Article Point-Left-Right. Page 1 of 1 Article Point-Left-Right. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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I am rather late in the field with vciy appeal for funds from the readers of THE MASONIC STAR , on behalf of the wife and children of the late Rev . Bro . , T . G . Wood , the prolific writer on Natural History , but better late than never . Our worthy brother was a member of Lewis' Lodge , Ramsgate , a Grand Chaplain in Mark
Masonry of England , Grand Chaplain of Oxfordshire ( Apollo Lodge ) , and a member of rank and standing of the Royal Arch , St . Paul ' s , and others ; so says his son . whose letter is before me .
Bro . Wood has done more ihan any other man who ever lived in modern times , to make Natural History more relishable to the million . He was an indefatigable worker among the subjects of the lower kingdom .. and "the poor fellow literally died in harness . "
"He was on . a lecturing tour , caught a severe chill , took to his bed at Coventry on the Saturday , and died on Sunday . His last thoughts were about his wife and children . He wrote a few lines in pencil to his wife , bidding her adieu , and giving what directions he
could about some works and articles he had left unfinished . " Now . brethren , this is one of those cases which demands the fulfilment of the masonic creed . We give money freelv , not always wisely . Let us give a little here , for here if is deserred and will be well applied .
Contributions to the fund , addressed to " THE DRUID , MASONIC STAR , 5 . 9 , Moor Lane , " will be aelinowlcdycd in this column , and will be forwarded direct to Messrs . Hammond A ' - Co .. the Bankers if
the Fund , when the contributions hare ceased . If erery reader of THE MASONIC STAR sends vie no more than a shiUiny , ire shall be enabled to donate the very handsome svin of several hundred pounds to the irife and si . r children of the illustrious deceased .
A bucolic advertisement worth rescuing from the oblivion of a daily paper : — MILK .. —Lad wanted for small round , well schooled to business ; good wages to smart boy ; no duffers who cannot sell milk ; must rise with the sparrows in morning , chirrup as loudl y , finish the day as early , and live as they do , out .
The cast for Calumny , Bro . Malcolm Watson ' s new play , is now complete , and comprises Miss Wallis , Miss Robertha Erskine , Miss Dairolles , Bro . William Farren and his youngest son Frank ! Mr . Arthur Elwood . Bro . Fred Terry , Mr . Matthew Brodieand
, others . The piece will be produced on Thursday afternoon . April 1 th . at the Shaftesbury Theatre , for the benefit of Bro . W . If . Griffiths ^ the acting manager . The first act is laid in . London , and the second and third in Paris .
John Bright is dead . He was not a mason , but the loss is ours . In the words of a daily contemporary— " We do not think of John Bright as of a champion fallen in the thick of the light , a leader and king of men snatched from our eyes and loves , but as a grey old warrior borne peacefully to his rest in the quiet days when
the cobweb stretches across the cannon ' s throat . Dead indeed is he with all his honors thick upon him . He was a bright example of what a man may become , and every member of our order would have welcomed their ability to have placed their sprigs of acacia on his grave . But I say again , the loss is ours .
It is not often we hear or read a respectable speech from the ordinary member of a Masonic Lod ge . Replies to Toasts are usually of the " massage " order of treatment , or , you scratch my back and 111 scratch yours . The W . M . says , with a serious look upon his placid countenance , "I—think—brethren—that—when I — say— we — have — in — brother —Johnny— a
—man—and—a—mason—who—has—given—his—time—AND—fortune—brethren — to — his — lodge , " Ax ., & c . And Brother Johnny swells his manly chest , and answers the brethren that he has done nothing but what his love of Freemasonry and his admiration for that excellent brother who occupies the Master ' s
chair , & c . When , therefore , we read a speech such as that delivered to the members of the Temperance Lodge at Birmingham , on the 11 th of March , we are somewhat surprised that such ideas come from the brain of " the common soldier , " as a foolish fellow expresses himself in a letter to my Editor , which he wisely refuses to publish .
* * # The " common soldier " indeed ! The author of this remark has not lived in the world as long as I have . His intellect and ideas must be of a very , very " common order . " * * *
Dramatic Memo . —Hurry up for the last nights of Dorothy . The bewitching little maid will warble her warnings to love-sick maidens but a few nights more . Don't miss Bro . Lonnen ' s benefit at the Gaiety on Monday afternoon the 1 st prox . Let us give him a right-good benefit—not that I
think he wants one—and try and make him weep with gratitude , The bill of fare hr . s innumerable courses . Advice Gratis . —Uo and see Macbeth , Diehard III ., The Balloon , and Merry Wives of Windsor . Instead of booking your seats , go in
the pit , have a crrst of brerd and cheese instead of a supper at Romano ' s , and send the difference between the expenditure , real and estimated , on to THE PUUID . "WOOD FUND . — I have to acknowledge the following contributions : —A ., 2 s . ( Id . ; B ., 2 s . ( id . ; C , 2 s . ' lid . ; P ., 2 s . ( id .
Royal National Life-Boat Institution..
The annual general meeting of the subscribers and friends of the Royal National Life-boat Institution wa-3 held on Saturday last , the 23 rd inst ., at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' , the Right Hon . Bro . Joseph Chamberlain , I ' . C ., Ml ' ., in the chair . The meeting , which was influentially attended , particularly bj masons , was densely crowded , scores being unable to obtain
admittance . There were present , amongst others , the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , P . O ., Lord Balfour of Burleigh , Capt . Lord Charles Beresford , R . N ., M . P . ; General Lord de Ros . The Earl of Belmore , Sir Edward Birkbeck , Bart ., M . P . ; Admiral Sir John Corbctt . K C . B . ; Capt . J . Sydney Webb , Deputy Master of the Trinity House ; Sir Francis Outram , Bart . ; Admiral Beamish , Mr . A . B . For wood , M . P .. Secretary
to the Admiralty ; Sir Joseph Pease . Bart ., M . P . ; Mr . Robert Birkbeck . Mr . R . U . Penrose Fitzgerald . M . P . ; Colonel Colville . C . B . ; Sir John Coodc , Mr . L . T . Cave , Mr . C . G . Prideaux Brune , Admiral Ward , Mr . AV . IT . Lyall , Colonel FitzRoy Clayton , Admiral Robertson Macdonald , Bro . Charles Dibdin , the Secretary ; Captain the Hon . II . AV . Chu-twynd , R . N .. Chief Inspector of Life-boats , and
many otners . It was announced that letters regretting- their inability to attend the Meeting had been received from the Dukes of Abercorn and Norfolk , the Duchess of Buccleuch , the Marquis of Ripon , the Earls of Carnarvon , Derby and Strafford ; the Earls Percy and
AValdegrave , the Countess of Rosebcry , Lords Robartes and Windsor the Baroness and Mr . Burdttt-Coutts , the Right Hon . \ V . II . Smith M . P ., and several other Members of Parliament ; the Lord Mayoi of London , the Lord Provost of Glasgow , the Mayors of Birmingham , Liverpool and Manchester , and others .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Tut : Cb . vi'Tox LODOK—NO . 1305 . —AV . H . Caton , \\ .. \[ . A regular meeting was hold at , St . Botolph Chambers , Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C , on Thursday last , the . 21 st inst . Present : Bros . AV . if . Caton , W . M . -, . 1 . Tucker . S . W .: AV . 1 ) . Church , I . W . ; W . Blackburn , P . M . and Treas .: \ V . Lutwvclie , P . AI . and Sec . ; J ) . Campbell , acting as S . D . ; G . Quirk , . 1 . 1 ) .: C 10 . Luker , I . G . ; W . \ V . Putchcr , D . C ; . J . 11 . Thompson , Wine Steward ; \ V . Finch , 11 . Oldham , . 1 . Badkiii . P . AI ' s . ; C Stanger , R . E . Fairclough , E . C Robinson , J . D . Geddes , W . Catliruw , G . Rett , E . J . Farcies . Visitors—J . . Stevenson , 15711 ; R . G . Keston , 2 ( 177 ; W . A . Finch , 225 ( 1 ; James
Stevens , 121 G , P . M . ; H . AV . Garrod , 7-111 : AV . J *' . Cathrnw , 1733 : JO . Brooks , 7 < JG , J . W . ; S . A . Stanger , 12 , . 1 . 1 ) . ; J . Bunker , 1158 , P . AI . The work of the evening comprised the mixing of liro . JO . C . llobinson , Die i >; i . < Miig i >( Jlro . , ]< I ) IU David . Geddes , and the initiation of Air . Ernes' . Toller Alursell Norcutf , each ceremony being well performed by W . M . and ollicers . After the dispr . ich of routine business and the closing of the ' lodge , supper was served in the large diuing-hall of the Great Eastern Hotel Restaurant . It was announced in course of the evening that the W . M . Bro . Caton intended to represent the lodge at the ensuing festival of the Boy ' s School , and his list was made up to some forty or lil ' iy guineas as a
commencement of his Stewardship . The visitors expressed themselves highly delighted with the whole piocccdings of the evening , which , alter abundant , harmony , terminated at a reasonable hour with the Tyler ' s toast . A pleasing episode in Uic proceedings arose from an incidental remark made by one . of tilts visitors in returning thanks , that the W . AL's regard lor Masonry had induced him to sacrilice his pleasure in sharing the home enjoyments of the evening , which was the anniversary of the birth of his wii ' e , Airs . Calon . This called forth much enthusiasm amongst the brethren , and "health and long life to Airs . Caton " became "the toast of the evening " to which the W . Af . responded with much feeling anil in admirable terms .
] O . MUi , K . UATie Lonoic—Xo . 1321 . —Held at the Bridge House Hotel , on Thursday , 21 st inst . —W . Bro . Henry JOsling .-AV . AL—Bros . . 1 . Price , S . W . ; F .. ) . Potter , , \ . \\' ' . ; AV . B . Pendicle , j " . AI ., treas . ; T . G . Cooper , P . AI .. sir . ; W . Kent , S . D .: II . II . Davies , J I ) . ; W . J . Harris , I . G . ; , 1 . AVheaioroft . steward ; JO . l . ' ees . in , A . D . C : TlH'is-P . oyell , I . P . M . ; Hunter , j ' . Al . ; Kirkaldy , P . AI . ; Kdgingmn , P . AI . ; Kngleliulil , P . AI . ; 'J ' . Merlon Clarke , org . ; Marshall , Andrews . Banuell , Salisbury , AV . O . Welsford , G . Hartlev ,. ) . Howell . F . W . Chowlcs , . 1 . 11 . 10 vans . 10 . L . Berrv , jr . Matthews , . 1 . Jl . Aluggridge , G . 10 . Grimes , and Waller Alonk . Visitors : AV . Bro .
. 1 . A . Fitzgerald , W . A 1 . 21 U . S ; . J . Darby Allcroft ; N . lltillin . La J '' ranee , 2 ii ( j'l ; ( f . II . Cautle , 1538 , org ., MASONIC STAR . The lodge was opened in the three degrees , and Bro . Andrews was raise ! to Hie rank of an A 1 .. M . Tile lodge was resumed in the Jlr . sc degree , and Bros . Alenon Clarke and Aluggridge were elected members of the lodge . After the lodge ; business the brethren adjourned to banquet , served in Bro . Pearce ' s well-known slyle . The toasts of "The Queen , " "II . It . II . the Prince of Wales , " and "Tile Grand Ollicers . Past and Present , '' wore propused l . y the W . AL , ami met with a line eiubleniat It : response . The ' Visitors "
loas-.. was ilien propositi , coupled with tin ; nanus of Bro . Fitzgerald , P . AI ., anil Bro . Cantle . Bro . Fitzgerald thanked the W . AI . and brethren on behalf of the visitors , with his usual eloi | uenee . The joining members - "Treasurer and Secretary" —toasts followed . Jil'o . Jloycll , J . P . AI ., then proposed the loast of "The W . AI ., " which was received with irlitt . AV . Bro . JOsling briefly replied , antl said Hie way in which the compliments had showered ; n him proved his labour was not in vain . The . ollicers' loast was proposed and responded to bv all the
ollicers . It fell to Bro . 10 . Beeson , A . D . I /' ., to make I he humorous speech of the . evening . He suit ! in his eap . icil ^ v ( A . D . C ) , lie had Jinle lit do Willi the welfare of the brethren while in the lodge . " His task seemed to be to criticise and tost the menu , ami in this he thought he had done his duty . After niiiiy witty remarks , which convulsed the brethren , lie wound up by tiianking the W . AI . lor coupling his name with the loast . The " Tyler ' s" toast was then given as a Una ! . During the evening Bros . Davies , Harris , Kirkaldy , 10 . Beeson , Pendicle , and others , acted as vocalists . Bro . Merlon Clarke presided at the piano .
JJKY SfJiixii No . 1 fills . —The election meeting was held on Thursday , 21 s ! inst ., at Anderlon ' s Hole / . Present : —Bros . Behcet .- [ evens Walker W . Af .: Turner , S . W . ; Arber , J . W . ; Allawav , treas . ; Bnscall , CAB , sec : Huberts , S . D .: Dipple , D . C : Graves , org . ; Pargi ' ler , j' . Al .: Huberts , P . AI . ; Lewis , P . AI .: Brown , P . AI . ; . Langdon ; Margetf ; Pleiidcrlc ' nh ; Smyth , P . AI . !> 2 : i ; Smith , llipkins , Thomas , Gallowav , ami liawtree . Visitors : Bros . Burns , 1071 , and Charlie Woods , it-CD .
The lodge was in mourning through the lamented death of Bro . Sampson , I . P . AI ., to whose widow and family a vote of deep sympathy was ordered to he conveyeil , Bro . Turner was elected ' W . AI ., tin . I Bro . Allawav re-clcclcd treasurer . Bros . Jv . tngdon , PJendorleiUi , and How , were elected the audit committee . A P . M . ' . s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Walker on his retirement from the chair of K . S . At the social board the usual loyal and masonic toasts were receive , ! with enthusiasm . JJro . Buscail , l' . Al ., sec , proposed ilie toast of Uie W . AI .-Bro . Walker ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Point - Left - Right .
I am rather late in the field with vciy appeal for funds from the readers of THE MASONIC STAR , on behalf of the wife and children of the late Rev . Bro . , T . G . Wood , the prolific writer on Natural History , but better late than never . Our worthy brother was a member of Lewis' Lodge , Ramsgate , a Grand Chaplain in Mark
Masonry of England , Grand Chaplain of Oxfordshire ( Apollo Lodge ) , and a member of rank and standing of the Royal Arch , St . Paul ' s , and others ; so says his son . whose letter is before me .
Bro . Wood has done more ihan any other man who ever lived in modern times , to make Natural History more relishable to the million . He was an indefatigable worker among the subjects of the lower kingdom .. and "the poor fellow literally died in harness . "
"He was on . a lecturing tour , caught a severe chill , took to his bed at Coventry on the Saturday , and died on Sunday . His last thoughts were about his wife and children . He wrote a few lines in pencil to his wife , bidding her adieu , and giving what directions he
could about some works and articles he had left unfinished . " Now . brethren , this is one of those cases which demands the fulfilment of the masonic creed . We give money freelv , not always wisely . Let us give a little here , for here if is deserred and will be well applied .
Contributions to the fund , addressed to " THE DRUID , MASONIC STAR , 5 . 9 , Moor Lane , " will be aelinowlcdycd in this column , and will be forwarded direct to Messrs . Hammond A ' - Co .. the Bankers if
the Fund , when the contributions hare ceased . If erery reader of THE MASONIC STAR sends vie no more than a shiUiny , ire shall be enabled to donate the very handsome svin of several hundred pounds to the irife and si . r children of the illustrious deceased .
A bucolic advertisement worth rescuing from the oblivion of a daily paper : — MILK .. —Lad wanted for small round , well schooled to business ; good wages to smart boy ; no duffers who cannot sell milk ; must rise with the sparrows in morning , chirrup as loudl y , finish the day as early , and live as they do , out .
The cast for Calumny , Bro . Malcolm Watson ' s new play , is now complete , and comprises Miss Wallis , Miss Robertha Erskine , Miss Dairolles , Bro . William Farren and his youngest son Frank ! Mr . Arthur Elwood . Bro . Fred Terry , Mr . Matthew Brodieand
, others . The piece will be produced on Thursday afternoon . April 1 th . at the Shaftesbury Theatre , for the benefit of Bro . W . If . Griffiths ^ the acting manager . The first act is laid in . London , and the second and third in Paris .
John Bright is dead . He was not a mason , but the loss is ours . In the words of a daily contemporary— " We do not think of John Bright as of a champion fallen in the thick of the light , a leader and king of men snatched from our eyes and loves , but as a grey old warrior borne peacefully to his rest in the quiet days when
the cobweb stretches across the cannon ' s throat . Dead indeed is he with all his honors thick upon him . He was a bright example of what a man may become , and every member of our order would have welcomed their ability to have placed their sprigs of acacia on his grave . But I say again , the loss is ours .
It is not often we hear or read a respectable speech from the ordinary member of a Masonic Lod ge . Replies to Toasts are usually of the " massage " order of treatment , or , you scratch my back and 111 scratch yours . The W . M . says , with a serious look upon his placid countenance , "I—think—brethren—that—when I — say— we — have — in — brother —Johnny— a
—man—and—a—mason—who—has—given—his—time—AND—fortune—brethren — to — his — lodge , " Ax ., & c . And Brother Johnny swells his manly chest , and answers the brethren that he has done nothing but what his love of Freemasonry and his admiration for that excellent brother who occupies the Master ' s
chair , & c . When , therefore , we read a speech such as that delivered to the members of the Temperance Lodge at Birmingham , on the 11 th of March , we are somewhat surprised that such ideas come from the brain of " the common soldier , " as a foolish fellow expresses himself in a letter to my Editor , which he wisely refuses to publish .
* * # The " common soldier " indeed ! The author of this remark has not lived in the world as long as I have . His intellect and ideas must be of a very , very " common order . " * * *
Dramatic Memo . —Hurry up for the last nights of Dorothy . The bewitching little maid will warble her warnings to love-sick maidens but a few nights more . Don't miss Bro . Lonnen ' s benefit at the Gaiety on Monday afternoon the 1 st prox . Let us give him a right-good benefit—not that I
think he wants one—and try and make him weep with gratitude , The bill of fare hr . s innumerable courses . Advice Gratis . —Uo and see Macbeth , Diehard III ., The Balloon , and Merry Wives of Windsor . Instead of booking your seats , go in
the pit , have a crrst of brerd and cheese instead of a supper at Romano ' s , and send the difference between the expenditure , real and estimated , on to THE PUUID . "WOOD FUND . — I have to acknowledge the following contributions : —A ., 2 s . ( Id . ; B ., 2 s . ( id . ; C , 2 s . ' lid . ; P ., 2 s . ( id .
Royal National Life-Boat Institution..
The annual general meeting of the subscribers and friends of the Royal National Life-boat Institution wa-3 held on Saturday last , the 23 rd inst ., at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James ' , the Right Hon . Bro . Joseph Chamberlain , I ' . C ., Ml ' ., in the chair . The meeting , which was influentially attended , particularly bj masons , was densely crowded , scores being unable to obtain
admittance . There were present , amongst others , the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , P . O ., Lord Balfour of Burleigh , Capt . Lord Charles Beresford , R . N ., M . P . ; General Lord de Ros . The Earl of Belmore , Sir Edward Birkbeck , Bart ., M . P . ; Admiral Sir John Corbctt . K C . B . ; Capt . J . Sydney Webb , Deputy Master of the Trinity House ; Sir Francis Outram , Bart . ; Admiral Beamish , Mr . A . B . For wood , M . P .. Secretary
to the Admiralty ; Sir Joseph Pease . Bart ., M . P . ; Mr . Robert Birkbeck . Mr . R . U . Penrose Fitzgerald . M . P . ; Colonel Colville . C . B . ; Sir John Coodc , Mr . L . T . Cave , Mr . C . G . Prideaux Brune , Admiral Ward , Mr . AV . IT . Lyall , Colonel FitzRoy Clayton , Admiral Robertson Macdonald , Bro . Charles Dibdin , the Secretary ; Captain the Hon . II . AV . Chu-twynd , R . N .. Chief Inspector of Life-boats , and
many otners . It was announced that letters regretting- their inability to attend the Meeting had been received from the Dukes of Abercorn and Norfolk , the Duchess of Buccleuch , the Marquis of Ripon , the Earls of Carnarvon , Derby and Strafford ; the Earls Percy and
AValdegrave , the Countess of Rosebcry , Lords Robartes and Windsor the Baroness and Mr . Burdttt-Coutts , the Right Hon . \ V . II . Smith M . P ., and several other Members of Parliament ; the Lord Mayoi of London , the Lord Provost of Glasgow , the Mayors of Birmingham , Liverpool and Manchester , and others .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
Tut : Cb . vi'Tox LODOK—NO . 1305 . —AV . H . Caton , \\ .. \[ . A regular meeting was hold at , St . Botolph Chambers , Bishopsgate Street Without , E . C , on Thursday last , the . 21 st inst . Present : Bros . AV . if . Caton , W . M . -, . 1 . Tucker . S . W .: AV . 1 ) . Church , I . W . ; W . Blackburn , P . M . and Treas .: \ V . Lutwvclie , P . AI . and Sec . ; J ) . Campbell , acting as S . D . ; G . Quirk , . 1 . 1 ) .: C 10 . Luker , I . G . ; W . \ V . Putchcr , D . C ; . J . 11 . Thompson , Wine Steward ; \ V . Finch , 11 . Oldham , . 1 . Badkiii . P . AI ' s . ; C Stanger , R . E . Fairclough , E . C Robinson , J . D . Geddes , W . Catliruw , G . Rett , E . J . Farcies . Visitors—J . . Stevenson , 15711 ; R . G . Keston , 2 ( 177 ; W . A . Finch , 225 ( 1 ; James
Stevens , 121 G , P . M . ; H . AV . Garrod , 7-111 : AV . J *' . Cathrnw , 1733 : JO . Brooks , 7 < JG , J . W . ; S . A . Stanger , 12 , . 1 . 1 ) . ; J . Bunker , 1158 , P . AI . The work of the evening comprised the mixing of liro . JO . C . llobinson , Die i >; i . < Miig i >( Jlro . , ]< I ) IU David . Geddes , and the initiation of Air . Ernes' . Toller Alursell Norcutf , each ceremony being well performed by W . M . and ollicers . After the dispr . ich of routine business and the closing of the ' lodge , supper was served in the large diuing-hall of the Great Eastern Hotel Restaurant . It was announced in course of the evening that the W . M . Bro . Caton intended to represent the lodge at the ensuing festival of the Boy ' s School , and his list was made up to some forty or lil ' iy guineas as a
commencement of his Stewardship . The visitors expressed themselves highly delighted with the whole piocccdings of the evening , which , alter abundant , harmony , terminated at a reasonable hour with the Tyler ' s toast . A pleasing episode in Uic proceedings arose from an incidental remark made by one . of tilts visitors in returning thanks , that the W . AL's regard lor Masonry had induced him to sacrilice his pleasure in sharing the home enjoyments of the evening , which was the anniversary of the birth of his wii ' e , Airs . Calon . This called forth much enthusiasm amongst the brethren , and "health and long life to Airs . Caton " became "the toast of the evening " to which the W . Af . responded with much feeling anil in admirable terms .
] O . MUi , K . UATie Lonoic—Xo . 1321 . —Held at the Bridge House Hotel , on Thursday , 21 st inst . —W . Bro . Henry JOsling .-AV . AL—Bros . . 1 . Price , S . W . ; F .. ) . Potter , , \ . \\' ' . ; AV . B . Pendicle , j " . AI ., treas . ; T . G . Cooper , P . AI .. sir . ; W . Kent , S . D .: II . II . Davies , J I ) . ; W . J . Harris , I . G . ; , 1 . AVheaioroft . steward ; JO . l . ' ees . in , A . D . C : TlH'is-P . oyell , I . P . M . ; Hunter , j ' . Al . ; Kirkaldy , P . AI . ; Kdgingmn , P . AI . ; Kngleliulil , P . AI . ; 'J ' . Merlon Clarke , org . ; Marshall , Andrews . Banuell , Salisbury , AV . O . Welsford , G . Hartlev ,. ) . Howell . F . W . Chowlcs , . 1 . 11 . 10 vans . 10 . L . Berrv , jr . Matthews , . 1 . Jl . Aluggridge , G . 10 . Grimes , and Waller Alonk . Visitors : AV . Bro .
. 1 . A . Fitzgerald , W . A 1 . 21 U . S ; . J . Darby Allcroft ; N . lltillin . La J '' ranee , 2 ii ( j'l ; ( f . II . Cautle , 1538 , org ., MASONIC STAR . The lodge was opened in the three degrees , and Bro . Andrews was raise ! to Hie rank of an A 1 .. M . Tile lodge was resumed in the Jlr . sc degree , and Bros . Alenon Clarke and Aluggridge were elected members of the lodge . After the lodge ; business the brethren adjourned to banquet , served in Bro . Pearce ' s well-known slyle . The toasts of "The Queen , " "II . It . II . the Prince of Wales , " and "Tile Grand Ollicers . Past and Present , '' wore propused l . y the W . AL , ami met with a line eiubleniat It : response . The ' Visitors "
loas-.. was ilien propositi , coupled with tin ; nanus of Bro . Fitzgerald , P . AI ., anil Bro . Cantle . Bro . Fitzgerald thanked the W . AI . and brethren on behalf of the visitors , with his usual eloi | uenee . The joining members - "Treasurer and Secretary" —toasts followed . Jil'o . Jloycll , J . P . AI ., then proposed the loast of "The W . AI ., " which was received with irlitt . AV . Bro . JOsling briefly replied , antl said Hie way in which the compliments had showered ; n him proved his labour was not in vain . The . ollicers' loast was proposed and responded to bv all the
ollicers . It fell to Bro . 10 . Beeson , A . D . I /' ., to make I he humorous speech of the . evening . He suit ! in his eap . icil ^ v ( A . D . C ) , lie had Jinle lit do Willi the welfare of the brethren while in the lodge . " His task seemed to be to criticise and tost the menu , ami in this he thought he had done his duty . After niiiiy witty remarks , which convulsed the brethren , lie wound up by tiianking the W . AI . lor coupling his name with the loast . The " Tyler ' s" toast was then given as a Una ! . During the evening Bros . Davies , Harris , Kirkaldy , 10 . Beeson , Pendicle , and others , acted as vocalists . Bro . Merlon Clarke presided at the piano .
JJKY SfJiixii No . 1 fills . —The election meeting was held on Thursday , 21 s ! inst ., at Anderlon ' s Hole / . Present : —Bros . Behcet .- [ evens Walker W . Af .: Turner , S . W . ; Arber , J . W . ; Allawav , treas . ; Bnscall , CAB , sec : Huberts , S . D .: Dipple , D . C : Graves , org . ; Pargi ' ler , j' . Al .: Huberts , P . AI . ; Lewis , P . AI .: Brown , P . AI . ; . Langdon ; Margetf ; Pleiidcrlc ' nh ; Smyth , P . AI . !> 2 : i ; Smith , llipkins , Thomas , Gallowav , ami liawtree . Visitors : Bros . Burns , 1071 , and Charlie Woods , it-CD .
The lodge was in mourning through the lamented death of Bro . Sampson , I . P . AI ., to whose widow and family a vote of deep sympathy was ordered to he conveyeil , Bro . Turner was elected ' W . AI ., tin . I Bro . Allawav re-clcclcd treasurer . Bros . Jv . tngdon , PJendorleiUi , and How , were elected the audit committee . A P . M . ' . s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Walker on his retirement from the chair of K . S . At the social board the usual loyal and masonic toasts were receive , ! with enthusiasm . JJro . Buscail , l' . Al ., sec , proposed ilie toast of Uie W . AI .-Bro . Walker ,