Article The Granting of Pensions. ← Page 2 of 2 Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION OF UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION OF UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article "The Masonic Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1
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The Granting Of Pensions.
on behalf of whom the contributions have been made , require all that is customarily obtained year by year ; that there can be no right to increase liabilities beyond such
purposes ; and that , if persisted in , there are those who will most unwillingly , but Ave cannot say unjustifiably , ask questions in another place to the possible disadvantage of the Institution .
We trust this will be avoided , and , as we have before said , means be found for a grateful acknowledgement of noble efforts without involvement of interests which all true-hearted Masons , —and there should be no Freemasons otherwise than true-hearted in respect of our charities , — would regret should suffer from diversity of opinion .
That monies have been voted from each of the Institutions in former instances , and without the grants having been contested , will not , in the opinion of many brethren , make the present intended diversion of the charitable funds legal ; and the case is not advanced , but , we are led to
believe , rather hindered by the recapitulation of the particulars of certain allowances , which in point of value differ considerably from that now in question . It is not universally accepted that all those former grants were quite en regie , but they are of the past , and it would ill
become any of us to import a consideration of the merits of the particular cases into the present disquisition . " Let the dead past bury its dead ! " our care is for the future welfare of all the Institutions , and the avoidance of aught which would prevent our brethren from continuing to subscribe readily and liberally towards their support .
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
mm " ^ " ^ Dusmess to be transacted in Grand Lodge on 11 Wednesday next , the 4 th September , is as follows : lm- ^ 1 The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 5 th June will be read and put for confirmation . It will be proposed by the Eight Honourable the Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master , that an Address be
presented by Grand Lodge to His Royar Highness The Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , on the auspicious occasion of the Marriage of his eldest Daughter , Her Koyal Highness the Princess Louise of Wales , with His Grace the Duke of Fife , K . T ., Provincial Grand Master
of Banffshire , offering the most hearty congratulations and good wishes of its Members on the happy event . The Report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter will be presented . In it there are recommendations for the following Grants , viz .:
—A Brother of the Prudent Brethren Lodge , No . 145 , London £ 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Bute Lodge , No . 900 , Cardiff 50 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Sincerity . No . 943 ,
Norwich 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 491 , Jersey 50 0 0 A Brother of the Star Lodge , No . 1275 , Greenwich ... ... ... 5 ( 1 0 0
The following Report of the Board of General Purposes will be presented : •—To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board have had under their consideration the price hitherto charged for the " Charity Jewel" permitted to be worn by Brethren who have served as Stewards for two or more of the three
Masonic Institutions , and they have communicated with Mr . Spilling , who has for many years been authorised to supply them to the Craft on the Certificate of the Grand Secretary , in accordance with page 144 of the Book of Constitutions .
The Board have now to report that Mr . Spilling has , consequently , reduced the price of the Jewel from £ 2 10 s ., the present amount , to £ 2 , Hall-marked . The material and workmanship to be as before . The Board submit a Statement of tlie Grand Lodge
Accounts , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 16 th day of August instant , showing a Balance in the Bank of England ( Western Branch ) of £ 5 , 744 12 s . 3 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 100 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 , and
Balance of Annual Allowance for Library £ 20 17 s . lid . ( Signed ) Thomas Fenn , President , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., 20 th August , 1889 . stfZ & O . ] An Appeal will be made by Bro . Samuel A & felmius /^^ RAN [ M L o n r _
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
Roach , of the Hervey Lodge , No . 1788 , Port of Spam , Trinidad , against a decision of the Colonial Board , upholding his exclusion by the Lodge for improper conduct . List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : —
No . 2312—The London Irish Rifles Lodge , London . 2313—The Johannesburg Lodge , Johaimisburg , South Africa . 2314—The El Dorado Lodge , Malmani , South Africa . 2315—The Royal Albert Lodge , Klerksdorp . South Africa . 231 ( i—The Prince ' s Lodge , Liverpool ( W . D . )
2317—The Bisley Lodge , Bisley , Surrey . 2318—The Lennox Browne Lodge , Buckhurst Hill , Essex . 2319—The Scots Lodge , London . 2320—The St . Martin ' s Lodge , Castleton . near Manchester . Lane . ( E . D . ) 2321—The Acacia Lodge . Bradford , Yorkshire ( W . D . )
2322—The East Lancashire Centurion Lodge , Manchester , Lane . ( E . D . ) 2323—The Bushey Hall Lodge , Bushey , Herts . 2324—The Horwick Lodge , Horwick , Lane . ( W . D . ) 2325—The Rose of Lancaster Lodge , Southport . Lane . ( W . D . ) 2326—The Wigan Lodge , Wigan , Lane . ( W . D . ) . '
The Calendar Committee direct the attention of Masters of Lodges and Principals of Chapters to the necessity of communicating to the Grand Secretary any change in the day or place of meeting of Lodges or Chapters so soon as the resolution for effecting such change shall be confirmed . —Vide Book of Constitutions , Articles 1 ( 52 , 1 ( 57 , 168 , 169 , 170 ; Edition 1884 .
"The Masonic Poet's Corner."
" The Masonic Poet's Corner . "
{[ Original and Selected !) I'LL MEET THEM WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN .
BY BRO . JOHN FAWCETT SKELTON , P . M . 14 ( 5 ( Bolton ) , P . Z . Tune— " I'll meet her when the sun goes down . "—American . THERE ' S a nice little Lodge of Masons all , As any in the town ; Number on England's roll , And I seek it when the sun goes down .
All is there that the Brethren can desire , Love and Freedom , without a frown , With a pipe and a glass , and a tuneful choir ; So I seek it when the sun goes down . Chorus—And it ' s oh ! how I love My masonic Brothers , For they ' re better than all others ;
Oh ! how I love ! And I'll meet them when the sun goes down . When the cares of the world-life worry me , And I get me a , crack on the crown , Ah ! then I think of the Lodge with glee ,
And I seek it when the sun goes down . Oh ! the fun and the wisdom there eombin'd , Hath an old and a wide renown , So soothing and sweet to my heart and mind , So I seek it when the sun goes down .
Chorus—And it's oh ! how I love , & c . All the world and his wife may call me what They please—either clever man , or clown ; But my lodge , for me , is the dearest spot ,
And I seek it when the sun goes down . I am happy when within its mystic walls , For my sorrows all are flown : 'Tis the best and the merriest of Earthly halls , So I seek it when the sun goes down . Chorus—And it ' s oh ! how I love , & c . Written for THE MASONIC STAR .
Our Devonshire Brethren , with whom we are proud to be able to claim a birthright , will be interested in the following extract from the Pall Mall Gazette : — ' At the second annual dinner of the ' Devonians in London'in March last , a desire was widely expressed that an entertainment to which ladies could be invited should be organized in the autumn . In accordance with that wish the
executive committee of the " Devonians in London " have decided to hold a reception , concert , and ball at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , October 24 th , and strenuous efforts are being made to ensure the success of the gathering . The arrangements are , of course , not yet complete , but Sir H . Stafford Northcote , Bart ., M . P ., who will probably be accompanied by Lady Northcote , has promised to
preside at the reception , while Miss Marian McKenzie and Miss Ada Patterson , the distinguished contralto and soprano—both natives of Devon—have kindly consented to give their services at the concert , and the band of Her Majesty ' s Scots Guards , conducted by Mr . E . Holland , has been engaged to perform during the
evening . Other arrangements of an interesting nature are pending , the desire being to make the proceedings as Devonian in their characteristics as possible , as at the dinner all Devonians who happen to be in London at the date named will be welcome . Communications should be addressed to the honorary secretary , Mr . John MaVtin , at 11 , Thorngate-road , St . Peter ' s Park , W . " V" \ r- \ r \
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Granting Of Pensions.
on behalf of whom the contributions have been made , require all that is customarily obtained year by year ; that there can be no right to increase liabilities beyond such
purposes ; and that , if persisted in , there are those who will most unwillingly , but Ave cannot say unjustifiably , ask questions in another place to the possible disadvantage of the Institution .
We trust this will be avoided , and , as we have before said , means be found for a grateful acknowledgement of noble efforts without involvement of interests which all true-hearted Masons , —and there should be no Freemasons otherwise than true-hearted in respect of our charities , — would regret should suffer from diversity of opinion .
That monies have been voted from each of the Institutions in former instances , and without the grants having been contested , will not , in the opinion of many brethren , make the present intended diversion of the charitable funds legal ; and the case is not advanced , but , we are led to
believe , rather hindered by the recapitulation of the particulars of certain allowances , which in point of value differ considerably from that now in question . It is not universally accepted that all those former grants were quite en regie , but they are of the past , and it would ill
become any of us to import a consideration of the merits of the particular cases into the present disquisition . " Let the dead past bury its dead ! " our care is for the future welfare of all the Institutions , and the avoidance of aught which would prevent our brethren from continuing to subscribe readily and liberally towards their support .
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
mm " ^ " ^ Dusmess to be transacted in Grand Lodge on 11 Wednesday next , the 4 th September , is as follows : lm- ^ 1 The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 5 th June will be read and put for confirmation . It will be proposed by the Eight Honourable the Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro Grand Master , that an Address be
presented by Grand Lodge to His Royar Highness The Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master , on the auspicious occasion of the Marriage of his eldest Daughter , Her Koyal Highness the Princess Louise of Wales , with His Grace the Duke of Fife , K . T ., Provincial Grand Master
of Banffshire , offering the most hearty congratulations and good wishes of its Members on the happy event . The Report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter will be presented . In it there are recommendations for the following Grants , viz .:
—A Brother of the Prudent Brethren Lodge , No . 145 , London £ 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Bute Lodge , No . 900 , Cardiff 50 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Sincerity . No . 943 ,
Norwich 50 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 491 , Jersey 50 0 0 A Brother of the Star Lodge , No . 1275 , Greenwich ... ... ... 5 ( 1 0 0
The following Report of the Board of General Purposes will be presented : •—To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board have had under their consideration the price hitherto charged for the " Charity Jewel" permitted to be worn by Brethren who have served as Stewards for two or more of the three
Masonic Institutions , and they have communicated with Mr . Spilling , who has for many years been authorised to supply them to the Craft on the Certificate of the Grand Secretary , in accordance with page 144 of the Book of Constitutions .
The Board have now to report that Mr . Spilling has , consequently , reduced the price of the Jewel from £ 2 10 s ., the present amount , to £ 2 , Hall-marked . The material and workmanship to be as before . The Board submit a Statement of tlie Grand Lodge
Accounts , at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 16 th day of August instant , showing a Balance in the Bank of England ( Western Branch ) of £ 5 , 744 12 s . 3 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 100 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 , and
Balance of Annual Allowance for Library £ 20 17 s . lid . ( Signed ) Thomas Fenn , President , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C ., 20 th August , 1889 . stfZ & O . ] An Appeal will be made by Bro . Samuel A & felmius /^^ RAN [ M L o n r _
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
Roach , of the Hervey Lodge , No . 1788 , Port of Spam , Trinidad , against a decision of the Colonial Board , upholding his exclusion by the Lodge for improper conduct . List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : —
No . 2312—The London Irish Rifles Lodge , London . 2313—The Johannesburg Lodge , Johaimisburg , South Africa . 2314—The El Dorado Lodge , Malmani , South Africa . 2315—The Royal Albert Lodge , Klerksdorp . South Africa . 231 ( i—The Prince ' s Lodge , Liverpool ( W . D . )
2317—The Bisley Lodge , Bisley , Surrey . 2318—The Lennox Browne Lodge , Buckhurst Hill , Essex . 2319—The Scots Lodge , London . 2320—The St . Martin ' s Lodge , Castleton . near Manchester . Lane . ( E . D . ) 2321—The Acacia Lodge . Bradford , Yorkshire ( W . D . )
2322—The East Lancashire Centurion Lodge , Manchester , Lane . ( E . D . ) 2323—The Bushey Hall Lodge , Bushey , Herts . 2324—The Horwick Lodge , Horwick , Lane . ( W . D . ) 2325—The Rose of Lancaster Lodge , Southport . Lane . ( W . D . ) 2326—The Wigan Lodge , Wigan , Lane . ( W . D . ) . '
The Calendar Committee direct the attention of Masters of Lodges and Principals of Chapters to the necessity of communicating to the Grand Secretary any change in the day or place of meeting of Lodges or Chapters so soon as the resolution for effecting such change shall be confirmed . —Vide Book of Constitutions , Articles 1 ( 52 , 1 ( 57 , 168 , 169 , 170 ; Edition 1884 .
"The Masonic Poet's Corner."
" The Masonic Poet's Corner . "
{[ Original and Selected !) I'LL MEET THEM WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN .
BY BRO . JOHN FAWCETT SKELTON , P . M . 14 ( 5 ( Bolton ) , P . Z . Tune— " I'll meet her when the sun goes down . "—American . THERE ' S a nice little Lodge of Masons all , As any in the town ; Number on England's roll , And I seek it when the sun goes down .
All is there that the Brethren can desire , Love and Freedom , without a frown , With a pipe and a glass , and a tuneful choir ; So I seek it when the sun goes down . Chorus—And it ' s oh ! how I love My masonic Brothers , For they ' re better than all others ;
Oh ! how I love ! And I'll meet them when the sun goes down . When the cares of the world-life worry me , And I get me a , crack on the crown , Ah ! then I think of the Lodge with glee ,
And I seek it when the sun goes down . Oh ! the fun and the wisdom there eombin'd , Hath an old and a wide renown , So soothing and sweet to my heart and mind , So I seek it when the sun goes down .
Chorus—And it's oh ! how I love , & c . All the world and his wife may call me what They please—either clever man , or clown ; But my lodge , for me , is the dearest spot ,
And I seek it when the sun goes down . I am happy when within its mystic walls , For my sorrows all are flown : 'Tis the best and the merriest of Earthly halls , So I seek it when the sun goes down . Chorus—And it ' s oh ! how I love , & c . Written for THE MASONIC STAR .
Our Devonshire Brethren , with whom we are proud to be able to claim a birthright , will be interested in the following extract from the Pall Mall Gazette : — ' At the second annual dinner of the ' Devonians in London'in March last , a desire was widely expressed that an entertainment to which ladies could be invited should be organized in the autumn . In accordance with that wish the
executive committee of the " Devonians in London " have decided to hold a reception , concert , and ball at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Thursday , October 24 th , and strenuous efforts are being made to ensure the success of the gathering . The arrangements are , of course , not yet complete , but Sir H . Stafford Northcote , Bart ., M . P ., who will probably be accompanied by Lady Northcote , has promised to
preside at the reception , while Miss Marian McKenzie and Miss Ada Patterson , the distinguished contralto and soprano—both natives of Devon—have kindly consented to give their services at the concert , and the band of Her Majesty ' s Scots Guards , conducted by Mr . E . Holland , has been engaged to perform during the
evening . Other arrangements of an interesting nature are pending , the desire being to make the proceedings as Devonian in their characteristics as possible , as at the dinner all Devonians who happen to be in London at the date named will be welcome . Communications should be addressed to the honorary secretary , Mr . John MaVtin , at 11 , Thorngate-road , St . Peter ' s Park , W . " V" \ r- \ r \