Article A "QUIET" WEEK'S HOLIDAY. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH MASOXRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH MASOXRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS Page 1 of 1 Article DEGREE OF PAST MASTER. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A "Quiet" Week's Holiday.
fine specimen of Masonic lifo aud health , Bro . Dorling . Here , of all places , was the spot on which to spend a " happy day " —or week for that matter . And so , with hopes renewed , wo made away for that populous scasido resort , to which so many visitors repair for health and relaxation . But out , of tho frviug-pan into the fire I very speedily found it . I
remembered , during the cold and piercing weather which so disgusted everybody last May , attending the consecration meeting of the Arnold Lodge , when the snow drovo iu angry gusts along the sea , and tho " white horses" played about in such fiendish glee far out upon the German Ocean . I recollected tho immense number of propositions which had been made at that opening meeting , and wondered how
on earth our Bro . Alfred Arnold had got through the mass ot work which stared him in tho face in tho advent of his presidency . I was not long deceived . The work had not been got through , as I saw by a ponderous agenda of tho Arnold Lodge , wdiich worthy host Dorling placed in my hands at lunch . AVednesday , Thursday , Friday and Saturday evenings were specially
]» id out for overtaking the accumulation of business , and wiping od arrears ; and in a twinkling we wero booked for all tho lot ! My friend tho" Admiral " was in ecstacios . "Nothing could have been better , " quoth he , as ho eagerly scanned tho summons , and bridled up in tho expectation of having a considerable portion of the work allotted to himself . It is of no uso mincing matters , so to cut
my story short , the remainder of onr " quiet week was spent in alternate rambling over the pretty little beach , sauntering on the piers , varying with perpetual pleasant meetings in the refreshment rooms for which the Marine is deservedly noted , aud—Masonic Lodges galoro ! To tho credit of tho Walton brethren their hospitality was
unbounded ; and the stay proved by no means an unpleasant sojourn , though , of course , tho exigencies of tho ease entirely upset my prearranged course of action , and tho " Admiral " was necessarily more rabid than over on his one idea . "Tisa long lane that has no turning , and at last tho peaceful Sabbath came , when initiations , passings and raisings , with their
collateral congratulations at the banquet table , had passed away , to the great acquisition of the Arnold Lodge , and the vast edification of those who had taken part in tho ceremonies . The timo of my holiday span had , however , been exhausted , and as my friend had enthusiastically intimated his intention of accepting invitations he had received to attend several approaching Lodgo
meetings , I packed my disappointment with the soiled linen iu my portmanteau , and breathed freely as the Groat Eastern railway train whisked me back to town . AVhoro the Gadjly is now I am at a loss to conceive , for calling at the " Admiral's " house yesterday I heard from Dame Margery that its
master had not returned . For all I know , ho is cruising about the coast locking up Lodgo fixtures , just us Japhet wont iu search of a father ; and I expect when lie does return to bo bored with incessant " reminiscences" of the glorious outing which so no fortunately sprang out of mv proposal for a "Quiet AVcok ' s Holiday . "
Royal Arch Masoxry.
riTHE Qiinrlerly Convocation of llie Supremo ( Irene . Chapter was * ¦ field at , Fiorina-ues * ileil e : i \ Vc , ! i : i' , i ! iv , tie tlth iee ' ue ; . when the following id . II . Conq s . were pic ^ um :--Capi . Williuiu Piatt II ., Samuel Kawson J ., Ernst Emit Wendt Scribe N ., If . G .
Buss P . S . B . Scribe E ., Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Treasurer , Lieut .-Col . Shadwcll Gierke P . Soj ., Eev . C . AV . Arnold First Assistant Soj ., E . S . Snell P . Sword Beaver as Second Assistant Soj ., Capt . Philip , Thos . Fenn , Peter De Lande Long , Joshua Nunn P . D . C ., Alex . J . Duff Filer P . S . B ., Hickman , and Samuel Mullins D . C . The
minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation having been read and confirmed , Scribe E . announced that it was owing to illuess that M . E . Comp . Hervcy , tho actual Scribe E ., was unable to be present . Letters explaining their absence were read from George Mclloi Second Assistant Soj ., Col . Burdett , and the Rev . C . 1 J . Davev . Charters were granted for the following Chapters : —
1 st . A Chapter to be attached to tho Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge , No . 1002 , London , to be called "Tho Sir Hugh Myddelton Chapter , " aud to meet at the Agricultural Hall , Upper Street , Islington .
2 nd . A Chapter to be attached to the , Lodge of United Good Fellowship , No . SOD , Wisbech , to be called " Tin ; Etheldrcda Chapter , " and to meet at the Rose and Crown Hotel , AVisbcch , in the County of Cambridge .
3 rd . A Chapter to be attached to the Madoc Lodge , No . 1500 . Portmadoc , to be called "The Eryri Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Portmadoc , in the County of Carnarvon . 4 th . A Chapter to bo attached to the Royal Naval College Lodge . No . 1503 , Greenwich , to be called ,: The ' Trafalgar Chapter , " and to meet at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , iu the Countv of Kent .
• Ah . A Chapter to bo attached to the Ley Spring Lod ^ o , No . 1503 , Laylonstouc , lo bo called " The Ley Spring Chapter , " " and to meet at the Red Lion Tavern , Lee , toustone , in the' County of . Essex . Gth . A Chapter to bo attached to the St . Mnrtin ' s-lo-Orand Lod-.-e . No . 15-38 London , to bo called "Tho St . Martin ' s-le-Grand Chapter " and to meet at The London , Elect Street , in the City of London .
7 th . A Chapter to bo attached to the Abbey Lodge , No . 0 15 . Abingdon , to bo called "The Abbey Chapter . " and to meet at the Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , in the Comity of Berks .
¦ Stn . A Chapter io be attached to the Perseverance Lodge , No . 1163 , Hong Kong , to bo called "The Cathay Chapter , " and to moot at Freemasons' Hall , Zetland Street , Victoria , Hung Kong , China . 0 th . A Chapter ] lo be attached to the Loyalty Lodge , No , 397 ,
Royal Arch Masoxry.
St . Helen ' s , to be called " Tho Loyalty Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonio Rooms , Hall Street , St . Helou ' s , in tho Couuty of Lancaster ( W . D . ) 10 th . A Chapter to bo attached to the Port Natal Lodge , No . 738 , D'Urbau , Port Natal , to bo called " Tho Port Natal Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , D'Urban , Natal , South Africa .
The prayer of a menu-rial from tho St . Anne ' s Chapter , No . 970 , East Looe , that Comp . John Suell Tucker may bo appointed to fill tho oilico of tho : ! rd Principal J ., iu lieu ¦ f Comp . AVilliam Fenwick resigned , ( it being shown that Comp . Fenwick had permanently left the neighbourhood , and consequently could not act iu tho above capacity ) was granted .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys
TUK General Committee mot on Saturday , iu Great Queen-street , when ( here were present Bros . W . F . C . Moutrio ( in tho chair ) , Rev . Dr . Morris , Thos . Meggy , C . F . Matier , It . Tyrrell , E . C . Massoy , F . Ad lard , AV . Maple , It . B . Webster , aud Bro . Taylor for the Secretary . The last minutes of this Committee wero read and confirmed , aud the minutes of the General Court aud of various Committees were also
read for information . The Audit Committees report was also received and adopted , and the usual voto passed authorising the chairman to sign tho cheques for tho quarterly accounts . Petitions on behalf of two candidates wore received , and the names ordered to bo placed ou the list of candidates for election in April next . The usual outfit vote of ; C 5 was granted to J . E . Batty , on tho occasion of
his leaving the School . An application on behalf of Woods , for tho second half ( £ 10 ) of a voto granted in April was ordered to stand over , tho six months specified in the previous minutes not having yet expired . A sum of £ 20 was granted to assist in preparing AV . S . Spark for his second examination for a commission in tho army , ho having passed his first examination with credit . Before tho
rising of the Committee , Bro . AVebstcr asked the chairman whether it was trno that the House Committee had refused to accept Sir Henry Arthur limit , C . B ., as Arbitrator iu the dispute between them and Bro . S . B . Wilson , and if it wero true , what was tho reason of such refusal ? In reply , tho chairman said that it did not appear upon the minutes which had been read that any such proposition had been refused .
Degree Of Past Master.
Opinions cliller as to the origin and worth of this degree . Not u , few eminent authorities make assertion t ' . iat the Past Master ' s degree is an innovation , that it has no rightful claim to be ranked as a degree , and that , the general manner of working this degree is in no sense helpful to the interests of the Craft . Chase , iu his Digest , says of this degree : — "It certainly is not older than
the last part of the last century . " It was at that period , probtibly about the year 1705 , that it found its way into the American Capitular system , being designed to open the way for those not Masters of Lodges to be . advanced to the degree of Royal Arch . Thomas Suiitii Webb is usually credited with the originating aud phe-i ' . ig of this degree its wo now have it in the Chapter curriculum .
It was under tho inspiration of this distinguished Mason that a Convention was hold at Hartford , Conn ., on the fourth Wednesday of January , 1708 , when and where this degree was accepted and made a part of the Capitular system . The work really done by Webb aud his associates was to formulate a degree out of the ceremony connected with the installing of a brother
as Master of a Lodge , The " secrets of the Chair" wero developed into a degree which has since stood as a part of the American system of Royal Arch Masonry . In England tho term Past Master has no other application except that of distinguishing a brother who has served at least one year as Worshipful Master of a regular Lodge . Then he takes the rank of Past Master . Tho
ceremony connected with his installation into the office of Master is not considered as having auything to do with Past Master's rank ; nor is there any such thing as a degree under this name—made a prerequisite to tho Royal Arch . There was in former days a system of " passing the chair , " as preparatory to gaining the secrets and advancement of this sublime degree , but
nothing of this kind is now required , lhc establishment and working of this degree of Past Master is essentially an American idea . It is a part of the Capitular system which must be recognised , yet against which iu its present , form there is a growing feeling of disfavour among many intelligent Companions . As a degree it docs not seem to be needed ; or . if wanted , its place seems to bo rather iu
the Blue Lodge than in the Chapter . As has been said : "The last Master's degree scenw apropos of nothing before it or that comc 3 alter . Where seriously conferred it has but little i . itcrcst—generally it has been much abused and becomes a nuisance to an earnest Companion seeking iu all ceremonies the high symbolism of the Craft . " Masourv is intended , for intelligent men- —to stimulate tho thought
and alloctions—to instruct the mind by a . symbolism and teaching which ought to be pruned of all excrescences . As the Institution is held to a high .- ondavd—as it eliminates from its work whatever anomalous or frivolous features may have crept in , it will all the more clearly reveal it < true genius and . i ' ullil its largest mission . — t' ,-er : ea-oi :-- ' ll ' i-os ' . lorij .
One of the Subordinate Lodges of Ohio , needing assistance to meet obligations incurred iu the building ct' a Masonic Hall , sent out circulars making a general appeal tor help . Grand Alaster Cutining-1 mm cansjd a stop to be put to this action , which was unauthorised alike by the Grand L'jdg / j aud tho Grand Master .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A "Quiet" Week's Holiday.
fine specimen of Masonic lifo aud health , Bro . Dorling . Here , of all places , was the spot on which to spend a " happy day " —or week for that matter . And so , with hopes renewed , wo made away for that populous scasido resort , to which so many visitors repair for health and relaxation . But out , of tho frviug-pan into the fire I very speedily found it . I
remembered , during the cold and piercing weather which so disgusted everybody last May , attending the consecration meeting of the Arnold Lodge , when the snow drovo iu angry gusts along the sea , and tho " white horses" played about in such fiendish glee far out upon the German Ocean . I recollected tho immense number of propositions which had been made at that opening meeting , and wondered how
on earth our Bro . Alfred Arnold had got through the mass ot work which stared him in tho face in tho advent of his presidency . I was not long deceived . The work had not been got through , as I saw by a ponderous agenda of tho Arnold Lodge , wdiich worthy host Dorling placed in my hands at lunch . AVednesday , Thursday , Friday and Saturday evenings were specially
]» id out for overtaking the accumulation of business , and wiping od arrears ; and in a twinkling we wero booked for all tho lot ! My friend tho" Admiral " was in ecstacios . "Nothing could have been better , " quoth he , as ho eagerly scanned tho summons , and bridled up in tho expectation of having a considerable portion of the work allotted to himself . It is of no uso mincing matters , so to cut
my story short , the remainder of onr " quiet week was spent in alternate rambling over the pretty little beach , sauntering on the piers , varying with perpetual pleasant meetings in the refreshment rooms for which the Marine is deservedly noted , aud—Masonic Lodges galoro ! To tho credit of tho Walton brethren their hospitality was
unbounded ; and the stay proved by no means an unpleasant sojourn , though , of course , tho exigencies of tho ease entirely upset my prearranged course of action , and tho " Admiral " was necessarily more rabid than over on his one idea . "Tisa long lane that has no turning , and at last tho peaceful Sabbath came , when initiations , passings and raisings , with their
collateral congratulations at the banquet table , had passed away , to the great acquisition of the Arnold Lodge , and the vast edification of those who had taken part in tho ceremonies . The timo of my holiday span had , however , been exhausted , and as my friend had enthusiastically intimated his intention of accepting invitations he had received to attend several approaching Lodgo
meetings , I packed my disappointment with the soiled linen iu my portmanteau , and breathed freely as the Groat Eastern railway train whisked me back to town . AVhoro the Gadjly is now I am at a loss to conceive , for calling at the " Admiral's " house yesterday I heard from Dame Margery that its
master had not returned . For all I know , ho is cruising about the coast locking up Lodgo fixtures , just us Japhet wont iu search of a father ; and I expect when lie does return to bo bored with incessant " reminiscences" of the glorious outing which so no fortunately sprang out of mv proposal for a "Quiet AVcok ' s Holiday . "
Royal Arch Masoxry.
riTHE Qiinrlerly Convocation of llie Supremo ( Irene . Chapter was * ¦ field at , Fiorina-ues * ileil e : i \ Vc , ! i : i' , i ! iv , tie tlth iee ' ue ; . when the following id . II . Conq s . were pic ^ um :--Capi . Williuiu Piatt II ., Samuel Kawson J ., Ernst Emit Wendt Scribe N ., If . G .
Buss P . S . B . Scribe E ., Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Treasurer , Lieut .-Col . Shadwcll Gierke P . Soj ., Eev . C . AV . Arnold First Assistant Soj ., E . S . Snell P . Sword Beaver as Second Assistant Soj ., Capt . Philip , Thos . Fenn , Peter De Lande Long , Joshua Nunn P . D . C ., Alex . J . Duff Filer P . S . B ., Hickman , and Samuel Mullins D . C . The
minutes of the last Quarterly Convocation having been read and confirmed , Scribe E . announced that it was owing to illuess that M . E . Comp . Hervcy , tho actual Scribe E ., was unable to be present . Letters explaining their absence were read from George Mclloi Second Assistant Soj ., Col . Burdett , and the Rev . C . 1 J . Davev . Charters were granted for the following Chapters : —
1 st . A Chapter to be attached to tho Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge , No . 1002 , London , to be called "Tho Sir Hugh Myddelton Chapter , " aud to meet at the Agricultural Hall , Upper Street , Islington .
2 nd . A Chapter to be attached to the , Lodge of United Good Fellowship , No . SOD , Wisbech , to be called " Tin ; Etheldrcda Chapter , " and to meet at the Rose and Crown Hotel , AVisbcch , in the County of Cambridge .
3 rd . A Chapter to be attached to the Madoc Lodge , No . 1500 . Portmadoc , to be called "The Eryri Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Portmadoc , in the County of Carnarvon . 4 th . A Chapter to bo attached to the Royal Naval College Lodge . No . 1503 , Greenwich , to be called ,: The ' Trafalgar Chapter , " and to meet at the Ship Hotel , Greenwich , iu the Countv of Kent .
• Ah . A Chapter to bo attached to the Ley Spring Lod ^ o , No . 1503 , Laylonstouc , lo bo called " The Ley Spring Chapter , " " and to meet at the Red Lion Tavern , Lee , toustone , in the' County of . Essex . Gth . A Chapter to bo attached to the St . Mnrtin ' s-lo-Orand Lod-.-e . No . 15-38 London , to bo called "Tho St . Martin ' s-le-Grand Chapter " and to meet at The London , Elect Street , in the City of London .
7 th . A Chapter to bo attached to the Abbey Lodge , No . 0 15 . Abingdon , to bo called "The Abbey Chapter . " and to meet at the Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , in the Comity of Berks .
¦ Stn . A Chapter io be attached to the Perseverance Lodge , No . 1163 , Hong Kong , to bo called "The Cathay Chapter , " and to moot at Freemasons' Hall , Zetland Street , Victoria , Hung Kong , China . 0 th . A Chapter ] lo be attached to the Loyalty Lodge , No , 397 ,
Royal Arch Masoxry.
St . Helen ' s , to be called " Tho Loyalty Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonio Rooms , Hall Street , St . Helou ' s , in tho Couuty of Lancaster ( W . D . ) 10 th . A Chapter to bo attached to the Port Natal Lodge , No . 738 , D'Urbau , Port Natal , to bo called " Tho Port Natal Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , D'Urban , Natal , South Africa .
The prayer of a menu-rial from tho St . Anne ' s Chapter , No . 970 , East Looe , that Comp . John Suell Tucker may bo appointed to fill tho oilico of tho : ! rd Principal J ., iu lieu ¦ f Comp . AVilliam Fenwick resigned , ( it being shown that Comp . Fenwick had permanently left the neighbourhood , and consequently could not act iu tho above capacity ) was granted .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys
TUK General Committee mot on Saturday , iu Great Queen-street , when ( here were present Bros . W . F . C . Moutrio ( in tho chair ) , Rev . Dr . Morris , Thos . Meggy , C . F . Matier , It . Tyrrell , E . C . Massoy , F . Ad lard , AV . Maple , It . B . Webster , aud Bro . Taylor for the Secretary . The last minutes of this Committee wero read and confirmed , aud the minutes of the General Court aud of various Committees were also
read for information . The Audit Committees report was also received and adopted , and the usual voto passed authorising the chairman to sign tho cheques for tho quarterly accounts . Petitions on behalf of two candidates wore received , and the names ordered to bo placed ou the list of candidates for election in April next . The usual outfit vote of ; C 5 was granted to J . E . Batty , on tho occasion of
his leaving the School . An application on behalf of Woods , for tho second half ( £ 10 ) of a voto granted in April was ordered to stand over , tho six months specified in the previous minutes not having yet expired . A sum of £ 20 was granted to assist in preparing AV . S . Spark for his second examination for a commission in tho army , ho having passed his first examination with credit . Before tho
rising of the Committee , Bro . AVebstcr asked the chairman whether it was trno that the House Committee had refused to accept Sir Henry Arthur limit , C . B ., as Arbitrator iu the dispute between them and Bro . S . B . Wilson , and if it wero true , what was tho reason of such refusal ? In reply , tho chairman said that it did not appear upon the minutes which had been read that any such proposition had been refused .
Degree Of Past Master.
Opinions cliller as to the origin and worth of this degree . Not u , few eminent authorities make assertion t ' . iat the Past Master ' s degree is an innovation , that it has no rightful claim to be ranked as a degree , and that , the general manner of working this degree is in no sense helpful to the interests of the Craft . Chase , iu his Digest , says of this degree : — "It certainly is not older than
the last part of the last century . " It was at that period , probtibly about the year 1705 , that it found its way into the American Capitular system , being designed to open the way for those not Masters of Lodges to be . advanced to the degree of Royal Arch . Thomas Suiitii Webb is usually credited with the originating aud phe-i ' . ig of this degree its wo now have it in the Chapter curriculum .
It was under tho inspiration of this distinguished Mason that a Convention was hold at Hartford , Conn ., on the fourth Wednesday of January , 1708 , when and where this degree was accepted and made a part of the Capitular system . The work really done by Webb aud his associates was to formulate a degree out of the ceremony connected with the installing of a brother
as Master of a Lodge , The " secrets of the Chair" wero developed into a degree which has since stood as a part of the American system of Royal Arch Masonry . In England tho term Past Master has no other application except that of distinguishing a brother who has served at least one year as Worshipful Master of a regular Lodge . Then he takes the rank of Past Master . Tho
ceremony connected with his installation into the office of Master is not considered as having auything to do with Past Master's rank ; nor is there any such thing as a degree under this name—made a prerequisite to tho Royal Arch . There was in former days a system of " passing the chair , " as preparatory to gaining the secrets and advancement of this sublime degree , but
nothing of this kind is now required , lhc establishment and working of this degree of Past Master is essentially an American idea . It is a part of the Capitular system which must be recognised , yet against which iu its present , form there is a growing feeling of disfavour among many intelligent Companions . As a degree it docs not seem to be needed ; or . if wanted , its place seems to bo rather iu
the Blue Lodge than in the Chapter . As has been said : "The last Master's degree scenw apropos of nothing before it or that comc 3 alter . Where seriously conferred it has but little i . itcrcst—generally it has been much abused and becomes a nuisance to an earnest Companion seeking iu all ceremonies the high symbolism of the Craft . " Masourv is intended , for intelligent men- —to stimulate tho thought
and alloctions—to instruct the mind by a . symbolism and teaching which ought to be pruned of all excrescences . As the Institution is held to a high .- ondavd—as it eliminates from its work whatever anomalous or frivolous features may have crept in , it will all the more clearly reveal it < true genius and . i ' ullil its largest mission . — t' ,-er : ea-oi :-- ' ll ' i-os ' . lorij .
One of the Subordinate Lodges of Ohio , needing assistance to meet obligations incurred iu the building ct' a Masonic Hall , sent out circulars making a general appeal tor help . Grand Alaster Cutining-1 mm cansjd a stop to be put to this action , which was unauthorised alike by the Grand L'jdg / j aud tho Grand Master .