Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
expressing regret for his illness during the year of office . Bro . Walker , AA . AL , responded , thanking the brethren for their kindness . He had never hail such a long period of illness before . The W . M . next proposed "The Visitors , " to which toast Bro . Burns , 1071 , thanked the brethren for their kind reception and masonic welcome . Bro . Woods , 1 S ( II ) , also responded . He considered masonry a grand reality , and would remember this visit as a ml letter day . Tlic other customary toasts were duly honoured . The harmony of the evening was increased by some capital songs from several members , Bro . Graves , org ., presiding very ably at the niano .
P . aoMi . KV S AIN'T IJKONAIU ) LODGE—NO . 1805 . — Meeting at tie Bromley Vestry Hall , Bow Head , on Tuesday last . Present : —Bros . H . Johnson , AV . M . ; It Toole , S . AV .: Ben Johnson . . I . W . ; J . Collier , treas . ; AV . M . Mead , sec . ; Tom Green , S . D . ; (} . E . Warn , J . D . ; C . Lewsev . LG . ; AA . J . Huberts , S . S . ; AV . T . Potts , . I . N . ; . J . Bailey , I . P . M . ; . 1 . Peterken , ami . 7 . 10 . AleLaren , P . M . 's : Bros . Captain Sir John Colomb , K . G . M . G .. J / . / ' . ; Spoiro , Selbv . Barnes . Fennell . Gritlith , Davis , Howard , AVingiiclil , Flyim , Gates , Donagliv . Hnnkev . Iiiissev , Bird , Mitchell , ILumbridgc and Hutcheson . Visitors : —Bros . G . " Brown , P . AI . Pit ); J . AV . Gibbs , org . ; C J . Tigon , P . M ., and
Ale . v . J ' aterson , S . D ., all of flic Coboni Lodge , 18 U 4 ; James Evans , J 2 G 0 ; Davison , 1382 ; Stewart , 1710 , and A \ . Blackwood , Cumberland Kilwining 217 . Pros . Capt . Sir John Colomb , K . G . M . G .. M . P . ( of Lodge No . 13 , Limerick I . e . ) , was elected a Kilning member , ami Mr . A . S . Bird was duly initiated . Bros . AV . Griffith and G . Huicheson were passed to the second degree ; and Bro . G . II . Fenuell was raised ( o ( he degree of AI . AI . Propositions wore ' made for election of member , and of four candidates for initiation at the next meeting . The lodge is to be congratulated on its continued increase of strength . A very agreeable evening was spent after labour had been completed .
PROVINCIAL . ¦ HAMPSIIIH 10 / M ) ISLE OP WIGHT—VENTXOII . — THE Y . VRHOROUOII LOUOK—No . " 551- - Held its regular meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the I 9 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : —Bro . Fredk . 1 ' . Ansle , AV . M . —Bros . T . H . dough , I . P . AI .: A . Houston , P . M .. P . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . J . Webber , P . M ., as S . AV . ; J . S . Ineson , J . AV . ; V . II . Sheppard , S . D . ; W . I ) . Bitlgood , J . D . ; W . Cole Norman , I . G . ; AVetherick and Tuddcnham , stewards ; E . A . Swane , sec . ; C . Small , tyler , Tolinan , Longmuir , ami other bretliren . Visitor : AV . H . Miilett , St . Ambrose Lodge . No . 1891 . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been confirmed , the ballot was successively taken for two gentlemen proposed at the
Inst regular lodge , and having proved satisfactory , they were initiated into tlie Order by the AV . M . in his usual impressive manner . The charge was ably given by Bro Slieppard . Bro . Millett was proposed anil elected a joining member . The c . liarity box was circulated , and the lodge then closed in due form . The bretliren adjourned to Bro . Tolnmi ' s for stijiper , when a most enjoyable evening was spent . Several songs and recitations were given ; ninongst others the W . Af . recited the "Masons' Vows , " and file "Working Tools" in a most touching and feeling manner . Bro . Shcppnrtl a'so recited ihe "Ancient Bro . of Damascus , " all three of which appeared in the MASONIC STAR .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . U . vvEXsiiOL'HNH—No . 1001 .-On the 20 th inst ,, at the George Hotel , Catford . -Bro . D . O . Scott , AA ' . AI . —B ' . os . C II . Sharman , S . AA . ; H . Visger , J . AW ; C . Blanohard , S . D .: G . Pickering , J . D . ; J . Clark , I . G . ; II . Shaw , P . M ., preceptor ; Walter Smith , treas . ; C Atkins , sec . ; A . A . Drew , P . Af . ; James Stevens , P . M . ; J . T . Axfoni , AV . M . 890 ; Hardy Smith , A . Norn ' s , P . McCarthy , AV . liobiu , C . ThomasJNoycsJASheldonHGWalker & c . The lodge having been
, . , . . , . . , opened in the three degrees , the ceremony of raising wa . s rehearsed by the AV . AI ., Bro . Hardy Smith as candidate . Tlie W . M . delivered the traditional history in a most able manner . Ihe lodge was lowered and called " oft and on . " In Jf . M . degree the brethren practised entry drill , and tlie respective lodges were closed in tUio order . Bro . C . II . Sharman was elected AA' . M . for ensuing week .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
STAR—NO . 1275 . —On the 23 rd inst ., at the Dover Castle , Broadway , Deptford , S . E . This meeting was of a most interesting and instructive character . On the invitation of the lodge , through its preceptor , Bro . Walter Martin , the entire work of the evening was left in the hands of ihe members of the Ravensbonrne Lodge of Instruction , No . , who attended in goodly number , and by their appointed ollicers gave their hosts an opportunity for judging how closely tlie workings of the respective lodges assimilate . Ilro . G . Pickering , of the Ravensboiirne "" Lo ( lge of Instruction , opened the lodge and presided during K . A . degree . The ceremonv of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Noyes being candidate , and the
work was ably performed by the Ravensbonrne members . Bro . McCarthy , P . M ., presided in tlie F . C degree , anil rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Faulkner acting as candidate . Bro . A . A . Drew ]> rcsidctl in the M . M . lodge and rehearsed the third ceremony , Pro . E . C Percy-Stevens being candidate . In each degree the ollicers were advanced in rota to their several positions , and the proceedings throughout were characterised by tlie utmost regularity . The musical service , conducted by liro . Newell , tlie organist to tlie receiving lodge , was perfect . At the conclusion of the meeting a hearty vote of thanks was recorded to tlie Ravensbonrne Lods- 'c of Instruction for their attendance and admirably smart
working , which was " heartily acknowledged . Several new members were accepted , and the meet in g adjourned . The following , amongst other bretliren , were present , in addition to those above named : —Bros . Skelton ; Visger ; Blancliard : J . D . Wilkinson , sec . ; Newell , org . ; Dale , P . M . ; Skutltler , P . M . ; Tilling , P . AI . ; Waterman , P . M . ; Carey , P . M . ; Goode , P . M . ; . las . Stevens , P . M . ; Eedle , P . M . ; Turpin , Jloricy , Jveniblc , Clark , Bird , Miillis , Morgan , 'lliomax , Ashby , SaudJord , Clark , Noyes " , V ' onberger , Faulkner , Ray , Nightingale , Stevens , Black , Lazarus , Smith , Talbot , Taylor , Fiootl , Penrose , and Best .
TEMPERANCE—No . 1 Gil . —On the 22 nd inst ., at the Railway Tavern , New Cross Road , S . E . —Bit ) . Turpin , AV . M . —Bros . Dale , S . AV . ; Speight , J . W . ; Robeson , S . D . ; Laphard , J . D . ; Davis , I . G . ; Milbourn , prcceinor ; Vellenoweth , sec . ; Stevens , P . AI ., P . Z . ; Smith , and Penny . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Laphard , candidate . The 2 nd section of lecture was worked by Bro . Milbourn , preceptor , assistetl by the brethren . Bros . Laphard , 147 , and Smith , 33 , were elected members , and ' Bro . Dale , P . M . 169 , was elected AV . M . for tlie 1 st Friday in Awl ) .
PROSPERITY—NO . G 5 . —At the City Anns Restaurant . St . Mary Axe , E . C , on Tuesday , March lath . Present : —Bros . D . Moss , P . M . 1275 , AV . M . ; Talbot , 05 , S . AV . ; A . Valentine , J . AV . ; I ,. Da Costa , 1349 . S . D . ; Fisher , 192 , J . D . ; Sanson , 192 , I . G . ; B . Da Costa , 1349 , Deputy Preceptor . Also , Bros . Haller , AV . M . elect 65 ; Roberts , P . M . U 5 ; Dyson , P . M . U 5 ; Cary , 1 GJ 5 , see ., and about 20 other brethren . The third degree was worked , Bro . Freyer , candidate . Tlie lodge was called " off and on . " Bro . Dyson , P . M . G 5 , proposed , and Bro . Roberts , P . M . G 5 , seconded , that a vote of thanks should be recorded on the minutes to Bro . Moss for his past
services as Preceptor . Both these brethren made eloquent speeches recognizing Bro . Moss ' s worth , and the resolution was carried unanimously . Bro . Moss thanked the brethren and traced the lodge history from the time ' when lie was lirst elected preceptor , ami expressed ills sorrow at leaving the lodge after a preceptorship of close upon ten years . A testimonial was presented to Bro . Moss on his leaving for South Africa , which consisted of a sum of nearly GO guineas , liro . Mess again thanked the brethren , and bade farewell to the lodge , the brethren , in accordance with ancient custom , giving him for the last time "Hearty Good Wishes . " A Masonic Benevolent Association was afterwards formed , and tlie first meeting ajipointed for the 26 th inst .
STAR CHAPTEK—NO . 1275 . —On Friday , 22 nd inst ., at tlie Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Present : — Comps . F . Hilton , P . / .., M . E . Z ., and Preceptor ; V . T . Murcho H . ; Beuedctti , J . ; Stone , S . E . ; Oldfield , S . X . ; C II . Stone , P . S . ; Addingtou , Wicks , Briant , R . C Davis , H . Martin , G . ] ,. Moore , C . Wilson , and Neeld , P . Z . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comji . Adtlington , candidate . A vote of thanks was accorded Comp . Benedetti for his able work as ' ¦ J " for the lirst time . Comp . Murche was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HALL . LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations . Lodire NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge - * AMB 0 P LODGE AND CHAPTEK . PLACE OP MEETING .
THIS DAY ( Last ) THURSDAY , MARCH 28 th . ? , 4 Mount Moduli F . M . H . 65 Prosperity Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . CG Grenadiers F . M . H . !> 9 Shakespeare Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . ¦ 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 7 C 6 William Preston Cannon Street Hot . EC
, .. SGI Finsbury St . Botolph Chmbrs ., 191 , Bishpsgte St . S 71 Royal Oak White Swan Tav ., Deptford 1421 Langthornc Angel Hotel , 11 ford 7 G 08 Kilbiirn Queen ' s Arms Hot ., Kilburn Gate 1 G 23 West Smithlicld F . Al . H . 1 G 58 Skelmersdale Surrey M . II ., Camberwell 1816 Victoria Park London Tav ., Fenchurch St ., E . C . R . A . C . 5 St
. George ' s F . AI . H . 177 Domatic Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . Mark . 13 Hiram Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey 718 Northumberland M . H . Tav ., Basinghall Street , E . C . ( Last ) FRIDAY . MARCH 29 th . R . A . C . 131 Caledonian Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall St , E . C . K . T . 2 G Faith ami Fidelitv Cannon Street Hotel , E . C .
( Last ) SATURDAY , MARCH 30 th . 170 G | Orpheus j Holborn Restaurant , AA ' . C . ( 1 st ) MONDAY , APRIL 1 st . 12 Fortitude & Old Cumberland ... Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall St ., E . C . 25 Robert Burns F . M . H . G 9 Unity Inns of Court HotelAVC
, . 83 United Lodge of Prudence . ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . '¦ £ ' 144 St . Luke ' s Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . ¦ 188 Joppa F . M . T . 25 G Unions F . M . H . 1305 St . Alarylebone Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 1319 Asaph F . M . H . 1 G 25 Tredegar Royal Hotel , Mile End Road , E . 1 GG 9 Royal Leopold MJLCamberwell
Surrey . , 1883 Caxton F . v .. II . 2020 St . Botolph ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 'I LA . C . 28 Old King ' s Arms F . M . T . 1704 Cable Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . Mark . 5 Mallei and Chisel 8 a , Red Lion Square K . T .
127 Bard of Avon & . Drury Lane ... 8 a , Red Lion Square ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , APRIL 2 nd . 7 Royal York of PJIsever tnce ... I Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 18 Old Dundee ! Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . I "' l f "'\' , \ ' ¦ Ship ami Turtle , Leadcnhall St ., E . C . -17 stability Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C .
( 1 st ) TUESDAY . APRIL 2 nd—continued , 1159 Marquis of Dalhousle 33 , Golden Square , W . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh Cape of Good Hope Tav ., Comrcl . ltd ., E . 12 fil Golden Rule Gate Royal , Regent Street , W . 1472 Henley Three Crowns , North Woolwich 7 Gtf . 'j Kingsland Railway Hot ., Highbury , N . 2190 Savage Club FMH
. . . R . A . C . 1 Grand Masters Willis ' s Rooms , King St ., St . James ' s , W . 169 Temperance White Swan , High Street , Deptford , E . Mark . 236 Clapton 191 , Bishopsgate St ., E . C . 350 Temperance-in-the-East ... Assembly Rooms , 6 , NewbyPlace . Poplar 355 Royal Savoy Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . '
( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , APRIL 3 rd . 511 Zetland Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1298 Royal Standard Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 7491 Atlieinetim Athenietim , Camdeti Road , N . 1 G 87 Rothesay St . James ' s Hall , Piccadilly , W . R . A . C . 119 G Urban F . M . H .
1328 Granite Holborn Restaurant , AV . C . 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . Mark . Grand Masters 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . 129 Holy Palestine 33 , Golden Square , AV . ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , APRIL 4 th .
10 Westminster and Keystone ... F . M . II . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Alan AI . II . Tav ., Basinghall Street , E . C . 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall St ., E . C . 554 Yarbnrough Green Dragon , Stepnev . 822 Victoria Rilles F . M . II 1155 Excelsior AVhite Swan , Deptford . 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hot . SE
, .. 1672 Mornington Imperial Hot ., Holborn Viaduct , E . C . 1707 Eleanor Great Eastern Hot ., Liverpool St ., E . C . 1772 Pimlico Victoria Mans . Rest . Victoria St ., S . AV . 1790 Old England M . H ., New Thornton ll'th . nr . Croydon 1801 Coboru ( V April 11 th ) Vestry Hall , Bow R . A . C . 2 St . James ' s ]? . M . H . 181 Universal Ditto
1381 Kcnnington Horns Tav ., Kennington , S . E . 1710 All Saints ( V April 14 th . ) ... Vestry Hall , Fairfield Road , Bow Mark . _ 197 Studholme 33 , Golden Square , AV . 244 Trinity College 13 , MandeviJlo Place , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London , Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
expressing regret for his illness during the year of office . Bro . Walker , AA . AL , responded , thanking the brethren for their kindness . He had never hail such a long period of illness before . The W . M . next proposed "The Visitors , " to which toast Bro . Burns , 1071 , thanked the brethren for their kind reception and masonic welcome . Bro . Woods , 1 S ( II ) , also responded . He considered masonry a grand reality , and would remember this visit as a ml letter day . Tlic other customary toasts were duly honoured . The harmony of the evening was increased by some capital songs from several members , Bro . Graves , org ., presiding very ably at the niano .
P . aoMi . KV S AIN'T IJKONAIU ) LODGE—NO . 1805 . — Meeting at tie Bromley Vestry Hall , Bow Head , on Tuesday last . Present : —Bros . H . Johnson , AV . M . ; It Toole , S . AV .: Ben Johnson . . I . W . ; J . Collier , treas . ; AV . M . Mead , sec . ; Tom Green , S . D . ; (} . E . Warn , J . D . ; C . Lewsev . LG . ; AA . J . Huberts , S . S . ; AV . T . Potts , . I . N . ; . J . Bailey , I . P . M . ; . 1 . Peterken , ami . 7 . 10 . AleLaren , P . M . 's : Bros . Captain Sir John Colomb , K . G . M . G .. J / . / ' . ; Spoiro , Selbv . Barnes . Fennell . Gritlith , Davis , Howard , AVingiiclil , Flyim , Gates , Donagliv . Hnnkev . Iiiissev , Bird , Mitchell , ILumbridgc and Hutcheson . Visitors : —Bros . G . " Brown , P . AI . Pit ); J . AV . Gibbs , org . ; C J . Tigon , P . M ., and
Ale . v . J ' aterson , S . D ., all of flic Coboni Lodge , 18 U 4 ; James Evans , J 2 G 0 ; Davison , 1382 ; Stewart , 1710 , and A \ . Blackwood , Cumberland Kilwining 217 . Pros . Capt . Sir John Colomb , K . G . M . G .. M . P . ( of Lodge No . 13 , Limerick I . e . ) , was elected a Kilning member , ami Mr . A . S . Bird was duly initiated . Bros . AV . Griffith and G . Huicheson were passed to the second degree ; and Bro . G . II . Fenuell was raised ( o ( he degree of AI . AI . Propositions wore ' made for election of member , and of four candidates for initiation at the next meeting . The lodge is to be congratulated on its continued increase of strength . A very agreeable evening was spent after labour had been completed .
PROVINCIAL . ¦ HAMPSIIIH 10 / M ) ISLE OP WIGHT—VENTXOII . — THE Y . VRHOROUOII LOUOK—No . " 551- - Held its regular meeting at the Masonic Hall , on Tuesday , the I 9 th inst ., when the following brethren were present : —Bro . Fredk . 1 ' . Ansle , AV . M . —Bros . T . H . dough , I . P . AI .: A . Houston , P . M .. P . P . G . A . D . C . ; J . J . Webber , P . M ., as S . AV . ; J . S . Ineson , J . AV . ; V . II . Sheppard , S . D . ; W . I ) . Bitlgood , J . D . ; W . Cole Norman , I . G . ; AVetherick and Tuddcnham , stewards ; E . A . Swane , sec . ; C . Small , tyler , Tolinan , Longmuir , ami other bretliren . Visitor : AV . H . Miilett , St . Ambrose Lodge . No . 1891 . The minutes of the preceding meeting having been confirmed , the ballot was successively taken for two gentlemen proposed at the
Inst regular lodge , and having proved satisfactory , they were initiated into tlie Order by the AV . M . in his usual impressive manner . The charge was ably given by Bro Slieppard . Bro . Millett was proposed anil elected a joining member . The c . liarity box was circulated , and the lodge then closed in due form . The bretliren adjourned to Bro . Tolnmi ' s for stijiper , when a most enjoyable evening was spent . Several songs and recitations were given ; ninongst others the W . Af . recited the "Masons' Vows , " and file "Working Tools" in a most touching and feeling manner . Bro . Shcppnrtl a'so recited ihe "Ancient Bro . of Damascus , " all three of which appeared in the MASONIC STAR .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . U . vvEXsiiOL'HNH—No . 1001 .-On the 20 th inst ,, at the George Hotel , Catford . -Bro . D . O . Scott , AA ' . AI . —B ' . os . C II . Sharman , S . AA . ; H . Visger , J . AW ; C . Blanohard , S . D .: G . Pickering , J . D . ; J . Clark , I . G . ; II . Shaw , P . M ., preceptor ; Walter Smith , treas . ; C Atkins , sec . ; A . A . Drew , P . Af . ; James Stevens , P . M . ; J . T . Axfoni , AV . M . 890 ; Hardy Smith , A . Norn ' s , P . McCarthy , AV . liobiu , C . ThomasJNoycsJASheldonHGWalker & c . The lodge having been
, . , . . , . . , opened in the three degrees , the ceremony of raising wa . s rehearsed by the AV . AI ., Bro . Hardy Smith as candidate . Tlie W . M . delivered the traditional history in a most able manner . Ihe lodge was lowered and called " oft and on . " In Jf . M . degree the brethren practised entry drill , and tlie respective lodges were closed in tUio order . Bro . C . II . Sharman was elected AA' . M . for ensuing week .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
STAR—NO . 1275 . —On the 23 rd inst ., at the Dover Castle , Broadway , Deptford , S . E . This meeting was of a most interesting and instructive character . On the invitation of the lodge , through its preceptor , Bro . Walter Martin , the entire work of the evening was left in the hands of ihe members of the Ravensbonrne Lodge of Instruction , No . , who attended in goodly number , and by their appointed ollicers gave their hosts an opportunity for judging how closely tlie workings of the respective lodges assimilate . Ilro . G . Pickering , of the Ravensboiirne "" Lo ( lge of Instruction , opened the lodge and presided during K . A . degree . The ceremonv of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Noyes being candidate , and the
work was ably performed by the Ravensbonrne members . Bro . McCarthy , P . M ., presided in tlie F . C degree , anil rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Faulkner acting as candidate . Bro . A . A . Drew ]> rcsidctl in the M . M . lodge and rehearsed the third ceremony , Pro . E . C Percy-Stevens being candidate . In each degree the ollicers were advanced in rota to their several positions , and the proceedings throughout were characterised by tlie utmost regularity . The musical service , conducted by liro . Newell , tlie organist to tlie receiving lodge , was perfect . At the conclusion of the meeting a hearty vote of thanks was recorded to tlie Ravensbonrne Lods- 'c of Instruction for their attendance and admirably smart
working , which was " heartily acknowledged . Several new members were accepted , and the meet in g adjourned . The following , amongst other bretliren , were present , in addition to those above named : —Bros . Skelton ; Visger ; Blancliard : J . D . Wilkinson , sec . ; Newell , org . ; Dale , P . M . ; Skutltler , P . M . ; Tilling , P . AI . ; Waterman , P . M . ; Carey , P . M . ; Goode , P . M . ; . las . Stevens , P . M . ; Eedle , P . M . ; Turpin , Jloricy , Jveniblc , Clark , Bird , Miillis , Morgan , 'lliomax , Ashby , SaudJord , Clark , Noyes " , V ' onberger , Faulkner , Ray , Nightingale , Stevens , Black , Lazarus , Smith , Talbot , Taylor , Fiootl , Penrose , and Best .
TEMPERANCE—No . 1 Gil . —On the 22 nd inst ., at the Railway Tavern , New Cross Road , S . E . —Bit ) . Turpin , AV . M . —Bros . Dale , S . AV . ; Speight , J . W . ; Robeson , S . D . ; Laphard , J . D . ; Davis , I . G . ; Milbourn , prcceinor ; Vellenoweth , sec . ; Stevens , P . AI ., P . Z . ; Smith , and Penny . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Laphard , candidate . The 2 nd section of lecture was worked by Bro . Milbourn , preceptor , assistetl by the brethren . Bros . Laphard , 147 , and Smith , 33 , were elected members , and ' Bro . Dale , P . M . 169 , was elected AV . M . for tlie 1 st Friday in Awl ) .
PROSPERITY—NO . G 5 . —At the City Anns Restaurant . St . Mary Axe , E . C , on Tuesday , March lath . Present : —Bros . D . Moss , P . M . 1275 , AV . M . ; Talbot , 05 , S . AV . ; A . Valentine , J . AV . ; I ,. Da Costa , 1349 . S . D . ; Fisher , 192 , J . D . ; Sanson , 192 , I . G . ; B . Da Costa , 1349 , Deputy Preceptor . Also , Bros . Haller , AV . M . elect 65 ; Roberts , P . M . U 5 ; Dyson , P . M . U 5 ; Cary , 1 GJ 5 , see ., and about 20 other brethren . The third degree was worked , Bro . Freyer , candidate . Tlie lodge was called " off and on . " Bro . Dyson , P . M . G 5 , proposed , and Bro . Roberts , P . M . G 5 , seconded , that a vote of thanks should be recorded on the minutes to Bro . Moss for his past
services as Preceptor . Both these brethren made eloquent speeches recognizing Bro . Moss ' s worth , and the resolution was carried unanimously . Bro . Moss thanked the brethren and traced the lodge history from the time ' when lie was lirst elected preceptor , ami expressed ills sorrow at leaving the lodge after a preceptorship of close upon ten years . A testimonial was presented to Bro . Moss on his leaving for South Africa , which consisted of a sum of nearly GO guineas , liro . Mess again thanked the brethren , and bade farewell to the lodge , the brethren , in accordance with ancient custom , giving him for the last time "Hearty Good Wishes . " A Masonic Benevolent Association was afterwards formed , and tlie first meeting ajipointed for the 26 th inst .
STAR CHAPTEK—NO . 1275 . —On Friday , 22 nd inst ., at tlie Stirling Castle , Camberwell . Present : — Comps . F . Hilton , P . / .., M . E . Z ., and Preceptor ; V . T . Murcho H . ; Beuedctti , J . ; Stone , S . E . ; Oldfield , S . X . ; C II . Stone , P . S . ; Addingtou , Wicks , Briant , R . C Davis , H . Martin , G . ] ,. Moore , C . Wilson , and Neeld , P . Z . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comji . Adtlington , candidate . A vote of thanks was accorded Comp . Benedetti for his able work as ' ¦ J " for the lirst time . Comp . Murche was elected M . E . Z . for the next meeting .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HALL . LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations . Lodire NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge - * AMB 0 P LODGE AND CHAPTEK . PLACE OP MEETING .
THIS DAY ( Last ) THURSDAY , MARCH 28 th . ? , 4 Mount Moduli F . M . H . 65 Prosperity Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . CG Grenadiers F . M . H . !> 9 Shakespeare Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . ¦ 507 United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 7 C 6 William Preston Cannon Street Hot . EC
, .. SGI Finsbury St . Botolph Chmbrs ., 191 , Bishpsgte St . S 71 Royal Oak White Swan Tav ., Deptford 1421 Langthornc Angel Hotel , 11 ford 7 G 08 Kilbiirn Queen ' s Arms Hot ., Kilburn Gate 1 G 23 West Smithlicld F . Al . H . 1 G 58 Skelmersdale Surrey M . II ., Camberwell 1816 Victoria Park London Tav ., Fenchurch St ., E . C . R . A . C . 5 St
. George ' s F . AI . H . 177 Domatic Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . Mark . 13 Hiram Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey 718 Northumberland M . H . Tav ., Basinghall Street , E . C . ( Last ) FRIDAY . MARCH 29 th . R . A . C . 131 Caledonian Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall St , E . C . K . T . 2 G Faith ami Fidelitv Cannon Street Hotel , E . C .
( Last ) SATURDAY , MARCH 30 th . 170 G | Orpheus j Holborn Restaurant , AA ' . C . ( 1 st ) MONDAY , APRIL 1 st . 12 Fortitude & Old Cumberland ... Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall St ., E . C . 25 Robert Burns F . M . H . G 9 Unity Inns of Court HotelAVC
, . 83 United Lodge of Prudence . ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . '¦ £ ' 144 St . Luke ' s Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . ¦ 188 Joppa F . M . T . 25 G Unions F . M . H . 1305 St . Alarylebone Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 1319 Asaph F . M . H . 1 G 25 Tredegar Royal Hotel , Mile End Road , E . 1 GG 9 Royal Leopold MJLCamberwell
Surrey . , 1883 Caxton F . v .. II . 2020 St . Botolph ' s Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 'I LA . C . 28 Old King ' s Arms F . M . T . 1704 Cable Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . Mark . 5 Mallei and Chisel 8 a , Red Lion Square K . T .
127 Bard of Avon & . Drury Lane ... 8 a , Red Lion Square ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , APRIL 2 nd . 7 Royal York of PJIsever tnce ... I Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 18 Old Dundee ! Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . I "' l f "'\' , \ ' ¦ Ship ami Turtle , Leadcnhall St ., E . C . -17 stability Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C .
( 1 st ) TUESDAY . APRIL 2 nd—continued , 1159 Marquis of Dalhousle 33 , Golden Square , W . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh Cape of Good Hope Tav ., Comrcl . ltd ., E . 12 fil Golden Rule Gate Royal , Regent Street , W . 1472 Henley Three Crowns , North Woolwich 7 Gtf . 'j Kingsland Railway Hot ., Highbury , N . 2190 Savage Club FMH
. . . R . A . C . 1 Grand Masters Willis ' s Rooms , King St ., St . James ' s , W . 169 Temperance White Swan , High Street , Deptford , E . Mark . 236 Clapton 191 , Bishopsgate St ., E . C . 350 Temperance-in-the-East ... Assembly Rooms , 6 , NewbyPlace . Poplar 355 Royal Savoy Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . '
( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , APRIL 3 rd . 511 Zetland Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1298 Royal Standard Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 7491 Atlieinetim Athenietim , Camdeti Road , N . 1 G 87 Rothesay St . James ' s Hall , Piccadilly , W . R . A . C . 119 G Urban F . M . H .
1328 Granite Holborn Restaurant , AV . C . 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . Mark . Grand Masters 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . K . T . 129 Holy Palestine 33 , Golden Square , AV . ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , APRIL 4 th .
10 Westminster and Keystone ... F . M . II . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Alan AI . II . Tav ., Basinghall Street , E . C . 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , Leadcnhall St ., E . C . 554 Yarbnrough Green Dragon , Stepnev . 822 Victoria Rilles F . M . II 1155 Excelsior AVhite Swan , Deptford . 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hot . SE
, .. 1672 Mornington Imperial Hot ., Holborn Viaduct , E . C . 1707 Eleanor Great Eastern Hot ., Liverpool St ., E . C . 1772 Pimlico Victoria Mans . Rest . Victoria St ., S . AV . 1790 Old England M . H ., New Thornton ll'th . nr . Croydon 1801 Coboru ( V April 11 th ) Vestry Hall , Bow R . A . C . 2 St . James ' s ]? . M . H . 181 Universal Ditto
1381 Kcnnington Horns Tav ., Kennington , S . E . 1710 All Saints ( V April 14 th . ) ... Vestry Hall , Fairfield Road , Bow Mark . _ 197 Studholme 33 , Golden Square , AV . 244 Trinity College 13 , MandeviJlo Place , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London , Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .