Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GKEAT QUEEN STREET . LONDON , "W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establismeiit tor ZMZ-A-SOZEriEC BA . 35 TQ , TJE 1 TS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Ac . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in alllta branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages ottered . CTJISINUS OIP THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . "WINKS PERFECT IN € © Jf » lTI < Mf AS © ( JUAUTT . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 > . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR . •1 ¦ — ¦ ~ m ** r—~ mf- ~ -l r : ? T " — ¦ —« " - ¦
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement has been entered into with tho Proprietors of the Oxford Music Hull , by which its lialitnis and tho public can bo sowed with Luncheons nnd Dinners in tho © OLD EUGLISH ST-STLZE . A SKILLED CHEF HAS BEEN ENGAGED . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D' HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ico Pudding , Cheese , anil Salad ( according to season ) , Ss Gd PER HEAD . BRO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , cheeso , aud salad . Served from Twelvo to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , ami GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of tho Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C ,
IjlaplgtHSflmtInstituferirford>irk St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Bise , S . W . Patron and President : His ROYAL HIGILVESS THE PKIJTCE OP WALES , K . G ., M . Y / . G . M . Patroness : UEH ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PJUJVCESS OF WALKS . THENINETIETH ANNIVERSARYFESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION will bo held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . on Friday , 10 th May 1 S 7 S , at 6 p . m . precisely . The Kt . Hon . The EARL OF CARNARVON , M . W . Pro G . M ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master Somersetshire , IX HIE CHAIB . President of the Hoard of Stewards , V . W . Bro . vE . J . Mclutyre Q . C ., U . Reg ., V . I' . Treasurer , W . Bro . John Boyd , P . G . P ., P . G . S ., V . P . Tho namea of Brethren willing to act us Stewards will bo thankfully received by F . K . W . HEDGES , Hon , Secretary to the Board of Stownrds . Office—5 Freemasons' Hnll , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
RoyalMasonicInstitutionforGirls. IN accordance with an intimation given in a late number of this Paper , the Allotment of Life-Governorships nnd Life-Subscriberships to the above Institution , will take place at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday tith May , at 7 p . m . J ' ARTHUR E . GLADWELL , Steward .
SECRETARYSHIP !>0g;il©n&mutInstitutionfor(Sirk A MEETING OF BRETHREN favourable to the Candidature of Xi Brother F . Ti . W . HEDGES will be held in tho Moniim' Boom , freemasons Tavern , on Monday , Cth May . The Chair will be taken at Twelve o'clock .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ELECTION OP SECRETARY . THE Votes and Interest of tho General Committee are respectfully requested in favour of BROTHER W . CLIFTON CRICK . ( Bachelor of Sciences Paris University ) , P . M . Canonbury Lod" 0 03 , and Secretary Sunbury Lodge 1733 . 1 < W CHAXCJSM LAHE , W . U .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . — : o : — Committee for securing the Election , as Secretary , of BEO . CHARLES FITZGERALD MATTER , Tho Right Hon . the EVBI , of DOHOVOHMOIIE , L . G . Bros . Lt .-Col . Li : GF . ^ N . STAHKIH , V . Patron , Prov . G . M . Kast Lancashire . GEOKCE MEILOK , Dep . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , \ . President . BAUO . V GKOKGEDE Woiws , L . G . J . L . IIISK , L . G ., Chairman of Charity Committee , East Lancashire . F . Adlard L . G . G . . T . McKay , L . G ., Cumb . and West . T . J . Barnes , L . G . J . D . Moore , L . l } ., W . Lancashire . W . B . Brand , L . G . E . . T . Morris , L . G ., E . Div . S . Wales . G . P . Brockbank , V . Pres ., E . Lane . Chalmers I . Paton , L . G ., Edinburgh . Henry Bulley , L . G ., Cheshire . J . P . Piatt , L . G ., Cheshire . R . Churchill , L . G . Hy . Preston , L . G ., N . and E . Yorks . John Constable , V . Fatron . Hyde Pullen , L . G . Thos . Cubitt , V . Pres . F . Rath , L . G . , T . E . Ciutcis , L . G ., Devon . Wm . Roebuck , L . G . Frederick Davison , L . G . J . II . Ross , L . G . G . It . Daw , L . G . Catterson Smith , L . G . Thos . Entwisle , L . G ., E . Lancashire . Capt . Jas . Stalfard , L . G ., Dublin . Richard Eve , V . Pres ., Aldershot . John G . Stevens , L . G . Egerton C . Gilbert , L . G ., Cheshire . Jack Sutcliffe , V . Pros ., Lincoln . J . Kobt . Goepel , L . G ., W . Lancashire . Dr . W . H . Thomas , L . G ., W . Yorks . E . Gottheil , L . G . John Tunnah , V . P ., E . Lancashire . Dr . F . Griffiths , L . G ., West Yorks . II . Venn , L . G . Capt . Harrap . L . G ., E . Lancashire . G . H . Wnlshaw , L . G ., N . andE . Yorks , Wm . Harrison , V . P ., E . Lancashire . R . B . Webster , V . Pres . John Healev , L . G . G . E . Webster , E . G ., W . Yorkshire . Cnpt . S . G . Homfray , V . P ., Monmouth . J . it . Wiko , V . Pres . W . James Hughan , L . G ., Cornwall . Jas . Winter , L . G . Chas . Lacey , L . G . T . B . Winter , L . G ., Northumberland . H . 0 . Levandcr , L . G . John Wordsworth , V . Pat ., W . Yorks . John H . Leggott , L . G . Brethren desirous of assisting aro respectfully requested to forward their names to—BKO . STEPHEN BiHT 02 f Wnsoy , L . G ., Hon . Secretary , 27 Walbrook , E . C .
To the Life Governors of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . 6 GRAY ' INN PLACE , APRIL 1878 . BRETHRE N , —I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the offico of Secretary , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . Little . Should you do mc the honour to elect me , I can only say that I will endeavour to fill the offico ellicicntly , and I hope that the manner in which I have discharged my various duties in Masonry will be considered a sufficient qualification . W . SMALLPEICE , Assoc . Inst . C . E . P . M . 1395 , Secretary 900 , Z . Cyrus Chapter 21 ; Secretary Emulation Lodgo of Improvement .
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the §kr]niiHta5oiric|arstituti0itfor§\xh Mr LOKDS , LADIES , A > D BEETHKES ' , — I beg most respectfully to offer myself as a candidate for the post of Secretary to your valuaijlo Institution , rendered vacant by tho lamented death of our esteemed Brother R . WE . NTWOBTU LITTLE . I havo been a Freemason upwards of Nine years , during which timo I havo taken a very active interest in tho Order I am a P . M ., and have been for some time past , Secretary of my Lodge , and Scribe E . of my Chapter . I am now the Secretary of an Orphan Asylui'i , a position which I have held nearly four years , and am therefore thoroughly acquainted with tho practical working of a rublic Institution . I am thirty-three years of age , and in good health , and previous to receiving my preseut appointment , I WHS engaged in business with a Marine Insurance Broker at Lloyds ' . Soliciting the favour of your kiutl interest and support , I have the honour to bo , My Lords , Ladies and Brethren , Yours obediently and fraternally , WILLIAM WORRELL , P . M . and Sec . No . 70 U . P . M . 1339 . I ' . '/ ,, and S . E . Chapter No . 70 ( j . P . M . and Sec . Macdonald Mark , and Past Grand Organist ( Mark ) . 07 KjfowxE ROAD , Bitixro > -, S . W . SJth April ls 7 d .
§krmilUtasoitic^mtihtmn<&irk To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors . Mr LOKDS , LADIES , AND BRETHUEX , — In pursuancR of my intimation a week since , of my intention to preseut myself as a candidate for tho Secretaryship of this Institution , rendered vacant by tho lamented death of Bro . LITTLE , I now beg to state my qualifications for that office . I am 33 years of ago ; for 11 years I had the entire official management of a large manufacturing business , the annual returns of which exceeded JC 100 000 , and for the past two years I have been in business as an Accountant ' and Auditor . The Testimonials I possess are such that I am hopeful of obtaining your unqualified support . ° Since my entry into tlio Craft I have been an Annual Subscriber to the three Masonic Charities ; t have served a Stewardship to tlie Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution , of which I am a Life Governor ; and am . 'it tho present time a Steward at the approaching Festival of this Institution , qualifying myself also as a Life Governor . Should you do mo the favour of electing me to the Secretaryship of tho Institution , you may rely that I shall exert my whole energv nnd ability' for the continued prosperity , and to further extend the benefits of " the Roval Masonic Institution for Girls . I have tho honour to be , My Lords , Ladies and Brethren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , F . A . WHITE , P . M . 907 , P . S . Chapter 907 ; , „ , , v Lodges 1137 and 1710 . 1 KISQ s AEIIS YABD , COLEJIAXY STKHET , Cur , E . C . Is 6 MIKJ 1878 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GKEAT QUEEN STREET . LONDON , "W . C . The admirable and unrivalled accommodation provided at this Establismeiit tor ZMZ-A-SOZEriEC BA . 35 TQ , TJE 1 TS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , Ac . Is too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the Establishment in alllta branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages ottered . CTJISINUS OIP THE HIGHEST CHARACTER . "WINKS PERFECT IN € © Jf » lTI < Mf AS © ( JUAUTT . N . B .-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 > . RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR . •1 ¦ — ¦ ~ m ** r—~ mf- ~ -l r : ? T " — ¦ —« " - ¦
NOW OPEN THE OXFORD RESTAURANT , OXFORD STREET , W . AN arrangement has been entered into with tho Proprietors of the Oxford Music Hull , by which its lialitnis and tho public can bo sowed with Luncheons nnd Dinners in tho © OLD EUGLISH ST-STLZE . A SKILLED CHEF HAS BEEN ENGAGED . DINNERS AND SUPPERS AT ALL TIMES TABLE D' HOTE , including 2 Soups , 2 sorts of Fish , 2 Entrees , Poultry , Sweets , Ico Pudding , Cheese , anil Salad ( according to season ) , Ss Gd PER HEAD . BRO . GIANNELLI , Chef .
FISH DINNERS in PERFECTION , 2 s each , including entrees , poultry , joints , cheeso , aud salad . Served from Twelvo to Four daily . — GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , ami GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake tho Musical arrangements of tho Ceremonies and Banquets . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C ,
IjlaplgtHSflmtInstituferirford>irk St . John ' s Hill , Battersea Bise , S . W . Patron and President : His ROYAL HIGILVESS THE PKIJTCE OP WALES , K . G ., M . Y / . G . M . Patroness : UEH ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PJUJVCESS OF WALKS . THENINETIETH ANNIVERSARYFESTIVAL OF THIS INSTITUTION will bo held at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . on Friday , 10 th May 1 S 7 S , at 6 p . m . precisely . The Kt . Hon . The EARL OF CARNARVON , M . W . Pro G . M ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master Somersetshire , IX HIE CHAIB . President of the Hoard of Stewards , V . W . Bro . vE . J . Mclutyre Q . C ., U . Reg ., V . I' . Treasurer , W . Bro . John Boyd , P . G . P ., P . G . S ., V . P . Tho namea of Brethren willing to act us Stewards will bo thankfully received by F . K . W . HEDGES , Hon , Secretary to the Board of Stownrds . Office—5 Freemasons' Hnll , Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
RoyalMasonicInstitutionforGirls. IN accordance with an intimation given in a late number of this Paper , the Allotment of Life-Governorships nnd Life-Subscriberships to the above Institution , will take place at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday tith May , at 7 p . m . J ' ARTHUR E . GLADWELL , Steward .
SECRETARYSHIP !>0g;il©n&mutInstitutionfor(Sirk A MEETING OF BRETHREN favourable to the Candidature of Xi Brother F . Ti . W . HEDGES will be held in tho Moniim' Boom , freemasons Tavern , on Monday , Cth May . The Chair will be taken at Twelve o'clock .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . ELECTION OP SECRETARY . THE Votes and Interest of tho General Committee are respectfully requested in favour of BROTHER W . CLIFTON CRICK . ( Bachelor of Sciences Paris University ) , P . M . Canonbury Lod" 0 03 , and Secretary Sunbury Lodge 1733 . 1 < W CHAXCJSM LAHE , W . U .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . — : o : — Committee for securing the Election , as Secretary , of BEO . CHARLES FITZGERALD MATTER , Tho Right Hon . the EVBI , of DOHOVOHMOIIE , L . G . Bros . Lt .-Col . Li : GF . ^ N . STAHKIH , V . Patron , Prov . G . M . Kast Lancashire . GEOKCE MEILOK , Dep . Prov . G . M . East Lancashire , \ . President . BAUO . V GKOKGEDE Woiws , L . G . J . L . IIISK , L . G ., Chairman of Charity Committee , East Lancashire . F . Adlard L . G . G . . T . McKay , L . G ., Cumb . and West . T . J . Barnes , L . G . J . D . Moore , L . l } ., W . Lancashire . W . B . Brand , L . G . E . . T . Morris , L . G ., E . Div . S . Wales . G . P . Brockbank , V . Pres ., E . Lane . Chalmers I . Paton , L . G ., Edinburgh . Henry Bulley , L . G ., Cheshire . J . P . Piatt , L . G ., Cheshire . R . Churchill , L . G . Hy . Preston , L . G ., N . and E . Yorks . John Constable , V . Fatron . Hyde Pullen , L . G . Thos . Cubitt , V . Pres . F . Rath , L . G . , T . E . Ciutcis , L . G ., Devon . Wm . Roebuck , L . G . Frederick Davison , L . G . J . II . Ross , L . G . G . It . Daw , L . G . Catterson Smith , L . G . Thos . Entwisle , L . G ., E . Lancashire . Capt . Jas . Stalfard , L . G ., Dublin . Richard Eve , V . Pres ., Aldershot . John G . Stevens , L . G . Egerton C . Gilbert , L . G ., Cheshire . Jack Sutcliffe , V . Pros ., Lincoln . J . Kobt . Goepel , L . G ., W . Lancashire . Dr . W . H . Thomas , L . G ., W . Yorks . E . Gottheil , L . G . John Tunnah , V . P ., E . Lancashire . Dr . F . Griffiths , L . G ., West Yorks . II . Venn , L . G . Capt . Harrap . L . G ., E . Lancashire . G . H . Wnlshaw , L . G ., N . andE . Yorks , Wm . Harrison , V . P ., E . Lancashire . R . B . Webster , V . Pres . John Healev , L . G . G . E . Webster , E . G ., W . Yorkshire . Cnpt . S . G . Homfray , V . P ., Monmouth . J . it . Wiko , V . Pres . W . James Hughan , L . G ., Cornwall . Jas . Winter , L . G . Chas . Lacey , L . G . T . B . Winter , L . G ., Northumberland . H . 0 . Levandcr , L . G . John Wordsworth , V . Pat ., W . Yorks . John H . Leggott , L . G . Brethren desirous of assisting aro respectfully requested to forward their names to—BKO . STEPHEN BiHT 02 f Wnsoy , L . G ., Hon . Secretary , 27 Walbrook , E . C .
To the Life Governors of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . 6 GRAY ' INN PLACE , APRIL 1878 . BRETHRE N , —I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the offico of Secretary , rendered vacant by the death of Bro . Little . Should you do mc the honour to elect me , I can only say that I will endeavour to fill the offico ellicicntly , and I hope that the manner in which I have discharged my various duties in Masonry will be considered a sufficient qualification . W . SMALLPEICE , Assoc . Inst . C . E . P . M . 1395 , Secretary 900 , Z . Cyrus Chapter 21 ; Secretary Emulation Lodgo of Improvement .
To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors of the §kr]niiHta5oiric|arstituti0itfor§\xh Mr LOKDS , LADIES , A > D BEETHKES ' , — I beg most respectfully to offer myself as a candidate for the post of Secretary to your valuaijlo Institution , rendered vacant by tho lamented death of our esteemed Brother R . WE . NTWOBTU LITTLE . I havo been a Freemason upwards of Nine years , during which timo I havo taken a very active interest in tho Order I am a P . M ., and have been for some time past , Secretary of my Lodge , and Scribe E . of my Chapter . I am now the Secretary of an Orphan Asylui'i , a position which I have held nearly four years , and am therefore thoroughly acquainted with tho practical working of a rublic Institution . I am thirty-three years of age , and in good health , and previous to receiving my preseut appointment , I WHS engaged in business with a Marine Insurance Broker at Lloyds ' . Soliciting the favour of your kiutl interest and support , I have the honour to bo , My Lords , Ladies and Brethren , Yours obediently and fraternally , WILLIAM WORRELL , P . M . and Sec . No . 70 U . P . M . 1339 . I ' . '/ ,, and S . E . Chapter No . 70 ( j . P . M . and Sec . Macdonald Mark , and Past Grand Organist ( Mark ) . 07 KjfowxE ROAD , Bitixro > -, S . W . SJth April ls 7 d .
§krmilUtasoitic^mtihtmn<&irk To the Vice - Patrons , Vice - Presidents , and Life Governors . Mr LOKDS , LADIES , AND BRETHUEX , — In pursuancR of my intimation a week since , of my intention to preseut myself as a candidate for tho Secretaryship of this Institution , rendered vacant by tho lamented death of Bro . LITTLE , I now beg to state my qualifications for that office . I am 33 years of ago ; for 11 years I had the entire official management of a large manufacturing business , the annual returns of which exceeded JC 100 000 , and for the past two years I have been in business as an Accountant ' and Auditor . The Testimonials I possess are such that I am hopeful of obtaining your unqualified support . ° Since my entry into tlio Craft I have been an Annual Subscriber to the three Masonic Charities ; t have served a Stewardship to tlie Roval Masonic Benevolent Institution , of which I am a Life Governor ; and am . 'it tho present time a Steward at the approaching Festival of this Institution , qualifying myself also as a Life Governor . Should you do mo the favour of electing me to the Secretaryship of tho Institution , you may rely that I shall exert my whole energv nnd ability' for the continued prosperity , and to further extend the benefits of " the Roval Masonic Institution for Girls . I have tho honour to be , My Lords , Ladies and Brethren , Yours faithfully and fraternally , F . A . WHITE , P . M . 907 , P . S . Chapter 907 ; , „ , , v Lodges 1137 and 1710 . 1 KISQ s AEIIS YABD , COLEJIAXY STKHET , Cur , E . C . Is 6 MIKJ 1878 ,