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The Festival Of The R.M.I.B.
inT . May , or together £ 145 8 s . On Wednesday , it made up a total of £ 161 14 s , thus carrying its contributions beyond £ 300 . Worcestershire ( eleven Lodges ) has bestirred itself of late , and figures this year at all three Festivals , its February contribution being
£ 176 8 s , that in May £ 42 , and that on Wednesday £ 169 Is , or , together £ 287 9 s . North Wales and Salop ( 27 Lodges ) began the year with £ 160 7 s 6 d towards the R . M . B . I ., and in May it made up a total of £ 352 10 s . On Wednesday it contributed only £ 24 3 s , but its total for
the year is considerably in excess of £ 500 , which is by no means an unworthy result . South Wales , Eastern Division ( 15 Lodges ) , figured for £ 200 in May , and on Wednesday handed over a total of £ 374 6 s 6 d , while its Western neighbour , with nine Lodges , raised £ 360 3 s at the
Benevolent Festival , the Chairman of the day being non e other than Col . Lloyd-Philipps , its Prov . Grand Master . This time it has sent up a Steward , but as yet there is no return . North and East Yorkshire , with twenty-seven Lodges , supplements its £ 42 of February , and £ 500 of
May with a comfortable £ 103 2 s on this occasion , while its powerful Western neighbour , with sixty-six Lodges , contributes £ 603 15 s , making , with £ 350 to tho Benevolent , and £ 650 to the Girls , a total of £ 1 , 603 15 s . Very much bravo , West Yorkshire . Two contributions from
abroad , one being Bro . •Broadley s list of £ 90 , and the other Bro . Windrieur ' s of £ 31 10 s , with Bro . Matier ' s , as representing the Mark Degree , to the tune of £ 74 Is , comp letes our survey . To sum up these results . The amount announced was
£ 11 , 588 , but as invariably happens , other sums drop in almost immediately after the Festival , and the figures as we publish them elsewhere give London , £ 5 , 646 17 s 5 d ;
Provinces £ 5 , 885 9 s 7 d ; Foreign Stations and Mark Degree £ 195 lis ; total , 11 , 714 5 s . We congratulate Bro . Binckes on having so nearly approached £ 12 , 000 , though we could have welcomed for him even better fortune still .
The Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
WE have before us the Nineteenth Report of this admirable Provincial organisation for the education and advancement in life of the children of distressed and deceased Freemasons . It contains no features of especial interest , there having been in the course of the twelve months to which it relates no efforts made out of
the ordinary course , either by Lectures or other entertainments , to increase the funds of the Institution . Yet it is satisfactory to note that the Avhole of the current expenditure has been defrayed out of the income derived from invested moneys , so that it has been nnnecessarv to trench
upon the sum received in fees , donations , and subscriptions . The property of the Institution consists of £ 3 , 720 6 s 3 d , invested advantageously in various approved securities , and there are balances in the North and South Wales Bank and hands of Treasurer , amounting together
to £ 401 2 s . It is to be regretted , however , that the Committee should have felt themselves under the necessit y of inserting in the Report tbe following paragraph : — " It is a matter of extreme regret that the majority of the Lodges and Chapters in the Province do not contribute
to this Institution . Surely the Worshipful Masters do not hring its importance sufficiently before their Lodges . Why they do not do so is an enigma . From experience your Committtee find that it is only when a Lodge has a candidate that they make any special exertion to augment the funds
of the Institution , whereas , Masonically speaking , the whole of the Lodges in the Province ought to contribute to this , their special home Charity . " ' We do not doubt that it must have been painful for the Committee to write in such forcible terms , but there are
occasions on which it , is as well to be outspoken . It is within the general experience of all Masons that , as there are some Lod ges and brethren who make a point of regularly , or , at . all events , frequently subscribing to our Charities , whether local or central , so are there others which are as
regularl y conspicuous by their absence from subscription ists , or , if they contribute at all , do so but very seldom . In Jps respect , therefore , Cheshire does not stand alone . Yet , if 'ere are in its ranks , as there are in London and the other Evinces , a number of members who are indifferent to the
The Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
claims of Charity , those who are otherwise minded have every reason to be proud of this Institution . The audited statement of accounts shows receipts for last year amounting to £ 586 16 s 9 d , of which £ 10 10 s 9 d was the balance brought forward from last year : fees ,
donations , and subscriptions from Lodges , Chapters , and brethren to the extent of £ 244 9 s , including £ 7 from Lord De Tabley P . G . M . and Lady De Tabley ; interest on investments £ 181 17 s ; and £ 150 , being the amount received in respect of a Mersey Dock Bond , expired lst July 1881 .
rho Expenditure reached the sum of £ 185 14 s 9 d , £ 135 3 s 8 d being for the education of twenty-two children , and £ 10 10 s for the advancement of two , leaving only a fraction of over £ 40 for all the expenses incidental to printing , audit and committee meetings , stationery ,
postages , & c . The Balance iu North and South Wales Bank at the close of tho year was £ 301 17 s 5 d , and in Treasurer ' s hands £ 99 4 s 7 d , making together , as already
stated , £ 401 2 s . Adding this to the £ 3 , 720 6 s 3 d invested in different securities , we find the available resources of the Institution amount to £ 4 , 121 8 s 3 d , a goodly sum , it must be admitted .
Having in previous years described at length the qualifications and privileges of Governors , and the qualifications which candidates for the benefits of the Institution must possess , we need not be at the trouble of repeating them . We shall merely add , thoreforo , to the foregoing remarks
our congratulations to Lord De Tabley and the brethren of the Province who support him , on the efficiency and success of the work they have been doing during past years , and the expression of a hope that those who have not hitherto done anything towards advancing the interests
of this Institution will take the words of the Committee to heart , and pluck up courage to lend a helping hand in the future . Let them follow the worthy example ,
mentioned in the report , of the Lodge of Instruction attached to the Lodge of Industry , No . 461 , Hyde , which has just contributed the sum of £ 5 5 s to the funds in order to constitute its Preceptor a Life Governor .
Colonel Creaton presided at a meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , held on Thurday , 29 th June , when there were also present Bros . E . Letchworth , F . Richardson , J . H . Matthews , H . A .
Dubois , Joshua Nunn , P . de L . Long , R . Grey , J . A . Rucker , E . H . Finney , Edgar Bowyer , A . E . Glad well , F . W . Ramsay , H . Phythian , J . Terry , C . H . Webb . R . W . Stewart and E . C . Massey . After the minutes of the last
General Committee had been verified , and the minutes of the Special General Court and the House Committee had been read for information , the sum of £ 1000 was , on the recommendation of the Treasurer , ordered to be invested .
On the recommendation of the Honse Committee , Louisa Broadbent , the " next pupil , " was appointed at a salary of £ 20 a-year as an additional assistant in the clothing
department . Sixteen petitions were considered , of which fifteen were approved , and the names ordered to be added to the list of candidates for election .
The Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys acknowledges a contribution of one hundred and fift y guineas , from a member of the Court of Common Council , at the Anniversary Festival , presided over by the Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor .
We have already drawn attention elsewhere to Bro . Festa ' s List of £ 177 13 s lid for tbe Boys' Festival . We are glad , however , to note further that he was one of the
Reception Committee at Brighton on Wednesday , and what is still more to our purpose , as illustrating the keen interest he takes in our Institutions , that he gave a special prize at Tuesday ' s prize distribution at Wood Green for Short Hand .
We are very much pleased to find that the Royal Victoria Lodge , No . 1013 , Liverpool , has , after a long absence , reappeared in a list of Festival contributions . The amount
raised is entered as £ 40 , and we trust that Bro . Tomlinson , who acted as Steward , and who is taking great interest in his Lodge , will induce it to repeat this effort on future occasions with praiseworthy regularity .
The installation meeting of the Cornwallis Lodge , No . 1107 , will take place on Wednesday next , at the Lullingstone Castle Hotel , Swanley , Kent , Bro . H . Cleverly is the W . M . elect .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Festival Of The R.M.I.B.
inT . May , or together £ 145 8 s . On Wednesday , it made up a total of £ 161 14 s , thus carrying its contributions beyond £ 300 . Worcestershire ( eleven Lodges ) has bestirred itself of late , and figures this year at all three Festivals , its February contribution being
£ 176 8 s , that in May £ 42 , and that on Wednesday £ 169 Is , or , together £ 287 9 s . North Wales and Salop ( 27 Lodges ) began the year with £ 160 7 s 6 d towards the R . M . B . I ., and in May it made up a total of £ 352 10 s . On Wednesday it contributed only £ 24 3 s , but its total for
the year is considerably in excess of £ 500 , which is by no means an unworthy result . South Wales , Eastern Division ( 15 Lodges ) , figured for £ 200 in May , and on Wednesday handed over a total of £ 374 6 s 6 d , while its Western neighbour , with nine Lodges , raised £ 360 3 s at the
Benevolent Festival , the Chairman of the day being non e other than Col . Lloyd-Philipps , its Prov . Grand Master . This time it has sent up a Steward , but as yet there is no return . North and East Yorkshire , with twenty-seven Lodges , supplements its £ 42 of February , and £ 500 of
May with a comfortable £ 103 2 s on this occasion , while its powerful Western neighbour , with sixty-six Lodges , contributes £ 603 15 s , making , with £ 350 to tho Benevolent , and £ 650 to the Girls , a total of £ 1 , 603 15 s . Very much bravo , West Yorkshire . Two contributions from
abroad , one being Bro . •Broadley s list of £ 90 , and the other Bro . Windrieur ' s of £ 31 10 s , with Bro . Matier ' s , as representing the Mark Degree , to the tune of £ 74 Is , comp letes our survey . To sum up these results . The amount announced was
£ 11 , 588 , but as invariably happens , other sums drop in almost immediately after the Festival , and the figures as we publish them elsewhere give London , £ 5 , 646 17 s 5 d ;
Provinces £ 5 , 885 9 s 7 d ; Foreign Stations and Mark Degree £ 195 lis ; total , 11 , 714 5 s . We congratulate Bro . Binckes on having so nearly approached £ 12 , 000 , though we could have welcomed for him even better fortune still .
The Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
WE have before us the Nineteenth Report of this admirable Provincial organisation for the education and advancement in life of the children of distressed and deceased Freemasons . It contains no features of especial interest , there having been in the course of the twelve months to which it relates no efforts made out of
the ordinary course , either by Lectures or other entertainments , to increase the funds of the Institution . Yet it is satisfactory to note that the Avhole of the current expenditure has been defrayed out of the income derived from invested moneys , so that it has been nnnecessarv to trench
upon the sum received in fees , donations , and subscriptions . The property of the Institution consists of £ 3 , 720 6 s 3 d , invested advantageously in various approved securities , and there are balances in the North and South Wales Bank and hands of Treasurer , amounting together
to £ 401 2 s . It is to be regretted , however , that the Committee should have felt themselves under the necessit y of inserting in the Report tbe following paragraph : — " It is a matter of extreme regret that the majority of the Lodges and Chapters in the Province do not contribute
to this Institution . Surely the Worshipful Masters do not hring its importance sufficiently before their Lodges . Why they do not do so is an enigma . From experience your Committtee find that it is only when a Lodge has a candidate that they make any special exertion to augment the funds
of the Institution , whereas , Masonically speaking , the whole of the Lodges in the Province ought to contribute to this , their special home Charity . " ' We do not doubt that it must have been painful for the Committee to write in such forcible terms , but there are
occasions on which it , is as well to be outspoken . It is within the general experience of all Masons that , as there are some Lod ges and brethren who make a point of regularly , or , at . all events , frequently subscribing to our Charities , whether local or central , so are there others which are as
regularl y conspicuous by their absence from subscription ists , or , if they contribute at all , do so but very seldom . In Jps respect , therefore , Cheshire does not stand alone . Yet , if 'ere are in its ranks , as there are in London and the other Evinces , a number of members who are indifferent to the
The Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
claims of Charity , those who are otherwise minded have every reason to be proud of this Institution . The audited statement of accounts shows receipts for last year amounting to £ 586 16 s 9 d , of which £ 10 10 s 9 d was the balance brought forward from last year : fees ,
donations , and subscriptions from Lodges , Chapters , and brethren to the extent of £ 244 9 s , including £ 7 from Lord De Tabley P . G . M . and Lady De Tabley ; interest on investments £ 181 17 s ; and £ 150 , being the amount received in respect of a Mersey Dock Bond , expired lst July 1881 .
rho Expenditure reached the sum of £ 185 14 s 9 d , £ 135 3 s 8 d being for the education of twenty-two children , and £ 10 10 s for the advancement of two , leaving only a fraction of over £ 40 for all the expenses incidental to printing , audit and committee meetings , stationery ,
postages , & c . The Balance iu North and South Wales Bank at the close of tho year was £ 301 17 s 5 d , and in Treasurer ' s hands £ 99 4 s 7 d , making together , as already
stated , £ 401 2 s . Adding this to the £ 3 , 720 6 s 3 d invested in different securities , we find the available resources of the Institution amount to £ 4 , 121 8 s 3 d , a goodly sum , it must be admitted .
Having in previous years described at length the qualifications and privileges of Governors , and the qualifications which candidates for the benefits of the Institution must possess , we need not be at the trouble of repeating them . We shall merely add , thoreforo , to the foregoing remarks
our congratulations to Lord De Tabley and the brethren of the Province who support him , on the efficiency and success of the work they have been doing during past years , and the expression of a hope that those who have not hitherto done anything towards advancing the interests
of this Institution will take the words of the Committee to heart , and pluck up courage to lend a helping hand in the future . Let them follow the worthy example ,
mentioned in the report , of the Lodge of Instruction attached to the Lodge of Industry , No . 461 , Hyde , which has just contributed the sum of £ 5 5 s to the funds in order to constitute its Preceptor a Life Governor .
Colonel Creaton presided at a meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , held on Thurday , 29 th June , when there were also present Bros . E . Letchworth , F . Richardson , J . H . Matthews , H . A .
Dubois , Joshua Nunn , P . de L . Long , R . Grey , J . A . Rucker , E . H . Finney , Edgar Bowyer , A . E . Glad well , F . W . Ramsay , H . Phythian , J . Terry , C . H . Webb . R . W . Stewart and E . C . Massey . After the minutes of the last
General Committee had been verified , and the minutes of the Special General Court and the House Committee had been read for information , the sum of £ 1000 was , on the recommendation of the Treasurer , ordered to be invested .
On the recommendation of the Honse Committee , Louisa Broadbent , the " next pupil , " was appointed at a salary of £ 20 a-year as an additional assistant in the clothing
department . Sixteen petitions were considered , of which fifteen were approved , and the names ordered to be added to the list of candidates for election .
The Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys acknowledges a contribution of one hundred and fift y guineas , from a member of the Court of Common Council , at the Anniversary Festival , presided over by the Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor .
We have already drawn attention elsewhere to Bro . Festa ' s List of £ 177 13 s lid for tbe Boys' Festival . We are glad , however , to note further that he was one of the
Reception Committee at Brighton on Wednesday , and what is still more to our purpose , as illustrating the keen interest he takes in our Institutions , that he gave a special prize at Tuesday ' s prize distribution at Wood Green for Short Hand .
We are very much pleased to find that the Royal Victoria Lodge , No . 1013 , Liverpool , has , after a long absence , reappeared in a list of Festival contributions . The amount
raised is entered as £ 40 , and we trust that Bro . Tomlinson , who acted as Steward , and who is taking great interest in his Lodge , will induce it to repeat this effort on future occasions with praiseworthy regularity .
The installation meeting of the Cornwallis Lodge , No . 1107 , will take place on Wednesday next , at the Lullingstone Castle Hotel , Swanley , Kent , Bro . H . Cleverly is the W . M . elect .