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Copies of THE MASONIC EXAMINER cannot be sold to anyone making personal application to purchase them . The paper will be supplied—by post only—according to written order , accompanied by a remittance of the amount , for the number required , at the rate of THREE HALF-PENCE for each copy . All orders to be addressed to Bro . MATTHEW COOKE , 13 , Harpur Street , Red Lion Square , London , W . C . —«
, TO ADVERTISERS . All Advertisements in THE MASONIC EXAMINER will be set up in plain type , and no display or ornamental letters will be used . ONE UNIFORM CHARGE of Sixpence for every ten ( or fractional portion of ten ) words is
adopted , from which there will be no reduction whatever . Advertisements intended to appear in the ensuing month's issue must reach Bro . Matthew Cooke , accompanied by a cash remittance , at the rale stated above , not later than the 24 th . day of tlie current month , or insertion cannot be guaranteed .
Magna Est Veritas Et Prevalebit.
THE Grand Lodge of Ireland deserves to be held in high estimation of all cosmopolitan Free-Masons . After having been the bondservant of a clique of exclusives it has boldly , and wisely , thrown them , and those who would dictate its proceedings from English ground , to the winds .
In Installing His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , as the Grand Patron of Free-Masonry in the sister isle it has followed in the worthy wake of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and , —to the lasting discredit of the Grand Lodge of England which put our future king on a par with the Earl of Zetland !—the
two Grand Lodges have warmly recognised the position of the heir apparent and accorded him that place which is his own of royal right . All honour then , say we , to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for leading the way and all praise and honour to tlie Grand Lodge of Ireland for following the correct precedent .
From the fourth of August the Grand Lodge of Ireland may date a new era in its existence . On that day it proved itself a loyal and cosmopolitan branch of Free-Masonry . It no longer halted and quibbled as to the enrolment of a brother on its registry , nor did it object to the source from whence His Royal Highness derived his superior grades but , in the frank and open nature of Irishmen and good brethren , it
took him to its heart of hearts and placed him in the royal seat . This action has sealed the fate of those busy-bodies who have , hitherto , made the Grand Lodge of Ireland the controlling power of a locality . Now it exists as
a ruler of that same locality , with all its powers intact , but their spirit enlarged and forming an important link in the chain of Masonic brotherhood . . Now , to be logical , it will no more raise a barrier against , or attempt to annoy , brethren who obtain the higher degrees elsewherefor its new Grand Patron , himself ,
, told those who had just Installed him , he was not of their jurisdiction ; that he had taken his degrees in Sweden , and in Denmark . In the eye of a true Free-Mason every brother is an equal ; therefore , in Ireland , the Grand Lodge has
emphatically pronounced the indorsement of the axiom and the few of its members who may yet desire to exclude any brethren taking higher degrees than it confers , must find their labour vain , for the Grand
Lodge of Ireland has loyally accepted His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and , consequently , cannot be intolerant of any " free man , born of a free woman , brother to a king , fellow to a prince , and companion to a beggar , if a Free-Mason , and found worthy . "
It is scarcely to be credited that in one and the same month such a beneficial change should have taken place ; but so it is . In our August number we had occasion to comment on the narrow spirit displayed by an Irish Provincial Grand Lodge which , unfortunately , allowed itself to be dictated to
by an irresponsible nobody here , and , certainly , we did not expect the Grand Lodge of Ireland to ratify our view of the case so speedily , but , as it has done so , thoroughly and entirely , we are in duty bound to pray , —in the interests of cosmopolitan Free-Masons , —that long life and unalloyed happiness may be the
portion of the Grand Patron of Free-Masonry , in Ireland ; that its venerable Grand Master for more than half a century , His Grace the Duke of Leinster , may yet be spared some years longer to preside over the Craft he has loved so well , and that the Grand Lodge of Ireland , freed from petty cabals , may now take her rightful place among the Grand Lodges of the world cheered by die applause of every honest brother .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Copies of THE MASONIC EXAMINER cannot be sold to anyone making personal application to purchase them . The paper will be supplied—by post only—according to written order , accompanied by a remittance of the amount , for the number required , at the rate of THREE HALF-PENCE for each copy . All orders to be addressed to Bro . MATTHEW COOKE , 13 , Harpur Street , Red Lion Square , London , W . C . —«
, TO ADVERTISERS . All Advertisements in THE MASONIC EXAMINER will be set up in plain type , and no display or ornamental letters will be used . ONE UNIFORM CHARGE of Sixpence for every ten ( or fractional portion of ten ) words is
adopted , from which there will be no reduction whatever . Advertisements intended to appear in the ensuing month's issue must reach Bro . Matthew Cooke , accompanied by a cash remittance , at the rale stated above , not later than the 24 th . day of tlie current month , or insertion cannot be guaranteed .
Magna Est Veritas Et Prevalebit.
THE Grand Lodge of Ireland deserves to be held in high estimation of all cosmopolitan Free-Masons . After having been the bondservant of a clique of exclusives it has boldly , and wisely , thrown them , and those who would dictate its proceedings from English ground , to the winds .
In Installing His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , as the Grand Patron of Free-Masonry in the sister isle it has followed in the worthy wake of the Grand Lodge of Scotland and , —to the lasting discredit of the Grand Lodge of England which put our future king on a par with the Earl of Zetland !—the
two Grand Lodges have warmly recognised the position of the heir apparent and accorded him that place which is his own of royal right . All honour then , say we , to the Grand Lodge of Scotland for leading the way and all praise and honour to tlie Grand Lodge of Ireland for following the correct precedent .
From the fourth of August the Grand Lodge of Ireland may date a new era in its existence . On that day it proved itself a loyal and cosmopolitan branch of Free-Masonry . It no longer halted and quibbled as to the enrolment of a brother on its registry , nor did it object to the source from whence His Royal Highness derived his superior grades but , in the frank and open nature of Irishmen and good brethren , it
took him to its heart of hearts and placed him in the royal seat . This action has sealed the fate of those busy-bodies who have , hitherto , made the Grand Lodge of Ireland the controlling power of a locality . Now it exists as
a ruler of that same locality , with all its powers intact , but their spirit enlarged and forming an important link in the chain of Masonic brotherhood . . Now , to be logical , it will no more raise a barrier against , or attempt to annoy , brethren who obtain the higher degrees elsewherefor its new Grand Patron , himself ,
, told those who had just Installed him , he was not of their jurisdiction ; that he had taken his degrees in Sweden , and in Denmark . In the eye of a true Free-Mason every brother is an equal ; therefore , in Ireland , the Grand Lodge has
emphatically pronounced the indorsement of the axiom and the few of its members who may yet desire to exclude any brethren taking higher degrees than it confers , must find their labour vain , for the Grand
Lodge of Ireland has loyally accepted His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and , consequently , cannot be intolerant of any " free man , born of a free woman , brother to a king , fellow to a prince , and companion to a beggar , if a Free-Mason , and found worthy . "
It is scarcely to be credited that in one and the same month such a beneficial change should have taken place ; but so it is . In our August number we had occasion to comment on the narrow spirit displayed by an Irish Provincial Grand Lodge which , unfortunately , allowed itself to be dictated to
by an irresponsible nobody here , and , certainly , we did not expect the Grand Lodge of Ireland to ratify our view of the case so speedily , but , as it has done so , thoroughly and entirely , we are in duty bound to pray , —in the interests of cosmopolitan Free-Masons , —that long life and unalloyed happiness may be the
portion of the Grand Patron of Free-Masonry , in Ireland ; that its venerable Grand Master for more than half a century , His Grace the Duke of Leinster , may yet be spared some years longer to preside over the Craft he has loved so well , and that the Grand Lodge of Ireland , freed from petty cabals , may now take her rightful place among the Grand Lodges of the world cheered by die applause of every honest brother .