Article DOMESTIC NEWS. ← Page 2 of 10 →
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Domestic News.
thren the Marines , who are not noticed in your Lordships' Answer , we humbly propose that their pay be augmented , while serving on board , in the same proportion as ordinary Seamen . This , we hope and trust , will be a convincing proof to your Lordships that we are not actuated by a spirit of contradiction , but that we earnestly wish to put a speedy . end to the present affair . We beg leave to state to your Lordships , that the pensions from Greenwich College we earnestly wish to be raised to ten pounds per annum ; and , in order to maintain Which , we humbly propose to your Lordships , that every Seaman employed in
the Merchant Service , instead of sixpence per month , which he now pays , shall . hereafter pay one shilling per month , which , we trust , will raise a fund fully adequate to the purpose ; and as this , in time of peace , must'be paid by your Petitioners , we trust it will give a convincing proof of our disinterestedness and moderation . We would also recommend that this regulation be extended to the Seamen in the service of the East India Company , as we know by experience , that there are few Sailors employed by them but what have been in the Royal Navy ; and we have seen them with our own eyes , after sickness or other
accident had disabled them , without any hope of relief or support , but from their former services in the Navy . —As to provisions , that they be augmented to sixteen ounces in the pound of bread and meat : cheese , butter and liquor in proportion , and of a better . quality , and a sufficient quantity of vegetables ; - and that no flour be served with fresh beef . And we further beg leave to inform your Lordships ; that it is unanimously agreed , that until the grievances before stated are redressed , and an Act of Indemnity passed , we are determined not to ' lift an anchor ; and ( he grievances of parUcular ships must also be redressed .
' Given under our hands , the Delegates of the Fleet , ' & c . & c . Previously to the departure of the Board from Portsmouth , their Lordships had enlarged their former offer , by coming ( o the following resolution : ' Having taken into our consideration a paper containing several representations from the Seamen of his Majesty's ships at Spilhead , respecting the advance of their wages , and being desirous of granting them every request that
can with any degree of reason be complied with , we have resolved to recommend it to his Majesty that an addition of five shillings and sixpence per month , be made to the wages of petty officers and seamen belonging to his Majesty ' s Navy , which will make the wages of able Seamen one shilling per day , clear of all deductions ; an addition of four shillings and sixpence per month to the wages - of ordinary Seamen ; and an addition of three shil'ings and sixpence per month to the wages of Landmen : and that none of " the allowance made to the Marines ' when oh shore , shall be stopped on their being embarked on board any of his
Majesty ' s ships . We have also resolved , that all Seamen , Marines , and others serving in his Majesty's ships , shall have the full allowance of provisions , without any deductions for leakage or waste ; and that until proper steps can be taken for carrying this into effect , short allowance money shall be paid to the men in lieu of the deduction heretofore made ; and that all men wounded in action shall receive their full pay till their wounds shall be healed , or until , being declared incurable , they shall receive a pension from the Chesl of Chatham , or shall be admitted into the Royal Hospital at Greenwich . And your Lordshi
p is hereby required and directed to communicate this our determination to the Captain of each of his Majesty ' s ships under your orders , directing him to make it known to the ship ' s company under his command , and to * inform them , ( hat should they be insensible to the very liberal offers now made to them , and persist in their present disobedience , they must no longer expect to enjoy those benefits to which , by their former good conduct , they were entitlr-d : and that in such case , all the men now on board the fleet at Spithead shall be incapable of receiving smart money or pension from the Chest of Chathamor of being
any , admitted at any time into the Royal Hospital at Greenwich ; and that they must be answerable for the dreadful consequences tyhich will ' necessarily attend their . continuing to transgress the rules of the ' service , in open violation of the laws of their country . <¦ On the other hand , he is to inform them , that we promise the most perfect forgiveness of all that has passed ' on this occasion to every ship ' s company who ,
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Domestic News.
thren the Marines , who are not noticed in your Lordships' Answer , we humbly propose that their pay be augmented , while serving on board , in the same proportion as ordinary Seamen . This , we hope and trust , will be a convincing proof to your Lordships that we are not actuated by a spirit of contradiction , but that we earnestly wish to put a speedy . end to the present affair . We beg leave to state to your Lordships , that the pensions from Greenwich College we earnestly wish to be raised to ten pounds per annum ; and , in order to maintain Which , we humbly propose to your Lordships , that every Seaman employed in
the Merchant Service , instead of sixpence per month , which he now pays , shall . hereafter pay one shilling per month , which , we trust , will raise a fund fully adequate to the purpose ; and as this , in time of peace , must'be paid by your Petitioners , we trust it will give a convincing proof of our disinterestedness and moderation . We would also recommend that this regulation be extended to the Seamen in the service of the East India Company , as we know by experience , that there are few Sailors employed by them but what have been in the Royal Navy ; and we have seen them with our own eyes , after sickness or other
accident had disabled them , without any hope of relief or support , but from their former services in the Navy . —As to provisions , that they be augmented to sixteen ounces in the pound of bread and meat : cheese , butter and liquor in proportion , and of a better . quality , and a sufficient quantity of vegetables ; - and that no flour be served with fresh beef . And we further beg leave to inform your Lordships ; that it is unanimously agreed , that until the grievances before stated are redressed , and an Act of Indemnity passed , we are determined not to ' lift an anchor ; and ( he grievances of parUcular ships must also be redressed .
' Given under our hands , the Delegates of the Fleet , ' & c . & c . Previously to the departure of the Board from Portsmouth , their Lordships had enlarged their former offer , by coming ( o the following resolution : ' Having taken into our consideration a paper containing several representations from the Seamen of his Majesty's ships at Spilhead , respecting the advance of their wages , and being desirous of granting them every request that
can with any degree of reason be complied with , we have resolved to recommend it to his Majesty that an addition of five shillings and sixpence per month , be made to the wages of petty officers and seamen belonging to his Majesty ' s Navy , which will make the wages of able Seamen one shilling per day , clear of all deductions ; an addition of four shillings and sixpence per month to the wages - of ordinary Seamen ; and an addition of three shil'ings and sixpence per month to the wages of Landmen : and that none of " the allowance made to the Marines ' when oh shore , shall be stopped on their being embarked on board any of his
Majesty ' s ships . We have also resolved , that all Seamen , Marines , and others serving in his Majesty's ships , shall have the full allowance of provisions , without any deductions for leakage or waste ; and that until proper steps can be taken for carrying this into effect , short allowance money shall be paid to the men in lieu of the deduction heretofore made ; and that all men wounded in action shall receive their full pay till their wounds shall be healed , or until , being declared incurable , they shall receive a pension from the Chesl of Chatham , or shall be admitted into the Royal Hospital at Greenwich . And your Lordshi
p is hereby required and directed to communicate this our determination to the Captain of each of his Majesty ' s ships under your orders , directing him to make it known to the ship ' s company under his command , and to * inform them , ( hat should they be insensible to the very liberal offers now made to them , and persist in their present disobedience , they must no longer expect to enjoy those benefits to which , by their former good conduct , they were entitlr-d : and that in such case , all the men now on board the fleet at Spithead shall be incapable of receiving smart money or pension from the Chest of Chathamor of being
any , admitted at any time into the Royal Hospital at Greenwich ; and that they must be answerable for the dreadful consequences tyhich will ' necessarily attend their . continuing to transgress the rules of the ' service , in open violation of the laws of their country . <¦ On the other hand , he is to inform them , that we promise the most perfect forgiveness of all that has passed ' on this occasion to every ship ' s company who ,