Article Reports of Lodge Meetings. Page 1 of 3 Article Reports of Lodge Meetings. Page 1 of 3 →
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Reports Of Lodge Meetings.
Reports of Lodge Meetings .
Our REPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we , purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges tD . to may be willing to assist our endeavours to spread information . We shall increase the number of our pages as may be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request them to condense , as much as they consistently can , the information they may be disposed to send -as . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 38 , Bow Lane , London .
% * The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR has been opened most satisfactorily , and we shall be pleased to hear from other Brethren willing to support us .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE MEETINGS . CORNWALL . —23 rd August , at Camborne , Bro . THE EARL OF MOUNTEDGECU . MBE Prov . G . M . presiding . This Province numbers thirty lodges , the whole of which were well represented , and several distinguished visitors from London , and Devonshire also attended .
Lhe Prov . G . Treasurer shewed a balance in favour of the lodge of £ 152 , compared with £ 127 on the previous year . He said the increase in the balance would have been much larger but for the sum of £ 40 which had been voted to the Truro Cathedral Fund . All the officers of the year had paid their fees and the lodges their dues .
The PROV . G . SECRETARY ( W . Bro . T . Chirgwin ) reported that during the year there had been 119 initiations , 4 ( 1 joining members and an increase of ( . \ on the general roll of members . He also presented his report of the Cornwall Masonic Annuity and Benevolent Fund . It announced that during 1887 the lodges had subscribed £ 176 17 s . From the commencement of the fund in 1804 . the receipts had
amounted to £ 0 , 748 . out of which there had been paid to male annuitants , £ 1 , 315 . female annuitants , £ 193 10 s .: grants for relief . £ 70 : educational grants . £ 540 ; expenses of management . £ 280 15 s . —Total . £ 2 . 3 . 1 !) 10 s . W . Bro . G . B . PEARCE , Secretary of the Cornwall Masonic Charity Association , reported that for the year the amount submitted to
ballots was 235 guineas , subscsiptions fully paid and remainders of subscriptions paid , . C 40 . —Total , £ 275 . The charities selected were the ^ irls . 205 guineas : boys , 45 guineas : Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 25 guineas . W . Bro . C . TRUSCOTT submitted his annual statement as manager of the votes for Masonic charities .
The whole of these reports having been adopted , the three trustees of the Cornwall Masonic Annuity and Benevolent Fundthe P . G . M .. the D . P . G . M ., and W . Bro . E . T . Carlyon—were reelected , and to them were added W . Bros . Anderton , T . Chirgwin , and E . Milford Cock . The treasurer , secretary , assistant-secretary , auditors , and the Committee of Relief were all re-elected . The P . G . M . announced that it had been arranged to place a brass
plate on the pier of Truro Cathedral , announcing that it was the gift of the Masons of Cornwall and others ; also that he had received £ 5 towards the Cathedral from the Hon . and Rev . J . T . Boscawen . and a promise of another £ 5 . £ 50 was voted to the Cornwall Mason Annuity and Benevolent Fund . £ 50 was voted to the three Masonic London Charities , ' in the following proportions : £ 20 to the girls , £ 20 to the Benevolent , and £ 10 to the boys .
W . Bro . BINCKES returned thanks on behalf of the London charities for the monej r voted to them . During the day the lodge proceeded to church in procession , and a sermon was preached by W . Bro . the Rev . W . Reed Erskine , P . G . Chap . The collection amounted to £ 9 lis ., which was awardedtwo-fifths to the Miners' Hospital at Redruth , two-fifths to the
Charity Association , and one-fifth to the vicar for parochial purposes . The following were the officers appointed for the year : —R . W . Bro . Sir C . B . Graves-Sawle . Bait ., D . P . G . M . ; W . Bros . G . P . N . Glencross , 510 . P . G . S . W . ; H . P . Vivian , 5 S 9 , P . G . J . W .: Rev . W . R . Erskine . 589 . and R . F . Frazer-Frizell , P . G . Chaps . ; E . M . Cock .
589 . P . G . T .: R . P . Edyvean .-330 . P . G . Reg . ; T . Chirgwin . 131 . P . G . Sec . ; W . Lidgey , and T . C . Polglase , 75 , P . G . S . Deacons ; J . W . Higman , 496 . and J . Reynolds , 331 , P . G . J . Deacons ; W . Huthnance , 450 . P . G . S . Wks . ; P . Giles . 496 , P . G . D . C . ; H . B . Neame , 589 . P . GkD . D . C . ; G . M . Downing . 131 . P . G . A . D . C . ; Major J . J . Ross . 121 . P . G . S . B . ; W . A . Bennett . 09 !) , H . C . Welch , 907 , P . G . St .
Bearers ; — Hewlett . P . G . Org . ; T . Gill . 967 . P . G . Assit . Sec . ; H . Searle , 699 , P . G . Purs . ; J , Langdon , P . G . A . Purs . ; J . T . Rodda , 1544 , J . M . Richards , 318 . W . Colenso . 121 . J . A . Bersey . 893 , P . H . Dawe , 967 , H . Down . 2160 , P . G . Stewards ; Nicholls , ' lS 44 , P . G . Tyler ; J . C . R . Crewes , Clerk to the Prov . G . Sec . At the close of the business of the lodge the brethren lunched together at the Assembly Rooms . The PROV . G . MASTER presided .
SOMERSET . —22 nd August , in the Town Hall , Chard , M . W . Bro . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF CARNARVON presiding . All lodges in the province were represented . The accounts for the past year showed a profit on the year of £ 62 13 s . 3 d . Bro . C . L . Fry Edwards was unanimously re-elected P . G . L . Treasurer . The R . W . P . G . M . then appointed and invested the P . G . officers for
the ensuing year as follows : —Bro . H . Culliford Hopkins , P . M ., 379 ( Bath ) , P . G . S . W . ; Bro . Sumner Toms , P . M ., 1 . 953 ( Chard ) , P . G . J . W . ; Bro . Rev . J . A . Lloyd , P . M ., 379 ( Bath ) , P . G . chaplain ; Bro . Rev . F . L . Bryde , P . M ., 1 . 296 ( Brislington ) , P . G . chaplain ; Bro . C . L . Fry Edwards . P . M ., P . G . treasurer ; Bro . T . G . Williams , P . M .. 261 ( Taunton ) , P . G . registrar ; Bro . J . C . Hunt , P . M ., 135
( Bridgwater ) , P . G . secretary ; Bro . A . Wade , P . M .. 446 ( Wells ) , P . G . S . D . ; Bro . A . de Courrey Lyons , P . M ., 1 , 199 ( Congresbury ) , P . G . J . D . ; Bro . W . H . Wooler , P . M ., 1 , 222 ( Weston-super-Mare ) , P . G . S . Wks . ; Bro . W . Ransford , P . M ., 1 , 750 ( Clevedon ) , P . G . D , Cer . ; Bro . A . J . Gay , P . M ., 1 , 833 ( Keynsham ) , Assistant P . G . D . C . ; Bro . B . C . Board , P . M ., 291 ( Highbridge ) , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . L . A .
Reports Of Lodge Meetings.
Weatherly , P . M .. 1 . 755 ( Portishead ) , P . G . standard bearer : Bro . S . L . Lewis . P . M ., 973 ( Frome ) . P . G . standard bearer : Bro . A . Revnolds . ' P . M .. 2 , 038 ( Langport ) . P . G . O . ; Bro . R . Knight , P . M ., 1 . 906 ( Wellington ) . P . G . Purst .: Bro . J . P . Green . P . M ., 976 ( Bruton ) . assistant P . G . P .: Bro . A . J . Salter , P . M .. 33 ( Bath ) , tyler ; Bro . S . Bigwood . P . M .. 41 ( Bath ) , assistant tyler ; Bro . T . E .
Wilton , P . M .. 41 ( Bath ) , steward : Bro . T . C . Manning , W . M .. 285 ( Shepton Mallet ) , steward ; Bro . H . B . Crouch , W . M .. 772 ( Glastonbury ) , steward : Bro . A . Hart , W . M ., 814 ( Crewkerne ) , steward ; Bro . W . L . Dames , secretary , 52 ( Bath ) , steward . The report of the Charity Organisation Committee was read . The sum expended during the past year was £ 1 . 292 . of which £ 945 was given on the occasion of the Girls' Centenary Festival . On account
of the Centenary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls taking place this year , the sum of 15 guineas usually granted to the brother serving the office of P . G . Steward was increased to 100 guineas , the whole forming a contribution of this P . G . Lodge towards the funds of the institution in celebration of the special occasion . The Lodge was then closed . The banquet was held at the George Hotel .
PRIVATE LODGE MEETINGS . ALL SOULS—No . 170 . —WEYMOUTH . August 10 th—Bro . Zillwood Milledge . P . M .. P . P . G . D . O . Dorsetshire , W . M . —The alterations of the Masonic Hall belonging to this Lodge at Weymouth , and which have been carried out under the supervision and from the designs of Bro . W . Barlow Morgan , P . M ., having been lately completed , the formal ceremony of re-opening took place on the above date . There
was a very large gathering of Brethren of considerable local influence , as well as of distinguished visitors frorn the Metropolis , and the proceedings generally were of more than ordinary interest A detailed report of greater length than we can . in our present infant state , afford space for , will be found in the pages of our contemporaries . The Freemuson and The Freemasons ' Chronicle , to
either or both of which we refer the circle of Brethren more immediately interested . ETHELI ? ERT LODGE—No . 2099 . —14 th Aug ., at the Masonic Rooms , Heme Bay . Bro . C . E . Fenoulhet , W . M . —A large number of visitors honoured the lodge by their presence , and there was a very fair attendance of Members . Bro . Henry Corbet Jones , S . W . was
installed by his predecessor in the chair of K . S . as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being most ably performed . The Officers for the year are Bro . J . S . White , S . W . ; E . A . C . Larkin , J . W . : E . T . J . Adams , Treasurer : F . A . Pullen , Secretary ; O . Salari , S . D . : C . W . Welby , J . D . ; T . E . Dilnot , J . G . ; and W . T . England , Steward . The installation banquet took place in the
Town Hall , the newly installed Master presiding , and in the course of the evening presenting to Bro . Fenoulhet a handsome P . M . jewel . ABBEY—No . 1184—16 th August , at the Masonic Hall , Battle , Sussex . Bro . W . T . Jordan , W . M . — A reniaiiet from the previous meeting , in order to complete in a full and proper manner the introduction of Bros . Honisett and Hall , was first taken , the S . W ..
Bro . Davison , Jf . IJ .. delivering the "Charge after Initiation . " The second degree was then conferred upon the newly initiated Brethren and the Lodge was closed . LEBANON—No . 1326—18 th August , at Feltham , Middlesex . Bro . Edwin Arthur Smith , W . M . — There was a very fair attendance of members and visitors . Bros . T . W . Kingston and T . Thompson
passed in the second degree , and Bro . G . T . Bailey was raised as M . M . Several proposals in support of charitable gifts having been discussed and approved of , the Lodge was closed and the meeting adjourned to the 15 th inst . —Refreshment followed Labour . BROWNRIGG—No . 1638—15 th August , at the Sun Hotel ,
Kingston-on-Thames . Bro . George Moorman , W . M . — Two important officers failed to put in an appearance , although their services were necessary to the perfect working of two ceremonials . Their substitutes , appointed by the W . M . for the occasion , performed their tasks with the utmost fidelity , and Bros . Woodhouse and Clay were passed and Bro . Mayhew raised in a very able and effective manner .
With the like able assistance Mr . Thomas Bugler was initiated . As the present S . W . Bro . W . Drewitt is also the W . M . of the Dobie Lodge , No . 889 , the choice of the Brethren fell upon Bro . Humphreys , the J . W . as Master for the ensuing year . A well-merited P . M . ' s jewel was voted to the outgoing W . M . The Lodge was in mourning
for the late Bro . Fraylmg , the former host , and a letter of thanks for condolences was received from Mrs . Frayling , and read . Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren " refreshed . " KiNGSLAND—No . 1693 . — 22 nd August , at the "Cock" Tavern , Kingsland—Emergency—Bro . James Cooper , P . M . and Treasurer
as W . M . Bros . Moore , Strudwick , White , and Wood were raised to the third degree . —Ballots were taken for eight candidates , and proved favourable . Of these the three who attended , viz ., Messrs . J . S . Sunderland , jun ., F . Read , and W . Gilson , were duly initiated into the Order by Bro . H . Hall , P . M . Lodge was then closed . After dinner , which was presided over by Bro . T . Caseley , the W . M . elect , a very pleasant evening was spent in social converse and harmony .
HYDE PARK—No . 1425—Monday , 27 th August , 1888 , at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster Place . Cleveland Square , Paddington , W . Present—J . C . Conway , W . M . ; P . J . Davies , S . W . ; W . J . Hakim , S . W . 141 , J . W . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 and P . G . S . D . Es . * ex , Sec . ; C . G . Weizler , S . D . ; W . Death , J . D . ; S . Stretch , Jun ., I . G . P . M ., Bro . E . F . Ferris and Bro . W . C . Edwards . Lodge opened , minutes read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , closed down to the 1 st degree , and the ceremonies of
Installation and Passing were rehearsed , Bros . Jb erris and Edwards being candidates respectively . Bro . Hakim was elected a member , and Bro . Davies was elected W . M . for September 3 rd . TREDEGAR—No . 1625—At this lodge , held at the Wellington Arms , Wellington Road , Bow , E ., the ceremony of Installation will be performed on Thursday next ; Bro . Basil Stewart , W . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodge Meetings.
Reports of Lodge Meetings .
Our REPORTS AND INTELLIGENCE COLUMNS we , purpose placing at the disposal of Secretaries and Members of Lodges tD . to may be willing to assist our endeavours to spread information . We shall increase the number of our pages as may be found necessary to meet their requirements , but must respectfully request them to condense , as much as they consistently can , the information they may be disposed to send -as . —Address : Editor , THE MASONIC STAR , 38 , Bow Lane , London .
% * The list of Annual Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR has been opened most satisfactorily , and we shall be pleased to hear from other Brethren willing to support us .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE MEETINGS . CORNWALL . —23 rd August , at Camborne , Bro . THE EARL OF MOUNTEDGECU . MBE Prov . G . M . presiding . This Province numbers thirty lodges , the whole of which were well represented , and several distinguished visitors from London , and Devonshire also attended .
Lhe Prov . G . Treasurer shewed a balance in favour of the lodge of £ 152 , compared with £ 127 on the previous year . He said the increase in the balance would have been much larger but for the sum of £ 40 which had been voted to the Truro Cathedral Fund . All the officers of the year had paid their fees and the lodges their dues .
The PROV . G . SECRETARY ( W . Bro . T . Chirgwin ) reported that during the year there had been 119 initiations , 4 ( 1 joining members and an increase of ( . \ on the general roll of members . He also presented his report of the Cornwall Masonic Annuity and Benevolent Fund . It announced that during 1887 the lodges had subscribed £ 176 17 s . From the commencement of the fund in 1804 . the receipts had
amounted to £ 0 , 748 . out of which there had been paid to male annuitants , £ 1 , 315 . female annuitants , £ 193 10 s .: grants for relief . £ 70 : educational grants . £ 540 ; expenses of management . £ 280 15 s . —Total . £ 2 . 3 . 1 !) 10 s . W . Bro . G . B . PEARCE , Secretary of the Cornwall Masonic Charity Association , reported that for the year the amount submitted to
ballots was 235 guineas , subscsiptions fully paid and remainders of subscriptions paid , . C 40 . —Total , £ 275 . The charities selected were the ^ irls . 205 guineas : boys , 45 guineas : Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 25 guineas . W . Bro . C . TRUSCOTT submitted his annual statement as manager of the votes for Masonic charities .
The whole of these reports having been adopted , the three trustees of the Cornwall Masonic Annuity and Benevolent Fundthe P . G . M .. the D . P . G . M ., and W . Bro . E . T . Carlyon—were reelected , and to them were added W . Bros . Anderton , T . Chirgwin , and E . Milford Cock . The treasurer , secretary , assistant-secretary , auditors , and the Committee of Relief were all re-elected . The P . G . M . announced that it had been arranged to place a brass
plate on the pier of Truro Cathedral , announcing that it was the gift of the Masons of Cornwall and others ; also that he had received £ 5 towards the Cathedral from the Hon . and Rev . J . T . Boscawen . and a promise of another £ 5 . £ 50 was voted to the Cornwall Mason Annuity and Benevolent Fund . £ 50 was voted to the three Masonic London Charities , ' in the following proportions : £ 20 to the girls , £ 20 to the Benevolent , and £ 10 to the boys .
W . Bro . BINCKES returned thanks on behalf of the London charities for the monej r voted to them . During the day the lodge proceeded to church in procession , and a sermon was preached by W . Bro . the Rev . W . Reed Erskine , P . G . Chap . The collection amounted to £ 9 lis ., which was awardedtwo-fifths to the Miners' Hospital at Redruth , two-fifths to the
Charity Association , and one-fifth to the vicar for parochial purposes . The following were the officers appointed for the year : —R . W . Bro . Sir C . B . Graves-Sawle . Bait ., D . P . G . M . ; W . Bros . G . P . N . Glencross , 510 . P . G . S . W . ; H . P . Vivian , 5 S 9 , P . G . J . W .: Rev . W . R . Erskine . 589 . and R . F . Frazer-Frizell , P . G . Chaps . ; E . M . Cock .
589 . P . G . T .: R . P . Edyvean .-330 . P . G . Reg . ; T . Chirgwin . 131 . P . G . Sec . ; W . Lidgey , and T . C . Polglase , 75 , P . G . S . Deacons ; J . W . Higman , 496 . and J . Reynolds , 331 , P . G . J . Deacons ; W . Huthnance , 450 . P . G . S . Wks . ; P . Giles . 496 , P . G . D . C . ; H . B . Neame , 589 . P . GkD . D . C . ; G . M . Downing . 131 . P . G . A . D . C . ; Major J . J . Ross . 121 . P . G . S . B . ; W . A . Bennett . 09 !) , H . C . Welch , 907 , P . G . St .
Bearers ; — Hewlett . P . G . Org . ; T . Gill . 967 . P . G . Assit . Sec . ; H . Searle , 699 , P . G . Purs . ; J , Langdon , P . G . A . Purs . ; J . T . Rodda , 1544 , J . M . Richards , 318 . W . Colenso . 121 . J . A . Bersey . 893 , P . H . Dawe , 967 , H . Down . 2160 , P . G . Stewards ; Nicholls , ' lS 44 , P . G . Tyler ; J . C . R . Crewes , Clerk to the Prov . G . Sec . At the close of the business of the lodge the brethren lunched together at the Assembly Rooms . The PROV . G . MASTER presided .
SOMERSET . —22 nd August , in the Town Hall , Chard , M . W . Bro . THE RIGHT HON . THE EARL OF CARNARVON presiding . All lodges in the province were represented . The accounts for the past year showed a profit on the year of £ 62 13 s . 3 d . Bro . C . L . Fry Edwards was unanimously re-elected P . G . L . Treasurer . The R . W . P . G . M . then appointed and invested the P . G . officers for
the ensuing year as follows : —Bro . H . Culliford Hopkins , P . M ., 379 ( Bath ) , P . G . S . W . ; Bro . Sumner Toms , P . M ., 1 . 953 ( Chard ) , P . G . J . W . ; Bro . Rev . J . A . Lloyd , P . M ., 379 ( Bath ) , P . G . chaplain ; Bro . Rev . F . L . Bryde , P . M ., 1 . 296 ( Brislington ) , P . G . chaplain ; Bro . C . L . Fry Edwards . P . M ., P . G . treasurer ; Bro . T . G . Williams , P . M .. 261 ( Taunton ) , P . G . registrar ; Bro . J . C . Hunt , P . M ., 135
( Bridgwater ) , P . G . secretary ; Bro . A . Wade , P . M .. 446 ( Wells ) , P . G . S . D . ; Bro . A . de Courrey Lyons , P . M ., 1 , 199 ( Congresbury ) , P . G . J . D . ; Bro . W . H . Wooler , P . M ., 1 , 222 ( Weston-super-Mare ) , P . G . S . Wks . ; Bro . W . Ransford , P . M ., 1 , 750 ( Clevedon ) , P . G . D , Cer . ; Bro . A . J . Gay , P . M ., 1 , 833 ( Keynsham ) , Assistant P . G . D . C . ; Bro . B . C . Board , P . M ., 291 ( Highbridge ) , P . G . S . B . ; Bro . L . A .
Reports Of Lodge Meetings.
Weatherly , P . M .. 1 . 755 ( Portishead ) , P . G . standard bearer : Bro . S . L . Lewis . P . M ., 973 ( Frome ) . P . G . standard bearer : Bro . A . Revnolds . ' P . M .. 2 , 038 ( Langport ) . P . G . O . ; Bro . R . Knight , P . M ., 1 . 906 ( Wellington ) . P . G . Purst .: Bro . J . P . Green . P . M ., 976 ( Bruton ) . assistant P . G . P .: Bro . A . J . Salter , P . M .. 33 ( Bath ) , tyler ; Bro . S . Bigwood . P . M .. 41 ( Bath ) , assistant tyler ; Bro . T . E .
Wilton , P . M .. 41 ( Bath ) , steward : Bro . T . C . Manning , W . M .. 285 ( Shepton Mallet ) , steward ; Bro . H . B . Crouch , W . M .. 772 ( Glastonbury ) , steward : Bro . A . Hart , W . M ., 814 ( Crewkerne ) , steward ; Bro . W . L . Dames , secretary , 52 ( Bath ) , steward . The report of the Charity Organisation Committee was read . The sum expended during the past year was £ 1 . 292 . of which £ 945 was given on the occasion of the Girls' Centenary Festival . On account
of the Centenary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls taking place this year , the sum of 15 guineas usually granted to the brother serving the office of P . G . Steward was increased to 100 guineas , the whole forming a contribution of this P . G . Lodge towards the funds of the institution in celebration of the special occasion . The Lodge was then closed . The banquet was held at the George Hotel .
PRIVATE LODGE MEETINGS . ALL SOULS—No . 170 . —WEYMOUTH . August 10 th—Bro . Zillwood Milledge . P . M .. P . P . G . D . O . Dorsetshire , W . M . —The alterations of the Masonic Hall belonging to this Lodge at Weymouth , and which have been carried out under the supervision and from the designs of Bro . W . Barlow Morgan , P . M ., having been lately completed , the formal ceremony of re-opening took place on the above date . There
was a very large gathering of Brethren of considerable local influence , as well as of distinguished visitors frorn the Metropolis , and the proceedings generally were of more than ordinary interest A detailed report of greater length than we can . in our present infant state , afford space for , will be found in the pages of our contemporaries . The Freemuson and The Freemasons ' Chronicle , to
either or both of which we refer the circle of Brethren more immediately interested . ETHELI ? ERT LODGE—No . 2099 . —14 th Aug ., at the Masonic Rooms , Heme Bay . Bro . C . E . Fenoulhet , W . M . —A large number of visitors honoured the lodge by their presence , and there was a very fair attendance of Members . Bro . Henry Corbet Jones , S . W . was
installed by his predecessor in the chair of K . S . as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being most ably performed . The Officers for the year are Bro . J . S . White , S . W . ; E . A . C . Larkin , J . W . : E . T . J . Adams , Treasurer : F . A . Pullen , Secretary ; O . Salari , S . D . : C . W . Welby , J . D . ; T . E . Dilnot , J . G . ; and W . T . England , Steward . The installation banquet took place in the
Town Hall , the newly installed Master presiding , and in the course of the evening presenting to Bro . Fenoulhet a handsome P . M . jewel . ABBEY—No . 1184—16 th August , at the Masonic Hall , Battle , Sussex . Bro . W . T . Jordan , W . M . — A reniaiiet from the previous meeting , in order to complete in a full and proper manner the introduction of Bros . Honisett and Hall , was first taken , the S . W ..
Bro . Davison , Jf . IJ .. delivering the "Charge after Initiation . " The second degree was then conferred upon the newly initiated Brethren and the Lodge was closed . LEBANON—No . 1326—18 th August , at Feltham , Middlesex . Bro . Edwin Arthur Smith , W . M . — There was a very fair attendance of members and visitors . Bros . T . W . Kingston and T . Thompson
passed in the second degree , and Bro . G . T . Bailey was raised as M . M . Several proposals in support of charitable gifts having been discussed and approved of , the Lodge was closed and the meeting adjourned to the 15 th inst . —Refreshment followed Labour . BROWNRIGG—No . 1638—15 th August , at the Sun Hotel ,
Kingston-on-Thames . Bro . George Moorman , W . M . — Two important officers failed to put in an appearance , although their services were necessary to the perfect working of two ceremonials . Their substitutes , appointed by the W . M . for the occasion , performed their tasks with the utmost fidelity , and Bros . Woodhouse and Clay were passed and Bro . Mayhew raised in a very able and effective manner .
With the like able assistance Mr . Thomas Bugler was initiated . As the present S . W . Bro . W . Drewitt is also the W . M . of the Dobie Lodge , No . 889 , the choice of the Brethren fell upon Bro . Humphreys , the J . W . as Master for the ensuing year . A well-merited P . M . ' s jewel was voted to the outgoing W . M . The Lodge was in mourning
for the late Bro . Fraylmg , the former host , and a letter of thanks for condolences was received from Mrs . Frayling , and read . Lodge was then closed , and the Brethren " refreshed . " KiNGSLAND—No . 1693 . — 22 nd August , at the "Cock" Tavern , Kingsland—Emergency—Bro . James Cooper , P . M . and Treasurer
as W . M . Bros . Moore , Strudwick , White , and Wood were raised to the third degree . —Ballots were taken for eight candidates , and proved favourable . Of these the three who attended , viz ., Messrs . J . S . Sunderland , jun ., F . Read , and W . Gilson , were duly initiated into the Order by Bro . H . Hall , P . M . Lodge was then closed . After dinner , which was presided over by Bro . T . Caseley , the W . M . elect , a very pleasant evening was spent in social converse and harmony .
HYDE PARK—No . 1425—Monday , 27 th August , 1888 , at the Porchester Hotel , Leinster Place . Cleveland Square , Paddington , W . Present—J . C . Conway , W . M . ; P . J . Davies , S . W . ; W . J . Hakim , S . W . 141 , J . W . ; H . Dehane , P . M . 1543 and P . G . S . D . Es . * ex , Sec . ; C . G . Weizler , S . D . ; W . Death , J . D . ; S . Stretch , Jun ., I . G . P . M ., Bro . E . F . Ferris and Bro . W . C . Edwards . Lodge opened , minutes read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , closed down to the 1 st degree , and the ceremonies of
Installation and Passing were rehearsed , Bros . Jb erris and Edwards being candidates respectively . Bro . Hakim was elected a member , and Bro . Davies was elected W . M . for September 3 rd . TREDEGAR—No . 1625—At this lodge , held at the Wellington Arms , Wellington Road , Bow , E ., the ceremony of Installation will be performed on Thursday next ; Bro . Basil Stewart , W . M .