Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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\ The Editor docs not hotd himself responsible for the facts , or opinions , expressed by any correspondent . He reserves to himself the right of deciding tubal any subject shall be discontinued , and of refecting such waiter as he deems unsuitable lo THE MASONIC EXAMINEE . Every communication must be accompanied by the full names , masonic rank , and address of the writer , not necessarily for publication , unless desired , but as a guarantee pf good faith . These fartienia ? s ivill
always be treated as a confidential trust , close tylcd . ] ROYAL ARK-MARINERS . 7 o the Editor of TWE . MASONIC EXAMINEE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER : —I have sent for , but cannot obtain , the Statutes of the Royal Ark-Mariners , which are
advertised in your columns as nearly ready . Can you tell me if they are ready ? Or will you give me some information about the Order ? A distinguished brother has told me it is " a rotten affair . " What say you ? W .
[ We do not know if the Statutes are ready . The Order is a genuine branch of Free-Masonry , before the Union . We have had in our hands an original warrant , from the Duke of Clarence ( afterwards King William the IV . ) , by which certain brethren were empowered to confer the degree of Royal Ark ; Mark Man ; Mark Master ; Excellent , and Super-Excellent ; Knights of the Red Cross ; Knights Templars ( sic ) ; Mediterranean Pass ; & c ,
& c , & c . What these three & c ' s . cover it is not easy to decide , but it may be assumed that they include all the side degrees which were , before the Union , usually administered to Knights Templar , and , if this be so , the range is an extensive one . In our next issue we shall devote some space to the Royal Ark-Mariner and the unprincipled attempt of the schismatic body who seek to wrench it from its legitimate custodian . 3 ? or any other
information you had better apply to Bro . Morton Edwards , 7 , Gower Street , W . C . who is the head of the Organisation and has the undoubted right to confer every one of the degrees we have mentioned . ]
Notices To Correspondents.
To THE PUBLIC PRESS , DOTH ENGLISH AND FOREIGN . — The reservation of the rights of reproduction , or translation , which we claim for our contents , we desire may be construed in the most liberal manner . If our contemporaries can find tnattcr in our pages which they would transfer to their own , so long as they ivill quote it as extractedfrom THE MASONIC EXAMINER , they are heartily welcome to republish it a ? id will have our thanks for so doing . We promise reciprocity .
JVhcre we quote we will always mention our informant by its recognised title . Our reservation of rights extends only to those who would use our information , and deprive us of the credit of its publicity , by inserting such matter without acknowledgment .
ALE communications intended for publication in the ensuing month ' s issue must reach the Editor , Bro . Matthew Cooke , 13 , Harpur Street , Red Lion Square , London , W . C , not later than the 20 th . day of the current month . The rules under which such communications will be received arc set forth at the head of the correspondence department , and no deviations
from them can , under any circumstances whatever , be permitted . No notice willbe taken of anonymous communications . A letter wilhout a signature will not be read . Rejected articles or letters cannot be returned and all who send papers arc advised to keep copies of them as those unused will be destroyed .
We must require that all matter intended for the printer ' s hands be written iu a legible aud clear hand aud on one side of the paper only , for no greater impediment can be thrown in the way of a compositor than " backed copy . " A neglect of these
Notices To Correspondents.
necessary rules will entail the rejection of all communications not conforming to the recognised practice . TUN . OVERSEER . TWO wrongs can ' t make one right . All the alliances in the world will never heal the schism introduced by the , self-styled , Grand Mark Lodge .
R . C . xvm ° . We have no quarrel with the A . A . Rite , « j- a Rite , but only with thepctit maitre who professes to rale it . As an evidence of our good faith in the matter we may add that a brother , signing himself 33 ° , offered us all sorts of impossible degrees and we declined intercourse on the ground of being contented with what we have and not relishing novel importations by the hand of dubious magnates . Our advice is avoid all such
pretenders and pretences . S . W . Wait until you are installed ; then do as you desire . . . ( 1 . ) Too late . ( 2 . ) Of no use whatever . E . C . Thank you for the trouble you have taken ; the matter does not affect us . A . E . C . Learn the rest of the series of your signature and don ' t bother about things you don ' t understand .
P . Z . The custom differs , but you are right . P . M . Why ? You ask the same as P . Z . Take his answer . F . K . Declined , with thanks . R . ( Oxford . ) The book is very rare and costs £ 6 16 s . 6 d . in trade . The one mentioned is simply undigested theft . C . J . No . Masonic poetry is , you know what .
Nearly Ready . Price Two Shillings and Sixpence . THE Statutes of tlie Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of ROYAL ARK—MARINERS . Together with a brief Historical sketch of the Order , to the present time . Applications for copies to be addressed to the Grand Scribe , Bro . M . A . Lowenstark , 1 , Devereux Court , Temple , W . C . Best Manchester Suburban Weekly Newspaper , Price One Penny .
Published Every Saturday Morning . THE HULME AND STRETFORD EXPRESS . ( Established June , i 368 . ) THE only newspaper published in Hulme , population ioo , ooo . A Neutral High-class Journal , in " which the cause of freedom , religious and social advancement is strongly supported , unconnected with any party . Gives prominence to local news and all the general news of the week . Masonic paragraphs appear in its columns of local importance . Correspondents' letters receive attention : Edited by Bro . J . W . MASON . Office : Opposite Hulme Town Hall , Stretford Road , Manchester .
TO BRETHREN IN , AND VISITING LONDON . — - THE ALBION HOTEL , for Gentlemen , Vernon Place , Bloomsbury , W . C . Newly built , and replete with every accommodation . Central for business or pleasure . Bed and Breakfast , Three Shillings and Sixpence . W . YOUNG , Proprietor . "THE NEW LIBRARY PIANOFORTE , combining a - 1 - complete pedestal writing-tablea lever at the end of the key-board to
, raise or lower the musical pitch of the instrument at the option of the performer . The pedestal forms an admirable preservative for bound or unbound music , or writing materials , & c . Manufactured and Patented by COLLARD MOUTR 1 E , 77 , Southampton Row , Russell Square , W . C Selected by her Majesty ' s Commissioners , and exhibited in the International Exhibition , South Kensington , 1871 ,
T 3 R 0 S . A . D . LOEWENSTARK & SONS ( Established -O ^ 44 ) WATCHMAKERS , JEWELLERS , and MEDALLISTS . Manufacturers of Masonic Jewels , Banners , Clothing , and Furniture for every Degree . Naval and Military War Medals , Clasps , Bars , and Ribbons ( miniature and regulation sizes ) . English and Foreign Orders of Knighthood and Decorations . 1 , Devereux Court , Essex Street , Strand , London , W . C . Wholesale , Retail , and for Exportation .
READY FOR PRESS , Price Three Shillings and Sixpence , TVTOTES ON THE SCIENTIFIC AND RELIGIOUS - - ' MYSTERIES OF ANTIQUITY ; the Gnosis and Secret Schools of the Middle Ages , Modern Rosicrticinnism ; and the various Rites and Degrees of Free and Accepted Masonry . Your name as a subscriber is requested by the Author , BRO . JOHN YARKER , 43 , Chorlton Road , Manchester .
London : Printed by RANKEN & Co ., Drury House Printing Office , Drury Court , St . Mary- ! e-Strand , for Kro . Matthew Cooke ; and published by him at 13 , Harpur Street . Red Lion Square , W . C ., in the County of Middlesex . —Friday , September ist , 1871 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
\ The Editor docs not hotd himself responsible for the facts , or opinions , expressed by any correspondent . He reserves to himself the right of deciding tubal any subject shall be discontinued , and of refecting such waiter as he deems unsuitable lo THE MASONIC EXAMINEE . Every communication must be accompanied by the full names , masonic rank , and address of the writer , not necessarily for publication , unless desired , but as a guarantee pf good faith . These fartienia ? s ivill
always be treated as a confidential trust , close tylcd . ] ROYAL ARK-MARINERS . 7 o the Editor of TWE . MASONIC EXAMINEE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER : —I have sent for , but cannot obtain , the Statutes of the Royal Ark-Mariners , which are
advertised in your columns as nearly ready . Can you tell me if they are ready ? Or will you give me some information about the Order ? A distinguished brother has told me it is " a rotten affair . " What say you ? W .
[ We do not know if the Statutes are ready . The Order is a genuine branch of Free-Masonry , before the Union . We have had in our hands an original warrant , from the Duke of Clarence ( afterwards King William the IV . ) , by which certain brethren were empowered to confer the degree of Royal Ark ; Mark Man ; Mark Master ; Excellent , and Super-Excellent ; Knights of the Red Cross ; Knights Templars ( sic ) ; Mediterranean Pass ; & c ,
& c , & c . What these three & c ' s . cover it is not easy to decide , but it may be assumed that they include all the side degrees which were , before the Union , usually administered to Knights Templar , and , if this be so , the range is an extensive one . In our next issue we shall devote some space to the Royal Ark-Mariner and the unprincipled attempt of the schismatic body who seek to wrench it from its legitimate custodian . 3 ? or any other
information you had better apply to Bro . Morton Edwards , 7 , Gower Street , W . C . who is the head of the Organisation and has the undoubted right to confer every one of the degrees we have mentioned . ]
Notices To Correspondents.
To THE PUBLIC PRESS , DOTH ENGLISH AND FOREIGN . — The reservation of the rights of reproduction , or translation , which we claim for our contents , we desire may be construed in the most liberal manner . If our contemporaries can find tnattcr in our pages which they would transfer to their own , so long as they ivill quote it as extractedfrom THE MASONIC EXAMINER , they are heartily welcome to republish it a ? id will have our thanks for so doing . We promise reciprocity .
JVhcre we quote we will always mention our informant by its recognised title . Our reservation of rights extends only to those who would use our information , and deprive us of the credit of its publicity , by inserting such matter without acknowledgment .
ALE communications intended for publication in the ensuing month ' s issue must reach the Editor , Bro . Matthew Cooke , 13 , Harpur Street , Red Lion Square , London , W . C , not later than the 20 th . day of the current month . The rules under which such communications will be received arc set forth at the head of the correspondence department , and no deviations
from them can , under any circumstances whatever , be permitted . No notice willbe taken of anonymous communications . A letter wilhout a signature will not be read . Rejected articles or letters cannot be returned and all who send papers arc advised to keep copies of them as those unused will be destroyed .
We must require that all matter intended for the printer ' s hands be written iu a legible aud clear hand aud on one side of the paper only , for no greater impediment can be thrown in the way of a compositor than " backed copy . " A neglect of these
Notices To Correspondents.
necessary rules will entail the rejection of all communications not conforming to the recognised practice . TUN . OVERSEER . TWO wrongs can ' t make one right . All the alliances in the world will never heal the schism introduced by the , self-styled , Grand Mark Lodge .
R . C . xvm ° . We have no quarrel with the A . A . Rite , « j- a Rite , but only with thepctit maitre who professes to rale it . As an evidence of our good faith in the matter we may add that a brother , signing himself 33 ° , offered us all sorts of impossible degrees and we declined intercourse on the ground of being contented with what we have and not relishing novel importations by the hand of dubious magnates . Our advice is avoid all such
pretenders and pretences . S . W . Wait until you are installed ; then do as you desire . . . ( 1 . ) Too late . ( 2 . ) Of no use whatever . E . C . Thank you for the trouble you have taken ; the matter does not affect us . A . E . C . Learn the rest of the series of your signature and don ' t bother about things you don ' t understand .
P . Z . The custom differs , but you are right . P . M . Why ? You ask the same as P . Z . Take his answer . F . K . Declined , with thanks . R . ( Oxford . ) The book is very rare and costs £ 6 16 s . 6 d . in trade . The one mentioned is simply undigested theft . C . J . No . Masonic poetry is , you know what .
Nearly Ready . Price Two Shillings and Sixpence . THE Statutes of tlie Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of ROYAL ARK—MARINERS . Together with a brief Historical sketch of the Order , to the present time . Applications for copies to be addressed to the Grand Scribe , Bro . M . A . Lowenstark , 1 , Devereux Court , Temple , W . C . Best Manchester Suburban Weekly Newspaper , Price One Penny .
Published Every Saturday Morning . THE HULME AND STRETFORD EXPRESS . ( Established June , i 368 . ) THE only newspaper published in Hulme , population ioo , ooo . A Neutral High-class Journal , in " which the cause of freedom , religious and social advancement is strongly supported , unconnected with any party . Gives prominence to local news and all the general news of the week . Masonic paragraphs appear in its columns of local importance . Correspondents' letters receive attention : Edited by Bro . J . W . MASON . Office : Opposite Hulme Town Hall , Stretford Road , Manchester .
TO BRETHREN IN , AND VISITING LONDON . — - THE ALBION HOTEL , for Gentlemen , Vernon Place , Bloomsbury , W . C . Newly built , and replete with every accommodation . Central for business or pleasure . Bed and Breakfast , Three Shillings and Sixpence . W . YOUNG , Proprietor . "THE NEW LIBRARY PIANOFORTE , combining a - 1 - complete pedestal writing-tablea lever at the end of the key-board to
, raise or lower the musical pitch of the instrument at the option of the performer . The pedestal forms an admirable preservative for bound or unbound music , or writing materials , & c . Manufactured and Patented by COLLARD MOUTR 1 E , 77 , Southampton Row , Russell Square , W . C Selected by her Majesty ' s Commissioners , and exhibited in the International Exhibition , South Kensington , 1871 ,
T 3 R 0 S . A . D . LOEWENSTARK & SONS ( Established -O ^ 44 ) WATCHMAKERS , JEWELLERS , and MEDALLISTS . Manufacturers of Masonic Jewels , Banners , Clothing , and Furniture for every Degree . Naval and Military War Medals , Clasps , Bars , and Ribbons ( miniature and regulation sizes ) . English and Foreign Orders of Knighthood and Decorations . 1 , Devereux Court , Essex Street , Strand , London , W . C . Wholesale , Retail , and for Exportation .
READY FOR PRESS , Price Three Shillings and Sixpence , TVTOTES ON THE SCIENTIFIC AND RELIGIOUS - - ' MYSTERIES OF ANTIQUITY ; the Gnosis and Secret Schools of the Middle Ages , Modern Rosicrticinnism ; and the various Rites and Degrees of Free and Accepted Masonry . Your name as a subscriber is requested by the Author , BRO . JOHN YARKER , 43 , Chorlton Road , Manchester .
London : Printed by RANKEN & Co ., Drury House Printing Office , Drury Court , St . Mary- ! e-Strand , for Kro . Matthew Cooke ; and published by him at 13 , Harpur Street . Red Lion Square , W . C ., in the County of Middlesex . —Friday , September ist , 1871 .