Article Mark Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEW. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
Grand Master : Lord John II . Taylour . as Grand Sen . Warden ; Col . Shad well II . Gierke , ay Grand Jim . Warden ; C . II . Driver , Grand Master Overseer ; Gen . 0 . AV . Randolph . Grand Sen . Overseer ; Frank Richardson , Grand Treas . ; Frederick Binokes , Grand See . ; C . F . Matier , Asst . Grand See . ; John Larkin , Grand Jan . Deacon ; Rowland Plumbe , Grand Inspector of Works ; Robert Berridge ,
Grand Director of Ceremonies ; John Ramsey . Asst . Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Lieut .-Col . G . Ilaldane , Grand Sword Bearer ; J . T . Brig-g-s , Grand Standard Bearer ; John Xenyon , Grand Inner Guard ; E . j . Mills , Past Asst . Grand Inner Guard ; " W . II . Kcnipster , Grand Steward ; Wyndham Hart , Grand Steward ; George Allen , Grand Steward ; R . ' Loveland Loveland . D . P . G . M . Hants and I . of Wight ;
A . Williams , P . G . M . O . ; I ) . P . Cama , P . G . S . Deacon ; George Gravcloy . P . G . St . Br . ; . 1 oseph Main waring . P . G . Stwd . ; F . Davison . P . G . W . ' : M . Mildred . P . G . Steward : Geo . Clark . P . G . Steward ; James Stevens . P . G .. T . O .: Geo . Cooper , P . G . O . ; II . Massey , P . G . Steward ; Geo . ' Powell , P . G . Steward ; J . Smith Bastes , P . G . O . ; Jabe / . Church . P . G . Steward : James Moon . P . G . Treasurer ; Thos .
Cubitt . P . G . S . O . : J . S . Cumberland . P . G . O . : Rev . II . R . Cooper Smith . P . G . O . : W . Vincent . P . G . I . G . ; IT . Faija . P . G . S . : P . L . Simmonds . P . G . S .: Henrv Stone . P . G . S . B . : W . Lake . P . G . Steward ; Geo . Mick ' ley , P . G . D . ; Chas . Bel ton , ' P . G . M . O .: John Mason . P . G . Std . Br ., and a large number of Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , Wardens . Overseers , and Brethren of Private Lodges . & c .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
A Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England will be holden at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday nest , March ( ith , at sio ' clock in the evening , the Grand Master and Officers entering the Hall at seven o ' clock . The principal business to be transacted after the confirmation of the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of
the 5 th December last will be the elections of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , and the V . W . Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . ' In regard to the former appointment , it is a foregone conclusion that Grand Lodge will gladly confirm the nomination by Sir J . H . Gorst , Q . C ., M . P ., and I . P . M . of the Drury Lane Lodge , of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., as Grand Master . In respect of the
election of the Grand Treasurer , there can be but little , if any doubt , that a contest of no small importance will take place . The Craft have before them two well-known and much respected candidates for what has been termed " the blue ribbon of the Craft , " but which might more properly be defined as the Craft ' s distinctive purple ; for the position of Grand Treasurer is the only appointment , save
that of the Grand Master , which the Constitutions of English Freemasonry permit the general body of Masons on the register of English Lodges to make . And it is but of recent years , and then not without a struggle , that that privilege was gained . The brethren now seeking the suffrages of Grand Lodge are in order of nomination —\ Y . Bro . Edward O'Connor Terry , P . M .. Asaph Lodge , Xo . 1311 ) .
& c , & c , of world-wide reputation as the proprietor of Terry ' s Theatre in London , and greatly esteemed as a genial and honourable man . a zealous and good citizen , and of whom his nominator , W . Bro . Sir j . R . Somers Vine . W . M . Savage Club Lodge . Xo . 2190 , spoke in terms which we consider should be again submitted to our readers on the very eve of the election . We shall therefore reproduce in
sin other column" the speech ot Bro . Somers Vine in December last ; and . acknowledging ••the equal measures wo are bound to pursue , " also that of AV . Bro . Ferguson , P . M ., Domatie Lodge , Xo . 177 . in nominating for the office AV . Bro . George Everett , P . M ., also wellknown during his thirty years of active Masonic life as a worthy exemplar of all the grand principles of Freemasonry . It speaks
well for the Craft that two such honourable representatives of its best traditions should seek the suffrages of its representatives in Grand Lodge , and the only regret that can be entertained is that one of them must sustain disappointment of cherished hopes and of well-deserved reward . AVe think it a pity , on that very ground , that contests for the office of Grand Treasurer cannot—for it must
be admitted that under existing circumstances they cannot—be avoided . In respect of this immediately forthcoming election we have reason to know that though each candidate will naturally desire success , failure will not affect existing friendship , and this portion of a true Freemason ' s creed will be honoured by close observance . AVe cannot say " may the best man win " for there is
too near an approach to absolute equality to justify comparison . Hence the assurance that the contest will be severe . AVhilst the scrutineers will be engaged in counting the votes polled for the above named candidates , the Grand Lodge will be asked to agree to the recommendations of the board of benevolence for grants to brethren and widows of brethren , amounting to £ 1 ) 25
of which sum £ 125 represents six London , and £ 500 eight Provincial and District cases . The total number of recommendations to the grand lodge for the year 1888 was 51 , and the grants amounted to £ 3 , 100 , of which 22 London cases represented £ 1 , 360 , and 29 provincial cases £ 1 , 800 . We shall refer to these figures in future issues in support of our contention for " equal measures" in
regard to contributions to and grants irom the fund of benevolence . The Board of General Purposes report that on the ] st of December last they received notice from Messrs . Spiers A : Pond , Limited , the Lessees of Bacon ' s Hotel , Great Queen Street , of their intention not to apply for a renewal of the Lease , which terminated at Christmas . The Board thereon consulted with the Grand Superintendent of
AVorks as to the amount to be claimed for dilapidations , and also as to the steps which should bo taken for re-letting the Building , and lliis latter business was placed in the hands of a leading firm of agents , through whom an offer was received of £ , ' 100 per annum from a gentleman proposing to open the house , as a Temperance Hotel . Tlie Board , however , considered that there were several objections to their accepting this offer , and they subsequently
United Grand Lodge Of England.
received another from the Committee of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masons of £ 360 per annum ( the rent hitherto received ) for a Lease of 4 !) years , together with an undertaking to expend about £ 3 , 000 on the building , the plans to be subject to the approval of the grand superintendent of works , and the nett amount received from Messrs . Spiers and Pond for dilapidations to bo handed over
to them , such arrangement being subject to the approval of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masons . The board considers that this offer is in every respect a very desirable one , and have , therefore , accepted it subject to the approval of Grand Lodge . To the report is subjoined a statement of the grand lodge accounts , at the last meeting of the finance c ' ommittee . held on Fridav . the 15 th rln . v of "Fehviin . rv
inst .. showing a balance at the Bank of England ( western branch )! of £ 4 , 65 !) I !) s . l ) d .. and in the hands of the grand secretary for petty cash £ 100 , and for servants' wages £ 100 . and balance of annual allowance for library £ 23 His . 7 d . The report of Bro . John Smith , auditor of grand lodge accounts , of the receipts and disbursements , during the year 1888
will be submitted . The following warrants for new lodges have been granted by the M . AV . Grand Master since the last quarterly communication of grand lodge : —2 , 21 ( 1 , AVest Ham Abbey Lodge , Stratford . Essex : 2 , 2 . I 2 . Duke of Brunswick Lodge . Brunswick , Alctoria : 2 , 293 , Sandeford Lodge , Malmsbury , Victoria ; 2 , 291 , AVavertreo Lodge . AA avertree . Lancashire . AV . D . : 2 . 295 .
Scarisbrick Lodge , Southport , Lancashire , AV . D . ; 2 . 296 , United Service Lodge . Launceston , Tasmania ; 2 , 207 , Harding Lodge , Roebourne , Western Australia ; 2 , 298 . Southern Cross Lodge . Palamcottah , Tinnevelly , Madras ; 2 , 299 , Mount Currie Lodge , lvokstad , Griqualand East , South Africa ; 2 , 300 . Aorangi Lodge . AVellington , X . Z . ; 2 , 301 , Fortitude Lodge , ' Bluff , Otago
and Southland , X . Z . ; 2 , 302 , St . Mary ' s Lodge , Southwell . Nottinghamshire . The calendar committee direct the attention of masters of lodges and principals of chapters to the necessity of communicating to the grand secretary any change in the daj' or place of meeting of lodges or chapters so soon as the resolution for effecting such change shall be confirmed . —Vide Book of Constitutions , rules 162 , 167 , 168 . 169 , 170 ; edition 1884 .
The Board Of Benevolence.
The Board of Benevolence held its monthly meeting , in conjunction with the quarterly meeting of the Board of Masters , on AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , London , under the presidency of Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D . and president of the board ; Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., and AV alter Hopekirk , G . P ., respectively occupying the vice-presidential chairs . There was a large
attendance of brethren , and the Grand Secretary and his staff were present . The agenda paper for the ensuing quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , to be holden on the 6 th March , was presented to the Board of Masters , and the brethren then proceeded with the business of the Board of Benevolence . Recommendations to the M . AV . G . M . of grants made in January last were confirmed , the total
amount being £ 390 . A list of 38 applications was then considered . It comprised petitions from the London district , Almwch , Battle . Berwick , Birkenhead , Birmingham , Crediton . Darlington , Demerara . Enfield . Hull . Liverpool . Malta . Millom , Newchurch . Plymouth . Shrewsbury and Torquay . Of these , two were not entertained , five were dismissed and one was withdrawn . £ 815 was distributed
amongst the remaining 30 cases . Of . these there were three recommendations to Grand Lodge for £ 100 , £ 75 , and £ 50 respectively ; and five for £ 10 each , and six for £ 30 each , to the Grand Master . There were seven immediate grants of £ 20 each , one of £ 15 , six of £ 10 , and one of £ 5 . The President expressed his regret that in the case of several
country petitions , the certificates of the Provincial Grand Secretaries really gave no information about the cases which they certified , much to the detriment of the applicants . Some of the Provincial Grand Secretaries' certificates are models of what is required , so that the Board is able to gauge the exact worth of the case and mete
out the adequate assistance ; but others are so scanty that the Board is left in almost entire ignorance of the circumstances of the petitioners . The president hoped that in future all recommending Provincial Grand Secretaries would supply the fullest information in their power .
Symbols and , Legends of Freemasonry . —Inscribed to the AV . M ., Officers and Brethren of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge , Xo . 2076 , by J . Finlay Finlayson . London : George Kenning , 16 , Great Queen Street , AV . C , 1889 .
A highly interesting and well written book , instructive not only to masons , but to the outside world . The writer , in dealing with a somewhat obscure subject , shows himself thoroughly at home , and , exercising a happy style , does not allow the interest to flag . Much careful labour in the presentation of the various items of research
has evidently been bestowed , and their reduction to so small a compass evidences considerable ability . This work is certainly a valuable addition to masonic literature , starting as it does at an era of which we have practically none but legendary history , and conducting the mind through the intricate windings of thousands
of years . The allusions to the " sun in splendour " and the ••cru-e ausala , " are singularly impressive and instructive . The admirable etchings by Mr . Walter Willis , A . K . C ., Member of the Society of Engineers , from which the illustrations to the book have been
executed , are most interesting . Mr . AVillis is himself a '' Lewis . " whose father was a P . M . of the Lodge of Emulation , and is , we believe , seeking admission to the Order . AVe strongly commend Bro . Finlays . on ' s work to the attention of all masonic students as well as to our readers generally .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Grand Master : Lord John II . Taylour . as Grand Sen . Warden ; Col . Shad well II . Gierke , ay Grand Jim . Warden ; C . II . Driver , Grand Master Overseer ; Gen . 0 . AV . Randolph . Grand Sen . Overseer ; Frank Richardson , Grand Treas . ; Frederick Binokes , Grand See . ; C . F . Matier , Asst . Grand See . ; John Larkin , Grand Jan . Deacon ; Rowland Plumbe , Grand Inspector of Works ; Robert Berridge ,
Grand Director of Ceremonies ; John Ramsey . Asst . Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Lieut .-Col . G . Ilaldane , Grand Sword Bearer ; J . T . Brig-g-s , Grand Standard Bearer ; John Xenyon , Grand Inner Guard ; E . j . Mills , Past Asst . Grand Inner Guard ; " W . II . Kcnipster , Grand Steward ; Wyndham Hart , Grand Steward ; George Allen , Grand Steward ; R . ' Loveland Loveland . D . P . G . M . Hants and I . of Wight ;
A . Williams , P . G . M . O . ; I ) . P . Cama , P . G . S . Deacon ; George Gravcloy . P . G . St . Br . ; . 1 oseph Main waring . P . G . Stwd . ; F . Davison . P . G . W . ' : M . Mildred . P . G . Steward : Geo . Clark . P . G . Steward ; James Stevens . P . G .. T . O .: Geo . Cooper , P . G . O . ; II . Massey , P . G . Steward ; Geo . ' Powell , P . G . Steward ; J . Smith Bastes , P . G . O . ; Jabe / . Church . P . G . Steward : James Moon . P . G . Treasurer ; Thos .
Cubitt . P . G . S . O . : J . S . Cumberland . P . G . O . : Rev . II . R . Cooper Smith . P . G . O . : W . Vincent . P . G . I . G . ; IT . Faija . P . G . S . : P . L . Simmonds . P . G . S .: Henrv Stone . P . G . S . B . : W . Lake . P . G . Steward ; Geo . Mick ' ley , P . G . D . ; Chas . Bel ton , ' P . G . M . O .: John Mason . P . G . Std . Br ., and a large number of Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , Wardens . Overseers , and Brethren of Private Lodges . & c .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
A Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England will be holden at Freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday nest , March ( ith , at sio ' clock in the evening , the Grand Master and Officers entering the Hall at seven o ' clock . The principal business to be transacted after the confirmation of the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of
the 5 th December last will be the elections of the Most Worshipful Grand Master , and the V . W . Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . ' In regard to the former appointment , it is a foregone conclusion that Grand Lodge will gladly confirm the nomination by Sir J . H . Gorst , Q . C ., M . P ., and I . P . M . of the Drury Lane Lodge , of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., as Grand Master . In respect of the
election of the Grand Treasurer , there can be but little , if any doubt , that a contest of no small importance will take place . The Craft have before them two well-known and much respected candidates for what has been termed " the blue ribbon of the Craft , " but which might more properly be defined as the Craft ' s distinctive purple ; for the position of Grand Treasurer is the only appointment , save
that of the Grand Master , which the Constitutions of English Freemasonry permit the general body of Masons on the register of English Lodges to make . And it is but of recent years , and then not without a struggle , that that privilege was gained . The brethren now seeking the suffrages of Grand Lodge are in order of nomination —\ Y . Bro . Edward O'Connor Terry , P . M .. Asaph Lodge , Xo . 1311 ) .
& c , & c , of world-wide reputation as the proprietor of Terry ' s Theatre in London , and greatly esteemed as a genial and honourable man . a zealous and good citizen , and of whom his nominator , W . Bro . Sir j . R . Somers Vine . W . M . Savage Club Lodge . Xo . 2190 , spoke in terms which we consider should be again submitted to our readers on the very eve of the election . We shall therefore reproduce in
sin other column" the speech ot Bro . Somers Vine in December last ; and . acknowledging ••the equal measures wo are bound to pursue , " also that of AV . Bro . Ferguson , P . M ., Domatie Lodge , Xo . 177 . in nominating for the office AV . Bro . George Everett , P . M ., also wellknown during his thirty years of active Masonic life as a worthy exemplar of all the grand principles of Freemasonry . It speaks
well for the Craft that two such honourable representatives of its best traditions should seek the suffrages of its representatives in Grand Lodge , and the only regret that can be entertained is that one of them must sustain disappointment of cherished hopes and of well-deserved reward . AVe think it a pity , on that very ground , that contests for the office of Grand Treasurer cannot—for it must
be admitted that under existing circumstances they cannot—be avoided . In respect of this immediately forthcoming election we have reason to know that though each candidate will naturally desire success , failure will not affect existing friendship , and this portion of a true Freemason ' s creed will be honoured by close observance . AVe cannot say " may the best man win " for there is
too near an approach to absolute equality to justify comparison . Hence the assurance that the contest will be severe . AVhilst the scrutineers will be engaged in counting the votes polled for the above named candidates , the Grand Lodge will be asked to agree to the recommendations of the board of benevolence for grants to brethren and widows of brethren , amounting to £ 1 ) 25
of which sum £ 125 represents six London , and £ 500 eight Provincial and District cases . The total number of recommendations to the grand lodge for the year 1888 was 51 , and the grants amounted to £ 3 , 100 , of which 22 London cases represented £ 1 , 360 , and 29 provincial cases £ 1 , 800 . We shall refer to these figures in future issues in support of our contention for " equal measures" in
regard to contributions to and grants irom the fund of benevolence . The Board of General Purposes report that on the ] st of December last they received notice from Messrs . Spiers A : Pond , Limited , the Lessees of Bacon ' s Hotel , Great Queen Street , of their intention not to apply for a renewal of the Lease , which terminated at Christmas . The Board thereon consulted with the Grand Superintendent of
AVorks as to the amount to be claimed for dilapidations , and also as to the steps which should bo taken for re-letting the Building , and lliis latter business was placed in the hands of a leading firm of agents , through whom an offer was received of £ , ' 100 per annum from a gentleman proposing to open the house , as a Temperance Hotel . Tlie Board , however , considered that there were several objections to their accepting this offer , and they subsequently
United Grand Lodge Of England.
received another from the Committee of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masons of £ 360 per annum ( the rent hitherto received ) for a Lease of 4 !) years , together with an undertaking to expend about £ 3 , 000 on the building , the plans to be subject to the approval of the grand superintendent of works , and the nett amount received from Messrs . Spiers and Pond for dilapidations to bo handed over
to them , such arrangement being subject to the approval of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masons . The board considers that this offer is in every respect a very desirable one , and have , therefore , accepted it subject to the approval of Grand Lodge . To the report is subjoined a statement of the grand lodge accounts , at the last meeting of the finance c ' ommittee . held on Fridav . the 15 th rln . v of "Fehviin . rv
inst .. showing a balance at the Bank of England ( western branch )! of £ 4 , 65 !) I !) s . l ) d .. and in the hands of the grand secretary for petty cash £ 100 , and for servants' wages £ 100 . and balance of annual allowance for library £ 23 His . 7 d . The report of Bro . John Smith , auditor of grand lodge accounts , of the receipts and disbursements , during the year 1888
will be submitted . The following warrants for new lodges have been granted by the M . AV . Grand Master since the last quarterly communication of grand lodge : —2 , 21 ( 1 , AVest Ham Abbey Lodge , Stratford . Essex : 2 , 2 . I 2 . Duke of Brunswick Lodge . Brunswick , Alctoria : 2 , 293 , Sandeford Lodge , Malmsbury , Victoria ; 2 , 291 , AVavertreo Lodge . AA avertree . Lancashire . AV . D . : 2 . 295 .
Scarisbrick Lodge , Southport , Lancashire , AV . D . ; 2 . 296 , United Service Lodge . Launceston , Tasmania ; 2 , 207 , Harding Lodge , Roebourne , Western Australia ; 2 , 298 . Southern Cross Lodge . Palamcottah , Tinnevelly , Madras ; 2 , 299 , Mount Currie Lodge , lvokstad , Griqualand East , South Africa ; 2 , 300 . Aorangi Lodge . AVellington , X . Z . ; 2 , 301 , Fortitude Lodge , ' Bluff , Otago
and Southland , X . Z . ; 2 , 302 , St . Mary ' s Lodge , Southwell . Nottinghamshire . The calendar committee direct the attention of masters of lodges and principals of chapters to the necessity of communicating to the grand secretary any change in the daj' or place of meeting of lodges or chapters so soon as the resolution for effecting such change shall be confirmed . —Vide Book of Constitutions , rules 162 , 167 , 168 . 169 , 170 ; edition 1884 .
The Board Of Benevolence.
The Board of Benevolence held its monthly meeting , in conjunction with the quarterly meeting of the Board of Masters , on AVednesday , the 20 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , London , under the presidency of Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D . and president of the board ; Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., and AV alter Hopekirk , G . P ., respectively occupying the vice-presidential chairs . There was a large
attendance of brethren , and the Grand Secretary and his staff were present . The agenda paper for the ensuing quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , to be holden on the 6 th March , was presented to the Board of Masters , and the brethren then proceeded with the business of the Board of Benevolence . Recommendations to the M . AV . G . M . of grants made in January last were confirmed , the total
amount being £ 390 . A list of 38 applications was then considered . It comprised petitions from the London district , Almwch , Battle . Berwick , Birkenhead , Birmingham , Crediton . Darlington , Demerara . Enfield . Hull . Liverpool . Malta . Millom , Newchurch . Plymouth . Shrewsbury and Torquay . Of these , two were not entertained , five were dismissed and one was withdrawn . £ 815 was distributed
amongst the remaining 30 cases . Of . these there were three recommendations to Grand Lodge for £ 100 , £ 75 , and £ 50 respectively ; and five for £ 10 each , and six for £ 30 each , to the Grand Master . There were seven immediate grants of £ 20 each , one of £ 15 , six of £ 10 , and one of £ 5 . The President expressed his regret that in the case of several
country petitions , the certificates of the Provincial Grand Secretaries really gave no information about the cases which they certified , much to the detriment of the applicants . Some of the Provincial Grand Secretaries' certificates are models of what is required , so that the Board is able to gauge the exact worth of the case and mete
out the adequate assistance ; but others are so scanty that the Board is left in almost entire ignorance of the circumstances of the petitioners . The president hoped that in future all recommending Provincial Grand Secretaries would supply the fullest information in their power .
Symbols and , Legends of Freemasonry . —Inscribed to the AV . M ., Officers and Brethren of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge , Xo . 2076 , by J . Finlay Finlayson . London : George Kenning , 16 , Great Queen Street , AV . C , 1889 .
A highly interesting and well written book , instructive not only to masons , but to the outside world . The writer , in dealing with a somewhat obscure subject , shows himself thoroughly at home , and , exercising a happy style , does not allow the interest to flag . Much careful labour in the presentation of the various items of research
has evidently been bestowed , and their reduction to so small a compass evidences considerable ability . This work is certainly a valuable addition to masonic literature , starting as it does at an era of which we have practically none but legendary history , and conducting the mind through the intricate windings of thousands
of years . The allusions to the " sun in splendour " and the ••cru-e ausala , " are singularly impressive and instructive . The admirable etchings by Mr . Walter Willis , A . K . C ., Member of the Society of Engineers , from which the illustrations to the book have been
executed , are most interesting . Mr . AVillis is himself a '' Lewis . " whose father was a P . M . of the Lodge of Emulation , and is , we believe , seeking admission to the Order . AVe strongly commend Bro . Finlays . on ' s work to the attention of all masonic students as well as to our readers generally .