Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOli ACED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , C IR- O T ID O 2 ST . — : o : — Patron aud President : His EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PUINCK or AVALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THEE ANNIVERSARY FEST IVAL OF THIS I NSTITUTION A will take placo on Wednesday , thn 12 tli February M 79 , nt Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Loudon , upon which occasion , LIEUT .-COLONEL LE GENDRE N . STAEKIE , R . W . PROV . CUl . FOR EAST LANCASHIRE , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren desiring of accepting the oflice of Steward upon this occasion , will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and Masouic rank , as soon as convenicut , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information rcimircd . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . J . W . Herts . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . Secretary .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS ov ENGLAND AND WALES AJfD THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . THE RT . HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , M . W . GRAND MASTER , THE RT . HON . EARL OF DONOUGHMORE , R . W . DEP . GRAND MASTER . GRAND LODGE OF EMERGENCY , Olllco—2 Red Lion Square , Holborn , W . C . 5 th February 1879 . AV . Sir and Brother . —Your attendance is requested at a Grand Lodge of Emergency , to be holdcn at No . 2 Red Lion Square , Holborn , W . C . on Tuesday , the 18 th instant , at 2 . 30 o'clock in the afternoon . To vote an address of condolence to Her Majesty th Queen on the death of Her Royal Highness the Princess Alice . The attention of Grand Officers is specially directed by Resolution of the Grand Lodge , held in December 1 SIH , to the Book of Constitutions , Arts . 25 , 27 , 10 , -12 , 18 , which will be strictly enforced in cases of nonattendance . By Command of the M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK BINCKES P . G . J . W ., Grand Secretary .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON " , W . C . The admirable and \ mvivallcd accommodation provided at this Eatablisment for DVCA-SOIETIC BAUQTJETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Ia too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the . Establishment in nil its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Mnsonic Body i . ^ directed to the many advantages ottered . cuisiisrir : OF THE HIGHEST CI-I . A . R . A . CTJER . WMES PERFECT IN CONDITION ANI > QUALITY . N . B-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Soup , Fish , entrees , Joints . Served from 12 to i daily—GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH .
THEMASONICSEASON. TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . Iiro . Georjro Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will be pleased to supply TAIUFF OF CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c , & c . for large or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market
Will shortly bo published , prico 5 s . rpHE BOOK OF THE LODGE AND OFFICERS' MANUAL , _ L Ho , Revised Edition , Uy Rev . UKO . OMVEH , T ) . P . Also price 10 s , rpHE FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . ROIIERT FKKKE GOULD , JL Burvistcr-at-Law . London : SPEXCEK & Co ., 2 : j \ Great Queen Street , W . C .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelli gence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will l , o supplied direct from the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s Gd per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed "London and County . " Advertisers will find TILE FitEEHAson ' sCintONicr-Ean exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class .
. _ , . _ _ - - ~ H^^^^^^^^H G 7 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Queen held a Council at Osborne on Tuesday . On the same clay Count Ivavolyi , the Austrian Ambassador , presented his credentials to Her Majesty . A Cabinet Council was held on Monday , at which all the Ministers were present . Lord A . Loftus has been appointed Governor of New
South Wales , and is to be succeeded as British Ambassador at St . Petersburg by Lord Dufferin . A handsome piece of plate was presented on Saturday , by a deputation from the London Irish Volunteers , to the Duke of Connaught , their honorary Colonel , as a Avedding testimonial .
The Marquis of Hartington was formally installed on Friday as Lord Rector of Edinburgh University , and delivered an address upon the advantages of superior education in all walks of life , and especially in connection with politics .
A petition for liquidation has been presented to the Court of Bankruptcy on behalf of Mr . Albert Grant , whose liabilities are estimated at £ 590 , 000 . The Lord Justice Clerk on Friday summed up the evidence in the case of the City of Glasgow Bank Directors ,
and the jury , after two hours' consultation , returned a verdict of guilty , of uttering false balance-sheets , against all the accused . On Saturday the Court sentenced Lewis Potter and llobert Stronach to 18 months' imprisonment , and the remaining five late directors of the City of Glasgow Bank to eight months' imprisonment .
Charles Peace was tried on Tuesday at Leeds Assizes for the wilful murder of Arthur Dyson , at Banner-cross , in November 1876 . The trial lasted many hours , and the jury returned a verdict of " Guilty , " upon which Mr . Justice Lopes sentenced the prisoner to death .
A gamekeeper at Witmore , near Crewe , was beaten to death on Wednesday night last by poachers , whom he had discovered . Several arrests of suspected persons have been made , ancl two men were taken at Birkenhead on Wednesday as they were about to embark for the United States .
At a meeting of delegates of the London Societies connected with the engineering trades , on Monday , it was determined to advise the workmen to resist the proposed reduction of wages , and a strike is therefore apprehended .
A bridge over the Manchester and Sheffield Bailway , near Brocklesby Station , which was under repair and had been attempted to be blown up , suddenly fell on Monday , killing four men , and injuring many others .
There is little to report from Afghanistan , but there aro indications that an early advance towards Cabul is not improbable . Civil strife is reported to have broken out at Cabul , and Yakoob Khan has been firing upon tho Ghilzai portion of the city . In France the transfer of the chief
authority has been quietly conducted . M . Grcvy has been recognized as President by the Ambassadors of the foreign Powers , and yesterday sent a message to the Chambers which notified his election and declared his resolution to
favour measures beneficial for the country . M . Gambetta has been chosen to succeed M . Grevy as President of the Chamber of Deputies . 31 . Dufaure , alleging his advanced age , has retired , and a now Cabinet has been formed under
M . Waddington , in which tho Left are very strongly represented . M . Leon Say retains the Ministry of Finance . A treaty between Austria and Germany has been published , by which the former Power assents to the abrogation of tho article of the Treaty of Prague giving tlie inhabitants of North Sleswig a right , whenever consulted ,
of voting for annexation to Denmark . The existence of Plague in Eastern Russia , although denied by the semiofficial papers , has been regarded abroad with such apprehension that intercourse with that country has been virtually prohibited by the German , Austrian , and Ronnia-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOli ACED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , C IR- O T ID O 2 ST . — : o : — Patron aud President : His EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PUINCK or AVALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THEE ANNIVERSARY FEST IVAL OF THIS I NSTITUTION A will take placo on Wednesday , thn 12 tli February M 79 , nt Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , Loudon , upon which occasion , LIEUT .-COLONEL LE GENDRE N . STAEKIE , R . W . PROV . CUl . FOR EAST LANCASHIRE , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren desiring of accepting the oflice of Steward upon this occasion , will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and Masouic rank , as soon as convenicut , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information rcimircd . JAMES TERRY , Prov . G . J . W . Herts . Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . Secretary .
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS ov ENGLAND AND WALES AJfD THE COLONIES AND DEPENDENCIES OF THE BRITISH CROWN . THE RT . HON . LORD SKELMERSDALE , M . W . GRAND MASTER , THE RT . HON . EARL OF DONOUGHMORE , R . W . DEP . GRAND MASTER . GRAND LODGE OF EMERGENCY , Olllco—2 Red Lion Square , Holborn , W . C . 5 th February 1879 . AV . Sir and Brother . —Your attendance is requested at a Grand Lodge of Emergency , to be holdcn at No . 2 Red Lion Square , Holborn , W . C . on Tuesday , the 18 th instant , at 2 . 30 o'clock in the afternoon . To vote an address of condolence to Her Majesty th Queen on the death of Her Royal Highness the Princess Alice . The attention of Grand Officers is specially directed by Resolution of the Grand Lodge , held in December 1 SIH , to the Book of Constitutions , Arts . 25 , 27 , 10 , -12 , 18 , which will be strictly enforced in cases of nonattendance . By Command of the M . W . Grand Master , FREDERICK BINCKES P . G . J . W ., Grand Secretary .
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON " , W . C . The admirable and \ mvivallcd accommodation provided at this Eatablisment for DVCA-SOIETIC BAUQTJETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , & c . Ia too well known to need comment . The entire management has been changed , and the . Establishment in nil its branches thoroughly re-organised . The attention of the Mnsonic Body i . ^ directed to the many advantages ottered . cuisiisrir : OF THE HIGHEST CI-I . A . R . A . CTJER . WMES PERFECT IN CONDITION ANI > QUALITY . N . B-DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3-. RESTAURANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . The fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Soup , Fish , entrees , Joints . Served from 12 to i daily—GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH .
THEMASONICSEASON. TO WORSHIPFUL MASTERS and SECRETARIES of LODGES . Iiro . Georjro Smith ( from Anderton ' s ) will be pleased to supply TAIUFF OF CHARGES for INSTALLATION BANQUETS , VESTRY DINNERS , & c , & c . for large or small parties . Address—GEORGE SMITH , George Tavern , Billingsgate Market
Will shortly bo published , prico 5 s . rpHE BOOK OF THE LODGE AND OFFICERS' MANUAL , _ L Ho , Revised Edition , Uy Rev . UKO . OMVEH , T ) . P . Also price 10 s , rpHE FOUR OLD LODGES . By Bro . ROIIERT FKKKE GOULD , JL Burvistcr-at-Law . London : SPEXCEK & Co ., 2 : j \ Great Queen Street , W . C .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelli gence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will l , o supplied direct from the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s Gd per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office . Cheques crossed "London and County . " Advertisers will find TILE FitEEHAson ' sCintONicr-Ean exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class .
. _ , . _ _ - - ~ H^^^^^^^^H G 7 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
THE Queen held a Council at Osborne on Tuesday . On the same clay Count Ivavolyi , the Austrian Ambassador , presented his credentials to Her Majesty . A Cabinet Council was held on Monday , at which all the Ministers were present . Lord A . Loftus has been appointed Governor of New
South Wales , and is to be succeeded as British Ambassador at St . Petersburg by Lord Dufferin . A handsome piece of plate was presented on Saturday , by a deputation from the London Irish Volunteers , to the Duke of Connaught , their honorary Colonel , as a Avedding testimonial .
The Marquis of Hartington was formally installed on Friday as Lord Rector of Edinburgh University , and delivered an address upon the advantages of superior education in all walks of life , and especially in connection with politics .
A petition for liquidation has been presented to the Court of Bankruptcy on behalf of Mr . Albert Grant , whose liabilities are estimated at £ 590 , 000 . The Lord Justice Clerk on Friday summed up the evidence in the case of the City of Glasgow Bank Directors ,
and the jury , after two hours' consultation , returned a verdict of guilty , of uttering false balance-sheets , against all the accused . On Saturday the Court sentenced Lewis Potter and llobert Stronach to 18 months' imprisonment , and the remaining five late directors of the City of Glasgow Bank to eight months' imprisonment .
Charles Peace was tried on Tuesday at Leeds Assizes for the wilful murder of Arthur Dyson , at Banner-cross , in November 1876 . The trial lasted many hours , and the jury returned a verdict of " Guilty , " upon which Mr . Justice Lopes sentenced the prisoner to death .
A gamekeeper at Witmore , near Crewe , was beaten to death on Wednesday night last by poachers , whom he had discovered . Several arrests of suspected persons have been made , ancl two men were taken at Birkenhead on Wednesday as they were about to embark for the United States .
At a meeting of delegates of the London Societies connected with the engineering trades , on Monday , it was determined to advise the workmen to resist the proposed reduction of wages , and a strike is therefore apprehended .
A bridge over the Manchester and Sheffield Bailway , near Brocklesby Station , which was under repair and had been attempted to be blown up , suddenly fell on Monday , killing four men , and injuring many others .
There is little to report from Afghanistan , but there aro indications that an early advance towards Cabul is not improbable . Civil strife is reported to have broken out at Cabul , and Yakoob Khan has been firing upon tho Ghilzai portion of the city . In France the transfer of the chief
authority has been quietly conducted . M . Grcvy has been recognized as President by the Ambassadors of the foreign Powers , and yesterday sent a message to the Chambers which notified his election and declared his resolution to
favour measures beneficial for the country . M . Gambetta has been chosen to succeed M . Grevy as President of the Chamber of Deputies . 31 . Dufaure , alleging his advanced age , has retired , and a now Cabinet has been formed under
M . Waddington , in which tho Left are very strongly represented . M . Leon Say retains the Ministry of Finance . A treaty between Austria and Germany has been published , by which the former Power assents to the abrogation of tho article of the Treaty of Prague giving tlie inhabitants of North Sleswig a right , whenever consulted ,
of voting for annexation to Denmark . The existence of Plague in Eastern Russia , although denied by the semiofficial papers , has been regarded abroad with such apprehension that intercourse with that country has been virtually prohibited by the German , Austrian , and Ronnia-