Article The Masonic " poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article THE COLONIES. Page 1 of 1 Article PUNJAB. Page 1 of 1 Article PUNJAB. Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article Press Exchanges and Book Received. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ) G . A . 0 . T . U .
AVherevcr we are , or wherever we be , "Along Mason ' s acknowledged , accepted and free : The great book of maxims is open to view , its title in cypher , G . A . 0 . T . U .
AVhen the first page we open , Avhat there do we scan . ' Our duty to God , and our friendship to man ; To be upright and perfect in acts and in deeds , And to honour our Maker from whom all proceeds .
AVhen the hand of a Brother we grasp , let it be A token of kinship to which there ' s a key ; To aid and not hinder his passage through life , To pray for his welfare , avoiding all strife .
To treasure his secrets , if he such impart , To bind them secure in the depths of your heart ; To support him in danger , to help him in need , To do good to all men ; let this be your creed .
Our life must be long could we read the whole book , Though we seek day by day for a glance or a look ; AVith an urgent desire the whole to construe . Of the wisdom set forth by G . A . 0 . T . U . J . H . JEWELL , P . M ., P . P . G . R . Kent
The Colonies.
XEAV ZEALAND— -AUCKLAND—ST . ANDREW LODGE—XO . 418 . — The installation meeting of this lodge took place at Freemasons ' Hall , on the 20 th December last . There were 36 installed masters on the dais , and visiting brethren representing all the sister lodges , made a total of 140 masons present . The lodge was duly opened by the It . AV . M ., Bro . Farquhar Afaerae , and Bro . Page was duly installed
AA . M . of Lodge St . Andrew . Bro . P . M . Hewson presented the working tools in the third and first degrees , and Bro . Macrae those in the second degree ; he also delivered the address to the Master . The officers were invested as follows : —Bros . John M . Beveridge , S . AV . ; Thomas Thomas . J . AV . : Rev . F . Gould . P . M .. chaplain ; Dr . Walker , P . M ., org . ; Thomas Ellison , P . M . ; treas . ; H . C . Tewsley .
sec . ; R . Robinson . S . D . ; T . Finlayson , J . D . ; E . Dawes , S . S .: J . Guthrie , J . S .: J . Strathern , I . G . ; E . Tonge , tyler . After the investiture , Bro . Macrae addressed the wardens and brethren . Congratulations were tendered to the masters , officers , and brethren of the lodge , and the W . M . rendered thanks to Bro . Macrae for officiating as installing master . Refreshment followed labour .
ONELUNGA— MANAKAIT LODGE — Xo . 586 . — The installation meeting of this lodge took place on the 18 th December last , at the Masonic Hall . There was a large attendance of brethren from town , Ponsonby , Otahuhu , and other districts , and the gathering was a most representative one . The following officers were installed . - —Bros . Lawry . AV . M ., S . AV . ; Dr . Erson , S . AV . ; Bruford , J . AV . ; P . Clark , sec . and treas . ; Mulgan , chaplain ; Stephens , S . D . ;
McKinnon , J . D . ; Clark , I . G . ; Chaafe , S . S .: Page , J . S .: C . V . Hill . P . M ., tyler . Brother M . Xiccol , D . P . G . M ., acted as installing master with his wonted efficiency . After the close of the ceremony the brethren were entertained at an informal banquet . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were drank , interspersed with songs , and there was a consensus of opinion that the meeting was one of the most successful in the annals of the lodge .
AUSTRALASIA . —VICTORIA — CAMPERDOWN — LEURA LODGE , Xo . 1131 . —The anniversary of this lodge was celebrated on Thursday , the 22 nd December . The brethren assembled at the Masonic Hall , at 9 . 30 a . m .. when Bro . H . Parry , AV . M . elect , was installed into the chair by Bro . AV . H . Batten , P . M ., Yarrowee Lodge , Xo . 713 , Ballarat . The following officers were invested : —Bros . Henderson , S . AA . ; Morris , J . AV . ; Young , P . M ., treas . : Peters . P . M .,
sec . ; M'Donald , S . D . ; Coy , J . D . ; M'Whalter , I . G . ; M'Kenzie and Cohen , ste-wards ; Haliburton , tyler . A isiting brethren were present from the lodges at Ballarat . Colac , Geelong , and Smythesdale . At half-past eleven the brethren , accompanied by their wives and families , journeyed to Lake Elingamite , where an enjoj--able picnic was held . Returning to Camperdown , the lodge was resumed , and the third degree was conferred on a candidate . "
A special communication of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab was held at Freemasons' Hall . Lahore , on Thursdav . the 27 th December last , being the Festival of St . John . The " Right AVorshipful Bro . AV . AVoodall Parker , District Grand Master , presided , and there was a large attendance of Grand Officers , representatives , and brethren . \ V . Bro . Dr . Brii Lai Ghose . 11 . 11 . delivered
, a lecture on "Freemasonry and Brahminism . " and AV . Bro . Col . A . Menzies read an address on " Masonic Literature , '' sent by AV . Bro . H . J . AVhymper , who was unavoidably absent . Referring to the latter , the Rt . AV . District Grand Master , in his address , very aptly said : —•' It i * . too often the case that members of our fraternity stop
short at taking their degrees , and regard the taking of them as the beginning and the end of masonry ; but they are really the means oy which we may reach our goal and not the goal itself . They enable us to enter the mystic circle of masonic love , and to learn its lessons , if we will ; without them the student of masonic literature
cannot appreciate what he reads ; they afford the light by which all is illumined and made clear . You will have observed , brethren , tnat m one sense masonry is not a secret—that is its history ; its
object and its principles are to be found published in some C . 000 or more works which any one may purchase , though only masons can read them aright and with benefit . AA ' ith this mass of literature at . our disposal , is it not wonderful to find that a very large number of masons make no attempt to become acquainted with it , and that many are satisfied to remain in ignorance of the true history , life .
laws , and spirit of masonry . ' yet this is the fact , and I trust that our endeavours may lead to the removal of this reproach from amongst the masons in this district . Only yesterday 1 got a letter from a lodge , which shall be nameless , forwarding a resolution condemning a circular of the District Grand Master , in which he " invited- " brethren to supply such information a ^ " miiiht properly be
tli-riilyeil" to the masonic column of a newspaper : the lodge considers that this is opposed to the tradition , of our Order . Xow , how it is possible to hold this view in the face of masonic literature extending over 6 , 000 volumes , and of Masonic Journals published all over the world , I am afraid it is impossible to say . Moreover , as the circular only invited the publication of information which vi iyht properly he divulged- and no other , it is
difficult to appreciate the value of the objection unless , indeed , it is the outcome of that very ignorance of our traditions which I have just commented upon . Apart from the way in which the lodge in question has thought fit to state its objection—which is as unusual as it is uncalled for . and which will be noticed at the proper time—it seems clear that the brethren concerned cannot have drunk very deep of the stream of masonic knowledge , if they did not know that the stream is a double channel—a secret and an
open one—and that both are always full to overflowing . AA e commend these remarks to many of our English brethren who " strain at gnats and swallow camels" in respect of masonic literature , carp at the exposition of open secrets which instruct whilst they support the publication of surreptitious ••ritual" which misinforms .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Emblematic Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1321 , has been removed to Ashley ' s Hotel . Henrietta Street , Covent Garden . London , where in future , it will meet regularly on Tuesday evenings at 8 o ' clock . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern . Great Queen Street . London . W . C . on AVednesdav . the 6 th March .
The Lodge of the Quatuor Coronati . Bro . AVilliam Simpson . 11 . L , M . U . A . S ., . Jr ., AV . M ., will meet at Freemasons' Hall , London , at 5 p . m ., to-morrow ( Friday , March 1 st ) . Founders and officers to assemble at 4 . 30 p . m . Bro . AV . II . Rylands will read a paper , entitled "A word on the legends of the Compagnionage . " Members of the correspondence circle can attend .
The social meeting of " The Old Masonians , " to be held at Anderton ' s Hotel , London , to-morrow ( Friday ) evening , at 8 p . m .. will be presided over by Mr . A . B . AVhiteley . " Our Boys " hope to provide a pleasant meeting for members and visitors . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will be
rehearsed in the Stuart Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1 ( 532 , at the Victoria Hotel , Farringdon Road , London . E . G .. at 5 p . m .. this ( Thursday ) evening , AV . Bro . II . E . Frances . P . M ., P . P . G . S . D , Surrey . as Consecrating and Installing Officer . Bro . E . Pettit , AA . M . elect 1632 , will conduct the musical portion of the ceremonies .
The Earl of Zetland Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1364 . has changed its night of meeting at the " Royal Edward , " Mare Street . Hackney , from Saturdays to Fridays , at 8 . A masonic charity fund has been commenced in this lodge , and the first subscription night will be to-morrow ( March 1 st ) .
The Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the Eastern Division of the County of Lancaster , Comp . Col . Le Gendre X . Starkie , M . E . G . Suptdt .., will hold its annual meeting at Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , on Friday , 22 nd March , at 2 . 30 p . m ., and afterwards dine at the Swan Hotel . Particulars of Ex . Comp . John Chadwick , P . G . Std . Br . and Prov . G . Scribe E ., Cooper Street , Manchester .
The Richmond Lodge , _\ o . 2032 , Bro . Edmund Dare , AV . M . will meet at the Masonic Hall , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey on the 5 th prox ., at 4 . 30 p . m . AVork in each of the three degrees election of AV . M . and officers , and banquet at 7 . 30 . This evening , February 28 th . Bro . Henry Prenton will g : ' . vi a Concert to the aged Masons at the Institution at Croydon , and will be assisted by the Misses Emily Davies and Camelia Page . Bro , Henvv Parkin , and -Messrs . Eustace Jay and AV . Emerson .
Press Exchanges And Book Received.
Press Exchanges and Book Received .
The South A usi ration Freemason , January . 1 SS 9 . J . Ji . Cunningham Freemasons ' Hall , Adelaide ; Ad mi rait y and Norse Guards Gazette London ; Proceedings of District Grand Lodge of the Punjab , December , 1888 ; Lutomiti , -Yeue Zcitschrift fiir Fricniaurerei . y ^ o . 4 . Leipzig ( Editor please note that our Editorial Offices are at 59 . Mooi Lane , London , and not Fleet Street ) : Society ; South African Free in ns 'II .
Tin . MASONIC PRESS . —Masons that have the right stuff in them can certainly afford a few shillings a year for a masonic journal . Ignorance has ever been the bane of Masonry . It is the few well informed and intelligent who are lifting the order above the
common herd , and giving it the character and usefulness it possesses . It is the reading mason that gives vitality to the order Masons who are allowed to rust , to go to sleep , satisfied with their own ignorance , are a millstone round the neck of the order , dragging their companions to their level of arrogance and stupidity .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " poet's Corner . "
( Original and Selected . ) G . A . 0 . T . U .
AVherevcr we are , or wherever we be , "Along Mason ' s acknowledged , accepted and free : The great book of maxims is open to view , its title in cypher , G . A . 0 . T . U .
AVhen the first page we open , Avhat there do we scan . ' Our duty to God , and our friendship to man ; To be upright and perfect in acts and in deeds , And to honour our Maker from whom all proceeds .
AVhen the hand of a Brother we grasp , let it be A token of kinship to which there ' s a key ; To aid and not hinder his passage through life , To pray for his welfare , avoiding all strife .
To treasure his secrets , if he such impart , To bind them secure in the depths of your heart ; To support him in danger , to help him in need , To do good to all men ; let this be your creed .
Our life must be long could we read the whole book , Though we seek day by day for a glance or a look ; AVith an urgent desire the whole to construe . Of the wisdom set forth by G . A . 0 . T . U . J . H . JEWELL , P . M ., P . P . G . R . Kent
The Colonies.
XEAV ZEALAND— -AUCKLAND—ST . ANDREW LODGE—XO . 418 . — The installation meeting of this lodge took place at Freemasons ' Hall , on the 20 th December last . There were 36 installed masters on the dais , and visiting brethren representing all the sister lodges , made a total of 140 masons present . The lodge was duly opened by the It . AV . M ., Bro . Farquhar Afaerae , and Bro . Page was duly installed
AA . M . of Lodge St . Andrew . Bro . P . M . Hewson presented the working tools in the third and first degrees , and Bro . Macrae those in the second degree ; he also delivered the address to the Master . The officers were invested as follows : —Bros . John M . Beveridge , S . AV . ; Thomas Thomas . J . AV . : Rev . F . Gould . P . M .. chaplain ; Dr . Walker , P . M ., org . ; Thomas Ellison , P . M . ; treas . ; H . C . Tewsley .
sec . ; R . Robinson . S . D . ; T . Finlayson , J . D . ; E . Dawes , S . S .: J . Guthrie , J . S .: J . Strathern , I . G . ; E . Tonge , tyler . After the investiture , Bro . Macrae addressed the wardens and brethren . Congratulations were tendered to the masters , officers , and brethren of the lodge , and the W . M . rendered thanks to Bro . Macrae for officiating as installing master . Refreshment followed labour .
ONELUNGA— MANAKAIT LODGE — Xo . 586 . — The installation meeting of this lodge took place on the 18 th December last , at the Masonic Hall . There was a large attendance of brethren from town , Ponsonby , Otahuhu , and other districts , and the gathering was a most representative one . The following officers were installed . - —Bros . Lawry . AV . M ., S . AV . ; Dr . Erson , S . AV . ; Bruford , J . AV . ; P . Clark , sec . and treas . ; Mulgan , chaplain ; Stephens , S . D . ;
McKinnon , J . D . ; Clark , I . G . ; Chaafe , S . S .: Page , J . S .: C . V . Hill . P . M ., tyler . Brother M . Xiccol , D . P . G . M ., acted as installing master with his wonted efficiency . After the close of the ceremony the brethren were entertained at an informal banquet . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were drank , interspersed with songs , and there was a consensus of opinion that the meeting was one of the most successful in the annals of the lodge .
AUSTRALASIA . —VICTORIA — CAMPERDOWN — LEURA LODGE , Xo . 1131 . —The anniversary of this lodge was celebrated on Thursday , the 22 nd December . The brethren assembled at the Masonic Hall , at 9 . 30 a . m .. when Bro . H . Parry , AV . M . elect , was installed into the chair by Bro . AV . H . Batten , P . M ., Yarrowee Lodge , Xo . 713 , Ballarat . The following officers were invested : —Bros . Henderson , S . AA . ; Morris , J . AV . ; Young , P . M ., treas . : Peters . P . M .,
sec . ; M'Donald , S . D . ; Coy , J . D . ; M'Whalter , I . G . ; M'Kenzie and Cohen , ste-wards ; Haliburton , tyler . A isiting brethren were present from the lodges at Ballarat . Colac , Geelong , and Smythesdale . At half-past eleven the brethren , accompanied by their wives and families , journeyed to Lake Elingamite , where an enjoj--able picnic was held . Returning to Camperdown , the lodge was resumed , and the third degree was conferred on a candidate . "
A special communication of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab was held at Freemasons' Hall . Lahore , on Thursdav . the 27 th December last , being the Festival of St . John . The " Right AVorshipful Bro . AV . AVoodall Parker , District Grand Master , presided , and there was a large attendance of Grand Officers , representatives , and brethren . \ V . Bro . Dr . Brii Lai Ghose . 11 . 11 . delivered
, a lecture on "Freemasonry and Brahminism . " and AV . Bro . Col . A . Menzies read an address on " Masonic Literature , '' sent by AV . Bro . H . J . AVhymper , who was unavoidably absent . Referring to the latter , the Rt . AV . District Grand Master , in his address , very aptly said : —•' It i * . too often the case that members of our fraternity stop
short at taking their degrees , and regard the taking of them as the beginning and the end of masonry ; but they are really the means oy which we may reach our goal and not the goal itself . They enable us to enter the mystic circle of masonic love , and to learn its lessons , if we will ; without them the student of masonic literature
cannot appreciate what he reads ; they afford the light by which all is illumined and made clear . You will have observed , brethren , tnat m one sense masonry is not a secret—that is its history ; its
object and its principles are to be found published in some C . 000 or more works which any one may purchase , though only masons can read them aright and with benefit . AA ' ith this mass of literature at . our disposal , is it not wonderful to find that a very large number of masons make no attempt to become acquainted with it , and that many are satisfied to remain in ignorance of the true history , life .
laws , and spirit of masonry . ' yet this is the fact , and I trust that our endeavours may lead to the removal of this reproach from amongst the masons in this district . Only yesterday 1 got a letter from a lodge , which shall be nameless , forwarding a resolution condemning a circular of the District Grand Master , in which he " invited- " brethren to supply such information a ^ " miiiht properly be
tli-riilyeil" to the masonic column of a newspaper : the lodge considers that this is opposed to the tradition , of our Order . Xow , how it is possible to hold this view in the face of masonic literature extending over 6 , 000 volumes , and of Masonic Journals published all over the world , I am afraid it is impossible to say . Moreover , as the circular only invited the publication of information which vi iyht properly he divulged- and no other , it is
difficult to appreciate the value of the objection unless , indeed , it is the outcome of that very ignorance of our traditions which I have just commented upon . Apart from the way in which the lodge in question has thought fit to state its objection—which is as unusual as it is uncalled for . and which will be noticed at the proper time—it seems clear that the brethren concerned cannot have drunk very deep of the stream of masonic knowledge , if they did not know that the stream is a double channel—a secret and an
open one—and that both are always full to overflowing . AA e commend these remarks to many of our English brethren who " strain at gnats and swallow camels" in respect of masonic literature , carp at the exposition of open secrets which instruct whilst they support the publication of surreptitious ••ritual" which misinforms .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Emblematic Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1321 , has been removed to Ashley ' s Hotel . Henrietta Street , Covent Garden . London , where in future , it will meet regularly on Tuesday evenings at 8 o ' clock . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Berks and Bucks will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern . Great Queen Street . London . W . C . on AVednesdav . the 6 th March .
The Lodge of the Quatuor Coronati . Bro . AVilliam Simpson . 11 . L , M . U . A . S ., . Jr ., AV . M ., will meet at Freemasons' Hall , London , at 5 p . m ., to-morrow ( Friday , March 1 st ) . Founders and officers to assemble at 4 . 30 p . m . Bro . AV . II . Rylands will read a paper , entitled "A word on the legends of the Compagnionage . " Members of the correspondence circle can attend .
The social meeting of " The Old Masonians , " to be held at Anderton ' s Hotel , London , to-morrow ( Friday ) evening , at 8 p . m .. will be presided over by Mr . A . B . AVhiteley . " Our Boys " hope to provide a pleasant meeting for members and visitors . The ceremonies of consecration and installation will be
rehearsed in the Stuart Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1 ( 532 , at the Victoria Hotel , Farringdon Road , London . E . G .. at 5 p . m .. this ( Thursday ) evening , AV . Bro . II . E . Frances . P . M ., P . P . G . S . D , Surrey . as Consecrating and Installing Officer . Bro . E . Pettit , AA . M . elect 1632 , will conduct the musical portion of the ceremonies .
The Earl of Zetland Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1364 . has changed its night of meeting at the " Royal Edward , " Mare Street . Hackney , from Saturdays to Fridays , at 8 . A masonic charity fund has been commenced in this lodge , and the first subscription night will be to-morrow ( March 1 st ) .
The Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the Eastern Division of the County of Lancaster , Comp . Col . Le Gendre X . Starkie , M . E . G . Suptdt .., will hold its annual meeting at Freemasons' Hall , Bolton , on Friday , 22 nd March , at 2 . 30 p . m ., and afterwards dine at the Swan Hotel . Particulars of Ex . Comp . John Chadwick , P . G . Std . Br . and Prov . G . Scribe E ., Cooper Street , Manchester .
The Richmond Lodge , _\ o . 2032 , Bro . Edmund Dare , AV . M . will meet at the Masonic Hall , Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , Surrey on the 5 th prox ., at 4 . 30 p . m . AVork in each of the three degrees election of AV . M . and officers , and banquet at 7 . 30 . This evening , February 28 th . Bro . Henry Prenton will g : ' . vi a Concert to the aged Masons at the Institution at Croydon , and will be assisted by the Misses Emily Davies and Camelia Page . Bro , Henvv Parkin , and -Messrs . Eustace Jay and AV . Emerson .
Press Exchanges And Book Received.
Press Exchanges and Book Received .
The South A usi ration Freemason , January . 1 SS 9 . J . Ji . Cunningham Freemasons ' Hall , Adelaide ; Ad mi rait y and Norse Guards Gazette London ; Proceedings of District Grand Lodge of the Punjab , December , 1888 ; Lutomiti , -Yeue Zcitschrift fiir Fricniaurerei . y ^ o . 4 . Leipzig ( Editor please note that our Editorial Offices are at 59 . Mooi Lane , London , and not Fleet Street ) : Society ; South African Free in ns 'II .
Tin . MASONIC PRESS . —Masons that have the right stuff in them can certainly afford a few shillings a year for a masonic journal . Ignorance has ever been the bane of Masonry . It is the few well informed and intelligent who are lifting the order above the
common herd , and giving it the character and usefulness it possesses . It is the reading mason that gives vitality to the order Masons who are allowed to rust , to go to sleep , satisfied with their own ignorance , are a millstone round the neck of the order , dragging their companions to their level of arrogance and stupidity .