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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Essex.
that the total subscribed from Essex was the largest for a number of years , amounting as it did to close ou dGl . GOO . The principal support this year had been given to tho Boys' School , whose Festival was held the other day at Brighton , under the presidency of the Pro Grand Master
Lord Lathom , who had expressed to him ( Lord Brooke ) his thanks for tho way in which Essex had supported tho Boys' Festival . On that occasion tho P . G . Treasurer wan able to send in tho handsome list of five hundred guineas ; while Brothers Andrew Motion , Robert Panchard , and
Nathaniel Fortescue were 100 guineas and upwards . For the coming year ho recommended that a great effort should be made to support the Jubilee of the Benevolent Institution ; nnd if the brethren thought fit , ho should bo
pleased to enter his own namo as a Steward for that occasion , and placo tho fifty guineas which had been voted upon his list . His Lordship concluded by stating that ho had received a most cordial invitation from Star in tho
East Lodgo to hold the next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge at Harwich . He had a most lively recollection of the last time P . G . L . met under the banner of tho Star iu tho East Lodge—it was the first Provincial Grand Lodgo after his installation as P . G . M . —and tho brethren , under
the Mastership of Bro . Clowes , gave them such a hearty reception that he had had no hesitation in accepting tho invitation to go there again . Ho trusted that they mi ght all bo spared to meet there , and that they might have as
good a record to show as they had had that day , Only the required number of brethren ( four ) having boon nominated for election on the Board of General Purposes , the R . W . P . G . M . declared them duly elected , as under : — Bros . Buck P . M . 453 P . P . G . S . W ., Gowera W . M . 1024
P . P . G . O ., Merritt P . M . 1000 P . P . G . S . W ., and Turner P . M . 51 P . P . G . S . W . For the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer , Bro . Salmon P . M . 2077 P . P . G . R . nominated Bro . Acworth P . M . 2077 , & c , and was supported by Bro . Glass P . M . P . P . G . S . of Works , and Bro . Westfield P . M . 2184 P . P . G . Sword Bearer . No other nomination being
made , the R . W . P . G . M . declared Bro . Acworth duly elected , and that Brother returned thanks for the honour done him . The R . W . P . G . M . then , amidst much applause , announced that his excellent Deputy ( Bro . Philbrick ) had kindly
consented to continue iu offico , and he heartily thanked that brother for the able assistance he gave to the work of the Province . His Lordship then appointed and invested hia Officers for the ensuing year , as under : —
T . Courtney Warner Senior Warden W . J . Cramp Jnnior Warden KISS ** ' } ** - F . B . Page Registrar Thos . G . Railing Secretary f £ ^ ) Senior Deacons A . G . Hayman j
M . C . Me aby j Junior Deacons H . Pfrenoh Bromhead Superintendent of Works A . Lnoking Dir . of Cers . Geo . Foster Depnty Dip . of Cers Fred . Horsman Assist . Dir . of Cers .
W . Newton Berridge Sword Bearer M . L . Sanders j gtandard Be James Howell ) Walter Latter Organist F . J . Nnnn Assiat . Secretary H . J . Day * Pursuivant W . H . de Caen Assistant Pursuivant S D . C . Ablitfc 1
Walter T . Christian i S £ Lk f sl ° »«"" J . J . Briginshaw . A . J . Dale J
A . W . Martin Tyler Bro . F . C . Dixie I . P . M . 453 Prov . G . D . having been elected a member of tho Charity Committee in place of Bro . G . H . Finch P . M . 2005 P . P . G . J . W ., who retired by rotation , a voto of thanks was passed to tho Great
Eastern Railway Company for the facilities they had given , and to the entertaining Lodges for tho trouble they had taken in making arrangements for the meeting . Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and about 70
brethren , under the presidency of Lord Brooke , subsequently partook of dinner , an elegant repast being well served by Mr . and Mrs . Gordon . After tea a selection of vocal music was performed , under the direction of Bro . Latter , Prov . Grand Organist . —Essex Standard .
LODGE OF HARMONY , No . 220 . 'I 1 UE annnal Festival was celebrated on Wednesday , 22 nd nit ., in 1 the Lodge-room , Garston Hotel , before an assembly numbering abont fifty members and invited guests . Bro . Billingaley S . W . having been unanimously elected the Worshipfnl Master , the installation ceremony was most effectively and impressively performed by Bro . Hill P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Bro . Billingsloy then invested his Officers , aa
follow : —Bros . Fisher I . P . M ., Williams P . M . S . W ., Olver P . M . Secretary , Hill P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Dir . of Cers ., Hatch P . M . Treasurer ( reelected ) , Watson J . W ., Finch S . D ., Gidlow J . D ., Hughes I . G ., Pickard , Loffcue , Williams and Crispin Steward * . Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . Foote P . P . G . Treasurer . Hesketh P . M . 1182
P . P . G . Standard Bearer , Cain P . M . 72-1 P . P . G . S . B ., Matthews P . M . 1276 P . P . G . S . Cheshire , Martin P . P . G . Tronsuror , Edginton P . M . 1182 , Shield P . M . 2335 , Wright , Baxendale , Wakelam S . D . 1432 , & o . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , served in Bro . Wilson's usual manner , whioh was presided over by Bro . Billingsley . During the evening the Worshipfnl Master , on behalf of
the members of the Lodge , presented the retiring W . M ., Bro . Fisher , with a splendid Past Master ' s jewel , and in doing HO expressed the hopo that it would adorn tho breast of thu recipient for many years to come . The Lodge is now in a very nourishing state , not only numerically bnt financially , and has during the year contributed its fair proportion to most of the Masonio Charities .
11 HE annual pionio in connection with this popular Lodgo took place on the 17 th ult ., at Ruabon . About sixty of the members and their friends met at Wood aide Station , Birkenhead , and proceeded by train to Buabon Station , and afterwards , by the kind permission of Sir Watkin W . Wynn , walked through "Wynnstay Park and inspected the stables and the ancient hall . Mr . G . J . Clipson ,
the house Steward , was most courteous in showing tbe Visitors throngh the rooms , and in pointing ont the principal pictures aud furniture . The Visitors then returned to the Wynnstay Anus Hotel , where an excellent repast was served . After dinner , wagonnettes were secured , and the party drove through the beantifnl vale to
Llangollen and back to Ruabon , where they partook of tea . Tbe Worshipful Master Brother J . Grundy afterwards proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Sir Watkin W . Wynn for granting them the privilege of inspecting tbe grounds and hall ; also to Mr . G . J .
Clipson , for the very courteous manner in whioh he had pointed out everything interesting in the hall . Birkenhead was reached late in the evening , after ono of the most pleasant and enjoyable picnics in connection with the Mersey Lodge since its consecration .
THB members of this Lodge celebrated their annual festival of St . John ou Thursday , 16 th nit ., at tho Masonic Hall , Devonshire Square , llunoorn . The proceedings were opened in due and solemn form by Bro . Cooper W . M ., and afterwards the WM .-elect was presented for installation by Bro . Mellor P . P . G . J . D ., supported by Bro . Annott P . M . The retiring W . M . Bro . Cooper
then proceeded , in an impressive manner , to instal Bro . Littler S . W . as W . M . for tho ensuing year . The following were elected Officers : —Cooper I . P . M ., Phillips S . W ., Burgess J . W ., Sharrook S . D ., Hankinson J . D ., Linaker I . G ., Wass P . M . Treas . re-elected , Annett P . M . Secretary , Coxhill P . M . P . P . G . A . D . of 0 . D . C ,
Lancaster Organist , Le Coutenr Almoner , and Lydiate Tyler . At the conclusion of the formal business the members snt down toa banquet , at which tho customary loyal and patriotic toasts woro proposed and honoured . Bro . Cooper I . P . M ., was presented with a P . M . ' a jewol and a Lifo Governorship in tbe Cheshire Masonio Educational Institute . The jewel was a very handsome one .
THE members celebrated their St . John ' s Day on Thursday , tbe 21 st ult ., when the installation of Bro . Dr . Behrondt to the W . M . ' s chair took place . The W . M . invested Officers aa follow : — Bros . Constable I . P . M . and Charity Steward , Bruuyel S . W ., Fox J . W ., Staniforth P . M . P . P . G . Pursuivant Chaplain and Almoner , Wood
P . M . P . P . Staudard Bearer Secretary , Ftinlkner S . D ., Pickering J . D ., Chamberlain P . M . D . C , Bnrtonahaw P . G . O . Organist , Drury Standard Bearer , Petoh Senior Steward , Turner and Wrestle Jnnior Stewards , Soholey I . G ., Naylor Organist . The usual banquet followed , when the customary Masonio toasts were given .
PRUDENCE LODGE , No . 1550 . THE members held their annual outing on Saturday , the 18 th ult . The party , numbering about fifty brethren and their lady friends , embarked on board tho steamer Princo at West Hoo Pier at noon , and proceeded , after calling at North Corner and Pottery Quay , to Pentillie , where , by permission of Colonel Coryton , they were
allowed to inspocb the gardons and grounds . The steamer then conveyed tho party to Cotehele Quay , where they disembarked and , throngh the kindness of the Kight Hon . theEnrl of Mount Edgcumbe , were permittpd to go through Coteheio House and inspect thy armour in tho old baronial hall and the bedsteads of King Chavlaa
I . and Queen Anne . The earl had generously provided some light refreshments , and a walk throngh the woods to Calstock enabled the party to witness the destruction of trees caused by the recent blizzard . At Calstock the party pirtook of a high tea at Mrs . Front's , Tamar Hotel . A splendid meal waa admirably served up , and reflected great credit ou tbe hostess . Iu consequence of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Essex.
that the total subscribed from Essex was the largest for a number of years , amounting as it did to close ou dGl . GOO . The principal support this year had been given to tho Boys' School , whose Festival was held the other day at Brighton , under the presidency of the Pro Grand Master
Lord Lathom , who had expressed to him ( Lord Brooke ) his thanks for tho way in which Essex had supported tho Boys' Festival . On that occasion tho P . G . Treasurer wan able to send in tho handsome list of five hundred guineas ; while Brothers Andrew Motion , Robert Panchard , and
Nathaniel Fortescue were 100 guineas and upwards . For the coming year ho recommended that a great effort should be made to support the Jubilee of the Benevolent Institution ; nnd if the brethren thought fit , ho should bo
pleased to enter his own namo as a Steward for that occasion , and placo tho fifty guineas which had been voted upon his list . His Lordship concluded by stating that ho had received a most cordial invitation from Star in tho
East Lodgo to hold the next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge at Harwich . He had a most lively recollection of the last time P . G . L . met under the banner of tho Star iu tho East Lodge—it was the first Provincial Grand Lodgo after his installation as P . G . M . —and tho brethren , under
the Mastership of Bro . Clowes , gave them such a hearty reception that he had had no hesitation in accepting tho invitation to go there again . Ho trusted that they mi ght all bo spared to meet there , and that they might have as
good a record to show as they had had that day , Only the required number of brethren ( four ) having boon nominated for election on the Board of General Purposes , the R . W . P . G . M . declared them duly elected , as under : — Bros . Buck P . M . 453 P . P . G . S . W ., Gowera W . M . 1024
P . P . G . O ., Merritt P . M . 1000 P . P . G . S . W ., and Turner P . M . 51 P . P . G . S . W . For the office of Provincial Grand Treasurer , Bro . Salmon P . M . 2077 P . P . G . R . nominated Bro . Acworth P . M . 2077 , & c , and was supported by Bro . Glass P . M . P . P . G . S . of Works , and Bro . Westfield P . M . 2184 P . P . G . Sword Bearer . No other nomination being
made , the R . W . P . G . M . declared Bro . Acworth duly elected , and that Brother returned thanks for the honour done him . The R . W . P . G . M . then , amidst much applause , announced that his excellent Deputy ( Bro . Philbrick ) had kindly
consented to continue iu offico , and he heartily thanked that brother for the able assistance he gave to the work of the Province . His Lordship then appointed and invested hia Officers for the ensuing year , as under : —
T . Courtney Warner Senior Warden W . J . Cramp Jnnior Warden KISS ** ' } ** - F . B . Page Registrar Thos . G . Railing Secretary f £ ^ ) Senior Deacons A . G . Hayman j
M . C . Me aby j Junior Deacons H . Pfrenoh Bromhead Superintendent of Works A . Lnoking Dir . of Cers . Geo . Foster Depnty Dip . of Cers Fred . Horsman Assist . Dir . of Cers .
W . Newton Berridge Sword Bearer M . L . Sanders j gtandard Be James Howell ) Walter Latter Organist F . J . Nnnn Assiat . Secretary H . J . Day * Pursuivant W . H . de Caen Assistant Pursuivant S D . C . Ablitfc 1
Walter T . Christian i S £ Lk f sl ° »«"" J . J . Briginshaw . A . J . Dale J
A . W . Martin Tyler Bro . F . C . Dixie I . P . M . 453 Prov . G . D . having been elected a member of tho Charity Committee in place of Bro . G . H . Finch P . M . 2005 P . P . G . J . W ., who retired by rotation , a voto of thanks was passed to tho Great
Eastern Railway Company for the facilities they had given , and to the entertaining Lodges for tho trouble they had taken in making arrangements for the meeting . Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and about 70
brethren , under the presidency of Lord Brooke , subsequently partook of dinner , an elegant repast being well served by Mr . and Mrs . Gordon . After tea a selection of vocal music was performed , under the direction of Bro . Latter , Prov . Grand Organist . —Essex Standard .
LODGE OF HARMONY , No . 220 . 'I 1 UE annnal Festival was celebrated on Wednesday , 22 nd nit ., in 1 the Lodge-room , Garston Hotel , before an assembly numbering abont fifty members and invited guests . Bro . Billingaley S . W . having been unanimously elected the Worshipfnl Master , the installation ceremony was most effectively and impressively performed by Bro . Hill P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Bro . Billingsloy then invested his Officers , aa
follow : —Bros . Fisher I . P . M ., Williams P . M . S . W ., Olver P . M . Secretary , Hill P . M . P . P . G . S . B . Dir . of Cers ., Hatch P . M . Treasurer ( reelected ) , Watson J . W ., Finch S . D ., Gidlow J . D ., Hughes I . G ., Pickard , Loffcue , Williams and Crispin Steward * . Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . Foote P . P . G . Treasurer . Hesketh P . M . 1182
P . P . G . Standard Bearer , Cain P . M . 72-1 P . P . G . S . B ., Matthews P . M . 1276 P . P . G . S . Cheshire , Martin P . P . G . Tronsuror , Edginton P . M . 1182 , Shield P . M . 2335 , Wright , Baxendale , Wakelam S . D . 1432 , & o . The brethren afterwards sat down to an excellent banquet , served in Bro . Wilson's usual manner , whioh was presided over by Bro . Billingsley . During the evening the Worshipfnl Master , on behalf of
the members of the Lodge , presented the retiring W . M ., Bro . Fisher , with a splendid Past Master ' s jewel , and in doing HO expressed the hopo that it would adorn tho breast of thu recipient for many years to come . The Lodge is now in a very nourishing state , not only numerically bnt financially , and has during the year contributed its fair proportion to most of the Masonio Charities .
11 HE annual pionio in connection with this popular Lodgo took place on the 17 th ult ., at Ruabon . About sixty of the members and their friends met at Wood aide Station , Birkenhead , and proceeded by train to Buabon Station , and afterwards , by the kind permission of Sir Watkin W . Wynn , walked through "Wynnstay Park and inspected the stables and the ancient hall . Mr . G . J . Clipson ,
the house Steward , was most courteous in showing tbe Visitors throngh the rooms , and in pointing ont the principal pictures aud furniture . The Visitors then returned to the Wynnstay Anus Hotel , where an excellent repast was served . After dinner , wagonnettes were secured , and the party drove through the beantifnl vale to
Llangollen and back to Ruabon , where they partook of tea . Tbe Worshipful Master Brother J . Grundy afterwards proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Sir Watkin W . Wynn for granting them the privilege of inspecting tbe grounds and hall ; also to Mr . G . J .
Clipson , for the very courteous manner in whioh he had pointed out everything interesting in the hall . Birkenhead was reached late in the evening , after ono of the most pleasant and enjoyable picnics in connection with the Mersey Lodge since its consecration .
THB members of this Lodge celebrated their annual festival of St . John ou Thursday , 16 th nit ., at tho Masonic Hall , Devonshire Square , llunoorn . The proceedings were opened in due and solemn form by Bro . Cooper W . M ., and afterwards the WM .-elect was presented for installation by Bro . Mellor P . P . G . J . D ., supported by Bro . Annott P . M . The retiring W . M . Bro . Cooper
then proceeded , in an impressive manner , to instal Bro . Littler S . W . as W . M . for tho ensuing year . The following were elected Officers : —Cooper I . P . M ., Phillips S . W ., Burgess J . W ., Sharrook S . D ., Hankinson J . D ., Linaker I . G ., Wass P . M . Treas . re-elected , Annett P . M . Secretary , Coxhill P . M . P . P . G . A . D . of 0 . D . C ,
Lancaster Organist , Le Coutenr Almoner , and Lydiate Tyler . At the conclusion of the formal business the members snt down toa banquet , at which tho customary loyal and patriotic toasts woro proposed and honoured . Bro . Cooper I . P . M ., was presented with a P . M . ' a jewol and a Lifo Governorship in tbe Cheshire Masonio Educational Institute . The jewel was a very handsome one .
THE members celebrated their St . John ' s Day on Thursday , tbe 21 st ult ., when the installation of Bro . Dr . Behrondt to the W . M . ' s chair took place . The W . M . invested Officers aa follow : — Bros . Constable I . P . M . and Charity Steward , Bruuyel S . W ., Fox J . W ., Staniforth P . M . P . P . G . Pursuivant Chaplain and Almoner , Wood
P . M . P . P . Staudard Bearer Secretary , Ftinlkner S . D ., Pickering J . D ., Chamberlain P . M . D . C , Bnrtonahaw P . G . O . Organist , Drury Standard Bearer , Petoh Senior Steward , Turner and Wrestle Jnnior Stewards , Soholey I . G ., Naylor Organist . The usual banquet followed , when the customary Masonio toasts were given .
PRUDENCE LODGE , No . 1550 . THE members held their annual outing on Saturday , the 18 th ult . The party , numbering about fifty brethren and their lady friends , embarked on board tho steamer Princo at West Hoo Pier at noon , and proceeded , after calling at North Corner and Pottery Quay , to Pentillie , where , by permission of Colonel Coryton , they were
allowed to inspocb the gardons and grounds . The steamer then conveyed tho party to Cotehele Quay , where they disembarked and , throngh the kindness of the Kight Hon . theEnrl of Mount Edgcumbe , were permittpd to go through Coteheio House and inspect thy armour in tho old baronial hall and the bedsteads of King Chavlaa
I . and Queen Anne . The earl had generously provided some light refreshments , and a walk throngh the woods to Calstock enabled the party to witness the destruction of trees caused by the recent blizzard . At Calstock the party pirtook of a high tea at Mrs . Front's , Tamar Hotel . A splendid meal waa admirably served up , and reflected great credit ou tbe hostess . Iu consequence of the