Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. ← Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Col . Potter , as well as the entire ceremony of consecration . The new officers of the Blagdon Chapter were then appointed as follows : —¦ Kx .-Compns . Jas Eaelington , Z ., anel Ed . Forster , II . ; Compns . Jas . Cannichael , J . ; John Tweedy , S . E . ; J . E . Robinson . S . N .: W . Percy , P . S . ; T . MeAves , 1 st Asst . The now chapter having been duly constituted , the installation of officers for the province was proceeded with as follows : Ex .-Compns . G . E . Macarthy ( St . Peters' Chapter ) .
II . ; M . J . Bird ( Gosforth ) . J . : J . H . Bentham ( re-appointed ) , S . E . ; R . L . Armstrong , treas .: S . Armstrong , Regr .: J . C . Ridley ( Northd . Chapter ) , P . S . : AV . Macgall . I si As ' sr . Soj . ; Jas . Eadington . 2 nd Assr . Soj ., and Charles Roope ( Priory ) . Swd . Br . ; Compn . \ V . Reed , Std . Br . ; Ex .-Compns . George Si > ain , D . C anel John Nicholson , Org . The convocation was afterwards closed in due form . The company then adjourned to the County Hotel , where a banquet Avas provided . Col . Addison Potter presided .
. BURGOVNIV LoDSt : —Xo . !)(' I 2— Bro . John C . Cross , AV . M . —The election meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , London , on Monday last , and was well attended . Bro . Walter Smith , S . AV ., was unanimously electeel AV . M . for the ensuing year ; AV . Bro . G . Gabb was re-elected treasurer , anel Bro . Gilbert , tyler . The sum of ten guineas Avas voted from the funds of the lodge for
presentation of a P . M . jewel to the retiring AV . M . The following brethren were present in addition to those aboA'c named : Bros . Beddoes , J . W . ; II . C . Jeff , r vs . P . M .. sec : AVliite , S . D . : Hugh James . J . D . ; J . L . Prince . I . G . - . AV . R . Latter , org . ; AV . Bros . R . N . Field , Byng , AVilkins , and Batty , P . Ms : Bros . George , Burrell , Richmond . Norrington . Pillinger , Aneloire . Gillard . Morris . Rashlo ' gh , Lewry . Bean . Horton . Gil . Nutting . Cowland . Gael . Stafford .
Dickinson , & c .: and visitors—AV . Bros . A . J . Berrv . P . M . l ( i ' , ) 2 ; James Stevens , P . M . 121 G ; Bros . P . M . AVimpcy , 2 ( I 12- " ; ' C . F . Hughes . 2012 : Carrington , 1712 . anel others . The brethren dined together after lodge was closed , anel in the course of a pleasant evening many excellent songs were sung anel recitations elelivered . It was also arranged at table that a "summer outing" shoulel take place in July , and a Committee was at once formed for carrying out the necessary arrangements .
3tl0galJitasflnkJttstitiittnttfarHap, WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Offices — 6 , Fpeemasons' Hall , "yy . C Grand Patron--HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President—HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . IX compliance witlt a Requisition received by me from the Treasurer of the Institution—in accordance with Law : tJ — f hereby give notice that a Special General Court of the Governors ami Subscribers will bo held at Freemasons ' Tavern , ( Jreat fjneon Street , Lincoln's Inn Fields , London , on Thurselay , the Gth day of June , IK-JD : To consider tlie Report of the Committee of Investigation appointed under llesolution of the Quarterly ( leneral Court , of 27 th July , 18 SS , which . Report was presented to , and received by , the Quarterly ( leneral Court , iif 20 th . April , 1 SS !) , and to take such steps thereon as may be determined ' The Chair will he taken at Twelve o ' clock at noon precisely . EREDEliICK Bl NCKK . S ( P . G . Std . J ' . G . SJl . ) , LONDON , illli May , 1 X 89 . Y .-I ' at . Secretary .
EXPOSITION I'NIVEUSELLE DE PARIS , 1 SS 9 . a^NGLOFRENGHVILLAGE &iliOTEJX-. BES BJ 5 . IJ 5 TS , Avenue de Versailles , Auteuil , PARIS , NEAR THE EXHIBITION . Qfl fJ Comfortable Redroimis ; plenty of water and baths ; (! oo , l English Food , OUU or Cuisine Franeaise ; Concert Hall and Cafe attached to the iitiiidiny ; ( iarden and River ( the Seine ) , with Routini ? . All tlie features of a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month PltHT . S : Bedroom per Night ( Including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Secretary : Till-: HON . C . CADOCAX . Director at Paris : Mr . C . l ) i : CIIASTKI . AIN . Rooms may be reserved at the Ollices of Air . E . Ct . AitK , -V-V 2 , Strand : Messrs . (' rTlti . nit'rso . v ' & Co ., it , Jii ' iiinpton Road , KnightsbridLre ; and Mr . JoiiN I ' ltocTOJt , 81 , Graccchurch Street , E . C .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIRKBECKBANK, Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CEXT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSIT repayable . on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ UiO . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROI'T Manager . The BirkToeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO J -J - GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND i'OR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at the O ffice of tho BIKKUECK . FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . Tlie BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS UA VENSCROF : ' Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
HOTELS Recommended to the Subscribers to the "Masonic Star . "
Q TAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k- } Bro . JOHN BRILL , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parties and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the Railwav and facing the ltiveianil Palace ) . Bro . JOJI . V MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing for Baiuiuets for any number up to loo . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and reference may be made to Die respective Masters as to the e . irerinir , & c .
B RIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., PEAHCK & Sox , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & e . Tlie Suite of Rooms for Ralls and Concerts includes the Ball Room , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat W . Terms on Application .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close tei the Sea , Pleasure Gardens ; centre of Town ; Home comforts Terms , 30-. Apply M . A . Hood . Caversham , Poole Hill .
'TTIHE BEDFORD " FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL _ L HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor . It . P . BRIANT . _ QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH O PROMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLE OF MAN . Incomparably tlie Quc . cn . of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCRERCH begs respectfully to offer to intending- visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , Avith an old connection (] 7 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , anel within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHIMMIX and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisiiu—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
CEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIDDLE ST ., BRIGHTON . k 3 —THOMAS Gums ( late Snpt . Brighton Police Kite Brigade ) . Choicest Wine . ; and Spirits , Fine Foreign Cigars , Billiards , Private Apartments .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic . visitors .
-W ^ ICTTIEID . SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Office of this paper .
lEiivciFLOYayciEiiNrT WAITTBD . BROTHER , 2-1 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or other position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M ., c / o TOLBU , 7 , Harrow 1 U 1 . W .
TO BIEJ LET . A FURNISHED House in a main position in a Town in the South-West Suburbs . Forty minutes from town on District and South Western Railways . 3 Reception , -1 Bedrooms , and good Gardens . Low Rent to careful Tenant . -Apply—Manager .. MASONIC STAR .
TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situatetl close to Leadenhall Street , anel within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , lo , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Winelsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , kc . Resident Tyler . Applyto E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of GoutandRheumatism and the Recipe , by II . T . LAIT . Fressingiield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage ,. . "Mr . Lait's aim is to eradicate tho disease from the system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . " —The Court Journal .. " Mr . Lait's remedy has proved most successful , and that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipswich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper . 5 'J . Moor Lane , E . C .
ALFREDW.MURRAY, Merchant and Military Tailor , 27,KINGSTBBET, LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials ar . d Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices crccedini / l . y moderate . Inspection invited ' ..
Crown Svo ., 2 , 6 . Cloth , lettered ( post free ) , 2 , 9 . " UNIFORMITY OF MASONIC RITUAL AND OBSERVANCE , " By W . Bro . JAMES STEVEN'S , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Villi which is also published the masonic poems-— ¦• . M ASONS' VOW .-, " "T ; : K LKVKII I .:: ;> TIIK . S ^ f . titi :, '' and "THE Gt . ' . Nirs OF MASONRY . " Address : — " Evelyn , " Catford , S . K .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Col . Potter , as well as the entire ceremony of consecration . The new officers of the Blagdon Chapter were then appointed as follows : —¦ Kx .-Compns . Jas Eaelington , Z ., anel Ed . Forster , II . ; Compns . Jas . Cannichael , J . ; John Tweedy , S . E . ; J . E . Robinson . S . N .: W . Percy , P . S . ; T . MeAves , 1 st Asst . The now chapter having been duly constituted , the installation of officers for the province was proceeded with as follows : Ex .-Compns . G . E . Macarthy ( St . Peters' Chapter ) .
II . ; M . J . Bird ( Gosforth ) . J . : J . H . Bentham ( re-appointed ) , S . E . ; R . L . Armstrong , treas .: S . Armstrong , Regr .: J . C . Ridley ( Northd . Chapter ) , P . S . : AV . Macgall . I si As ' sr . Soj . ; Jas . Eadington . 2 nd Assr . Soj ., and Charles Roope ( Priory ) . Swd . Br . ; Compn . \ V . Reed , Std . Br . ; Ex .-Compns . George Si > ain , D . C anel John Nicholson , Org . The convocation was afterwards closed in due form . The company then adjourned to the County Hotel , where a banquet Avas provided . Col . Addison Potter presided .
. BURGOVNIV LoDSt : —Xo . !)(' I 2— Bro . John C . Cross , AV . M . —The election meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , London , on Monday last , and was well attended . Bro . Walter Smith , S . AV ., was unanimously electeel AV . M . for the ensuing year ; AV . Bro . G . Gabb was re-elected treasurer , anel Bro . Gilbert , tyler . The sum of ten guineas Avas voted from the funds of the lodge for
presentation of a P . M . jewel to the retiring AV . M . The following brethren were present in addition to those aboA'c named : Bros . Beddoes , J . W . ; II . C . Jeff , r vs . P . M .. sec : AVliite , S . D . : Hugh James . J . D . ; J . L . Prince . I . G . - . AV . R . Latter , org . ; AV . Bros . R . N . Field , Byng , AVilkins , and Batty , P . Ms : Bros . George , Burrell , Richmond . Norrington . Pillinger , Aneloire . Gillard . Morris . Rashlo ' gh , Lewry . Bean . Horton . Gil . Nutting . Cowland . Gael . Stafford .
Dickinson , & c .: and visitors—AV . Bros . A . J . Berrv . P . M . l ( i ' , ) 2 ; James Stevens , P . M . 121 G ; Bros . P . M . AVimpcy , 2 ( I 12- " ; ' C . F . Hughes . 2012 : Carrington , 1712 . anel others . The brethren dined together after lodge was closed , anel in the course of a pleasant evening many excellent songs were sung anel recitations elelivered . It was also arranged at table that a "summer outing" shoulel take place in July , and a Committee was at once formed for carrying out the necessary arrangements .
3tl0galJitasflnkJttstitiittnttfarHap, WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Offices — 6 , Fpeemasons' Hall , "yy . C Grand Patron--HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President—HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . IX compliance witlt a Requisition received by me from the Treasurer of the Institution—in accordance with Law : tJ — f hereby give notice that a Special General Court of the Governors ami Subscribers will bo held at Freemasons ' Tavern , ( Jreat fjneon Street , Lincoln's Inn Fields , London , on Thurselay , the Gth day of June , IK-JD : To consider tlie Report of the Committee of Investigation appointed under llesolution of the Quarterly ( leneral Court , of 27 th July , 18 SS , which . Report was presented to , and received by , the Quarterly ( leneral Court , iif 20 th . April , 1 SS !) , and to take such steps thereon as may be determined ' The Chair will he taken at Twelve o ' clock at noon precisely . EREDEliICK Bl NCKK . S ( P . G . Std . J ' . G . SJl . ) , LONDON , illli May , 1 X 89 . Y .-I ' at . Secretary .
EXPOSITION I'NIVEUSELLE DE PARIS , 1 SS 9 . a^NGLOFRENGHVILLAGE &iliOTEJX-. BES BJ 5 . IJ 5 TS , Avenue de Versailles , Auteuil , PARIS , NEAR THE EXHIBITION . Qfl fJ Comfortable Redroimis ; plenty of water and baths ; (! oo , l English Food , OUU or Cuisine Franeaise ; Concert Hall and Cafe attached to the iitiiidiny ; ( iarden and River ( the Seine ) , with Routini ? . All tlie features of a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month PltHT . S : Bedroom per Night ( Including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Secretary : Till-: HON . C . CADOCAX . Director at Paris : Mr . C . l ) i : CIIASTKI . AIN . Rooms may be reserved at the Ollices of Air . E . Ct . AitK , -V-V 2 , Strand : Messrs . (' rTlti . nit'rso . v ' & Co ., it , Jii ' iiinpton Road , KnightsbridLre ; and Mr . JoiiN I ' ltocTOJt , 81 , Graccchurch Street , E . C .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIRKBECKBANK, Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CEXT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSIT repayable . on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ UiO . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROI'T Manager . The BirkToeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO J -J - GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND i'OR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at the O ffice of tho BIKKUECK . FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . Tlie BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS UA VENSCROF : ' Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
HOTELS Recommended to the Subscribers to the "Masonic Star . "
Q TAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k- } Bro . JOHN BRILL , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parties and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the Railwav and facing the ltiveianil Palace ) . Bro . JOJI . V MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing for Baiuiuets for any number up to loo . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and reference may be made to Die respective Masters as to the e . irerinir , & c .
B RIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., PEAHCK & Sox , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & e . Tlie Suite of Rooms for Ralls and Concerts includes the Ball Room , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat W . Terms on Application .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close tei the Sea , Pleasure Gardens ; centre of Town ; Home comforts Terms , 30-. Apply M . A . Hood . Caversham , Poole Hill .
'TTIHE BEDFORD " FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL _ L HOTEL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor . It . P . BRIANT . _ QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH O PROMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLE OF MAN . Incomparably tlie Quc . cn . of Northern Watering Places . Bro . P . T . SCRERCH begs respectfully to offer to intending- visitors to this charming health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , Avith an old connection (] 7 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , anel within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHIMMIX and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisiiu—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
CEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIDDLE ST ., BRIGHTON . k 3 —THOMAS Gums ( late Snpt . Brighton Police Kite Brigade ) . Choicest Wine . ; and Spirits , Fine Foreign Cigars , Billiards , Private Apartments .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic . visitors .
-W ^ ICTTIEID . SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Office of this paper .
lEiivciFLOYayciEiiNrT WAITTBD . BROTHER , 2-1 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or other position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M ., c / o TOLBU , 7 , Harrow 1 U 1 . W .
TO BIEJ LET . A FURNISHED House in a main position in a Town in the South-West Suburbs . Forty minutes from town on District and South Western Railways . 3 Reception , -1 Bedrooms , and good Gardens . Low Rent to careful Tenant . -Apply—Manager .. MASONIC STAR .
TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situatetl close to Leadenhall Street , anel within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , lo , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Winelsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , kc . Resident Tyler . Applyto E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of GoutandRheumatism and the Recipe , by II . T . LAIT . Fressingiield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage ,. . "Mr . Lait's aim is to eradicate tho disease from the system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . " —The Court Journal .. " Mr . Lait's remedy has proved most successful , and that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipswich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper . 5 'J . Moor Lane , E . C .
ALFREDW.MURRAY, Merchant and Military Tailor , 27,KINGSTBBET, LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials ar . d Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices crccedini / l . y moderate . Inspection invited ' ..
Crown Svo ., 2 , 6 . Cloth , lettered ( post free ) , 2 , 9 . " UNIFORMITY OF MASONIC RITUAL AND OBSERVANCE , " By W . Bro . JAMES STEVEN'S , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . Villi which is also published the masonic poems-— ¦• . M ASONS' VOW .-, " "T ; : K LKVKII I .:: ;> TIIK . S ^ f . titi :, '' and "THE Gt . ' . Nirs OF MASONRY . " Address : — " Evelyn , " Catford , S . K .