Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article HOW NOT TO DO IT. Page 1 of 1 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Press Exchanges and Books Received. Page 1 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
%\ jtJKasnttkMax. THURSDAY , ^^^^^MAY 30 , 1889 . Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., Ac , Ac .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all NeAvsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C .
Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs Avill receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers Avill be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kingdom and Countries comprised Places not in General comprised in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . jSBrimlisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . . . . 8 s . 8 d . . . . 10 s . "lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . . . . 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . . . . 2 s . 4 d . . . . 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to " Manager . "
All other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 59 . Moor Lane , Fore Street , London , E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . G .
VOJLUJVTE I * In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
Without in any way lioIiliiiR ourselves responsible for , or eveu approving of the opinions expressed , we freely throw open our columns for the proper discussion of all matters of a general character relating to Freemasonry . Correspondents must be as brief as possible , must write plainly , only use one tide of the paper , and cannot expect the return of rejected contributions . Every contribution must be accompanied with thn name of the writer , not necessarily lor publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE MASOXIC STAR . DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , I hear that the meeting for consideration of the report ( Boys ' School ) has been fixed for the Mil June . The election of the House and Audit Committee takes place en the 1 st . Surely this should be
looked into . Under the circumstances is it not absurd . ' How is it possible to vote for the old members or to vote against them until the whole question has been considered ? or has the arrangement of the date been fixed so as to drive off matters for a further time . ' Yours very truly , May 25 th , 1880 . B . R . B .
* „ . * There is some amount oj uncertainty on , the part of sercral of our readers as to irhe . ro and , irhen the General Committee if the l > IT T T > ,, JI < - , „„ ,.+ . mil i / , 7 ,. i ,,,. „ . dln ' ild ,, y . i „« ,. n , 7 7 . ' „„ i ir . n 11 MI meetand icho are eligible to attendFreemasons' Hull
.. Boys , . is the place , the First Saturday in each month , at i p . m ., the . time , and Life Subscribers and Animal Subscribers are eli gible for election on the Committee . life Governors are members thereof in rirtve of their Qualification , and , are , of course , eligible to attend . —ED . M . S .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I cannot state my opinions in public , or I should offend many eminent Masons , but I feel that the contract about to be undertaken at AVandsworth is one of the greatest mistakes ever made b y the Craft .
1 . It is folly to add to the existing buildings at all . as in a few years they will be so hemmed in by bricks and mortar that a move must be made to some distance from London . 2 . For . C 31 , 000 a complete school for 300 children , including a handsome chapel or hall , coulel be erected on a new site , and I could name two architects of great experience in the erection of such buildings , who would undertake the work . Therefore , it seems absurd to
spend such an enormous sum in adding to the present buildings , which have already been patched . The sum of k 5 , 000 for the hall is ridiculous ; a good church to seat GOO people could be built for the money . 3 . During several years past a reserve fund shoulel have been formed , as the subscriptions during the next ten years will not eeiual the ten years just gone , while the candielates must increase
fourfold . It is , I fear , too late to abandon tho scheme . I have been steward several times , but I shall not assist such extravagance with my money . Yours , & c , PROVINCIAL .
How Not To Do It.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . How perverse fate is sometimes ! Here we have the authorities ? of R . M . I . R ., and those Avho elect them , most anxious to consider the valuable report resulting from the serious position of the Boys ' School , yet somebody calls the meeting for ( jfch June , at tirclve noon ! an hour Avhen the majority of L . G . ' s are of necessity earning their
bread anel cheese , and- the means for carrying on the magnificent Masonic charities . Pray try to haA r e this serious blunder corrected at once , by naming a later hour—5 or ( i o ' clock—that a fair and proper opinion may be obtained from the whole body of Life Governors . Yours fraternally , SAAtE . T .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
A \ . II . S . —Avo will refer to the Institution in which you arc interested next week J . H ., CROYnew . —Should have been pleased to have given the notice you wish you had forwarded tho particulars a little sooner . C . AV ., SAXDMEUE , Cii . ir IIAM . —Held in reserve ; no room this week . A . II . S ., CewsTAXTixorta :. —Thanks for Masonic song ; it shall appear . Fiiv . DKiucic LODGE OF UNITY , Xo . 152 . —Report shall appear next week .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Ihe South African Freemason ; Societi /; Ars Quatuor Coronatorum , Vol . 2 , Part 2 .
The following circular has been addressed to the members of th Carnarvon Lodge . Xo . 1572 : — t ; Mag 21 st , 1889 . " At a Meeting of Subscribers to the Masonic Boys' School from the Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1572 , held on May 20 th , 1881 ) . " It icas resolved : —
" ( 1 . ) That the action of the W . M ., appointed as Steward for the Boys' School , in Avithdrawing from his Stewardship be confirmed . " ( 2 . ) That under present circumstances of the School no Subscriptions should be paid to it . " ( 3 . ) That this Meeting tenders its most grateful thanks to the
Committee of Investigation for its report , and hopes all the reforms named by it may be carried into effect . " ( 4 . ) This Meeting considers that the confidence of Subscribers in the Institution can only be secured by the resignation of the House and Audit Committee , and the removal of all the officials implicated in the report .
" ( 5 . ) That the Subscriptions received shall be paid into The Benevolent Fund of Carnarvon Lodge , 1572 , and there remain at the disposal of the Subscribers . ' (< 5 . ) That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Grand Registrar , Grand Secretary , and to each Subscribing Member of the Carnarvon Lodge , 1572 . " JOHN PAIGE , W . M ., 1572 , ' SEC . SAA'AGE CLUB LODGE , 2190 . "
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
AGENDA OF BUSINESS , TUESDAY , 4 th JUNE , 1889 . 1 . Read , and if approved , confirm Minutes of Grand Lodge held on Gth December , 1888 , and Special Grand Lodge held on 5 th March , 1889 . 2 . Report of the General Board . 3 . A Motion will be made that the Report be received and entered on the Minutes . 4 . Recommendations arising out of the Report : —
( rt ) That in the Colonies and Dependencies of the British CroAvn the title of " Provincial Grand Lodge " shoulel be changed to " District Grand Lodge , " and that powers be giA'en to such District Grand Lodges to regulate the Fees payable to their OAVH Funds , subject to the approval of the Board . ( ft ) That the rank of Past Master be conferred on the Most
Worshipful Bro . Chief Justice Way , Grand Master of Free and accepted Masons of South Australia , and that the Adelaide Lodge , No . 41 , be authoriseel to carry this resolution into effect . (^) Fund of Benevolence relief— £ 20 to M . A . G ., AvidoAV of Bro . I . G . tnat tnc
;> . A Motion will be proposed , lteport oe auopteu . 6 . Installation of M . W . G . M . 7 . Election of Grand Treasurer . Candidate proposed—W . Bro . Henry Faija , P . G . Std ., P . M . 114 , 331 . ( W . Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . M . 355 , has withdraAvn . ) 8 . Appointment and Investiture of Grand Officers . 1 ) . Nomination by the M . W . G . M . of six Members to serve on the
General Board . 10 . Election , by Grand Lodge , of five Members to serve on the General Board . List of Brethren Nominated for the General Board ( fixe only arc Nominated ?) . Masters and Past Masters : Dr . George Mickley , P . M . 97 , P . G . D . ; John E . DaAVSon , Dep . P . G . M . Herts . ; R . Loveland Loveland , Dep . P . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight ; A . F . Godson , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcestershire ; Rev . Hayman Cummings , P . G . C ., Dep . P . G . M . Kent .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
%\ jtJKasnttkMax. THURSDAY , ^^^^^MAY 30 , 1889 . Edited by W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., Ac , Ac .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all NeAvsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C .
Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs Avill receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers Avill be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — United Kingdom and Countries comprised Places not in General comprised in India , Postal Union . Postal Union . jSBrimlisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . . . . 8 s . 8 d . . . . 10 s . "lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . . . . 4 s . 6 d . . . . 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . . . . 2 s . 4 d . . . . 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . C . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to " Manager . "
All other communications , letters , & c , to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR , 59 . Moor Lane , Fore Street , London , E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STREET , E . G .
VOJLUJVTE I * In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
Without in any way lioIiliiiR ourselves responsible for , or eveu approving of the opinions expressed , we freely throw open our columns for the proper discussion of all matters of a general character relating to Freemasonry . Correspondents must be as brief as possible , must write plainly , only use one tide of the paper , and cannot expect the return of rejected contributions . Every contribution must be accompanied with thn name of the writer , not necessarily lor publication , but as a guarantee of good faith .
To the Editor of THE MASOXIC STAR . DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , I hear that the meeting for consideration of the report ( Boys ' School ) has been fixed for the Mil June . The election of the House and Audit Committee takes place en the 1 st . Surely this should be
looked into . Under the circumstances is it not absurd . ' How is it possible to vote for the old members or to vote against them until the whole question has been considered ? or has the arrangement of the date been fixed so as to drive off matters for a further time . ' Yours very truly , May 25 th , 1880 . B . R . B .
* „ . * There is some amount oj uncertainty on , the part of sercral of our readers as to irhe . ro and , irhen the General Committee if the l > IT T T > ,, JI < - , „„ ,.+ . mil i / , 7 ,. i ,,,. „ . dln ' ild ,, y . i „« ,. n , 7 7 . ' „„ i ir . n 11 MI meetand icho are eligible to attendFreemasons' Hull
.. Boys , . is the place , the First Saturday in each month , at i p . m ., the . time , and Life Subscribers and Animal Subscribers are eli gible for election on the Committee . life Governors are members thereof in rirtve of their Qualification , and , are , of course , eligible to attend . —ED . M . S .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , I cannot state my opinions in public , or I should offend many eminent Masons , but I feel that the contract about to be undertaken at AVandsworth is one of the greatest mistakes ever made b y the Craft .
1 . It is folly to add to the existing buildings at all . as in a few years they will be so hemmed in by bricks and mortar that a move must be made to some distance from London . 2 . For . C 31 , 000 a complete school for 300 children , including a handsome chapel or hall , coulel be erected on a new site , and I could name two architects of great experience in the erection of such buildings , who would undertake the work . Therefore , it seems absurd to
spend such an enormous sum in adding to the present buildings , which have already been patched . The sum of k 5 , 000 for the hall is ridiculous ; a good church to seat GOO people could be built for the money . 3 . During several years past a reserve fund shoulel have been formed , as the subscriptions during the next ten years will not eeiual the ten years just gone , while the candielates must increase
fourfold . It is , I fear , too late to abandon tho scheme . I have been steward several times , but I shall not assist such extravagance with my money . Yours , & c , PROVINCIAL .
How Not To Do It.
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . How perverse fate is sometimes ! Here we have the authorities ? of R . M . I . R ., and those Avho elect them , most anxious to consider the valuable report resulting from the serious position of the Boys ' School , yet somebody calls the meeting for ( jfch June , at tirclve noon ! an hour Avhen the majority of L . G . ' s are of necessity earning their
bread anel cheese , and- the means for carrying on the magnificent Masonic charities . Pray try to haA r e this serious blunder corrected at once , by naming a later hour—5 or ( i o ' clock—that a fair and proper opinion may be obtained from the whole body of Life Governors . Yours fraternally , SAAtE . T .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
A \ . II . S . —Avo will refer to the Institution in which you arc interested next week J . H ., CROYnew . —Should have been pleased to have given the notice you wish you had forwarded tho particulars a little sooner . C . AV ., SAXDMEUE , Cii . ir IIAM . —Held in reserve ; no room this week . A . II . S ., CewsTAXTixorta :. —Thanks for Masonic song ; it shall appear . Fiiv . DKiucic LODGE OF UNITY , Xo . 152 . —Report shall appear next week .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Ihe South African Freemason ; Societi /; Ars Quatuor Coronatorum , Vol . 2 , Part 2 .
The following circular has been addressed to the members of th Carnarvon Lodge . Xo . 1572 : — t ; Mag 21 st , 1889 . " At a Meeting of Subscribers to the Masonic Boys' School from the Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1572 , held on May 20 th , 1881 ) . " It icas resolved : —
" ( 1 . ) That the action of the W . M ., appointed as Steward for the Boys' School , in Avithdrawing from his Stewardship be confirmed . " ( 2 . ) That under present circumstances of the School no Subscriptions should be paid to it . " ( 3 . ) That this Meeting tenders its most grateful thanks to the
Committee of Investigation for its report , and hopes all the reforms named by it may be carried into effect . " ( 4 . ) This Meeting considers that the confidence of Subscribers in the Institution can only be secured by the resignation of the House and Audit Committee , and the removal of all the officials implicated in the report .
" ( 5 . ) That the Subscriptions received shall be paid into The Benevolent Fund of Carnarvon Lodge , 1572 , and there remain at the disposal of the Subscribers . ' (< 5 . ) That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Grand Registrar , Grand Secretary , and to each Subscribing Member of the Carnarvon Lodge , 1572 . " JOHN PAIGE , W . M ., 1572 , ' SEC . SAA'AGE CLUB LODGE , 2190 . "
Grand Lodge Of Mark Master Masons.
AGENDA OF BUSINESS , TUESDAY , 4 th JUNE , 1889 . 1 . Read , and if approved , confirm Minutes of Grand Lodge held on Gth December , 1888 , and Special Grand Lodge held on 5 th March , 1889 . 2 . Report of the General Board . 3 . A Motion will be made that the Report be received and entered on the Minutes . 4 . Recommendations arising out of the Report : —
( rt ) That in the Colonies and Dependencies of the British CroAvn the title of " Provincial Grand Lodge " shoulel be changed to " District Grand Lodge , " and that powers be giA'en to such District Grand Lodges to regulate the Fees payable to their OAVH Funds , subject to the approval of the Board . ( ft ) That the rank of Past Master be conferred on the Most
Worshipful Bro . Chief Justice Way , Grand Master of Free and accepted Masons of South Australia , and that the Adelaide Lodge , No . 41 , be authoriseel to carry this resolution into effect . (^) Fund of Benevolence relief— £ 20 to M . A . G ., AvidoAV of Bro . I . G . tnat tnc
;> . A Motion will be proposed , lteport oe auopteu . 6 . Installation of M . W . G . M . 7 . Election of Grand Treasurer . Candidate proposed—W . Bro . Henry Faija , P . G . Std ., P . M . 114 , 331 . ( W . Bro . W . M . Stiles , P . M . 355 , has withdraAvn . ) 8 . Appointment and Investiture of Grand Officers . 1 ) . Nomination by the M . W . G . M . of six Members to serve on the
General Board . 10 . Election , by Grand Lodge , of five Members to serve on the General Board . List of Brethren Nominated for the General Board ( fixe only arc Nominated ?) . Masters and Past Masters : Dr . George Mickley , P . M . 97 , P . G . D . ; John E . DaAVSon , Dep . P . G . M . Herts . ; R . Loveland Loveland , Dep . P . G . M . Hants and Isle of Wight ; A . F . Godson , M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcestershire ; Rev . Hayman Cummings , P . G . C ., Dep . P . G . M . Kent .