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Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 7 th March 1883 : — 1 . The Eognlations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public bnsiness will be read . 2 . The Minutes of tho Quarterly Communication of the Gth Dec . ember 1882 , will bo read and put for confirmation . 3 . Election of a M . W . Grand Master .
4 . Election of a Grand Treasurer . 5 . The M . W . Grand Master will move : — " That this Grand Lodge do contribute the sum of 100 guineas , to be paid ont of the Fnnd of General Purposes , towards the alleviation of the distress caused among the brethren nnder the District Grand Lodge of Jamaica by the late calamitous fire in Kingston , in that Island . 6 . Eeport of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following Grants , viz . : —
A Brother of the Polish National Lodge , No . 534 , London £ 50 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 275 , Huddersfield - 50 0 0 A Brother of the Airedale Lodge , No . 387 , Shipley - . 50 0 0 A Brother of the Furness Lodge , No . 995 , Ulverston . 50 0 0 A Brother of the Doric Lodge , No . 933 , Loudon . . 50 O 0
A Brother of the Capper Lodge , No . 1076 , London - - 50 0 0 A Brother of the Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 , London . . 100 0 0 A Brother of the Concord Lodge , No . 632 , Trowbridge - 100 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Minerva Lodge , No . 250 , Hull 75 0 0 A Brother of the Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 , London . - 100 0 0 7 . EEPOET OF T HE BOABD OF GENEEAL PUEPOSES .
To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes have to state that the Grand Secretary having reported the reception of some 800 amendments to the
proposed revision of the Book of Constitntions submitted to Grand Lodge on the Gth September last , the Board of General Purposes recommend Grand Lodge to refer these amendments to the Board to consider and report on .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , President . FREEMASONS' HAH , , LONDON , W . C . 20 th February 1883 . To the Eeport is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 16 th day of February last , shewing a Balance in the Bank of England of £ 5 , 409 Is 7 d , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 75 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 .
8 . EEPOET OF THE COLONIAL BOAED . To the United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board have to report that a letter having been received , the day after the last Quarterly Communication , from the Worshipful Master of the Bulwer Lodge , No . 1068 , Cairo , Egypt , reporting that the Lodge , which had been in abeyance since the year 1874 , had ,
owing to the return of some of its old members to Egypt , been now able to resume its work , the Board beg to recommend to Grand Lodge that the resolution for the erasure of the said Lodge , passed at the last Quarterly Communication , be rescinded , and that the " Bulwer Lodge , " No . 1068 , Cairo , be permitted to resume its labours .
( Signed ) JOHN A . EUCKEE P . G . D . President . FBEEJIASONS' HAH , LONDON , W . C . 6 th February 1883 . 9 . Eeport of Brother E . P . Harding , Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts , of receipts and disbursements during the year 1882 .
List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — No . 1986—The Honor Oak Lodge , Honor Oak , Camberwell . 1987—The Strand Lodge , Covent Garden .
1988—Tho Mawddach Lodge , Barmouth , North Wales . 1989—The Stirling Lodge , Cleator Moor , Cumberland . 1990—The Hampshire Lodge of Emulation , Portsmouth 1991—The Agricola Lodge , York . 1992—The Tennant Lodge , Cardiff . 1993—The Wolseley Lodere , Manchester .
The Bevised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered , and Compared with the Old Edition . London : Simpkin ' Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . Sent on re ! ceipt of stamps . One Shilling :, by W . W . Morgan , Freemason ' s Chronicle Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville London , N . —( Anvi ) . '
Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — NORTHAMPTON CHAPTER , No . 360 . THIS Chapter assembled at the Masonio Hall , Northampton , on Thursday , 22 nd February . Present—Comps . Stanton P . Z . M . E . Z ., Atkins H ., Eev . S . J . W . Sanders J ., Eobinson P . Z . E ., Bingley N ., Ellard Prin . Soj . pro tern , Green P . Z . and Kellett P . Z , Assist Sojs . pro tern , Butler Wilkins P . Z . Dep . Prov . G . Supt . Norths and Hunts , Cotton P . Z ., Eoberts , Percival , Brown , Hill , Hart , Haviland , Clayson , Croft , Cookerill , Jones , Currall , Emery , Wetherell , Dorman
James Terry P . Z . 288 , Secretary Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institu . tion , Griffin P . Z . 442 P . G . D . C . Norths and Hunts , & o . Bros . Timson Pomfret 360 and Todd 360 were dnly ballotted for and elected , the M . E . Z . performing the ceremony of exaltation j Comps . H . and J . taking their parts in a most admirable manner , Comp . Terry assisting in the ceremony . Comp . Bntler Wilkins then proceeded to instal the
M . E . Z . ( H . J . Atkins ) , Eev . T . J . W . Sanders H ., and Bingley J . ; the ceremonies being performed in his usnal impressive manner . The M . E . Z . then proceeded to invest his Officers : —Comps . Sanders H ., Bingley J ., Eobinson P . Z . E . ; the N . elect was absent through illness ; Stanton P . Z . Treasurer , Butler Wilkins P . Z . M . of C , Ellard Pr . Soj ., Brown and Perceval Assist . Sojs ., Croft Organist , Dean and
Kirby Janitors . On the adjournment , the Companions sat down to refreshment , provided by Mrs . Forth , of the Peacock Hotel , in her usual bountiful and excellent manner . The regnlar Loyal and Masonio toasts were given by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Wilkins suitably responding to that of the Prov . Grand Officers . Comp . Green proposed the newly-installed Principals , referring to the admirable manner in
which all had discharged their duties , both in Craffc and Chapter . Each responded to the toast . Comp . Stanton , in responding to the toast of the P . Z . ' s , referred to the fact that the continued prosperity of the Chapter , and their liberality to the Charities , was in * a great measure dne to the interest taken by the P . Z . ' s in its welfare and efficient working . Companion
Sanders proposed the Visitors , in a very practical manner , to which Comp . Griffin responded , referring to the good understanding existing between tbe Chapters in the Province ; he concluded by proposing the toast of the Masonio Charities , thanking those present for their liberal contribntions to his Provincial Steward ' s list on this and former occasions Comp . Terry , in responding , gave several
interesting facts in connection with the Institntion with which he is more immediately connected , and also thanked those assembled for the kindness which he always received at their hands , and also for their generous contributions . The M . E . Z ., in proposing the Officers of the Chapter , took the opportunity of referring to the harmonious way they had hitherto worked together , and the excellent manner in
which they had performed their duties , especially mentioning the perfection with whioh Companion Ellard ( who waa called upon at short 'notice , owing to the illness of the Pr . Soj . ) had that evening performed the duties of Pr . Soj . The several Officers replied . Comp . Stanton gave the newly exalted Companions , Timson and Todd , who dnly responded . Comp . Stanton alluded to the absence of Bro . M . A . Boeme , who had removed to Worthing , and referred to the
loss the Chapter , of which he was senior member , had sustained , he having for many years taken the . warmest interest in its welfare . Comps . Atkins , Stanton , Hart , Timson , Emery and others added to the harmony of the evening . The Northampton Chapter has for many years been a good working one , and no doubt will maintain its reputation for some years to come , and deserve the approbation given it by Comps . Terry and Griffin .
Kent Lodge of Instruction , No . 15 . —Held at Bro . Serjeant's , the King and Qneen , Norton Folgate , E . C . At the weekly meeting on Wednesday , 28 th February , there were present Bros . Patrick W . M ., Millington S . W ., Kramm J . W ., Gieseke S . D ., Leoffler J . D ., Black I . G ., Pinder Preceptor , and others . After preliminaries ,
the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Pinder candidate . The W . M . worked the first and second sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Black answered the questions leading to the third . Lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . Millington was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . After the usual formalities , Lodge was closed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 27 th nit . Present—Bros . Eobinson W . M ., Smyth J . W ., Banker J . W ., Glass S . D ., T . Clark J . D ., Young I . G ., Carr Sec , Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Wardell , Darnell , Webb , Brasted , Ames Christian , & c . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Darnell candidate . Lodge was called off , and afterwards resumed its Masonic duties . The W . M . then opened the Lodge in the second and third degrees . Bro . Eobinson vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Wallington , Preceptor , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation , placing Brother Eobinson in the chair of K . S . Bro . Wallington gave the addresses in his nsnal able manner .
Bro . Ames , of the Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 , was elected a member , Bro . Smyth was voted W . Master for the ensuing week , and appointed his Officers in rotation . It was arranged that the ceremony of installation should be rehearsed once a month . Bro . W . W . Morgan has selected " Women in Freemasonry" as the subject for the lecture he will deliver in this Lodge of Instruction on next Tuesday evening . Lodge will be opened at eight o'clock , and it is to be hoped that brethren of other Lodges will muster in force .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Communication Of United Grand Lodge.
THE following is the business to be transacted in Grand Lodge on Wednesday , 7 th March 1883 : — 1 . The Eognlations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public bnsiness will be read . 2 . The Minutes of tho Quarterly Communication of the Gth Dec . ember 1882 , will bo read and put for confirmation . 3 . Election of a M . W . Grand Master .
4 . Election of a Grand Treasurer . 5 . The M . W . Grand Master will move : — " That this Grand Lodge do contribute the sum of 100 guineas , to be paid ont of the Fnnd of General Purposes , towards the alleviation of the distress caused among the brethren nnder the District Grand Lodge of Jamaica by the late calamitous fire in Kingston , in that Island . 6 . Eeport of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quarter , in which are recommendations for the following Grants , viz . : —
A Brother of the Polish National Lodge , No . 534 , London £ 50 0 0 A Brother of the Lodge of Harmony , No . 275 , Huddersfield - 50 0 0 A Brother of the Airedale Lodge , No . 387 , Shipley - . 50 0 0 A Brother of the Furness Lodge , No . 995 , Ulverston . 50 0 0 A Brother of the Doric Lodge , No . 933 , Loudon . . 50 O 0
A Brother of the Capper Lodge , No . 1076 , London - - 50 0 0 A Brother of the Sincerity Lodge , No . 174 , London . . 100 0 0 A Brother of the Concord Lodge , No . 632 , Trowbridge - 100 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of the Minerva Lodge , No . 250 , Hull 75 0 0 A Brother of the Lebanon Lodge , No . 73 , London . - 100 0 0 7 . EEPOET OF T HE BOABD OF GENEEAL PUEPOSES .
To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes have to state that the Grand Secretary having reported the reception of some 800 amendments to the
proposed revision of the Book of Constitntions submitted to Grand Lodge on the Gth September last , the Board of General Purposes recommend Grand Lodge to refer these amendments to the Board to consider and report on .
( Signed ) JOHN B . MONCKTON , President . FREEMASONS' HAH , , LONDON , W . C . 20 th February 1883 . To the Eeport is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the 16 th day of February last , shewing a Balance in the Bank of England of £ 5 , 409 Is 7 d , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 75 , and for Servants' Wages £ 100 .
8 . EEPOET OF THE COLONIAL BOAED . To the United Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board have to report that a letter having been received , the day after the last Quarterly Communication , from the Worshipful Master of the Bulwer Lodge , No . 1068 , Cairo , Egypt , reporting that the Lodge , which had been in abeyance since the year 1874 , had ,
owing to the return of some of its old members to Egypt , been now able to resume its work , the Board beg to recommend to Grand Lodge that the resolution for the erasure of the said Lodge , passed at the last Quarterly Communication , be rescinded , and that the " Bulwer Lodge , " No . 1068 , Cairo , be permitted to resume its labours .
( Signed ) JOHN A . EUCKEE P . G . D . President . FBEEJIASONS' HAH , LONDON , W . C . 6 th February 1883 . 9 . Eeport of Brother E . P . Harding , Auditor of Grand Lodge Accounts , of receipts and disbursements during the year 1882 .
List of Lodges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — No . 1986—The Honor Oak Lodge , Honor Oak , Camberwell . 1987—The Strand Lodge , Covent Garden .
1988—Tho Mawddach Lodge , Barmouth , North Wales . 1989—The Stirling Lodge , Cleator Moor , Cumberland . 1990—The Hampshire Lodge of Emulation , Portsmouth 1991—The Agricola Lodge , York . 1992—The Tennant Lodge , Cardiff . 1993—The Wolseley Lodere , Manchester .
The Bevised Book of Constitutions ; Critically Considered , and Compared with the Old Edition . London : Simpkin ' Marshall & Co ., 4 Stationers' Hall Court , E . C . Sent on re ! ceipt of stamps . One Shilling :, by W . W . Morgan , Freemason ' s Chronicle Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville London , N . —( Anvi ) . '
Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — NORTHAMPTON CHAPTER , No . 360 . THIS Chapter assembled at the Masonio Hall , Northampton , on Thursday , 22 nd February . Present—Comps . Stanton P . Z . M . E . Z ., Atkins H ., Eev . S . J . W . Sanders J ., Eobinson P . Z . E ., Bingley N ., Ellard Prin . Soj . pro tern , Green P . Z . and Kellett P . Z , Assist Sojs . pro tern , Butler Wilkins P . Z . Dep . Prov . G . Supt . Norths and Hunts , Cotton P . Z ., Eoberts , Percival , Brown , Hill , Hart , Haviland , Clayson , Croft , Cookerill , Jones , Currall , Emery , Wetherell , Dorman
James Terry P . Z . 288 , Secretary Eoyal Masonic Benevolent Institu . tion , Griffin P . Z . 442 P . G . D . C . Norths and Hunts , & o . Bros . Timson Pomfret 360 and Todd 360 were dnly ballotted for and elected , the M . E . Z . performing the ceremony of exaltation j Comps . H . and J . taking their parts in a most admirable manner , Comp . Terry assisting in the ceremony . Comp . Bntler Wilkins then proceeded to instal the
M . E . Z . ( H . J . Atkins ) , Eev . T . J . W . Sanders H ., and Bingley J . ; the ceremonies being performed in his usnal impressive manner . The M . E . Z . then proceeded to invest his Officers : —Comps . Sanders H ., Bingley J ., Eobinson P . Z . E . ; the N . elect was absent through illness ; Stanton P . Z . Treasurer , Butler Wilkins P . Z . M . of C , Ellard Pr . Soj ., Brown and Perceval Assist . Sojs ., Croft Organist , Dean and
Kirby Janitors . On the adjournment , the Companions sat down to refreshment , provided by Mrs . Forth , of the Peacock Hotel , in her usual bountiful and excellent manner . The regnlar Loyal and Masonio toasts were given by the M . E . Z ., Comp . Wilkins suitably responding to that of the Prov . Grand Officers . Comp . Green proposed the newly-installed Principals , referring to the admirable manner in
which all had discharged their duties , both in Craffc and Chapter . Each responded to the toast . Comp . Stanton , in responding to the toast of the P . Z . ' s , referred to the fact that the continued prosperity of the Chapter , and their liberality to the Charities , was in * a great measure dne to the interest taken by the P . Z . ' s in its welfare and efficient working . Companion
Sanders proposed the Visitors , in a very practical manner , to which Comp . Griffin responded , referring to the good understanding existing between tbe Chapters in the Province ; he concluded by proposing the toast of the Masonio Charities , thanking those present for their liberal contribntions to his Provincial Steward ' s list on this and former occasions Comp . Terry , in responding , gave several
interesting facts in connection with the Institntion with which he is more immediately connected , and also thanked those assembled for the kindness which he always received at their hands , and also for their generous contributions . The M . E . Z ., in proposing the Officers of the Chapter , took the opportunity of referring to the harmonious way they had hitherto worked together , and the excellent manner in
which they had performed their duties , especially mentioning the perfection with whioh Companion Ellard ( who waa called upon at short 'notice , owing to the illness of the Pr . Soj . ) had that evening performed the duties of Pr . Soj . The several Officers replied . Comp . Stanton gave the newly exalted Companions , Timson and Todd , who dnly responded . Comp . Stanton alluded to the absence of Bro . M . A . Boeme , who had removed to Worthing , and referred to the
loss the Chapter , of which he was senior member , had sustained , he having for many years taken the . warmest interest in its welfare . Comps . Atkins , Stanton , Hart , Timson , Emery and others added to the harmony of the evening . The Northampton Chapter has for many years been a good working one , and no doubt will maintain its reputation for some years to come , and deserve the approbation given it by Comps . Terry and Griffin .
Kent Lodge of Instruction , No . 15 . —Held at Bro . Serjeant's , the King and Qneen , Norton Folgate , E . C . At the weekly meeting on Wednesday , 28 th February , there were present Bros . Patrick W . M ., Millington S . W ., Kramm J . W ., Gieseke S . D ., Leoffler J . D ., Black I . G ., Pinder Preceptor , and others . After preliminaries ,
the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Pinder candidate . The W . M . worked the first and second sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Black answered the questions leading to the third . Lodge was closed in the second degree . Bro . Millington was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . After the usual formalities , Lodge was closed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday , 27 th nit . Present—Bros . Eobinson W . M ., Smyth J . W ., Banker J . W ., Glass S . D ., T . Clark J . D ., Young I . G ., Carr Sec , Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Wardell , Darnell , Webb , Brasted , Ames Christian , & c . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Darnell candidate . Lodge was called off , and afterwards resumed its Masonic duties . The W . M . then opened the Lodge in the second and third degrees . Bro . Eobinson vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Wallington , Preceptor , who rehearsed the ceremony of installation , placing Brother Eobinson in the chair of K . S . Bro . Wallington gave the addresses in his nsnal able manner .
Bro . Ames , of the Dalhousie Lodge , No . 860 , was elected a member , Bro . Smyth was voted W . Master for the ensuing week , and appointed his Officers in rotation . It was arranged that the ceremony of installation should be rehearsed once a month . Bro . W . W . Morgan has selected " Women in Freemasonry" as the subject for the lecture he will deliver in this Lodge of Instruction on next Tuesday evening . Lodge will be opened at eight o'clock , and it is to be hoped that brethren of other Lodges will muster in force .