Article HISTORY OF MASONRY. ← Page 8 of 10 →
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History Of Masonry.
architect , statuary , founder , or designer , he equally excelled . From his designs , and under his directions , all the rich and splendid furniture of the temple , and its several ' appendages , were begun , carried on , and finished . Solomon appointed him , in his absence , to fill the chair , as Deputy Grand Master ; and in his presence to officiate as Senior Grand' WardenMaster of the workand General
, , Overseer of all artists , as well those whom David had formerly procured from Tvre and Sidon , as those Hiram should now send . ¦ Dius , the historian , tells us , that the love of wisdom was the chief inducement-to that tenderness of friendship betwixt Hiram and Solomon ; that they interchanged difficult ancl mysterious questions , and points of art , to be solved according to true reason and nature . Meout of the Phi
nander of Ephesus , who translated the Tyrian annals - listine tongue , into Greek , also relates , that when any of these propositions proved too hard for those wise and learned princes , Abdeymontis , or Abdomenus , the Tyrian , called , in the old constitutions , Amon , or Hiram Abbif , answered every device that was put to him , 2 Chron . ii . 14 . ; and even challenged Solomon , though the '
wisest prince ' on earth , - with thesubtilty ofthe questions he proposed . ,. To carry on this stupendous work with greater ease , and speed , Solomon caused all the craftsmen , as well natives as foreigners , to be numbered , and classed as follows , viz . 1 . Harodim , princes , rulers , or provosts , in number 300 2 . Menatzch ' nn , overseers and comforters of the people 7
in working , who were expert master masons j 3 . G . hiblim , stone-squarers , polishers and sculptors '; and ^ ¦ Isb Chotzeb , men of hewing ; and Benai , setters , f go Qoo layers , or builders , being able and ingenious fellow- C ' crafts J 4 . The levy out of Israel , appointed to work in Leba- ~ \ non one month in three , 10 , 000 , every month , under f _ 0 00 o - the direction of noble Adoniram , who was the Junior f •> '
Grand Warden " J All the Freemasons employed in the work of the tern- ) . . pie , exclusive of the two Grand Wardens , were 3 113 , 600 Besides the Isb Sabbal , or men of burthen , the remains of the old Canaanites , amounting ' to 70 , 000 , who are not numbered - among Masons . Solomon distributed the fellow-crafts into separate Lodges , with a .
Master and Wardens in each * ; that they mig ht receive commands in a regular manner , mig ht take care of their tools and jewels , mi ght be regularly paid every week , and be duly fed and cloathed , & c . and ' the fellow-crafts took care of their succession by educating entered apprentices . Thus a solid foundation was laid of perfect harmony among the brotherhood ; the Lodge was strongly cemented with love ' and friendship ; every brother was duly taught secrecy and prudence ,
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History Of Masonry.
architect , statuary , founder , or designer , he equally excelled . From his designs , and under his directions , all the rich and splendid furniture of the temple , and its several ' appendages , were begun , carried on , and finished . Solomon appointed him , in his absence , to fill the chair , as Deputy Grand Master ; and in his presence to officiate as Senior Grand' WardenMaster of the workand General
, , Overseer of all artists , as well those whom David had formerly procured from Tvre and Sidon , as those Hiram should now send . ¦ Dius , the historian , tells us , that the love of wisdom was the chief inducement-to that tenderness of friendship betwixt Hiram and Solomon ; that they interchanged difficult ancl mysterious questions , and points of art , to be solved according to true reason and nature . Meout of the Phi
nander of Ephesus , who translated the Tyrian annals - listine tongue , into Greek , also relates , that when any of these propositions proved too hard for those wise and learned princes , Abdeymontis , or Abdomenus , the Tyrian , called , in the old constitutions , Amon , or Hiram Abbif , answered every device that was put to him , 2 Chron . ii . 14 . ; and even challenged Solomon , though the '
wisest prince ' on earth , - with thesubtilty ofthe questions he proposed . ,. To carry on this stupendous work with greater ease , and speed , Solomon caused all the craftsmen , as well natives as foreigners , to be numbered , and classed as follows , viz . 1 . Harodim , princes , rulers , or provosts , in number 300 2 . Menatzch ' nn , overseers and comforters of the people 7
in working , who were expert master masons j 3 . G . hiblim , stone-squarers , polishers and sculptors '; and ^ ¦ Isb Chotzeb , men of hewing ; and Benai , setters , f go Qoo layers , or builders , being able and ingenious fellow- C ' crafts J 4 . The levy out of Israel , appointed to work in Leba- ~ \ non one month in three , 10 , 000 , every month , under f _ 0 00 o - the direction of noble Adoniram , who was the Junior f •> '
Grand Warden " J All the Freemasons employed in the work of the tern- ) . . pie , exclusive of the two Grand Wardens , were 3 113 , 600 Besides the Isb Sabbal , or men of burthen , the remains of the old Canaanites , amounting ' to 70 , 000 , who are not numbered - among Masons . Solomon distributed the fellow-crafts into separate Lodges , with a .
Master and Wardens in each * ; that they mig ht receive commands in a regular manner , mig ht take care of their tools and jewels , mi ght be regularly paid every week , and be duly fed and cloathed , & c . and ' the fellow-crafts took care of their succession by educating entered apprentices . Thus a solid foundation was laid of perfect harmony among the brotherhood ; the Lodge was strongly cemented with love ' and friendship ; every brother was duly taught secrecy and prudence ,