Article The Masonic "Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article We Notify that:- Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
( Original and- Selected . } I ' o the Editor of THE MASOXIC STAR . DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER . The Ma-ion who wrote the following was evidently a listle mixed before ho crossed the Rubicon , which may be taken to be the first versa . The inference is that he was outside his lodge at tho
time , and had probably just partaken ot his second sherry and bitters , but when he gained admission he seems to have become more consequent , and to have knocked off the rest of the verses in a fairly masterly manner for a Masonic poet , to whom the proverb , Poeta nasoitur . non fit . " eloes not in general apply . He apparently thought , in the first instance , that the assistance of the muses was
insufficient , without invoking the auxiliary aid of poor Thalia ' s sister , though he . seemingly , got entirely prompted by Euterpe after all . I thought , at first , that he was under the impression that Euphrosyne was one of the " sisters nine " to whom he originally appealeel , but the " trine" in the third line rather militates against this
supposition . I do not know why he should have requested Euphrosyne to " preside o ' er his numbers , " as I take it that posing was more in that young lady ' s line than poesy , and he seems to have entirely misled her in promising to sing the honours of herself and her sister graces , and to have barely deserted her and them by omitting to do anything- of the k ' nd .
I rather like that worel "trine , although I don't suppose it was intcneled to apply to the dimensions—the "length , breadth , and thickness , " as I think an architect would define it—of the three lovely maidens , and it rhymes beautifully to " nine , " and when I write a Masonic ditty ( which I seriously contemplate doing ) I shall endeavour to work it in . There is a touch of Mark—not to say
Arch—Masonry about it . which should endear it to the brethren , with a strong dash of the astrological , but I never came across it before in poetry , exespt in one instance , in which a very eminent member of the craft ( I mean the poetic craft ) , one , John Dryelen . once attempted to make use of it , and signally failed , in a couplet which runs :
" By fortune he was now to Venus trineel , And with stern Mars in Capricorn was joined . " I think he might iust have well have said " had elined . "
Yours fraternallv . ] 91 . Clapham Road . May 12 th , 1889 . FIJI A R TUCK . ASSIST me . ye fair tuneful nine , Euphrosyne . grant me thine aid :
Whilst the honours I sing of the trine , Preside o ' er my numbers , blithe maid . Cease , Clamour and Faction ! oh , cease ! Fly hence , all ye cynical train ! Disturb not , disturb not the Lodge ' s sweat psacc , Where Silence and Secrecy reign . Religion , untainted , here elwells :
Here , the morals of Athens are taught ; Great Hiram s tradition here tells How the world out of chaos was brought . With fervency , freedom , and zeal , Our Master ' s commands we obey ; Xo cowan , no cowan our secrets can steal . Xo babbler our mj-st ' ries betray .
Here Wisdom , her standard displays : Here nobly the sciences shine ; Here the temple ' s vast column we raise , And finish a work that ' s divine . Illumed from the East , with pure light , Here tho arts elo their blessings bestow . And . all perfect , all perfect , unfold to the sight What none but a Mason can know .
If on earth any praise can be found . Any virtue unnamed in my song , Any grace in the universe round , May these to a Mason belong ; May each Brother his passions subdue , Practise charity , concord , and love , And lie hailed , and be haileel by the thrice happy few Who preside in the ( J rand Loelgc above .
The Installation Meeting of the Prince of Wales Lodge of Mark Masters , Xo . 1 , was held on Mondaj' last . Bro . W . Woodford was advanced by the W . M . Bro . C . J . Axford , P . R . G . J . S ., who subsequently installed Bro . W . A . Screech . Prov . C . Reg . of M .. a ; W . M .
l . ros . Xash and Bates were appointed Wardens : Bro . II . L-jwigivivo . P . O . Inspector of Works , Treasurer : and Bro . Chas . Palmer . P . G . J . G ., Secretary . Bro . Read , the Organist . wa > : reappointed , and presided at the organ . The brethren elined at tlu Holborn Restaurant .
IHE FOVUITH . CITY MASOXIC BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION . —A meeting of this association ( which is connected with the Sincerity —Xo . 171—Lodge of Instruction ) took place at the Railway Tavern , Fenchurch Street , on Monday , the 27 th inst . Present : Bros . J . Newton , president : J . AVard Verry , treasurer ; J . S . Frassr , L . C . Hasli p , C . Lacey , 11 . Mayer , and C . H . Webb , members of the Committee ; II . M . Hobbs , secretary ; and other brethren . The balance
sheet for the first year of the Society ' s operations was duly audited , showing that . C 2 t ! 7 10 s . ( id . had been collected , and twenty-five ballots for Life Governorships of 1 ( I guineas each had been obtained . The treasurer , having intimated that he had sufficient in hand for y \ x ballots , the following members drew ballots of 10 guineas each , y x ., Bros . A . Toulmin . If . J . Tippett . Arthur Adams . W . T . Abnett , L - E . Ferry , and T . Iltmtlev .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . '
A \ e must ask several contributors to accent our regrets that we are unable to find space for their kindly-offered communications . ' ' Crowded out " is the only reason we can give for the absence of their valued contributions , anil wc ask their indulgence on that account . We shall hope to be enabled , at no very distant date , to have more space at our disposal .
An advertisement relating to the provision of excellent accommodation for intending visitors to the Paris Exhibition will be found in our advertising columns , and cannot fail to be of interest to many of our Masonic friends who purpose a brief sojourn in the gay city . Our London brethren may easily satisfy themselves as to this , by a call on Bro . E . Clark , at -132 . Strand .
Pressure on our columns has prevented our earlier notice of the f SSJi Calendar and Directory for the Province of Derbyshire , compiled by Bro . AVm . Naylor . P . G . S . W . England , and Grand Secretary , & c , for that province . The Calendar extends to the end of March , iS ' . Ht , and affords immediate reference to the meetings of each lodge
in Derbyshire by name , the dates of installation anil election being alsD given . The Directory is full and explicit in respect of numbers , dates of warrants , and officers of the respective Craft and Mark Lodges , and Royal Arch and Rose Croix Chapters . Lists of
subscribers to the several Masonic Charitable Institutions , with voting powers , have been care f ully revised , and should interest the Craft generally throughout the province . The work is a very creditable production , anel is well printed and " got up " by Rros . II . II . & W . Bomrose , of Derbj' and London .
A \ e read with much satisfaction the reeently-issueel report of the Directors of the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society , Limited , in which many of our brethren , as well at home as abroad , arc interested . Our Colonial readers will be gratified to hear of its continued favourable progress , the new business of the past year having
execedeel by more than a quarter of a million sterling that of the previous year , which had also been characterised by success . The society now stands , in regard to new business , third amongst all the Life Assurance offices founeled in the British Empire . Tho report is elated from Melbourne , 20 th February last , its London branch being at 33 , Poultry . E . C .
Some time previous to the last election for boys into the R . M . I . . !> ., a correspondent called attention to the difficulty he had in obtaining a return of proxies lent by him to assist a case at a former election . From letters which have been sent to us , it would appear that the debtor has treated the application for the discharge of his
obligation very cavalierly , and in anything but a Masonic manner , anel wo are informed , has not yet relieved himself from his indebtedness . This is bad form to begin with . AVe can understand a disappointment , and consequent inability to perform what , when given , was most probably a serious promise , and as " a soft answer turneth away wrath , " so would a courteous explanation almost certainly have
been received by the complainant in this instance . There are two bits of advice wo would venture to offer in connection with this incident , —to those who lend proxies . " Be sure you know your intended debtor is good for the honourable discharge of his obligations , " and to those who barrow , "If you cannot pay up when you should , at least be civil . "
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
Ihe London Rifle Brigade Lodge . Xo . P . lii 2 . AV . Bro . James dirtier Tilt , AV . M .. will meet in Emergency at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , London , on Tuesday , the 1 th June , at ( i p . m . In consequence of the lamented decease of AV . Bro . AValter McDougall P . M ., the brethren will appear in Masonic mourning .
The annual supper of the Ravensbourne Lodge of Instruction , No . liiOl , will take place at the George Inn . Cutford , S . E ., this ( Thursday ) evening , at 7 p . m . AV . Bro . J . A . P . Ingoldby , AV . M . of the Mother Lodge , will preside . V . W . Bro . Thomas Fenn . P . P . C . P . : AV . Bro-. J . Sampson
Pierce , P . G . D .. anil Edwin Rowley , P . M .. ot the Polish Xational Lodge , Xo . oiM , with many other well-known lnvthren , are supporting the case of AVilliam Augustine Spain , of Southend , as a candidate , on second application , for election in October into the R . M . T . for Beiys . The lad carries forward 811 votes , and the case is one deserving every consideration .
Ihe House Committee ol the ? Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will meet on Friday next , , 'Sist inst ., at . "i p . m . Tho General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will meet tit Freemasons' Hall . London , on Saturday next . 1 st June , at I p . m . The annual festival in aid of the Mark Benevolent Fund will be held on the 21 th July . AV . Bro . Sir Lionel E . Darrell presiding .
The annual festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys is to be held at the Alexandra Palace , on AVednesday , the 3 nl . luly . R . AV . Bro . Richard Eve . Past Grand Treasurer , Prov . G . S . AV ., Hants and the Isle of AVight , anel a patron of the Institution , will preside .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic "Poet's Corner."
The Masonic "Poet's Corner . "
( Original and- Selected . } I ' o the Editor of THE MASOXIC STAR . DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER . The Ma-ion who wrote the following was evidently a listle mixed before ho crossed the Rubicon , which may be taken to be the first versa . The inference is that he was outside his lodge at tho
time , and had probably just partaken ot his second sherry and bitters , but when he gained admission he seems to have become more consequent , and to have knocked off the rest of the verses in a fairly masterly manner for a Masonic poet , to whom the proverb , Poeta nasoitur . non fit . " eloes not in general apply . He apparently thought , in the first instance , that the assistance of the muses was
insufficient , without invoking the auxiliary aid of poor Thalia ' s sister , though he . seemingly , got entirely prompted by Euterpe after all . I thought , at first , that he was under the impression that Euphrosyne was one of the " sisters nine " to whom he originally appealeel , but the " trine" in the third line rather militates against this
supposition . I do not know why he should have requested Euphrosyne to " preside o ' er his numbers , " as I take it that posing was more in that young lady ' s line than poesy , and he seems to have entirely misled her in promising to sing the honours of herself and her sister graces , and to have barely deserted her and them by omitting to do anything- of the k ' nd .
I rather like that worel "trine , although I don't suppose it was intcneled to apply to the dimensions—the "length , breadth , and thickness , " as I think an architect would define it—of the three lovely maidens , and it rhymes beautifully to " nine , " and when I write a Masonic ditty ( which I seriously contemplate doing ) I shall endeavour to work it in . There is a touch of Mark—not to say
Arch—Masonry about it . which should endear it to the brethren , with a strong dash of the astrological , but I never came across it before in poetry , exespt in one instance , in which a very eminent member of the craft ( I mean the poetic craft ) , one , John Dryelen . once attempted to make use of it , and signally failed , in a couplet which runs :
" By fortune he was now to Venus trineel , And with stern Mars in Capricorn was joined . " I think he might iust have well have said " had elined . "
Yours fraternallv . ] 91 . Clapham Road . May 12 th , 1889 . FIJI A R TUCK . ASSIST me . ye fair tuneful nine , Euphrosyne . grant me thine aid :
Whilst the honours I sing of the trine , Preside o ' er my numbers , blithe maid . Cease , Clamour and Faction ! oh , cease ! Fly hence , all ye cynical train ! Disturb not , disturb not the Lodge ' s sweat psacc , Where Silence and Secrecy reign . Religion , untainted , here elwells :
Here , the morals of Athens are taught ; Great Hiram s tradition here tells How the world out of chaos was brought . With fervency , freedom , and zeal , Our Master ' s commands we obey ; Xo cowan , no cowan our secrets can steal . Xo babbler our mj-st ' ries betray .
Here Wisdom , her standard displays : Here nobly the sciences shine ; Here the temple ' s vast column we raise , And finish a work that ' s divine . Illumed from the East , with pure light , Here tho arts elo their blessings bestow . And . all perfect , all perfect , unfold to the sight What none but a Mason can know .
If on earth any praise can be found . Any virtue unnamed in my song , Any grace in the universe round , May these to a Mason belong ; May each Brother his passions subdue , Practise charity , concord , and love , And lie hailed , and be haileel by the thrice happy few Who preside in the ( J rand Loelgc above .
The Installation Meeting of the Prince of Wales Lodge of Mark Masters , Xo . 1 , was held on Mondaj' last . Bro . W . Woodford was advanced by the W . M . Bro . C . J . Axford , P . R . G . J . S ., who subsequently installed Bro . W . A . Screech . Prov . C . Reg . of M .. a ; W . M .
l . ros . Xash and Bates were appointed Wardens : Bro . II . L-jwigivivo . P . O . Inspector of Works , Treasurer : and Bro . Chas . Palmer . P . G . J . G ., Secretary . Bro . Read , the Organist . wa > : reappointed , and presided at the organ . The brethren elined at tlu Holborn Restaurant .
IHE FOVUITH . CITY MASOXIC BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION . —A meeting of this association ( which is connected with the Sincerity —Xo . 171—Lodge of Instruction ) took place at the Railway Tavern , Fenchurch Street , on Monday , the 27 th inst . Present : Bros . J . Newton , president : J . AVard Verry , treasurer ; J . S . Frassr , L . C . Hasli p , C . Lacey , 11 . Mayer , and C . H . Webb , members of the Committee ; II . M . Hobbs , secretary ; and other brethren . The balance
sheet for the first year of the Society ' s operations was duly audited , showing that . C 2 t ! 7 10 s . ( id . had been collected , and twenty-five ballots for Life Governorships of 1 ( I guineas each had been obtained . The treasurer , having intimated that he had sufficient in hand for y \ x ballots , the following members drew ballots of 10 guineas each , y x ., Bros . A . Toulmin . If . J . Tippett . Arthur Adams . W . T . Abnett , L - E . Ferry , and T . Iltmtlev .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . '
A \ e must ask several contributors to accent our regrets that we are unable to find space for their kindly-offered communications . ' ' Crowded out " is the only reason we can give for the absence of their valued contributions , anil wc ask their indulgence on that account . We shall hope to be enabled , at no very distant date , to have more space at our disposal .
An advertisement relating to the provision of excellent accommodation for intending visitors to the Paris Exhibition will be found in our advertising columns , and cannot fail to be of interest to many of our Masonic friends who purpose a brief sojourn in the gay city . Our London brethren may easily satisfy themselves as to this , by a call on Bro . E . Clark , at -132 . Strand .
Pressure on our columns has prevented our earlier notice of the f SSJi Calendar and Directory for the Province of Derbyshire , compiled by Bro . AVm . Naylor . P . G . S . W . England , and Grand Secretary , & c , for that province . The Calendar extends to the end of March , iS ' . Ht , and affords immediate reference to the meetings of each lodge
in Derbyshire by name , the dates of installation anil election being alsD given . The Directory is full and explicit in respect of numbers , dates of warrants , and officers of the respective Craft and Mark Lodges , and Royal Arch and Rose Croix Chapters . Lists of
subscribers to the several Masonic Charitable Institutions , with voting powers , have been care f ully revised , and should interest the Craft generally throughout the province . The work is a very creditable production , anel is well printed and " got up " by Rros . II . II . & W . Bomrose , of Derbj' and London .
A \ e read with much satisfaction the reeently-issueel report of the Directors of the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society , Limited , in which many of our brethren , as well at home as abroad , arc interested . Our Colonial readers will be gratified to hear of its continued favourable progress , the new business of the past year having
execedeel by more than a quarter of a million sterling that of the previous year , which had also been characterised by success . The society now stands , in regard to new business , third amongst all the Life Assurance offices founeled in the British Empire . Tho report is elated from Melbourne , 20 th February last , its London branch being at 33 , Poultry . E . C .
Some time previous to the last election for boys into the R . M . I . . !> ., a correspondent called attention to the difficulty he had in obtaining a return of proxies lent by him to assist a case at a former election . From letters which have been sent to us , it would appear that the debtor has treated the application for the discharge of his
obligation very cavalierly , and in anything but a Masonic manner , anel wo are informed , has not yet relieved himself from his indebtedness . This is bad form to begin with . AVe can understand a disappointment , and consequent inability to perform what , when given , was most probably a serious promise , and as " a soft answer turneth away wrath , " so would a courteous explanation almost certainly have
been received by the complainant in this instance . There are two bits of advice wo would venture to offer in connection with this incident , —to those who lend proxies . " Be sure you know your intended debtor is good for the honourable discharge of his obligations , " and to those who barrow , "If you cannot pay up when you should , at least be civil . "
We Notify That:-
We Notify that:-
Ihe London Rifle Brigade Lodge . Xo . P . lii 2 . AV . Bro . James dirtier Tilt , AV . M .. will meet in Emergency at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , London , on Tuesday , the 1 th June , at ( i p . m . In consequence of the lamented decease of AV . Bro . AValter McDougall P . M ., the brethren will appear in Masonic mourning .
The annual supper of the Ravensbourne Lodge of Instruction , No . liiOl , will take place at the George Inn . Cutford , S . E ., this ( Thursday ) evening , at 7 p . m . AV . Bro . J . A . P . Ingoldby , AV . M . of the Mother Lodge , will preside . V . W . Bro . Thomas Fenn . P . P . C . P . : AV . Bro-. J . Sampson
Pierce , P . G . D .. anil Edwin Rowley , P . M .. ot the Polish Xational Lodge , Xo . oiM , with many other well-known lnvthren , are supporting the case of AVilliam Augustine Spain , of Southend , as a candidate , on second application , for election in October into the R . M . T . for Beiys . The lad carries forward 811 votes , and the case is one deserving every consideration .
Ihe House Committee ol the ? Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution will meet on Friday next , , 'Sist inst ., at . "i p . m . Tho General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will meet tit Freemasons' Hall . London , on Saturday next . 1 st June , at I p . m . The annual festival in aid of the Mark Benevolent Fund will be held on the 21 th July . AV . Bro . Sir Lionel E . Darrell presiding .
The annual festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys is to be held at the Alexandra Palace , on AVednesday , the 3 nl . luly . R . AV . Bro . Richard Eve . Past Grand Treasurer , Prov . G . S . AV ., Hants and the Isle of AVight , anel a patron of the Institution , will preside .