Article THE FESTIVAL OF THE R.M.I.B. Page 1 of 3 Article THE FESTIVAL OF THE R.M.I.B. Page 1 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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The Festival Of The R.M.I.B.
THE Anniversary Festival , at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on Wednesday , of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , passed off satisfactorily in most
respects . There was a genial and energetic chairman in the person of the Right Hon . Brothev Lord Mayor Sir John Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., Grand Junior Warden , who was
loyally supported by Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., the Grand Master of the Province of Sussex , the Grand Secretary , Brother Marriott , Q . C ., M . P ., one of the Parliamentary representatives of Brighton , and a goodly
company of ladies and . brethren . The weather was everything that could be desired , the catering and accommodation excellent , and the enthusiasm considerable .
It will be seen that , under these circumstances , one thing only was needed to complete tbe satisfaction of the guests , and that was a subscription list filled to overflowing . The amount which Bro . Binckes announced in the course of the
evening was £ 11 , 588 , which , it must be conceded , was a goodly sum , but not exactly in correspondence with what we had hoped for . Perhaps it is not altogether surprising that this Festival of Wednesday should have yielded only
what it has . The year began very succesfully , with an a ggregate of subscriptions to the R . M . B . I . amonnting , as announced at the time , to £ 12 , 237 , afterwards increased to £ 12 , 500 . The Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution
for Girls in May yielded still more abundantly , the total being £ 13 , 232 , with , as usual , more lists to follow . The £ 11 , 588 of Wednesday exhibits the reaction , which is but natural perhaps after the prodigious exertions at the
previou s Festivals , but which , in respect of the Boys' School , is none the less lamentable . Be this as it may , we know that the year 1882 at its triad of Anniversaries has yielded a grand total of £ 37 , 057 , or an average per Anniversary of * r li . OOZ .
Bat to resume our narrative of the actual doings at the Festival . We have said already that the Lord Mayor Presided , and that he was loyally supported by the Prov . » . Master of Sussex , Bro . Marriott , Q . C ., one of the
Members for Brighton , and the Grand Secretary . Among others present were the Lady Mayoress , Bro . Hallet Mayor and the Mayoress of Brighton , Bros . J . Wordsworth president of the Board of Stewards , J . M . Case P . G . D .,
Jf- Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., Charles Greenwood P . G . S . B ., JJaynham W . Stewart P . G . D ., John S . Scott P . G . D . D . Pr . »•M . Sussex , George Plucknett P . G . D . Treasurer of tbe ^ stitution , Horace B . Marshall , CO ., Acting President ° < ^ e Board of Steward s . Matthew Clarke P . G . D .. Baron
£ e ferrieres , M . P ., John Messent G . S . B ., C . W . Thompson J } " - Treasurer , E . C . Davies P . G . S ., Rev . Dr . Morris jeaa Master of the School , H . G . Buss Assistant Grand ^ cr 0 t nry D . M . Dewar . Adlard . Grabham . Terrv Sec .
f * -B . I ., Hedges Sec . R . M . I . G ., S . Rosenthal , Sir John ynett , J . H . Cohen , Geo . Kenning , W . R . Wood , Jyndbam Burrell , G . P . Festa , F . W . Otter , C . R . 0 « rrell , Mather , Edgar Bowyer , C . F . Matier , & c , & c . w , n . 1 Inova ^ ° ^ * cloth the loyal toasts were disposed of
j . ™ accustomed warmth , and then the Mayor of 'gnton gave that of the Chairman , in doing which j fbr ^ a k' ^ h compliment to his Lordship , as well as to a tner Lord Mayor of London , who had likewise during T s mayoralt y presided at the Festival of the Boys' School , j e Lord Mayor cordiall y acknowledged both tbe manner
The Festival Of The R.M.I.B.
in which the toast of his health had been proposed , and the reception it had experienced . The health of the Grand Officers was given by Bro . Marriott , Q . C ., M . P .,
who remarked thafc , while he did not know how many Provinces were represented on the occasion ; of this he was quite certain , that if the others were as well off as Sussex in possessing such a chief as Sir
W . W . Burrell , they must indeed be exceedingly fortunate . The toast having been suitably acknowledged , the Lord Mayor gave the toast of the day , and having quoted a saying of the late Earl of Beaconsfield to the effect that while
it was individuals who formed communities , it was institutions that made a nation , went on to appeal to those present , but especially to the ladies , to support the School . " Is there , " he said , " any object that can he more moving
to their hearts and souls than that the little children who are left in unfortunate circumstances , by reason of the death of
their parents , or by reason of some misfortune that has overtaken them—can there be any object more dear to their hearts and souls than that these children should have fatherly and motherly care extended to them by this
Institution ? Ladies and brethren , I say that that ought to stir the heart of every Freemason , and it is by such means that great ends are attained . " Then , he added , great sums may be given by those who are in prosperous circumstances , but a far better plan is for the general body to act together , each contributing what he can afford to give . Having paid a
high compliment to our Rev . Bro . Morris , the Head Master , his lordship sought to impress on those present the necessity of contributing liberally towards a School which was so well conducted , which had thus far been so
successful , and which at the same time stood so much in need of support . With the toast was associated the name of Bro . Plucknett , the Treasurer of the Institution , who briefly responded to the compliment . At this period of the proceedings , owing to tho Lord Mayor being under the necessity of leaving , Bro . Binckes read out the list of conbutionswhich is appended at 20 and 21 and Sir W . W . ~ — — ¦¦ ¦
, pp , ~ - „ . „„ , .. rr ----- - rr — —> — " — - '" •" Burrell having taken hia lordship ' s place as Chairman , the other toasts were drunk . Bro . Baron de Ferrie > es , M . P ., briefly acknowledged that of the Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents , Trustees , and members of Committee , while Bro .
the Mayor of Brighton responded to a similar compliment proposed by the Grand Secretary , the Health of the Ladies concluding the proceedings . Bro . W . Ganz had charge of the musical arrangements , and the baud of the School ,
under band-master Whare , was also in attendance , and contributed successfully to the general entertainment . Havino * thus far reported , in brief , the proceedings , let us betake ourselves to our accustomed task of analysing the subscri ption list . Taking the Metropolis firstwe find that ninet-seven
, y of its Lodges were represented by one hundred Stewards , a Knight Templar Preceptory , and the Dinner Committee of the Institution , together with thirteen Stewards
unattached , making up a total of 115 Representatives for this district . The total of the lists , so far as they have been received , amount to £ 5 , 646 17 s 5 d , thefollowing being amonothe most considerable : —Temple Bar Lodge , No . 1728 , sends up , per Bro . T . W . C . Bush , £ 291 ; the Earl of
Carnarvon , No . 1642 , per Bro . Samuel Smout , being a good second with £ 261 9 s to its credit . Next in order is the Montague Guest Lodge , No . 1900 , with £ 182 18 s lid , of which £ 177 13 s lid belongs to Bro . Festa ' s list , and the other £ 5 5 s to that of Bro , W , H . Dean , The Creaton
> d < r * w ffi3 2 S w ^ # tr * rH > t'«Q id W W W3;BPJO >* fcH •5 CO I**¦ § to s ? * •oi ST^I>O a > W g . •CO hZ 8 f > l-J Q p O & wi« OQ i—' 2BO & 1 J w w g o =+ W&baai ^^ 8*CD CD wI"O 8 u § O PH w p * P J t * W O B 8go-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Festival Of The R.M.I.B.
THE Anniversary Festival , at the Royal Pavilion , Brighton , on Wednesday , of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , passed off satisfactorily in most
respects . There was a genial and energetic chairman in the person of the Right Hon . Brothev Lord Mayor Sir John Whittaker Ellis , Bart ., Grand Junior Warden , who was
loyally supported by Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., the Grand Master of the Province of Sussex , the Grand Secretary , Brother Marriott , Q . C ., M . P ., one of the Parliamentary representatives of Brighton , and a goodly
company of ladies and . brethren . The weather was everything that could be desired , the catering and accommodation excellent , and the enthusiasm considerable .
It will be seen that , under these circumstances , one thing only was needed to complete tbe satisfaction of the guests , and that was a subscription list filled to overflowing . The amount which Bro . Binckes announced in the course of the
evening was £ 11 , 588 , which , it must be conceded , was a goodly sum , but not exactly in correspondence with what we had hoped for . Perhaps it is not altogether surprising that this Festival of Wednesday should have yielded only
what it has . The year began very succesfully , with an a ggregate of subscriptions to the R . M . B . I . amonnting , as announced at the time , to £ 12 , 237 , afterwards increased to £ 12 , 500 . The Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution
for Girls in May yielded still more abundantly , the total being £ 13 , 232 , with , as usual , more lists to follow . The £ 11 , 588 of Wednesday exhibits the reaction , which is but natural perhaps after the prodigious exertions at the
previou s Festivals , but which , in respect of the Boys' School , is none the less lamentable . Be this as it may , we know that the year 1882 at its triad of Anniversaries has yielded a grand total of £ 37 , 057 , or an average per Anniversary of * r li . OOZ .
Bat to resume our narrative of the actual doings at the Festival . We have said already that the Lord Mayor Presided , and that he was loyally supported by the Prov . » . Master of Sussex , Bro . Marriott , Q . C ., one of the
Members for Brighton , and the Grand Secretary . Among others present were the Lady Mayoress , Bro . Hallet Mayor and the Mayoress of Brighton , Bros . J . Wordsworth president of the Board of Stewards , J . M . Case P . G . D .,
Jf- Jabez Hogg P . G . D ., Charles Greenwood P . G . S . B ., JJaynham W . Stewart P . G . D ., John S . Scott P . G . D . D . Pr . »•M . Sussex , George Plucknett P . G . D . Treasurer of tbe ^ stitution , Horace B . Marshall , CO ., Acting President ° < ^ e Board of Steward s . Matthew Clarke P . G . D .. Baron
£ e ferrieres , M . P ., John Messent G . S . B ., C . W . Thompson J } " - Treasurer , E . C . Davies P . G . S ., Rev . Dr . Morris jeaa Master of the School , H . G . Buss Assistant Grand ^ cr 0 t nry D . M . Dewar . Adlard . Grabham . Terrv Sec .
f * -B . I ., Hedges Sec . R . M . I . G ., S . Rosenthal , Sir John ynett , J . H . Cohen , Geo . Kenning , W . R . Wood , Jyndbam Burrell , G . P . Festa , F . W . Otter , C . R . 0 « rrell , Mather , Edgar Bowyer , C . F . Matier , & c , & c . w , n . 1 Inova ^ ° ^ * cloth the loyal toasts were disposed of
j . ™ accustomed warmth , and then the Mayor of 'gnton gave that of the Chairman , in doing which j fbr ^ a k' ^ h compliment to his Lordship , as well as to a tner Lord Mayor of London , who had likewise during T s mayoralt y presided at the Festival of the Boys' School , j e Lord Mayor cordiall y acknowledged both tbe manner
The Festival Of The R.M.I.B.
in which the toast of his health had been proposed , and the reception it had experienced . The health of the Grand Officers was given by Bro . Marriott , Q . C ., M . P .,
who remarked thafc , while he did not know how many Provinces were represented on the occasion ; of this he was quite certain , that if the others were as well off as Sussex in possessing such a chief as Sir
W . W . Burrell , they must indeed be exceedingly fortunate . The toast having been suitably acknowledged , the Lord Mayor gave the toast of the day , and having quoted a saying of the late Earl of Beaconsfield to the effect that while
it was individuals who formed communities , it was institutions that made a nation , went on to appeal to those present , but especially to the ladies , to support the School . " Is there , " he said , " any object that can he more moving
to their hearts and souls than that the little children who are left in unfortunate circumstances , by reason of the death of
their parents , or by reason of some misfortune that has overtaken them—can there be any object more dear to their hearts and souls than that these children should have fatherly and motherly care extended to them by this
Institution ? Ladies and brethren , I say that that ought to stir the heart of every Freemason , and it is by such means that great ends are attained . " Then , he added , great sums may be given by those who are in prosperous circumstances , but a far better plan is for the general body to act together , each contributing what he can afford to give . Having paid a
high compliment to our Rev . Bro . Morris , the Head Master , his lordship sought to impress on those present the necessity of contributing liberally towards a School which was so well conducted , which had thus far been so
successful , and which at the same time stood so much in need of support . With the toast was associated the name of Bro . Plucknett , the Treasurer of the Institution , who briefly responded to the compliment . At this period of the proceedings , owing to tho Lord Mayor being under the necessity of leaving , Bro . Binckes read out the list of conbutionswhich is appended at 20 and 21 and Sir W . W . ~ — — ¦¦ ¦
, pp , ~ - „ . „„ , .. rr ----- - rr — —> — " — - '" •" Burrell having taken hia lordship ' s place as Chairman , the other toasts were drunk . Bro . Baron de Ferrie > es , M . P ., briefly acknowledged that of the Vice-Patrons , Vice-Presidents , Trustees , and members of Committee , while Bro .
the Mayor of Brighton responded to a similar compliment proposed by the Grand Secretary , the Health of the Ladies concluding the proceedings . Bro . W . Ganz had charge of the musical arrangements , and the baud of the School ,
under band-master Whare , was also in attendance , and contributed successfully to the general entertainment . Havino * thus far reported , in brief , the proceedings , let us betake ourselves to our accustomed task of analysing the subscri ption list . Taking the Metropolis firstwe find that ninet-seven
, y of its Lodges were represented by one hundred Stewards , a Knight Templar Preceptory , and the Dinner Committee of the Institution , together with thirteen Stewards
unattached , making up a total of 115 Representatives for this district . The total of the lists , so far as they have been received , amount to £ 5 , 646 17 s 5 d , thefollowing being amonothe most considerable : —Temple Bar Lodge , No . 1728 , sends up , per Bro . T . W . C . Bush , £ 291 ; the Earl of
Carnarvon , No . 1642 , per Bro . Samuel Smout , being a good second with £ 261 9 s to its credit . Next in order is the Montague Guest Lodge , No . 1900 , with £ 182 18 s lid , of which £ 177 13 s lid belongs to Bro . Festa ' s list , and the other £ 5 5 s to that of Bro , W , H . Dean , The Creaton
> d < r * w ffi3 2 S w ^ # tr * rH > t'«Q id W W W3;BPJO >* fcH •5 CO I**¦ § to s ? * •oi ST^I>O a > W g . •CO hZ 8 f > l-J Q p O & wi« OQ i—' 2BO & 1 J w w g o =+ W&baai ^^ 8*CD CD wI"O 8 u § O PH w p * P J t * W O B 8go-