Article THE "GOULD" TESTIMONIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article COMMITTEE. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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The "Gould" Testimonial.
In the opinion of many Brethren the time has arrived when the long-continued services of Bro . ROBERT FREKE GOULD . P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknowledgment . Entering this field of labour so far back as 1858 , he was for many years a contributor to the Masonic journals , but he will be best known as the author of " The Four Old Lodges , " " The Atholl Lodges , " . ind last , though not least , of " The History of Freemasonry" which is admitted by all authorities to be the ablest and best Masonic Avork ever written . Since its
, production it is no longer possible to affirm , as has teen constantly done by foes and friends alike , that the great body of Freemasons are without a reliable and critical history of their Society . It is hoped that the Brethren , whose names are subjoined , may prove to be the pioneers of a movement which A \ ill SIIOAV to Bro . GOULD that the long years of study and research which he has devoted to the interest of Freemasonry are deemed worthy of substantial recognition by the Craft universal , who , in this Avay , will best evince a genuine
appreciation of his unexampled labours . In pursuance of the above object the undermentioned Brethren have formed themselves into a Committee . Individual Subscriptions ( but not those of Lodges or other Bodies ) are limited to One Guinea . Contributions to the Fund may be sent to Dr . RALPH GOODING , P . G . D ., Hon . Sec . and ad interim Treasurer ( Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E . ) , and will be duly acknowledged .
© Ijflinnan— THE EAEL OF CARNARVON , PRO GRAND MASTER . MEMBERS . Bro . The EARL AMHERST . Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . EARL OF ZETLAND . Prov . G . M . Yorks ( North and East ) . „ The EARL OF LIMERICK , Prov , G . M . Bristol . ., SIR GEORGE ELLIOT , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . S . Wales . E . Div . ., Col . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET . Prov . G . M . Jersey . ., SIR E . A . H . LECHMERE . Bart .. M . P .. Prov . G . M . Worcester . ' „ Col . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex . ., T . W . TEAV , Prov . G . M . Yorkshire , West Riding . ., Col . LE GENDRE N . S TARKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . ,. The LORD EGERTON OF TATTON . Prov . G . M . Cheshire . „ The EARL OF HARDAVICKE , Prov . G M . Cambridge . „ The EARL OF EUSTON , Prov . G . M . Norths and Hunts .
PRESENT GRAND OFFICERS : — Bro . The LORD HALSBURY , Lord Chancellor , S . G . W . I Bro . ASHER BARFIELD , G . Treasurer . ,, Gen . LORD JOHN TAYLOUR , J . G . W . | ., F . A . PHILBRICK , Q . C ., G . Registrar . Bro . Col . S . H . CLERKE , G . Secretary . And other Grand Officers of the Year . Together Avith many distinguished Past Grand Officers and Avell-knovvn Brethren of the Craft in all parts of England .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
FOB TIEIIE . CTT ^ ZR-ZEZKra ? AATIEIEIIEC" All Lodges held within Ten Miles Jlfetop of FREEMASONS riiian HALL %# L b ONDON % z % are mti LONDO Cfraptaa N LODGES . " —General . Laws and Begulations .
? ° NAME OP LODGE AKD CHAPTER . P LACE OF MEETING . Lodge . THIS DAY ( 4 th ) THURSDAY , JANUARY 31 st . 22 Neptune Guildhall TavGresham StreetEC
" ... ., , .. 152-1 Duke of Comiaughc Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , B . C . 21112 Highbury Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 2204 Chough " Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . ( 1 st ) FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 1 st . 11 Enoch F . M . II . 59 Royal Naval Ditto AVoolwieh
706 Florence Nightingale M . II ., AVilliam Street , 890 Hornsey Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1-189 Marquis of Ripon Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1627 Royal Kensington F . M . H . 1815 Pcnge Thicket Hotel , Anerlcy 2233 old Westminster Cafe Royal , Regent . Street , AV . R . A . C . 259 Prince of AVales Willis ' s Rooms , St . James's , AV .
Mark . 8 Thistle F . M . T . ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 2 nd . 142 St . Thomas ' s Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1572 Carnarvon Albion Tav ., AIdersgate Street , E . C . 1622 Rose Surrey M . H ., Camberwell 1949 Brixton Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , Brixton
( 1 st ) MONDAY , FEBRUARY ,-lth . 12 Fortitude & Old Cumberland ... Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 25 Robert Rums F . M . II . 09 Unity Inns of Court Hotel , AV . C . 83 United Lodge of Prudence ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street , E . C . 144 St . Luke ' s Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 188 Joppa F . M . T . 256 Unions F . M . I I .
1305 St . Marvlebonc Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 1319 Asaph " F . M . II . 1 C 25 Tredegar Royal Hotel , Mile End Road , E . 1669 Roval Leopold Surrey M . 1 L , Camberwell 1731 Cholmeley Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1853 Caxton F . M . II . 1990 Priory of Acton Royal Ass . Rooms , Acton 2020 St . P . otolph ' s Albion Tav .. Aldersgatc Street , E . G . 2098 Harlesdeu National SchoolsIlarlesden
, R . A . C . 1615 Ravard 33 , Golden Square . AV . 1704 Cable Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 5 th . 7 Roval York of Perseverance ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street , E . C . J Albion F . . AMI . 18 old Dundee Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . Kil and Turtle
Temple Ship , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 106 Union Criterion , Piccadilly , \ V . 172 Old Concord V . M . II . ¦ 217 Stability Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 705 St . . James' Bridge House Hotel , London iitlg ., S . E . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh C . of G . Hope Tav ., Commercial Rd ., E . 1261 Golden Rule Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1381 Kcnnington Horns Tav ., Kcnnington Park , S . E .
Lodge | NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , FEBRUARY r , th—continued . 1397 Anerlcy Thicket HotAnerlcy
., 1472 Henley Three Crowns Hot ., North AVoolwieh 1093 Kings ' land Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 2150 Tivoli Tivoli Restaurant , Strand , AA \ C . 2190 Savage Club F . M . 11 . R . A . C . 169 Temperance Railway Tav ., New Cross ltd ., New Cross Mark . 236 Clapton Rudolph Chmbrs ., 191 , Bshpsgte St ., E . C .
315 Hcnnlkcr 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . 350 Temperancc-in-the-East ... Assembly Rooms , 6 , Ncwby Plaee . Poplar 355 Royal Savoy Criterion , Piccadilly , AA \ R . C . 72 Canterbury 33 , Golden Square , AV . ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY Gth . GRAND CHAPTER , AT 6 P . M .
511 Zetland Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 12 & 8 Royal Standard Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1491 Atlienieum Athcnajum , Camden Road 1585 Roval Commemoration White Lion Hot ., Upper Norwood 16 S 7 Rothesay St . James ' s Hall , Piccadilly , AV . H . A . C . 1196 Urban F . M . H . 1471 | Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N .
( 1 st ) THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 7 th . 10 AVcstminster and Keystone ... F . M . II . 27 Egyptian Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 45 strong Man M . II . Tav ., Basinghall St ., E . C . 192 Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 231 StAndrew ' s F . M . H .
. 538 La Tolerance Ditto 554 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney , E . 822 Victoria Rules F . M . II . 1178 Perfect Ashlar .. Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes The Palsgrave , 225 , Strand , AV . C . 1301 United Service Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1425 Hyde Park The AVcstbourue , 1 , Craven Road , A \ ' . 1072 Aloriiinglon i Imperial HotHolborn ViaductEC
., , .. 17 J-I Kaiser-i-IIIiiil Cale Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1705 Trinity College 13 , Mandeville Place , AV . 1772 Pinillco Victoria Mansions Rest ., 8 . W . 1790 Old England M . II ., New Thornton H'th . nr . Croydon 1801 Coborn Vestry Hall , Fairlleld Road , Bow , E . 2291 West Ham Abbey Town Hall , Stratford , E . R . A . C . 2 St . James ' s F . M . II .
9 Mount Moriah Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street , E . C . 1381 Keiinington Horns Tav ., Kcnnington , S . E . Mark . 197 Studholme 33 , Golden . Square , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient twne ' . —Ep . M . S . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The "Gould" Testimonial.
In the opinion of many Brethren the time has arrived when the long-continued services of Bro . ROBERT FREKE GOULD . P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknowledgment . Entering this field of labour so far back as 1858 , he was for many years a contributor to the Masonic journals , but he will be best known as the author of " The Four Old Lodges , " " The Atholl Lodges , " . ind last , though not least , of " The History of Freemasonry" which is admitted by all authorities to be the ablest and best Masonic Avork ever written . Since its
, production it is no longer possible to affirm , as has teen constantly done by foes and friends alike , that the great body of Freemasons are without a reliable and critical history of their Society . It is hoped that the Brethren , whose names are subjoined , may prove to be the pioneers of a movement which A \ ill SIIOAV to Bro . GOULD that the long years of study and research which he has devoted to the interest of Freemasonry are deemed worthy of substantial recognition by the Craft universal , who , in this Avay , will best evince a genuine
appreciation of his unexampled labours . In pursuance of the above object the undermentioned Brethren have formed themselves into a Committee . Individual Subscriptions ( but not those of Lodges or other Bodies ) are limited to One Guinea . Contributions to the Fund may be sent to Dr . RALPH GOODING , P . G . D ., Hon . Sec . and ad interim Treasurer ( Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E . ) , and will be duly acknowledged .
© Ijflinnan— THE EAEL OF CARNARVON , PRO GRAND MASTER . MEMBERS . Bro . The EARL AMHERST . Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . EARL OF ZETLAND . Prov . G . M . Yorks ( North and East ) . „ The EARL OF LIMERICK , Prov , G . M . Bristol . ., SIR GEORGE ELLIOT , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . S . Wales . E . Div . ., Col . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET . Prov . G . M . Jersey . ., SIR E . A . H . LECHMERE . Bart .. M . P .. Prov . G . M . Worcester . ' „ Col . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex . ., T . W . TEAV , Prov . G . M . Yorkshire , West Riding . ., Col . LE GENDRE N . S TARKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . ,. The LORD EGERTON OF TATTON . Prov . G . M . Cheshire . „ The EARL OF HARDAVICKE , Prov . G M . Cambridge . „ The EARL OF EUSTON , Prov . G . M . Norths and Hunts .
PRESENT GRAND OFFICERS : — Bro . The LORD HALSBURY , Lord Chancellor , S . G . W . I Bro . ASHER BARFIELD , G . Treasurer . ,, Gen . LORD JOHN TAYLOUR , J . G . W . | ., F . A . PHILBRICK , Q . C ., G . Registrar . Bro . Col . S . H . CLERKE , G . Secretary . And other Grand Officers of the Year . Together Avith many distinguished Past Grand Officers and Avell-knovvn Brethren of the Craft in all parts of England .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
FOB TIEIIE . CTT ^ ZR-ZEZKra ? AATIEIEIIEC" All Lodges held within Ten Miles Jlfetop of FREEMASONS riiian HALL %# L b ONDON % z % are mti LONDO Cfraptaa N LODGES . " —General . Laws and Begulations .
? ° NAME OP LODGE AKD CHAPTER . P LACE OF MEETING . Lodge . THIS DAY ( 4 th ) THURSDAY , JANUARY 31 st . 22 Neptune Guildhall TavGresham StreetEC
" ... ., , .. 152-1 Duke of Comiaughc Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , B . C . 21112 Highbury Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 2204 Chough " Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . ( 1 st ) FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 1 st . 11 Enoch F . M . II . 59 Royal Naval Ditto AVoolwieh
706 Florence Nightingale M . II ., AVilliam Street , 890 Hornsey Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1-189 Marquis of Ripon Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1627 Royal Kensington F . M . H . 1815 Pcnge Thicket Hotel , Anerlcy 2233 old Westminster Cafe Royal , Regent . Street , AV . R . A . C . 259 Prince of AVales Willis ' s Rooms , St . James's , AV .
Mark . 8 Thistle F . M . T . ( 1 st ) SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 2 nd . 142 St . Thomas ' s Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1572 Carnarvon Albion Tav ., AIdersgate Street , E . C . 1622 Rose Surrey M . H ., Camberwell 1949 Brixton Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , Brixton
( 1 st ) MONDAY , FEBRUARY ,-lth . 12 Fortitude & Old Cumberland ... Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 25 Robert Rums F . M . II . 09 Unity Inns of Court Hotel , AV . C . 83 United Lodge of Prudence ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street , E . C . 144 St . Luke ' s Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 188 Joppa F . M . T . 256 Unions F . M . I I .
1305 St . Marvlebonc Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 1319 Asaph " F . M . II . 1 C 25 Tredegar Royal Hotel , Mile End Road , E . 1669 Roval Leopold Surrey M . 1 L , Camberwell 1731 Cholmeley Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1853 Caxton F . M . II . 1990 Priory of Acton Royal Ass . Rooms , Acton 2020 St . P . otolph ' s Albion Tav .. Aldersgatc Street , E . G . 2098 Harlesdeu National SchoolsIlarlesden
, R . A . C . 1615 Ravard 33 , Golden Square . AV . 1704 Cable Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 5 th . 7 Roval York of Perseverance ... Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street , E . C . J Albion F . . AMI . 18 old Dundee Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . Kil and Turtle
Temple Ship , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 106 Union Criterion , Piccadilly , \ V . 172 Old Concord V . M . II . ¦ 217 Stability Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 705 St . . James' Bridge House Hotel , London iitlg ., S . E . 1259 Duke of Edinburgh C . of G . Hope Tav ., Commercial Rd ., E . 1261 Golden Rule Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1381 Kcnnington Horns Tav ., Kcnnington Park , S . E .
Lodge | NAME OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 1 st ) TUESDAY , FEBRUARY r , th—continued . 1397 Anerlcy Thicket HotAnerlcy
., 1472 Henley Three Crowns Hot ., North AVoolwieh 1093 Kings ' land Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 2150 Tivoli Tivoli Restaurant , Strand , AA \ C . 2190 Savage Club F . M . 11 . R . A . C . 169 Temperance Railway Tav ., New Cross ltd ., New Cross Mark . 236 Clapton Rudolph Chmbrs ., 191 , Bshpsgte St ., E . C .
315 Hcnnlkcr 8 a , Red Lion Square , W . C . 350 Temperancc-in-the-East ... Assembly Rooms , 6 , Ncwby Plaee . Poplar 355 Royal Savoy Criterion , Piccadilly , AA \ R . C . 72 Canterbury 33 , Golden Square , AV . ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY Gth . GRAND CHAPTER , AT 6 P . M .
511 Zetland Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 12 & 8 Royal Standard Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1491 Atlienieum Athcnajum , Camden Road 1585 Roval Commemoration White Lion Hot ., Upper Norwood 16 S 7 Rothesay St . James ' s Hall , Piccadilly , AV . H . A . C . 1196 Urban F . M . H . 1471 | Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N .
( 1 st ) THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 7 th . 10 AVcstminster and Keystone ... F . M . II . 27 Egyptian Anderton's Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 45 strong Man M . II . Tav ., Basinghall St ., E . C . 192 Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hot ., E . C . 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . 231 StAndrew ' s F . M . H .
. 538 La Tolerance Ditto 554 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney , E . 822 Victoria Rules F . M . II . 1178 Perfect Ashlar .. Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes The Palsgrave , 225 , Strand , AV . C . 1301 United Service Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1425 Hyde Park The AVcstbourue , 1 , Craven Road , A \ ' . 1072 Aloriiinglon i Imperial HotHolborn ViaductEC
., , .. 17 J-I Kaiser-i-IIIiiil Cale Royal , Regent Street , AV . 1705 Trinity College 13 , Mandeville Place , AV . 1772 Pinillco Victoria Mansions Rest ., 8 . W . 1790 Old England M . II ., New Thornton H'th . nr . Croydon 1801 Coborn Vestry Hall , Fairlleld Road , Bow , E . 2291 West Ham Abbey Town Hall , Stratford , E . R . A . C . 2 St . James ' s F . M . II .
9 Mount Moriah Albion Tav ., Aldersgatc Street , E . C . 1381 Keiinington Horns Tav ., Kcnnington , S . E . Mark . 197 Studholme 33 , Golden . Square , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient twne ' . —Ep . M . S . '