Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
HATO'S CASV & S HOTHL EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION ( Adjoining the EAILWAY , and facing the RIVER and PALACE ) . BRO . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing of this old-established ancl noted Riverside Hotol for Banquets for any number np to 100 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at tho Caatle Hotel , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & o .
STAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , Bro . C . W . BENNETT , Proprietor . rpHE accommodation at this Popular Establishment for 1 MASONIC LODGES AND CHAPTERS Wil be found of the most complete and perfect character . THE LODGE ROOMS ARE COMMODIOUS AMD WELL APPOINTED . THE BANQUET HALLS WILL SEAT FROM 100 TO 400 GUESTS . The Culinary Arrangements embrace every modern feature . Speoial ITaoilities for Mei > biR 0 gwalifasts , Siamts , € awxtts , § n { h , ( Stoning parties , $ ari > en $ ) nrlies , gtffar |) ar & s , gteam ^ aantfjes- * , & c . Tlie Stock of WISES coiuiirisea ull tUe BEST KNOWN BRANDS , aud wlU be found lu PERFECT CONDITION . PRIVATE ROOMS FOR LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES . GOOD STABLING ; CARRIAGES . WAGONETTES . BRAKES , & c . ON HIRE . Scale of Charges and further particulars on application . THB ROTAL ALFRED LODGE , CHISWIOK LODQK , CHISWIOK MABK LODGB , LOYALTY ANB CHABITT LODOH , ROSB OB DBNMABK CHAPTBB , SI . MARY ' S CnAiTEa , AND ROTAL Airass LODGB ov INSTRUCTION , HOLD IHBIB MBSTINGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT .
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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Essex.
THE charmingly-situate Royal Forest Hotel , Chingford , was on Tuesday , 28 fch July , the scene of the annual Provincial Grand Lodge of the Province of Essex , and there was a large gathering of the brethren of fche mystic tie from all parts of the District . The R . Wor . Prov . Grand Master Lord Brooke , M . P ., presided ; and he was
supported by the V . W . D . P . G . M . Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , G . Reg ., Recorder of Colchester , John J . C . Turner G . S . W ., J . M . Scarlett G . J . W ., Rev . T . S . Raffles Grand Chaplain , William Shurmur G . Treasurer , W . B . Heagerty G . Reg ., T . J . Railing G . Secretary , T . Scoresby Jackson
and I . Rymer Jarvis G . Senior Deacons , Albert Lucking G . D . C , W . W . Barber Deputy G . D . C , H . J . Skingley Assistant G . D . C , J . H . Sharp and Mark W . Meade Graud Std . Bearers , and a goodly array of Past Prov . G . Officers . The minutes of the last annual Provincial Grand Lodge
( at Walton-on-Naze ) having been read and confirmed , the Provincial Grand Secretary stated that letters expressing regret at their inability to attend had been received from Bros . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., P . G . M . Herts , the Lord Henniker P . G . M . SuffolkCol . Noel Money PGMSurrey
, ... , the Rev . C . J . Martyn D . P . G . M . Suffolk , the Right Hon . Lord Mayor , Sir Whittaker Ellis P . G . W ., Thomas Fenn President Board of Gen . Purposes , Col . Shadwell Clerke uraud Sec ., George Everitt Grand Treas .. Edward Terrv
• ttiat Grand Treas ., Frank Richardson P . G . D ., Matthew Clark P G . D . Past D . P . G . M . Essex , N . Tracy Prov . G . Sec Suffolk , Rev . H . J . Hatch P . P . G . Chap ., F . A . White ± Mr \ G . R and others . The statement of contributions irom the Lodges showed an increase of £ 30 9 s 8 cl over lasfc year on the General Fund , and £ 4 15 s 4 d on tho Charity
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Essex.
Fnnd ; while the number of subscribing members of Lodges up to 30 th March was 1 , 573 against 1 , 440 last year , an increase of 133 . The report of the Board of General Purposes stated that after payment of all outstanding claims , there was a balance in hand on the
general acconnt of £ 166 3 s 3 d , and £ 51 15 s on the Charity account . Prom this sum they recommended the following grants : — £ 52 10 s to the Boyal Masonio Benevolent Institution , £ 10 10 s to the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , a like sum to the Boyal Masonio
Institution for Girls , and £ 15 to the Committee of the entertaining Lodges towards the expenses of the present meeting . The report concluded with a recommendation that in future the Lodge or Lodges entertaining the Prov . G . Lodge , should submit their arrangements to the Board
before they were finally settled or circulated in tho Province . This recommendation gave rise to a brief discussion , Bro . Corbie , supported by Bro . Glass , urging that it be expunged , on the ground that the circumstances under which the P . G . L . met in different parts varied according
to the locality , and that the liberty of the Lodge or Lodges entertaining should not be curtailed by the Board of General Purposes . Both brethren appealed to the Chairman of the Board to withdraw the paragraph in question . Bro . Turner S . G . W ., who presided at the meeting of the
Board , said he certainly could not do this , aa the whole report , and especially this paragraph , was thoroughly well considered before being printed and circulated . On a division , the adoption of the report in its entirety was carried by a large majority . The
report of the Charity Committee was next read and adopted . It stated that the Committee had been enabled to secure the election of one boy and one widow , and had materially helped forward another widow towards election on a future occasion . The report specially thanked the
following brethren for the large number of proxies they sent in : —V . W . D . P . G . M ., Bros . Shurmur , Lucking , F . A . White , and the Star in the East Lodge , at Harwich . The B . W . P . G . M . then addressed the brethren . His Lordship said he could not help recalling the fact that the very first
minutes of the Essex Provincial Grand Lodge that he signed were those of the last annual meeting held at Chingford , when the late lamented Lord Tenterden was the Provincial Grand Master . The Province was then in a very flourishing state , and they had , he was glad to
say , continued to progress . There were at that time 19 Lodges , the income of the Province was a little over £ 62 , and the muster roll was 866 . To-day there wero 32 Lodges , the income had more than trebled , and , as thoy had just heard from tho P . G . Secretary , thero was
a muster roll of 1573 . This , they would agree with him , showed good substantial progress . But the most remarkable evidence of the vitality of Essex Freemasonry had been at this very place ; for whereas at the time to which he had alluded there was but one Lodge holding its
meetings at Chingford , there were now six Lodges , with a combined muster roll of nearly 300 members . Another interesting feature of tho meeting to-day was that for the first time they had before them a report of the Board of General Purposes . This Board—which had been created
by the newly-passed By-laws—would , he trusted , prove of use as forming a Standing Committee for the consideration of matters of interest to the brethren , and that the
time of Prov . Grand Lodge would be saved thereby . Since the last annual meeting another Lodge had been added to tho roll , viz ., that named after their respected Provincial Grand Treasurer—Bro . William Shurmur . He
had the pleasure to consecrate that Lodge last November , when there was one of the largest Masonio gatherings he ever remembered to have attended at a private Lodge ; and he found , by the return of its members sent in to the Prov . Grand Secretary , that this Lodge had in the
short space of eight months become tho strongest in the Province . Whilo congratulating themselves on the undoubted prosperity of tho Province , his Lordship said he trastod that duo caro would be exercised in admitting members , because the strength of tho Province did not
depend so much on numbors , as on fche sterling qualities of those who joined their ranks . Having expressed his gratitude to the members of the Charity Committee , and particularly to those who attended tho elections on behalf
of the Province , for tho excellent work they had done for fcho Province , his Lordship wont on to congratulate tho brethren upon fcho financial support that had been given fco fcho fchr-go great Chanties during fche past year . He found
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
HATO'S CASV & S HOTHL EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION ( Adjoining the EAILWAY , and facing the RIVER and PALACE ) . BRO . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing of this old-established ancl noted Riverside Hotol for Banquets for any number np to 100 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at tho Caatle Hotel , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & o .
STAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , Bro . C . W . BENNETT , Proprietor . rpHE accommodation at this Popular Establishment for 1 MASONIC LODGES AND CHAPTERS Wil be found of the most complete and perfect character . THE LODGE ROOMS ARE COMMODIOUS AMD WELL APPOINTED . THE BANQUET HALLS WILL SEAT FROM 100 TO 400 GUESTS . The Culinary Arrangements embrace every modern feature . Speoial ITaoilities for Mei > biR 0 gwalifasts , Siamts , € awxtts , § n { h , ( Stoning parties , $ ari > en $ ) nrlies , gtffar |) ar & s , gteam ^ aantfjes- * , & c . Tlie Stock of WISES coiuiirisea ull tUe BEST KNOWN BRANDS , aud wlU be found lu PERFECT CONDITION . PRIVATE ROOMS FOR LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES . GOOD STABLING ; CARRIAGES . WAGONETTES . BRAKES , & c . ON HIRE . Scale of Charges and further particulars on application . THB ROTAL ALFRED LODGE , CHISWIOK LODQK , CHISWIOK MABK LODGB , LOYALTY ANB CHABITT LODOH , ROSB OB DBNMABK CHAPTBB , SI . MARY ' S CnAiTEa , AND ROTAL Airass LODGB ov INSTRUCTION , HOLD IHBIB MBSTINGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT .
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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Essex.
THE charmingly-situate Royal Forest Hotel , Chingford , was on Tuesday , 28 fch July , the scene of the annual Provincial Grand Lodge of the Province of Essex , and there was a large gathering of the brethren of fche mystic tie from all parts of the District . The R . Wor . Prov . Grand Master Lord Brooke , M . P ., presided ; and he was
supported by the V . W . D . P . G . M . Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C , G . Reg ., Recorder of Colchester , John J . C . Turner G . S . W ., J . M . Scarlett G . J . W ., Rev . T . S . Raffles Grand Chaplain , William Shurmur G . Treasurer , W . B . Heagerty G . Reg ., T . J . Railing G . Secretary , T . Scoresby Jackson
and I . Rymer Jarvis G . Senior Deacons , Albert Lucking G . D . C , W . W . Barber Deputy G . D . C , H . J . Skingley Assistant G . D . C , J . H . Sharp and Mark W . Meade Graud Std . Bearers , and a goodly array of Past Prov . G . Officers . The minutes of the last annual Provincial Grand Lodge
( at Walton-on-Naze ) having been read and confirmed , the Provincial Grand Secretary stated that letters expressing regret at their inability to attend had been received from Bros . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., P . G . M . Herts , the Lord Henniker P . G . M . SuffolkCol . Noel Money PGMSurrey
, ... , the Rev . C . J . Martyn D . P . G . M . Suffolk , the Right Hon . Lord Mayor , Sir Whittaker Ellis P . G . W ., Thomas Fenn President Board of Gen . Purposes , Col . Shadwell Clerke uraud Sec ., George Everitt Grand Treas .. Edward Terrv
• ttiat Grand Treas ., Frank Richardson P . G . D ., Matthew Clark P G . D . Past D . P . G . M . Essex , N . Tracy Prov . G . Sec Suffolk , Rev . H . J . Hatch P . P . G . Chap ., F . A . White ± Mr \ G . R and others . The statement of contributions irom the Lodges showed an increase of £ 30 9 s 8 cl over lasfc year on the General Fund , and £ 4 15 s 4 d on tho Charity
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Essex.
Fnnd ; while the number of subscribing members of Lodges up to 30 th March was 1 , 573 against 1 , 440 last year , an increase of 133 . The report of the Board of General Purposes stated that after payment of all outstanding claims , there was a balance in hand on the
general acconnt of £ 166 3 s 3 d , and £ 51 15 s on the Charity account . Prom this sum they recommended the following grants : — £ 52 10 s to the Boyal Masonio Benevolent Institution , £ 10 10 s to the Royal Masonio Institution for Boys , a like sum to the Boyal Masonio
Institution for Girls , and £ 15 to the Committee of the entertaining Lodges towards the expenses of the present meeting . The report concluded with a recommendation that in future the Lodge or Lodges entertaining the Prov . G . Lodge , should submit their arrangements to the Board
before they were finally settled or circulated in tho Province . This recommendation gave rise to a brief discussion , Bro . Corbie , supported by Bro . Glass , urging that it be expunged , on the ground that the circumstances under which the P . G . L . met in different parts varied according
to the locality , and that the liberty of the Lodge or Lodges entertaining should not be curtailed by the Board of General Purposes . Both brethren appealed to the Chairman of the Board to withdraw the paragraph in question . Bro . Turner S . G . W ., who presided at the meeting of the
Board , said he certainly could not do this , aa the whole report , and especially this paragraph , was thoroughly well considered before being printed and circulated . On a division , the adoption of the report in its entirety was carried by a large majority . The
report of the Charity Committee was next read and adopted . It stated that the Committee had been enabled to secure the election of one boy and one widow , and had materially helped forward another widow towards election on a future occasion . The report specially thanked the
following brethren for the large number of proxies they sent in : —V . W . D . P . G . M ., Bros . Shurmur , Lucking , F . A . White , and the Star in the East Lodge , at Harwich . The B . W . P . G . M . then addressed the brethren . His Lordship said he could not help recalling the fact that the very first
minutes of the Essex Provincial Grand Lodge that he signed were those of the last annual meeting held at Chingford , when the late lamented Lord Tenterden was the Provincial Grand Master . The Province was then in a very flourishing state , and they had , he was glad to
say , continued to progress . There were at that time 19 Lodges , the income of the Province was a little over £ 62 , and the muster roll was 866 . To-day there wero 32 Lodges , the income had more than trebled , and , as thoy had just heard from tho P . G . Secretary , thero was
a muster roll of 1573 . This , they would agree with him , showed good substantial progress . But the most remarkable evidence of the vitality of Essex Freemasonry had been at this very place ; for whereas at the time to which he had alluded there was but one Lodge holding its
meetings at Chingford , there were now six Lodges , with a combined muster roll of nearly 300 members . Another interesting feature of tho meeting to-day was that for the first time they had before them a report of the Board of General Purposes . This Board—which had been created
by the newly-passed By-laws—would , he trusted , prove of use as forming a Standing Committee for the consideration of matters of interest to the brethren , and that the
time of Prov . Grand Lodge would be saved thereby . Since the last annual meeting another Lodge had been added to tho roll , viz ., that named after their respected Provincial Grand Treasurer—Bro . William Shurmur . He
had the pleasure to consecrate that Lodge last November , when there was one of the largest Masonio gatherings he ever remembered to have attended at a private Lodge ; and he found , by the return of its members sent in to the Prov . Grand Secretary , that this Lodge had in the
short space of eight months become tho strongest in the Province . Whilo congratulating themselves on the undoubted prosperity of tho Province , his Lordship said he trastod that duo caro would be exercised in admitting members , because the strength of tho Province did not
depend so much on numbors , as on fche sterling qualities of those who joined their ranks . Having expressed his gratitude to the members of the Charity Committee , and particularly to those who attended tho elections on behalf
of the Province , for tho excellent work they had done for fcho Province , his Lordship wont on to congratulate tho brethren upon fcho financial support that had been given fco fcho fchr-go great Chanties during fche past year . He found