Article DIRTY LINEN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article DIRTY LINEN. Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Dirty Linen.
hearing . Trusting to that most , fragile of all pie-crusts , the promise of a Brother Free-Mason , we implicitly credited his assertions and commenced , carefully guarding ourselves against being committed to , editorially , advocating any wild chimeras our confectioner should propose . We gave him the opening he desired and in his own , or under an assumed name , he had
space to ventilate his opinions , for which , by the notice above them , the writer was alone responsible . This brother had certainly been traduced , but he had impetuously put himself in the wrong by attempting to thrust himself where he had no pretence of right to intrude . Still , we took up his cause and showed , unmistakably , how falsely he had been aspersed .
Pie-crust number one followed . A dignitary of his creation undertook to " make THE MASONIC EXAMINEE . " This brother wrote to say he ' would find us an amount of advertisements which should pay for doubling its size and leave a handsome income for the literary matter . He never found a line . In place of our prime mover contenting himself by a thorough adherence to the Bristol body , and the Old York Rite , he chose to .
take up the abortion called " The Ancient and Primitive Rite , " and ; in his mad fury , vowing vengeance against The Ancient and Accepted Rite , as a whole , ;—instead of confining himself to the vagaries of the Petit Maitre who is reputed to be its wire-puller , —fondly imagined that the revolutionary bantling he adopted could overturn the Ancient and Accepted Rite ; a consummation as probable as that of a mangy mongrel puppy knocking down St . Paul's Cathedral by piddling against the railings . Despite the warning issued from Grand Lodge , in 1859 , and
repeated this year The Ancient and Primitive Rite , which is but another name for a portion of the Reformed Rite of Memphis , and the bastard Mitzraim , propagated here by the ex-Militiaman , some brethren seem infatuated enough to tolerate it forgetting that , as Free-Masons , they are to be loyal men , whilst this wretched burlesque is made the Masonic safety-valve in which the disaffected scum of Europe and the United-States can let
off its superfluous anarchy , treason , and infidelity , under the delusive cover of a Masonic organisation . Of the chief in America , for that is where it comes from , the notorious Harry Seymour , nothing can be surmised as too disparaging . His total absence of moral perception has been so thoroughly exposed in Pomeroy ' s Democrat , that there is no reason to sully our issue by repeating the nauseous details .
An agent of this man came here some months ago and was permitted to defile the last meeting of Grand Lodge by his presence . This precious specimen of Past Grand Mastershi p sought us out , on the introduction of our prime mover , but we had been forewarned in time and , notwithstanding several appeals to meet him we steadily refused and never saw him . From what we have since learned we are now enabled to say that the Ancient and Primitive Rite is presided over by a notorious . That his emissary , who was recently here , is as like the ruler as a pea out of the same pod . That our
prime mover , —whom we grieve has been so misled , —tried to make us the vehicle for disseminating this poison here , but failed . That one of its high dignitaries has " bolted , " owing us ten pounds as his " share of support , " and that another , an ignoramus , whose letter of sixty-seven words contains thirteen child-like errors of orthography , tried , but failed , to do us out of the moderate sum of four shillings ! After such specimens of
" Primitive " humbug Can anyone blame us for washing our linen in public and crushing the vermin who sought a refuge in its folds ? There is no secret at all about the matter . Left , in the lurch by such defaulters THE MASONIC EXAMINER is for sale . The price for the copyright is fifty guineas ( £ 52 10 s . ) , and the first brother tendering that amount shall have it . Should there be
no one come forward to purchase it is very doubtful whether any further number can appear , at present . But , if any brethren think it should not be allowed to die out and offer us hel p , —not
Dirty Linen.
pie-crust but prompt material help , —we shall have no objection to continue the issue . ~ To our subscribers who have so warmly " supported us , " without paying for their copies , we beg to remind them that an early remittance will enable us to repay the difference to those subscribers who have already paid and are entitled to future numbers or a return of the balance .
And now , having washed the dirty linen , we hang it up to dry and sweeten , for the good of all brethren who , although they may not suffer with us pecuniarily , may yet benefit from our costly experience and learn to air the pretensions of impostors without catching cold .
NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS . To . PUBLIC PRESS , DOTH ENGLISH AND FOREIGN . — The reservation of the rights of reproduction , or translation , which we claim for our contents , we desire may be construed in the most liberal manner . If
our contemporaries can find matter in our pages which they woidd transfer to their 07 uu , so long as they will quote it as extracted from THE MASONIC EX AMIKER , they are heartily welcome to republish it and will have our thanks for so doing . We promise reciprocity . Where we quote we will always mention our-informant by its recognised title . Our 7 'ese 7-vatiou of rights cxte 7 ids only to those who would use our i 7 tformation , a 7 id deprive 7 is of the credit of its publicity , by inserting such matter without acknowledgtnent .
SENEX . —We don ' t believe it . The M . W . G . M . is directly responsible for the doings in the Office , and if we can ' t stop the one we can vote against the other . BIRMINGHAM . —It is of no use to send a statement unless you will solemnly undertake to prove it . A . P . xxxiii . —Please send what we are in such pressing
want of . xviii ° . —It was very kind to do what you say . Nil . J . O . E . — -What is sauce for us geese is no condiment , for those ganders . "MACKEY ' NATIONAL FREEMASON . " —No . ii ., safe to hand . / TiT ^ -Tr ^ -
Now Ready . Price Two SKUihgsa _ . d'Vi--ptmcep , By Post , Two Shillings l ^ tdd fEightpence . :-. '¦ I ... I - ' < -: ' . '_ : ¦' - ••! THE Statutes of tha '' 'i % ieip / i _ r . aiid . Honorable Fraternity of ROYAL ARK— MAMNER &"' Together / with a brief Historical sketch of the Order , to the ^ Qsfcnt time ^ . . Applications for copies to be addressed to the Grand Scr-beNy- ' £$ r 077 ^_ t ^ 'AyLowenstark , at the Office of the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark lfor . _ i \ ersi ! 7 , "Gower Street , Bedford Square , London .
TO BRETHREN IN , AND VISITING LONDON . — J- THE ALBION HOTEL , for Gentlemen , Vernon Place , Bloomsbury , W . C . Newly built , and replete with every accommodation . Central for business or pleasure . Bed and Breakfast , Three Shillings and Sixpence . W . YOUNG , Proprietor .
""THE NEW LIBRARY PIANOFORTE , combining a - complete pedestal writing-table , a lever at the end of the key-board to raise or lower the musical pitch of the instrument at the option of the performer . Thc pedestal forms an admirable preservative tor bound or unbound music , or writing materials , & c . Manufactured and Patented by COLLARD MOUTR 1 E , 77 , Southampton Row , Russell Square , W . C . Selected by her Majesty ' s Commissioners , and exhibited in the International Exhibition , South Kensington , 1871 .
BROS . A . D . LOEWENSTARK & SONS ( Established 1844 ) , WATCHMAKERS , JEWELLERS , and MEDALLISTS . Manufacturers of Masonic Jewels , Banners , Clothing , and Furniture for every Degree . Naval and Military War Medals , Clasps , Bars , and Ribbons ( miniature and regulation sizes ) . English and Foreign Orders of Knighthood and Decorations . 1 , Devereux Court , Essex Street , Strand , London , W . C . Wholesale , Retail , and for Exportation .
London : Printed by RANKEN & Co ., Drury House Printing Office , Drury Court , St . Mary-le-Strand , for Bro . Matthew Cooke ; and published by him at _ 3 , Harpur Street . Red Lion Square , W . C , in the County of Middlesex . —Friday , December 1 st , 1871 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dirty Linen.
hearing . Trusting to that most , fragile of all pie-crusts , the promise of a Brother Free-Mason , we implicitly credited his assertions and commenced , carefully guarding ourselves against being committed to , editorially , advocating any wild chimeras our confectioner should propose . We gave him the opening he desired and in his own , or under an assumed name , he had
space to ventilate his opinions , for which , by the notice above them , the writer was alone responsible . This brother had certainly been traduced , but he had impetuously put himself in the wrong by attempting to thrust himself where he had no pretence of right to intrude . Still , we took up his cause and showed , unmistakably , how falsely he had been aspersed .
Pie-crust number one followed . A dignitary of his creation undertook to " make THE MASONIC EXAMINEE . " This brother wrote to say he ' would find us an amount of advertisements which should pay for doubling its size and leave a handsome income for the literary matter . He never found a line . In place of our prime mover contenting himself by a thorough adherence to the Bristol body , and the Old York Rite , he chose to .
take up the abortion called " The Ancient and Primitive Rite , " and ; in his mad fury , vowing vengeance against The Ancient and Accepted Rite , as a whole , ;—instead of confining himself to the vagaries of the Petit Maitre who is reputed to be its wire-puller , —fondly imagined that the revolutionary bantling he adopted could overturn the Ancient and Accepted Rite ; a consummation as probable as that of a mangy mongrel puppy knocking down St . Paul's Cathedral by piddling against the railings . Despite the warning issued from Grand Lodge , in 1859 , and
repeated this year The Ancient and Primitive Rite , which is but another name for a portion of the Reformed Rite of Memphis , and the bastard Mitzraim , propagated here by the ex-Militiaman , some brethren seem infatuated enough to tolerate it forgetting that , as Free-Masons , they are to be loyal men , whilst this wretched burlesque is made the Masonic safety-valve in which the disaffected scum of Europe and the United-States can let
off its superfluous anarchy , treason , and infidelity , under the delusive cover of a Masonic organisation . Of the chief in America , for that is where it comes from , the notorious Harry Seymour , nothing can be surmised as too disparaging . His total absence of moral perception has been so thoroughly exposed in Pomeroy ' s Democrat , that there is no reason to sully our issue by repeating the nauseous details .
An agent of this man came here some months ago and was permitted to defile the last meeting of Grand Lodge by his presence . This precious specimen of Past Grand Mastershi p sought us out , on the introduction of our prime mover , but we had been forewarned in time and , notwithstanding several appeals to meet him we steadily refused and never saw him . From what we have since learned we are now enabled to say that the Ancient and Primitive Rite is presided over by a notorious . That his emissary , who was recently here , is as like the ruler as a pea out of the same pod . That our
prime mover , —whom we grieve has been so misled , —tried to make us the vehicle for disseminating this poison here , but failed . That one of its high dignitaries has " bolted , " owing us ten pounds as his " share of support , " and that another , an ignoramus , whose letter of sixty-seven words contains thirteen child-like errors of orthography , tried , but failed , to do us out of the moderate sum of four shillings ! After such specimens of
" Primitive " humbug Can anyone blame us for washing our linen in public and crushing the vermin who sought a refuge in its folds ? There is no secret at all about the matter . Left , in the lurch by such defaulters THE MASONIC EXAMINER is for sale . The price for the copyright is fifty guineas ( £ 52 10 s . ) , and the first brother tendering that amount shall have it . Should there be
no one come forward to purchase it is very doubtful whether any further number can appear , at present . But , if any brethren think it should not be allowed to die out and offer us hel p , —not
Dirty Linen.
pie-crust but prompt material help , —we shall have no objection to continue the issue . ~ To our subscribers who have so warmly " supported us , " without paying for their copies , we beg to remind them that an early remittance will enable us to repay the difference to those subscribers who have already paid and are entitled to future numbers or a return of the balance .
And now , having washed the dirty linen , we hang it up to dry and sweeten , for the good of all brethren who , although they may not suffer with us pecuniarily , may yet benefit from our costly experience and learn to air the pretensions of impostors without catching cold .
NOTICES TO CORRESPONDENTS . To . PUBLIC PRESS , DOTH ENGLISH AND FOREIGN . — The reservation of the rights of reproduction , or translation , which we claim for our contents , we desire may be construed in the most liberal manner . If
our contemporaries can find matter in our pages which they woidd transfer to their 07 uu , so long as they will quote it as extracted from THE MASONIC EX AMIKER , they are heartily welcome to republish it and will have our thanks for so doing . We promise reciprocity . Where we quote we will always mention our-informant by its recognised title . Our 7 'ese 7-vatiou of rights cxte 7 ids only to those who would use our i 7 tformation , a 7 id deprive 7 is of the credit of its publicity , by inserting such matter without acknowledgtnent .
SENEX . —We don ' t believe it . The M . W . G . M . is directly responsible for the doings in the Office , and if we can ' t stop the one we can vote against the other . BIRMINGHAM . —It is of no use to send a statement unless you will solemnly undertake to prove it . A . P . xxxiii . —Please send what we are in such pressing
want of . xviii ° . —It was very kind to do what you say . Nil . J . O . E . — -What is sauce for us geese is no condiment , for those ganders . "MACKEY ' NATIONAL FREEMASON . " —No . ii ., safe to hand . / TiT ^ -Tr ^ -
Now Ready . Price Two SKUihgsa _ . d'Vi--ptmcep , By Post , Two Shillings l ^ tdd fEightpence . :-. '¦ I ... I - ' < -: ' . '_ : ¦' - ••! THE Statutes of tha '' 'i % ieip / i _ r . aiid . Honorable Fraternity of ROYAL ARK— MAMNER &"' Together / with a brief Historical sketch of the Order , to the ^ Qsfcnt time ^ . . Applications for copies to be addressed to the Grand Scr-beNy- ' £$ r 077 ^_ t ^ 'AyLowenstark , at the Office of the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark lfor . _ i \ ersi ! 7 , "Gower Street , Bedford Square , London .
TO BRETHREN IN , AND VISITING LONDON . — J- THE ALBION HOTEL , for Gentlemen , Vernon Place , Bloomsbury , W . C . Newly built , and replete with every accommodation . Central for business or pleasure . Bed and Breakfast , Three Shillings and Sixpence . W . YOUNG , Proprietor .
""THE NEW LIBRARY PIANOFORTE , combining a - complete pedestal writing-table , a lever at the end of the key-board to raise or lower the musical pitch of the instrument at the option of the performer . Thc pedestal forms an admirable preservative tor bound or unbound music , or writing materials , & c . Manufactured and Patented by COLLARD MOUTR 1 E , 77 , Southampton Row , Russell Square , W . C . Selected by her Majesty ' s Commissioners , and exhibited in the International Exhibition , South Kensington , 1871 .
BROS . A . D . LOEWENSTARK & SONS ( Established 1844 ) , WATCHMAKERS , JEWELLERS , and MEDALLISTS . Manufacturers of Masonic Jewels , Banners , Clothing , and Furniture for every Degree . Naval and Military War Medals , Clasps , Bars , and Ribbons ( miniature and regulation sizes ) . English and Foreign Orders of Knighthood and Decorations . 1 , Devereux Court , Essex Street , Strand , London , W . C . Wholesale , Retail , and for Exportation .
London : Printed by RANKEN & Co ., Drury House Printing Office , Drury Court , St . Mary-le-Strand , for Bro . Matthew Cooke ; and published by him at _ 3 , Harpur Street . Red Lion Square , W . C , in the County of Middlesex . —Friday , December 1 st , 1871 .