Article ELECTION OF GRAND TREASURER. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MAGIC SQUARE. Page 1 of 1 Article HIGH TWELVE Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 1
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Election Of Grand Treasurer.
a Past Master . He is a member of the Savage Club Lodge , and has been Treasurer for the last two years : he is also a Past First Principal of the Asaph Chapter , and was appointed a Grand Steward in 1885-80 , and has been two years a member of the Board of General Purposes ; he is a A ice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and Life Governor of the two other 3 iasonic
Institutions ; he has also served the office of Steward eight times : a masonic record Avhich would commend itself to any brother . But . apart from all masonic associations , the public and private life of Bro . E . O'Connor Terry is such as should commend him to the unanimous suffrages of the brethren in Grand Lodge . For several years past he has occupied positions of public trust , and has discharged the
duties appertaining to those positions in a manner which has reflected credit on him as a patriotic citizen . He has also the pleasure of being , among those who have his private acquaintance , a most consistent friend ; and , therefore , as have I said before , in public and private life he has shown those attributes which are essential to a good mason . On those grounds , M . AV . Grand Master ,
I beg to nominate him for the office of Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . " "Bro . FERGUSON , P . 31 . Domatie Lodge , No . 177 , said : —M . AV . G . M . in the Chair—I have also to nominate a distinguished Mason for the office of Grand Treasurer , a brother who has Avorked justly and honestly in Masonry for 30 years , one who has worked in founding
lodges , and in keeping those lodges going in such a manner that they have been enabled to supply large sums of money to the charities . He is not only a brother who exercises charity in general , but he is forward in promoting the same virtue in others . I have very great pleasure in proposing Bro . George Everett . Past Master , and Treasurer of the Domatie Lodge . No . 177 ; founder and
Past Master of the Kennington Lodge , No . 1381 ; founder and Past Master of the Kilburn Lodge , No . 1608 , and about seven years its Treasurer ; he is also a founder , Past 31 aster , and Treasurer of the ChisAvick Lodge . No . 2012 . He has not only laboured in Craft Masonry but also in Arch ; he is Past Z . of the Rose of Denmark Chapter , No . 975 ; Past Z ., founder , and Treasurer of the
Kennington Chapter , No , 1381 ; he has also served the office of Steward fiA e times ; he has been the means , as a member of the lodges with Avhich he has been connected , in subscribing money AA'hich they might not have done , and had net done until he AA as their treasurer , one of them being the Domatie Lodge , and by the example that he has shown the brethren themselves haA'e supplied far more to
the funds of Grand Lodge of England . He has also made himself a Vice-President of each of the three 31 usoiiic Charities . A record of services like that SIIOAVS that this brother is Avorthy of being elected Grand Treasurer . I have been deputed by the brethren of the various masonic bodies with Avhich he has been
connected to represent to you that Ave have a perfectly worthy brother among us , one Avhose merits have been pretty Avell explained by Avhat he has done . I might say that he is an independent man ; free from the anxieties and cares of business ; and with these qualifications , as I have laid them before you , I am sure you will think he is a proper person for the office of Grand Treasurer . "
Magic Square.
At the request of seA'eral of our brethren who are adepts at chess , we reproduce the folloAving article from . Votes and Queries , in the belief that very many of our readers will peruse it with satisfaction . Its author is Mr . AVilliam Beverley , Avho is described as the most distinguished chess-player of England :
This square illustrates the Knight ' s Tour over the chess-board in the game of chess , in which the knight plays to every square on the board , and touches it but once . Every line of figures running up and down sums up 2 C' 0 . Every line of figures running right and left sums up 2 ( i <> . Divide the board into four quarters : then the I ' OAVS and files of
each quarter will sum up 130 . Divide the board into sixteen equal parts ; the number that compose each sixteenth part will sum up 130 . It also folloAVS that any sixteenth portion of the board , added to any other sixteenth portion , will sum up 200 . It also folloAvs that any half roAV or file , added to any other half half roAV or file , in the entire square , will sum up 200 .
Take the files of numbers running up and doAvn ; the four central numbers of the file will sum up 130 ; and so , of course the four remaining or outer columns Avill sum up 130 . •These are only some of the wonderful properties of this mysterious square . This is really a magic square ; and in comparison , the ordinary square by this name sinks into insignificance .
High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
Tins DAY , FEBIM-ARV 28 th : — The Mount Moriah Lodge , No . 34 . meets at Freemasons' Hall . London . Dinner in Glee room , Freemasons' Tavern , at 7 p . m . ., Grenadiers Lodge , No . ( i ! i , meets at F . M . Hall . Dinner in Sussex room , F . 3 I . Tavern , at ( i p . m .
,. Bedford Chapter 11 . A ., No . 157 . meets at F . M . Hall . Dinner in . Edinboro' room . F . M . Tavern , at (! p . m . .. Girls' School Club dine in Gavel room . F . M . Tavern , at 0 . 30 p . m . ,. St . George ' s Chapter R . A .. No . . "> . dinner in Albany room . F . M . Tavern , at 7 p . m .
TO-3 IORROAV . MARCH 1 st : — The Royal Kensington Lodge . No . 1027 . meets at F . M . Hall . Banquet in Sussex room , F . M . Tavern , at 7 p . m . „ Fidelity Chapter R . A ., No . 3 . meets at F . M . Hall . Banquet in
Glee room , F . 3 I . Tavern , at 0 . 30 p . m . ,, British Chapter R . A .. No . 8 , meets at F . 31 . Hall . Banquet in Edinboro' room , F . M . TaA'ern . at 7 p . m . ., Gavel Club meets at supper in Gavel room . F . 3 I . TaA'ern . at 8 p . m .
MAKCH 4 th : — The Joppa Lodge , No . 188 , meets at F . 31 . TaA'ern . Dinner in Albany room , F . 31 . Tavern . ,. Unions Lodge . No . 250 , meets at F . 31 . Hall . Dinner in Glee room . F . 31 . Tavern .
„ Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 . meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Dinner at Freemasons' TaA'ern . ,. Regularity Chapter R . A .. No . 91 , meets at F . 3 L Hal 1 . Dinner in Edinboro' room . F . M . Tavern .
.. Premier Conclave Red Cross , kc . meets at 10 a . Great Queen Street , AA . C . Dinner in Sussex room . F . 3 I . Tavern . „ PanmureMark Lodge . No . 139 . meets at 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . Dinner at Itolborn Restaurant .
MARCH 5 th : — The Albion Lodge . No . 9 , meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Dinner in Sussex room , F . 31 . Tavern , at 7 p . m . ., Ladies' banquet of the Grosvenor Lodge . No . 1257 . will be held in the Crown room . F . 3 I . Tavern , at 7 p . m . ., Lodge of Union , No . 100 . will dine in Prince ' s room . Criterion Restaurant , AV . C , at 7 p . m . ,. Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 . meets at F . M . Hall . Banquet at Holborn Restaurant .
MARCH 0 th : — The Grand Officers' Mess . Crown Room . F . M . Tavern . .. Assistant Scribes will dine in the Edinboro' Room . F . 3 I . Tavern . 3 IARCH 7 th : — The Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , meets at F . 3 I .
Hall-Banquet in Glee room , F . 31 . Tavern . ,, St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 231 , meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Banquet in Sussex room , F . 3 I . Tavern . ., La Tolerance Lodge , No . 53 S , meets at F . M . Hall . Banquet
( Ladies' night ) in Crown room . F . 3 I . Tavern . ,, The Victoria Rifles Lodge , No . 822 , meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Banquet in Albany room , F . 3 I . Tavern . .. St . James ' s Chapter R . A ., No . 2 , meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Banquet in Edinboro' room . F . M . Tavern .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Oi . n ENGLAND ~ Xo . 1 " ! W .--A nicotine , of the members of this lodge mis hold at Hie Masonic Hall , Thornton Heath , on Thursdav , the 7 th inst . Present .- —Bros , K . T . Hitlpath , AV . M ., P . G . S ., Surrey ; . 1 . Kilvington , S . W . ; U . ( . ' . . 'ieniiiijr , J . W . ; G . S . Horsuail , see . ; S . Clarke , 8 . 1 ) . ; C . Tarrv , steward ; I .. C . Svnnnons , I . ( f .: ami Vf . Lane , tyler . Also Pros . 11 . M . Hobbs , I . P ... I ., P . U . J . W' ., Snrrev ; \ V . II . Hanson , P . M ., Stoekwcll ; P . uekley , liaynor . Grew , Sherry , Turp ' m , Bolton , Dvhall , Tite , AVhite , Gordon , Ilonon , Andres .., ' Mortimer , Britta ' n , Thomas , Grillin . ; iud . 1 . Clarke . A'isitors :- Urns . p . Cambridge , P . P . ( i . C ) ., Snrrev : Win , Burn , S . I ) . 858 ;
W . G . Goodo , S . I ) . 209 IS : C . Cooke . . 1 . 1 ) . ] 851 : W . Svlces , . I . W . 15 H 7 : AV . G . Simmons , 1155 : CI . Atlwood . l ( i _ : i ; and (! . Holden , 2 n ! l _ . . Messrs . L'rank Edwd . Brittali and Richard . lohn Thomas were initiated into the Order . P . m . the Iluv . John Bennett , -1 / .. 1 ., Vicar of Thornton Heath , was elected a joining member . Hearty good wishes having been given to the AV . M . by the various visitors , the lod . ee was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The customary loyal and masonic toasts having been duly honoured , Pro . Hobbs , I . P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M ., which was cordially received . In response liro . Kidpath thanked the brethren for the reception with which the toast had been rccehvd . and Bro . Hobbs
for the kindly and feeling expressions in which it had been proposed , and said that if the approval of the brethren had been secured he had every reason to be satisfied . The AV . M ' ., in propositi }; the health of the I . P . M .. announced that Bro . Hobbs had presented a charily box to the lodge , the former one having- been destroyed in the late ( lie . and invited the brethren to specially support it on Its introduction that evening . The remaining' toasts were then in usual form given from the chair , and responded to by the several brethren interested . Several songs and recitations , were admirably rendered during tho evening by Bros . Kilvington , Buckley , Rayner , Grew , Tite , and Turpiu . Bro . P . Cambridge , P . P . G . O ., Surrey , accoinpanied , ' iuid a most enjoyable evening was passed by all present .
IIOSK—Xo . 1 ( 522 . —On Thursday , the 21 st inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed by W . Penny , AV . M . Henry Mug geridge Lodge , and afterwards by Bro . Bates , P . M . The Preceptor being unavoid ably absent , that duty was performed by Bro . J . Addhigton , P . M . 217 , Z . 1275 There were about 18 members present .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Election Of Grand Treasurer.
a Past Master . He is a member of the Savage Club Lodge , and has been Treasurer for the last two years : he is also a Past First Principal of the Asaph Chapter , and was appointed a Grand Steward in 1885-80 , and has been two years a member of the Board of General Purposes ; he is a A ice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and Life Governor of the two other 3 iasonic
Institutions ; he has also served the office of Steward eight times : a masonic record Avhich would commend itself to any brother . But . apart from all masonic associations , the public and private life of Bro . E . O'Connor Terry is such as should commend him to the unanimous suffrages of the brethren in Grand Lodge . For several years past he has occupied positions of public trust , and has discharged the
duties appertaining to those positions in a manner which has reflected credit on him as a patriotic citizen . He has also the pleasure of being , among those who have his private acquaintance , a most consistent friend ; and , therefore , as have I said before , in public and private life he has shown those attributes which are essential to a good mason . On those grounds , M . AV . Grand Master ,
I beg to nominate him for the office of Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year . " "Bro . FERGUSON , P . 31 . Domatie Lodge , No . 177 , said : —M . AV . G . M . in the Chair—I have also to nominate a distinguished Mason for the office of Grand Treasurer , a brother who has Avorked justly and honestly in Masonry for 30 years , one who has worked in founding
lodges , and in keeping those lodges going in such a manner that they have been enabled to supply large sums of money to the charities . He is not only a brother who exercises charity in general , but he is forward in promoting the same virtue in others . I have very great pleasure in proposing Bro . George Everett . Past Master , and Treasurer of the Domatie Lodge . No . 177 ; founder and
Past Master of the Kennington Lodge , No . 1381 ; founder and Past Master of the Kilburn Lodge , No . 1608 , and about seven years its Treasurer ; he is also a founder , Past 31 aster , and Treasurer of the ChisAvick Lodge . No . 2012 . He has not only laboured in Craft Masonry but also in Arch ; he is Past Z . of the Rose of Denmark Chapter , No . 975 ; Past Z ., founder , and Treasurer of the
Kennington Chapter , No , 1381 ; he has also served the office of Steward fiA e times ; he has been the means , as a member of the lodges with Avhich he has been connected , in subscribing money AA'hich they might not have done , and had net done until he AA as their treasurer , one of them being the Domatie Lodge , and by the example that he has shown the brethren themselves haA'e supplied far more to
the funds of Grand Lodge of England . He has also made himself a Vice-President of each of the three 31 usoiiic Charities . A record of services like that SIIOAVS that this brother is Avorthy of being elected Grand Treasurer . I have been deputed by the brethren of the various masonic bodies with Avhich he has been
connected to represent to you that Ave have a perfectly worthy brother among us , one Avhose merits have been pretty Avell explained by Avhat he has done . I might say that he is an independent man ; free from the anxieties and cares of business ; and with these qualifications , as I have laid them before you , I am sure you will think he is a proper person for the office of Grand Treasurer . "
Magic Square.
At the request of seA'eral of our brethren who are adepts at chess , we reproduce the folloAving article from . Votes and Queries , in the belief that very many of our readers will peruse it with satisfaction . Its author is Mr . AVilliam Beverley , Avho is described as the most distinguished chess-player of England :
This square illustrates the Knight ' s Tour over the chess-board in the game of chess , in which the knight plays to every square on the board , and touches it but once . Every line of figures running up and down sums up 2 C' 0 . Every line of figures running right and left sums up 2 ( i <> . Divide the board into four quarters : then the I ' OAVS and files of
each quarter will sum up 130 . Divide the board into sixteen equal parts ; the number that compose each sixteenth part will sum up 130 . It also folloAVS that any sixteenth portion of the board , added to any other sixteenth portion , will sum up 200 . It also folloAvs that any half roAV or file , added to any other half half roAV or file , in the entire square , will sum up 200 .
Take the files of numbers running up and doAvn ; the four central numbers of the file will sum up 130 ; and so , of course the four remaining or outer columns Avill sum up 130 . •These are only some of the wonderful properties of this mysterious square . This is really a magic square ; and in comparison , the ordinary square by this name sinks into insignificance .
High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
Tins DAY , FEBIM-ARV 28 th : — The Mount Moriah Lodge , No . 34 . meets at Freemasons' Hall . London . Dinner in Glee room , Freemasons' Tavern , at 7 p . m . ., Grenadiers Lodge , No . ( i ! i , meets at F . M . Hall . Dinner in Sussex room , F . 3 I . Tavern , at ( i p . m .
,. Bedford Chapter 11 . A ., No . 157 . meets at F . M . Hall . Dinner in . Edinboro' room . F . M . Tavern , at (! p . m . .. Girls' School Club dine in Gavel room . F . M . Tavern , at 0 . 30 p . m . ,. St . George ' s Chapter R . A .. No . . "> . dinner in Albany room . F . M . Tavern , at 7 p . m .
TO-3 IORROAV . MARCH 1 st : — The Royal Kensington Lodge . No . 1027 . meets at F . M . Hall . Banquet in Sussex room , F . M . Tavern , at 7 p . m . „ Fidelity Chapter R . A ., No . 3 . meets at F . M . Hall . Banquet in
Glee room , F . 3 I . Tavern , at 0 . 30 p . m . ,, British Chapter R . A .. No . 8 , meets at F . 31 . Hall . Banquet in Edinboro' room , F . M . TaA'ern . at 7 p . m . ., Gavel Club meets at supper in Gavel room . F . 3 I . TaA'ern . at 8 p . m .
MAKCH 4 th : — The Joppa Lodge , No . 188 , meets at F . 31 . TaA'ern . Dinner in Albany room , F . 31 . Tavern . ,. Unions Lodge . No . 250 , meets at F . 31 . Hall . Dinner in Glee room . F . 31 . Tavern .
„ Robert Burns Lodge , No . 25 . meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Dinner at Freemasons' TaA'ern . ,. Regularity Chapter R . A .. No . 91 , meets at F . 3 L Hal 1 . Dinner in Edinboro' room . F . M . Tavern .
.. Premier Conclave Red Cross , kc . meets at 10 a . Great Queen Street , AA . C . Dinner in Sussex room . F . 3 I . Tavern . „ PanmureMark Lodge . No . 139 . meets at 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . Dinner at Itolborn Restaurant .
MARCH 5 th : — The Albion Lodge . No . 9 , meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Dinner in Sussex room , F . 31 . Tavern , at 7 p . m . ., Ladies' banquet of the Grosvenor Lodge . No . 1257 . will be held in the Crown room . F . 3 I . Tavern , at 7 p . m . ., Lodge of Union , No . 100 . will dine in Prince ' s room . Criterion Restaurant , AV . C , at 7 p . m . ,. Old Concord Lodge , No . 172 . meets at F . M . Hall . Banquet at Holborn Restaurant .
MARCH 0 th : — The Grand Officers' Mess . Crown Room . F . M . Tavern . .. Assistant Scribes will dine in the Edinboro' Room . F . 3 I . Tavern . 3 IARCH 7 th : — The Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No . 10 , meets at F . 3 I .
Hall-Banquet in Glee room , F . 31 . Tavern . ,, St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 231 , meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Banquet in Sussex room , F . 3 I . Tavern . ., La Tolerance Lodge , No . 53 S , meets at F . M . Hall . Banquet
( Ladies' night ) in Crown room . F . 3 I . Tavern . ,, The Victoria Rifles Lodge , No . 822 , meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Banquet in Albany room , F . 3 I . Tavern . .. St . James ' s Chapter R . A ., No . 2 , meets at F . 3 I . Hall . Banquet in Edinboro' room . F . M . Tavern .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Oi . n ENGLAND ~ Xo . 1 " ! W .--A nicotine , of the members of this lodge mis hold at Hie Masonic Hall , Thornton Heath , on Thursdav , the 7 th inst . Present .- —Bros , K . T . Hitlpath , AV . M ., P . G . S ., Surrey ; . 1 . Kilvington , S . W . ; U . ( . ' . . 'ieniiiijr , J . W . ; G . S . Horsuail , see . ; S . Clarke , 8 . 1 ) . ; C . Tarrv , steward ; I .. C . Svnnnons , I . ( f .: ami Vf . Lane , tyler . Also Pros . 11 . M . Hobbs , I . P ... I ., P . U . J . W' ., Snrrev ; \ V . II . Hanson , P . M ., Stoekwcll ; P . uekley , liaynor . Grew , Sherry , Turp ' m , Bolton , Dvhall , Tite , AVhite , Gordon , Ilonon , Andres .., ' Mortimer , Britta ' n , Thomas , Grillin . ; iud . 1 . Clarke . A'isitors :- Urns . p . Cambridge , P . P . ( i . C ) ., Snrrev : Win , Burn , S . I ) . 858 ;
W . G . Goodo , S . I ) . 209 IS : C . Cooke . . 1 . 1 ) . ] 851 : W . Svlces , . I . W . 15 H 7 : AV . G . Simmons , 1155 : CI . Atlwood . l ( i _ : i ; and (! . Holden , 2 n ! l _ . . Messrs . L'rank Edwd . Brittali and Richard . lohn Thomas were initiated into the Order . P . m . the Iluv . John Bennett , -1 / .. 1 ., Vicar of Thornton Heath , was elected a joining member . Hearty good wishes having been given to the AV . M . by the various visitors , the lod . ee was closed and the brethren adjourned to banquet . The customary loyal and masonic toasts having been duly honoured , Pro . Hobbs , I . P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M ., which was cordially received . In response liro . Kidpath thanked the brethren for the reception with which the toast had been rccehvd . and Bro . Hobbs
for the kindly and feeling expressions in which it had been proposed , and said that if the approval of the brethren had been secured he had every reason to be satisfied . The AV . M ' ., in propositi }; the health of the I . P . M .. announced that Bro . Hobbs had presented a charily box to the lodge , the former one having- been destroyed in the late ( lie . and invited the brethren to specially support it on Its introduction that evening . The remaining' toasts were then in usual form given from the chair , and responded to by the several brethren interested . Several songs and recitations , were admirably rendered during tho evening by Bros . Kilvington , Buckley , Rayner , Grew , Tite , and Turpiu . Bro . P . Cambridge , P . P . G . O ., Surrey , accoinpanied , ' iuid a most enjoyable evening was passed by all present .
IIOSK—Xo . 1 ( 522 . —On Thursday , the 21 st inst ., at the Stirling Castle , Camberwell . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed by W . Penny , AV . M . Henry Mug geridge Lodge , and afterwards by Bro . Bates , P . M . The Preceptor being unavoid ably absent , that duty was performed by Bro . J . Addhigton , P . M . 217 , Z . 1275 There were about 18 members present .