Article BURRELL LODGE, No. 1829. Page 1 of 1 Article BURRELL LODGE, No. 1829. Page 1 of 1
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Burrell Lodge, No. 1829.
BURRELL LODGE , No . 1829 .
ON Saturday afternoon , tho 2 nd inst ., a new Ledge of Freemasons Avas consecrated at Shoroham , the Lodgo being named aftet tho Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , Sir W . W . Bnrrell , Bart .. M . P ., the " Burrcll Lodge , " and bearing number 1 S 21 ) . The
ceremony took place in tho Town Hall , in tho presence of a large body of the brothren , many of whom are well known as influential members of the Craft . Among thoso nrcscnt were Bro-. I ' . W . Sir W . W . Burrcll , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Sussex , J . II . Scott Dep . Prov . G . M ., J . Sc . Clair Prov . G . J . W ., E . F . Cavo Browne Cave Prov . G .
Chap ., It . Crosskcy Prov . G . Treas ., T . Trollopo Acting Prov . G . S . W ., V . F . Freeman Prov . G . Sec , W . Halo Prov . G . S . D ., Mark Tanner , M . D ., Prov . G . J . D ., J . M . Kidd Prov . G . D . of C , Joseph Dixon P . P . S . G . W . Acting Prov . G . A . D . of C , A . King Prov . G . Organist , F . J . Rubio Provincial G . Steward , Frank Holford P . M . Sll Prov .
G . Steward , G . F . Evcrshed Prov . G . Steward , A . J . Hawkes P . M . 315 Prov . G . S ., T . Hughes Prov . G . Tyler . The following members of tho Lodge Avcro present . - —Bros . Lord Arthur Hill P . M . 6 ( 5 Ireland , Prov . G . M . County Down 1105 , Rev . Charles J . Smith P . M . and
W . M . 1 16 G , W . T . Clarko 315 , Rev . G . B . Johnson 187 , R . B . Hi-ham 315 , E . Bridges J . D . 311 , T . Packham S . W . 315 , and (/ . ' Smith P . M . 732 P . Prov . G . P . Sussex . Among the Visitors were Bros . G . Tsash Derwcnt 40 . J . C . Pelsato KilwinninEr 12 ,
G . J . Parkman Journeyman 8 , J . Robertson S . W . Atlingworth 1 S 21 , II . W . Davoy P . Prov " G . C . W . M . Union 3 S , A . Cumner Tho Great Citv 1126 " , T . Davison S . W . Sackvillo 1019 , T . Robertson St . Andrew 119 , W . RidgoS . D . Sackvillo 1019 , G . Hawkes Termor 1350 , IT . Alex . Dowcll J . Wrilova EcclosiallGfl , J . Harrison Carnarvon P . M . P . Supt .
of W . Hants aud Isle of Wight , G . Seaborne 219 , W . W . English New Ship 831 , H . W . Charingtcm Royal Ckii'onco 271 , E . Broadbridgo Mount Lebanon 73 , R . L . ' Ellman P . M . Pelham 1503 , J . Large Windsor Castlo 771 , II . S . Gates St . Cecilia 1 G 3 G , G . J . Loppy South Saxon 311 , G . J . Eady Emulation 21 , J . G . Harris S . D . Gordon 172 G , A . Smith S . W . Ledge ofUnion OS , S . Tanner W . M . South Saxon 311 , S . R .
LcggP . M . Royal Brunswick 732 P . P . G . S . B . Sussex , W . Bonyer 271 , E . A . Head J . W . 1039 , J . P .. Mcllison St . Cecilia I . G : ; , ' ; , C . Snndeman W . M . St . Cecilia 103 G P . P . A . G . D . of C , F . Binekes P . G . Stoward , Sec . Boys' School , W . Roc Org . St . Cecilia 1 G 3 G , G . Colo St . Cecilia IGlHi , A . Brazier Lodgo of Friendship 851 , 0 . Conrtney Counthnm 1382 , E . W . Tickers S . W . Yarborongh 811 , C . Woolley P . G . R . Sussex
P . M . South Saxon 311 , S . Ford P . M . Clarence 271 P . P . S . G . D . Lincolnshire , T . J . Sabine W . M . Atlingworth 1821 Prov . S . G . W . Middlesex , IP . J . Emery Howard 5 G , J . Lewis Thomas St . Thomas 1 : 12 A . G . D . of C , 0 . T . Turner Gordon J . W . 172 G , C . Brisco P . M . South Sa-. on 311 , E . E . Street S . W . Howard 5 G , T . Francis P . M . 5 G and 1800 , T . Cubitt
P . G . P ., J . A . Swinbonrne W . M . Gordon 1720 , J . Snndius Smith J . W . Royal Clarence 271 , W . Dawes P . M . Wellington 351 P . P . G . R . Sussex , and W . Pochards Tyrian 90 . Tho Lodge was formally opened by the Prov . G . M ., who , in a short address , remarked that Masonry had previously flourished iu Shurcham , and tho then existing hedge had , doubtless , been visited by
Royalty . He was pleased to be present to assist m renovating tin Lodge aud . once moro establishing Freemasonry in the nacien borough . Sir Walter having vacated the chair , Bro . J . IT . Scott , Deputy Prov G . M ., proceeded with the ceremony of consecration , which wan per formed with due solemnity , and in a most impressive manner Bro
Scott embraced tho opportunity of addressing the brethren present . Ho congratulated tho founders of the Lodgo upon the success they had achieved in securing their charter , remarking that especial thauks were duo to Bro . Lord Arthur Hill for coming forward to fill tho onerous post of W . M . While , also , congratulating tho founders upon the namo they had selected for the new Lodge , he assured them
that they had placed great responsibilities upon their shoulders , for tho namo of Burrcll had for a lino of years been borne by those with Avhom had been associated all that was noble , generous , and true , and it would bo their duty to see that tho name was not sullied by any act of thoso belonging to tho new Lodge . He ( Bro . Scott ) had addressed tbe brethren at great length at tbe consecration of the
Atlingworth Lodge a few days ago , and would therefore content himself with a few remarks only . Ho concluded by impressing upon the brethren the cultivation of thoso principles so dear to Masonry , and heartily wished prosperity to the new Lodge . Bro . the Rev . E . F . Cave Browne Cave Prov . Grand Chaplain , also gave an address .
The ceremony being concluded , the W . ^ I . elect , Bro . Lord Avthui Hill , Avas duly installed , while the following , who , with his lordship , were tho founders of the Lodge , wero appointed to their respective posts , vi / ,., Bros . C . J . Smith W . M . aud P . M .. 1 'ioG acting I . P . M ., Captain R . Bnrrell P . M . 271 S . W ., W . Tnustall Clarko 315 J . W ., A . Burrows 1 SG Treas ., E . Bridges J . D . 311 Sec , T . Packham S . W .
315 S . D ., R . B . Uigham 315 J . D ., A . Brazier 851 T . G ., Rev . G . Rose Johnson -1-87 Chaplain , J . Braithwaito P . M . 809 P . P . G . J . W . . fieri : D . C , A . R . Brown G 97 Steward , aud II . It . Hughes Tyler . The effect of the Consecration ceromouy was greatly enhanced bj the musical accompaniments given under tho direction of Bro A . King Prov . G . Organist , who was assisted by Bros . . )' . Largo ( lati of Westminster Abbey ) , E . Broadbridge , W . Roe , andG . Cole . The
efforts of the vocalists wero most successful . The ceremony being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the Royal George Hotel , where nearly eighty brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , supplied by Bros . Savers aud Marks , whoso catering gave every- satisfaction . The chair was taken by the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . Lord Arthur Hill , who was supported by Bros . Sir W . W . Burrcll , J . II . Scutt , and C . J . Smith .
the Chairman gave tne usual loyal toasts , "the Oucen and ihc Craft , " and "M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " which were enthusiastically drunk . The Chairaiauacst gave "The it . W . Pro G . M . the Earl of Car .
Burrell Lodge, No. 1829.
narvon , tho D . G . M . Lord Skelmersdale , and tho Officers of Grand Lodge Present and Past . " Bro . Thomas A . G . D . C ., in responding , passed a well-deserved eulogy upon Lord Carnarvon for the intense interest he at all times showed in tho cause of Masonry . Lord Skelmersdale was a general favourite among Freemasons , aud worked hard , not only in his Province , but for the general welfare of the Craft . Ho was pleased to find that ho intended takiiur the chair at tho next meetiiiL'of tho - — .... ...
, - - _ , „ Roys' School Masonic Charity , and to learn that tho worthy W . M ., Lord Arthnr Hill , would also be present as a . Steward representing the new Lodge . He took the opportunity of complimenting Bro . J . IT . Scott upon tho splendid manner in which ho had performed the ceremony of installation .
The W . M . next proposed the R . W . Sir W . W . Burrcll , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . Master of Sussex , who had at all times shoAvn great interest in tho working of Masonry , and had visited nearl y overy Lodge in his Province . He trusted he would be long spared to hold liis high position . Sir Walter , Avho was received with great applanse , expressed tho pleasure ho felt iu being present at the oponing . Masonry , ho said , had indeed made ranid strides . Five years ae-o the Ockendon Lodsro
No . l'IGS was opened . Ho had been its first W . M ., and now ho found tho Bnrrell Lodge bore No . 1829 . Tho great impetus given . to Masonry ho believed to bo in a great measure owing to the activo interest taken in the Craft by His Royal Highness tho Princo of
Wales . Four now Lodges had been opened during the two years and a half ho ( Sir Walter ) had been in his present office , and a fifth , ho bcliovod , wonld be shortly consecrated . ( It was understood as St . Leonard ' s , Hastings . ) The old Lodgo founded at Shoreham had flourished , and he believed it had been honoured with a visit from tho late Duke of Sussex . Ho trusted that tho now Lodge would
regain the prestige of the first and almost forgotten ono , and that its business wonld bo carried on in a truly Masonic manner . To tho Secretary , who was a young Mason , ho would tender a few words of advice . Ho begged ho would take especial care to note every minuto of tho Lodge proceedings . They had an excellent Prov . Grand Secretary , whose duty it was to examine their books , and ho was
desirous that no complaints shonld be made to him of any laxity ou tho part of the newly appointed Secretary . Iu issuing notices of meetings ho wished him to forward at least two copies to tho Prov . Grand Secretary , that the Provincial Officers might know what was taking place . In conclusion , he fervently hoped that tho now Lodge would not , like its predecessor , bo allowed to collapse . The W . M . next gave the D . G . M . of Sussex , AVer . Bro . J . IT . Scott ,
and tho Officers of tho Prov . Grand Lodge Present and Past . He regretted that Bro . Scott had hern compelled to leave through indisposition . Ho ( Bro . Scott ) bad performed tho consecration ceremony in a masterly manner , ami was at all times ready to assist in the fnrlheranco of Masonry . Bros . Freeman and Dixon responded . The former oxpfs-o 1 the pleasure he felt at being pre-ent , anrl was glad to say that the re ! urns which had lately come in from tin ) various Loflges had been of a sitisfactorv ' elriracfor .
Pro . G . J . . Smith proposed the W . M ., and success to [ birred Lodge 1 * 29 . After sene com-hb-rnble'delay , the no ' . v Lodge hi I at last , been fairly started , aud he wa-s proud to find so able ifiri OlIicDr as their newly-elected W . M . There v . eis also a good !; -st lieutenant in Captain P . iyiuoud Burrcll , s . n of thei" worthy Prov . G . M . Starting under such auspices- the success of the I ' m roll Lodge was a foregone
conclusion . Thoir W . M ., he was assured , would set them a good example , aud take to heart tim words that h ; id fallen from their Prov . G . M . and the addenda supplied by the Prov . G . Secretary . For all ho would say , " come aud welcome , " and the Officers would certainly not fear the visits of tho " prying Secretary . " ( Laughter ) . Great care had been exercised in getting initiates , and not a fourth
part of those anxious to join had as yet been considered . Lord Arthur Hill , in responding , feared that his election had been tho result of thoir good feeling to yards him , and not of his own merits . He declined at first taking the post , thinking that a local brother would be a more acceptable one . Ho thanked tho brothren for the confidence reposed in him , and would do his utmost to further tho
interests of the Lodge . Sir W . W . Bnrrell apologised for tho absenca of his son , who had had an engagement of six weeks' standing which he found it impossible to put aside . The W . M ., in proposing the W . M . ' s of Lodges in the Province , remarked that those present represented mere than half the Lodges in the Province . Bros . Suudoman W . M . St . Cecilia 1 G 30 , and T . J .
Sabine W . M . Atlingworth 1821 . responded . Bro . Sabine remarked that Freemasonry in Sussex had received great and encouraging influence from Sir AV . W . I ' urrcll , who was a genuine specimen of the " fine old English gentleman . " Sir Walter , replying to these observations , felt a great share of the praise was due to Bro . John II . Scott and Ids brother Officers .
The W . M . then gave "The Masonic Charities . Bro . Pinches , in responding-, slated that the Boys' School contained 21 . 7 , and tho Girls' 200 pupils , and that there wore , in addition , aged of both sexes , numbering 300 , dependent upon tho Charities-. Bro . W . T . Clarke propo-cd "The Visitors , " to which Bro . Cubitt resnonded .
Bro . Ebeiall proposed " The Officers of IS 29 , and Bros . Clarke ind Liraithwaite responded . Tho remaining toasts wero "The Ladies " and that of the Tyler .
Tho ( him part of Messrs . GTi'fioitibi'i ' -lo ' o ' s " Greenhouse Favourites " sustains ( . he lirg ' h opinion \ ve expressed of the lii' . st two number . ; . The Infest instilment of this new work treats move mrticnhuiy of the Fuchsia and Passion Flower ,
grid sovornl oiio ' rav ' me > : are "given explanatory of the remarks mucin by the editor . The two coloured , p ifite :- ; this month are very chaste , and give promise of a hrvtdsomc collection emanating from tins source .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Burrell Lodge, No. 1829.
BURRELL LODGE , No . 1829 .
ON Saturday afternoon , tho 2 nd inst ., a new Ledge of Freemasons Avas consecrated at Shoroham , the Lodgo being named aftet tho Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , Sir W . W . Bnrrell , Bart .. M . P ., the " Burrcll Lodge , " and bearing number 1 S 21 ) . The
ceremony took place in tho Town Hall , in tho presence of a large body of the brothren , many of whom are well known as influential members of the Craft . Among thoso nrcscnt were Bro-. I ' . W . Sir W . W . Burrcll , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . M . of Sussex , J . II . Scott Dep . Prov . G . M ., J . Sc . Clair Prov . G . J . W ., E . F . Cavo Browne Cave Prov . G .
Chap ., It . Crosskcy Prov . G . Treas ., T . Trollopo Acting Prov . G . S . W ., V . F . Freeman Prov . G . Sec , W . Halo Prov . G . S . D ., Mark Tanner , M . D ., Prov . G . J . D ., J . M . Kidd Prov . G . D . of C , Joseph Dixon P . P . S . G . W . Acting Prov . G . A . D . of C , A . King Prov . G . Organist , F . J . Rubio Provincial G . Steward , Frank Holford P . M . Sll Prov .
G . Steward , G . F . Evcrshed Prov . G . Steward , A . J . Hawkes P . M . 315 Prov . G . S ., T . Hughes Prov . G . Tyler . The following members of tho Lodge Avcro present . - —Bros . Lord Arthur Hill P . M . 6 ( 5 Ireland , Prov . G . M . County Down 1105 , Rev . Charles J . Smith P . M . and
W . M . 1 16 G , W . T . Clarko 315 , Rev . G . B . Johnson 187 , R . B . Hi-ham 315 , E . Bridges J . D . 311 , T . Packham S . W . 315 , and (/ . ' Smith P . M . 732 P . Prov . G . P . Sussex . Among the Visitors were Bros . G . Tsash Derwcnt 40 . J . C . Pelsato KilwinninEr 12 ,
G . J . Parkman Journeyman 8 , J . Robertson S . W . Atlingworth 1 S 21 , II . W . Davoy P . Prov " G . C . W . M . Union 3 S , A . Cumner Tho Great Citv 1126 " , T . Davison S . W . Sackvillo 1019 , T . Robertson St . Andrew 119 , W . RidgoS . D . Sackvillo 1019 , G . Hawkes Termor 1350 , IT . Alex . Dowcll J . Wrilova EcclosiallGfl , J . Harrison Carnarvon P . M . P . Supt .
of W . Hants aud Isle of Wight , G . Seaborne 219 , W . W . English New Ship 831 , H . W . Charingtcm Royal Ckii'onco 271 , E . Broadbridgo Mount Lebanon 73 , R . L . ' Ellman P . M . Pelham 1503 , J . Large Windsor Castlo 771 , II . S . Gates St . Cecilia 1 G 3 G , G . J . Loppy South Saxon 311 , G . J . Eady Emulation 21 , J . G . Harris S . D . Gordon 172 G , A . Smith S . W . Ledge ofUnion OS , S . Tanner W . M . South Saxon 311 , S . R .
LcggP . M . Royal Brunswick 732 P . P . G . S . B . Sussex , W . Bonyer 271 , E . A . Head J . W . 1039 , J . P .. Mcllison St . Cecilia I . G : ; , ' ; , C . Snndeman W . M . St . Cecilia 103 G P . P . A . G . D . of C , F . Binekes P . G . Stoward , Sec . Boys' School , W . Roc Org . St . Cecilia 1 G 3 G , G . Colo St . Cecilia IGlHi , A . Brazier Lodgo of Friendship 851 , 0 . Conrtney Counthnm 1382 , E . W . Tickers S . W . Yarborongh 811 , C . Woolley P . G . R . Sussex
P . M . South Saxon 311 , S . Ford P . M . Clarence 271 P . P . S . G . D . Lincolnshire , T . J . Sabine W . M . Atlingworth 1821 Prov . S . G . W . Middlesex , IP . J . Emery Howard 5 G , J . Lewis Thomas St . Thomas 1 : 12 A . G . D . of C , 0 . T . Turner Gordon J . W . 172 G , C . Brisco P . M . South Sa-. on 311 , E . E . Street S . W . Howard 5 G , T . Francis P . M . 5 G and 1800 , T . Cubitt
P . G . P ., J . A . Swinbonrne W . M . Gordon 1720 , J . Snndius Smith J . W . Royal Clarence 271 , W . Dawes P . M . Wellington 351 P . P . G . R . Sussex , and W . Pochards Tyrian 90 . Tho Lodge was formally opened by the Prov . G . M ., who , in a short address , remarked that Masonry had previously flourished iu Shurcham , and tho then existing hedge had , doubtless , been visited by
Royalty . He was pleased to be present to assist m renovating tin Lodge aud . once moro establishing Freemasonry in the nacien borough . Sir Walter having vacated the chair , Bro . J . IT . Scott , Deputy Prov G . M ., proceeded with the ceremony of consecration , which wan per formed with due solemnity , and in a most impressive manner Bro
Scott embraced tho opportunity of addressing the brethren present . Ho congratulated tho founders of the Lodgo upon the success they had achieved in securing their charter , remarking that especial thauks were duo to Bro . Lord Arthur Hill for coming forward to fill tho onerous post of W . M . While , also , congratulating tho founders upon the namo they had selected for the new Lodge , he assured them
that they had placed great responsibilities upon their shoulders , for tho namo of Burrcll had for a lino of years been borne by those with Avhom had been associated all that was noble , generous , and true , and it would bo their duty to see that tho name was not sullied by any act of thoso belonging to tho new Lodge . He ( Bro . Scott ) had addressed tbe brethren at great length at tbe consecration of the
Atlingworth Lodge a few days ago , and would therefore content himself with a few remarks only . Ho concluded by impressing upon the brethren the cultivation of thoso principles so dear to Masonry , and heartily wished prosperity to the new Lodge . Bro . the Rev . E . F . Cave Browne Cave Prov . Grand Chaplain , also gave an address .
The ceremony being concluded , the W . ^ I . elect , Bro . Lord Avthui Hill , Avas duly installed , while the following , who , with his lordship , were tho founders of the Lodge , wero appointed to their respective posts , vi / ,., Bros . C . J . Smith W . M . aud P . M .. 1 'ioG acting I . P . M ., Captain R . Bnrrell P . M . 271 S . W ., W . Tnustall Clarko 315 J . W ., A . Burrows 1 SG Treas ., E . Bridges J . D . 311 Sec , T . Packham S . W .
315 S . D ., R . B . Uigham 315 J . D ., A . Brazier 851 T . G ., Rev . G . Rose Johnson -1-87 Chaplain , J . Braithwaito P . M . 809 P . P . G . J . W . . fieri : D . C , A . R . Brown G 97 Steward , aud II . It . Hughes Tyler . The effect of the Consecration ceromouy was greatly enhanced bj the musical accompaniments given under tho direction of Bro A . King Prov . G . Organist , who was assisted by Bros . . )' . Largo ( lati of Westminster Abbey ) , E . Broadbridge , W . Roe , andG . Cole . The
efforts of the vocalists wero most successful . The ceremony being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the Royal George Hotel , where nearly eighty brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , supplied by Bros . Savers aud Marks , whoso catering gave every- satisfaction . The chair was taken by the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . Lord Arthur Hill , who was supported by Bros . Sir W . W . Burrcll , J . II . Scutt , and C . J . Smith .
the Chairman gave tne usual loyal toasts , "the Oucen and ihc Craft , " and "M . W . G . M . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " which were enthusiastically drunk . The Chairaiauacst gave "The it . W . Pro G . M . the Earl of Car .
Burrell Lodge, No. 1829.
narvon , tho D . G . M . Lord Skelmersdale , and tho Officers of Grand Lodge Present and Past . " Bro . Thomas A . G . D . C ., in responding , passed a well-deserved eulogy upon Lord Carnarvon for the intense interest he at all times showed in tho cause of Masonry . Lord Skelmersdale was a general favourite among Freemasons , aud worked hard , not only in his Province , but for the general welfare of the Craft . Ho was pleased to find that ho intended takiiur the chair at tho next meetiiiL'of tho - — .... ...
, - - _ , „ Roys' School Masonic Charity , and to learn that tho worthy W . M ., Lord Arthnr Hill , would also be present as a . Steward representing the new Lodge . He took the opportunity of complimenting Bro . J . IT . Scott upon tho splendid manner in which ho had performed the ceremony of installation .
The W . M . next proposed the R . W . Sir W . W . Burrcll , Bart ., M . P ., Prov . G . Master of Sussex , who had at all times shoAvn great interest in tho working of Masonry , and had visited nearl y overy Lodge in his Province . He trusted he would be long spared to hold liis high position . Sir Walter , Avho was received with great applanse , expressed tho pleasure ho felt iu being present at the oponing . Masonry , ho said , had indeed made ranid strides . Five years ae-o the Ockendon Lodsro
No . l'IGS was opened . Ho had been its first W . M ., and now ho found tho Bnrrell Lodge bore No . 1829 . Tho great impetus given . to Masonry ho believed to bo in a great measure owing to the activo interest taken in the Craft by His Royal Highness tho Princo of
Wales . Four now Lodges had been opened during the two years and a half ho ( Sir Walter ) had been in his present office , and a fifth , ho bcliovod , wonld be shortly consecrated . ( It was understood as St . Leonard ' s , Hastings . ) The old Lodgo founded at Shoreham had flourished , and he believed it had been honoured with a visit from tho late Duke of Sussex . Ho trusted that tho now Lodge would
regain the prestige of the first and almost forgotten ono , and that its business wonld bo carried on in a truly Masonic manner . To tho Secretary , who was a young Mason , ho would tender a few words of advice . Ho begged ho would take especial care to note every minuto of tho Lodge proceedings . They had an excellent Prov . Grand Secretary , whose duty it was to examine their books , and ho was
desirous that no complaints shonld be made to him of any laxity ou tho part of the newly appointed Secretary . Iu issuing notices of meetings ho wished him to forward at least two copies to tho Prov . Grand Secretary , that the Provincial Officers might know what was taking place . In conclusion , he fervently hoped that tho now Lodge would not , like its predecessor , bo allowed to collapse . The W . M . next gave the D . G . M . of Sussex , AVer . Bro . J . IT . Scott ,
and tho Officers of tho Prov . Grand Lodge Present and Past . He regretted that Bro . Scott had hern compelled to leave through indisposition . Ho ( Bro . Scott ) bad performed tho consecration ceremony in a masterly manner , ami was at all times ready to assist in the fnrlheranco of Masonry . Bros . Freeman and Dixon responded . The former oxpfs-o 1 the pleasure he felt at being pre-ent , anrl was glad to say that the re ! urns which had lately come in from tin ) various Loflges had been of a sitisfactorv ' elriracfor .
Pro . G . J . . Smith proposed the W . M ., and success to [ birred Lodge 1 * 29 . After sene com-hb-rnble'delay , the no ' . v Lodge hi I at last , been fairly started , aud he wa-s proud to find so able ifiri OlIicDr as their newly-elected W . M . There v . eis also a good !; -st lieutenant in Captain P . iyiuoud Burrcll , s . n of thei" worthy Prov . G . M . Starting under such auspices- the success of the I ' m roll Lodge was a foregone
conclusion . Thoir W . M ., he was assured , would set them a good example , aud take to heart tim words that h ; id fallen from their Prov . G . M . and the addenda supplied by the Prov . G . Secretary . For all ho would say , " come aud welcome , " and the Officers would certainly not fear the visits of tho " prying Secretary . " ( Laughter ) . Great care had been exercised in getting initiates , and not a fourth
part of those anxious to join had as yet been considered . Lord Arthur Hill , in responding , feared that his election had been tho result of thoir good feeling to yards him , and not of his own merits . He declined at first taking the post , thinking that a local brother would be a more acceptable one . Ho thanked tho brothren for the confidence reposed in him , and would do his utmost to further tho
interests of the Lodge . Sir W . W . Bnrrell apologised for tho absenca of his son , who had had an engagement of six weeks' standing which he found it impossible to put aside . The W . M ., in proposing the W . M . ' s of Lodges in the Province , remarked that those present represented mere than half the Lodges in the Province . Bros . Suudoman W . M . St . Cecilia 1 G 30 , and T . J .
Sabine W . M . Atlingworth 1821 . responded . Bro . Sabine remarked that Freemasonry in Sussex had received great and encouraging influence from Sir AV . W . I ' urrcll , who was a genuine specimen of the " fine old English gentleman . " Sir Walter , replying to these observations , felt a great share of the praise was due to Bro . John II . Scott and Ids brother Officers .
The W . M . then gave "The Masonic Charities . Bro . Pinches , in responding-, slated that the Boys' School contained 21 . 7 , and tho Girls' 200 pupils , and that there wore , in addition , aged of both sexes , numbering 300 , dependent upon tho Charities-. Bro . W . T . Clarke propo-cd "The Visitors , " to which Bro . Cubitt resnonded .
Bro . Ebeiall proposed " The Officers of IS 29 , and Bros . Clarke ind Liraithwaite responded . Tho remaining toasts wero "The Ladies " and that of the Tyler .
Tho ( him part of Messrs . GTi'fioitibi'i ' -lo ' o ' s " Greenhouse Favourites " sustains ( . he lirg ' h opinion \ ve expressed of the lii' . st two number . ; . The Infest instilment of this new work treats move mrticnhuiy of the Fuchsia and Passion Flower ,
grid sovornl oiio ' rav ' me > : are "given explanatory of the remarks mucin by the editor . The two coloured , p ifite :- ; this month are very chaste , and give promise of a hrvtdsomc collection emanating from tins source .