Article Answers to Correspondents. ← Page 2 of 2 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article Evenings Abroad. Page 1 of 1 Article Evenings Abroad. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Answers To Correspondents.
We have still before tis the expression of opinion of many brethren first announced several months ago . that "the long continued services of Bro . Robert Frekc Gould , P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknowledgment , " and , headed by the Pro . Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , a large and influential Committee of Prov . Grand Masters . Present and Past Grand
Officers and brethren appear to join in the refrain , " And so say all of us ! " Then , may Ave ask , why delay the practical issue of such opinion . ' Bett , r the lesser A alue of the product with immediate possession and enjoyment , than a long deferred hope of something more important , but with which the chances of life might seriously interfere . AVe earnestly hope that nothing may interpose betAveen
the wishes of the " Gould " Committee and their final purpose and intent , but who can say . ' It is not for us to repeat the reasons which have been given and which are universally admitted for testimonializing ( lie unequalled services of Bro . Gould . They are most probably known to all those who would be likely to appreciate the long years of labour and
research which have produced amongst other standard works the HISTORY OF FREEMASONRA ' . and , if they arc trot so lcnOAvn they ought to be : for to admit an ignorance of " Gould " is to argue ones ' self unknown as a Freemason . At any rate Ave are disposed to think that very nearly , if not all , those who can or should be reached in the way of advertisement , have been reached , and that a notice of
the intention to close the contributory fund on a given day should be issued , so that finality may be assured , and contributors and recipient might alike rejoice in the consummation of a project which reflects credit upon its promoters , and will honour and assist him to whom both honour ami assistance are duo . AVe add , in the
words of the circular before us , that individual subscriptions to the Testimonial are limited to one guinea , ledges and other bodies being unrestricted in this respect , and may be sent to Dr . Ralph Gooding . P . G . D ., Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E ., the Hon . Secretary and in f er ! m Treasurer .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . " AVe must ask our correspondents to kindl y pay attention to our request that communications of an editorial character should be forwarded addressed to the Editor , at ; . !) Moor LaneLondonEC
, , , .. and n - < t to the Publishing 0 ffice in Fleet Street . AVe fear that one or two letters intended for attention in this number cannot find a place in our pages , owing to the delay caused b y neglect of the instruction we haA'e so often repeated .
•»•-A- -if 5 , \ = g . Our readers will notice the commencement of a series of weekly notes , under the heading of •' Point , Left . Right , " from the pen of the well known journalist A \ dio writes under the Horn de plume of " The Druid . "
AVe are honored—and Ave publish it with pride—by Latemia , the German Masonic Paper of L dpzig , translating and publishing in full our leading article of January 3 rd , " Ars filial nor Coelntatorum . " * # * = 3 . # _ At the lata Special Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masonsa su °
-o-es-, tion was made , more in the Avay of discussion than formally , that possibly a portion of the extensive premises which that GrandLodge Avill IIOAV soon enter into possession of , might be made aA-ailable for a Masonic Club . This was talked over amongst the brethren after Grand Mark Lodge Avas closed , and we think that there is a
disposition to ascertain what brethren , whether or not connected with the Mark degree , might think of it . AVe have heard many " -ood reasons in favour of such a project , and scarce any against " it . " If any of our readers would like to express an opinion either by private letter , or in our nages , they can do so .
The most important •m . atiite .: performances to take place at Terry ' s during the ' ensuing month are as follows : —The Policeman , by Messrs . AValter Helmore and Eden Phillpotts . Tpesdav . March Sth . ' The Bookmaker , by Mr . J . AV . Pigott . in which Mr . Edward Terrv Avill create the title role , Tuesday , March l !) th . You mi Mil Winthrop , by Branson HoAvard . Tuesday . March 2 (! fh .
Evenings Abroad.
Evenings Abroad .
" THE GOOD OLD DAYS " AT THE PRINCESS' THEATRE . The neAV play by Messrs . Hall . Caine and AVilson Barrett . Avhich has now been running a few nights , has settled comfortably down into what appears to be a successful run . Though it is reminiscent AV any 0 thel ' 1 ) lilys ? such as - ' ' * -A '< '' •< ' > ' Too Late to Mevd , The Black J - 'laif , and other strong productions , it must neA'crtheless be recorded to the credit of the authors , that the incidents as exploited in the
Present instance have been skilfully and effectively managed . The construction in places is weak , however ; for it is by no means clear Avhy the heroine need have been implicated in the death of her lather at all , nor Avhy she should be so over anxious to meet secretly the murderer , Grainger , and thus bring on all the trouble Avhich ^ utirnately falls upon the devoted head of John Langley : the last « ct , too , is weak . Scenery , however lovely , will not compensate
Evenings Abroad.
for want of cohesion in a plot , nor for raggedness of incident at a time Avhen directness of aim and thoroughness of purpose are needed to weave the threads of the story into a climax , which should be effective and convincing . About the '' make believe " of John Langley , who lives on the farm of his Avife for some weeks without recognising her . I will say nothing , as its weakness is
apparent , and it is to no purpose to object to it , seeing that , without this the play as designed could not go on . It is a question Avhether the average patrons of melodrama , and by this I mean the pit and gallery folk , do not more enjoy a play which appeals to their power of being carried away by a story , than one in which the end is worked out by truly natural and psA"ohological means . Certain it
is that they do not examine for motives so minutely as do others Avho are considered better judges ; and , given that they have plenty to laugh at , and plenty to weep over for a change , they do not enquire , nor do they care , whether the play is built up of old materials or not , or whether or not it is constructed in strict accordance with the •¦ dramatic unities . " It
is for this reason that I believe The Good Old Days has ••money in it , " despite its faults of Avhich there are not a few . I have not space at command to tell the story , and therefore confine my remarks t ) the acting . The cast , generally , is strong . Mr . AVilson Barrett is . of course , the long' suffering hero , and his acting throughout is exceptionally virile and finished : his heroics are not strained ; his
passion and his grief are real ; his love is tender and manly and the part enlists the true sympathies of the auditory . Miss Eastlake as Mary Langley is womanly and tender ; though she plays an important part , and plays it well , she does not giro us anything fresh : she is Miss Eastlake as we have now known her for a long time . Mr . Lewis AValler as the villain , Grainger , gives us in the
first act a sample of the players' art of which he may feel justly proud : after this , he becomes merely the conventional bad genius of the heavy drama . Mr . Carson is rather a bore as Parson Langley ; but Mr . Austin Melford as Amos is capital—strong , venomous , and Avicked as the man should be . Mr . George Barrett as Coldbath Joe has to enact a character after his own heart , and he does wonders
with it , seeing that the authors have not done great things in the way of providing him with material . Mr . AV . A . Elliott , who acts a character by no means dissimilar to Mr . George Barrett ' s , stands out well with a cleA'er piece of acting , and Mr . Robert Pateman portrays a part which is decidedly beneath his power , with a force and breadth of effect Avhich is of great A'alue . I think this
admirable actor is to be pitied in some of the scenes , as his business at times is so arranged as to be almost puerile . Miss AVebster as Lucy is particularly good ; there AA'as a sadness and tenderness displayc ' here Avhich denoted a thorough appreciation of the cruel Avrongs she had suffered and the true repentance she Avas supposed to feel for the
benefactress to whom she had in a former act behaved so cruelly . Miss L . Belmore Avas bright and amusing as Biddy . All the minor parts were adequately filled . The scenery and general mounting of the play were excellent , and Mr . AValter ilann , the artist , exhibits some good Avork which will certainly add to his reputation .
"THE BALLOON" AT THE STRAXD . —'" From grave to gay . " The contrast between Mr . Caine and 31 r . Barrett ' s piece and the farcical comedy by Messrs . J . H . Darn ley and G . M . Fenn could not well be greater . In The Jin I loon we have a mo el of what a farcical comedy should be ; it is an excellently constructed , well contrived piece of the merriest kind , without one tinge of A'ulgarity , and with not a
dull moment in it . The story is . of course , utterly absurd , but it is its utter absurdity which supplies the fun . The BttUoon is exceedingly bright from a literary point id A'iew , and it contains many am using 1 j' drawn sketches of character . The part of 3 Ir . Aubrey Fitzjohn seems as though it might be one of Thackeray ' s sketches come to life . I can honestly recommend any of nry readers Avho
desire to spend a hour and a half of uncontrollable laughter to go to the Strand Theatre just now . AVe are told to "' laugh and groAv fat" ; certainly , if this item of proverbial instruction were faithfully carried out . all who go - ; o see The lialloon- will be affected with obesity for the rest of their natural live .. Everyone engaged in the representation seems determined not to lose a single chance
of adding to the hilarious effect of the authors' work . First to be named is Mr . Alfred 3 laltbv . who , in the character of Fitzjohn , to which I have previously referred , seems : u > _ to be acting , but gives us a reality , a real live adventurer of the most amusing type . " an amusing scoundrel . " of a degree of excellence which few actors could hope to excel . Mr . George Giddens is simply perfect as the
perplexed medico , Dr . Glynn ; his description of the cruise in the balloon , and his marvellous but battered escape therefrom was as good in its way as was 3 Ir . Arthur Cecil's description of his escape from the restaurant , as narrated in The JJayistritie . All through Mr . Giddens was admirable . 3 Ir . Forbes Dawson is easy and quite satisfying as the young lover . Mr . George Raiemond , particularly Avell made up as the elderly medical practitioner .
Dr . Boyton , is artistic and natural , and the old servant Todd , as represented by Mr . AVilton Heriot , is a piece of characteracting worthy of an artist . Miss Ellaline Terriss is a very sweet Grace . Miss Emily Miller , as her aunt , is amusing . Miss Gabrielle Goldney as Miss Vere is charming , and Miss Rose Saker , as 31 rs . Rippendale , could not be well improved upon . The Balloon ought to go up for many a night to come , if sterling merit is any criterion of permanent success .
The Meyer Lutz Benefit , organised to celebrate the completion of the maestro ' .-, twentieth year of his musical directorship at the Gaiety Theatre , Avill take place on the 4 th prox . A gigantic programme has been arranged . Etlitha ' s Burglar , an act of Sweet La render , an act of Favst up to Date , the trial scene from "
Pickwick , and a host of other things will be put on . The elite of the profession Avill assist : and I dare say , at any rate the wish is father to the thought , the theatre could be filled half-a-dozen times over if all those anxious to " assist " at the benefit c jttld manage so to do . LAUNCEI / OT GonP . O .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Answers To Correspondents.
We have still before tis the expression of opinion of many brethren first announced several months ago . that "the long continued services of Bro . Robert Frekc Gould , P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknowledgment , " and , headed by the Pro . Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , a large and influential Committee of Prov . Grand Masters . Present and Past Grand
Officers and brethren appear to join in the refrain , " And so say all of us ! " Then , may Ave ask , why delay the practical issue of such opinion . ' Bett , r the lesser A alue of the product with immediate possession and enjoyment , than a long deferred hope of something more important , but with which the chances of life might seriously interfere . AVe earnestly hope that nothing may interpose betAveen
the wishes of the " Gould " Committee and their final purpose and intent , but who can say . ' It is not for us to repeat the reasons which have been given and which are universally admitted for testimonializing ( lie unequalled services of Bro . Gould . They are most probably known to all those who would be likely to appreciate the long years of labour and
research which have produced amongst other standard works the HISTORY OF FREEMASONRA ' . and , if they arc trot so lcnOAvn they ought to be : for to admit an ignorance of " Gould " is to argue ones ' self unknown as a Freemason . At any rate Ave are disposed to think that very nearly , if not all , those who can or should be reached in the way of advertisement , have been reached , and that a notice of
the intention to close the contributory fund on a given day should be issued , so that finality may be assured , and contributors and recipient might alike rejoice in the consummation of a project which reflects credit upon its promoters , and will honour and assist him to whom both honour ami assistance are duo . AVe add , in the
words of the circular before us , that individual subscriptions to the Testimonial are limited to one guinea , ledges and other bodies being unrestricted in this respect , and may be sent to Dr . Ralph Gooding . P . G . D ., Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E ., the Hon . Secretary and in f er ! m Treasurer .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . " AVe must ask our correspondents to kindl y pay attention to our request that communications of an editorial character should be forwarded addressed to the Editor , at ; . !) Moor LaneLondonEC
, , , .. and n - < t to the Publishing 0 ffice in Fleet Street . AVe fear that one or two letters intended for attention in this number cannot find a place in our pages , owing to the delay caused b y neglect of the instruction we haA'e so often repeated .
•»•-A- -if 5 , \ = g . Our readers will notice the commencement of a series of weekly notes , under the heading of •' Point , Left . Right , " from the pen of the well known journalist A \ dio writes under the Horn de plume of " The Druid . "
AVe are honored—and Ave publish it with pride—by Latemia , the German Masonic Paper of L dpzig , translating and publishing in full our leading article of January 3 rd , " Ars filial nor Coelntatorum . " * # * = 3 . # _ At the lata Special Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masonsa su °
-o-es-, tion was made , more in the Avay of discussion than formally , that possibly a portion of the extensive premises which that GrandLodge Avill IIOAV soon enter into possession of , might be made aA-ailable for a Masonic Club . This was talked over amongst the brethren after Grand Mark Lodge Avas closed , and we think that there is a
disposition to ascertain what brethren , whether or not connected with the Mark degree , might think of it . AVe have heard many " -ood reasons in favour of such a project , and scarce any against " it . " If any of our readers would like to express an opinion either by private letter , or in our nages , they can do so .
The most important •m . atiite .: performances to take place at Terry ' s during the ' ensuing month are as follows : —The Policeman , by Messrs . AValter Helmore and Eden Phillpotts . Tpesdav . March Sth . ' The Bookmaker , by Mr . J . AV . Pigott . in which Mr . Edward Terrv Avill create the title role , Tuesday , March l !) th . You mi Mil Winthrop , by Branson HoAvard . Tuesday . March 2 (! fh .
Evenings Abroad.
Evenings Abroad .
" THE GOOD OLD DAYS " AT THE PRINCESS' THEATRE . The neAV play by Messrs . Hall . Caine and AVilson Barrett . Avhich has now been running a few nights , has settled comfortably down into what appears to be a successful run . Though it is reminiscent AV any 0 thel ' 1 ) lilys ? such as - ' ' * -A '< '' •< ' > ' Too Late to Mevd , The Black J - 'laif , and other strong productions , it must neA'crtheless be recorded to the credit of the authors , that the incidents as exploited in the
Present instance have been skilfully and effectively managed . The construction in places is weak , however ; for it is by no means clear Avhy the heroine need have been implicated in the death of her lather at all , nor Avhy she should be so over anxious to meet secretly the murderer , Grainger , and thus bring on all the trouble Avhich ^ utirnately falls upon the devoted head of John Langley : the last « ct , too , is weak . Scenery , however lovely , will not compensate
Evenings Abroad.
for want of cohesion in a plot , nor for raggedness of incident at a time Avhen directness of aim and thoroughness of purpose are needed to weave the threads of the story into a climax , which should be effective and convincing . About the '' make believe " of John Langley , who lives on the farm of his Avife for some weeks without recognising her . I will say nothing , as its weakness is
apparent , and it is to no purpose to object to it , seeing that , without this the play as designed could not go on . It is a question Avhether the average patrons of melodrama , and by this I mean the pit and gallery folk , do not more enjoy a play which appeals to their power of being carried away by a story , than one in which the end is worked out by truly natural and psA"ohological means . Certain it
is that they do not examine for motives so minutely as do others Avho are considered better judges ; and , given that they have plenty to laugh at , and plenty to weep over for a change , they do not enquire , nor do they care , whether the play is built up of old materials or not , or whether or not it is constructed in strict accordance with the •¦ dramatic unities . " It
is for this reason that I believe The Good Old Days has ••money in it , " despite its faults of Avhich there are not a few . I have not space at command to tell the story , and therefore confine my remarks t ) the acting . The cast , generally , is strong . Mr . AVilson Barrett is . of course , the long' suffering hero , and his acting throughout is exceptionally virile and finished : his heroics are not strained ; his
passion and his grief are real ; his love is tender and manly and the part enlists the true sympathies of the auditory . Miss Eastlake as Mary Langley is womanly and tender ; though she plays an important part , and plays it well , she does not giro us anything fresh : she is Miss Eastlake as we have now known her for a long time . Mr . Lewis AValler as the villain , Grainger , gives us in the
first act a sample of the players' art of which he may feel justly proud : after this , he becomes merely the conventional bad genius of the heavy drama . Mr . Carson is rather a bore as Parson Langley ; but Mr . Austin Melford as Amos is capital—strong , venomous , and Avicked as the man should be . Mr . George Barrett as Coldbath Joe has to enact a character after his own heart , and he does wonders
with it , seeing that the authors have not done great things in the way of providing him with material . Mr . AV . A . Elliott , who acts a character by no means dissimilar to Mr . George Barrett ' s , stands out well with a cleA'er piece of acting , and Mr . Robert Pateman portrays a part which is decidedly beneath his power , with a force and breadth of effect Avhich is of great A'alue . I think this
admirable actor is to be pitied in some of the scenes , as his business at times is so arranged as to be almost puerile . Miss AVebster as Lucy is particularly good ; there AA'as a sadness and tenderness displayc ' here Avhich denoted a thorough appreciation of the cruel Avrongs she had suffered and the true repentance she Avas supposed to feel for the
benefactress to whom she had in a former act behaved so cruelly . Miss L . Belmore Avas bright and amusing as Biddy . All the minor parts were adequately filled . The scenery and general mounting of the play were excellent , and Mr . AValter ilann , the artist , exhibits some good Avork which will certainly add to his reputation .
"THE BALLOON" AT THE STRAXD . —'" From grave to gay . " The contrast between Mr . Caine and 31 r . Barrett ' s piece and the farcical comedy by Messrs . J . H . Darn ley and G . M . Fenn could not well be greater . In The Jin I loon we have a mo el of what a farcical comedy should be ; it is an excellently constructed , well contrived piece of the merriest kind , without one tinge of A'ulgarity , and with not a
dull moment in it . The story is . of course , utterly absurd , but it is its utter absurdity which supplies the fun . The BttUoon is exceedingly bright from a literary point id A'iew , and it contains many am using 1 j' drawn sketches of character . The part of 3 Ir . Aubrey Fitzjohn seems as though it might be one of Thackeray ' s sketches come to life . I can honestly recommend any of nry readers Avho
desire to spend a hour and a half of uncontrollable laughter to go to the Strand Theatre just now . AVe are told to "' laugh and groAv fat" ; certainly , if this item of proverbial instruction were faithfully carried out . all who go - ; o see The lialloon- will be affected with obesity for the rest of their natural live .. Everyone engaged in the representation seems determined not to lose a single chance
of adding to the hilarious effect of the authors' work . First to be named is Mr . Alfred 3 laltbv . who , in the character of Fitzjohn , to which I have previously referred , seems : u > _ to be acting , but gives us a reality , a real live adventurer of the most amusing type . " an amusing scoundrel . " of a degree of excellence which few actors could hope to excel . Mr . George Giddens is simply perfect as the
perplexed medico , Dr . Glynn ; his description of the cruise in the balloon , and his marvellous but battered escape therefrom was as good in its way as was 3 Ir . Arthur Cecil's description of his escape from the restaurant , as narrated in The JJayistritie . All through Mr . Giddens was admirable . 3 Ir . Forbes Dawson is easy and quite satisfying as the young lover . Mr . George Raiemond , particularly Avell made up as the elderly medical practitioner .
Dr . Boyton , is artistic and natural , and the old servant Todd , as represented by Mr . AVilton Heriot , is a piece of characteracting worthy of an artist . Miss Ellaline Terriss is a very sweet Grace . Miss Emily Miller , as her aunt , is amusing . Miss Gabrielle Goldney as Miss Vere is charming , and Miss Rose Saker , as 31 rs . Rippendale , could not be well improved upon . The Balloon ought to go up for many a night to come , if sterling merit is any criterion of permanent success .
The Meyer Lutz Benefit , organised to celebrate the completion of the maestro ' .-, twentieth year of his musical directorship at the Gaiety Theatre , Avill take place on the 4 th prox . A gigantic programme has been arranged . Etlitha ' s Burglar , an act of Sweet La render , an act of Favst up to Date , the trial scene from "
Pickwick , and a host of other things will be put on . The elite of the profession Avill assist : and I dare say , at any rate the wish is father to the thought , the theatre could be filled half-a-dozen times over if all those anxious to " assist " at the benefit c jttld manage so to do . LAUNCEI / OT GonP . O .