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l^vM''l^^^^MCABINETMANUFACTURERANDUPHOLSTERER,% ff ^^ f ^* ' ^ . ^^ W ^^^^^ P | j SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIPPERS , AND GOODS SsF ^ f cj 5 ? tffffM . S ^ j ^^ gJ ^^^^ A large stock always on view , to which the attention of those about to PIANOFORTEMANUFACTURER.~^~^^''^<^^k^^yo^^^^^^^237&239EU8TQNR0AD~U)ND0N.
I.J.EOWLEY&Co.,CoUieiy&ShippingAgents,COAL,BKEEZE&IRONMERCHANTS,London Office—14 Blandford Street , Portman Square , W . and at 18 Milton Street , Spring Bank , Hull . SETT CASH PRICES DELIVERED . PER TON PER TON BEST WALLSEND - - 21 s EUREKA HARTLEY - - 17 s BEST SILKSTONE - - 20 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 17 s NEW SILKSTONE - - 19 s DUDLEY BREEZE - - - 21 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - 18 s BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE 15 S L-AR 8 E BRIGHTS - - 17 s Oil BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 12 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED .
NEXT OF KIN — ISSI EDITION . AD E S C R I P T I V E INDEX ( of 25 , 000 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin . I ' . lntwwv lleiiv , Legatees , & c . from 1701 , s * i : > i , l > y I ' . istai Or !<•••. Address \ V . Cb "' ., ! . ukn , 17 Southampton ( iililrlii ><; . , i !> rl'im-. i ! r [ , -nc . 1 . in . I , -i R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . Martin's Street , Leicester Squaro , PAPER HANCER , P \ W : 3 AMD OEGOUT'J ^ . •E timnte .-i S ' -: it iV . re on : i | i | . li .-: i ! , i , i , . i ; 1 v i ; •: s \ t > . > ; H VT ¦ :
| NOW READY . SYNOPSIS OP TUB CHESS OPENINGS . A 'Palm ' atcd Analysis . Third Kdi ion , with : additions and emendation- ; , liy WII . I . UX COOK . ! i ' l-ice : ) s Ud j W . W . MOIIM , Z \ Great Queen Sireet , W . C . j , . NI . Rdition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 5 . « . YY'Affr ' S AND STRAYS , cniErar FHO . II *> rv CHKSS Bo . 4 i : » , hy Captain Hugh R . v ; eni ] . r , ly , Vi .-v-IVesidonl of the Hritish Chess Ass-n-i . ilijti . f . o-fj :... : V . ' , W . VOROA * , 21 OKKAT QVEBX STREKT .
Published « very nr « dneMlar . Frl « e % l . THE CHESSPLAYER'S CHRONICLE ; AND Journal of Indoor and Outdoor Amusements-THE CnEss PLAYER ' S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , or will he forwarded direct from the Office en the following terms : — Twelvo months , post free 12 0 Three „ „ 3 3 All communications and hooks , & c . for notice , ti bo addressed to tlio Office , 23 GREAT QUEEN ST ., LONDON , W . C .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , Willi any nnnt «• iu raised letter * . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stvatford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 84 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD . LONDON E ,
t >* r + m ££ a im , an—m i JHM _ _ _ _ i u __ 1 __^ " - ^—gSSCZT I
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
l^vM''l^^^^MCABINETMANUFACTURERANDUPHOLSTERER,% ff ^^ f ^* ' ^ . ^^ W ^^^^^ P | j SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIPPERS , AND GOODS SsF ^ f cj 5 ? tffffM . S ^ j ^^ gJ ^^^^ A large stock always on view , to which the attention of those about to PIANOFORTEMANUFACTURER.~^~^^''^<^^k^^yo^^^^^^^237&239EU8TQNR0AD~U)ND0N.
I.J.EOWLEY&Co.,CoUieiy&ShippingAgents,COAL,BKEEZE&IRONMERCHANTS,London Office—14 Blandford Street , Portman Square , W . and at 18 Milton Street , Spring Bank , Hull . SETT CASH PRICES DELIVERED . PER TON PER TON BEST WALLSEND - - 21 s EUREKA HARTLEY - - 17 s BEST SILKSTONE - - 20 s BEST HARD STEAM - - 17 s NEW SILKSTONE - - 19 s DUDLEY BREEZE - - - 21 s BEST DERBY BRIGHTS - 18 s BEST SMITH ' COAL SEABORNE 15 S L-AR 8 E BRIGHTS - - 17 s Oil BEST GAS COKE , per 12 Sacks 12 s WEIGHT AND QUALITY GUARANTEED .
NEXT OF KIN — ISSI EDITION . AD E S C R I P T I V E INDEX ( of 25 , 000 names ) to Advertisements for Next of Kin . I ' . lntwwv lleiiv , Legatees , & c . from 1701 , s * i : > i , l > y I ' . istai Or !<•••. Address \ V . Cb "' ., ! . ukn , 17 Southampton ( iililrlii ><; . , i !> rl'im-. i ! r [ , -nc . 1 . in . I , -i R . BENSTEAD , 9 St . Martin's Street , Leicester Squaro , PAPER HANCER , P \ W : 3 AMD OEGOUT'J ^ . •E timnte .-i S ' -: it iV . re on : i | i | . li .-: i ! , i , i , . i ; 1 v i ; •: s \ t > . > ; H VT ¦ :
| NOW READY . SYNOPSIS OP TUB CHESS OPENINGS . A 'Palm ' atcd Analysis . Third Kdi ion , with : additions and emendation- ; , liy WII . I . UX COOK . ! i ' l-ice : ) s Ud j W . W . MOIIM , Z \ Great Queen Sireet , W . C . j , . NI . Rdition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , 5 . « . YY'Affr ' S AND STRAYS , cniErar FHO . II *> rv CHKSS Bo . 4 i : » , hy Captain Hugh R . v ; eni ] . r , ly , Vi .-v-IVesidonl of the Hritish Chess Ass-n-i . ilijti . f . o-fj :... : V . ' , W . VOROA * , 21 OKKAT QVEBX STREKT .
Published « very nr « dneMlar . Frl « e % l . THE CHESSPLAYER'S CHRONICLE ; AND Journal of Indoor and Outdoor Amusements-THE CnEss PLAYER ' S CHRONICLE can be ordered of any Bookseller in Town or Country , or will he forwarded direct from the Office en the following terms : — Twelvo months , post free 12 0 Three „ „ 3 3 All communications and hooks , & c . for notice , ti bo addressed to tlio Office , 23 GREAT QUEEN ST ., LONDON , W . C .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , Willi any nnnt «• iu raised letter * . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Stvatford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 84 HIGH STREET , STRATFORD . LONDON E ,
t >* r + m ££ a im , an—m i JHM _ _ _ _ i u __ 1 __^ " - ^—gSSCZT I