich has coloured plates , and Avas publisheel at 3 s . ( id . a few years ago ? If so , a communication addressed to us shall receive immediate attention . Our brother also requires an old '' Royal Arch . Parchment " and one of the 18 th degree .
The "Gould" Testimonial.
In the opinion of many Brethren the time has arrived "when the long-continued services of Bro . ROBERT FREKE GOULD , P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknowledgment . Entering this field of labour so far back as 1858 , he was for many years a contributor to the Masonic" journals , but he will be best known as
the author of " The Four Old Lodges , " " The Atholl Lodges , " and last , though not least , of "The History of Freemasonry , " which is admitted by all authorities to be the ablest and best Masonic work ever written . Since its production it is no longer possible to affirm , as has been constantly done by foes and friends alike , that the great body of Freemasons are Avithout a reliable and critical history of their Society .
It is hoped that the Brethren , whose names are subjoined , may prove to be the pioneers of a movement which Avill shoAV to Bro . GOULD that the long years of study and research which he has devoted to the interest of Freemasonry are deemed worthy of substantial recognition by the Craft universal , who , in this Avay , will best evince a genuine appreciation of his unexampled labours .
In pursuance of the above object the undermentioned Brethren have formed themselves into a Committee . Individual Subscriptions ( but not those of Lodges or other Bodies ) are limited to One Guinea . Contributions to the Fund may be sent to Dr . RALPH GOODING , P . G . D ., Hon . Sec . and ad interim Treasurer ( Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E . ) , and A \ 'ill be duly acknoAvledged .
Bro . The EARL AMHERST , Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . EARL OF ZETLAND , Prov . G . M . Yorks ( North and East ) . „ The EARL OP LIMERICK , Prov , G . M . Bristol . „ SIR GEORGE ELLIOT , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . S . Wales , E . Div . „ Col . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET , Prov . G . M . Jersey . „ SIR E . A . II . LECHMERE , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcester . ,, Col . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex . ,, T . W . TEW . Prov . G . M . Yorkshire , West Riding . „ Col . LE GENDRE N . STARKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . „ The LORD EGERTON OF TATTON , Prov . G . M . Cheshire . „ The EARL OF HARDWICKE , Prov . G M . Cambridge . „ The EARL OP EUSTON , Prov . G . M . Norths and Hunts . PRESENT GRAND OFFICER 8 : —
Bro . The LORD HALSBURY , Lord Chancellor , S . G . W . I Bro . ASHER BARFIKLD , G . Treasurer . „ Gen . LORD JOHN TAYLOUR , J . G . W . | „ F . A . PHILBRICK , Q . C ., G . Registrar . Bro . Col . S . 11 . CLERKE , G . Secretary . And other Grand Officers of the Year . Together Avith many distinguished Past Grand Officers and . Avell-knoAvn Brethren of the Craft in all parts of England .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
Jfttortfptfittan % tfo % t % mxb Cljaptau " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' S HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
? ° ?„ NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . Louge . THIS DAY ( 4 th ) THURSDAY , DECEMBER 27 th . Mark . I I 118 NortlnmibeiTanel Street
| I M . II . Tav ., Basingball , E , C . ( 4 th ) FRIDAY , DECEMBER 28 th . ( Last ) SATURDAY , DECEMBER 29 th . ( Last ) MONDAY , DECEMBER 31 st .
1889 . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , JANUARY 1 st . 9 Albion F . M . H . 10 G Union Criterion , Piccadilly 172 Old Concord F . M . IT . 705 St . James' Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1381
Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington 1472 Henley Three Crowns , North AVoolwieh ltiC 2 Bcaconsfleld Chequers , AVallhainstow 2032 Richmond Station Hot ., Richmond R . A . C . 1 Grand Masters AVillis ' s Rooms , King Street , St . James ' s 1159 Marquis of Dalhousie 33 , Golden Square , AV . Mark . 1 St , Mark ' s M . II ., 8 a , lied Lion Square , AV . C .
' Lodge NAMK OP LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE oy MEETING . ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , JANUARY 2 nd . 1298 l Standard Cock TavHighburyN
Roya ., , . 1087 Rothesay St . James ' s Hull , Piccadilly 1827 Alliance Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street K . A . C . 1328 Granite Holborn Restaurant ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , JANUARY 3 rd .
538 La Tolerance P . M . II . 55 < 1 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney 1288 Finsbury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1383 Priends-in-Council 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1415 Prince Leopold Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate 1790 Old England M . H ., New Thornton H'th . nr . Croydon 1950 Southgatc Railway Hot ., NCAV Sonthgate 1903 Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Battersea Park lt 0
. A .. 181 Universal F . M . IL ] 507 Metropolitan Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street 1710 All Saints Vestry Hall , Fairfield Road , Bow Mark . 211 Trinity College 13 , Mandeville Place , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if I summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .