Article The Masonic " Poet's Corner." Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article EMBLEMATIC LODGE (No. 1321). Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
{[ Original and Selected . ') HELP ONE ANOTHER .
" Help one another , " the snow-flakes said , As they cuddled down in their fleecy bed : " One of us here Avould not be felt , One of us here would quickly melt ; But I'll help you and you help me . And then what a big white drift we'll see !"
Help one another . " the maple spray Said to its f CIIOAV leaves one day ; " The sun Avould wither me here alone . Long enough ere the day is gone ; But I'll help you and you help mo , And then Avhat a splendid shade there'll be ! "
" Help one another , " the deAV-drop cried , Seeing another drop close to its side ; This warm south breeze Avould drive me aAvay , And I should be gone ere noon to-day ; But I'll help you and you help me , And Ave'll make a brook and run to the sea . "
" Help one another , " a grain of sand Said to another grain just at hand ; " The wind may carry me over the sea , And then , 0 Avhat will become of me ? But come , my brother , give me your hand—We'll build a mountain and there Ave'll stand . " From the Sydney Freemason .
THE QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT OF THE ROYAL MASONIC Institution for Boys was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday last , the 25 th inst . Bro . W . Roebuck . P . G . S . B ., vice-patron and trustee , occupied the chair . There were also present Bros . J . S . Cumberland , Rev . Richard Morris , M . A ., L . L . D ., Thos . Smith . G . H . Webb , J . Glasse , A . E . Glad well , G . Motion , H . Massey , G . Britten . J . L . Dale ,
A . Motion , Joseph Boulton , S . Layton , J . Motion , H . Purcell , & c , sind Frederick Binckes . P . G . S . B ., secretary . The notice of motion by Bro . W . H . Saunders , L . G . — " That Law No . 53 be suspended during the next April election for the purpose of admitting Harold Gray as a candidate at such election " —was refused to be put to the meeting by the chairman , as not being provided for by the rules .
That by W . Bro . J . S . Cumberland , L . G . — " That the laAvs of the institution be referred for revision and correction to a Committee , Avhose recommendations shall be submitted to the Quarterly General Court on 2 ( ith April next , or to a Special General Court to b-s convened in accordance with LaAV 31 "—was AvithdraAvn on the ground that he felt some little difficulty in persevering Avith it until
the expected report of the Special Committee of Enquiry had been made public . It was probable the question of revision and alteration of the laws might be dealt Avith by that Committee , and he preferred to defer his motion until after that report had been received . The chairman being asked when the report of that
committee Avould be ready , replied that he had not heard , but it could not now be presented before the Quarterly Court in April next . On a recommendation from the general committee it was decided to elect , at the next Quarterly General Court on Friday , 20 th April , 17 boys from an approved list of 72 candidates .
THE QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT OF THE GOVERNORS AND Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls Avas held at Freemasons' Hall , on Saturday last , the 26 th inst ., W . Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , J . P .. P . G . T ., in the chair . Present -. —Bros . Frank Richardson , C . J . Perceval . J . C . Cumberland , C . II . Webb , A . E . Gladwell , G . W . Verry , H . Spaull , & c , and F . R . W . Hedges
Secretary . Alter transaction of the formal business , Bro . Perceval Avithdrew the folloAving notices of motion given by him , viz . —1 . To amend Law 55 as follows : " That a girl shall not be eligible for election unless the father has been a subscribing member of some Lodge for se ^ en years , but should death or permanent incapacity occasioned by paralysis , blindness , fire , shipwreck or other calamity
have occurred within seven years of his initiation , this rule shall not apply , providing , nevertheless , that at the time of such occurrence the father was a subscribing member to some Lodge ;" and 2 , " That any candidate whose petition may be approved by the General Committee before this amendment of LaAV 55 may be confirmed shall not be affected thereby . " Bro . Perceval said that
he made this withdrawal on the understanding that it might be desirable , after the report of the Special Committee of the Bovs ' School had been made public , to revise and remodel the existing laws of this institution . Bro . Edward Letchworth V . Pat ., in bringing forward the next motion , stated that , in consequence of the additions lately made to the schools , the institution was IIOAV in a
position to accommodate more girls than heretofore ; he therefore moved that 37 vacancies be declared instead of 17 only , and that at the election in April next that number of girls be elected out of a total of 74 candidates now upon the list of . applicants , which was agreed to . He also stated that those present would be glad to hear that the total sum subscribed for the 1888 festival Avas £ 51 . 500 and that at
, the present time there was mly about the sum of £ 3 , 000 association money still outstanding . That , of course , Avould be received as the donors were successful in obtaining their ballots , all of which was , of course , payable at the will and convenience of the donors . The Chairman said he felt it his duty to state most positively in
reference to the fact that a portion of the balance of this association money is still outstanding , that no proxies for votes had been issued in respect of the same in any one instance , nor Avould they be unless the money was first paid over to the Secretary of the Institution in the usual way . The proceedings then terminated .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . G ., London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the E DITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * * * * We desire to call the attention of our provincial readers and
advertisers to the list of agents published in our advertisement columns . We are making such arrangements that through our agents any local information or business matters can be respectively forwarded or transmitted without trouble or expense . We shall add to our list as may be desired in respect of other towns .
We shall be greatly obliged to Secretaries of Lodges and Secretaries of Chapters named in our list of forthcoming Lodge and Chapter Meetings if they will instruct us as to the dates of
installations of W . M . ' s and Principals respectively . The kindly consideration of one or two of our respected Provincial Grand Secretaries lias enabled us to supply the desired information in some cases . We should like to be enabled to do so in all . [ See foot-note at page 3 (! 0 . ]
We remind our readers , and more especially our Leicestershire brethren , that the masonic ball , under the auspices of the five Leicester lodges , will take place at the County Assembly Rooms , at Leicesteron Friday ( to-morrow ) , 29 th inst . We learn it Avill be a
, very grand affair , and under such distinguished patronage as that of the Pro . Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , several Provincial Grand Masters , and other notable Freemasons , it should be most successful .
Last Saturday evening , on the conclusion of Miss Patti Rosa ' s clever performance at the Jodrell Theatre , a new " water curtain , " the invention of Bro . J . F . Wiles , was exhibited for the first time . By means of a 4-inch pipe placed at the top of the proscenium witli 500 brass tubes screAved therein , each about half-an-inch apart , a
practically solid sheet of water descends to the stage close to the footlights , and in case of fire it is claimed would effectually isolate and prevent it spreading to the auditorium , as no flame could It is clever inventionand where
possibly penetrate it . a , adopted should go far to allay feelings of alarm amongst an audience in case of outbreak of fire ; it being an established fact that the late terrible losses of life in such conflagrations are Avholly traceable to panic . _
Emblematic Lodge (No. 1321).
EMBLEMATIC LODGE ( No . 1321 ) .
The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . Amongst the members present were Bros . W . 11 . Boyell . W . M . ; H . Esling , S . W ., W . M . Elect ; J . II . Price . J . W .: AV . B . Fendick , P . M ., treas . ; R . G . Cooper , P . M . 507 sec . ; F . J . Potter . S . D . ; W . G . Kent , I . G . ; R . H . Davies , steward ; Past Masters , Bros . II . S .
Hunter , W . J . Forrest , and R . A . Kirkaldy ; also Bros . A . A . Barnes , J Howell . J . H . Evans , E . Belson . C . Rowan , and others . The visitors included Bros . R . Townsend , P . M . 1984 . P . G . S . B . ; G . Fanchild , W . M . 1319 ; W . Thomas , W . M . 2045 ; R , P . Stevens , W . M . 901 ; J . P . Fitzgerald , W . M . 21 ( 18 : J . D . Clemming . P . M . 2108 ; D . A . Mostyn , J . D . 2045 ; W . W . Westleg , W . M . 1 S <; : G . F .
Spencer , W . M . 2120 ; R . A . Hale , P . M . 1314 ; J . Mason , P . P . S . G . D . Middlesex ; T . P . Deakin , P . M ., 117 ; W . Hamlyn , P . M . 1022 ; C . A . Cottebrune . P . M . 733 andP . G . P . ; H . G . Glendoni , 1180 ; J . Hyinan , 2108 ; W . Trueman , 957 ; J . II . Muggeridgc , W . M . 1507 ; W . E . Chapman , 2190 ; T . M . Clark , 2182 ; C . Smith . 1445 ; W . Medwin , P . M ., 1013 : T . J . Jearce , 382 ; E . Drighted , 13 ( 54 ; R . Trewer ,
1085 ; J . Archer , 1420 ; R . Cursons , S . D ., 1081 ; J . B . Reid , 13 ( 54 ; F . Dustenvald . D . C , 158 ( 5 ; J . Best , Abercorn ; J . A . Stewart , 1304 ; A . Cotton , 1 ( 513 ; A . Prince , S . D ., 901 ; R . Andrews , 35 ; A . Trelaver , 1327 ; W . A . Clench , 1770 . The lodge having been opened , the minutes Avere adopted , and the audit committee ' s report received and adopted .
Bro . H . Esling as W . M . elect was duly installed into the chair by Bro . W . B . Fendick , P . M . and Treasr . in a very able manner . The f olloAving officers were appointed and invested—Bros . J . II . Price , S . W . ; F . J . Potter , J . AV . : AV . B . Fendick , P . M ., Treasurer ; R . G . Cooper , P . M . ( 507 ) , Sec . ; AV . G . Kent , S . D . ; R . II . Davies , J . D . ; AV . J . Harris , I . G . ; A . A . Barnes . AV . S . ; J . AVheatcroft , 1 st
A . AV . S . ; J . Baxter , 2 nd A . AV . S . ; AV . II . Pain , D . C . ; H . C . Theiss , 1 st A . D . C . ; E . Beeson , 2 nd A . D . C . and G . Austin , Tyler . Propositions having been received and routine business transacted , the lodge Avas closed . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent repast , at the conclusion of which the usual toasts Avere duly honoured . The menu
card and toast list did credit to the AV . M . 's taste , and were much admired . Bro . AV . R . Boyell . I . P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M . Bro . II . Esling . AV . M ., in reply , said he felt very proud at the manner in Avhich the toast had been proposed and the cordial reception the toast had received . That night Avas , for him , one of those events which occur in the life of a Mason , and was the chief point in a Master Mason ' s life—his first Mastership . He Avas highly when he around
honoured at his position , . and more especially saw him so many distinguished visitors from all parts . He assured the brethren that it Avould be his great pleasure to promote in every way the welfare and happiness of the Emblematic Lodge . The Visitors ' , the Past Masters' and the Officers' toasts having been given , the Tyler ' s toast closed a very successful and enjoyable gathering .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic " Poet's Corner."
The Masonic " Poet's Corner . "
{[ Original and Selected . ') HELP ONE ANOTHER .
" Help one another , " the snow-flakes said , As they cuddled down in their fleecy bed : " One of us here Avould not be felt , One of us here would quickly melt ; But I'll help you and you help me . And then what a big white drift we'll see !"
Help one another . " the maple spray Said to its f CIIOAV leaves one day ; " The sun Avould wither me here alone . Long enough ere the day is gone ; But I'll help you and you help mo , And then Avhat a splendid shade there'll be ! "
" Help one another , " the deAV-drop cried , Seeing another drop close to its side ; This warm south breeze Avould drive me aAvay , And I should be gone ere noon to-day ; But I'll help you and you help me , And Ave'll make a brook and run to the sea . "
" Help one another , " a grain of sand Said to another grain just at hand ; " The wind may carry me over the sea , And then , 0 Avhat will become of me ? But come , my brother , give me your hand—We'll build a mountain and there Ave'll stand . " From the Sydney Freemason .
THE QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT OF THE ROYAL MASONIC Institution for Boys was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday last , the 25 th inst . Bro . W . Roebuck . P . G . S . B ., vice-patron and trustee , occupied the chair . There were also present Bros . J . S . Cumberland , Rev . Richard Morris , M . A ., L . L . D ., Thos . Smith . G . H . Webb , J . Glasse , A . E . Glad well , G . Motion , H . Massey , G . Britten . J . L . Dale ,
A . Motion , Joseph Boulton , S . Layton , J . Motion , H . Purcell , & c , sind Frederick Binckes . P . G . S . B ., secretary . The notice of motion by Bro . W . H . Saunders , L . G . — " That Law No . 53 be suspended during the next April election for the purpose of admitting Harold Gray as a candidate at such election " —was refused to be put to the meeting by the chairman , as not being provided for by the rules .
That by W . Bro . J . S . Cumberland , L . G . — " That the laAvs of the institution be referred for revision and correction to a Committee , Avhose recommendations shall be submitted to the Quarterly General Court on 2 ( ith April next , or to a Special General Court to b-s convened in accordance with LaAV 31 "—was AvithdraAvn on the ground that he felt some little difficulty in persevering Avith it until
the expected report of the Special Committee of Enquiry had been made public . It was probable the question of revision and alteration of the laws might be dealt Avith by that Committee , and he preferred to defer his motion until after that report had been received . The chairman being asked when the report of that
committee Avould be ready , replied that he had not heard , but it could not now be presented before the Quarterly Court in April next . On a recommendation from the general committee it was decided to elect , at the next Quarterly General Court on Friday , 20 th April , 17 boys from an approved list of 72 candidates .
THE QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT OF THE GOVERNORS AND Subscribers of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls Avas held at Freemasons' Hall , on Saturday last , the 26 th inst ., W . Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , J . P .. P . G . T ., in the chair . Present -. —Bros . Frank Richardson , C . J . Perceval . J . C . Cumberland , C . II . Webb , A . E . Gladwell , G . W . Verry , H . Spaull , & c , and F . R . W . Hedges
Secretary . Alter transaction of the formal business , Bro . Perceval Avithdrew the folloAving notices of motion given by him , viz . —1 . To amend Law 55 as follows : " That a girl shall not be eligible for election unless the father has been a subscribing member of some Lodge for se ^ en years , but should death or permanent incapacity occasioned by paralysis , blindness , fire , shipwreck or other calamity
have occurred within seven years of his initiation , this rule shall not apply , providing , nevertheless , that at the time of such occurrence the father was a subscribing member to some Lodge ;" and 2 , " That any candidate whose petition may be approved by the General Committee before this amendment of LaAV 55 may be confirmed shall not be affected thereby . " Bro . Perceval said that
he made this withdrawal on the understanding that it might be desirable , after the report of the Special Committee of the Bovs ' School had been made public , to revise and remodel the existing laws of this institution . Bro . Edward Letchworth V . Pat ., in bringing forward the next motion , stated that , in consequence of the additions lately made to the schools , the institution was IIOAV in a
position to accommodate more girls than heretofore ; he therefore moved that 37 vacancies be declared instead of 17 only , and that at the election in April next that number of girls be elected out of a total of 74 candidates now upon the list of . applicants , which was agreed to . He also stated that those present would be glad to hear that the total sum subscribed for the 1888 festival Avas £ 51 . 500 and that at
, the present time there was mly about the sum of £ 3 , 000 association money still outstanding . That , of course , Avould be received as the donors were successful in obtaining their ballots , all of which was , of course , payable at the will and convenience of the donors . The Chairman said he felt it his duty to state most positively in
reference to the fact that a portion of the balance of this association money is still outstanding , that no proxies for votes had been issued in respect of the same in any one instance , nor Avould they be unless the money was first paid over to the Secretary of the Institution in the usual way . The proceedings then terminated .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
ALL communications should be forwarded to 59 , Moor Lane , Fore Street , E . G ., London . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the E DITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS . * * * * * We desire to call the attention of our provincial readers and
advertisers to the list of agents published in our advertisement columns . We are making such arrangements that through our agents any local information or business matters can be respectively forwarded or transmitted without trouble or expense . We shall add to our list as may be desired in respect of other towns .
We shall be greatly obliged to Secretaries of Lodges and Secretaries of Chapters named in our list of forthcoming Lodge and Chapter Meetings if they will instruct us as to the dates of
installations of W . M . ' s and Principals respectively . The kindly consideration of one or two of our respected Provincial Grand Secretaries lias enabled us to supply the desired information in some cases . We should like to be enabled to do so in all . [ See foot-note at page 3 (! 0 . ]
We remind our readers , and more especially our Leicestershire brethren , that the masonic ball , under the auspices of the five Leicester lodges , will take place at the County Assembly Rooms , at Leicesteron Friday ( to-morrow ) , 29 th inst . We learn it Avill be a
, very grand affair , and under such distinguished patronage as that of the Pro . Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , several Provincial Grand Masters , and other notable Freemasons , it should be most successful .
Last Saturday evening , on the conclusion of Miss Patti Rosa ' s clever performance at the Jodrell Theatre , a new " water curtain , " the invention of Bro . J . F . Wiles , was exhibited for the first time . By means of a 4-inch pipe placed at the top of the proscenium witli 500 brass tubes screAved therein , each about half-an-inch apart , a
practically solid sheet of water descends to the stage close to the footlights , and in case of fire it is claimed would effectually isolate and prevent it spreading to the auditorium , as no flame could It is clever inventionand where
possibly penetrate it . a , adopted should go far to allay feelings of alarm amongst an audience in case of outbreak of fire ; it being an established fact that the late terrible losses of life in such conflagrations are Avholly traceable to panic . _
Emblematic Lodge (No. 1321).
EMBLEMATIC LODGE ( No . 1321 ) .
The installation meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge . Amongst the members present were Bros . W . 11 . Boyell . W . M . ; H . Esling , S . W ., W . M . Elect ; J . II . Price . J . W .: AV . B . Fendick , P . M ., treas . ; R . G . Cooper , P . M . 507 sec . ; F . J . Potter . S . D . ; W . G . Kent , I . G . ; R . H . Davies , steward ; Past Masters , Bros . II . S .
Hunter , W . J . Forrest , and R . A . Kirkaldy ; also Bros . A . A . Barnes , J Howell . J . H . Evans , E . Belson . C . Rowan , and others . The visitors included Bros . R . Townsend , P . M . 1984 . P . G . S . B . ; G . Fanchild , W . M . 1319 ; W . Thomas , W . M . 2045 ; R , P . Stevens , W . M . 901 ; J . P . Fitzgerald , W . M . 21 ( 18 : J . D . Clemming . P . M . 2108 ; D . A . Mostyn , J . D . 2045 ; W . W . Westleg , W . M . 1 S <; : G . F .
Spencer , W . M . 2120 ; R . A . Hale , P . M . 1314 ; J . Mason , P . P . S . G . D . Middlesex ; T . P . Deakin , P . M ., 117 ; W . Hamlyn , P . M . 1022 ; C . A . Cottebrune . P . M . 733 andP . G . P . ; H . G . Glendoni , 1180 ; J . Hyinan , 2108 ; W . Trueman , 957 ; J . II . Muggeridgc , W . M . 1507 ; W . E . Chapman , 2190 ; T . M . Clark , 2182 ; C . Smith . 1445 ; W . Medwin , P . M ., 1013 : T . J . Jearce , 382 ; E . Drighted , 13 ( 54 ; R . Trewer ,
1085 ; J . Archer , 1420 ; R . Cursons , S . D ., 1081 ; J . B . Reid , 13 ( 54 ; F . Dustenvald . D . C , 158 ( 5 ; J . Best , Abercorn ; J . A . Stewart , 1304 ; A . Cotton , 1 ( 513 ; A . Prince , S . D ., 901 ; R . Andrews , 35 ; A . Trelaver , 1327 ; W . A . Clench , 1770 . The lodge having been opened , the minutes Avere adopted , and the audit committee ' s report received and adopted .
Bro . H . Esling as W . M . elect was duly installed into the chair by Bro . W . B . Fendick , P . M . and Treasr . in a very able manner . The f olloAving officers were appointed and invested—Bros . J . II . Price , S . W . ; F . J . Potter , J . AV . : AV . B . Fendick , P . M ., Treasurer ; R . G . Cooper , P . M . ( 507 ) , Sec . ; AV . G . Kent , S . D . ; R . II . Davies , J . D . ; AV . J . Harris , I . G . ; A . A . Barnes . AV . S . ; J . AVheatcroft , 1 st
A . AV . S . ; J . Baxter , 2 nd A . AV . S . ; AV . II . Pain , D . C . ; H . C . Theiss , 1 st A . D . C . ; E . Beeson , 2 nd A . D . C . and G . Austin , Tyler . Propositions having been received and routine business transacted , the lodge Avas closed . The brethren then adjourned to an excellent repast , at the conclusion of which the usual toasts Avere duly honoured . The menu
card and toast list did credit to the AV . M . 's taste , and were much admired . Bro . AV . R . Boyell . I . P . M ., proposed the health of the AV . M . Bro . II . Esling . AV . M ., in reply , said he felt very proud at the manner in Avhich the toast had been proposed and the cordial reception the toast had received . That night Avas , for him , one of those events which occur in the life of a Mason , and was the chief point in a Master Mason ' s life—his first Mastership . He Avas highly when he around
honoured at his position , . and more especially saw him so many distinguished visitors from all parts . He assured the brethren that it Avould be his great pleasure to promote in every way the welfare and happiness of the Emblematic Lodge . The Visitors ' , the Past Masters' and the Officers' toasts having been given , the Tyler ' s toast closed a very successful and enjoyable gathering .