Article Questions and Answers. Page 1 of 1 Article Questions and Answers. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 2 →
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Questions And Answers.
Questions and Answers .
Q . —In calling off a . Lodge from labour , is the proper e . ipression - High- Twelvef or ' . High ' Time " ?— , 7 . T . A . A . —Refer to MACKEY , the best authority , Avho is confirmed by other Masonic students . He says , " High twelve , or noon , was the hour fit the Temple when our ancient brethren Avere regularly called
from labour to refreshment . The tradition is that they worked tAvelve hours a day anel six elays in the Aveek . " Masonic symbolism jind allegory shoulel be carefully preserved in our Lodge work . 'High Time" may mean anything , and no Masonic symbolism whatever attaches to those words .
Q . —In , the address to a newly-initiated brother on the subject of ¦ Charity he his counselled to give attention to those who being in , distressed circumstances may " claim " his assistance . In , some Lodges the word •' solicit" is used . Which is the pnper , or more ancient -word ?—J . E . C . Camberwell .
A . —Both words are nearly alike as to meaning , tvhich is that of asking for , or seeking to obtain , and both subject to acceptance or refusal . But the Freemason ' s solicitation becomes stronger than that of the friend or stranger by virtue of the right , or supposed right , which his connection with the Order , and his engagement to
practice Avhilst in his poAver the like benevolence to others , invests him with . JL has a right to claim or request on specific giounds though refusal may result . The stranger can only solicit on general grounds . Setting aside that the older rituals adoptetl the Avord claim Ave think it the m-. ixt correct in its Masonic connection .
Kindly answer the folloAving questions . —TRINIDAD . ' ( 1 ) Can a private lodge initiate a Sergeant if Police ?—Yes . ( 2 ) Does crclnsion from one lodge preclude visiting another ?—No , subject to provisions contained in clauses 151 , 152 , and 204 of the Book of Constitutions .
( 3 ) Call the benevolence fund if a lodge be used for other than charitable purpose ?—AVe think not . ( 4 ) Ought a lodge to initiate any person who is not in reputable circumstances ?—If you mean "to its knoAA'ledge . " most assuredly not . Howcwer can you . with any knoAvledge of Freemasomw , ask
the question ' ( 5 ) According to the present reading of Article 210 of the Book ¦ of Constitutions , if eight members be present , Jive of whom rote , for e . eclusion , dce < that constitute a " tiro-thirds '' vote ?—According to Cocker -Jths never yet equalletl j { -rds . N . B—Case from Trinidad now before Grand Loelge .
Q . Ts if the proper thing for a , W . M . of a lodge to vacate the Chair when he delegates to a P . M . the worlting if an Initiation , Passing or Baiting ?—A . M . Prestwich . A . It is an invariable custom , as far as we have observed , for the P . M . to occupy the Master ' s chair on such occasions , but there is no regulation to that effect .
PROVINCIAL . CHESHIRE . —STOCKPORT . —EGERTON LODGE , NO . 1 , 030 . —The Installation meeting of this loelge Avas held at the George Hotel , Stockport , on Monday , Avhen Bro . R . Bassnett Preston , S . AV ., Avas
installed AVorshipf al Master by Bro . James Cookson , the retiring AVM ., in an able and efficient manner , assisted by some of the past masters . The following officers were invested by Bro . Kenneth Maclean , P . M ., viz .: —Bros . Joseph McKim , S . AA . ; AVilliam A . A'aughan , J . AV .: Rev . Addison Crofton , Chaplain ; A . Pemberton , P . M ., P . G . D . C , Treasurer ; AValter H . A aughan . P . M ., P . G . R .,
Secretary ; Thomas Knott , S . D . : Henry Smith , J . D . : James Abbott . P . M ., P . P . G ., D . C . ; H . AVilson . I . G . ; H . Dawson , P . M .. Tyler . Bro . A . E . Ferns . P . M ., was re-appointed charity representative . A Past Master ' s jeAvel Avas presentee ! to Bro . Cookson on his retirement from the position of AA . M .. the neAV Master remarking lhat the lodge had been most successful under Bro . Cookson ' s rule . The folloAving visiting brethren Avere present—Bros . Geo . R . Brady , P . M .. 322
Questions And Answers.
P . P . G . S . B ., Cheshire ; AV . II . Maxfield , AV . M ., 1 . 057 , P . P . G . O .. Cheshire : Clement AValworth . AV . M ., 1 . 150 ; P . B . AVeich , AV . M ., <)<) 2 : Charles Dawson . AV . M ., 287 ; H . li . Royle . AV . M ., 322 ; John Smith . AV . M .. 323 : J . AV . G . Coombes , S . W .. ' •{ - [ ¦ AV . O . Pettitt , I . P . M .. 1 . 055 : A . F . AVilliams , I . P . M .. 2 , 156 : Thomas AVhallev , P . M .. 323 ; G .
McClelland . P . M ., 287 : J . E . Ashton , 1 . 1 . 47 . Letters of apologj' were reael from the Prov . G . M . and other dis inguishetl brethren . The company afterwards partook of an excellent dinner . The loyal and Masonic toasts Avere observed , and a musical programme Avas rendered .
STAFFORDSHIRE . —HAN - LEY—GORDON LODGE—No . 2119 . —The festival of St . John , and the installation of Bro . James Charlesworth , as A \ . M ., in connection with tho Gorelou Lodge of Freemasons , 2 , 11 !) , took place on AVednesday the 22 nd inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Cheapsido , Hanley . There was a large number of brethren present . Bro . Charlesworth was installed AV . M . by AV . Bro . J . B . Picrcy .
assisted by AV . Bro . H . Palmer , T . Taylor , F . Mountford , and J . L . HamshaAv . The following brethren Avere appointed officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . B . Ashwell , S . AA . : G . W . Bradford , J . A \ .: E . D . Boothman . chap . ; C . Adams , treas . ; F . H . Lodge , sec . ; E . D . Boothman . S . D . : AV . J . J . AV . Heath , J . D . ; T . Taylor . D . C . ; F . Mountford , org .: J . Clare , I . G .: A . R . Moody , C . II . Phillips .
stewards ; and AV . AVood , tj'ler . The loelge having been closed , the brethren to the number of fifty sat down to a sumptuous banquet , at Avhich after the preliminary lo 3 al toasts hael been honoured . AV . Bro . J . B . Ashwell proposed ' the health of the R . AV . Bro . Colonel Foster Gougli , LL . D ., Pro . G . M . of Staffordshire , P . G . S . B . England . " He said all the brethren Avoulei regret the domestic affliction Avhich
was now troubling the Grand Master . They in th . 3 north of the province had reason to be gratified that he had been appointed ProA ' . Grand Master of Staffordshire , because Colonel Gough hael always looked well after the interests of the north of the province . AV . Bro . HamshaAv , in proposing the toasts of '' The Masonic Charities . " said they Avere proud of their Masonic Institutions , to
which they yearly contributed a sum of £ 50 , 000 . He also referred to the inejuiry that hael been recently held into the Boys' School , and said the thanks of every brother were due to Bros . Greatbatch anel Tunnicliffe for the part they had taken in that investigation . AV . Bros . Piercy and Tunnicliffe responded , the latter remarking that at the recent conversazione a profit had been made of over £ 70 .
Avhich sum had been lodgeel in the bank in the names of the secretary and treasurer ; but before dividing the money amongst the Masonic Charities—and till Avere anxious that the charities shoul I not suffer—the loelge desired to knoAV Avhat alteration Avas intended to be maile in the management of the Boys' School , and whether or not the present House Committee Avere to be permitted
to retain their seats and the services of some oi the officials to be continued . There is a strong opinion that it would be useless to send more money to London which could be better applied in Staff orelshire . He understood that the Committee of the Girls ' School had but recently increaseel the salary of the secretary of
that Institution by £ 200 , raising the same from £ 500 to £ 700 per annum at a bound , and if this stite of things in connection Avith management is to continue he considered that their money should in future be spent in their own province . During the evening , songs Avere contributed by Miss Basfortl , and Bros . G . W . Bradford . Howson . Bervon . and Mountford .
ROA ' AC ARCH MASONKA' PROVINCE OF AORTHUMBERLAXD . — CONSECRATION OF A NEAV CHARTER . —On MondaA last the Annual Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Northumberland was held in the Masonic Hall , Maple Street . Newcastle , under the presidency of the most excellent Companion Colonel Addison Potter . C . B ., Provincial Grand Superintendent . There Avas a large attenelance of principals and past principals of the several Chapters in the
Province . After the transaction of some formal business the consecration of a new Chapter—the Blagdon Chapter , No . ( 15 !) ( Blyth )—was proceeeled with . The consecrating officers Avere : —M . E . Comp . Col . Addison Potter , C . B ., Grand Supt ., acting as Z . ; E . Cempns . Geo . Spain , P . G . H ., as II . ; G . F . Charlton . P . G . J . as J . ; Joseph II . Bentham , P . P . G . H ., Director of Ceremonies ; and Cmpn . JohnNicholsan . P . P . G . O . as Musical Director . The address Avas most imprcsstA-ely given by
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
"All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
X f ' I Lodge , jxA ME 0 F LODGE AXD CHA -I ' .: PLACE OF MEETING . ( THIS DAY ) ( 5 th and last ) THURSDAY , MAY 30 th . ASCKNSIO . V DAY- Xo MKETI . YCS . ( 5 th and last ) FRIDAYMAY 31 st
, . K . T . I I 74 I Harcourt ) Greyhound Hot .. Richmond ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , JUNE 1 st . 2202 , lie gem ' s Park I York & Albany Hoc , Glo ' ster Gate U . A . C . U 75 I Hose of Denmark | . Star ami Garter Hot , Kew Bridge
( 1 st ) MONDAY , JUNE 3 rd . Hi ; Royal Alpha Willis ' s Rooms , St . JameVs , AV . 13115 : St . Maryleb . no Criterion , Piccadilly , \ V . Ell !) : Asaph F . M . H . - 'I ' Harlcsdcii National School , Harlcsilen 1 UA . C . ! l « 15 Bayard 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1891 St . Ambrose Baron ' s Court Hoc . West Kensington
Lodge j * AMB 0 F LODGE AXD CHAPTKB . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , JUNE -1 th . Gram ! . Mark Lodge j ]•' . AC I ! . 171 Amity Ship Hot ., Greenwich 2128 . L'uitei . l Northern Counties ... i inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . 21 !! Club !
)) Savage F . M . H . It . A . C . : j 102 !) United ! F . M . H . ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , JUNE 5 th . GRAND LODOli , AT G 1-OU 7 , l' \ AI . II . ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , JUNE Gth .
10 ' Westminster anel Keyst me ... F . M . I ! . iy 2 Ciou ami l . anib Cannon SI reel Hot ., E . C . 1178 I ' crfect Ashlar B .-idge House Hot ., S . E . CSfil Culled Service 0 tie Roy . ii , Regent Street , AV , IWM Cohort ) Ve : try Hal ) , Bow J SJ 50 Soiubgate K . ilway Hot ., New Soutligate Marl :. 2-ii Trinity College 13 , Mandevillc Pla-je , AV .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Questions And Answers.
Questions and Answers .
Q . —In calling off a . Lodge from labour , is the proper e . ipression - High- Twelvef or ' . High ' Time " ?— , 7 . T . A . A . —Refer to MACKEY , the best authority , Avho is confirmed by other Masonic students . He says , " High twelve , or noon , was the hour fit the Temple when our ancient brethren Avere regularly called
from labour to refreshment . The tradition is that they worked tAvelve hours a day anel six elays in the Aveek . " Masonic symbolism jind allegory shoulel be carefully preserved in our Lodge work . 'High Time" may mean anything , and no Masonic symbolism whatever attaches to those words .
Q . —In , the address to a newly-initiated brother on the subject of ¦ Charity he his counselled to give attention to those who being in , distressed circumstances may " claim " his assistance . In , some Lodges the word •' solicit" is used . Which is the pnper , or more ancient -word ?—J . E . C . Camberwell .
A . —Both words are nearly alike as to meaning , tvhich is that of asking for , or seeking to obtain , and both subject to acceptance or refusal . But the Freemason ' s solicitation becomes stronger than that of the friend or stranger by virtue of the right , or supposed right , which his connection with the Order , and his engagement to
practice Avhilst in his poAver the like benevolence to others , invests him with . JL has a right to claim or request on specific giounds though refusal may result . The stranger can only solicit on general grounds . Setting aside that the older rituals adoptetl the Avord claim Ave think it the m-. ixt correct in its Masonic connection .
Kindly answer the folloAving questions . —TRINIDAD . ' ( 1 ) Can a private lodge initiate a Sergeant if Police ?—Yes . ( 2 ) Does crclnsion from one lodge preclude visiting another ?—No , subject to provisions contained in clauses 151 , 152 , and 204 of the Book of Constitutions .
( 3 ) Call the benevolence fund if a lodge be used for other than charitable purpose ?—AVe think not . ( 4 ) Ought a lodge to initiate any person who is not in reputable circumstances ?—If you mean "to its knoAA'ledge . " most assuredly not . Howcwer can you . with any knoAvledge of Freemasomw , ask
the question ' ( 5 ) According to the present reading of Article 210 of the Book ¦ of Constitutions , if eight members be present , Jive of whom rote , for e . eclusion , dce < that constitute a " tiro-thirds '' vote ?—According to Cocker -Jths never yet equalletl j { -rds . N . B—Case from Trinidad now before Grand Loelge .
Q . Ts if the proper thing for a , W . M . of a lodge to vacate the Chair when he delegates to a P . M . the worlting if an Initiation , Passing or Baiting ?—A . M . Prestwich . A . It is an invariable custom , as far as we have observed , for the P . M . to occupy the Master ' s chair on such occasions , but there is no regulation to that effect .
PROVINCIAL . CHESHIRE . —STOCKPORT . —EGERTON LODGE , NO . 1 , 030 . —The Installation meeting of this loelge Avas held at the George Hotel , Stockport , on Monday , Avhen Bro . R . Bassnett Preston , S . AV ., Avas
installed AVorshipf al Master by Bro . James Cookson , the retiring AVM ., in an able and efficient manner , assisted by some of the past masters . The following officers were invested by Bro . Kenneth Maclean , P . M ., viz .: —Bros . Joseph McKim , S . AA . ; AVilliam A . A'aughan , J . AV .: Rev . Addison Crofton , Chaplain ; A . Pemberton , P . M ., P . G . D . C , Treasurer ; AValter H . A aughan . P . M ., P . G . R .,
Secretary ; Thomas Knott , S . D . : Henry Smith , J . D . : James Abbott . P . M ., P . P . G ., D . C . ; H . AVilson . I . G . ; H . Dawson , P . M .. Tyler . Bro . A . E . Ferns . P . M ., was re-appointed charity representative . A Past Master ' s jeAvel Avas presentee ! to Bro . Cookson on his retirement from the position of AA . M .. the neAV Master remarking lhat the lodge had been most successful under Bro . Cookson ' s rule . The folloAving visiting brethren Avere present—Bros . Geo . R . Brady , P . M .. 322
Questions And Answers.
P . P . G . S . B ., Cheshire ; AV . II . Maxfield , AV . M ., 1 . 057 , P . P . G . O .. Cheshire : Clement AValworth . AV . M ., 1 . 150 ; P . B . AVeich , AV . M ., <)<) 2 : Charles Dawson . AV . M ., 287 ; H . li . Royle . AV . M ., 322 ; John Smith . AV . M .. 323 : J . AV . G . Coombes , S . W .. ' •{ - [ ¦ AV . O . Pettitt , I . P . M .. 1 . 055 : A . F . AVilliams , I . P . M .. 2 , 156 : Thomas AVhallev , P . M .. 323 ; G .
McClelland . P . M ., 287 : J . E . Ashton , 1 . 1 . 47 . Letters of apologj' were reael from the Prov . G . M . and other dis inguishetl brethren . The company afterwards partook of an excellent dinner . The loyal and Masonic toasts Avere observed , and a musical programme Avas rendered .
STAFFORDSHIRE . —HAN - LEY—GORDON LODGE—No . 2119 . —The festival of St . John , and the installation of Bro . James Charlesworth , as A \ . M ., in connection with tho Gorelou Lodge of Freemasons , 2 , 11 !) , took place on AVednesday the 22 nd inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Cheapsido , Hanley . There was a large number of brethren present . Bro . Charlesworth was installed AV . M . by AV . Bro . J . B . Picrcy .
assisted by AV . Bro . H . Palmer , T . Taylor , F . Mountford , and J . L . HamshaAv . The following brethren Avere appointed officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . J . B . Ashwell , S . AA . : G . W . Bradford , J . A \ .: E . D . Boothman . chap . ; C . Adams , treas . ; F . H . Lodge , sec . ; E . D . Boothman . S . D . : AV . J . J . AV . Heath , J . D . ; T . Taylor . D . C . ; F . Mountford , org .: J . Clare , I . G .: A . R . Moody , C . II . Phillips .
stewards ; and AV . AVood , tj'ler . The loelge having been closed , the brethren to the number of fifty sat down to a sumptuous banquet , at Avhich after the preliminary lo 3 al toasts hael been honoured . AV . Bro . J . B . Ashwell proposed ' the health of the R . AV . Bro . Colonel Foster Gougli , LL . D ., Pro . G . M . of Staffordshire , P . G . S . B . England . " He said all the brethren Avoulei regret the domestic affliction Avhich
was now troubling the Grand Master . They in th . 3 north of the province had reason to be gratified that he had been appointed ProA ' . Grand Master of Staffordshire , because Colonel Gough hael always looked well after the interests of the north of the province . AV . Bro . HamshaAv , in proposing the toasts of '' The Masonic Charities . " said they Avere proud of their Masonic Institutions , to
which they yearly contributed a sum of £ 50 , 000 . He also referred to the inejuiry that hael been recently held into the Boys' School , and said the thanks of every brother were due to Bros . Greatbatch anel Tunnicliffe for the part they had taken in that investigation . AV . Bros . Piercy and Tunnicliffe responded , the latter remarking that at the recent conversazione a profit had been made of over £ 70 .
Avhich sum had been lodgeel in the bank in the names of the secretary and treasurer ; but before dividing the money amongst the Masonic Charities—and till Avere anxious that the charities shoul I not suffer—the loelge desired to knoAV Avhat alteration Avas intended to be maile in the management of the Boys' School , and whether or not the present House Committee Avere to be permitted
to retain their seats and the services of some oi the officials to be continued . There is a strong opinion that it would be useless to send more money to London which could be better applied in Staff orelshire . He understood that the Committee of the Girls ' School had but recently increaseel the salary of the secretary of
that Institution by £ 200 , raising the same from £ 500 to £ 700 per annum at a bound , and if this stite of things in connection Avith management is to continue he considered that their money should in future be spent in their own province . During the evening , songs Avere contributed by Miss Basfortl , and Bros . G . W . Bradford . Howson . Bervon . and Mountford .
ROA ' AC ARCH MASONKA' PROVINCE OF AORTHUMBERLAXD . — CONSECRATION OF A NEAV CHARTER . —On MondaA last the Annual Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Northumberland was held in the Masonic Hall , Maple Street . Newcastle , under the presidency of the most excellent Companion Colonel Addison Potter . C . B ., Provincial Grand Superintendent . There Avas a large attenelance of principals and past principals of the several Chapters in the
Province . After the transaction of some formal business the consecration of a new Chapter—the Blagdon Chapter , No . ( 15 !) ( Blyth )—was proceeeled with . The consecrating officers Avere : —M . E . Comp . Col . Addison Potter , C . B ., Grand Supt ., acting as Z . ; E . Cempns . Geo . Spain , P . G . H ., as II . ; G . F . Charlton . P . G . J . as J . ; Joseph II . Bentham , P . P . G . H ., Director of Ceremonies ; and Cmpn . JohnNicholsan . P . P . G . O . as Musical Director . The address Avas most imprcsstA-ely given by
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
"All Lodges held Avithin Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
X f ' I Lodge , jxA ME 0 F LODGE AXD CHA -I ' .: PLACE OF MEETING . ( THIS DAY ) ( 5 th and last ) THURSDAY , MAY 30 th . ASCKNSIO . V DAY- Xo MKETI . YCS . ( 5 th and last ) FRIDAYMAY 31 st
, . K . T . I I 74 I Harcourt ) Greyhound Hot .. Richmond ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , JUNE 1 st . 2202 , lie gem ' s Park I York & Albany Hoc , Glo ' ster Gate U . A . C . U 75 I Hose of Denmark | . Star ami Garter Hot , Kew Bridge
( 1 st ) MONDAY , JUNE 3 rd . Hi ; Royal Alpha Willis ' s Rooms , St . JameVs , AV . 13115 : St . Maryleb . no Criterion , Piccadilly , \ V . Ell !) : Asaph F . M . H . - 'I ' Harlcsdcii National School , Harlcsilen 1 UA . C . ! l « 15 Bayard 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1891 St . Ambrose Baron ' s Court Hoc . West Kensington
Lodge j * AMB 0 F LODGE AXD CHAPTKB . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , JUNE -1 th . Gram ! . Mark Lodge j ]•' . AC I ! . 171 Amity Ship Hot ., Greenwich 2128 . L'uitei . l Northern Counties ... i inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . 21 !! Club !
)) Savage F . M . H . It . A . C . : j 102 !) United ! F . M . H . ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , JUNE 5 th . GRAND LODOli , AT G 1-OU 7 , l' \ AI . II . ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , JUNE Gth .
10 ' Westminster anel Keyst me ... F . M . I ! . iy 2 Ciou ami l . anib Cannon SI reel Hot ., E . C . 1178 I ' crfect Ashlar B .-idge House Hot ., S . E . CSfil Culled Service 0 tie Roy . ii , Regent Street , AV , IWM Cohort ) Ve : try Hal ) , Bow J SJ 50 Soiubgate K . ilway Hot ., New Soutligate Marl :. 2-ii Trinity College 13 , Mandevillc Pla-je , AV .